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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-08-02

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 WindHero 2. if buildable_to=true, then it will continually replace each other
00:00 WindHero @paramat: also a good idea, but these waterfalls aren't there of my own volition
00:01 twoelk um use particles like that smoke mod?
00:01 WindHero laggy but workable :)
00:01 twoelk is there a cloud block?
00:01 WindHero yes
00:03 twoelk actually can you place cloudblocks at will that behave like clouds?
00:05 WindHero paramat did so in a couple mods including fracture, so... I think so.
00:06 twoelk like place a cloud here, 2 nodes wide 3 nodes long and it actually drifts away like the other clouds?
00:06 twoelk not just put cloudlayer here
00:06 LemonLake twoelk: would be problematic placing them
00:07 WindHero lol, just tried it via abm, and.................................................
00:08 paramat yes thats something i want to work on, drifting clouds using voxelmanip. my old slabworld mod has drifting clouds in a mini-ringworld
00:08 WindHero it turned the whole water structure to solid, unmoving, undiggable cloud @_@
00:08 paramat default:cloud is not suitable as cloud
00:12 paramat and slabrealm mod has drifting clouds too
00:13 twoelk I guess fixed cloudlayers above chunk edges that gobble up any water falling from above doesn't really look nice
00:14 WindHero nope.avi
00:17 WindHero another problem
00:17 WindHero it doesn't matter what we wanna try
00:17 WindHero the active block range within which ambs take effect precludes all effort
00:18 WindHero *ABMs
00:18 WindHero it's a problem my lake gen will have to solve on its own...
00:20 twoelk is active blockrange not affected by viewrange and line of sight?
00:21 WindHero not that I know of, but I could be very wrong
00:23 * twoelk makes a mental note to see if vine overgrown trees still crash minetest when falling is triggered
00:30 WindHero pah
00:30 WindHero another day
00:31 WindHero my last chance would be to have an ABM that loops through the immediate x nodes above the water block, count how many liquid blocks are there, and if all are, change or delete the node
00:31 WindHero and I can already think of a few holes in that approach
00:33 twoelk cant the falling node count by itself? three two one selfdestruct vaporized
00:33 WindHero hmm
00:34 WindHero the biggest issue in this whole matter is that of compatibility, believe it or not
00:34 WindHero if you're willing to break a ton of compatibilities, it
00:34 WindHero would be decently easy to fix
00:34 WindHero just by redefining all liquids to stop flowing
00:35 WindHero alternatively, you can create unique copy nodes based on the originals with that property
00:35 twoelk well looking at paramats watershed you could define own Skyland water with unique ... ninja'd
00:35 WindHero but then other mods searching for "default:water_source" (like a farming mod, for example)
00:36 twoelk aliasing?
00:37 twoelk new SkyLand water accepting also default jobs
00:40 WindHero suppose I could try that
00:40 WindHero also, only make flowing water have range = 0
00:43 twoelk anyways I'm off to bed now - wont get my buggy batchfile fixed when too sleepy
00:44 * WindHero needs to take a break for a while
00:56 paramat left #minetest
01:25 VanessaE left #minetest
01:25 VanessaE joined #minetest
01:25 VanessaE oops.
01:53 topcyde joined #minetest
02:05 VanessaE !tell Jordach bfdmedia cache is updated.
02:05 MinetestBot VanessaE: I'll pass that on when Jordach is around
02:07 OldCoder joined #minetest
02:20 GTRsdk joined #minetest
02:26 hmmmm [06:15 PM] <cg72> now any one of you not a RUDE ASS DEV know how to set the newer map_meta.txt to do jungles as the old stuff gets kicked back out
02:27 hmmmm cg72:  I don't see how a single line where I even said "please" could be rude.  #minetest-dev is strictly for development discussion and not general support issues.
02:27 hmmmm you're disrupting the channel by asking your off-topic question there, which is actually rude.
03:00 Enke joined #minetest
03:12 Akagi201 joined #minetest
03:17 Miner_48er joined #minetest
03:35 fu-fu test
04:07 Vazon joined #minetest
04:16 donat joined #minetest
04:35 Jordach joined #minetest
04:35 * Jordach purrs at VanessaE
04:37 VanessaE hi
05:02 dhbiker joined #minetest
05:03 Miner_48er /home/name/minetest/bin/../mods/irc/irc/main.lua:1: module 'socket' not found: suggestions?
05:04 ecutruin joined #minetest
05:07 Jordach Miner_48er, sudo apt-get install luasocket
05:07 Jordach (can't remember the actual install name)
05:14 Exio4 :(
05:26 zat joined #minetest
05:31 Jordach mmmmmmmmmm https://imgur.com/gallery/DbXgL
05:43 PenguinDad joined #minetest
05:43 CWz joined #minetest
05:43 CWz left #minetest
05:44 sfan5 VanessaE: good news: !tell did for once actually work: * Jordach (~quassel@unaffiliated/jordach) has joined
05:44 sfan5 <MinetestBot> Jordach: 08-02 07:05 UTC <VanessaE> bfdmedia cache is updated.
05:44 PenguinDad sfan5: Was it Magic?
05:45 sfan5 PenguinDad: No, it was ponies.
05:45 sfan5 meow
05:45 sfan5 hi everyone
05:48 PenguinDad There are still linux users using the python mapper D: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/1533
05:48 Miner_48er Jordach same error
05:49 Exio4 hai sfan5
05:49 Exio4 :(
05:49 Exio4 !sfantime
06:06 Gourytch joined #minetest
06:10 Scall joined #minetest
06:14 Jordach PenguinDad, he's missing node defs from colors.txt
06:14 Exio4 man, i luv having spare ram
06:18 PenguinDad Jordach: I was just wondering why there are linux users who still use the python mapper
06:20 * Jordach wants this level of building https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt24m3GqBc0
06:21 sfan5 Exio4: CEST
06:22 sfan5 aka /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin
06:22 * sfan5 licks Exio4
06:24 donat PenguinDad, what should they use?
06:25 PenguinDad donat: The official C++ minetestmapper https://github.com/minetest/minetestmapper
06:27 donat thank you
06:27 donat Jordach, woah, that looks amazing
06:27 khor_ joined #minetest
06:28 sfan5 Jordach: now convert that map to mt
06:30 donat con someone tell me is there a way to store last visit time for players?
06:31 donat s/con/can/
06:31 Exio4 kinda crazy
06:31 Exio4 you could start managing all the ram by yourself and stuffz
06:31 Exio4 in haskell
06:31 donat lolwut
06:34 PenguinDad "[skylands] 20870 ms" wut
06:45 asie joined #minetest
06:57 Garmine joined #minetest
07:10 Eater4 joined #minetest
07:21 Jordach the montage parodies i'm suggested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zxF1Gxy2AY
07:23 nman3600 joined #minetest
07:24 nman3600 Hi
07:25 PenguinDad Mornings nman3600
07:26 nman3600 Morning PenguinDad
07:29 Eater4 joined #minetest
07:30 Exio4 well, i think my ipoirc port to hs is nearly finished :D
07:33 Gregor3000 joined #minetest
07:37 icecream- joined #minetest
07:40 jin_xi joined #minetest
07:50 Krock joined #minetest
07:50 MinetestBot Krock: 08-02 00:02 UTC <PenguinDad> yappy after some modifications https://cdn.mediacru.sh/4uCauulkXyp8.png
07:51 Krock moin
07:53 Krock !tell PenguinDad happens.. with wrong indexing
07:53 MinetestBot Krock: I'll pass that on when PenguinDad is around
07:53 PenguinDad wrong indexing?
07:53 MinetestBot PenguinDad: 08-02 12:53 UTC <Krock> happens.. with wrong indexing
07:54 Krock hard to explain
07:55 PenguinDad you mean for example x and z swaped?
07:55 Krock yes
07:56 Krock but only at the "if isSurface" part
08:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest
08:22 Zeno` joined #minetest
08:22 Vargos joined #minetest
08:46 LemonLake joined #minetest
08:46 jp joined #minetest
08:52 jp *woof woof*  http://i.imgur.com/9XN28nM.png
08:54 sfan5 :o
08:54 sfan5 nice
08:54 e1z0 lol
08:55 jp the roof is ugly
08:56 MattJ joined #minetest
08:59 Krock jp, meow.
09:01 basxto joined #minetest
09:08 jp Krock, woof.
09:09 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
09:09 PenguinDad Krock: squawk
09:10 Krock meow.
09:12 PenguinDad Portable ladders are nice https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?p=150055#p150055
09:13 Calinou joined #minetest
09:15 Krock minetest's ladders are portable, too
09:16 Calinou they can be placed in air
09:16 Calinou so you can make hanging ladders, unlike Minecraft
09:18 Krock double sided ladders are the best
09:21 PenguinDad Krock: n-sided ladders are better :P
09:25 Krock PenguinDad, http://i.imgur.com/E0ZK0wV.png
09:28 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
09:29 Krock jp, http://imgur.com/gallery/U2HPbFg
09:31 jp ;)
09:31 Krock lol http://i.imgur.com/UuINMSh.jpg
09:31 jp Do I hear...kittens?! Miam...
09:32 Halo joined #minetest
09:32 Krock whoa http://i.imgur.com/8DG1myw.jpg
09:33 Krock Essen.
09:37 chippy1338 joined #minetest
09:37 chippy1338 sup
09:37 chippy1338 just here to chat fyi
09:37 chippy1338 kind of curious about what the game is about
09:37 chippy1338 was kicked by Calinou: chippy1338
09:37 Calinou sfan5, ^
09:38 Calinou *chippy*@* should have been done long time ago
09:39 jp The flooder from yesterday ?
09:40 Calinou yes
09:40 Calinou left #minetest
09:40 Calinou joined #minetest
09:40 Calinou (made sure it didn't ban everyone)
09:42 illegal joined #minetest
09:42 illegal i have literally 700k proxies, feel free to try again
09:42 illegal anyways
09:43 illegal just here to chat
09:43 illegal would be great if you don't b& me
09:43 PenguinDad http://imgur.com/gallery/UGcKkRe xD
09:44 illegal oh lol
09:45 illegal anyways, mark used my friends shellbox to spam you guys, so he's suspended from that.
09:45 illegal Oh sweet this game works on *nix
09:46 swaaws joined #minetest
09:46 illegal dat ipv6
09:50 illegal is anyone alive? or are you all ignoring me
09:51 illegal -.- fine
09:51 illegal new proxy
09:51 illegal whatever
09:52 hacks joined #minetest
09:52 hacks well
09:52 hacks hurtful
09:52 hacks please stop /ignoring me
09:52 illegal hi hax
09:52 hacks hi lol
09:53 hacks im not the same person
09:53 hacks sshhhh
09:53 illegal left #minetest
09:53 PilzAdam joined #minetest
09:53 hacks sup
09:54 hacks guys i just want to chat for fuck sake
09:54 hacks k so first of all
09:55 hacks im loling my ass off at the guy that ddosed the my.daddy.* shellbox
09:55 hacks seriously, he's raging in mumble rightn ow
09:55 hacks second of all
09:55 jp ^ sfan5
09:55 hacks it would appear mark isn't dead
09:55 hacks so
09:55 hacks anyone going to explain what he did
09:55 hacks o hi jp
09:57 hacks jp if you want him to ban me there's no point
09:57 hacks i literally have nothing better to do
09:57 hacks entropy raging was funny at first but it got boring
10:00 ecatel joined #minetest
10:00 ecatel fine
10:00 ecatel keep ignoring me
10:00 ecatel i don't care
10:01 ecatel I have plenty of proxies
10:01 ecatel I have literally
10:01 ecatel nothing else to do
10:02 Zeno` are proxies like ponies?
10:04 MattJ joined #minetest
10:06 PenguinDad Zeno`: I haven't seen a cartoon about Torlight Squid :P
10:06 qwertyuiop joined #minetest
10:08 torproxynig joined #minetest
10:08 ecatel Exio4, how you doing hacker?
10:09 ASKOYD0 joined #minetest
10:09 AX965OO joined #minetest
10:09 AL3K43J joined #minetest
10:09 A8TF4D9 joined #minetest
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10:09 jp ^ sfan5
10:09 A8SLU6L joined #minetest
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10:09 stoptheignorekth stop ignoring pls
10:09 stoptheignorekth pls stop ignore
10:09 stoptheignorekth ignore stop bots stop
10:09 stoptheignorekth kthx
10:09 stoptheignorekth that was literally
10:09 stoptheignorekth 50 bots
10:10 Krock ^nub
10:10 A3DBUTS joined #minetest
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10:10 stoptheignorekth rude
10:10 A20KF3K joined #minetest
10:10 stoptheignorekth not gonna lie
10:10 AZ2L4MH joined #minetest
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10:10 AFK4OHA joined #minetest
10:10 stoptheignorekth so can you pls
10:10 stoptheignorekth stop
10:10 stoptheignorekth ignore
10:11 stoptheignorekth huh
10:11 stoptheignorekth some are still here
10:11 stoptheignorekth strange
10:13 A589FFR joined #minetest
10:13 A8ZTR0H joined #minetest
10:13 A589FFR FJH98W pls stahp ignore kthx A774HH
10:13 A589FFR KFTWJF pls stahp ignore kthx YDRW5N
10:13 A8ZTR0H PMLO5D pls stahp ignore kthx SJSAPK
10:13 A8ZTR0H T5C93D pls stahp ignore kthx YRM0AC
10:13 A8ZTR0H JIR1BL pls stahp ignore kthx 0BW6T2
10:13 A589FFR GBEHAT pls stahp ignore kthx 7A8VQM
10:13 A589FFR 7UNCVC pls stahp ignore kthx 28UM56
10:13 A589FFR 6Y8MZQ pls stahp ignore kthx RWNK27
10:13 A589FFR OG7A1P pls stahp ignore kthx Y2RB5G
10:13 A8ZTR0H Z139PW pls stahp ignore kthx R4YFPP
10:13 A8ZTR0H 8RQBHM pls stahp ignore kthx FM922A
10:13 A8ZTR0H UT250R pls stahp ignore kthx LMR55D
10:13 A8ZTR0H 0U23GK pls stahp ignore kthx 970N8E
10:13 AN4MHYU joined #minetest
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10:13 AXFYX2Z 9RD1QL pls stahp ignore kthx BCD9JG
10:13 AXFYX2Z 7U8DLX pls stahp ignore kthx RDN6VH
10:13 AXFYX2Z 6UFI4A pls stahp ignore kthx 6SPXW9
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10:13 A589FFR KOV4XU pls stahp ignore kthx 0TOEDP
10:13 A589FFR VY64PR pls stahp ignore kthx G42C55
10:13 A589FFR GHUU5P pls stahp ignore kthx SJA9RV
10:13 A6TI4EQ MNJE7V pls stahp ignore kthx O8PE2V
10:13 A6TI4EQ SV4GLG pls stahp ignore kthx IWGBN4
10:13 A6TI4EQ IM9S43 pls stahp ignore kthx R2MNLY
10:13 A6TI4EQ Z15BNZ pls stahp ignore kthx 7BJD4N
10:13 A30DJL0 joined #minetest
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10:13 ALLZGTY U8TRXF pls stahp ignore kthx DSH1VI
10:13 ALLZGTY QT8WOV pls stahp ignore kthx Y3J8RO
10:13 ALLZGTY WORVZX pls stahp ignore kthx 75CA6Z
10:13 A8ZTR0H V9HK9H pls stahp ignore kthx FPHBML
10:13 A8ZTR0H 0TLXEU pls stahp ignore kthx 2JHZTP
10:13 A8ZTR0H CEXX8A pls stahp ignore kthx BTWV48
10:13 A30DJL0 KQOHNL pls stahp ignore kthx W7YVS9
10:13 A30DJL0 O9O726 pls stahp ignore kthx WKRTLJ
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10:13 ABWAS0O L6WAUN pls stahp ignore kthx LYA2HC
10:13 ABWAS0O 4TJPQJ pls stahp ignore kthx R7KVGF
10:13 ABWAS0O 7PEHYK pls stahp ignore kthx YME9T0
10:13 ABWAS0O LVR3YW pls stahp ignore kthx NRTMYQ
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10:13 AYSYA5E EJT90M pls stahp ignore kthx R8HCQA
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10:13 AYSYA5E VPNY0M pls stahp ignore kthx 80OONN
10:13 AYSYA5E XDQUK6 pls stahp ignore kthx 0X30TN
10:13 A6HFHCD 8N0YG4 pls stahp ignore kthx 31JOWC
10:13 A3W79FX E60JMK pls stahp ignore kthx 3XQQCX
10:13 A6HFHCD 2PE47C pls stahp ignore kthx QQDALE
10:13 A6HFHCD Y2RGGM pls stahp ignore kthx O1J6UY
10:13 A3W79FX 2KPRLW pls stahp ignore kthx IJ22TP
10:13 A3W79FX 545UGK pls stahp ignore kthx GQA9F7
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10:13 AAB8XGU HRSTKD pls stahp ignore kthx UDGOU4
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10:13 AAB8XGU 71AIP8 pls stahp ignore kthx CDU9I1
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10:13 A6TI4EQ RICDRE pls stahp ignore kthx WWPKCQ
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10:13 A6TI4EQ GT60I8 pls stahp ignore kthx T3YM2L
10:13 APWBERX MWZCRH pls stahp ignore kthx XO74WD
10:13 APWBERX 6R52EG pls stahp ignore kthx JSA0XI
10:13 APWBERX HQPHCX pls stahp ignore kthx 0ML2UF
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10:13 A31G49J G29GNF pls stahp ignore kthx A8MG3V
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10:13 A31G49J O72W5A pls stahp ignore kthx TJBJU7
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10:13 AB6U8KK KHCTPT pls stahp ignore kthx XA0WNM
10:13 AB6U8KK JXMFH0 pls stahp ignore kthx B1D1SW
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10:13 ABWAS0O 5GP1BF pls stahp ignore kthx B6RJAW
10:13 ABWAS0O NNKDEY pls stahp ignore kthx VXHY25
10:13 ABWAS0O MEZJOI pls stahp ignore kthx M3P6ZH
10:13 AWTPEK3 joined #minetest
10:13 A65Y03O C5ATBP pls stahp ignore kthx 5RDNNJ
10:13 AII3T6N RF39HZ pls stahp ignore kthx 8J7627
10:13 A65Y03O EFH7S8 pls stahp ignore kthx GJ435I
10:13 A65Y03O 3E2W51 pls stahp ignore kthx GTAKHJ
10:13 A65Y03O YCPBUZ pls stahp ignore kthx 63KUHF
10:13 A65Y03O WYMVXZ pls stahp ignore kthx YCICUY
10:13 AYSYA5E 7Z4HDT pls stahp ignore kthx 1BK3V6
10:13 AII3T6N TCBEFT pls stahp ignore kthx 7P15Q2
10:13 AII3T6N NZD706 pls stahp ignore kthx B0PXWV
10:13 AYSYA5E T1AFQH pls stahp ignore kthx L7PISE
10:13 AYSYA5E FRDUU8 pls stahp ignore kthx KRPWLZ
10:13 A6HFHCD HJL8Z5 pls stahp ignore kthx TG9PXL
10:13 A6HFHCD CC7X3B pls stahp ignore kthx 459B5D
10:13 A6HFHCD Q99B91 pls stahp ignore kthx LSNJ98
10:13 A6HFHCD Q7S9LM pls stahp ignore kthx J8L3RM
10:13 A3W79FX FQ3U1B pls stahp ignore kthx SMD1FN
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10:13 A65Y03O OJUPTJ pls stahp ignore kthx 2FNFZY
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10:14 AX80D6C NLEQBF pls stahp ignore kthx 6RUQZA
10:14 AXWVMMW X2YL2N pls stahp ignore kthx L9CTHZ
10:14 AXWVMMW JD9PEU pls stahp ignore kthx 6KIE9C
10:14 AHIU1EA LWHS2I pls stahp ignore kthx 4S5HJO
10:14 AHIU1EA L5UAWR pls stahp ignore kthx JDXOR7
10:14 AXFYX2Z FCBQ5I pls stahp ignore kthx LFHIAA
10:14 AXFYX2Z O2GHLF pls stahp ignore kthx 7V238C
10:14 AX80D6C DJISK7 pls stahp ignore kthx W1VD1Y
10:14 AX80D6C KPJQZR pls stahp ignore kthx C9WY3U
10:14 ACRR0WH JVAQ3H pls stahp ignore kthx DT2T16
10:14 ACRR0WH 47V8DT pls stahp ignore kthx TW2ZMS
10:14 AX80D6C AJEZVZ pls stahp ignore kthx NVDB65
10:14 AXWVMMW RSNGGI pls stahp ignore kthx SWKQTD
10:14 AXWVMMW RWU9QC pls stahp ignore kthx YLQVLL
10:14 AXWVMMW G8H08N pls stahp ignore kthx HBL8VO
10:14 AXWVMMW 941MRQ pls stahp ignore kthx 1XEUXR
10:14 AQM7U8I DZQW3W pls stahp ignore kthx DR2UH2
