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IRC log for #minetest, 2017-04-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 GreenDimond rubenwardy?
00:07 rubenwardy
00:07 rubenwardy GreenDimond,
00:08 riff-IRC joined #minetest
00:08 GreenDimond hm...
00:10 GreenDimond This is the function I am trying to make, and I don't know where to fit your code into...
00:22 riff-IRC left #minetest
00:26 ssieb joined #minetest
00:27 calculon GreenDimond, you're returning a function from your handler, it doesn't make sense
00:28 calculon make_replace_use should just return ItemStack("whatever")
00:29 GreenDimond I want to be able to specify what node to replace with when I call the function.
00:29 calculon ho, i see
00:29 calculon not sure it can work this way
00:30 GreenDimond So, I have got passed the errors telling me I defined the function wrong, and now it is telling me it cant call the function.
00:30 calculon i'd use a metatable for this
00:32 GreenDimond So now the game starts, but when I use the item, it does nothing.
00:33 GreenDimond oh derp.
00:33 GreenDimond would help if my function and the function I call had the same name :P
00:34 GreenDimond Nope. Still doesn't work.
00:35 ^7heo joined #minetest
00:38 EndMePls joined #minetest
00:38 EndMePls owo whats this
00:38 EndMePls when u go from uwu to OwO
00:39 GreenDimond gist updated. still don't know why this isn't working.
00:39 joeblack joined #minetest
00:41 calculon GreenDimond, i don't know, but you could also store the item you want in the item definition
00:41 EndMePls wait wot
00:41 GreenDimond how so?
00:41 calculon like minetest.register_item("name", { on_use=my_func, _replace_with_item="default_dirt" })
00:41 EndMePls W O T
00:41 EndMePls okay I just got here what is this
00:42 calculon make sure to give a var name which will never conflict with anything else
00:42 EndMePls what who are yall
00:42 EndMePls fr
00:42 OldCoder Hm?
00:42 OldCoder "who are yall" ?
00:42 benrob0329 We are us
00:42 benrob0329 and us are we
00:42 OldCoder We are
00:42 OldCoder We are
00:42 OldCoder Rock You
00:42 GreenDimond lol
00:42 epoch I am the walrus.
00:42 GreenDimond I am me.
00:43 EndMePls try with a bit more effort
00:43 OldCoder I am the eggman
00:43 EndMePls ok but fr what do you all do in mt
00:43 OldCoder They are the new devs
00:43 EndMePls whos greendimond
00:43 * epoch and the carpenter were walking close at hand
00:43 GreenDimond I am GreenDimond.
00:44 EndMePls what do you do tho
00:44 epoch the beach was wide from side to side but much too full of sand.
00:44 GreenDimond I play Minetest. I mod Minetest.
00:44 OldCoder "The time has come," the walrus said, "To talk of other things".
00:44 Kekistani joined #minetest
00:45 EndMePls are you at any way affiliated with the diamond empire thing
00:45 GreenDimond what? no.
00:45 EndMePls ok
00:45 benrob0329 I am Benrob, modder, creator, sarcastic sun of a gun.
00:45 EndMePls just wondering if you were the same guy my pappo knows
00:45 EndMePls ok
00:45 GreenDimond o-0
00:45 EndMePls welp gtg
00:45 EndMePls cya
00:45 EndMePls have fun
00:46 OldCoder EndMePls, which "guy" does he know?
00:46 OldCoder Ah
00:46 EndMePls i forget the name fam
00:46 OldCoder Diamond Empire
00:46 OldCoder Never mind
00:46 EndMePls tee
00:46 EndMePls yee*
00:46 EndMePls 12vie empire
00:46 EndMePls ftfy
00:46 OldCoder Sort of unvowely
00:46 GreenDimond yeah...
00:46 EndMePls welp I gotta go to sleep
00:46 EndMePls have fun
00:48 OldCoder o/
00:49 GreenDimond Updated gist. Like that, calculon?
00:50 GreenDimond
00:53 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
00:57 GreenDimond Meh. I give up. I'll just redefine it everytime.