10:14 AQM7U8I FII1HP pls stahp ignore kthx LPTIZ9
10:14 AX80D6C END457 pls stahp ignore kthx THZLNN
10:14 AXWVMMW NQ1T6O pls stahp ignore kthx YP46YQ
10:14 AXWVMMW 9VPC3C pls stahp ignore kthx E7LI3N
10:14 AQM7U8I M0TQKN pls stahp ignore kthx S37OG6
10:14 AQM7U8I MTYUJA pls stahp ignore kthx D3B1BF
10:14 A9HTJKA NW6SVX pls stahp ignore kthx QLKCJ9
10:14 A9HTJKA J8XL6Z pls stahp ignore kthx NTLR71
10:14 A9HTJKA QSYC06 pls stahp ignore kthx X37MZU
10:14 AXWVMMW H4DLNO pls stahp ignore kthx 7CK2YA
10:14 AXWVMMW LW8JI7 pls stahp ignore kthx UPAUJU
10:14 A4V2DL6 S0AJ8T pls stahp ignore kthx 2L2ZRD
10:14 AAB8XGU HGVNHR pls stahp ignore kthx 7AFZZT
10:14 AAB8XGU 0WF8Z6 pls stahp ignore kthx 7024QO
10:14 A6TI4EQ N5TRM7 pls stahp ignore kthx W8GR8H
10:14 A6TI4EQ GXF47T pls stahp ignore kthx VNOZD3
10:14 AQM7U8I J056VO pls stahp ignore kthx JVMK4A
10:14 AQM7U8I NHPPR1 pls stahp ignore kthx ZVEH0A
10:14 A8VD443 YQZA69 pls stahp ignore kthx 6K6ESB
10:14 A8VD443 8GT8F9 pls stahp ignore kthx KVS5N3
10:14 A8VD443 KWYUHP pls stahp ignore kthx 3UDLK0
10:14 A8VD443 MMP28H pls stahp ignore kthx WM1D1X
10:14 A8VD443 102R5G pls stahp ignore kthx 6SMF1V
10:14 AXWVMMW 3BAQEA pls stahp ignore kthx H2PAWQ
10:14 AXWVMMW N3VBRT pls stahp ignore kthx 3G4H06
10:14 AQM7U8I V41CYG pls stahp ignore kthx PDAD15
10:14 AQM7U8I X3FODQ pls stahp ignore kthx F3DUAH
10:14 ABT6NYY RTEWRD pls stahp ignore kthx L7Z4UK
10:14 ABT6NYY NQWI0A pls stahp ignore kthx 0I4LJD
10:14 ABT6NYY 55Z66P pls stahp ignore kthx TYPR5K
10:14 ABT6NYY 6X176P pls stahp ignore kthx 5K61ZU
10:14 AXWVMMW QL1B78 pls stahp ignore kthx E360Z4
10:14 A2AAA1D 2UDU7L pls stahp ignore kthx 0V51BY
10:14 A2AAA1D L7JNNK pls stahp ignore kthx HNTBW7
10:14 A2AAA1D 40SQQL pls stahp ignore kthx H26IFF
10:14 A2AAA1D ZKQHBE pls stahp ignore kthx PITUSM
10:14 A2AAA1D FQBK4O pls stahp ignore kthx 3N4M0A
10:14 AXWVMMW BZDZCC pls stahp ignore kthx Z592EH
10:14 AG11MTB XS4O21 pls stahp ignore kthx 244NL1
10:14 AG11MTB 79XO7B pls stahp ignore kthx PEFXOG
10:14 AG11MTB R7H0AZ pls stahp ignore kthx SB4ZR1
10:14 AG11MTB O0EH2V pls stahp ignore kthx 6FVAYI
10:14 AG11MTB RGGVR1 pls stahp ignore kthx TQNLIR
10:14 AXWVMMW U92M23 pls stahp ignore kthx GU1RR5
10:14 AXWVMMW 8029Z5 pls stahp ignore kthx 75OWSH
10:14 AABHWK3 6CHMK5 pls stahp ignore kthx 5VIUTX
10:14 AABHWK3 QWWD6A pls stahp ignore kthx F3U0DU
10:14 AABHWK3 FP04FH pls stahp ignore kthx LQSI4N
10:14 AABHWK3 LRXHZP pls stahp ignore kthx JIDZ8Z
10:14 AABHWK3 YP2UV0 pls stahp ignore kthx UNPZYA
10:14 AABHWK3 Q938KD pls stahp ignore kthx YQRP2Y
10:14 AABHWK3 BQWPTK pls stahp ignore kthx 8X83NJ
10:14 AXWVMMW 2QS8D1 pls stahp ignore kthx 9G44Q2
10:14 AXWVMMW 9HXRDJ pls stahp ignore kthx F1LU25
10:14 AAWZ433 SALPBN pls stahp ignore kthx TMVS12
10:14 AAWZ433 FTMMMA pls stahp ignore kthx 9J04G0
10:14 AAWZ433 4E9SEI pls stahp ignore kthx QWB84K
10:14 AZ7T7NB 35M35Q pls stahp ignore kthx TU4JSM
10:14 AZ7T7NB TN0D3D pls stahp ignore kthx KZLECD
10:14 AZ7T7NB P9BOAT pls stahp ignore kthx XIY62J
10:14 AZ7T7NB EK8H4K pls stahp ignore kthx RI1BYM
10:14 AKUCE0Z H466DI pls stahp ignore kthx N5Y16B
10:14 AKUCE0Z 0LNAFJ pls stahp ignore kthx 4UD8YK
10:14 AKUCE0Z 80JQFY pls stahp ignore kthx G10S9W
10:14 AKUCE0Z 10CDFZ pls stahp ignore kthx 7XSJV9
10:14 AKUCE0Z 9HIB80 pls stahp ignore kthx 318UEF
10:14 AKUCE0Z 05PR2H pls stahp ignore kthx 5M21LY
10:14 AKUCE0Z VCW2EK pls stahp ignore kthx JVU28Z
10:14 AZ7T7NB TCYXJ4 pls stahp ignore kthx RRWAC9
10:14 AHIU1EA LTIS9L pls stahp ignore kthx THB76D
10:14 AHIU1EA TQ775K pls stahp ignore kthx PED92G
10:14 AHIU1EA 4TQXCB pls stahp ignore kthx RTK831
10:14 AHIU1EA 12ZTKS pls stahp ignore kthx Q0N4FV
10:14 AHIU1EA UQZCA5 pls stahp ignore kthx CXQ6T0
10:14 AHIU1EA 489EHN pls stahp ignore kthx YS4OXE
10:14 AHIU1EA VH6DAA pls stahp ignore kthx R5ZSNQ
10:14 AHIU1EA VQM28Y pls stahp ignore kthx 9ZJRMG
10:14 AHIU1EA EZ9XCL pls stahp ignore kthx QBIZKP
10:14 ABRGVQH U6TV7B pls stahp ignore kthx RZP16G
10:14 ABRGVQH 8BYXDC pls stahp ignore kthx 0Y1V24
10:14 ABRGVQH DHVY9J pls stahp ignore kthx QZRMMT
10:14 AR1CCIW 6OXP1E pls stahp ignore kthx I7YTW0
10:14 AR1CCIW JK6A7T pls stahp ignore kthx G087QG
10:14 AR1CCIW DJQM6I pls stahp ignore kthx EZK1AU
10:14 AR1CCIW 8I4CSR pls stahp ignore kthx YGL4GR
10:14 AI04TM4 XULKOB pls stahp ignore kthx CDBINL
10:14 AI04TM4 RPWAXY pls stahp ignore kthx UOAAF2
10:14 AI04TM4 TBNSOT pls stahp ignore kthx BRQZ95
10:14 AI04TM4 F1SIW9 pls stahp ignore kthx 8SDQOZ
10:14 AI04TM4 XVA9G4 pls stahp ignore kthx NTP236
10:14 AI04TM4 H0WPHM pls stahp ignore kthx AOZTSV
10:14 AI04TM4 3BPTEI pls stahp ignore kthx 2F152G
10:14 AR1CCIW R0LEV6 pls stahp ignore kthx W4KIXT
10:14 AR1CCIW 9MR0VW pls stahp ignore kthx RW8OT4
10:14 A8VD443 CX249X pls stahp ignore kthx GIF4HP
10:14 A8VD443 39Z98U pls stahp ignore kthx IGX6LD
10:14 AI04TM4 4Y73XH pls stahp ignore kthx TDK9TP
10:14 AI04TM4 GQ6Q29 pls stahp ignore kthx XA5W73
10:14 A2J9MID CQN715 pls stahp ignore kthx IPT71R
10:14 A2J9MID P6DB88 pls stahp ignore kthx PWHV1N
10:14 AR1CCIW 0TUQ7O pls stahp ignore kthx AS14DR
10:14 AR1CCIW TL276T pls stahp ignore kthx CHQGBH
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10:14 A8VD443 RPWOW3 pls stahp ignore kthx S0GHZJ
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10:14 AI04TM4 YVE0PV pls stahp ignore kthx M392ZI
10:14 A2J9MID JFKI8B pls stahp ignore kthx 7UH1WG
10:14 A2J9MID MEVQ0B pls stahp ignore kthx OK7175
10:14 A3YUDC2 CBZ69C pls stahp ignore kthx ZHC3HV
10:14 A3YUDC2 JCAM0U pls stahp ignore kthx IHPJB3
10:14 A3YUDC2 K52NT9 pls stahp ignore kthx T14721
10:14 A3YUDC2 6ECUX1 pls stahp ignore kthx G1YYXE
10:14 A3YUDC2 ZW2G35 pls stahp ignore kthx NN6XYA
10:14 AR1CCIW TCDXYO pls stahp ignore kthx I5HA12
10:14 AR1CCIW H478FH pls stahp ignore kthx GSLC7A
10:14 AG11MTB JKZK4F pls stahp ignore kthx WKWI4H
10:14 AE61O7G D75AYL pls stahp ignore kthx 9KYJ2X
10:14 AE61O7G I34AD2 pls stahp ignore kthx 5KPVYP
10:14 AE61O7G 3H1C8N pls stahp ignore kthx 6RGA0D
10:14 AE61O7G XJLR8F pls stahp ignore kthx MLBL9A
10:14 AE61O7G 56D9TK pls stahp ignore kthx XEFXDU
10:14 A6TI4EQ AHOHF3 pls stahp ignore kthx ESYP8T
10:14 A6TI4EQ VKGKM4 pls stahp ignore kthx HSACW0
10:14 A6TI4EQ 8L1AX5 pls stahp ignore kthx 9AKR0J
10:14 A6TI4EQ 2OJSM1 pls stahp ignore kthx OFAMUC
10:14 A2J9MID QDSOR6 pls stahp ignore kthx Z5VQLT
10:14 A2J9MID 4A3WIR pls stahp ignore kthx 9B9SG1
10:14 AI04TM4 BUBZHZ pls stahp ignore kthx BBQU7Q
10:14 AI04TM4 DDMWWG pls stahp ignore kthx TRN02K
10:14 AE61O7G FQVZAM pls stahp ignore kthx BI94YO
10:14 AE61O7G AVHMUW pls stahp ignore kthx 48D9JA
10:14 AG11MTB UZIODB pls stahp ignore kthx C1WHKF
10:14 AG11MTB SGBVWU pls stahp ignore kthx SY9JED
10:14 AG11MTB Y92O92 pls stahp ignore kthx 4Z6VRW
10:14 AI04TM4 IJVPA1 pls stahp ignore kthx ZKV7ZI
10:14 A2J9MID SC267S pls stahp ignore kthx RR5QOM
10:14 A2J9MID ZEDBXO pls stahp ignore kthx 7TZG43
10:14 AE61O7G JUY2M7 pls stahp ignore kthx F9JV0Q
10:14 AE61O7G PZ77F7 pls stahp ignore kthx DY5CIR
10:14 AXWVMMW 3YRUN8 pls stahp ignore kthx S3C77I
10:14 AXWVMMW 1CEIDZ pls stahp ignore kthx UNGEG7
10:14 AXWVMMW 5LEKD8 pls stahp ignore kthx ZRQEIT
10:14 AXWVMMW 1BY6V5 pls stahp ignore kthx VEC8BF
10:14 AXWVMMW UV6F02 pls stahp ignore kthx KGBMWK
10:14 APZ00VO 80QQ7C pls stahp ignore kthx J915S3
10:14 APZ00VO IJU9BZ pls stahp ignore kthx 1OI89S
10:14 AXWVMMW D3MFM4 pls stahp ignore kthx VM75SD
10:14 AXWVMMW 1TVB69 pls stahp ignore kthx EVDFYI
10:14 ABT6NYY KX9PK1 pls stahp ignore kthx Q90DZG
10:14 ABT6NYY 0Y22FD pls stahp ignore kthx 098AE0
10:14 ABT6NYY 7ITZJV pls stahp ignore kthx V8EK2T
10:14 ABT6NYY J223YV pls stahp ignore kthx S9FSX7
10:14 A2J9MID ZLP2UO pls stahp ignore kthx TB7L3D
10:14 A2J9MID Q7AIKT pls stahp ignore kthx XMUMNR
10:14 AE61O7G 1L1SO7 pls stahp ignore kthx 09WMCQ
10:14 AE61O7G AWQ0YF pls stahp ignore kthx 3W127D
10:14 AIYYGFZ 4I6NF5 pls stahp ignore kthx 3XVHV9
10:14 AIYYGFZ DGG0FA pls stahp ignore kthx Q0VEH4
10:14 AIYYGFZ 3N4X69 pls stahp ignore kthx KZDL6L
10:14 AIYYGFZ 0TYQE3 pls stahp ignore kthx XELS4X
10:14 AIYYGFZ UMRE12 pls stahp ignore kthx 5Z2M4Y
10:14 AAWZ433 5R4ITK pls stahp ignore kthx GV395Y
10:14 AAWZ433 837BO5 pls stahp ignore kthx 22NH54
10:14 AAWZ433 NFI4EF pls stahp ignore kthx IYAMDO
10:14 AAWZ433 76JKZ3 pls stahp ignore kthx KV17RP
10:14 AAWZ433 H6CS1X pls stahp ignore kthx Y7J9NG
10:14 APZ00VO H49DIO pls stahp ignore kthx VNSRWK
10:14 AAWZ433 BNJ94G pls stahp ignore kthx RMNLQ3
10:14 AAWZ433 88VJUD pls stahp ignore kthx 7V9W2M
10:14 AE61O7G XCEPFA pls stahp ignore kthx I83ZZM
10:14 AIYYGFZ EIIYHI pls stahp ignore kthx WM8ALS
10:14 AIYYGFZ SRYA7J pls stahp ignore kthx YJO8R0
10:14 AE61O7G WEJODU pls stahp ignore kthx QJ2X3U
10:14 AAWZ433 7SQA79 pls stahp ignore kthx E6YZ4H
10:14 AAWZ433 ZCSVSW pls stahp ignore kthx HV19TO
10:14 AE61O7G MR907G pls stahp ignore kthx UDJPIP
10:14 AIYYGFZ EMSMCQ pls stahp ignore kthx 9AGZ0F
10:14 AIYYGFZ AZ7YNF pls stahp ignore kthx VH2RXC
10:14 A3W79FX WC9E31 pls stahp ignore kthx PQGXW1
10:14 A3W79FX 84GHS4 pls stahp ignore kthx VJRRZ0
10:14 A3W79FX SF5CDT pls stahp ignore kthx FPELFZ
10:14 AX24430 YNA9V7 pls stahp ignore kthx W70UE6
10:14 AX24430 681PKO pls stahp ignore kthx QPRCY4
10:14 AX24430 B7ICYA pls stahp ignore kthx F4NQNJ
10:14 AX24430 M89N1W pls stahp ignore kthx BXRPXS
10:14 AX24430 NF44LQ pls stahp ignore kthx AI9XGA
10:14 AZ7T7NB KTI5JN pls stahp ignore kthx 22MH0Z
10:14 AZ7T7NB PD06L6 pls stahp ignore kthx Y99DTX
10:14 AZ7T7NB VT9PFN pls stahp ignore kthx WXCM1J
10:14 AZ7T7NB 1N10OX pls stahp ignore kthx 805TW7
10:14 AZ7T7NB ARD8U2 pls stahp ignore kthx DYQWUM
10:14 AZ7T7NB 1O8ARB pls stahp ignore kthx 4YIH4D
10:14 AZ7T7NB T231Q9 pls stahp ignore kthx 52JFOC
10:14 AS8RBIB GRDGJ6 pls stahp ignore kthx 66QP5C
10:15 AS8RBIB NEWIGV pls stahp ignore kthx H3Z88S
10:15 AS8RBIB WM0ZUY pls stahp ignore kthx A1ULC1
10:15 AS8RBIB GDAH2F pls stahp ignore kthx QWQATM
10:15 AS8RBIB B7BBAV pls stahp ignore kthx PUYNJL
10:15 ANO2UB4 RXA9LQ pls stahp ignore kthx 46CM0U
10:15 ANO2UB4 Y02XTW pls stahp ignore kthx YWMNTR
10:15 ABRGVQH FTAQBC pls stahp ignore kthx HSZPIB
10:15 ABRGVQH MMYN5A pls stahp ignore kthx LFP189
10:15 AF4IKRO TJG21Z pls stahp ignore kthx 148QRK
10:15 AF4IKRO 5I683R pls stahp ignore kthx ZPPLCY
10:15 AF4IKRO NU25LF pls stahp ignore kthx U56NPQ
10:15 AF4IKRO PV6H8J pls stahp ignore kthx SYPO85
10:15 AF4IKRO 7XRUYN pls stahp ignore kthx 5ETECY
10:15 AZ7T7NB Z95ZON pls stahp ignore kthx 7NHL1M
10:15 AZ7T7NB 9GMCI5 pls stahp ignore kthx LQYVRP
10:15 ANO2UB4 116V2Z pls stahp ignore kthx JI5SX0
10:15 ANO2UB4 TYB1V7 pls stahp ignore kthx AOV4E4
10:15 ABRGVQH 6B1TL6 pls stahp ignore kthx PL8W1D
10:15 AKUCE0Z 4UHFC6 pls stahp ignore kthx E95PMP
10:15 AKUCE0Z BQCAU0 pls stahp ignore kthx IEI0SH
10:15 AKUCE0Z 85UZE4 pls stahp ignore kthx NX7K2U
10:15 ANO2UB4 P8036N pls stahp ignore kthx FHN450
10:15 ANO2UB4 VGGMYJ pls stahp ignore kthx 73IBM5
10:15 AHIU1EA RKUTI8 pls stahp ignore kthx 10OEB6
10:15 AHIU1EA RQU4G6 pls stahp ignore kthx 8O85E9
10:15 AHIU1EA 7KQT1B pls stahp ignore kthx 594LYY
10:15 A6HFHCD FLNG5Q pls stahp ignore kthx 9MKRAZ
10:15 A6HFHCD UYAT87 pls stahp ignore kthx 9CVCGA
10:15 A67ZQ28 YNLQWF pls stahp ignore kthx E4320W
10:15 A67ZQ28 DKR5U7 pls stahp ignore kthx 9GESQW
10:15 A67ZQ28 6X31QE pls stahp ignore kthx J4CPTM
10:15 A67ZQ28 RPQQ96 pls stahp ignore kthx 6E3LA9
10:15 A67ZQ28 BO9RD0 pls stahp ignore kthx FREPIV
10:15 A67ZQ28 V71F0E pls stahp ignore kthx BREWKK
10:15 AI04TM4 XQ8C94 pls stahp ignore kthx LEM8LT
10:15 A67ZQ28 YSD6XY pls stahp ignore kthx XVZWHU
10:15 AI04TM4 3OY8GK pls stahp ignore kthx JI95HN
10:15 AI04TM4 IZ4DU7 pls stahp ignore kthx MRBMWN
10:15 AI04TM4 PPRNZZ pls stahp ignore kthx WBW4WC
10:15 AWLCFPL MC8UZG pls stahp ignore kthx QN1JYE
10:15 AWLCFPL DDUC2U pls stahp ignore kthx XA0MAU
10:15 AWLCFPL EQNFJG pls stahp ignore kthx 7IV0OW
10:15 A4V2DL6 GIYNEL pls stahp ignore kthx ONK1ET
10:15 A4V2DL6 I8YZWB pls stahp ignore kthx JFAFPT
10:15 APZ00VO 15GX8C pls stahp ignore kthx PW1YV3
10:15 APZ00VO Q294KH pls stahp ignore kthx DEGOZ9
10:15 ABT6NYY BB0V1X pls stahp ignore kthx TME03M
10:15 ABT6NYY ITA2HT pls stahp ignore kthx X2ASPX
10:15 APZ00VO 5ZCYV7 pls stahp ignore kthx 6Q5S4B
10:15 APZ00VO 9S8PY3 pls stahp ignore kthx 1SPKFT
10:15 ABT6NYY XDZR81 pls stahp ignore kthx Z7VDHG
10:15 AE61O7G G4NPPC pls stahp ignore kthx QQ07KW
10:15 AE61O7G QVXKQW pls stahp ignore kthx C6HIBK
10:15 A65Y03O 93DACF pls stahp ignore kthx 9YO28C
10:15 A65Y03O 9VN8AQ pls stahp ignore kthx LUROIZ
10:15 A65Y03O XNT45X pls stahp ignore kthx XZNYWZ
10:15 A65Y03O GMQCES pls stahp ignore kthx FBZK5M
10:15 A65Y03O MLWDEA pls stahp ignore kthx B0247A
10:15 APZ00VO J963CX pls stahp ignore kthx NCZZYI
10:15 APZ00VO GWYZBD pls stahp ignore kthx 1EFH03
10:15 AYS7A3X YR42IL pls stahp ignore kthx MIJA6O
10:15 A4V2DL6 CZ48JT pls stahp ignore kthx TG514R
10:15 AYS7A3X VB3XZ6 pls stahp ignore kthx OINR2H
10:15 AYS7A3X PF5TVW pls stahp ignore kthx 52RM0P
10:15 AYS7A3X 6LE4C8 pls stahp ignore kthx CL928A
10:15 AYS7A3X OAIWZD pls stahp ignore kthx 4S2MFI
10:15 A4V2DL6 DLYJ3P pls stahp ignore kthx MJHB0W
10:15 A4V2DL6 LF6Z66 pls stahp ignore kthx C12Z8O
10:15 A4V2DL6 4MY7ZN pls stahp ignore kthx GHWUAD
10:15 A4V2DL6 YBIO2O pls stahp ignore kthx VUT43L
10:15 A4V2DL6 XS0PG8 pls stahp ignore kthx FUZFT2
10:15 A4V2DL6 TZPTD5 pls stahp ignore kthx 6LMEO5
10:15 AIDE0RW 56EVQM pls stahp ignore kthx 128NEM
10:15 AIDE0RW M5DF6J pls stahp ignore kthx 9FVHJT
10:15 A9VR7ZS 56JRHN pls stahp ignore kthx CXTOKP
10:15 A9VR7ZS 44QWEE pls stahp ignore kthx B9YXZ4
10:15 AE61O7G C4DZQW pls stahp ignore kthx VHF4UN
10:15 AE61O7G 0VYDA1 pls stahp ignore kthx RQFHJ8
10:15 AYS7A3X GNRT08 pls stahp ignore kthx 9O9SKY
10:15 AYSYA5E 3PZAEW pls stahp ignore kthx 5QQF1M
10:15 AYSYA5E CZ0GEL pls stahp ignore kthx O4EQ30
10:15 AYSYA5E V3BLSE pls stahp ignore kthx BW9DDK
10:15 AYSYA5E NSZKRX pls stahp ignore kthx WJEQYJ
10:15 AYSYA5E DNP4L5 pls stahp ignore kthx 5P3DEX
10:15 APZ00VO S0RHFP pls stahp ignore kthx OHB6B5
10:15 APZ00VO TMXSBK pls stahp ignore kthx XPTY4A
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10:15 A2AAA1D 93289I pls stahp ignore kthx 6QWJ8C
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10:15 AR1CCIW LTLL01 pls stahp ignore kthx XUAKNW
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10:15 AXFYX2Z GURAUG pls stahp ignore kthx Y7D1GV
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10:15 APCFT20 L5NBOE pls stahp ignore kthx T0XSUY
10:15 APCFT20 B0AHZL pls stahp ignore kthx 4O95UU
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10:15 AAWZ433 WR1FWV pls stahp ignore kthx 9UXYT6
10:15 ANO2UB4 G4BH3T pls stahp ignore kthx PE9NMS
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10:15 AAWZ433 M3NXR6 pls stahp ignore kthx OQ3HAJ
10:15 APZ00VO 9EQ0RY pls stahp ignore kthx BSX9V4
10:15 APZ00VO N06I55 pls stahp ignore kthx XKFL1A
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10:15 APCFT20 1RUU6J pls stahp ignore kthx HOBCV0
10:15 AQUACDW 2GAFXU pls stahp ignore kthx 41CTBK
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10:15 AHIU1EA 2Q0DS8 pls stahp ignore kthx CZLQ3U
10:15 AHIU1EA QFDSLD pls stahp ignore kthx SX28VE
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10:15 AE61O7G 12TN5X pls stahp ignore kthx A7JUTL
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10:15 AQUACDW MNI5YG pls stahp ignore kthx 0C3QC0
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10:15 AHIU1EA UMFZMM pls stahp ignore kthx EK6N5P
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10:15 AHIU1EA EOFHT1 pls stahp ignore kthx 6YYMSD
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10:15 A9HTJKA 3600LV pls stahp ignore kthx BE91RU
10:15 A9HTJKA FMWA9L pls stahp ignore kthx J5XURJ
10:15 A9HTJKA P3AQX0 pls stahp ignore kthx 4R8FMA
10:15 A9HTJKA 816YHE pls stahp ignore kthx PJDTR5
10:15 A9HTJKA 01QS1N pls stahp ignore kthx DMEZ6T
10:15 AW1NGDN 5ZEO1O pls stahp ignore kthx NF6RYE
10:15 AW1NGDN 1E0QWG pls stahp ignore kthx CIMY94
10:15 AXFYX2Z F3F1WY pls stahp ignore kthx 9SWVRH
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10:15 AI04TM4 NGV2AD pls stahp ignore kthx 0L4R7J
10:15 AI04TM4 LXTBPZ pls stahp ignore kthx VU3VWM
10:15 AI04TM4 540TE9 pls stahp ignore kthx LNGX04
10:15 AI04TM4 RAF2IW pls stahp ignore kthx KIZIWB
10:15 A9HTJKA MXUHTN pls stahp ignore kthx IYH7RC
10:15 A8VD443 S8KNK7 pls stahp ignore kthx UF8WUD
10:15 A8VD443 9M0ZLK pls stahp ignore kthx 0PI2VD
10:15 AR1CCIW 0VM82Z pls stahp ignore kthx 6DL37T
10:15 AR1CCIW EZ7K6Y pls stahp ignore kthx GW4RT7
10:15 AR1CCIW 1GA8I6 pls stahp ignore kthx RCJG5H
10:15 AW1NGDN K72WE1 pls stahp ignore kthx GCIE19
10:15 AW1NGDN 5190I4 pls stahp ignore kthx 5R3ULE
10:15 ABRGVQH ZKIOSG pls stahp ignore kthx PRNO04
10:15 ABRGVQH NOJ6V5 pls stahp ignore kthx BGVZ28
10:15 A8VD443 J3ROGC pls stahp ignore kthx M1FV4L
10:15 AZ7T7NB CPWGO2 pls stahp ignore kthx XPT43W
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10:15 A9VR7ZS ABJ4QY pls stahp ignore kthx R8HAUH
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10:15 Krock sfan5 !
10:15 AZ7T7NB 9J450S pls stahp ignore kthx 7XJWA4
10:15 AZ7T7NB 97FZJ2 pls stahp ignore kthx VXOA3Q
10:15 AW1NGDN HIOGKK pls stahp ignore kthx GLOON6
10:15 AW1NGDN M5ANBC pls stahp ignore kthx IYR0KT
10:15 A2J9MID DEXVJT pls stahp ignore kthx PH8UA4
10:15 A2J9MID 9NP5DW pls stahp ignore kthx MX6TU1
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10:15 A8VD443 D7ZBBT pls stahp ignore kthx D4VZE0
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10:15 A9VR7ZS L5E0FC pls stahp ignore kthx DEIYAF
10:15 A9VR7ZS AO8QHS pls stahp ignore kthx 036DEL
10:15 AE61O7G REGTYX pls stahp ignore kthx 8Q1AY8
10:15 AE61O7G G1ATYG pls stahp ignore kthx M33AKS
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10:15 AZ7T7NB 5AHGUD pls stahp ignore kthx AHFNDX
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10:15 AW1NGDN PNNTBB pls stahp ignore kthx QW4HJ2
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10:15 AZ7T7NB AZRJ87 pls stahp ignore kthx WN7CGH
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10:15 A9VR7ZS 64ACFT pls stahp ignore kthx 82P6QM
10:15 AE61O7G 6UP64S pls stahp ignore kthx EXL2BR
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10:15 AH5IQST W9QXMP pls stahp ignore kthx U4MHBY
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10:15 A90I9HW F3OMKW pls stahp ignore kthx 8KCXK9
10:15 A90I9HW WYP4CQ pls stahp ignore kthx EHBSGN
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10:15 A3N6GEU F0L4ZU pls stahp ignore kthx 9J5Q4S
10:15 A9VR7ZS X5COTF pls stahp ignore kthx XXSWD9
10:15 A9VR7ZS WLNIFG pls stahp ignore kthx FS9SG2
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10:15 A9VR7ZS 5D67G2 pls stahp ignore kthx 1Y2Z6E
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10:15 AE61O7G HTP5UQ pls stahp ignore kthx 9W4G9M
10:15 AE61O7G MCVKIR pls stahp ignore kthx 5R860S
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10:15 AE61O7G 2YQC8I pls stahp ignore kthx 016LFV
10:15 A3N6GEU 5FQHJ6 pls stahp ignore kthx N22A9I
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10:15 A9VR7ZS 62MJQY pls stahp ignore kthx VHRWO8
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10:15 A5KFVO1 N01GRU pls stahp ignore kthx TYVSG6
10:15 AHIU1EA IPC0BF pls stahp ignore kthx OG0XQC
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10:15 A5KFVO1 R8ZWFF pls stahp ignore kthx KTIJ54
10:15 A5KFVO1 KWYL6Q pls stahp ignore kthx J35IPT
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10:15 A3CLOLP HX91D1 pls stahp ignore kthx 94ZJGE
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10:15 A65Y03O VHZK97 pls stahp ignore kthx VCJLU6
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10:15 A2CXWGZ 0JHPAD pls stahp ignore kthx B78LT2
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10:15 AYSYA5E CAPYST pls stahp ignore kthx B5IT15
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10:15 AE61O7G RGNNH7 pls stahp ignore kthx ZDFAZI
10:15 APZ00VO 1BLXH9 pls stahp ignore kthx OUL7S0
10:15 A2CXWGZ O0HB7G pls stahp ignore kthx G3WRJ0
10:15 APZ00VO 2RH105 pls stahp ignore kthx JHZPJW
10:15 AX24430 O0IN70 pls stahp ignore kthx VGR8YX
10:15 AYSYA5E 9930N6 pls stahp ignore kthx S0A54E
10:15 AYSYA5E QRCYRQ pls stahp ignore kthx 2D48U0
10:15 AE61O7G 2ATN6Y pls stahp ignore kthx 5CAPQY
10:15 AHIU1EA NX9MOG pls stahp ignore kthx QV13GL
10:15 AHIU1EA HNGTW3 pls stahp ignore kthx LWONZ5
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10:15 APZ00VO LDEZWL pls stahp ignore kthx 2J3POV
10:15 APZ00VO 43F4M7 pls stahp ignore kthx AGL92Z
10:15 ABT6NYY XC6NL9 pls stahp ignore kthx 1S415O
10:15 AHIU1EA 0U54G0 pls stahp ignore kthx 6R5FNZ
10:15 ABT6NYY MHQWNJ pls stahp ignore kthx 0GFC5V
10:15 ABT6NYY 4ZJWRU pls stahp ignore kthx U3ZOCI
10:15 AR1CCIW D0KLQT pls stahp ignore kthx JHOS2A
10:15 AR1CCIW KPFSET pls stahp ignore kthx XBO1EM
10:15 AR1CCIW VITZ1U pls stahp ignore kthx Y3NJQ3
10:15 AR1CCIW NARQDF pls stahp ignore kthx 9PLIZA
10:15 AR1CCIW 37QBXJ pls stahp ignore kthx 55SIP7
10:15 AR1CCIW 1ZP0QZ pls stahp ignore kthx BVZJAE
10:15 AR1CCIW 0O89L0 pls stahp ignore kthx J3ZGEA
10:15 APZ00VO MBR6O4 pls stahp ignore kthx UECJ6Y
10:15 AR1CCIW 9TQMQ6 pls stahp ignore kthx JE436A
10:15 AR1CCIW NAZME7 pls stahp ignore kthx XN8UBA
10:15 AR1CCIW 3TU06X pls stahp ignore kthx STSCG7
10:15 AR1CCIW HH0IS7 pls stahp ignore kthx M3B1NU
10:15 A3Q4LCN JQHK2R pls stahp ignore kthx 6FERZB
10:15 AKUCE0Z GUS8GB pls stahp ignore kthx XQBPOW
10:15 AKUCE0Z Z19Z5P pls stahp ignore kthx DHPGT5
10:15 AKUCE0Z 2QXDDN pls stahp ignore kthx X7X6GU
10:15 AKUCE0Z RNZM9U pls stahp ignore kthx JYF9RT
10:15 AKUCE0Z D0O8SN pls stahp ignore kthx 8B9VL5
10:15 AE61O7G JHRDZ5 pls stahp ignore kthx YL9QZ6
10:15 AE61O7G MGBQYN pls stahp ignore kthx OHVDVE
10:15 AE61O7G STMSE4 pls stahp ignore kthx JO38GD
10:15 AE61O7G CYY5MS pls stahp ignore kthx O3IL2P
10:15 AE61O7G HT72Y8 pls stahp ignore kthx RDPJOO
10:15 A6TI4EQ 3V5UAV pls stahp ignore kthx U5LN5Q
10:15 A6TI4EQ JLSSQR pls stahp ignore kthx YBGPJT
10:15 A6TI4EQ T8MR0N pls stahp ignore kthx X5CVZS
10:15 A6TI4EQ OOLCUU pls stahp ignore kthx TW5QDE
10:15 A6TI4EQ JD64PY pls stahp ignore kthx XW6NTH
10:15 A6TI4EQ MM7FMD pls stahp ignore kthx 1C2TM9
10:15 A6TI4EQ WIV7ZM pls stahp ignore kthx U1DHQY
10:15 AHIU1EA VSS98N pls stahp ignore kthx 4QDXZU
10:15 AHIU1EA ZO0GBJ pls stahp ignore kthx R1Z1UD
10:15 AHIU1EA JHCNKG pls stahp ignore kthx PVTHMN
10:15 AHIU1EA 34JQEM pls stahp ignore kthx VV67KN
10:15 AHIU1EA APVL4E pls stahp ignore kthx H4B8CV
10:15 A6TI4EQ OD9575 pls stahp ignore kthx C4V9XY
10:15 A6TI4EQ QFP68G pls stahp ignore kthx NL6H1K
10:15 A6TI4EQ H4IPJS pls stahp ignore kthx R3NU51
10:15 A6TI4EQ V1CHZ0 pls stahp ignore kthx ZF577O
10:15 AZ7T7NB VUV64T pls stahp ignore kthx TW9X2H
10:15 AZ7T7NB ER5E8N pls stahp ignore kthx MYKSJL
10:15 AZ7T7NB PZMTPM pls stahp ignore kthx 2H8YRQ
10:15 AZ7T7NB C3LQ21 pls stahp ignore kthx EO2S6T
10:15 AZ7T7NB WZWDIX pls stahp ignore kthx 6I4NLI
10:15 AZ7T7NB JY1JY3 pls stahp ignore kthx DG1L0M
10:15 AZ7T7NB I49ORW pls stahp ignore kthx V2Q7Z2
10:15 A6TI4EQ H9LQLQ pls stahp ignore kthx HD5XUO
10:15 AKUCE0Z SA9EGL pls stahp ignore kthx FDU0YX
10:15 AKUCE0Z XF4F6P pls stahp ignore kthx O6WMHW
10:15 AE61O7G GMLVFO pls stahp ignore kthx B6NOUH
10:15 AE61O7G L2F1YM pls stahp ignore kthx C1FBGZ
10:15 AE61O7G 4AMBYJ pls stahp ignore kthx BGNT89
10:15 AE61O7G HEJ54V pls stahp ignore kthx 9J9BRE
10:15 AE61O7G UX12F6 pls stahp ignore kthx FWDZVJ
10:15 ABRGVQH YS3U74 pls stahp ignore kthx BJUNUP
10:15 ABRGVQH QNNUAT pls stahp ignore kthx BVIOFR
10:15 ABRGVQH 06L2YD pls stahp ignore kthx 9WZMSV
10:15 ABRGVQH 0JOFZS pls stahp ignore kthx W2FUHT
10:15 ABRGVQH DRNXZX pls stahp ignore kthx 0CSAR4
10:15 AHIU1EA 5Z7FI0 pls stahp ignore kthx LVSB8O
10:15 AHIU1EA 4R23CX pls stahp ignore kthx OHL9ZA
10:15 AHIU1EA L0FPM6 pls stahp ignore kthx 7U1CAG
10:15 A2J9MID QD9XWW pls stahp ignore kthx UJ8E7O
10:15 ANBOHSI 4TP6YU pls stahp ignore kthx VAYTBZ
10:15 ANBOHSI GAKQGE pls stahp ignore kthx 0PM5CP
10:15 A3N6GEU M49STN pls stahp ignore kthx WX28M3
10:15 A3N6GEU G9RICC pls stahp ignore kthx ZDV5Y9
10:15 A3N6GEU QU2Z7O pls stahp ignore kthx 7CXUY9
10:15 A3N6GEU KHC2JM pls stahp ignore kthx 4ZO4IC
10:15 A3N6GEU GRAGOF pls stahp ignore kthx TXFZCZ
10:15 stoptheignorekth holy shit im gay lol
10:15 AC2GE1G LT7HLV pls stahp ignore kthx SMY7D8
10:15 AC2GE1G VM9OFE pls stahp ignore kthx ZPZWTE
10:15 AC2GE1G 93N74R pls stahp ignore kthx M7DDSJ
10:15 AC2GE1G EKM4GR pls stahp ignore kthx 1JEH5T
10:15 AC2GE1G 18C9UH pls stahp ignore kthx 59MGHH
10:15 A2J9MID GD4SY3 pls stahp ignore kthx G68FV0
10:15 A2J9MID 96CSO3 pls stahp ignore kthx X3IQ7O
10:15 A2J9MID 49DVN7 pls stahp ignore kthx JVI9C0
10:15 AQM7U8I 2CV48B pls stahp ignore kthx GSQB7U
10:15 AQM7U8I G98QUA pls stahp ignore kthx GIJTPL
10:15 AQM7U8I PLFE52 pls stahp ignore kthx NE24OZ
10:15 AQM7U8I FE0FR3 pls stahp ignore kthx N6J6TQ
10:15 AE61O7G DX9Z9V pls stahp ignore kthx WPGPPF
10:15 AE61O7G IA8B2F pls stahp ignore kthx B26TXG
10:15 AE61O7G OD9C8L pls stahp ignore kthx B9T3UZ
10:15 AE61O7G 7MPA44 pls stahp ignore kthx SZCXYQ
10:15 AIDE0RW 315FJ3 pls stahp ignore kthx AXPR2U
10:15 AIDE0RW HDSPHD pls stahp ignore kthx ZLJ3O9
10:15 AIDE0RW 4WJ2MF pls stahp ignore kthx YDROWS
10:15 AIDE0RW 3WMZEP pls stahp ignore kthx VR92P5
10:15 AIDE0RW NF76JB pls stahp ignore kthx NAAA5W
10:15 AI04TM4 J23OC5 pls stahp ignore kthx 5ZATJV
10:15 AI04TM4 JPYDY0 pls stahp ignore kthx YJX5K0
10:15 AI04TM4 RZXNWN pls stahp ignore kthx UAACM2
10:15 AI04TM4 9M6444 pls stahp ignore kthx R0IMX3
10:15 AI04TM4 GVEFVC pls stahp ignore kthx NFOKB5
10:16 APWBERX 9D3YPD pls stahp ignore kthx D1INGL
10:16 APWBERX RVL7XC pls stahp ignore kthx 8XPN7H
10:16 APWBERX 0QF2BC pls stahp ignore kthx I9TQW4
10:16 APWBERX 5VDLXF pls stahp ignore kthx 8VLRCJ
10:16 APWBERX UMKZGX pls stahp ignore kthx XZX7OV
10:16 AE61O7G 6DYTRM pls stahp ignore kthx K5BM2Z
10:16 AE61O7G Z0B49G pls stahp ignore kthx H4G9YG
10:16 AE61O7G OMOPJW pls stahp ignore kthx 4G7JJH
10:16 AE61O7G Q24Z3K pls stahp ignore kthx YJK9DM
10:16 APWBERX Y4FM3H pls stahp ignore kthx OWVAVE
10:16 APWBERX CYKM5Z pls stahp ignore kthx 55TKEP
10:16 APZ00VO TYA11Q pls stahp ignore kthx X1C0QP
10:16 APZ00VO X4BCXJ pls stahp ignore kthx 25KZ9O
10:16 APZ00VO 68703S pls stahp ignore kthx KLHC4U
10:16 APZ00VO UJGWZB pls stahp ignore kthx D5M261
10:16 APZ00VO SAO51U pls stahp ignore kthx 2CGYFK
10:16 APZ00VO H2H5ZE pls stahp ignore kthx UWS7EA
10:16 APZ00VO WYL7NG pls stahp ignore kthx 2OIXKH
10:16 APWBERX D2PO8C pls stahp ignore kthx BZ8G7F
10:16 APWBERX IEGPVC pls stahp ignore kthx YOYKM9
10:16 AZ7T7NB VJ3MIF pls stahp ignore kthx Y65DVA
10:16 AZ7T7NB CG60TL pls stahp ignore kthx SIHT1O
10:16 APZ00VO 1YG9PF pls stahp ignore kthx M9AEYF
10:16 APZ00VO W58TAL pls stahp ignore kthx XDS3AF
10:16 APWBERX TBAZ4D pls stahp ignore kthx RT5C1J
10:16 APWBERX P8B2SA pls stahp ignore kthx TT46JU
10:16 ADVHC0J KNT52O pls stahp ignore kthx KG6FDS
10:16 ADVHC0J 5I09IU pls stahp ignore kthx XDZNUN
10:16 ADVHC0J 4LHKUX pls stahp ignore kthx WI5KJL
10:16 ADVHC0J SBDAHI pls stahp ignore kthx DN6QW9
10:16 ADVHC0J 69G1ZE pls stahp ignore kthx U5L282
10:16 ADVHC0J SIZDWJ pls stahp ignore kthx TN6QLB
10:16 ADVHC0J IEZY1A pls stahp ignore kthx 36Z70B
10:16 AZ7T7NB U4L695 pls stahp ignore kthx 4WQWD3
10:16 APZ00VO D5HSPY pls stahp ignore kthx SBPHNA
10:16 APZ00VO FQ3509 pls stahp ignore kthx WCC5GB
10:16 AE61O7G 1Z11E2 pls stahp ignore kthx 7MR6S6
10:16 AE61O7G RPUL0S pls stahp ignore kthx N3BOG2
10:16 AE61O7G VVUGO5 pls stahp ignore kthx VL2198
10:16 AE61O7G GYILOS pls stahp ignore kthx 92YVDI
10:16 APWBERX TNZT4D pls stahp ignore kthx HPR6IO
10:16 APWBERX LX170F pls stahp ignore kthx YTS6Q6
10:16 AHIU1EA RAGIHH pls stahp ignore kthx BU4RUU
10:16 APZ00VO FLF614 pls stahp ignore kthx C8ZXBI
10:16 AHIU1EA JH4LKU pls stahp ignore kthx V1NO10
10:16 AHIU1EA O68YGK pls stahp ignore kthx XISUFO
10:16 AHIU1EA UK5D2Z pls stahp ignore kthx 6KSZFA
10:16 AR1CCIW B0OUIQ pls stahp ignore kthx RW5G1W
10:16 AR1CCIW PTO92V pls stahp ignore kthx FGE69B
10:16 AR1CCIW S9TEPF pls stahp ignore kthx 08FC27
10:16 AR1CCIW PK0G7D pls stahp ignore kthx DF43Z1
10:16 AR1CCIW Z2LMWN pls stahp ignore kthx 65K2QE
10:16 APWBERX F56QWA pls stahp ignore kthx WFHQW0
10:16 AR1CCIW 9H48ZQ pls stahp ignore kthx R6T8FA
10:16 AR1CCIW CFFMFY pls stahp ignore kthx HEY995
10:16 AR1CCIW 7DGTB3 pls stahp ignore kthx UBUS93
10:16 AR1CCIW RUK9CX pls stahp ignore kthx YFYWW5
10:16 A2J9MID CNUL8G pls stahp ignore kthx IHHCJP
10:16 A2J9MID A12CBN pls stahp ignore kthx QL5P7U
10:16 A2J9MID FO7I6A pls stahp ignore kthx U938K4
10:16 AE61O7G 5CYQLA pls stahp ignore kthx A7A2PC
10:16 AE61O7G XRCV5U pls stahp ignore kthx UDTY67
10:16 AE61O7G WRAL7Z pls stahp ignore kthx H0QQ4E
10:16 AE61O7G BJOAI0 pls stahp ignore kthx B1OZ10
10:16 AR1CCIW J9UM5E pls stahp ignore kthx NIQLUP
10:16 AR1CCIW H3Z6JP pls stahp ignore kthx JDRMXQ
10:16 AHIU1EA MUHQIH pls stahp ignore kthx IQYJ17
10:16 AHIU1EA 1AGBLZ pls stahp ignore kthx GLGLW4
10:16 AHIU1EA 3AN3MN pls stahp ignore kthx KO5ZYX
10:16 AR1CCIW SIT0DJ pls stahp ignore kthx Z7I4TD
10:16 AI04TM4 X9N22Q pls stahp ignore kthx ZGAKM4
10:16 AI04TM4 QXA1MI pls stahp ignore kthx 3Z1AEQ
10:16 A2J9MID DWJN1O pls stahp ignore kthx 2X49AG
10:16 A2J9MID TJWGB2 pls stahp ignore kthx 7E3GL3
10:16 A2J9MID HW47V2 pls stahp ignore kthx 2NP96C
10:16 A2J9MID UW1L7K pls stahp ignore kthx CGPQRY
10:16 AE61O7G SYW369 pls stahp ignore kthx S5B94G
10:16 AE61O7G 21GO89 pls stahp ignore kthx XXOMFT
10:16 AE61O7G FLISZI pls stahp ignore kthx 587SRH
10:16 AI04TM4 L33RDB pls stahp ignore kthx 1YAPDL
10:16 AHIU1EA OUU2M8 pls stahp ignore kthx FARDI3
10:16 AI04TM4 1H43U0 pls stahp ignore kthx 4YQD8K
10:16 AHIU1EA 0S8AIS pls stahp ignore kthx N5TK36
10:16 AHIU1EA J21HQW pls stahp ignore kthx KIDNAJ
10:16 AHIU1EA NC984S pls stahp ignore kthx 48VCEF
10:16 A6TI4EQ FJCWZL pls stahp ignore kthx RC2RY6
10:16 A6TI4EQ ILVL84 pls stahp ignore kthx JCZ3BT
10:16 A6TI4EQ FBTIRV pls stahp ignore kthx ZWS0WF
10:16 A6TI4EQ XOWXSW pls stahp ignore kthx XCIJMA
10:16 A6TI4EQ 003U6Q pls stahp ignore kthx N8FKUA
10:16 A6TI4EQ VZBNJB pls stahp ignore kthx NCVLX6
10:16 A6TI4EQ T70EEJ pls stahp ignore kthx VO6P46
10:16 AI04TM4 9HEEAS pls stahp ignore kthx T79ONI
10:16 AI04TM4 CY3CPJ pls stahp ignore kthx MD6C6L
10:16 A6TI4EQ TAFJCU pls stahp ignore kthx YKM36Y
10:16 A6TI4EQ Y7ZLX1 pls stahp ignore kthx ZPK6VE
10:16 AI04TM4 LWTBTI pls stahp ignore kthx 8L3RPG
10:16 AI04TM4 TDQ32J pls stahp ignore kthx 03GCR3
10:16 A2J9MID 23663L pls stahp ignore kthx KQDU7I
10:16 A2J9MID IOTG27 pls stahp ignore kthx CK6IBC
10:16 A2J9MID 0CXMID pls stahp ignore kthx Y6MOP5
10:16 AII3T6N QHOWFP pls stahp ignore kthx RZKY68
10:16 AE61O7G W3K12S pls stahp ignore kthx 4E3D1L
10:16 AE61O7G 3325V3 pls stahp ignore kthx TU4KKL
10:16 AE61O7G XB0C5N pls stahp ignore kthx 1H0505
10:16 AII3T6N CHJV5F pls stahp ignore kthx 9IQIXS
10:16 AII3T6N 5APTYL pls stahp ignore kthx 870VL5
10:16 AII3T6N 09OS1V pls stahp ignore kthx E5GURX
10:16 AII3T6N 8RCJTU pls stahp ignore kthx OBWKFN
10:16 A6TI4EQ X197TZ pls stahp ignore kthx DXBYET
10:16 A6TI4EQ DUNM6Z pls stahp ignore kthx 3V13MR
10:16 AHIU1EA WQ9HNF pls stahp ignore kthx 5HRWNU
10:16 AHIU1EA CHTD1U pls stahp ignore kthx X00ZAR
10:16 AHIU1EA MQIZ3D pls stahp ignore kthx FB3598
10:16 AI04TM4 PE25U0 pls stahp ignore kthx QTPJ7F
10:16 AI04TM4 QO3MLO pls stahp ignore kthx 3W1EVJ
10:16 ADVHC0J AL2J58 pls stahp ignore kthx 40HZJT
10:16 ADVHC0J DHXFKU pls stahp ignore kthx 42YHOU
10:16 A6TI4EQ 42ZJHA pls stahp ignore kthx 2XC6HT
10:16 AI04TM4 S4ZV8O pls stahp ignore kthx UD2UMQ
10:16 AI04TM4 5JUPNH pls stahp ignore kthx 94NAF6
10:16 AZ7T7NB VRBHG2 pls stahp ignore kthx TYLDRK
10:16 AZ7T7NB GVWNFT pls stahp ignore kthx 89OPP4
10:16 ADVHC0J YL51I5 pls stahp ignore kthx RJQEGJ
10:16 ADVHC0J PVUP8F pls stahp ignore kthx ETYDNC
10:16 APZ00VO GG650B pls stahp ignore kthx OH8L5T
10:16 APZ00VO 2MPJS8 pls stahp ignore kthx RE5FXH
10:16 AI04TM4 T3KCBH pls stahp ignore kthx V14Q32
10:16 AKUCE0Z RU4I3Z pls stahp ignore kthx 2LSH20
10:16 AKUCE0Z OWHVV4 pls stahp ignore kthx 7H15BG
10:16 AKUCE0Z YIG0IB pls stahp ignore kthx UB2KXJ
10:16 AI04TM4 RRUXBZ pls stahp ignore kthx BYH94R
10:16 A2J9MID 8STAZU pls stahp ignore kthx 6U4R8C
10:16 A2J9MID F1S9M7 pls stahp ignore kthx OFKZPH
10:16 A2J9MID TAL6KI pls stahp ignore kthx 2ROBIY
10:16 AE61O7G 0CO5NG pls stahp ignore kthx J1YGX1
10:16 AE61O7G XF67TJ pls stahp ignore kthx 14DAR2
10:16 AE61O7G SVI3EK pls stahp ignore kthx VBNPCF
10:16 ADVHC0J TYF45U pls stahp ignore kthx OHQGVE
10:16 ADVHC0J 2QPUKF pls stahp ignore kthx UTCTLW
10:16 APZ00VO 6H2VSU pls stahp ignore kthx 57UFZB
10:16 APZ00VO XPJPQE pls stahp ignore kthx SNKOO3
10:16 AHIU1EA TSGYJ4 pls stahp ignore kthx XUV8W2
10:16 AHIU1EA OLGOKR pls stahp ignore kthx WM2AXA
10:16 ADVHC0J UA2QXE pls stahp ignore kthx 8X6FYU
10:16 APZ00VO NU0ST9 pls stahp ignore kthx 2C1M7W
10:16 APZ00VO U53XBB pls stahp ignore kthx KUJ5DG
10:16 AFYMUGE joined #minetest
10:16 AFYMUGE 2KB3YZ pls stahp ignore kthx ERFU9I
10:16 AFYMUGE SU32FC pls stahp ignore kthx ZHI9UL
10:16 AFYMUGE X36ZC7 pls stahp ignore kthx OH677X
10:16 AFYMUGE JK11WK pls stahp ignore kthx H8U29Z
10:16 AFYMUGE SDTJG8 pls stahp ignore kthx RVWDSN
10:16 APZ00VO S0R1YZ pls stahp ignore kthx 19TM3F
10:16 AI04TM4 P91E1J pls stahp ignore kthx TWX1Q3
10:16 AI04TM4 MUCBOU pls stahp ignore kthx 6YRIBO
10:16 AI04TM4 6QFZD8 pls stahp ignore kthx MMWBBJ
10:16 A2J9MID XDC34S pls stahp ignore kthx 48SOIM
10:16 AE61O7G ZH1JFW pls stahp ignore kthx 08E60E
10:16 A2J9MID DLH5WD pls stahp ignore kthx 9R8XDF
10:16 A2J9MID Z4C281 pls stahp ignore kthx TJUX3Z
10:16 AE61O7G C2QSG3 pls stahp ignore kthx V6BJD5
10:16 AE61O7G EPD4TZ pls stahp ignore kthx K8WJY8
10:16 AHIU1EA SM8JRW pls stahp ignore kthx IADSFO
10:16 AHIU1EA 3TXZNR pls stahp ignore kthx 5H34Q6
10:16 AHIU1EA F01JOB pls stahp ignore kthx T8WG3K
10:16 AR1CCIW PY7H1A pls stahp ignore kthx Y3T28U
10:16 AR1CCIW 8LQ53Z pls stahp ignore kthx P7SNQX
10:16 AR1CCIW BN2F6B pls stahp ignore kthx 4OT20S
10:16 AR1CCIW TC5K2L pls stahp ignore kthx E3SDR0
10:16 ALVLS1W D0WY86 pls stahp ignore kthx 3MQMOI
10:16 ALVLS1W LDN9C3 pls stahp ignore kthx QKZCB2
10:16 ALVLS1W 1W3QZD pls stahp ignore kthx EF0YYO
10:16 ALVLS1W I6F5BT pls stahp ignore kthx LEQ29A
10:16 ALVLS1W U5PDC6 pls stahp ignore kthx M2GJYS
10:16 ALVLS1W UTEBJ3 pls stahp ignore kthx JK0N5Q
10:16 ALVLS1W FR5SCG pls stahp ignore kthx ULK9AS
10:16 AI04TM4 PD4NG8 pls stahp ignore kthx 67EW1U
10:16 AI04TM4 3KK6Y0 pls stahp ignore kthx ECYAWV
10:16 AI04TM4 OFHO47 pls stahp ignore kthx 6HJO2G
10:16 AE61O7G JD6P6H pls stahp ignore kthx BBBT59
10:16 A2J9MID BESKZZ pls stahp ignore kthx SZN7K1
10:16 AE61O7G LPPIPF pls stahp ignore kthx ZKH6B0
10:16 AE61O7G XL3DNL pls stahp ignore kthx T8B2V1
10:16 ALVLS1W BDI6CL pls stahp ignore kthx BLHRX7
10:16 ALVLS1W M4YCCA pls stahp ignore kthx AIZR1W
10:16 A2J9MID X5NASI pls stahp ignore kthx KMP2JP
10:16 A2J9MID 3301FF pls stahp ignore kthx 9BV9UP
10:16 AR1CCIW YZIWMD pls stahp ignore kthx SG8EIS
10:16 AR1CCIW R4RS0P pls stahp ignore kthx V226I9
10:16 AR1CCIW 1KTX4Q pls stahp ignore kthx 83PWCE
10:16 AI04TM4 SNHUSE pls stahp ignore kthx 6A1X21
10:16 AI04TM4 CSW8ZX pls stahp ignore kthx S3OESJ
10:16 AI04TM4 0XKDL3 pls stahp ignore kthx W56FVJ
10:16 AI04TM4 OMGPG6 pls stahp ignore kthx SERIA0
10:16 A2J9MID HMVBKN pls stahp ignore kthx G9CDXT
10:16 AE61O7G GM0ZFH pls stahp ignore kthx VVJRYI
10:16 AE61O7G 9UHWZG pls stahp ignore kthx TIRTSC
10:16 AE61O7G UGERA9 pls stahp ignore kthx QWTBGS