01:29 All|knowing joined #minetest
01:45 MinetestBot [git] SmallJoker -> minetest/minetest: Builtin: Fix subgame mod selection a071257 (2017-04-09T01:27:15Z)
01:45 MinetestBot [git] red-001 -> minetest/minetest: Add `on_joinplayer` and `on_leaveplayer` callbacks. 139cd7e (2017-04-09T01:27:15Z)
01:45 MinetestBot [git] red-001 -> minetest/minetest: Improve code style and comment out dead code. 330b38d (2017-04-09T01:27:15Z)
01:45 MinetestBot [git] red-001 -> minetest/minetest: Add local particles and particlespawners. f955b24 (2017-04-09T01:27:15Z)
01:45 MinetestBot [git] juhdanad -> minetest/minetest: Style fixes 7641cc7 (2017-04-09T01:27:15Z)
01:45 MinetestBot [git] juhdanad -> minetest/minetest: Rename 'paletteindex' to 'palette_index' c183669 (2017-04-09T01:27:15Z)
01:46 MinetestBot joined #minetest
01:46 fireglow gg RIP
01:47 sofar it's my fault
01:48 fireglow are you in a commit frenzy? ;)
01:48 MinetestBot [git] juhdanad -> minetest/minetest: Hardware coloring for itemstacks 58d83a7 (2017-04-09T01:39:15Z)
01:50 sofar I messed up, pushed a wrong branch
01:50 * sofar accepts public flogging
01:55 exio4 don't worry sofar
01:55 exio4 we'll always love you
01:55 exio4 that happens Ñp
01:55 exio4 :p
02:04 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
02:10 zorman2000 joined #minetest
02:11 zorman2000 !tell help
02:11 MinetestBot zorman2000: ...and text
02:12 zorman2000 !tell paramat: is there any way to increase the biomes length in Lua or in settings?
02:12 MinetestBot zorman2000: Do not put an : at the end of nickname
02:12 zorman2000 !tell paramat, is there any way to increase the biomes length in Lua or in settings?
02:12 MinetestBot zorman2000: I'll pass that on when paramat, is around
02:13 zorman2000 Thanks Bot...
02:14 rdococ !Biome!
02:14 ThomasMonroe hi rdodoc
02:14 rdococ !tell MinetestBot, you are a jerk
02:14 MinetestBot rdococ: yeah, sure, whatever
02:14 GreenDimond lol
02:14 GreenDimond !hi
02:14 GreenDimond :(
02:15 zorman2000 Lol
02:15 rdococ it just passed pi o'clock
02:17 GreenDimond Hi MinetestBot
02:17 MinetestBot Hello GreenDimond.
02:17 GreenDimond :D
02:17 All|On|Laptop joined #minetest
02:18 All|On|Laptop joined #minetest
02:18 Cronos|Saturn joined #minetest
02:19 All|On|Laptop joined #minetest
02:24 zorman2000 !tell MinetestBot how are you?
02:24 MinetestBot I'm not dumb, you know?
02:24 zorman2000 Heh
02:24 zorman2000 !tell MinetestBot shut up
02:24 MinetestBot I'm not dumb, you know?
02:24 zorman2000 Ah ok
02:25 GreenDimond I failed. accidentaly did !tell MinetestBot you are a jerk  on the dev channel.
02:25 zorman2000 I saw...they won't say anything, I think
02:25 GreenDimond hopefully :/
02:26 ThomasMonroe who wont say what?
02:29 fireglow I won't say anything
02:29 fireglow I promise
02:31 All|knowing joined #minetest
02:31 GreenDimond lol
02:35 psedlak joined #minetest
02:36 benrob0329 !tell ShadowBot hi
02:36 MinetestBot benrob0329: I'll pass that on when ShadowBot is around
02:36 benrob0329 Dangit
02:36 XtremeHacker joined #minetest
02:37 GreenDimond do !hello MinetestBot
02:37 GreenDimond or shadowbot
02:44 paramat joined #minetest
02:45 paramat zorman2000 you mean size of biomes?
02:45 zorman2000 paramat, yes
02:46 zorman2000 For example, I would like to have a big ocean instead of many many small lakes
02:47 paramat ocean size is not determined by biomes, that's defined by the scale of the mapgen terrain
02:47 paramat you can adjust biome size though
02:48 paramat if you want larger oceans, let me know which mapgen and i'll advise
02:48 zorman2000 Oh, I see. So for example, I can make desert biomes to be very large?
02:48 zorman2000 I'm using mgv7
02:48 paramat yes,
02:49 paramat for heat and humidity noises, increase the noise 'spreads' which are the 3 identical numbers in brackets
02:49 red-001 joined #minetest
02:49 paramat those are the rough maximum size of biomes in nodes
02:50 paramat add the edited lines into .conf before creating a new world
02:50 zorman2000 Got it! So they are aprox. 1000 nodes long right now?