10:16 A2J9MID 86FWEF pls stahp ignore kthx ALUSQ8
10:16 A2J9MID C68X1L pls stahp ignore kthx QBT0YP
10:16 A6TI4EQ 7685ZH pls stahp ignore kthx 9YCTVU
10:16 A6TI4EQ VAD3Q8 pls stahp ignore kthx BM4RYV
10:16 A6TI4EQ EBC3VC pls stahp ignore kthx H7BYMT
10:16 A23FZO3 AFSF2Z pls stahp ignore kthx GEHLXX
10:16 AR1CCIW G8E3O5 pls stahp ignore kthx R1UJSN
10:16 A23FZO3 4ZCKOE pls stahp ignore kthx C6H3BP
10:16 A23FZO3 MAKOWV pls stahp ignore kthx 0R70N5
10:16 A23FZO3 A60CEK pls stahp ignore kthx EEJVP8
10:16 A23FZO3 D07VMB pls stahp ignore kthx UIRKYZ
10:16 AR1CCIW 1T7D26 pls stahp ignore kthx UCM3ZR
10:16 AR1CCIW 4MCEJW pls stahp ignore kthx 91NIHE
10:16 A23FZO3 YG6F6E pls stahp ignore kthx FRAGCI
10:16 A23FZO3 QZ8P2P pls stahp ignore kthx XSOKO7
10:16 AI04TM4 AMU9YJ pls stahp ignore kthx 66Z3DN
10:16 AI04TM4 L09Q2M pls stahp ignore kthx BPAP54
10:16 AI04TM4 PQCREP pls stahp ignore kthx O5E33U
10:16 AE61O7G 06GXPO pls stahp ignore kthx 0OKX5B
10:16 AE61O7G 98WVY7 pls stahp ignore kthx V19SP4
10:16 AE61O7G HV9DFV pls stahp ignore kthx PCOYSE
10:16 A2J9MID EK512Q pls stahp ignore kthx 4ACKZ9
10:16 A2J9MID V3WPLR pls stahp ignore kthx Y57TJH
10:16 A2J9MID J7286I pls stahp ignore kthx N5QNZN
10:16 A23FZO3 IQI0Y5 pls stahp ignore kthx DIOSVZ
10:16 A23FZO3 XI83VS pls stahp ignore kthx R3U7AI
10:16 A6TI4EQ 7IZYZ4 pls stahp ignore kthx RWHRVB
10:16 A6TI4EQ 43DOHG pls stahp ignore kthx YPBVPZ
10:16 AR1CCIW SDDOKQ pls stahp ignore kthx WCQRQ3
10:16 AR1CCIW XO8YZD pls stahp ignore kthx FM1CLX
10:16 AZ7T7NB EA0QVA pls stahp ignore kthx PUTYG0
10:16 AZ7T7NB 8SUQTU pls stahp ignore kthx XQVZWN
10:16 ADVHC0J DX3RBM pls stahp ignore kthx QHNT60
10:16 ADVHC0J U7YUJI pls stahp ignore kthx P6HKIA
10:16 AI04TM4 FX094R pls stahp ignore kthx W66BBA
10:16 AI04TM4 3QQTOM pls stahp ignore kthx B3PRH6
10:16 AKUCE0Z VR3U0A pls stahp ignore kthx MIVAXQ
10:16 AKUCE0Z X8VPFD pls stahp ignore kthx VA7EHV
10:16 A2J9MID S42LUY pls stahp ignore kthx CBF8JO
10:16 AE61O7G B1T8QU pls stahp ignore kthx ADUK0R
10:16 AE61O7G DPN2OJ pls stahp ignore kthx YQED9I
10:16 A2J9MID ZPHT0Y pls stahp ignore kthx JZQYIA
10:16 A6TI4EQ XJGIW9 pls stahp ignore kthx 0BVUMI
10:16 APZ00VO CXJM7P pls stahp ignore kthx 9ZMROO
10:16 APZ00VO YIC096 pls stahp ignore kthx MAUYUW
10:16 APZ00VO 0Z6Q8F pls stahp ignore kthx MCK860
10:16 A6TI4EQ HD3M7W pls stahp ignore kthx PKOW4F
10:16 A6TI4EQ HIOJAP pls stahp ignore kthx Q1LUFE
10:16 AR1CCIW W2P68U pls stahp ignore kthx J8GSQ3
10:16 AR1CCIW OMMQ8D pls stahp ignore kthx C2PSKQ
10:16 AI04TM4 3FWR70 pls stahp ignore kthx XXNI1W
10:16 AZ7T7NB NDM15U pls stahp ignore kthx 1NVXRQ
10:16 AZ7T7NB EWSAEG pls stahp ignore kthx LRN66Q
10:16 AZ7T7NB 6C5E34 pls stahp ignore kthx 3244KR
10:16 AI04TM4 T37BU8 pls stahp ignore kthx I50GIZ
10:16 ADVHC0J BXP09P pls stahp ignore kthx AP232Y
10:16 ADVHC0J 5WG50E pls stahp ignore kthx T5QLLR
10:16 ADVHC0J GRNN51 pls stahp ignore kthx UMHTN0
10:16 A2J9MID PFYCC0 pls stahp ignore kthx H7MF0E
10:16 AE61O7G 5TMO5Z pls stahp ignore kthx LSZQ7M
10:16 AE61O7G LZMMBP pls stahp ignore kthx GNEG8E
10:16 AE61O7G OG9OAY pls stahp ignore kthx BL0IKO
10:16 A2J9MID B3LGNF pls stahp ignore kthx 4J5YII
10:16 A2J9MID DWY32O pls stahp ignore kthx SONK0D
10:16 APZ00VO S5YG51 pls stahp ignore kthx XRCEYZ
10:16 APZ00VO T9YE4S pls stahp ignore kthx WB1VI8
10:16 A6TI4EQ DLY0DR pls stahp ignore kthx TVRGN2
10:16 A6TI4EQ 7XQBNT pls stahp ignore kthx 7PL42R
10:16 AR1CCIW IX2KWI pls stahp ignore kthx T2SHQJ
10:16 AR1CCIW UA0NZ8 pls stahp ignore kthx QF4FNM
10:16 AI04TM4 J736DH pls stahp ignore kthx IWGO7W
10:16 AI04TM4 CJ5CBH pls stahp ignore kthx CSGEL7
10:16 AI04TM4 PQBHBC pls stahp ignore kthx 4DG3WY
10:16 AE61O7G WCUFXB pls stahp ignore kthx NETVMY
10:16 A2J9MID BGFV2C pls stahp ignore kthx 767CIX
10:16 A2J9MID 4QSEED pls stahp ignore kthx BI0F32
10:16 AE61O7G 9H9GMR pls stahp ignore kthx LEQLVP
10:16 APZ00VO WYYNTQ pls stahp ignore kthx 3K7BBD
10:16 APZ00VO TLEFKK pls stahp ignore kthx 22FHLF
10:16 APZ00VO MOROEK pls stahp ignore kthx 68HW40
10:16 A6TI4EQ YBBU8P pls stahp ignore kthx Z10B01
10:16 A6TI4EQ GCOO53 pls stahp ignore kthx FW7RHZ
10:16 AHIU1EA 916WFE pls stahp ignore kthx TL15Q4
10:16 AHIU1EA XAFXKP pls stahp ignore kthx 2A8T49
10:16 AR1CCIW SRJ719 pls stahp ignore kthx SI1X8X
10:16 AR1CCIW TUKHDY pls stahp ignore kthx TI8HH4
10:16 AR1CCIW DK99K3 pls stahp ignore kthx 12EV7Z
10:16 AI04TM4 7VQNTJ pls stahp ignore kthx JST5X5
10:16 AI04TM4 ZGW94T pls stahp ignore kthx D2KTCX
10:16 AE61O7G O5CZW9 pls stahp ignore kthx VGTPW3
10:16 AE61O7G UWBO0M pls stahp ignore kthx SCT0HL
10:16 A2J9MID RKVRFO pls stahp ignore kthx S1KLYU
10:16 A2J9MID 5DWB72 pls stahp ignore kthx A1RICK
10:16 APZ00VO P8VQP6 pls stahp ignore kthx 6IX0RB
10:16 APZ00VO 5NOD6B pls stahp ignore kthx RABU0G
10:16 A6TI4EQ NEC598 pls stahp ignore kthx K3NAUD
10:16 A6TI4EQ AW9OAJ pls stahp ignore kthx FW65YY
10:16 A6TI4EQ L91OWP pls stahp ignore kthx 67J4GS
10:16 AHIU1EA 2WDCVE pls stahp ignore kthx 7JI2J4
10:16 AHIU1EA LBA6JB pls stahp ignore kthx PZ0RVC
10:16 AR1CCIW 2UKYN7 pls stahp ignore kthx 83U6C0
10:16 AR1CCIW F3QD0G pls stahp ignore kthx VPDZ81
10:16 AI04TM4 RYK3HK pls stahp ignore kthx KUPKPV
10:16 AI04TM4 JOYKZQ pls stahp ignore kthx RGAOY5
10:16 A2J9MID I1JMLD pls stahp ignore kthx 11UUPG
10:16 AE61O7G JR4O9E pls stahp ignore kthx E76KTU
10:16 AE61O7G 9QOYHI pls stahp ignore kthx MX12GU
10:16 AE61O7G 3RUX6R pls stahp ignore kthx BH1N3L
10:16 A2J9MID VU0GYQ pls stahp ignore kthx 8PFP0D
10:16 A2J9MID L0X3SB pls stahp ignore kthx D2JYWA
10:16 APZ00VO EKQ01P pls stahp ignore kthx C7BI20
10:16 APZ00VO VEXCGZ pls stahp ignore kthx DZVCFZ
10:16 A6TI4EQ IXL3F1 pls stahp ignore kthx JV1CV8
10:16 A6TI4EQ PJB14F pls stahp ignore kthx XVAEA0
10:16 AHIU1EA 75QCH0 pls stahp ignore kthx 7AESQM
10:16 AR1CCIW 61HGOB pls stahp ignore kthx 8JNROB
10:16 AHIU1EA QOX8Z4 pls stahp ignore kthx NRFE78
10:16 AHIU1EA JBQOPB pls stahp ignore kthx 8MTL9E
10:16 AR1CCIW LVDMEU pls stahp ignore kthx N0XA0L
10:16 ABWAS0O ON541D pls stahp ignore kthx PE6C8U
10:16 ABWAS0O M6D0G1 pls stahp ignore kthx PM7ESE
10:16 ABWAS0O RST3ZA pls stahp ignore kthx 1XT7IK
10:16 ABWAS0O 2PUW1L pls stahp ignore kthx VXJ9ZP
10:16 ABWAS0O 8TSSHC pls stahp ignore kthx 48X1LX
10:16 AXWVMMW VQVRTS pls stahp ignore kthx 6I273F
10:16 ABWAS0O 4XL5BR pls stahp ignore kthx 0Y9HJV
10:16 ABWAS0O NMHGGM pls stahp ignore kthx QJLIEY
10:16 AXWVMMW WG8YZ8 pls stahp ignore kthx 6RQ7PM
10:16 AXWVMMW XYP8N2 pls stahp ignore kthx YYTLWX
10:16 AXWVMMW 4CCKXO pls stahp ignore kthx EQ0E9M
10:16 AXWVMMW I9CTCW pls stahp ignore kthx LMWEJ5
10:16 ABWAS0O 8VPL4P pls stahp ignore kthx OYPXJG
10:16 ABWAS0O TZFMIQ pls stahp ignore kthx EI68VN
10:16 AI04TM4 AR44Q3 pls stahp ignore kthx IUOX30
10:16 AI04TM4 Y1HR66 pls stahp ignore kthx D6QB46
10:16 AI04TM4 7KVY1V pls stahp ignore kthx UTADOW
10:16 A2J9MID GWWWL2 pls stahp ignore kthx 8VOUH8
10:16 A2J9MID W3C8IM pls stahp ignore kthx 09FMK3
10:16 AE61O7G EKDJVP pls stahp ignore kthx I7D846
10:16 AE61O7G UO3R2T pls stahp ignore kthx 7WF897
10:16 APZ00VO 0VB5FY pls stahp ignore kthx XHAY9G
10:16 APZ00VO EX509U pls stahp ignore kthx M48Y3J
10:16 A6TI4EQ ENK85B pls stahp ignore kthx WUQGYE
10:16 A6TI4EQ MWT7IH pls stahp ignore kthx F0C18K
10:16 ABWAS0O WYU85M pls stahp ignore kthx N1XZC6
10:16 ABWAS0O MX7O6F pls stahp ignore kthx QO6ZY4
10:16 AR1CCIW 827WZU pls stahp ignore kthx TUMLVE
10:16 AR1CCIW LX0GY2 pls stahp ignore kthx P2YWSV
10:16 Zimsky joined #minetest
10:16 AHIU1EA CVC5DW pls stahp ignore kthx WYXQRV
10:16 AHIU1EA HB7RPO pls stahp ignore kthx GEUQ7R
10:16 AI04TM4 FEAFP6 pls stahp ignore kthx 67MTM9
10:16 AI04TM4 BCLUOH pls stahp ignore kthx 0C1EEI
10:16 AI04TM4 BHYUCD pls stahp ignore kthx 9SZUY2
10:16 ADVHC0J X697FZ pls stahp ignore kthx RG7GXK
10:16 ADVHC0J DD6RS3 pls stahp ignore kthx KOG438
10:16 ADVHC0J UZ6WEO pls stahp ignore kthx DNG4IG
10:16 AKUCE0Z W4YY1Y pls stahp ignore kthx 2V1IDL
10:16 AKUCE0Z 13IRCK pls stahp ignore kthx WAEH4T
10:16 AKUCE0Z VQTK0A pls stahp ignore kthx CV1F0U
10:16 AZ7T7NB V80UDI pls stahp ignore kthx M289ZL
10:16 AZ7T7NB ZVDI4V pls stahp ignore kthx S304RZ
10:16 AZ7T7NB 09WX3X pls stahp ignore kthx 80FTE8
10:16 AE61O7G 6TUHI6 pls stahp ignore kthx 63Q02Z
10:16 A2J9MID HWIV2D pls stahp ignore kthx 5GGD51
10:16 AE61O7G P6KES6 pls stahp ignore kthx RXPFV1
10:16 AE61O7G PX31FU pls stahp ignore kthx VHRW91
10:16 A2J9MID 8TLP3N pls stahp ignore kthx LV4VVL
10:16 A2J9MID BWK9LX pls stahp ignore kthx YPM750
10:16 APZ00VO 2SSMB8 pls stahp ignore kthx H8IZX6
10:16 APZ00VO OZ2GQN pls stahp ignore kthx ITOSCU
10:16 APZ00VO YBFAW8 pls stahp ignore kthx WXRCL8
10:16 AHIU1EA F95027 pls stahp ignore kthx PZOKS4
10:16 AHIU1EA 5EX8TA pls stahp ignore kthx TZJVVL
10:16 AHIU1EA 9MBNZT pls stahp ignore kthx YSO9O1
10:16 A6TI4EQ 9EYSQC pls stahp ignore kthx 8WIUQQ
10:16 A6TI4EQ 85Y971 pls stahp ignore kthx OXMPWE
10:16 A6TI4EQ KNO8H0 pls stahp ignore kthx JBHETW
10:16 AR1CCIW VUZRXT pls stahp ignore kthx JZ6UOK
10:16 AR1CCIW R1EWCK pls stahp ignore kthx TEGX71
10:16 AR1CCIW UIF86Y pls stahp ignore kthx B1CDQT
10:16 AR1CCIW WH95F9 pls stahp ignore kthx ED84FB
10:16 AZ7T7NB RN9SWU pls stahp ignore kthx B5WT8N
10:16 AZ7T7NB 7Y207X pls stahp ignore kthx TE4ZSC
10:16 AZ7T7NB RW68FW pls stahp ignore kthx K02I2D
10:16 AZ7T7NB QKO1ZL pls stahp ignore kthx 0WFD33
10:16 AI04TM4 RUV1QH pls stahp ignore kthx JVWSIT
10:16 ADVHC0J UGQJL9 pls stahp ignore kthx TOIP5M
10:16 AI04TM4 3H5PDA pls stahp ignore kthx 7J9MGV
10:16 AI04TM4 G2LDO0 pls stahp ignore kthx PPRGOR
10:16 AI04TM4 VAGCPU pls stahp ignore kthx T7ZS9H
10:16 AE61O7G 4YQ94J pls stahp ignore kthx 4UR223
10:16 A2J9MID WS55EM pls stahp ignore kthx 5Z2K4W
10:16 A2J9MID Y4TIBB pls stahp ignore kthx Z5SSBO
10:16 A2J9MID SGU52I pls stahp ignore kthx L55N0I
10:16 A2J9MID A90YVR pls stahp ignore kthx 2ZMIJO
10:16 AE61O7G 4S68SM pls stahp ignore kthx FUKS93
10:16 AE61O7G MPXWC5 pls stahp ignore kthx AJDPA0
10:16 AE61O7G M6KMZQ pls stahp ignore kthx IXZOQO
10:16 APZ00VO 4L1057 pls stahp ignore kthx CH98EH
10:16 APZ00VO MPR76V pls stahp ignore kthx 3LVDKN
10:16 APZ00VO 7F0S0B pls stahp ignore kthx YSRQB1
10:16 APZ00VO 6B9MJK pls stahp ignore kthx FFD0G9
10:16 A6TI4EQ S9ZZWH pls stahp ignore kthx 1ZSZOF
10:16 A6TI4EQ 7MH2UJ pls stahp ignore kthx 1HTW4I
10:16 A6TI4EQ 6SUJX0 pls stahp ignore kthx NE0V1W
10:16 A6TI4EQ ZX9RRL pls stahp ignore kthx AZWPJ8
10:16 AHIU1EA A7VIRQ pls stahp ignore kthx RNW3HV
10:16 AHIU1EA YFME19 pls stahp ignore kthx W5D226
10:16 AHIU1EA AHCR0U pls stahp ignore kthx BYGYTW
10:16 AHIU1EA BMMQ5R pls stahp ignore kthx QO3MQF
10:16 AR1CCIW IZY39H pls stahp ignore kthx 6OXBO6
10:16 AR1CCIW ID3U3Z pls stahp ignore kthx AR44XW
10:16 AR1CCIW LTQGCD pls stahp ignore kthx QJUORF
10:16 AI04TM4 JZ0CHI pls stahp ignore kthx 11JBVQ
10:16 AI04TM4 E1FPLC pls stahp ignore kthx XGC5TZ
10:16 AI04TM4 A9F5DT pls stahp ignore kthx UI7XNV
10:16 APZ00VO X8L2L7 pls stahp ignore kthx 9AV46Q
10:16 AE61O7G CBHOLD pls stahp ignore kthx 8EP58X
10:16 APZ00VO ZYO9U5 pls stahp ignore kthx 8BMAVM
10:16 APZ00VO 9IBBWH pls stahp ignore kthx NUMXS9
10:16 AE61O7G EE0V7N pls stahp ignore kthx I0KDRG
10:16 AE61O7G QTLSCV pls stahp ignore kthx 3Y1G21
10:16 A2J9MID WIVVMQ pls stahp ignore kthx 2TLGVH
10:16 A2J9MID Z69KBF pls stahp ignore kthx OE0DLS
10:16 A2J9MID 52DDO1 pls stahp ignore kthx WG9WS0
10:16 A6TI4EQ YA7KOB pls stahp ignore kthx B4PWCS
10:16 A6TI4EQ 5RQQVY pls stahp ignore kthx 8XCXFR
10:16 A6TI4EQ 0O7B54 pls stahp ignore kthx Z71P08
10:16 AHIU1EA LX29O4 pls stahp ignore kthx P3ON26
10:16 AHIU1EA CJBN16 pls stahp ignore kthx 09S6RF
10:16 AHIU1EA WG2ZIT pls stahp ignore kthx EJQ3IY
10:16 AR1CCIW 42EWGT pls stahp ignore kthx U6E6GY
10:16 AR1CCIW E9K717 pls stahp ignore kthx QTKD5D
10:16 AR1CCIW XB2ND8 pls stahp ignore kthx DO3NSZ
10:16 Nem0 joined #minetest
10:16 AI04TM4 GCO46L pls stahp ignore kthx PEELKF
10:16 AI04TM4 WB153T pls stahp ignore kthx KZ4JE5
10:16 AI04TM4 X97425 pls stahp ignore kthx 55DQRQ
10:16 AE61O7G 0HLG1V pls stahp ignore kthx HL95LA
10:16 AE61O7G 3AI79I pls stahp ignore kthx SGS1M1
10:16 AE61O7G 6OFEDE pls stahp ignore kthx MLEO5E
10:16 A2J9MID PXFAPQ pls stahp ignore kthx JR6170
10:16 A2J9MID 0PIKUE pls stahp ignore kthx 5QDLNS
10:16 A2J9MID AKUCM4 pls stahp ignore kthx 8MQBAD
10:16 APZ00VO 0N7KR7 pls stahp ignore kthx 3R39WP
10:16 APZ00VO V9XL9C pls stahp ignore kthx YAG2M6
10:16 APZ00VO 0EJIPI pls stahp ignore kthx CXT8RF
10:16 A6TI4EQ GT4MQ4 pls stahp ignore kthx UP3J0F
10:16 A6TI4EQ IU84V9 pls stahp ignore kthx 6PRXGZ
10:16 A6TI4EQ OWG0GE pls stahp ignore kthx PDKTWP
10:16 AHIU1EA 6GYWNI pls stahp ignore kthx 9HXH9B
10:16 AHIU1EA LSVV5X pls stahp ignore kthx 75336P
10:16 AHIU1EA QIE7UF pls stahp ignore kthx 66CZFG
10:16 AN4MHYU KVLDC2 pls stahp ignore kthx LL27IN
10:16 AN4MHYU 7W27UF pls stahp ignore kthx 93PDJZ
10:16 AN4MHYU Y2WTIF pls stahp ignore kthx YWE451
10:16 AN4MHYU NW4JPS pls stahp ignore kthx KLM9SJ
10:16 AR1CCIW VF1JAF pls stahp ignore kthx 1J7E08
10:16 AR1CCIW 32QYIF pls stahp ignore kthx TLRSCP
10:16 AR1CCIW EQVQEJ pls stahp ignore kthx AE29BN
10:16 AI04TM4 B6BYVX pls stahp ignore kthx RCUM4F
10:16 AI04TM4 GYQUDS pls stahp ignore kthx AT777H
10:16 AI04TM4 P1KGPB pls stahp ignore kthx GN3I65
10:16 AE61O7G SAX4XX pls stahp ignore kthx R89SLE
10:16 A2J9MID NTQF9L pls stahp ignore kthx S4K1WD
10:16 AE61O7G OR8BCL pls stahp ignore kthx 8OUR4Y
10:16 AE61O7G XM8Z9X pls stahp ignore kthx CZLFML
10:16 APZ00VO C2I52E pls stahp ignore kthx EDGO24
10:16 APZ00VO ED0FO6 pls stahp ignore kthx T3Y4CL
10:16 APZ00VO FYMEEB pls stahp ignore kthx UP0L94
10:16 APZ00VO VGAXU9 pls stahp ignore kthx Y3SYSU
10:16 A2J9MID CUL80S pls stahp ignore kthx YH4LXZ
10:16 A2J9MID XF1MGH pls stahp ignore kthx YNU5PW
10:16 A2J9MID JOI27M pls stahp ignore kthx H1WDF6
10:16 A6TI4EQ URU8WB pls stahp ignore kthx OCZ4Z3
10:16 A6TI4EQ QIT26G pls stahp ignore kthx 7EWWOH
10:16 A6TI4EQ 56CLEZ pls stahp ignore kthx 09SP5G
10:16 A6TI4EQ ZHOA2N pls stahp ignore kthx GIN00F
10:16 AHIU1EA BY2BXT pls stahp ignore kthx RJ0SXT
10:16 AHIU1EA BZ3UAI pls stahp ignore kthx 8B7ZB4
10:16 AHIU1EA 8IH6R3 pls stahp ignore kthx 2CEPLR
10:16 AHIU1EA R90SAA pls stahp ignore kthx YDH2TN
10:16 AR1CCIW 8MN424 pls stahp ignore kthx JJCAZC
10:16 AR1CCIW 2LADRM pls stahp ignore kthx GG3BDT
10:16 AR1CCIW 9477BO pls stahp ignore kthx RKDK6I
10:16 AR1CCIW PL1IGO pls stahp ignore kthx W4J42E
10:17 AI04TM4 FXI37N pls stahp ignore kthx TN6G4A
10:17 AI04TM4 SERZDV pls stahp ignore kthx JS75Z3
10:17 APZ00VO 462FMB pls stahp ignore kthx 34E5VE
10:17 A2J9MID W7O09E pls stahp ignore kthx XD3HG6
10:17 APZ00VO 1KOTGF pls stahp ignore kthx Z1W2CT
10:17 A6TI4EQ WGSFXM pls stahp ignore kthx TENYVW
10:17 A6TI4EQ 61AE9C pls stahp ignore kthx JOPX72
10:17 AHIU1EA 3UKXKP pls stahp ignore kthx 340JZK
10:17 AHIU1EA J8QGA5 pls stahp ignore kthx XYREO0
10:17 AR1CCIW DR0GC4 pls stahp ignore kthx ATJTCU
10:17 AR1CCIW GQMCM7 pls stahp ignore kthx FMHY23
10:17 AZ7T7NB S0I208 pls stahp ignore kthx N7AZEX
10:17 AZ7T7NB EN294E pls stahp ignore kthx HRPRDX
10:17 ADVHC0J LVWHFY pls stahp ignore kthx MLWYPD
10:17 ADVHC0J K4LVCQ pls stahp ignore kthx A6NS8C
10:17 AKUCE0Z XTH6K4 pls stahp ignore kthx IGFSFB
10:17 AKUCE0Z B5NSKP pls stahp ignore kthx BME0J8
10:17 AI04TM4 QM8MQH pls stahp ignore kthx QA8ILX
10:17 AI04TM4 O6EE6H pls stahp ignore kthx QV4YDM
10:17 APZ00VO GCLCYO pls stahp ignore kthx 6X1VRU
10:17 A6TI4EQ 0UCM5X pls stahp ignore kthx 1DNUSB
10:17 A2J9MID UXG97I pls stahp ignore kthx XFHSK0
10:17 A2J9MID GUDVA0 pls stahp ignore kthx YWREFA
10:17 AHIU1EA H0WBNN pls stahp ignore kthx BHKRHW
10:17 AR1CCIW ZZV4SV pls stahp ignore kthx GHBLNK
10:17 AZ7T7NB V9ULPW pls stahp ignore kthx AA7BPI
10:17 AZ7T7NB CVSDRS pls stahp ignore kthx E7ITC4
10:17 ADVHC0J T3BX9H pls stahp ignore kthx NTKQZ5
10:17 ADVHC0J J8WWAK pls stahp ignore kthx MK4JE6
10:17 AI04TM4 15R997 pls stahp ignore kthx WCMYLN
10:17 APZ00VO 5UX7VH pls stahp ignore kthx MJ0SB4
10:17 APZ00VO RGFMUY pls stahp ignore kthx 4GFPO6
10:17 A2J9MID ENGV3C pls stahp ignore kthx 5YEDXK
10:17 A2J9MID FKJA1A pls stahp ignore kthx T9U6NK
10:17 A6TI4EQ 6G5QGP pls stahp ignore kthx LAHFSL
10:17 A6TI4EQ 8BQUJO pls stahp ignore kthx CNVSSG
10:17 AHIU1EA SFN9GC pls stahp ignore kthx 6JOXSB
10:17 AHIU1EA PZYCNN pls stahp ignore kthx WPCM71
10:17 AR1CCIW FGV86V pls stahp ignore kthx 1Y9QHC
10:17 AR1CCIW N8T8RW pls stahp ignore kthx WAEGG0
10:17 APZ00VO U0SS6E pls stahp ignore kthx QVXGGM
10:17 A2J9MID CCJJB5 pls stahp ignore kthx 0WFQDJ
10:17 A6TI4EQ U09LMN pls stahp ignore kthx 6M31W8
10:17 AHIU1EA 1OHUJV pls stahp ignore kthx IQR9V4
10:17 AR1CCIW VIOS0I pls stahp ignore kthx UVC289
10:17 A2J9MID DQA2V5 pls stahp ignore kthx BPIXOT
10:17 APZ00VO MS3O3Y pls stahp ignore kthx XN1EYX
10:17 A6TI4EQ 7IQLJ2 pls stahp ignore kthx L4NXQV
10:17 AHIU1EA CNM0GG pls stahp ignore kthx Y324VG
10:17 AR1CCIW MH9BKW pls stahp ignore kthx ZTDILO
10:17 APZ00VO 8YGGH0 pls stahp ignore kthx ZU3MIS
10:17 A2J9MID V6DO0T pls stahp ignore kthx H8VW01
10:17 AHIU1EA DS80NG pls stahp ignore kthx IS4JY7
10:17 A6TI4EQ 63SGHO pls stahp ignore kthx 385PNM
10:17 AR1CCIW FC6OUS pls stahp ignore kthx NSQZOT
10:17 A6TI4EQ VT0NCG pls stahp ignore kthx L67QQ9
10:17 APZ00VO G5L5DE pls stahp ignore kthx TCU2W5
10:17 AR1CCIW WV5E88 pls stahp ignore kthx TF324N
10:17 A2J9MID VGSCA6 pls stahp ignore kthx SBID1P
10:17 AHIU1EA WNSECP pls stahp ignore kthx U9TY7K
10:17 A6TI4EQ 06B4EF pls stahp ignore kthx LS9HC9
10:17 APZ00VO 86CFJW pls stahp ignore kthx 67TFO5
10:17 AR1CCIW 042BJE pls stahp ignore kthx 37G4FD
10:17 A2J9MID S0E866 pls stahp ignore kthx L0ASKX
10:17 AHIU1EA BE1W34 pls stahp ignore kthx 5XVDZN
10:17 A6TI4EQ 0FAM4N pls stahp ignore kthx KEYAG1
10:17 APZ00VO IK4C9D pls stahp ignore kthx LA9T0L
10:17 AR1CCIW 31TOJF pls stahp ignore kthx D4Q3TE
10:17 A2J9MID 5THS9B pls stahp ignore kthx EOX1VA
10:17 AHIU1EA J99KGP pls stahp ignore kthx 3AQB29