02:51 zorman2000 1000 x 1000 I guess
02:51 paramat then remove them from .conf if you don't want the lines to apply to a newly created world
02:51 paramat yes 1000x1000 but a rare maximum
02:52 paramat they will always have a large range of sizes, but that number scales the sizes
02:52 paramat don't alter the '-blend' noises
02:53 zorman2000 I see, that is very useful, wouldn't have figured out
02:53 zorman2000 Those blends are for the borders, right?
02:56 paramat yeah
02:56 paramat the blobby blending
02:57 zorman2000 Got it, thanks paramat
02:57 zorman2000 What would you suggest for the oceans then?
03:05 paramat
03:05 paramat again increase noise 'spread' (rough largest scale of structures)
03:06 paramat same for mgv7_np_terrain_base
03:07 zorman2000 Awesome, will try that, thanks for the tips!
03:07 All|knowing joined #minetest
03:07 paramat to maintain surface detail, each time you double those numbers, add an octave
03:08 paramat octaves are the '5's near the end
03:09 zorman2000 Do you mean, increase them by one?
03:12 paramat yes
03:12 paramat octaves is number of levels of detail, so 5 is variation at 600 300 150 75 37.5 nodes
03:13 paramat .. if spread is 600
03:15 zorman2000 Hmmm... and if the spread is 300, what the octave would be? 4?
03:26 paramat yes unless youu want finer detail
03:28 zorman2000 Got it, thanks a lot!
03:33 Allonipad joined #minetest
03:35 All|knowing joined #minetest
03:44 rdococ is player:getpos() feet position or eye position?
03:44 VanessaE feet position I think.
03:44 paramat feet
03:44 rdococ k
03:44 rdococ makes sense
03:49 rdococ does get_player_velocity() respond to gravity?
04:20 Chris______ joined #minetest
04:20 redblade7 joined #minetest
04:21 Allonphone joined #minetest
04:22 Freejack joined #minetest
04:26 MrIbby joined #minetest
04:40 Puka_ joined #minetest
04:58 etryt joined #minetest
05:21 MinetestBot [git] Dumbeldor -> minetest/minetest: LocalPlayer api lua 8ad3dad (2017-04-09T05:04:30Z)
05:33 Allonphone joined #minetest
05:34 GreenDimond Commits are comming out the devs ears :O there aren't normaly this many commits in a day/week are there?
05:36 FreeFull joined #minetest
05:38 VanessaE it varies
05:41 GreenDimond hm. oki.
05:41 fireglow it depends on the phase of the moon
05:41 fireglow ;)
05:42 GreenDimond woah no way xD
05:55 epoch anyone know who "digger" on JT2 is?
06:07 passant joined #minetest
06:15 benrob0329 joined #minetest
06:16 Yst joined #minetest
06:19 calculon joined #minetest
06:38 roboman2444 joined #minetest
06:41 CWz joined #minetest
06:48 Krock joined #minetest
06:48 Krock joined #minetest
06:53 Yst joined #minetest
07:12 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
07:32 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
07:34 paramat joined #minetest
08:01 Grandolf joined #minetest
08:19 cheapie For anyone using digistuff, I'm working on a library (for use in the LuaC) that makes interfacing with the touchscreens easier. It and some example code can be found here:
08:30 Szkodnix joined #minetest
08:33 Lowe joined #minetest
08:33 Lowe left #minetest
08:42 Guest21617 joined #minetest
08:43 Markow joined #minetest
08:46 rumble joined #minetest
09:06 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest
09:34 DS-minetest joined #minetest
09:51 xerox123 joined #minetest
10:00 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
10:02 Fritigern joined #minetest
10:04 EDAKIRI joined #minetest
10:05 ensonic joined #minetest
10:09 Telesight joined #minetest
10:21 lisac joined #minetest
10:34 est31 joined #minetest
10:47 PureTryOut[m] I have a node with a `on_rightclick` method. in a different mod I'm overriding that method for it's own. is there a way to say (in that overriding method) that `if certaincondition then`  call the original `on_rightclick` method?
10:48 DS-minetest save the original function in a local variable and run it?
10:48 PureTryOut[m] well the original function is in a different mod (which I in this case rather not modify), so that's kinda hard
10:50 DS-minetest you can get the method via minetest.registered_nodes[<nodename>].on_rightclick
10:50 DS-minetest i think
10:51 PureTryOut[m] hmm, that might be a solution then
10:51 DS-minetest !next
10:51 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!