10:17 A6TI4EQ JJY69L pls stahp ignore kthx L2VHYK
10:17 APZ00VO 3UXXKO pls stahp ignore kthx ZSZRKA
10:17 AR1CCIW 1ZLVEA pls stahp ignore kthx YC3U8M
10:17 A2J9MID WDELJW pls stahp ignore kthx WUCJLL
10:17 AHIU1EA 2PXVWM pls stahp ignore kthx NDMI2E
10:17 Zimsky left #minetest
10:17 A6TI4EQ 2O4BY3 pls stahp ignore kthx 9QVIJP
10:17 AR1CCIW 6PG2VA pls stahp ignore kthx KFWM43
10:17 APZ00VO EH0MCN pls stahp ignore kthx Q7DGUF
10:17 A2J9MID ERHADN pls stahp ignore kthx EE4OF9
10:17 AHIU1EA FD8RPI pls stahp ignore kthx 288JHL
10:17 A6TI4EQ NH0N1C pls stahp ignore kthx Q7PUEJ
10:17 APZ00VO LY0UFV pls stahp ignore kthx YED7E1
10:17 AR1CCIW 5H3N0I pls stahp ignore kthx GERN1K
10:17 A2J9MID UMQQM1 pls stahp ignore kthx B7SUBR
10:17 AHIU1EA XAAJUE pls stahp ignore kthx JKECWU
10:17 A6TI4EQ LV81BN pls stahp ignore kthx TA8EJP
10:17 AE61O7G 3V11YC pls stahp ignore kthx BQFINM
10:17 AR1CCIW A3H0J7 pls stahp ignore kthx 1Q4832
10:17 APZ00VO 0O9G2O pls stahp ignore kthx VC5T62
10:17 A2J9MID IBW74V pls stahp ignore kthx KD6W0M
10:17 AHIU1EA JTQ0KN pls stahp ignore kthx 1SLILR
10:17 A6TI4EQ PSGBRF pls stahp ignore kthx MHVGAG
10:17 AE61O7G UHBVL9 pls stahp ignore kthx GFB58I
10:17 AR1CCIW Y52ESS pls stahp ignore kthx ZVBRIT
10:17 APZ00VO O42FLK pls stahp ignore kthx YTZB4H
10:17 A2J9MID TZIUSA pls stahp ignore kthx 683XB0
10:17 AHIU1EA 4632O4 pls stahp ignore kthx 2AHYM0
10:17 AZ7T7NB GUIQSN pls stahp ignore kthx 75MOMJ
10:17 AKUCE0Z BU569K pls stahp ignore kthx 11MX23
10:17 A6TI4EQ 5XAPEV pls stahp ignore kthx XM5AN1
10:17 AE61O7G PUKQYK pls stahp ignore kthx ZI9SOH
10:17 ADVHC0J XNWMEV pls stahp ignore kthx BVICYX
10:17 AI04TM4 1QI0UD pls stahp ignore kthx 5TPGMX
10:17 APZ00VO YKIL5B pls stahp ignore kthx E71HSI
10:17 AR1CCIW PWG5UL pls stahp ignore kthx 5VF13K
10:17 A2J9MID HW8MLT pls stahp ignore kthx J7OVM3
10:17 AHIU1EA 2YKHIS pls stahp ignore kthx AV2ID4
10:17 AZ7T7NB DMAMW9 pls stahp ignore kthx HGSBKC
10:17 AKUCE0Z YDRNX4 pls stahp ignore kthx HLVE75
10:17 A6TI4EQ QLB2B5 pls stahp ignore kthx 1A5L8F
10:17 AE61O7G 1HE3PL pls stahp ignore kthx 94P0SY
10:17 AI04TM4 P7UD34 pls stahp ignore kthx IVDFMN
10:17 ADVHC0J VVLL5F pls stahp ignore kthx 5M4JIE
10:17 APZ00VO E0NOXW pls stahp ignore kthx C21Y4N
10:17 AR1CCIW RKAEVJ pls stahp ignore kthx OKS928
10:17 A2J9MID W7UHJE pls stahp ignore kthx I1RIQ7
10:17 AHIU1EA 579HOE pls stahp ignore kthx 04M70U
10:17 AZ7T7NB 6JIY37 pls stahp ignore kthx KUW24Q
10:17 AKUCE0Z J0LAPP pls stahp ignore kthx 2VBEBN
10:17 A6TI4EQ 1IC1SQ pls stahp ignore kthx 7IIGO9
10:17 AE61O7G ZK37FO pls stahp ignore kthx 0N4Z2J
10:17 AI04TM4 OSC7GI pls stahp ignore kthx MF53SW
10:17 AR1CCIW TL6MBJ pls stahp ignore kthx DFSZ4N
10:17 APZ00VO W6LW2R pls stahp ignore kthx KMFEQU
10:17 ADVHC0J EATF32 pls stahp ignore kthx PA4YGX
10:17 A2J9MID CZY7D4 pls stahp ignore kthx ZXTFC6
10:17 AHIU1EA C1R7XD pls stahp ignore kthx 8XAK1P
10:17 AZ7T7NB IHFMZW pls stahp ignore kthx A7LLSX
10:17 AKUCE0Z EH9XO7 pls stahp ignore kthx ZJ7TWJ
10:17 AE61O7G X1YC9P pls stahp ignore kthx E7UUFY
10:17 A6TI4EQ 3K50MF pls stahp ignore kthx A028WM
10:17 AI04TM4 A82PIQ pls stahp ignore kthx Y4JH58
10:17 ADVHC0J 6AMS5W pls stahp ignore kthx OG9XTD
10:17 APZ00VO 5MM4Y7 pls stahp ignore kthx 2NRRON
10:17 AR1CCIW IMKJEN pls stahp ignore kthx BFOGFY
10:17 A2J9MID 87BXFY pls stahp ignore kthx LHSOHB
10:17 AHIU1EA HD1FI7 pls stahp ignore kthx JAC1OF
10:17 AZ7T7NB TX5BUT pls stahp ignore kthx E6GXVK
10:17 AKUCE0Z 17N8W1 pls stahp ignore kthx JNYP2M
10:17 A6TI4EQ T06AQA pls stahp ignore kthx 7IBBK4
10:17 AE61O7G W40QTI pls stahp ignore kthx SR548G
10:17 AI04TM4 FYX7CF pls stahp ignore kthx 8X3QQ3
10:17 APZ00VO 7CUJ29 pls stahp ignore kthx G5ZLJE
10:17 AR1CCIW XK3B2R pls stahp ignore kthx L7A1ST
10:17 A2J9MID 0VU6O7 pls stahp ignore kthx 1CXNR8
10:17 AHIU1EA 6NJTM4 pls stahp ignore kthx 7GWSHP
10:17 A6TI4EQ Z751X7 pls stahp ignore kthx 3JXMJP
10:17 AE61O7G UD8FW3 pls stahp ignore kthx 2ZENUE
10:17 AI04TM4 B07N78 pls stahp ignore kthx 3R0LX4
10:17 APZ00VO JIF77W pls stahp ignore kthx RTA2SB
10:17 AR1CCIW HRQNW2 pls stahp ignore kthx LQHDWP
10:17 A2J9MID NZJAGD pls stahp ignore kthx PJGWQ8
10:17 AHIU1EA CPH2XJ pls stahp ignore kthx 80C31L
10:17 A6TI4EQ F3SC44 pls stahp ignore kthx 5DGHW6
10:17 AI04TM4 NVC101 pls stahp ignore kthx YTJV2W
10:17 APZ00VO F8HHPN pls stahp ignore kthx GXBR2Q
10:17 AE61O7G 0EYZZ7 pls stahp ignore kthx SMKSGN
10:17 AR1CCIW WPAGZ9 pls stahp ignore kthx KNBKC5
10:17 A2J9MID 266DI1 pls stahp ignore kthx D9P34L
10:17 AHIU1EA ZKPGTQ pls stahp ignore kthx 18C96K
10:17 A6TI4EQ SCJ0FU pls stahp ignore kthx 64F3CP
10:17 AE61O7G Y3S8N0 pls stahp ignore kthx WSFJ54
10:17 AI04TM4 MCISYX pls stahp ignore kthx 8T27O3
10:17 APZ00VO 0Z5OP6 pls stahp ignore kthx T1B3TQ
10:17 AR1CCIW U7ES3I pls stahp ignore kthx X7BTFY
10:17 A2J9MID CFPY8O pls stahp ignore kthx LXHTZG
10:17 AHIU1EA 31O1V7 pls stahp ignore kthx 1XGXNC
10:17 A6TI4EQ 5NOZVB pls stahp ignore kthx TWTT65
10:17 AE61O7G AN5OQ5 pls stahp ignore kthx 1TNTMC
10:17 AI04TM4 ZJA37B pls stahp ignore kthx GLC081
10:17 APZ00VO U2XKOU pls stahp ignore kthx XCW3EW
10:17 AR1CCIW KAMW2G pls stahp ignore kthx PZ6ACH
10:17 A2J9MID AG5JD2 pls stahp ignore kthx 8IM4RL
10:17 AHIU1EA 1V3L8J pls stahp ignore kthx 4UDH94
10:17 A6TI4EQ 7UIHAF pls stahp ignore kthx U6Z5QN
10:17 AI04TM4 I9VU9U pls stahp ignore kthx P0WFMJ
10:17 AE61O7G LF9ZPS pls stahp ignore kthx KSTBJQ
10:17 APZ00VO SPE99U pls stahp ignore kthx GZ2E2L
10:17 AR1CCIW 0XF1NE pls stahp ignore kthx 1OO9CV
10:17 A2J9MID R897PB pls stahp ignore kthx WG77NF
10:17 AHIU1EA 0Z7LEA pls stahp ignore kthx H0LBVH
10:17 A6TI4EQ D7XCEZ pls stahp ignore kthx CXL0PK
10:17 AE61O7G FETDYN pls stahp ignore kthx CPVN1C
10:17 AI04TM4 HXW1KJ pls stahp ignore kthx HUNUYA
10:17 AR1CCIW K3WOG5 pls stahp ignore kthx M5PRTO
10:17 APZ00VO KM8GSA pls stahp ignore kthx GGYHCL
10:17 A2J9MID 1VCEV2 pls stahp ignore kthx LB5UX0
10:17 AHIU1EA YD27XM pls stahp ignore kthx KM8D0Y
10:17 AE61O7G UWZK7N pls stahp ignore kthx XVJ77K
10:17 A6TI4EQ 1578EE pls stahp ignore kthx HWUO4R
10:17 APZ00VO 5ZI08B pls stahp ignore kthx JOM82L
10:17 AR1CCIW WCCFMB pls stahp ignore kthx UA5NTH
10:17 A2J9MID VGSFO6 pls stahp ignore kthx 94NZT8
10:17 AHIU1EA Z0UCB7 pls stahp ignore kthx LDI8U2
10:17 AI04TM4 YZ1VV2 pls stahp ignore kthx ZF4XC1
10:17 A6TI4EQ 0T7K51 pls stahp ignore kthx WZ1QZ5
10:17 AE61O7G R9K575 pls stahp ignore kthx I577GN
10:17 AI04TM4 0Y5SLE pls stahp ignore kthx OUPW4U
10:17 APZ00VO WE270C pls stahp ignore kthx B2F31Z
10:17 AR1CCIW XK642O pls stahp ignore kthx C5O67S
10:17 A2J9MID 3DNRJ6 pls stahp ignore kthx UJPCA8
10:17 AHIU1EA 66X8DQ pls stahp ignore kthx 5KW0NU
10:17 A6TI4EQ 07T5WV pls stahp ignore kthx 3D2XRF
10:17 AE61O7G 1DEJCV pls stahp ignore kthx BG3KI8
10:17 AI04TM4 XF881B pls stahp ignore kthx M8ETC2
10:17 APZ00VO 37L7TL pls stahp ignore kthx J41S4D
10:17 AR1CCIW DBRS5K pls stahp ignore kthx BR2PPS
10:17 A2J9MID FFG2XR pls stahp ignore kthx VTZZI8
10:17 AHIU1EA 4O6S8B pls stahp ignore kthx WTYHZT
10:17 A6TI4EQ 4RSIS8 pls stahp ignore kthx 9FZGGN
10:17 AE61O7G 1GI24W pls stahp ignore kthx U8FVOH
10:17 AI04TM4 OFETBN pls stahp ignore kthx UI8UU0
10:17 AR1CCIW X18P2V pls stahp ignore kthx XEV7AP
10:17 APZ00VO ZNMKUR pls stahp ignore kthx B7PW5D
10:17 A2J9MID WX98SJ pls stahp ignore kthx H4YBMG
10:17 AHIU1EA XMG6SD pls stahp ignore kthx X79EN6
10:17 AZ7T7NB LE5QN9 pls stahp ignore kthx BFCOK1
10:17 AKUCE0Z MNSDF0 pls stahp ignore kthx 5MPCGZ
10:17 A6TI4EQ JGM5BL pls stahp ignore kthx L0M8C7
10:17 AE61O7G 85BE7L pls stahp ignore kthx SI6U1K
10:17 AI04TM4 5IW87S pls stahp ignore kthx 00F1PH
10:17 ADVHC0J KBPFJD pls stahp ignore kthx EASZJ1
10:17 APZ00VO 9M93Z2 pls stahp ignore kthx P9KNPZ
10:17 AR1CCIW 3O3TW1 pls stahp ignore kthx 7G61QH
10:17 A2J9MID LVXZE4 pls stahp ignore kthx L36FN4
10:17 AHIU1EA ZNW40A pls stahp ignore kthx NA6X5A
10:17 AZ7T7NB VTCBE3 pls stahp ignore kthx MGVWJ2
10:17 AKUCE0Z UP808Z pls stahp ignore kthx CXAF0U
10:17 A6TI4EQ U6WIZ2 pls stahp ignore kthx 2Z2WKW
10:17 AE61O7G 5HKVBZ pls stahp ignore kthx Y6FXBB
10:17 AI04TM4 6EZ5UG pls stahp ignore kthx T31ZQ6
10:17 AR1CCIW L6QU4A pls stahp ignore kthx T7Z3SQ
10:17 APZ00VO LI5BS7 pls stahp ignore kthx IHY22X
10:17 ADVHC0J JG3LIA pls stahp ignore kthx Y67GPA
10:17 A2J9MID 6A3YS2 pls stahp ignore kthx DLLBW8
10:17 AHIU1EA FQRYLI pls stahp ignore kthx 4U9BL2
10:17 AZ7T7NB J8OUSD pls stahp ignore kthx WUWNRH
10:17 AKUCE0Z C9M3KU pls stahp ignore kthx 38ZG0B
10:17 A6TI4EQ 5P1CS7 pls stahp ignore kthx ZD15QH
10:17 AE61O7G WJ3Z14 pls stahp ignore kthx 91O585
10:17 AI04TM4 F35JAK pls stahp ignore kthx 1R2CCW
10:17 ADVHC0J GCPH12 pls stahp ignore kthx L3DTUL
10:17 AR1CCIW MVJCCJ pls stahp ignore kthx HR115B
10:17 APZ00VO YYXD4X pls stahp ignore kthx SZJJNT
10:17 A2J9MID 8IBTM5 pls stahp ignore kthx JQ37IB
10:17 AHIU1EA 74KYI0 pls stahp ignore kthx ZX4H7W
10:17 AKUCE0Z ZT9S16 pls stahp ignore kthx M0MPY9
10:17 A6TI4EQ 90YVQH pls stahp ignore kthx 4HOZYQ
10:17 AZ7T7NB 2U8MV0 pls stahp ignore kthx UYDWUQ
10:17 AE61O7G BOR6ZI pls stahp ignore kthx REKPKT
10:17 AI04TM4 11A5QC pls stahp ignore kthx 8V857X
10:17 ADVHC0J C5SD2P pls stahp ignore kthx 1N9F2K
10:17 AR1CCIW Q56H2Z pls stahp ignore kthx 1GZRYG
10:17 APZ00VO 2O0RHX pls stahp ignore kthx ZEQAL0
10:17 A2J9MID HPBD7B pls stahp ignore kthx 12AN7E
10:17 AHIU1EA LLS90Y pls stahp ignore kthx O03AL6
10:17 AZ7T7NB 6H4A64 pls stahp ignore kthx FSBWPL
10:17 AKUCE0Z YO9VJV pls stahp ignore kthx FI6TVP
10:17 A6TI4EQ W6LELM pls stahp ignore kthx EW68P9
10:17 AE61O7G 1I8VUN pls stahp ignore kthx MDNYB7
10:17 AI04TM4 674F20 pls stahp ignore kthx H6JMPU
10:17 AR1CCIW 0DE2BY pls stahp ignore kthx NKYZAD
10:17 APZ00VO 6Q5L35 pls stahp ignore kthx VVMCS4
10:17 A2J9MID GXH7NF pls stahp ignore kthx H5DJEM
10:17 AHIU1EA 8HH1FA pls stahp ignore kthx GYYC87
10:17 AE61O7G BXZ1M1 pls stahp ignore kthx 4NPO0Y
10:17 AI04TM4 LPW1Z1 pls stahp ignore kthx L375FI
10:17 A6TI4EQ C4EX8M pls stahp ignore kthx OJPDWV
10:17 APZ00VO TFTRDR pls stahp ignore kthx Q1I9ON
10:17 AR1CCIW ZFTZPF pls stahp ignore kthx 63B4YD
10:17 A2J9MID R2TFAP pls stahp ignore kthx DI0LMK
10:17 AHIU1EA J688MR pls stahp ignore kthx ORIX02
10:17 AE61O7G 0RPO5C pls stahp ignore kthx A5RTFA
10:17 AI04TM4 FW58UH pls stahp ignore kthx 8IHKXH
10:17 APZ00VO SUQKKS pls stahp ignore kthx HI85L6
10:17 A6TI4EQ 3BGEU4 pls stahp ignore kthx B8M0WU
10:17 AR1CCIW W7OQJY pls stahp ignore kthx IDZTBX
10:17 A2J9MID 1YZU8O pls stahp ignore kthx AAK1IO
10:17 AHIU1EA N3YRTQ pls stahp ignore kthx 8XJS1J
10:17 A6TI4EQ TMUCW0 pls stahp ignore kthx 0OMBS2
10:17 AE61O7G SC7W1A pls stahp ignore kthx N01Y0E
10:17 AI04TM4 6T89I1 pls stahp ignore kthx BLRAPV
10:17 APZ00VO 91TQ2E pls stahp ignore kthx U6FO5M
10:17 AR1CCIW ZW7KN4 pls stahp ignore kthx 5CBFP0
10:17 A2J9MID AIITFN pls stahp ignore kthx 3TGG5M
10:17 AHIU1EA MH2ZYV pls stahp ignore kthx RWTUVR
10:17 A6TI4EQ EZ2X83 pls stahp ignore kthx MD5CD9
10:17 AI04TM4 CZ8SY2 pls stahp ignore kthx NZCK0B
10:17 AE61O7G 63U4PQ pls stahp ignore kthx 48WT06
10:17 AR1CCIW 42903D pls stahp ignore kthx 1QH0PK
10:17 APZ00VO P9XSV0 pls stahp ignore kthx COQWPE
10:17 A2J9MID SMU9PF pls stahp ignore kthx AMI1LZ
10:17 AHIU1EA DBFRBZ pls stahp ignore kthx T1LPTE
10:17 AE61O7G J6XRN3 pls stahp ignore kthx TZT9GU
10:17 AI04TM4 YPK3CM pls stahp ignore kthx RBQDCA
10:17 A6TI4EQ 6N34FZ pls stahp ignore kthx QHHNOZ
10:17 APZ00VO LGX2EQ pls stahp ignore kthx JZUIGM
10:17 AR1CCIW 7ZDEFU pls stahp ignore kthx 83VB2A
10:17 A2J9MID OTJSQW pls stahp ignore kthx OHTXER
10:17 AHIU1EA SWZTUE pls stahp ignore kthx YUIZ60
10:17 A6TI4EQ 28AWSX pls stahp ignore kthx ADTOPC
10:17 AE61O7G PTIL25 pls stahp ignore kthx 60LPYB
10:17 AR1CCIW KDWL6E pls stahp ignore kthx CTIWEF
10:17 AI04TM4 0RM1A9 pls stahp ignore kthx MTKPXR
10:17 APZ00VO YB37AW pls stahp ignore kthx R7PIYD
10:17 A2J9MID C1X1PI pls stahp ignore kthx 6WW8YB
10:17 AHIU1EA TF7MAT pls stahp ignore kthx 4CJO2T
10:17 AI04TM4 2BD7OA pls stahp ignore kthx ZPJWTS
10:17 AE61O7G YW1V9N pls stahp ignore kthx 8VQRLE
10:17 AR1CCIW 79XPAK pls stahp ignore kthx 5S1BB4
10:17 APZ00VO LZLD72 pls stahp ignore kthx 59F1PS
10:17 A6TI4EQ XUEWFL pls stahp ignore kthx F57SIK
10:17 A2J9MID UP5YVT pls stahp ignore kthx SJE6D4
10:17 AHIU1EA WGGBL9 pls stahp ignore kthx 37LC5E
10:17 A6TI4EQ 5LT3JH pls stahp ignore kthx PFBWBK
10:17 AE61O7G UVLOOF pls stahp ignore kthx IKCG43
10:17 APZ00VO UJREKM pls stahp ignore kthx 2ZX2SW
10:17 AI04TM4 Y8LL44 pls stahp ignore kthx WKXTS8
10:17 AR1CCIW NBQGZ5 pls stahp ignore kthx XVM28I
10:17 A2J9MID 5XMBUT pls stahp ignore kthx BP8Z62
10:17 AHIU1EA 1AX02C pls stahp ignore kthx ZY5JT4
10:17 AE61O7G 3GAQM0 pls stahp ignore kthx YE9Z9N
10:17 AI04TM4 B398GX pls stahp ignore kthx DY40E7
10:17 A6TI4EQ 9XTKD4 pls stahp ignore kthx 63LS5I
10:17 APZ00VO BJW7YG pls stahp ignore kthx SK6EQV
10:17 AR1CCIW DPY3YQ pls stahp ignore kthx EEW7VU
10:17 A2J9MID RGRD5L pls stahp ignore kthx 92TJ1Q
10:17 AHIU1EA QYI85D pls stahp ignore kthx 6Y0MK2
10:17 AE61O7G 3R9FRE pls stahp ignore kthx 8PJJYT
10:17 A6TI4EQ QU3R6M pls stahp ignore kthx 29XH6V
10:17 AI04TM4 47BBTW pls stahp ignore kthx BUTZWU
10:17 AR1CCIW RSKF20 pls stahp ignore kthx CBJQW1
10:17 APZ00VO OZFDPI pls stahp ignore kthx JQXQSY
10:17 A2J9MID 7NGTM4 pls stahp ignore kthx 9X35SD
10:17 AHIU1EA 7RBXTZ pls stahp ignore kthx 74F2HP
10:17 A30DJL0 E0HXNC pls stahp ignore kthx 2LX5W2
10:17 A30DJL0 0A4L35 pls stahp ignore kthx E0KCLV
10:17 A30DJL0 NS28OP pls stahp ignore kthx C36TMH
10:17 A30DJL0 VHVMSZ pls stahp ignore kthx 0VJ6ID
10:17 A30DJL0 VYFS2H pls stahp ignore kthx CVUCKD
10:17 AZ7T7NB BVPVCC pls stahp ignore kthx 27ENCN
10:17 AKUCE0Z 0XNNAA pls stahp ignore kthx W3F9VT
10:17 A6TI4EQ 2ZBWP4 pls stahp ignore kthx 8ZJG8U
10:17 AE61O7G E7NU2M pls stahp ignore kthx 26KG22
10:17 AI04TM4 X85Y2S pls stahp ignore kthx IFXIG3
10:17 APZ00VO MJCVWG pls stahp ignore kthx 2SEKW0
10:17 ADVHC0J PM4CZL pls stahp ignore kthx BCCHPA
10:17 AR1CCIW Q9IZM3 pls stahp ignore kthx 3ZHUE4
10:17 AHIU1EA 3A1PZR pls stahp ignore kthx T7YIQO
10:17 AZ7T7NB 61MSGM pls stahp ignore kthx 0HFZ7Y
10:17 A6TI4EQ 9F1RV0 pls stahp ignore kthx XWNB29
10:17 AKUCE0Z Q9U8RY pls stahp ignore kthx 8IT6ZY
10:17 AE61O7G 2CPQTL pls stahp ignore kthx SFU2AG
10:17 AI04TM4 NYU3FI pls stahp ignore kthx EPI0X1
10:17 APZ00VO I5NNKC pls stahp ignore kthx FKC2Z2
10:17 ADVHC0J 2S1IOW pls stahp ignore kthx MQO935
10:17 AR1CCIW 9YD1OI pls stahp ignore kthx T0OU9V
10:17 AHIU1EA 70R1GJ pls stahp ignore kthx 330USH
10:17 AKUCE0Z MS36R9 pls stahp ignore kthx LYPROJ
10:17 APZ00VO CM4KSY pls stahp ignore kthx FE1HX8
10:17 ADVHC0J 67UK3M pls stahp ignore kthx Z427QE
10:17 AHIU1EA TT2C05 pls stahp ignore kthx HBCA6B
10:17 AZ7T7NB XRAMMD pls stahp ignore kthx PO9QEY
10:17 AZ7T7NB 9336K2 pls stahp ignore kthx I18KW8
10:17 A6TI4EQ J1RDIE pls stahp ignore kthx KG45BO
10:17 A6TI4EQ SEBDBA pls stahp ignore kthx 1UASUQ
10:17 AE61O7G EOSK6U pls stahp ignore kthx ARPOQT
10:17 AE61O7G JILBFS pls stahp ignore kthx DYA9YE
10:17 AI04TM4 AAVX2K pls stahp ignore kthx S9VFQN
10:17 AI04TM4 T77ZYX pls stahp ignore kthx QWL1NP
10:17 AR1CCIW MM1BIS pls stahp ignore kthx WEXA5L
10:17 AR1CCIW 2BMQRY pls stahp ignore kthx KBL19N
10:17 AKUCE0Z I86SM1 pls stahp ignore kthx EUUNN2
10:17 AKUCE0Z 11QEMT pls stahp ignore kthx 0ELQIJ
10:17 AKUCE0Z QQ6FNU pls stahp ignore kthx T8TMH6
10:17 A6TI4EQ HP8736 pls stahp ignore kthx 0SLR3V
10:17 AI04TM4 JAP9WK pls stahp ignore kthx 0QSR8T
10:17 AI04TM4 O5C5PG pls stahp ignore kthx I3QALE
10:17 AR1CCIW Y4LQRH pls stahp ignore kthx XUYK93
10:17 APZ00VO 92VRBO pls stahp ignore kthx 04D2ED
10:17 AR1CCIW T0BJFM pls stahp ignore kthx N5HXDA
10:17 APZ00VO HQD2VD pls stahp ignore kthx AE1OXA
10:17 APZ00VO 9X3W8T pls stahp ignore kthx X8NGO3
10:17 ADVHC0J UHGY26 pls stahp ignore kthx WF456W
10:17 ADVHC0J 9MWJJH pls stahp ignore kthx YF7LRI
10:17 ADVHC0J C2Y27E pls stahp ignore kthx GDYLE5
10:17 AE61O7G ER4YCS pls stahp ignore kthx KXWXAD
10:17 AHIU1EA P29MGL pls stahp ignore kthx Z38IAG
10:17 AE61O7G DGVM49 pls stahp ignore kthx XXVRJ5
10:17 AE61O7G KMYGLQ pls stahp ignore kthx YZ121M
10:17 AHIU1EA XAJCN7 pls stahp ignore kthx P2UOGR
10:17 AHIU1EA 5C71OY pls stahp ignore kthx UTUE4P
10:17 AI04TM4 Y01LS1 pls stahp ignore kthx 8QL5QC
10:17 AI04TM4 FZOX2G pls stahp ignore kthx ODOYNA
10:17 A6TI4EQ 3LEHL4 pls stahp ignore kthx QRU8S6
10:17 APZ00VO B8Y53Z pls stahp ignore kthx 6KRSMH
10:17 APZ00VO J2CGKT pls stahp ignore kthx LM7EK8
10:17 AR1CCIW 5YYCUK pls stahp ignore kthx R3OM1X
10:17 A6TI4EQ T9CAUX pls stahp ignore kthx 7GJJLE
10:17 A6TI4EQ R72S4N pls stahp ignore kthx 43EXZA
10:17 AR1CCIW N65NOG pls stahp ignore kthx XT5I3A
10:17 AHIU1EA RWMVKV pls stahp ignore kthx ZS42IL
10:17 AHIU1EA 9GY496 pls stahp ignore kthx 380MOC
10:17 AE61O7G I4PI3F pls stahp ignore kthx 6AHZO6
10:17 A6TI4EQ SW9FJZ pls stahp ignore kthx YNPYN9
10:17 AI04TM4 2SH9PC pls stahp ignore kthx CE6S7W
10:17 APZ00VO LGF0AR pls stahp ignore kthx Z5IDOT
10:17 AR1CCIW YC6UOP pls stahp ignore kthx J360FE
10:17 AE61O7G 2AU1BB pls stahp ignore kthx HNZPVV
10:17 AHIU1EA P1PR0V pls stahp ignore kthx MVBRM0
10:17 A6TI4EQ LEBH1R pls stahp ignore kthx 3S5WMH
10:17 AI04TM4 Q7H3TR pls stahp ignore kthx 4G2WNZ
10:17 AR1CCIW 5XUQGD pls stahp ignore kthx 7D62B1
10:17 APZ00VO FZM05V pls stahp ignore kthx R76MU9
10:17 AHIU1EA RG3OFP pls stahp ignore kthx BGGGZQ
10:17 AE61O7G HOZYFL pls stahp ignore kthx NG7OIF
10:17 A6TI4EQ O4ZG4A pls stahp ignore kthx 4DXF08
10:17 APZ00VO CPVCCA pls stahp ignore kthx OJGFGZ
10:17 AI04TM4 S0SX5L pls stahp ignore kthx FGPNC8
10:17 AR1CCIW AMZHVS pls stahp ignore kthx AVZLJ8
10:17 AHIU1EA IXUAA0 pls stahp ignore kthx HYM5HR
10:17 AE61O7G I2XQI9 pls stahp ignore kthx VJ1K93
10:17 A6TI4EQ N8VW0S pls stahp ignore kthx XWX12R
10:17 AE61O7G 5V233S pls stahp ignore kthx EK69YH
10:17 AI04TM4 TDCAK1 pls stahp ignore kthx 7RDPSI
10:17 APZ00VO L2KAG4 pls stahp ignore kthx Z3S5Z3
10:17 AR1CCIW G1WHCQ pls stahp ignore kthx 973STY
10:17 AHIU1EA WEBEUA pls stahp ignore kthx EODYRF
10:17 A6TI4EQ L7M5PJ pls stahp ignore kthx F63FVR
10:17 AE61O7G P4JP98 pls stahp ignore kthx 0EYB3X
10:17 AR1CCIW I73W2Y pls stahp ignore kthx 2QBEE5
10:17 AI04TM4 68EII4 pls stahp ignore kthx MWOHNM
10:17 APZ00VO F2ONFS pls stahp ignore kthx 6IQ2WE
10:17 A2J9MID 1Y6KAH pls stahp ignore kthx 3VRP0V
10:17 AHIU1EA BO48CN pls stahp ignore kthx 2QO35E
10:17 A6TI4EQ U2ZCPO pls stahp ignore kthx T1WII7
10:17 AE61O7G ERA6IF pls stahp ignore kthx VZG0LD
10:17 AI04TM4 FZRVWK pls stahp ignore kthx RHOH76
10:17 AR1CCIW 4LO78B pls stahp ignore kthx 71MCEM
10:17 APZ00VO LXF8QI pls stahp ignore kthx 72TPB7
10:17 A2J9MID XP8OEM pls stahp ignore kthx Q0UTL3
10:17 AHIU1EA FED0V9 pls stahp ignore kthx UYO7IZ
10:18 A6TI4EQ 3OK6SI pls stahp ignore kthx NE4MSY
10:18 AE61O7G 8Z6ZUD pls stahp ignore kthx Q58A6D
10:18 AI04TM4 98LBIK pls stahp ignore kthx 4WL95Z
10:18 AR1CCIW Z032S8 pls stahp ignore kthx 9K74XK
10:18 APZ00VO RQLO0A pls stahp ignore kthx CJ264Q
10:18 A2J9MID AXY52V pls stahp ignore kthx Y1WM3C
10:18 AHIU1EA A1EWWR pls stahp ignore kthx BUD8CE
10:18 A6TI4EQ RG36HX pls stahp ignore kthx Q8N23O
10:18 AE61O7G NHP21L pls stahp ignore kthx W3BQD5
10:18 AI04TM4 OPWRMJ pls stahp ignore kthx CQM0XU
10:18 AR1CCIW 39W1MA pls stahp ignore kthx OQCMEK
10:18 APZ00VO NB1ZPC pls stahp ignore kthx RR5NZE
10:18 A2J9MID VOQ1OI pls stahp ignore kthx TTP9MW
10:18 AHIU1EA MTR471 pls stahp ignore kthx 2EHNWZ
10:18 AE61O7G 1306TT pls stahp ignore kthx 9Y8CG1
10:18 A6TI4EQ 1UA5O6 pls stahp ignore kthx 5IDS9N
10:18 AI04TM4 AF5N40 pls stahp ignore kthx V4SNZH
10:18 APZ00VO WMK1LL pls stahp ignore kthx J5U0X7
10:18 AR1CCIW HEWOBT pls stahp ignore kthx O58PFS
10:18 A2J9MID 2LGXZ3 pls stahp ignore kthx 8VFJVT
10:18 AHIU1EA QVITSK pls stahp ignore kthx CUE9NP
10:18 A6TI4EQ R9KXIO pls stahp ignore kthx XLCK1M
10:18 AE61O7G J17GUZ pls stahp ignore kthx MBXQZ6
10:18 AI04TM4 942HAS pls stahp ignore kthx LVI2GO
10:18 APZ00VO A8PALG pls stahp ignore kthx B30KNV
10:18 AR1CCIW CYSHUX pls stahp ignore kthx QJPQJS
10:18 A2J9MID 1AA91E pls stahp ignore kthx MPGRMO
10:18 AHIU1EA ZAOZ76 pls stahp ignore kthx X2EBAG
10:18 AZ7T7NB 3X5G0E pls stahp ignore kthx WSU7YQ
10:18 AKUCE0Z NXCFBX pls stahp ignore kthx 51W860
10:18 AE61O7G LYB5NR pls stahp ignore kthx DUEZ7E
10:18 A6TI4EQ 9K3OZ8 pls stahp ignore kthx GB53VX
10:18 AI04TM4 M5ZH8M pls stahp ignore kthx 563K68
10:18 APZ00VO VMG55U pls stahp ignore kthx 0LTWAR
10:18 AR1CCIW B6GE81 pls stahp ignore kthx UUKALW
10:18 ADVHC0J RC4GS0 pls stahp ignore kthx 5YIPXV
10:18 A2J9MID D2WYO1 pls stahp ignore kthx 8S2T1K
10:18 AHIU1EA 6CR0T5 pls stahp ignore kthx KRMW6B
10:18 AZ7T7NB 11OH63 pls stahp ignore kthx J07JFC
10:18 AKUCE0Z E0UVAL pls stahp ignore kthx 71R0TQ
10:18 A6TI4EQ I6OMBU pls stahp ignore kthx 82V4XG
10:18 AE61O7G 9ZFF1K pls stahp ignore kthx M6CQO5
10:18 ADVHC0J UBCVRF pls stahp ignore kthx MM1K05
10:18 AI04TM4 Y02ASU pls stahp ignore kthx 6S46O8
10:18 AR1CCIW 98Z235 pls stahp ignore kthx 86TBJI
10:18 APZ00VO 0VR8BH pls stahp ignore kthx FIUXJL
10:18 A2J9MID 7C8IKY pls stahp ignore kthx I4STMW
10:18 AHIU1EA 3L3J0W pls stahp ignore kthx XIRHCI
10:18 AZ7T7NB TMS0CK pls stahp ignore kthx GY1D32
10:18 AKUCE0Z EJ9IL9 pls stahp ignore kthx 6LSZ3U
10:18 AE61O7G PFDGPO pls stahp ignore kthx S2AMRN
10:18 AI04TM4 2L8VV4 pls stahp ignore kthx GP3UWR
10:18 ADVHC0J 0JLCP9 pls stahp ignore kthx CHNI62
10:18 A6TI4EQ 1DAO5N pls stahp ignore kthx B3UMM4
10:18 AR1CCIW IY4NUZ pls stahp ignore kthx RSQ0GI
10:18 APZ00VO 4GYRQA pls stahp ignore kthx VYJLJ8
10:18 A2J9MID YQOX20 pls stahp ignore kthx 6SEJMF
10:18 AHIU1EA 77X6SF pls stahp ignore kthx D9137A
10:18 AZ7T7NB DWC0HH pls stahp ignore kthx AN2IG9
10:18 AKUCE0Z 057QJ8 pls stahp ignore kthx YR9QGC
10:18 ADVHC0J 29MCV6 pls stahp ignore kthx 943GWR
10:18 A6TI4EQ 1BE37L pls stahp ignore kthx 952KUS
10:18 AE61O7G NLG58D pls stahp ignore kthx RHNRKI
10:18 AI04TM4 D4TQO6 pls stahp ignore kthx FJVIX2
10:18 APZ00VO GIUTJU pls stahp ignore kthx JBKZYG
10:18 AR1CCIW 6MMPTM pls stahp ignore kthx T98ZDI
10:18 A2J9MID 0E4BBK pls stahp ignore kthx ROEM4C
10:18 AHIU1EA IKS4QG pls stahp ignore kthx QLUAY3
10:18 AZ7T7NB EXORC4 pls stahp ignore kthx KIZ3UT
10:18 AKUCE0Z YZJJA0 pls stahp ignore kthx IQFNGG
10:18 AE61O7G SLZZT1 pls stahp ignore kthx H2SF1P
10:18 A6TI4EQ X65GVX pls stahp ignore kthx 3BZWXH
10:18 APZ00VO 9UWMSK pls stahp ignore kthx CGQLWG
10:18 AI04TM4 S55RW4 pls stahp ignore kthx HCKUIZ
10:18 AR1CCIW 13HYH8 pls stahp ignore kthx FTY3Z6
10:18 A2J9MID SAJP7H pls stahp ignore kthx 71OW6Z
10:18 AHIU1EA HZC9DU pls stahp ignore kthx 1ZXT23
10:18 A6TI4EQ 844E7S pls stahp ignore kthx WBARVE
10:18 AE61O7G VMMZZ7 pls stahp ignore kthx 5796BL
10:18 AI04TM4 9CEEWL pls stahp ignore kthx 6RMVYI
10:18 AR1CCIW FVH5OC pls stahp ignore kthx 0JKTDO
10:18 APZ00VO MLVIXZ pls stahp ignore kthx 6LONAH
10:18 A2J9MID 5RTZYD pls stahp ignore kthx E38QHJ
10:18 AHIU1EA 2FJ96X pls stahp ignore kthx A6FDRN
10:18 A6TI4EQ AAH0W4 pls stahp ignore kthx N0ZE1C
10:18 AE61O7G 8H5IQN pls stahp ignore kthx QFZG48
10:18 AI04TM4 BPZHRY pls stahp ignore kthx 68PB03
10:18 AR1CCIW WZBU05 pls stahp ignore kthx 5QFJ3Z
10:18 APZ00VO Y5YGVL pls stahp ignore kthx 18LAD3
10:18 A2J9MID AA8PS7 pls stahp ignore kthx Q8UQXM
10:18 AHIU1EA W804ZW pls stahp ignore kthx CM6CCF
10:18 A6TI4EQ F4Q7TU pls stahp ignore kthx 5SKQK4
10:18 AI04TM4 UHA5DA pls stahp ignore kthx QDP7YE
10:18 AE61O7G WG9Q6Y pls stahp ignore kthx 18RXCJ
10:18 APZ00VO IKQPGD pls stahp ignore kthx T39Q65
10:18 AR1CCIW P1GZY4 pls stahp ignore kthx ZSG1K9
10:18 A2J9MID XRT3SN pls stahp ignore kthx Z09OG9
10:18 AHIU1EA FFKB76 pls stahp ignore kthx ERNJ12
10:18 A6TI4EQ 1ZGKDV pls stahp ignore kthx TN91KN
10:18 AE61O7G 7IMTWH pls stahp ignore kthx T1BMXN
10:18 APZ00VO 72MHJB pls stahp ignore kthx AWYU7J
10:18 AR1CCIW YQIUEM pls stahp ignore kthx XQ5Q3I
10:18 A2J9MID 41JW0F pls stahp ignore kthx 5TKKVL
10:18 AI04TM4 8WGYX9 pls stahp ignore kthx QZ52OD
10:18 AHIU1EA O6REQU pls stahp ignore kthx OO2D67
10:18 A6TI4EQ AQ0UWI pls stahp ignore kthx 1PZOBO
10:18 AE61O7G VSUWJ2 pls stahp ignore kthx O9B7KU
10:18 AI04TM4 NGQGJ0 pls stahp ignore kthx 29ZVQ7
10:18 APZ00VO Q0J310 pls stahp ignore kthx K6SOX5
10:18 AR1CCIW NWOAGN pls stahp ignore kthx 3DPDDR
10:18 A2J9MID B8HYCX pls stahp ignore kthx FRFXD7
10:18 AHIU1EA XRXZGD pls stahp ignore kthx 5WBLB9
10:18 AE61O7G 6EZ3R6 pls stahp ignore kthx 6NX49W
10:18 A6TI4EQ AY7A0J pls stahp ignore kthx QTE22N
10:18 AI04TM4 8XRLX4 pls stahp ignore kthx LJUAFU
10:18 AR1CCIW E8B2XI pls stahp ignore kthx HD7TXM
10:18 APZ00VO 1G0GNM pls stahp ignore kthx 4Z01K3
10:18 A2J9MID XX6TTI pls stahp ignore kthx 5KJ7LB
10:18 AHIU1EA DAAUT3 pls stahp ignore kthx O1E6RX
10:18 AI04TM4 WHWVDG pls stahp ignore kthx EGY2XU
10:18 APZ00VO TJMV8S pls stahp ignore kthx EB3JXD
10:18 A6TI4EQ 7KUGRP pls stahp ignore kthx 1PC9NW
10:18 AE61O7G V3UL7I pls stahp ignore kthx 23R5CT
10:18 AR1CCIW WSHED9 pls stahp ignore kthx D9HCOJ
10:18 A2J9MID 1UW9NL pls stahp ignore kthx XSZZRQ
10:18 AHIU1EA UA1SWB pls stahp ignore kthx XUCYPA
10:18 A6TI4EQ 5FOVVN pls stahp ignore kthx FA3405
10:18 AE61O7G I0X623 pls stahp ignore kthx DFCV3Q
10:18 AI04TM4 9J0ARQ pls stahp ignore kthx 207Q9G
10:18 APZ00VO ZT2RA3 pls stahp ignore kthx VFXQJ6
10:18 AR1CCIW LY8EB1 pls stahp ignore kthx D7OZER
10:18 A2J9MID 6RVKNY pls stahp ignore kthx 04MC5N
10:18 AHIU1EA 3OSYII pls stahp ignore kthx U7MV1K
10:18 A6TI4EQ XAD7FH pls stahp ignore kthx 3BZ7ER
10:18 AE61O7G URW05W pls stahp ignore kthx PBCWO0
10:18 AI04TM4 QANJ5D pls stahp ignore kthx 53SQZJ
10:18 AR1CCIW KGOWLQ pls stahp ignore kthx KIFPSY
10:18 APZ00VO 19ILU5 pls stahp ignore kthx 49T1B3
10:18 A2J9MID 3LYS11 pls stahp ignore kthx 3B9H02
10:18 AHIU1EA A2IJLH pls stahp ignore kthx D5QVRE
10:18 A6TI4EQ IODNTE pls stahp ignore kthx OG7WXA
10:18 AE61O7G FAHJ52 pls stahp ignore kthx SJCO0R
10:18 AI04TM4 85AOGO pls stahp ignore kthx GI442C
10:18 AR1CCIW 4CRPTX pls stahp ignore kthx L5QK15
10:18 APZ00VO 06UNXF pls stahp ignore kthx RB3GIN
10:18 A2J9MID EM02OG pls stahp ignore kthx NRHGWL
10:18 AHIU1EA S8S5E3 pls stahp ignore kthx FZAPCH
10:18 A6TI4EQ 45USDO pls stahp ignore kthx KYEGPI
10:18 AR1CCIW 2RPIWU pls stahp ignore kthx UNUJOJ
10:18 ADVHC0J EX3TWY pls stahp ignore kthx UXMTD4
10:18 AI04TM4 EVWTW2 pls stahp ignore kthx ADSL22
10:18 AE61O7G MCPRQT pls stahp ignore kthx 6P6WYH
10:18 APZ00VO FIZE0O pls stahp ignore kthx Z45F7W
10:18 A2J9MID XOQGWK pls stahp ignore kthx EPQFCX
10:18 AHIU1EA EA4MB4 pls stahp ignore kthx 2Z35BC
10:18 AZ7T7NB JGP94L pls stahp ignore kthx VDV133
10:18 AKUCE0Z 379L86 pls stahp ignore kthx Y4NCG8
10:18 A6TI4EQ IH0KWA pls stahp ignore kthx T7S56D
10:18 AE61O7G 2MJD2V pls stahp ignore kthx XIM8PT
10:18 ADVHC0J FMN9T6 pls stahp ignore kthx RT72P0
10:18 AI04TM4 SF5E1E pls stahp ignore kthx JQAGOL
10:18 AR1CCIW 5I9JZD pls stahp ignore kthx 7XWGZX
10:18 APZ00VO 2ZF929 pls stahp ignore kthx 1UAMW0
10:18 A2J9MID VI8WQ7 pls stahp ignore kthx 9YWQ9J
10:18 AHIU1EA 91LUQD pls stahp ignore kthx L8LE5H
10:18 AZ7T7NB I3BV41 pls stahp ignore kthx WSWBA1
10:18 AKUCE0Z WTSIGG pls stahp ignore kthx Q5TWOW
10:18 A6TI4EQ 2JTTP1 pls stahp ignore kthx 4LF6H2
10:18 AE61O7G 0LKTRY pls stahp ignore kthx I8HJL8
10:18 AI04TM4 8WZL5D pls stahp ignore kthx 2MRZ0B
10:18 ADVHC0J AG6PDZ pls stahp ignore kthx A4BPDV
10:18 AR1CCIW CH6N26 pls stahp ignore kthx 7659FJ
10:18 APZ00VO 2EDMQI pls stahp ignore kthx CFJ5CT
10:18 A2J9MID WG2KTO pls stahp ignore kthx FZQS04
10:18 AHIU1EA YE7763 pls stahp ignore kthx WEN0RA
10:18 AZ7T7NB F2FZR8 pls stahp ignore kthx M39H7B
10:18 AKUCE0Z 60188N pls stahp ignore kthx 4ESRN5
10:18 AE61O7G 76LCAR pls stahp ignore kthx 6SJQYT
10:18 A6TI4EQ DBSS4W pls stahp ignore kthx 0FCG9V
10:18 APZ00VO CMYJ0Z pls stahp ignore kthx 4THSKF
10:18 AR1CCIW 41X5VO pls stahp ignore kthx Q1231K
10:18 AI04TM4 4BLILF pls stahp ignore kthx L5M33F
10:18 ADVHC0J BEVIIZ pls stahp ignore kthx DCGUAA
10:18 A2J9MID X6IEWC pls stahp ignore kthx ZJTB4B
10:18 AHIU1EA ST4Z2N pls stahp ignore kthx HEU9VW
10:18 AZ7T7NB SO9FQL pls stahp ignore kthx 2TSVII
10:18 AKUCE0Z N5EOBI pls stahp ignore kthx F52HXG
10:18 AE61O7G G1TU7T pls stahp ignore kthx 5JT6PY
10:18 A6TI4EQ LA9ZU7 pls stahp ignore kthx ZATM97
10:18 AI04TM4 XI0AKD pls stahp ignore kthx KMFRTZ
10:18 APZ00VO RPURCJ pls stahp ignore kthx UV6YD3
10:18 AR1CCIW 6WWZJN pls stahp ignore kthx FIM1KJ
10:18 A2J9MID 65HUV3 pls stahp ignore kthx VWH6IX
10:18 AHIU1EA 0UZAAJ pls stahp ignore kthx XJYM6R
10:18 A6TI4EQ QGC01V pls stahp ignore kthx LONVSU
10:18 AI04TM4 73O5M1 pls stahp ignore kthx OSHY9A
10:18 APZ00VO LT5HXW pls stahp ignore kthx BD6HWZ
10:18 AE61O7G I3FLF6 pls stahp ignore kthx ZSCDK9
10:18 AR1CCIW 2SMCOS pls stahp ignore kthx VSCEKE
10:18 A2J9MID 2H3AWJ pls stahp ignore kthx K8EZKX
10:18 AHIU1EA QOZI6Y pls stahp ignore kthx L1QX3O
10:18 A6TI4EQ DL1X3I pls stahp ignore kthx SD0LV3
10:18 AE61O7G 256P0G pls stahp ignore kthx FFH1BP
10:18 AI04TM4 N03GYQ pls stahp ignore kthx NXFBG7
10:18 APZ00VO K6Y2OC pls stahp ignore kthx Q27Z97
10:18 AR1CCIW EX2H4X pls stahp ignore kthx 2ZPUIU
10:18 A2J9MID 1KVZMA pls stahp ignore kthx 7TE5WV
10:18 AHIU1EA FR2IVU pls stahp ignore kthx E5DKG7
10:18 A6TI4EQ DDPECE pls stahp ignore kthx 3BZWVU
10:18 AE61O7G F2T543 pls stahp ignore kthx 0CI2WW
10:18 APZ00VO RU0ORA pls stahp ignore kthx OTYU0P
10:18 AI04TM4 SBVF11 pls stahp ignore kthx YV5DQ8
10:18 AR1CCIW HJZRZL pls stahp ignore kthx OQFUHD
10:18 A2J9MID 4Z7JJF pls stahp ignore kthx PW9KXQ
10:18 AHIU1EA YWGR8M pls stahp ignore kthx 3P3BPI
10:18 A6TI4EQ 056PHT pls stahp ignore kthx G78Y6T
10:18 AE61O7G CO4BOE pls stahp ignore kthx 2BYENC
10:18 AI04TM4 O3DPFJ pls stahp ignore kthx UANCTO
10:18 AR1CCIW AHVIEV pls stahp ignore kthx 9FU09L
10:18 APZ00VO 3DIPUN pls stahp ignore kthx 22IYCP
10:18 A2J9MID 2EYPFJ pls stahp ignore kthx DV4ZRA
10:18 AHIU1EA DLMT7F pls stahp ignore kthx 6CN4LR
10:18 A6TI4EQ EH7UPO pls stahp ignore kthx EMU1U6
10:18 AE61O7G M1C8JT pls stahp ignore kthx VRGCHH
10:18 AI04TM4 ZT239E pls stahp ignore kthx NEKUWS
10:18 AR1CCIW ZV1YL8 pls stahp ignore kthx K95O4Y
10:18 APZ00VO 2VLS4E pls stahp ignore kthx RE419Y
10:18 A2J9MID TGY7EN pls stahp ignore kthx NRUEO7
10:18 AHIU1EA 3YP8CN pls stahp ignore kthx 2VB178
10:18 AE61O7G 49H87A pls stahp ignore kthx XIM8X7
10:18 A6TI4EQ 4V0WRV pls stahp ignore kthx 21IDV0
10:18 AI04TM4 3QX7SE pls stahp ignore kthx NWIT48
10:18 AR1CCIW UT3T0B pls stahp ignore kthx L4CA8O
10:18 APZ00VO 18WG3J pls stahp ignore kthx F5G3N5
10:18 A2J9MID ISEXV7 pls stahp ignore kthx ZCWSOG
10:18 AHIU1EA N7MLA6 pls stahp ignore kthx EJRCA8
10:18 A6TI4EQ 1PIE3V pls stahp ignore kthx 3SEFSO
10:18 AE61O7G XYRAAB pls stahp ignore kthx PIX8SI
10:18 AI04TM4 TOON9G pls stahp ignore kthx X00GUW
10:18 AR1CCIW WMKC70 pls stahp ignore kthx CA9SR4
10:18 APZ00VO 4RW9JB pls stahp ignore kthx 8DHZQM
10:18 A2J9MID DP26TL pls stahp ignore kthx QAJ1SK
10:18 AHIU1EA UKFZAO pls stahp ignore kthx 34Z8D8
10:18 A6TI4EQ 8K0CDM pls stahp ignore kthx VV6A1D
10:18 AE61O7G NKXOSI pls stahp ignore kthx 4D1NTV
10:18 AI04TM4 9ZTFKE pls stahp ignore kthx KK39VS
10:18 APZ00VO H1W0QU pls stahp ignore kthx M6KRTP
10:18 AR1CCIW VLU584 pls stahp ignore kthx TQE60B
10:18 A2J9MID OKFJZH pls stahp ignore kthx 4WXADU
10:18 AHIU1EA XZDKO6 pls stahp ignore kthx 5WXN31
10:18 A6TI4EQ D6ADZ5 pls stahp ignore kthx Q41FAD
10:18 AE61O7G I2WQJB pls stahp ignore kthx E7R0QK
10:18 AI04TM4 K58YCA pls stahp ignore kthx 958LHZ
10:18 APZ00VO PBKS3Q pls stahp ignore kthx NGVBRU
10:18 AR1CCIW 0UZNSW pls stahp ignore kthx A1ANX8
10:18 AHIU1EA HGM1TQ pls stahp ignore kthx Y0N2W5
10:18 A2J9MID 3853JY pls stahp ignore kthx CDY08F
10:18 AZ7T7NB UJB4HP pls stahp ignore kthx 9JCP31
10:18 AKUCE0Z WT89XY pls stahp ignore kthx 5LSQM3
10:18 A6TI4EQ 3AVSLM pls stahp ignore kthx DP1184
10:18 AE61O7G NJDB6N pls stahp ignore kthx 1QOXGP
10:18 APZ00VO 2A1GDU pls stahp ignore kthx 0PPCVH
10:18 AI04TM4 TZNYY2 pls stahp ignore kthx AJO691
10:18 AR1CCIW MZUDH1 pls stahp ignore kthx OA4K8Z
10:18 ADVHC0J 085R41 pls stahp ignore kthx QSY87S
10:18 A2J9MID KG0G33 pls stahp ignore kthx 9OJF76
10:18 AHIU1EA VZX3M5 pls stahp ignore kthx AUHMUY
10:18 AZ7T7NB 9DLT0W pls stahp ignore kthx 0JX2OB
10:18 AKUCE0Z D3HXN3 pls stahp ignore kthx 80FBED
10:18 A6TI4EQ BAQ6EL pls stahp ignore kthx 4H81TQ
10:18 AE61O7G ZD0TUO pls stahp ignore kthx 2DRCRR
10:18 ADVHC0J VYMWBJ pls stahp ignore kthx 1LJDOP
10:18 AI04TM4 4RY1X6 pls stahp ignore kthx XPUX8K
10:18 AR1CCIW 84MM7J pls stahp ignore kthx POJQ3P
10:18 APZ00VO T4TSGD pls stahp ignore kthx KB2PDE
10:18 A2J9MID XS4YTJ pls stahp ignore kthx X0SEDK
10:18 AHIU1EA ESJ7H3 pls stahp ignore kthx G47725
10:18 AZ7T7NB KSFUEV pls stahp ignore kthx DSMC6A
10:18 AKUCE0Z NYWK7T pls stahp ignore kthx H91TCY
10:18 AE61O7G FBG1S3 pls stahp ignore kthx 7PFEFI
10:18 A6TI4EQ DJUC8Z pls stahp ignore kthx LQYFBZ
10:18 AI04TM4 NZ9S4N pls stahp ignore kthx HE8GSV
10:18 APZ00VO NV813I pls stahp ignore kthx 2Y4RBM
10:18 AR1CCIW 754XXF pls stahp ignore kthx PLL8OW
10:18 A2J9MID RSLETS pls stahp ignore kthx M2EH31
10:18 AHIU1EA W4YDV6 pls stahp ignore kthx 69TX6K
10:18 ADVHC0J UYKCUL pls stahp ignore kthx 6G50FT
10:18 AZ7T7NB UPMSFE pls stahp ignore kthx Z2JG7Y
10:18 AKUCE0Z M8LQJP pls stahp ignore kthx 6FY8WR
10:18 A6TI4EQ SVXBA6 pls stahp ignore kthx N7F2A9
10:18 ADVHC0J EA61MS pls stahp ignore kthx 6RYWYR
10:18 AE61O7G YN9A1N pls stahp ignore kthx 40XJEL
10:18 AI04TM4 51KPE2 pls stahp ignore kthx P7N1YK
10:18 APZ00VO SBJ42W pls stahp ignore kthx HHX7N5
10:18 AR1CCIW ZH6G9N pls stahp ignore kthx PZ4J17
10:18 A2J9MID 3027P4 pls stahp ignore kthx OTUL2K
10:18 AHIU1EA Q6BMM5 pls stahp ignore kthx 13RTYE
10:18 AZ7T7NB TFRB0Z pls stahp ignore kthx WTMDGT
10:18 AKUCE0Z WX3KZV pls stahp ignore kthx YPJMGF
10:18 AE61O7G 2ZX056 pls stahp ignore kthx Z5RH7Q
10:18 A6TI4EQ 47M4ZU pls stahp ignore kthx 33BGAU
10:18 AI04TM4 90YAF2 pls stahp ignore kthx VS58H5
10:18 AR1CCIW TNI9IT pls stahp ignore kthx URGIVO
10:18 APZ00VO RVDPMN pls stahp ignore kthx MYPJRH
10:18 A2J9MID BEDR01 pls stahp ignore kthx Y28063
10:18 AHIU1EA BR7BBP pls stahp ignore kthx AFY252
10:18 AE61O7G XZ138U pls stahp ignore kthx G1NRCV
10:18 A6TI4EQ O637PM pls stahp ignore kthx A8ZL2F
10:18 AI04TM4 7OGHLL pls stahp ignore kthx U1IRWO
10:18 APZ00VO KMB5HS pls stahp ignore kthx 0T9O46
10:18 AR1CCIW 3TUADN pls stahp ignore kthx 77DZAK
10:18 A2J9MID DL8NFV pls stahp ignore kthx AY62PX
10:18 AHIU1EA WOY47E pls stahp ignore kthx LLFDPJ
10:18 A6TI4EQ EWU2AD pls stahp ignore kthx 9DAZJ7
10:18 AE61O7G JN250N pls stahp ignore kthx C433HW
10:18 AI04TM4 FBNECX pls stahp ignore kthx 60213P
10:18 AR1CCIW SHKOJO pls stahp ignore kthx E4PJTL
10:18 APZ00VO WZGYV2 pls stahp ignore kthx JC7K6Z
10:18 A2J9MID 5BXKYX pls stahp ignore kthx SZ9T23
10:18 AHIU1EA I9YBQS pls stahp ignore kthx U8CM8F
10:18 AE61O7G C97BYJ pls stahp ignore kthx WB22JW
10:18 A6TI4EQ P8EJ4K pls stahp ignore kthx FQUK9Z
10:18 AI04TM4 Q88X0T pls stahp ignore kthx 6Y4064
10:18 APZ00VO 6ZBDYD pls stahp ignore kthx 6ZAJ5K
10:18 AR1CCIW QW2UXS pls stahp ignore kthx 8AA8RC
10:18 A2J9MID 2EP2FR pls stahp ignore kthx 544V30
10:18 AHIU1EA BMOQZV pls stahp ignore kthx XWB1F9
10:18 Krock left #minetest
10:18 A6TI4EQ 8IOT0W pls stahp ignore kthx PJQ5L8
10:18 AE61O7G 0SA9AF pls stahp ignore kthx EWZGFG
10:18 AI04TM4 Z8JKTC pls stahp ignore kthx GQTVXL
10:18 APZ00VO L0UH9J pls stahp ignore kthx KO7YYW
10:18 AR1CCIW OOWBZI pls stahp ignore kthx MNFUHU
10:18 A2J9MID SA4C7R pls stahp ignore kthx HRWSUI
10:18 AHIU1EA 7QYSIH pls stahp ignore kthx 8I8MXZ
10:18 AE61O7G RXLM98 pls stahp ignore kthx SQB2HY
10:18 A6TI4EQ OIHUZH pls stahp ignore kthx N42DEM
10:18 AI04TM4 R1T2C1 pls stahp ignore kthx DQ5C0Q