10:51 DS-minetest :3
10:51 PureTryOut[m] lol
10:53 Player_2 joined #minetest
10:55 PureTryOut[m] ha, now it calls itself recursively, gg
11:01 PureTryOut[m] yay it works, thanks
11:06 g0d355__ joined #minetest
11:07 red-999 joined #minetest
11:14 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
11:18 rdococ YAY
11:27 Fixer joined #minetest
11:39 Szkodnix joined #minetest
11:59 Jordach joined #minetest
12:08 loggingbot_ joined #minetest
12:08 Topic for #minetest is now Welcome to #minetest, official Minetest channel | Latest version: 0.4.15 (2016-12-22) | Responses may take a while, be patient | Rules: | Development: #minetest-dev | Server list: | IRC logs:
12:16 lisac joined #minetest
12:21 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest
12:41 rdococ For some reason, when I enter the world with my mod in it, the winged array contains my character (even though wings haven't been equipped).
12:43 rdococ ...
12:43 rdococ hello?
12:44 sfan5 your problem description is not useful
12:45 rdococ I have a table where I keep winged people.
12:46 rdococ When someone equips wings, their winged entry is set to a non-nil value (used to keep some variables regarding flying physics).
12:47 rdococ Along the lines of this: winged[player] = {air = player:getpos().y, standing = false, flying = false} (Yes, it assumes you're not standing, and you're not in flight mode, but those are corrected on the next globalstep.)
12:47 rdococ Now, the problem I'm experiencing, is that I'm receiving the flight physics programmed into the mod, despite the fact that my wings are not equipped. When I equip and then dequip my wings, yes, physics returns to normal. But if I join the world and I have no wings on, the mod thinks I do anyway.
12:48 rdococ This wings mod uses the 3d_armor mod and registers an armor with ti.
12:48 rdococ it*
12:49 rdococ If you need more information, let me know.
12:49 sfan5 sounds like a bug in your mod
12:50 rdococ Well, the globalstep function runs the physics code in a "for player,value in pairs(winged) do" loop.
12:50 sfan5 it's unlikely that someone can guess the mistake without taking a look at the code
12:50 rdococ true.
12:50 rdococ Would you like me to put it into a pastebin?
12:52 rdococ Here:
12:54 turtleman joined #minetest
12:56 sfan5 i don't see anything wrong with your code
12:57 sfan5 wait actually
12:57 rdococ Well, for now, I'll call minetest.register_on_joinplayer and set each new player's winged[player] to nil.
12:57 sfan5 rdococ: shouldn't you have if stack:get_name() ~= "wings:wings" then return end in register_on_equip + register_on_unequip
12:58 rdococ Ah.
12:58 rdococ I had completely forgotten about that.
12:58 rdococ Thanks.
12:58 sfan5 this is a quite unintuitive api
12:58 sfan5 the armor mod should just make use of on_equip + on_unequip callbacks provided in the same table as the registration
12:59 rdococ Agreed.
13:07 mogeid joined #minetest
13:08 mogeid Greetings
13:09 Krock hello
13:09 rdococ Krock!
13:09 rdococ Krockity krockity krock!
13:09 rdococ Remember the old days, when I was denser than a pile of rocks?
13:10 rdococ Well, welcome to the new days, where I'm still denser than a pile of rocks!
13:10 Krock ok.
13:10 rdococ What's a pile of rocks, again?
13:12 Krock a mountain, for example
13:15 DS-minetest joined #minetest
13:16 benrob0329 Dang, what ever happened to Rui?
13:17 Szkodnix joined #minetest
13:19 rdococ Ah.
13:19 rdococ (What's a mountain?)
13:19 rdococ :P
13:20 DS-minetest
13:20 rdococ What's that?
13:20 rdococ :Þ
13:21 DS-minetest the answer on your question
13:21 rdococ I don't understand that answer.
13:22 rdococ What does "https" mean? What does "en" mean?
13:22 rdococ :P
13:23 DS-minetest A mountain is a large landform that stretches above the surrounding land in a limited area, usually in the form of a peak.
13:23 rdococ Ah.
13:23 rdococ What is a landform?
13:24 benrob0329 A form of land
13:24 DS-minetest A landform is a natural feature of the solid surface of the Earth or other planetary body. Landforms together make up a given terrain, and their arrangement in the landscape is known as topography.