10:18 APZ00VO O19I3S pls stahp ignore kthx S6ETUZ
10:18 AR1CCIW NBNJE7 pls stahp ignore kthx 42OUUW
10:18 A2J9MID 29XM7D pls stahp ignore kthx QC159R
10:18 AHIU1EA RVMNTD pls stahp ignore kthx DXLFCP
10:18 AE61O7G T2SB4M pls stahp ignore kthx 80OWY3
10:18 AI04TM4 TDW0SV pls stahp ignore kthx G2190F
10:18 A6TI4EQ TI0MK6 pls stahp ignore kthx ZSMI4S
10:18 APZ00VO V2ERFL pls stahp ignore kthx CFLNDT
10:18 AR1CCIW UCWZXM pls stahp ignore kthx 98OV6P
10:18 A2J9MID 6BYLUX pls stahp ignore kthx 3H7QVV
10:18 AHIU1EA 4EL2NR pls stahp ignore kthx OZUFE0
10:18 A6TI4EQ 8T6MQF pls stahp ignore kthx FXZRAD
10:18 AE61O7G 9CMLSI pls stahp ignore kthx 14STYL
10:18 AI04TM4 NC6VH7 pls stahp ignore kthx 3HQZXJ
10:18 APZ00VO K9CUS6 pls stahp ignore kthx 78T1TE
10:18 AR1CCIW IXELV5 pls stahp ignore kthx 4QA3OI
10:18 A2J9MID N48GYW pls stahp ignore kthx IKUW7N
10:18 AHIU1EA RT89R1 pls stahp ignore kthx C1GYLY
10:18 AE61O7G WRHZM9 pls stahp ignore kthx PWT1VX
10:18 AI04TM4 4Q0X37 pls stahp ignore kthx 0Z8OGJ
10:18 A6TI4EQ PZBTU3 pls stahp ignore kthx H581RA
10:18 APZ00VO 5KYNXK pls stahp ignore kthx CEGJR4
10:18 AR1CCIW FX6ZU8 pls stahp ignore kthx IL04RT
10:18 A2J9MID EHM10J pls stahp ignore kthx IA0VFY
10:18 AHIU1EA ULG86B pls stahp ignore kthx EJ69L0
10:18 AE61O7G U212HF pls stahp ignore kthx VEKQ9E
10:18 A6TI4EQ C8ATWG pls stahp ignore kthx DJ0N97
10:18 APZ00VO NWX13E pls stahp ignore kthx P4M39K
10:18 AR1CCIW JXHUZ9 pls stahp ignore kthx GCUK4D
10:18 AI04TM4 ZHC0OW pls stahp ignore kthx QFI9TB
10:18 A2J9MID 18724D pls stahp ignore kthx XALU4C
10:18 AHIU1EA F5CW9Q pls stahp ignore kthx X030VS
10:18 AE61O7G FZE2PS pls stahp ignore kthx PNYEHF
10:18 A6TI4EQ 1I6X43 pls stahp ignore kthx ARCCTZ
10:18 AI04TM4 VTIC5S pls stahp ignore kthx 985XG8
10:18 AR1CCIW DNVUW0 pls stahp ignore kthx JULDAI
10:18 APZ00VO KWDEEM pls stahp ignore kthx XVN4RJ
10:18 A2J9MID 5YEMFN pls stahp ignore kthx DUH3SG
10:18 AHIU1EA Y6O2PR pls stahp ignore kthx VB7CVR
10:18 A6TI4EQ 4ETAE0 pls stahp ignore kthx C5B65B
10:18 AE61O7G 5707VM pls stahp ignore kthx EXGJ6O
10:18 AI04TM4 DNG39I pls stahp ignore kthx I3LCYS
10:18 AR1CCIW GRMZ3Y pls stahp ignore kthx 8N0G2W
10:18 A2J9MID QZE6OE pls stahp ignore kthx 7HWBSY
10:18 APZ00VO 4WF7U1 pls stahp ignore kthx ZPBTSO
10:18 AHIU1EA ECZT2Q pls stahp ignore kthx H0HSGG
10:18 AZ7T7NB KEMNWU pls stahp ignore kthx 3DDEXH
10:18 AKUCE0Z 9KMO85 pls stahp ignore kthx FG0KN6
10:18 A6TI4EQ 393CRN pls stahp ignore kthx IH5X1Z
10:18 AE61O7G BLGH7U pls stahp ignore kthx Y30BQL
10:18 AI04TM4 JHQX3S pls stahp ignore kthx 7WCFB5
10:18 ADVHC0J M93NFL pls stahp ignore kthx NXVAHP
10:18 AR1CCIW KB0I02 pls stahp ignore kthx Z9HV2Z
10:18 APZ00VO Q0WHVB pls stahp ignore kthx 2VNBWI
10:18 A2J9MID 90Z4I5 pls stahp ignore kthx UZX5EM
10:18 AHIU1EA 2GY1HX pls stahp ignore kthx 2M0RK4
10:18 AZ7T7NB YQFHEJ pls stahp ignore kthx G8UZ44
10:18 AKUCE0Z SYTV97 pls stahp ignore kthx HGCENM
10:18 AE61O7G 25E9PI pls stahp ignore kthx MP9S6W
10:18 A6TI4EQ U1ZWBJ pls stahp ignore kthx 181GIP
10:18 AI04TM4 7NE9R2 pls stahp ignore kthx BOT2UI
10:18 AR1CCIW OUT5D4 pls stahp ignore kthx KGBVBB
10:18 ADVHC0J 9QG1AJ pls stahp ignore kthx UC78KF
10:18 APZ00VO XWKJ5D pls stahp ignore kthx 5W5SCA
10:18 A2J9MID KN2KX3 pls stahp ignore kthx BRGT92
10:18 AHIU1EA MAKYWK pls stahp ignore kthx U4P6MZ
10:18 AZ7T7NB L189WC pls stahp ignore kthx 8ER0TJ
10:18 AKUCE0Z ES7FKE pls stahp ignore kthx 3DOM7K
10:18 AE61O7G PREZID pls stahp ignore kthx 45LOIX
10:18 AI04TM4 31VZ9P pls stahp ignore kthx GIYEB0
10:18 APZ00VO QUVUT6 pls stahp ignore kthx E0S6OF
10:18 A6TI4EQ J3BWY9 pls stahp ignore kthx D5QT9Y
10:18 ADVHC0J B5XIAF pls stahp ignore kthx 3FA03J
10:18 AR1CCIW 12W1SJ pls stahp ignore kthx WUK8VM
10:18 A2J9MID VK7VQT pls stahp ignore kthx ZRXPON
10:18 AHIU1EA A44SXK pls stahp ignore kthx 4LLD65
10:18 AZ7T7NB 0THXEZ pls stahp ignore kthx 7LSRP8
10:18 AKUCE0Z 7TT8XN pls stahp ignore kthx H1OGZN
10:18 A6TI4EQ ZZMW1A pls stahp ignore kthx JTAF6L
10:18 AE61O7G DTTI0G pls stahp ignore kthx CUM4ZY
10:18 AI04TM4 62PHQH pls stahp ignore kthx YI5JF6
10:18 APZ00VO 5MEAH9 pls stahp ignore kthx JDHCIE
10:18 AR1CCIW JK0UC9 pls stahp ignore kthx CARB0L
10:18 ADVHC0J WWQF80 pls stahp ignore kthx T82TKU
10:18 A2J9MID E2SCO7 pls stahp ignore kthx B8LWLL
10:18 AHIU1EA FP59T7 pls stahp ignore kthx WC6RJM
10:18 AZ7T7NB ZFRP4B pls stahp ignore kthx MYQ3H8
10:18 AKUCE0Z 51A96P pls stahp ignore kthx PU0Z30
10:18 A6TI4EQ CDPEB0 pls stahp ignore kthx 5PTMNC
10:18 AI04TM4 0S7GQ0 pls stahp ignore kthx KQSNGK
10:18 AR1CCIW VST6A7 pls stahp ignore kthx GR1T94
10:18 AE61O7G 4RYJE6 pls stahp ignore kthx U0AT20
10:18 APZ00VO YZYFM7 pls stahp ignore kthx G8MBAG
10:18 A2J9MID OQT99Q pls stahp ignore kthx E4U45S
10:18 AHIU1EA KSUFVX pls stahp ignore kthx ARJY1F
10:18 AE61O7G RJOVGF pls stahp ignore kthx 9105RR
10:18 A6TI4EQ GQKTW3 pls stahp ignore kthx 1946ZV
10:18 AI04TM4 2A9MVR pls stahp ignore kthx ALM5L9
10:18 APZ00VO EWU53S pls stahp ignore kthx PF8P3A
10:18 AR1CCIW JZW49E pls stahp ignore kthx 2NWZPV
10:18 A2J9MID FL51W4 pls stahp ignore kthx 2JI8SP
10:18 AHIU1EA 7FH7E4 pls stahp ignore kthx NCXDCZ
10:18 A6TI4EQ XSH6CT pls stahp ignore kthx JPNPAO
10:18 AE61O7G 8BF1TK pls stahp ignore kthx 19RL17
10:18 AI04TM4 2LS2R9 pls stahp ignore kthx OM3UNA
10:18 APZ00VO SAW8EP pls stahp ignore kthx GWG5HT
10:18 AR1CCIW BFCQNX pls stahp ignore kthx 3CEC46
10:18 A2J9MID ISDCF6 pls stahp ignore kthx GY9LGS
10:18 AHIU1EA 3CBLAS pls stahp ignore kthx LZQ5C4
10:18 AE61O7G 3LS12U pls stahp ignore kthx V7EK80
10:18 A6TI4EQ MOECX1 pls stahp ignore kthx AYAVAW
10:18 AI04TM4 1X6KMZ pls stahp ignore kthx 0F97XX
10:18 APZ00VO RSU2HW pls stahp ignore kthx Y7RJBW
10:18 AR1CCIW 52APJL pls stahp ignore kthx 0BH84C
10:18 A2J9MID BIW6YS pls stahp ignore kthx UVP2RO
10:18 AHIU1EA LDA3ID pls stahp ignore kthx 4FWXKZ
10:18 A6TI4EQ 5PVIX4 pls stahp ignore kthx OIH4YR
10:18 AE61O7G NJ4UEC pls stahp ignore kthx QQNAEI
10:18 AI04TM4 UKVFY8 pls stahp ignore kthx 5P59A4
10:18 AR1CCIW Q3YWXO pls stahp ignore kthx GVD4HD
10:18 A2J9MID ATE2YE pls stahp ignore kthx 8WVOUC
10:18 APZ00VO VZI3PN pls stahp ignore kthx S50L56
10:18 AHIU1EA BDVC4V pls stahp ignore kthx JHXE7W
10:19 A6TI4EQ GVZ4TS pls stahp ignore kthx HRAWVM
10:19 AE61O7G 804C69 pls stahp ignore kthx XLVVXD
10:19 AI04TM4 5ROCTF pls stahp ignore kthx 93TTVM
10:19 APZ00VO FUV21V pls stahp ignore kthx UZEDUM
10:19 AR1CCIW W9BPXQ pls stahp ignore kthx BFE4FB
10:19 A2J9MID IXG755 pls stahp ignore kthx GKJES4
10:19 AHIU1EA ORZXGH pls stahp ignore kthx VSNQ4V
10:19 A6TI4EQ OOX4RQ pls stahp ignore kthx N0Q62F
10:19 AE61O7G J1PAVN pls stahp ignore kthx MPYUKC
10:19 AI04TM4 M0SCQV pls stahp ignore kthx MN8UTU
10:19 APZ00VO YD1DGP pls stahp ignore kthx N7QBZP
10:19 AR1CCIW RQ8FUW pls stahp ignore kthx VRR8CM
10:19 A2J9MID V0TN4Y pls stahp ignore kthx AMRGZQ
10:19 AHIU1EA GQ3IK7 pls stahp ignore kthx GRAC0Z
10:19 A6TI4EQ Y2TJGH pls stahp ignore kthx K5NZJH
10:19 AE61O7G 93R4JH pls stahp ignore kthx ZG04IM
10:19 AI04TM4 ZYTSKZ pls stahp ignore kthx YILQDB
10:19 APZ00VO 4VEUTW pls stahp ignore kthx QB8SNS
10:19 AR1CCIW U525SR pls stahp ignore kthx X1KNW4
10:19 A2J9MID 4VAN9L pls stahp ignore kthx JTRUI2
10:19 AHIU1EA SMP4QC pls stahp ignore kthx MYU41I
10:19 A6TI4EQ F06UZV pls stahp ignore kthx RW9AAB
10:19 AI04TM4 1K2RAP pls stahp ignore kthx 01RGNS
10:19 AR1CCIW C7GGY6 pls stahp ignore kthx 97AS1X
10:19 AE61O7G 8NYDHL pls stahp ignore kthx UH6JOL
10:19 APZ00VO VW36OG pls stahp ignore kthx HES9NO
10:19 A2J9MID 8HFOEI pls stahp ignore kthx B1BGFM
10:19 AHIU1EA DVGU92 pls stahp ignore kthx 1V1BEB
10:19 A6TI4EQ 49V57C pls stahp ignore kthx 5ZSXBE
10:19 AE61O7G OPUBZC pls stahp ignore kthx XNH3TP
10:19 AI04TM4 RT4JW4 pls stahp ignore kthx IW0F93
10:19 APZ00VO AHAZKO pls stahp ignore kthx FDLI6W
10:19 AR1CCIW RQ14R7 pls stahp ignore kthx AQN4YS
10:19 A2J9MID CW2ZMJ pls stahp ignore kthx U1F761
10:19 AHIU1EA 4Q71KF pls stahp ignore kthx KVONCT
10:19 A6TI4EQ LB471H pls stahp ignore kthx C2MPEO
10:19 AE61O7G Y5M2KA pls stahp ignore kthx YV8NTL
10:19 AI04TM4 QKESO8 pls stahp ignore kthx 6SBQEC
10:19 APZ00VO D0DHE5 pls stahp ignore kthx W19HHL
10:19 AR1CCIW PM6MRW pls stahp ignore kthx L70PZW
10:19 A2J9MID Y5I1Y0 pls stahp ignore kthx XNVRED
10:19 AHIU1EA NHFEKE pls stahp ignore kthx WFPV1R
10:19 A6TI4EQ 8TCG8I pls stahp ignore kthx LN8Z62
10:19 AE61O7G 1A6VNI pls stahp ignore kthx AHBH3V
10:19 AI04TM4 K5O69C pls stahp ignore kthx SNF324
10:19 APZ00VO MKJGEA pls stahp ignore kthx XTZZU8
10:19 ADVHC0J RAD6DG pls stahp ignore kthx 4KLXBQ
10:19 AR1CCIW VWDO8V pls stahp ignore kthx 1I19SL
10:19 A2J9MID 63NDJ8 pls stahp ignore kthx 8VEK7K
10:19 AHIU1EA B9N1KT pls stahp ignore kthx M6HEAP
10:19 AZ7T7NB RYZACU pls stahp ignore kthx FH04BM
10:19 AKUCE0Z WHLB1Q pls stahp ignore kthx 75KWK2
10:19 A6TI4EQ MT8YKF pls stahp ignore kthx TQO5R7
10:19 AE61O7G AKOBAN pls stahp ignore kthx RNNMIB
10:19 ADVHC0J RK39VM pls stahp ignore kthx EWWHDS
10:19 AI04TM4 QN1G05 pls stahp ignore kthx MBZJKP
10:19 APZ00VO 1MQH93 pls stahp ignore kthx 528T30
10:19 AR1CCIW KFBTH4 pls stahp ignore kthx R25BB7
10:19 A2J9MID FRC2JL pls stahp ignore kthx YFAPWT
10:19 AHIU1EA 84CQZR pls stahp ignore kthx 2OZWEG
10:19 AZ7T7NB BFVSJX pls stahp ignore kthx KH8NN3
10:19 AKUCE0Z 7KGHP6 pls stahp ignore kthx US3SRG
10:19 A6TI4EQ 9ODFAG pls stahp ignore kthx AP0PPI
10:19 AE61O7G J57DAU pls stahp ignore kthx FVFOS6
10:19 AI04TM4 ODCIJM pls stahp ignore kthx XFOEOY
10:19 AR1CCIW IGV9RS pls stahp ignore kthx D39O0W
10:19 ADVHC0J LK7MGJ pls stahp ignore kthx VUI9CO
10:19 APZ00VO FH41OQ pls stahp ignore kthx 0Q6VCT
10:19 A2J9MID Q0PBMQ pls stahp ignore kthx K929R7
10:19 AHIU1EA S0DQL5 pls stahp ignore kthx UUFWCN
10:19 AZ7T7NB N9BFYP pls stahp ignore kthx 9A8PQV
10:19 AKUCE0Z NE0CBW pls stahp ignore kthx 4OBPYY
10:19 A6TI4EQ BMK120 pls stahp ignore kthx 8B118E
10:19 AE61O7G HDD6T5 pls stahp ignore kthx BVLT23
10:19 AI04TM4 4QSHGX pls stahp ignore kthx XCXHIS
10:19 APZ00VO L8LXPV pls stahp ignore kthx DDXU2Y
10:19 AR1CCIW SUH9ZV pls stahp ignore kthx 8HOMX0
10:19 ADVHC0J OTF6SP pls stahp ignore kthx 8E7QTK
10:19 A2J9MID Y1V5BB pls stahp ignore kthx TX0FE2
10:19 AHIU1EA N4H3WL pls stahp ignore kthx XLIJ80
10:19 AZ7T7NB LWMHHH pls stahp ignore kthx JLJ6YF
10:19 AKUCE0Z FFEP4F pls stahp ignore kthx SFD3AK
10:19 AE61O7G OFI9WW pls stahp ignore kthx 3TIQSM
10:19 AI04TM4 4HABZI pls stahp ignore kthx GWNUGD
10:19 A6TI4EQ P6GTOI pls stahp ignore kthx 4QX3OV
10:19 ADVHC0J V8Q5JV pls stahp ignore kthx BEGGLS
10:19 APZ00VO RJ8M7D pls stahp ignore kthx MYYU87
10:19 AR1CCIW BB7N6X pls stahp ignore kthx CJ6W4O
10:19 A2J9MID 2L13TA pls stahp ignore kthx GCXVG4
10:19 AHIU1EA 5KWCNR pls stahp ignore kthx IWPYNT
10:19 AZ7T7NB 2A6Z75 pls stahp ignore kthx MFOWCI
10:19 A6TI4EQ 9ISPB9 pls stahp ignore kthx CAI48S
10:19 AI04TM4 A7ZZAE pls stahp ignore kthx U98VPK
10:19 APZ00VO 9L369S pls stahp ignore kthx 1WL59T
10:19 AE61O7G Q7MGQA pls stahp ignore kthx TJCFGR
10:19 AR1CCIW 5F1UXN pls stahp ignore kthx IPZW3T
10:19 A2J9MID WHGJUG pls stahp ignore kthx SYBBB8
10:19 AHIU1EA 53D9L7 pls stahp ignore kthx HSQHLR
10:19 A6TI4EQ CF0NUP pls stahp ignore kthx IXHGBG
10:19 AE61O7G DUAXRQ pls stahp ignore kthx B3TV5T
10:19 AI04TM4 LTRVYP pls stahp ignore kthx 0KYFVM
10:19 APZ00VO 1VI2VF pls stahp ignore kthx EITWZ1
10:19 AR1CCIW 7OO1Z9 pls stahp ignore kthx KM88QP
10:19 A2J9MID RIW6TQ pls stahp ignore kthx HLL4P9
10:19 AHIU1EA MOV2EG pls stahp ignore kthx 0DZIRX
10:19 A6TI4EQ 86VQ72 pls stahp ignore kthx 5NI7OM
10:19 AE61O7G 235CKW pls stahp ignore kthx J8Y38R
10:19 APZ00VO C12T3Y pls stahp ignore kthx UQZC57
10:19 AI04TM4 Z8WY3O pls stahp ignore kthx OVV08E
10:19 A2J9MID ACTJPD pls stahp ignore kthx CXSE4Z
10:19 AR1CCIW DWUH5E pls stahp ignore kthx S5BQIE
10:19 AHIU1EA F8YRHU pls stahp ignore kthx U6AJNV
10:19 A6TI4EQ WL9WVZ pls stahp ignore kthx NFQOKR
10:19 AE61O7G WU7H9N pls stahp ignore kthx 7P54NP
10:19 AI04TM4 ZCN2IT pls stahp ignore kthx 08WNNZ
10:19 AR1CCIW B71LAZ pls stahp ignore kthx RFX8RC
10:19 APZ00VO RAXLA2 pls stahp ignore kthx ZHG3QB
10:19 A2J9MID GG7UIO pls stahp ignore kthx UFUDKO
10:19 AHIU1EA CX4AZU pls stahp ignore kthx 5341XF
10:19 A6TI4EQ ZZ91TU pls stahp ignore kthx SEG722
10:19 AE61O7G XLQZS2 pls stahp ignore kthx Q2W71J
10:19 AI04TM4 KRCUN7 pls stahp ignore kthx XK8GC7
10:19 APZ00VO W03N42 pls stahp ignore kthx SBWMBA
10:19 AR1CCIW AJU862 pls stahp ignore kthx CM62FY
10:19 A2J9MID I72GR3 pls stahp ignore kthx PA2H80
10:19 AHIU1EA ATHXNZ pls stahp ignore kthx OR141G
10:19 AE61O7G YNYUXC pls stahp ignore kthx A1OSSV
10:19 A6TI4EQ MJZ4V2 pls stahp ignore kthx LX5G4F
10:19 AI04TM4 41X2PH pls stahp ignore kthx JJZHK6
10:19 APZ00VO 23YCH7 pls stahp ignore kthx XW8HMR
10:19 AR1CCIW BUOLL3 pls stahp ignore kthx OFZTYX
10:19 A2J9MID HKGFCQ pls stahp ignore kthx T47G72
10:19 AHIU1EA 1339UE pls stahp ignore kthx 1LOAI8
10:19 A6TI4EQ N9Q5DJ pls stahp ignore kthx YVM90M
10:19 AE61O7G 2PQ5M6 pls stahp ignore kthx NMLZYH
10:19 APZ00VO B5T6AQ pls stahp ignore kthx 5X9SK8
10:19 AI04TM4 7IJBDG pls stahp ignore kthx 4VLIDQ
10:19 AR1CCIW INY8NL pls stahp ignore kthx M2DHS4
10:19 A2J9MID O0NN37 pls stahp ignore kthx BXI1PC
10:19 AHIU1EA 916CZ3 pls stahp ignore kthx ZNKVH7
10:19 AE61O7G GWEABG pls stahp ignore kthx FJSJ52
10:19 AI04TM4 V0TU7L pls stahp ignore kthx ERT6GW
10:19 A6TI4EQ W439LE pls stahp ignore kthx W11424
10:19 APZ00VO R1VH2M pls stahp ignore kthx NJMC2W
10:19 AR1CCIW 3LP6S9 pls stahp ignore kthx QEE7U6
10:19 A2J9MID PG13M4 pls stahp ignore kthx XXZ3A1
10:19 AHIU1EA HK5XGI pls stahp ignore kthx N35DNV
10:19 A6TI4EQ SWAA2J pls stahp ignore kthx CYGTIO
10:19 AE61O7G 9JKL69 pls stahp ignore kthx 2QJF4N
10:19 AI04TM4 8KCFKL pls stahp ignore kthx IYUIZI
10:19 AR1CCIW 83HZP8 pls stahp ignore kthx H8J0BF
10:19 APZ00VO 0JCLJD pls stahp ignore kthx VGFGFM
10:19 A2J9MID JKX7US pls stahp ignore kthx M3PUSD
10:19 AHIU1EA HYNTRH pls stahp ignore kthx 022RVN
10:19 A6TI4EQ 42U15K pls stahp ignore kthx MTB3AU
10:19 AE61O7G BA8U7H pls stahp ignore kthx DEPBYD
10:19 AI04TM4 11URAB pls stahp ignore kthx QPGD8P
10:19 AR1CCIW LS7ZI1 pls stahp ignore kthx D7TLLE
10:19 APZ00VO X02BLD pls stahp ignore kthx X9WIQS
10:19 A2J9MID NOSA3C pls stahp ignore kthx LMISQN
10:19 AHIU1EA 8UTZBP pls stahp ignore kthx DYLZFD
10:19 A6TI4EQ NOOC29 pls stahp ignore kthx FPX22J
10:19 AI04TM4 BJZA59 pls stahp ignore kthx 8QY80H
10:19 APZ00VO UIHNHO pls stahp ignore kthx KNJ635
10:19 ADVHC0J MWRGY1 pls stahp ignore kthx 2H376N
10:19 AR1CCIW HS9NJU pls stahp ignore kthx KY1TZT
10:19 AE61O7G 0FHEK0 pls stahp ignore kthx MSK7QY
10:19 A2J9MID 6JD39U pls stahp ignore kthx TFOW6W
10:19 AHIU1EA XW0CSG pls stahp ignore kthx VTKBPV
10:19 AZ7T7NB PM5SVL pls stahp ignore kthx 1J6SAG
10:19 AKUCE0Z 1ZMLB6 pls stahp ignore kthx M3SVTA
10:19 A6TI4EQ IGA2CK pls stahp ignore kthx UC05ND
10:19 AE61O7G INEX3U pls stahp ignore kthx GWVVGB
10:19 AI04TM4 KFURTR pls stahp ignore kthx 4N39JS
10:19 AR1CCIW 0L8ZA3 pls stahp ignore kthx 1UMSEY
10:19 ADVHC0J LPQQUP pls stahp ignore kthx YIU4I2
10:19 APZ00VO 6P95SP pls stahp ignore kthx 62Z7U6
10:19 A2J9MID E75SGS pls stahp ignore kthx N59S5L
10:19 AHIU1EA 8OHJ4W pls stahp ignore kthx IWSC00
10:19 AZ7T7NB 9OR97J pls stahp ignore kthx NT7L9S
10:19 AKUCE0Z 46CKFZ pls stahp ignore kthx 53TQEU
10:19 A6TI4EQ 4G3631 pls stahp ignore kthx CHC9NJ
10:19 AI04TM4 A9EDZE pls stahp ignore kthx PBQSL1
10:19 ADVHC0J V99BZC pls stahp ignore kthx 2JDUV8
10:19 AR1CCIW LWCKNH pls stahp ignore kthx JIB08B
10:19 APZ00VO Q6747C pls stahp ignore kthx KB2WM2
10:19 AE61O7G LWMBYV pls stahp ignore kthx ZZKC6R
10:19 A2J9MID JC6FRZ pls stahp ignore kthx DF5NYI
10:19 AHIU1EA LVF59U pls stahp ignore kthx PNN8T7
10:19 AZ7T7NB GJUTE3 pls stahp ignore kthx P4QUWX
10:19 AKUCE0Z 8VJKG1 pls stahp ignore kthx YIU88P
10:19 A6TI4EQ JGSK1U pls stahp ignore kthx NJWB0X
10:19 AE61O7G 2EG408 pls stahp ignore kthx N4MMEU
10:19 AI04TM4 JLE5XB pls stahp ignore kthx KW74SZ
10:19 ADVHC0J RCYV5Z pls stahp ignore kthx YLGEOD
10:19 APZ00VO A7ZSGV pls stahp ignore kthx AJGSB7
10:19 AR1CCIW N25OPJ pls stahp ignore kthx 1OYYAI
10:19 A2J9MID MUSQZU pls stahp ignore kthx DP7F6D
10:19 AHIU1EA PWK55P pls stahp ignore kthx TZYSAC
10:19 AZ7T7NB TMRK4R pls stahp ignore kthx 0N206D
10:19 AKUCE0Z 009JKB pls stahp ignore kthx Q7RY15
10:19 AI04TM4 DF7K8W pls stahp ignore kthx C9CK90
10:19 A6TI4EQ FFSG1D pls stahp ignore kthx CK7LZA
10:19 AE61O7G KYUPW5 pls stahp ignore kthx IIEYZI
10:19 AR1CCIW NZGOI7 pls stahp ignore kthx 15Z76J
10:19 APZ00VO ATKACS pls stahp ignore kthx VYGLRD
10:19 A2J9MID P43ETV pls stahp ignore kthx M6V3RC
10:19 AHIU1EA F0OH39 pls stahp ignore kthx 1SPO1T
10:19 A6TI4EQ LIXXMP pls stahp ignore kthx VU4MT1
10:19 AE61O7G NIGEFZ pls stahp ignore kthx VJUMWU
10:19 AI04TM4 0VON38 pls stahp ignore kthx EC2W41
10:19 APZ00VO QP18MY pls stahp ignore kthx 586I7P
10:19 AR1CCIW WKQRI2 pls stahp ignore kthx 70E6FT
10:19 A2J9MID 331SOY pls stahp ignore kthx 7TDZIX
10:19 stoptheignorekth bum bum bum
10:19 AHIU1EA GAYMYP pls stahp ignore kthx RSPQBW
10:19 A6TI4EQ 8VRT5Z pls stahp ignore kthx M59SNI
10:19 AE61O7G 4YV8JA pls stahp ignore kthx 7ZGIKS
10:19 AI04TM4 C0ZNXH pls stahp ignore kthx JUS1VN
10:19 APZ00VO O6XJVG pls stahp ignore kthx V8LP6K
10:19 AR1CCIW FXK9PT pls stahp ignore kthx 33B9M6
10:19 A2J9MID 40INR3 pls stahp ignore kthx OJ1PUV
10:19 AHIU1EA O8LE9W pls stahp ignore kthx I6AYCJ
10:19 stoptheignorekth im gay
10:19 A6TI4EQ 5F9V95 pls stahp ignore kthx AXE2AJ
10:19 AE61O7G CF1AEU pls stahp ignore kthx J4SBNI
10:19 AI04TM4 BB9FDR pls stahp ignore kthx ZJ9DI8
10:19 AR1CCIW RJC3OJ pls stahp ignore kthx 8XP6S6
10:19 APZ00VO ZJA29R pls stahp ignore kthx Z9XVZP
10:19 A2J9MID GWARXO pls stahp ignore kthx H5ZVH5
10:19 AHIU1EA 57RSLN pls stahp ignore kthx ZY2H6V
10:19 AE61O7G KPYKZS pls stahp ignore kthx S5HMCP
10:19 A6TI4EQ T1DSTK pls stahp ignore kthx 2YLRL5