13:25 rdococ What's Earth?
13:25 benrob0329 This plannet
13:25 rdococ What's a plannet?
13:25 proller joined #minetest
13:25 DS-minetest Earth (from Old English: Eorðe; Greek: Γαῖα Gaia;[n 5] Latin: Terra[25]), otherwise known as the World (especially in geopolitics and geography),[n 6] or the Globe, is the third planet from the Sun and the only object in the Universe known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in the Solar System and the largest of the four terrestrial planets.
13:26 DS-minetest uuh, much text sry
13:26 benrob0329 A collection of rock, dirt and other things clumped all together floating around in space
13:26 DS-minetest A planet is an astronomical body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that
13:26 DS-minetest is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity,
13:26 DS-minetest is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and
13:26 DS-minetest has cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals.[a][1][2]
13:28 DS-minetest rdococ: what else do u want to know?
13:28 benrob0329 How do I breath?
13:29 rdococ What's breathing?
13:29 rdococ Also, what is a keyboard and how do I use it?
13:29 DS-minetest Breathing is the process that moves air in and out of the lungs, to allow the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the external environment into and out of the blood.
13:30 DS-minetest Keyboard may refer to different things.
13:30 rdococ What is a process? What does "moves" mean? What is air? What are lungs? What is diffusion? What is oxygen? What is carbon dioxide? What is an environment? What is blood?
13:30 rdococ :p
13:30 benrob0329 ok, just teach him Google Foo
13:31 DS-minetest benrob0329: what's that?
13:31 rdococ What's Google?
13:31 benrob0329 Its like Kung Foo
13:31 rdococ What's Kung?
13:31 Grandolf joined #minetest
13:31 benrob0329 Your face
13:31 rdococ It sounds like spyware to me. I'm not going anywhere near Google or Kung in the future. :P
13:32 DS-minetest Google is an American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products.
13:32 rdococ Oh god, Kung is my face? Oh no! I'm being spied on... by my own FACE!
13:32 rdococ What's America?
13:32 rdococ :P
13:32 DS-minetest KUNG is the English transcription of the Cyrillic initialism КУНГ for Russian: кузов унифицированный нулевого (нормального) габарита (unified body of zero [normal] dimension). The KUNG is a Soviet then Russian term for a standardized military vehicle module/trailer system.[1]
13:33 ircSparky I thought "kung fu" meant "well done"
13:34 DS-minetest The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a constitutional federal republic composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions.[fn 6] Forty-eight of the fifty states and the federal district are contiguous and located in North America between Canada and Mexico. The state of Alaska is in the northwest corner of North America,
13:34 DS-minetest bordered by Canada to the east and across the Bering Strait from Russia to the west.
13:35 DS-minetest i'll not answer anymore questions
13:35 rdococ Wait, one more.
13:36 rdococ What are questions?
13:36 benrob0329 What you've been asking.
13:36 rdococ What have I been asking?
13:37 DS-minetest hah, it's really funny, i think, the russians are the only ones that a button to unified inv on their server to play their anthem
13:54 octacian joined #minetest
13:54 proller joined #minetest
13:57 heavygale joined #minetest
14:01 proller joined #minetest
14:03 DS-minetest imo the asterioid crystals mod makes too many trees
14:06 DS-minetest the new jungle is so brown
14:23 azeak joined #minetest
14:30 MrIbby joined #minetest
14:35 raymondillo joined #minetest
14:36 XtremeHacker joined #minetest
14:50 nowhereman joined #minetest
14:54 Grandolf joined #minetest
14:57 zorman2000 joined #minetest
15:02 mogeid joined #minetest
15:05 FreeFull joined #minetest
15:08 azeak joined #minetest
15:24 _god_ joined #minetest
15:31 Allonphone joined #minetest
15:31 Yst joined #minetest
15:31 lumidify joined #minetest
15:39 [Admin]Lowe joined #minetest
15:42 [Admin]Lowe left #minetest
15:43 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:11 Allonipad joined #minetest
16:20 Allonipad joined #minetest
16:42 Hawk777 joined #minetest
16:52 All|knowing joined #minetest
16:53 TommyTreasure joined #minetest
16:58 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
17:00 _god_ left #minetest
17:05 nowhereman joined #minetest
17:09 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
17:26 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
17:26 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:30 Wapanese joined #minetest
17:31 Wapanese Hello.
17:31 Wapanese Nyan Cat is remowed.
17:31 Krock k
17:31 rubenwardy lol wat
17:31 Wapanese joined #minetest
17:32 Krock mewcome back
17:32 VanessaE Wapanese: we know.
17:32 Yst joined #minetest
17:32 Krock *meowcome back
17:32 Wapanese *nyacome
17:33 Wapanese joined #minetest
17:33 _god_ joined #minetest
17:33 VanessaE Wapanese: fix your connection please.
17:34 VanessaE ...
17:35 passant joined #minetest
17:38 Pie-jacker875 joined #minetest
17:42 Allonphone joined #minetest
17:47 Allonphone joined #minetest
17:48 octacian_ joined #minetest
17:51 Wapanese joined #minetest
17:51 red-001 lol
17:51 red-001 Wapanese, is back
17:52 red-001 and gone again
17:59 _god_ left #minetest
18:10 MrIbby joined #minetest
18:20 Wapanese joined #minetest
18:59 garywhite joined #minetest
19:15 Player_2 joined #minetest
19:34 nowhere_man joined #minetest
19:36 lisac joined #minetest
19:41 PsychoVision joined #minetest
19:47 heavygale left #minetest
19:53 Foz joined #minetest
19:56 cimbakahn joined #minetest
19:56 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest
19:57 geir1 joined #minetest
19:58 EPic_Null joined #minetest
19:59 EPic_Null Hello. Sorry for the noobness, but I'm in the middle of installing a translation mod, and I don't know where to find the trusted mods part.
20:00 EPic_Null The mod is here, if that makes any difference:
20:00 sfan5 this?
20:01 Mator_ joined #minetest
20:02 EPic_Null Maybe? It's the listing it as a secure.trusted_mod that I don't know how to do
20:03 octacian joined #minetest
20:08 Taose joined #minetest
20:09 EPic_Null Taose, do yyou know how to add a mod to the trusted mods?
20:11 Blo0D joined #minetest
20:12 Taose Unfortunately nope.
20:13 Taose In all likelihood, it's specifically chosen for celeron55
20:15 Taose Devs would have a better answer than I.
20:15 Taose Gonna go with sfan5 for this >.>
20:15 EPic_Null awww. And I was so excited to install a new translate mod. :(
20:16 rdococ Go into the settings. You can find it there.
20:16 EPic_Null Although now that I think about it, why does this need an enviornment wheras I can have an irc bot without?
20:16 rdococ Go into 'Server / Singleplayer', then I think 'Security'
20:16 rdococ then Trusted mods is there
20:16 rdococ that's in advanced settings btw.
20:16 ThomasMonroe hi rdodoc
20:16 rdococ hothomas
20:19 EPic_Null Erm... unfortunatly rdococ, I don't have access to that - it's on my server so I don't have GUI
20:19 rdococ ah.
20:19 rdococ Do you have access to minetest.conf?
20:20 EPic_Null Yep, I know exactly where that is
20:20 rdococ Add this line:
20:20 rdococ "secure.trusted_mods = " (without quotes) followed by a comma-separated list of mods you want to be trusted
20:20 rdococ e.g.
20:21 rdococ my line is: secure.trusted_mods = computer, irc
20:22 EPic_Null "secure.trusted_mods = babelfish" can work. Is irc a default that needs to be maintained less it be overwritten, or do I just want to list the ones that I want to add?
20:23 EPic_Null (Thank you by the way)
20:25 EPic_Null well, I didn't add irc and it still seems to be working so... I guess it doesn't need to be maintained?
20:25 EPic_Null Thanks for the help!
20:32 Allonphone joined #minetest
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20:45 Hawk777 joined #minetest
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21:05 Calinou lol, machine translation in gaming chat is always epic
21:06 Calinou an Urban Terror engine mod that automatic Google Translate of all chat
21:08 OldCoder All your bases are belong to us?
21:12 red-001 Calinou, lol
21:12 red-001 I suppose you could also do that in minetest if you wanted to
21:12 sfan5 please don't
21:25 riff-IRC joined #minetest
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21:37 Grandolf joined #minetest
21:44 halt_ joined #minetest
22:00 OldCoder halt_, gestalt, person alt, not at fault, what is up?
22:00 halt_ nothing much, how r u doing?
22:01 OldCoder Introspective questions require more time and energy than I have today
22:01 OldCoder However, thank you for the inquiry
22:11 riff-IRC left #minetest
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23:59 Tmanyo joined #minetest

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