10:19 AI04TM4 ZGWD9Z pls stahp ignore kthx 38N3PX
10:19 APZ00VO UYPUOV pls stahp ignore kthx 8F8URS
10:19 AR1CCIW 5I90LD pls stahp ignore kthx NOVHMK
10:19 A2J9MID XEBPIJ pls stahp ignore kthx PBXZ8A
10:19 AHIU1EA 2GGJ3O pls stahp ignore kthx A41U5A
10:19 A6TI4EQ 3DW2YI pls stahp ignore kthx LTL8FI
10:19 AE61O7G Y0TMZ4 pls stahp ignore kthx FK34NA
10:19 AI04TM4 PKCKS0 pls stahp ignore kthx 8XGXIT
10:19 APZ00VO JLDX9D pls stahp ignore kthx IC8QUS
10:19 AR1CCIW YCUUZH pls stahp ignore kthx S7FZXE
10:19 A2J9MID 861GYB pls stahp ignore kthx U80REX
10:19 AHIU1EA PIRJZZ pls stahp ignore kthx FY2312
10:19 A6TI4EQ HMGSTG pls stahp ignore kthx XWDXZM
10:19 AE61O7G DZQ2YY pls stahp ignore kthx 5LTLGS
10:19 AI04TM4 00EUDN pls stahp ignore kthx MSRP8J
10:19 AR1CCIW 60BGZ5 pls stahp ignore kthx 2Y8PDX
10:19 A2J9MID QNZCHF pls stahp ignore kthx SI1T40
10:19 APZ00VO HB4KTZ pls stahp ignore kthx WW6RKL
10:19 AHIU1EA S3TXHQ pls stahp ignore kthx K3E3RL
10:19 AE61O7G 7SI05N pls stahp ignore kthx 6TZZ60
10:19 A6TI4EQ 0KMSUV pls stahp ignore kthx 724QPG
10:19 AI04TM4 U5HPOI pls stahp ignore kthx HN98WO
10:19 APZ00VO 9VQPO5 pls stahp ignore kthx XHU5FS
10:19 AR1CCIW ICYS9F pls stahp ignore kthx 2P7KVK
10:19 A2J9MID 6LHIXF pls stahp ignore kthx O1LQT1
10:19 AHIU1EA E6F0VP pls stahp ignore kthx 74FB3W
10:19 ecatel imgay too
10:19 A6TI4EQ 8X2SF5 pls stahp ignore kthx J08H4P
10:19 AE61O7G DW0Z3K pls stahp ignore kthx B46Y5V
10:19 APZ00VO LOUVEQ pls stahp ignore kthx 9RKGRT
10:19 AI04TM4 LTML6D pls stahp ignore kthx IBUVXP
10:19 AR1CCIW K2YY1K pls stahp ignore kthx A80QPO
10:19 A2J9MID CRI0T4 pls stahp ignore kthx XMJFXU
10:19 AHIU1EA NE11QE pls stahp ignore kthx BF1E00
10:19 AE61O7G 0PJQ42 pls stahp ignore kthx H1IPZM
10:19 A6TI4EQ SNZDO4 pls stahp ignore kthx 9U1EAP
10:19 AI04TM4 5A28OM pls stahp ignore kthx TAUJV3
10:19 AR1CCIW 0W694Y pls stahp ignore kthx T7I2C5
10:19 A2J9MID DJYQRS pls stahp ignore kthx K5EC5W
10:19 APZ00VO 2GV4BT pls stahp ignore kthx E4V9CI
10:19 AHIU1EA JP29PN pls stahp ignore kthx PFTIPM
10:19 A6TI4EQ GDEZZ6 pls stahp ignore kthx P9D6ZF
10:19 AR1CCIW R8YVCG pls stahp ignore kthx T1EKJY
10:19 APZ00VO 3QX7C9 pls stahp ignore kthx WQITMH
10:19 ADVHC0J S2V3R9 pls stahp ignore kthx 1409KM
10:19 AE61O7G HT67OJ pls stahp ignore kthx F059PQ
10:19 AI04TM4 CGNUDC pls stahp ignore kthx 914PVN
10:19 A2J9MID FC365D pls stahp ignore kthx TPKUDN
10:19 AHIU1EA PGXZWC pls stahp ignore kthx JZQW5K
10:19 AZ7T7NB A914VV pls stahp ignore kthx DK0VCA
10:19 A6TI4EQ ESKTUN pls stahp ignore kthx 9RRAIM
10:19 AKUCE0Z NSKBE9 pls stahp ignore kthx QN9YHL
10:19 AR1CCIW 24PW5K pls stahp ignore kthx 24UKNV
10:19 AE61O7G GKBABU pls stahp ignore kthx QIJSDS
10:19 AI04TM4 BPT3AI pls stahp ignore kthx 8QEJWA
10:19 ADVHC0J A64HT7 pls stahp ignore kthx FU1PDW
10:19 APZ00VO HF0BP7 pls stahp ignore kthx XFXH7U
10:19 A2J9MID 3C7HZ9 pls stahp ignore kthx U9O58V
10:19 AHIU1EA X2ORVN pls stahp ignore kthx 3QDG68
10:19 AZ7T7NB TJB3S0 pls stahp ignore kthx 6QX4LE
10:19 AKUCE0Z KTT6SL pls stahp ignore kthx UN2NN9
10:19 AE61O7G 7VQZTZ pls stahp ignore kthx L8U8JB
10:19 A6TI4EQ JY5AU0 pls stahp ignore kthx LLMGV1
10:19 AI04TM4 A0D116 pls stahp ignore kthx 585Y5Y
10:19 ADVHC0J OYTVWK pls stahp ignore kthx BIHEXL
10:19 APZ00VO VOISK0 pls stahp ignore kthx L7S6EQ
10:19 AR1CCIW B8OGDA pls stahp ignore kthx EH9PAT
10:19 A2J9MID H0JRUF pls stahp ignore kthx 875VUL
10:19 AHIU1EA O33LQN pls stahp ignore kthx GX1E10
10:19 AZ7T7NB L1FO5G pls stahp ignore kthx 0BFQX5
10:19 AKUCE0Z QN5M4D pls stahp ignore kthx VKDIO2
10:19 AE61O7G O5XRKQ pls stahp ignore kthx JTCZDE
10:19 A6TI4EQ G4L042 pls stahp ignore kthx 4KY3W0
10:19 ADVHC0J JW5HSA pls stahp ignore kthx LS8ZAY
10:19 AI04TM4 EBDN3V pls stahp ignore kthx 9Y8G1S
10:19 APZ00VO GRQ5I5 pls stahp ignore kthx VJNVSY
10:19 AR1CCIW 9SDU28 pls stahp ignore kthx CJ32XH
10:19 A2J9MID CRE2PQ pls stahp ignore kthx NVRQLW
10:19 AHIU1EA ASU0ZH pls stahp ignore kthx ZLP2KC
10:19 AZ7T7NB AK909S pls stahp ignore kthx SJ2XDU
10:19 AKUCE0Z SVWUQD pls stahp ignore kthx A7CKN9
10:19 flix- joined #minetest
10:19 AE61O7G 5UQFHQ pls stahp ignore kthx T4HOOT
10:19 AI04TM4 P05WRH pls stahp ignore kthx YMHYST
10:19 A6TI4EQ 5B7U72 pls stahp ignore kthx XJ73GH
10:19 APZ00VO ZPXXSI pls stahp ignore kthx HGTTTX
10:19 ADVHC0J Q6IVDL pls stahp ignore kthx 2NOVQL
10:19 AR1CCIW WF52C4 pls stahp ignore kthx G7VZ68
10:19 A2J9MID GWJPWQ pls stahp ignore kthx S07MAI
10:19 AHIU1EA 2VZB9F pls stahp ignore kthx RIHD89
10:19 AZ7T7NB RWLXPR pls stahp ignore kthx XK7T2U
10:19 A6TI4EQ RSDGP0 pls stahp ignore kthx 3ZYPXP
10:19 AE61O7G UQRM4F pls stahp ignore kthx P8Q1D3
10:19 APZ00VO 6MN62L pls stahp ignore kthx YC3P8R
10:19 AR1CCIW 2HGCNF pls stahp ignore kthx GLNES1
10:19 AI04TM4 NKOFK1 pls stahp ignore kthx U1AIRX
10:19 A2J9MID 496B6J pls stahp ignore kthx SRKUWK
10:19 AHIU1EA 5BO6TY pls stahp ignore kthx 5GYFN7
10:19 A6TI4EQ 8F36MS pls stahp ignore kthx GT9XE4
10:19 AI04TM4 C39EQ7 pls stahp ignore kthx 6DH1GD
10:19 AR1CCIW 0M2052 pls stahp ignore kthx IKFT6Z
10:19 AE61O7G 1EYISK pls stahp ignore kthx 2GIBCW
10:19 APZ00VO 5CRP63 pls stahp ignore kthx 34FKKH
10:19 A2J9MID LCX6VF pls stahp ignore kthx CRY00T
10:19 AHIU1EA OU3HCU pls stahp ignore kthx KB8ZLB
10:19 AE61O7G JP9CI0 pls stahp ignore kthx KJJOD8
10:19 AI04TM4 RXWSKJ pls stahp ignore kthx 2JPDW9
10:19 A6TI4EQ T90Z1S pls stahp ignore kthx 0N5AHY
10:19 AR1CCIW UMG9P3 pls stahp ignore kthx DTVXTO
10:19 APZ00VO LJDKLW pls stahp ignore kthx WJ8STF
10:19 A2J9MID 35BUH3 pls stahp ignore kthx NT8UWK
10:19 AHIU1EA E8BXDL pls stahp ignore kthx MR6W2G
10:19 A6TI4EQ N6WJWF pls stahp ignore kthx 8V4E1N
10:19 AI04TM4 HGZXE7 pls stahp ignore kthx O40YTW
10:19 AR1CCIW RBD2K5 pls stahp ignore kthx 5ZZT3V
10:19 APZ00VO 2FYDFL pls stahp ignore kthx YIZMMQ
10:19 AE61O7G ED5J30 pls stahp ignore kthx ZVS31O
10:19 A2J9MID GO99R5 pls stahp ignore kthx V5WNCN
10:19 AHIU1EA CIKC5W pls stahp ignore kthx 1N3Z2I
10:19 A6TI4EQ 0Q2A51 pls stahp ignore kthx CGTW9R
10:19 AI04TM4 LXDN3Z pls stahp ignore kthx GCEYLJ
10:19 APZ00VO KD94TG pls stahp ignore kthx UK9N74
10:19 AR1CCIW SRS7TY pls stahp ignore kthx 2K9DE9
10:19 AE61O7G S37TQ8 pls stahp ignore kthx HLW85O
10:19 A2J9MID PNN5IR pls stahp ignore kthx PRC4BR
10:19 AHIU1EA RL3657 pls stahp ignore kthx 85G67O
10:19 A6TI4EQ O9QDP7 pls stahp ignore kthx XPDZK2
10:19 AI04TM4 H550CO pls stahp ignore kthx YWFA4E
10:19 APZ00VO 2V0HHM pls stahp ignore kthx KT1YW0
10:19 AR1CCIW YDDOUN pls stahp ignore kthx II8DRD
10:19 AE61O7G R79PP2 pls stahp ignore kthx E9F4HT
10:19 A2J9MID A9DJGB pls stahp ignore kthx 9AULOZ
10:19 AHIU1EA J22I0P pls stahp ignore kthx WLU2GZ
10:19 A6TI4EQ THX9M2 pls stahp ignore kthx E7XDGX
10:19 AI04TM4 QI8A50 pls stahp ignore kthx 9A3459
10:19 APZ00VO 8UQL1W pls stahp ignore kthx XFKA8I
10:19 AE61O7G URQAV4 pls stahp ignore kthx 5NR0Z9
10:19 AR1CCIW XFLDIH pls stahp ignore kthx G610GP
10:19 A2J9MID EP8TMC pls stahp ignore kthx L9MKI5
10:19 AHIU1EA D5KY49 pls stahp ignore kthx H83XOM
10:19 AE61O7G 4GQ0EY pls stahp ignore kthx GHP7LP
10:19 AI04TM4 5S01PY pls stahp ignore kthx MPN4C3
10:19 A6TI4EQ XKLBGE pls stahp ignore kthx IA9DTD
10:19 APZ00VO KATNCB pls stahp ignore kthx NRWJ76
10:19 AR1CCIW 9SWS3Q pls stahp ignore kthx DF2A79
10:19 A2J9MID HDWLJH pls stahp ignore kthx H38O8I
10:19 AHIU1EA AUHPHQ pls stahp ignore kthx J3QXO7
10:19 A6TI4EQ AZF31Q pls stahp ignore kthx JAEYX1
10:19 AI04TM4 4KNSC5 pls stahp ignore kthx LSFCDN
10:19 AE61O7G 5RN8BR pls stahp ignore kthx 9JUODT
10:19 APZ00VO Z4LJNO pls stahp ignore kthx OXFEQ7
10:19 AR1CCIW 1U6LID pls stahp ignore kthx M1GVJD
10:19 A2J9MID YNZSDB pls stahp ignore kthx PB5AXK
10:19 AHIU1EA IMX3EN pls stahp ignore kthx 0T7MD7
10:19 A6TI4EQ KNJAKB pls stahp ignore kthx ONV9DC
10:19 AE61O7G 0UIAZW pls stahp ignore kthx T42MV0
10:19 AI04TM4 XCOFPT pls stahp ignore kthx SZOW4M
10:19 APZ00VO OS1Q9S pls stahp ignore kthx 8FIXN3
10:19 AR1CCIW D8X4X6 pls stahp ignore kthx 74E95B
10:19 A2J9MID F1108G pls stahp ignore kthx GEZE4W
10:19 AHIU1EA DROXSA pls stahp ignore kthx MW6J4O
10:19 AE61O7G NC3P19 pls stahp ignore kthx V6IU5O
10:19 AI04TM4 E1H6ZC pls stahp ignore kthx 4MXQBJ
10:19 A6TI4EQ XE0JUA pls stahp ignore kthx 2IMC8M
10:19 APZ00VO OJRGYM pls stahp ignore kthx J5LA6F
10:19 AR1CCIW N99ZS3 pls stahp ignore kthx 9MHT74
10:19 A2J9MID 7GCN6R pls stahp ignore kthx 8UAIUZ
10:19 AHIU1EA UH7YW4 pls stahp ignore kthx F1C3A0
10:19 AZ7T7NB DGDY2J pls stahp ignore kthx C96LZ0
10:19 AKUCE0Z ULN04W pls stahp ignore kthx ZH4AOG
10:19 A6TI4EQ 4N1EYE pls stahp ignore kthx W3GXDY
10:19 AE61O7G B0UCD0 pls stahp ignore kthx RVLB7P
10:19 ADVHC0J 8MBYBH pls stahp ignore kthx MGLGBG
10:19 AI04TM4 G23SHY pls stahp ignore kthx T04UNK
10:19 AR1CCIW 1TLB5C pls stahp ignore kthx 77FR49
10:19 APZ00VO VJB6KM pls stahp ignore kthx LBEDFP
10:19 A2J9MID ATPOID pls stahp ignore kthx OXCE7U
10:19 AHIU1EA UQGDIS pls stahp ignore kthx F1LQHF
10:19 AZ7T7NB QLC580 pls stahp ignore kthx 2YW2IW
10:19 AKUCE0Z 34SXEI pls stahp ignore kthx 6YWU6V
10:19 A6TI4EQ Q38AFE pls stahp ignore kthx LSWYU8
10:19 ADVHC0J 8VDYJD pls stahp ignore kthx KEKJGH
10:19 AI04TM4 FHM7XE pls stahp ignore kthx NG91NF
10:19 APZ00VO 4ZDURI pls stahp ignore kthx 7F5BER
10:19 AR1CCIW QF7EQB pls stahp ignore kthx ZR8K8H
10:19 A2J9MID SUWJPT pls stahp ignore kthx IWZOK1
10:19 AHIU1EA GQ03QZ pls stahp ignore kthx I2WC9Q
10:19 AE61O7G 1HJ9WZ pls stahp ignore kthx DVJOP9
10:19 AZ7T7NB O8XZY4 pls stahp ignore kthx 9HUWQ9
10:19 AKUCE0Z XNOBG0 pls stahp ignore kthx F2J5V3
10:19 AE61O7G BPUMC0 pls stahp ignore kthx YFLA76
10:19 ADVHC0J FFZI2Q pls stahp ignore kthx 8YUD39
10:19 AI04TM4 L9VOUG pls stahp ignore kthx 3Q7AO0
10:19 AR1CCIW AA9KI9 pls stahp ignore kthx 4AT3JC
10:19 A6TI4EQ C82ZZ8 pls stahp ignore kthx KZEY22
10:19 APZ00VO 81UPOA pls stahp ignore kthx D6DKV0
10:19 A2J9MID NGECTB pls stahp ignore kthx AFC7GA
10:19 AHIU1EA WRX6OX pls stahp ignore kthx XKSSRZ
10:19 AZ7T7NB NHY2WJ pls stahp ignore kthx L32QCX
10:19 AKUCE0Z YC4C0D pls stahp ignore kthx FV116P
10:19 A6TI4EQ 9CAB8E pls stahp ignore kthx 80CZ1L
10:19 AE61O7G 9LMUC7 pls stahp ignore kthx GFM2S4
10:19 AI04TM4 EF1RTG pls stahp ignore kthx 7ETI0Z
10:19 AR1CCIW JV0W4H pls stahp ignore kthx O74V8B
10:19 APZ00VO LIZAV0 pls stahp ignore kthx PQL1RI
10:19 ADVHC0J 54ZKQU pls stahp ignore kthx NCOWYD
10:19 A2J9MID YH8T0N pls stahp ignore kthx JU2P0H
10:19 AHIU1EA MN1UII pls stahp ignore kthx MJRUGN
10:19 AZ7T7NB FM4CG3 pls stahp ignore kthx GCIONE
10:19 AKUCE0Z G1RD5C pls stahp ignore kthx 9F8JGB
10:19 A6TI4EQ G7RQPC pls stahp ignore kthx PUHTOH
10:19 AE61O7G QUW5TG pls stahp ignore kthx KP5DZH
10:19 AI04TM4 GHOFOU pls stahp ignore kthx WM1WUJ
10:19 AR1CCIW WBCUS7 pls stahp ignore kthx 3LTTQ1
10:19 APZ00VO C9LLDY pls stahp ignore kthx KVKYAX
10:19 A2J9MID HKCIPC pls stahp ignore kthx 9CKZQ2
10:19 AHIU1EA UFN2BG pls stahp ignore kthx SM73O0
10:19 A6TI4EQ EHV92U pls stahp ignore kthx 47GIIP
10:19 AE61O7G 2FVCTH pls stahp ignore kthx GUXF8A
10:19 APZ00VO KGSXBY pls stahp ignore kthx GBS89Q
10:19 AR1CCIW 32K0UR pls stahp ignore kthx E5HBT0
10:19 AI04TM4 VZXIF7 pls stahp ignore kthx F0SDO6
10:19 A2J9MID B3HIM4 pls stahp ignore kthx 875YVY
10:19 AHIU1EA AFLVG6 pls stahp ignore kthx R2ELWB
10:19 A6TI4EQ BSG1OF pls stahp ignore kthx 7D3EMP
10:19 AE61O7G 3IZXE4 pls stahp ignore kthx TYZN73
10:19 AR1CCIW 3YW8V7 pls stahp ignore kthx ES5JQA
10:19 AI04TM4 21KX65 pls stahp ignore kthx J7P7JX
10:19 APZ00VO ZKB0RI pls stahp ignore kthx GYAU5W
10:19 A2J9MID N3504A pls stahp ignore kthx 5G82FN
10:19 AHIU1EA WFW677 pls stahp ignore kthx F85127
10:19 A6TI4EQ YGYUP1 pls stahp ignore kthx 5DQ70A
10:19 AE61O7G 9TRN2M pls stahp ignore kthx GWR13E
10:19 APZ00VO 4YGSVK pls stahp ignore kthx COMKME
10:19 AI04TM4 H8P7FS pls stahp ignore kthx ZAFJQJ
10:19 AR1CCIW T20CBI pls stahp ignore kthx 6Y18Q5
10:20 A2J9MID GU0AKH pls stahp ignore kthx QHGCGV
10:20 AHIU1EA REGAFE pls stahp ignore kthx CS1O0Q
10:20 A6TI4EQ 8LH6HS pls stahp ignore kthx RGS5M2
10:20 AE61O7G CMGTOD pls stahp ignore kthx FR0O8Z
10:20 AI04TM4 VJ0NHX pls stahp ignore kthx Z9MCDL
10:20 AR1CCIW 57D4B5 pls stahp ignore kthx LQ6VSX
10:20 A2J9MID INWIJL pls stahp ignore kthx 552JZI
10:20 APZ00VO TMY28N pls stahp ignore kthx JWXV4V
10:20 AHIU1EA BGAOTB pls stahp ignore kthx A9PP9S
10:20 A6TI4EQ E1R079 pls stahp ignore kthx VXDZ1T
10:20 AE61O7G 513WNS pls stahp ignore kthx DDW9GH
10:20 AI04TM4 QTC3L7 pls stahp ignore kthx USARG8
10:20 APZ00VO 9RU3PI pls stahp ignore kthx C1XWVJ
10:20 AR1CCIW H7P0FY pls stahp ignore kthx FW8IXE
10:20 A2J9MID 00BR6J pls stahp ignore kthx VFOHDD
10:20 AHIU1EA FBOQOA pls stahp ignore kthx X8FPL0
10:20 A6TI4EQ 3QD97F pls stahp ignore kthx K2Y3Z9
10:20 AE61O7G 6DV9N3 pls stahp ignore kthx 9WDE22
10:20 AI04TM4 21TAWO pls stahp ignore kthx 392YK7
10:20 APZ00VO U269JK pls stahp ignore kthx OLGBU6
10:20 AR1CCIW QH06ET pls stahp ignore kthx HPHIGZ
10:20 A2J9MID 8TMIEB pls stahp ignore kthx SQT4H1
10:20 AHIU1EA EHR3ZZ pls stahp ignore kthx PZL8R4
10:20 AE61O7G GAMDGE pls stahp ignore kthx 77H2J6
10:20 A6TI4EQ FE8KX4 pls stahp ignore kthx 0U6OIW
10:20 AI04TM4 8W0PL2 pls stahp ignore kthx XIVFGP
10:20 AR1CCIW 5S561W pls stahp ignore kthx Y5JVK9
10:20 A2J9MID R4H0SA pls stahp ignore kthx ZQSYKM
10:20 APZ00VO FBV3P0 pls stahp ignore kthx 8T1JF2
10:20 AHIU1EA 2OE1N1 pls stahp ignore kthx HU5YJU
10:20 A6TI4EQ B7KZJW pls stahp ignore kthx OYSRHV
10:20 AE61O7G 3E2WXT pls stahp ignore kthx WC41WN
10:20 AI04TM4 2TUC1I pls stahp ignore kthx 2W82PU
10:20 AR1CCIW 74E8VE pls stahp ignore kthx 631F4U
10:20 APZ00VO 41R2MY pls stahp ignore kthx 78I0VK
10:20 A2J9MID 4HZG3D pls stahp ignore kthx ZXEHPD
10:20 AHIU1EA JSBT86 pls stahp ignore kthx P317WI
10:20 AE61O7G 3OCQL3 pls stahp ignore kthx HNC3Q9
10:20 A6TI4EQ FZUAOJ pls stahp ignore kthx 5RWLF9
10:20 AI04TM4 URNTL7 pls stahp ignore kthx ZSCJGE
10:20 AR1CCIW NWR6GH pls stahp ignore kthx PDR1B7
10:20 APZ00VO 5YBLST pls stahp ignore kthx HQ45VP
10:20 flix- left #minetest
10:20 A2J9MID BCMXLY pls stahp ignore kthx 3WNM1B
10:20 AHIU1EA UXT72P pls stahp ignore kthx 3WN69Z
10:20 A6TI4EQ ZTIJV1 pls stahp ignore kthx YK59M5
10:20 AE61O7G 2UGIHO pls stahp ignore kthx MZP515
10:20 APZ00VO XNGZH5 pls stahp ignore kthx NVVQTJ
10:20 AI04TM4 XY6II5 pls stahp ignore kthx OKI859
10:20 AR1CCIW 6HTM1I pls stahp ignore kthx ZHOHUU
10:20 A2J9MID GAJZES pls stahp ignore kthx 0J9YF8
10:20 AHIU1EA 42ZRGZ pls stahp ignore kthx US1DTA
10:20 AZ7T7NB WJTH8Q pls stahp ignore kthx Q03ZJA
10:20 AKUCE0Z 4F4M3F pls stahp ignore kthx 8CF9HO
10:20 A6TI4EQ B7KLYS pls stahp ignore kthx AZ55JX
10:20 AE61O7G YYDB1A pls stahp ignore kthx BF1NGX
10:20 AI04TM4 Y81CMG pls stahp ignore kthx XVCN25
10:20 ADVHC0J ISAOAM pls stahp ignore kthx Y48UTG
10:20 APZ00VO UPPTWX pls stahp ignore kthx 4C9YRB
10:20 AR1CCIW FZCJZP pls stahp ignore kthx FORKDC
10:20 A2J9MID SSP915 pls stahp ignore kthx 848UCR
10:20 AHIU1EA L5O5CL pls stahp ignore kthx 7T5QMN
10:20 AKUCE0Z WO6YA2 pls stahp ignore kthx TXB4IS
10:20 A6TI4EQ 6QR028 pls stahp ignore kthx 4KNOT6
10:20 AZ7T7NB VAFBTP pls stahp ignore kthx A72UQ8
10:20 AE61O7G RPDUYW pls stahp ignore kthx 5V6X87
10:20 ADVHC0J 9K21BQ pls stahp ignore kthx RJQ7O7
10:20 AI04TM4 2R934X pls stahp ignore kthx MPOYKE
10:20 APZ00VO OU1PXH pls stahp ignore kthx IBLFL6
10:20 AR1CCIW BCZF8U pls stahp ignore kthx 5BLLWK
10:20 A2J9MID 4T01IF pls stahp ignore kthx 4MO8VL
10:20 AHIU1EA BDAW0D pls stahp ignore kthx 5TDN82
10:20 AZ7T7NB HWJIBZ pls stahp ignore kthx 94SAAN
10:20 AKUCE0Z NAWLBC pls stahp ignore kthx L1RNNL
10:20 A6TI4EQ 1U87G2 pls stahp ignore kthx 17ZO50
10:20 AE61O7G 9A74VY pls stahp ignore kthx SW4ND7
10:20 ADVHC0J 3E4LSY pls stahp ignore kthx 71ZCYP
10:20 AR1CCIW RSB1AG pls stahp ignore kthx G0ZII0
10:20 AI04TM4 6KHEV0 pls stahp ignore kthx WVDUN0
10:20 APZ00VO VR2HK2 pls stahp ignore kthx WXF75Y
10:20 A2J9MID P1YDBZ pls stahp ignore kthx 31SARN
10:20 AHIU1EA SWT4O0 pls stahp ignore kthx N7XZGW
10:20 AZ7T7NB ZE6Q4H pls stahp ignore kthx QGP9BY
10:20 AKUCE0Z 9G6489 pls stahp ignore kthx O1LCJA
10:20 A6TI4EQ 1Q9YO8 pls stahp ignore kthx TV6NI1
10:20 AE61O7G JHDJ6I pls stahp ignore kthx QZ8NPR
10:20 ADVHC0J WS4JJG pls stahp ignore kthx 970DBC
10:20 AI04TM4 DTXECC pls stahp ignore kthx Y5J9AC
10:20 APZ00VO 3WQPVT pls stahp ignore kthx DMM92O
10:20 AR1CCIW I1IRK7 pls stahp ignore kthx M18LZL
10:20 A2J9MID B8GQNI pls stahp ignore kthx SQAGMH
10:20 AHIU1EA DF8UIA pls stahp ignore kthx Q7MBOI
10:20 A6TI4EQ MZA9JA pls stahp ignore kthx VAMZ1H
10:20 AE61O7G XJDW6J pls stahp ignore kthx 1FU4PW
10:20 AI04TM4 13W7NO pls stahp ignore kthx ZGI1SI
10:20 APZ00VO VNH973 pls stahp ignore kthx S4VPJA
10:20 AR1CCIW 8MNO3N pls stahp ignore kthx TXHAI6
10:20 A2J9MID 7SHI5N pls stahp ignore kthx OYGXVK
10:20 AHIU1EA A0ZF5Q pls stahp ignore kthx OVDJ7H
10:20 A6TI4EQ 75RRHW pls stahp ignore kthx 01Q2AB
10:20 AE61O7G 17KCY5 pls stahp ignore kthx EMNYPW
10:20 AI04TM4 1XCCW3 pls stahp ignore kthx TKZX83
10:20 APZ00VO CMR8YI pls stahp ignore kthx N26GRG
10:20 AR1CCIW 8UNXOB pls stahp ignore kthx 413QAW
10:20 A2J9MID D2TKT7 pls stahp ignore kthx IGVD8Z
10:20 AHIU1EA I9MFYX pls stahp ignore kthx FGOCGA
10:20 A6TI4EQ DADTR9 pls stahp ignore kthx RKX2Q7
10:20 AE61O7G UVMLLI pls stahp ignore kthx 1P1UHO
10:20 AI04TM4 F44G0E pls stahp ignore kthx 2XWWFW
10:20 APZ00VO K2JKXV pls stahp ignore kthx BP7CN3
10:20 AR1CCIW 1IJ2Q1 pls stahp ignore kthx 4BSFN3
10:20 A2J9MID YNKXLT pls stahp ignore kthx ACNMIG
10:20 AHIU1EA X1DZAT pls stahp ignore kthx 9E4JIK
10:20 A6TI4EQ U9MBKE pls stahp ignore kthx TCXOHB
10:20 AI04TM4 HAPT6Q pls stahp ignore kthx 13L4GQ
10:20 APZ00VO 9LBIGI pls stahp ignore kthx P6G0ON
10:20 AR1CCIW NVDM0O pls stahp ignore kthx 2PBR23
10:20 A2J9MID T9YO9P pls stahp ignore kthx J933AT
10:20 AHIU1EA ENKHMW pls stahp ignore kthx I8QPN8
10:20 AE61O7G T32G54 pls stahp ignore kthx PHVW3F
10:20 AE61O7G F3L8P0 pls stahp ignore kthx USVL82
10:20 AI04TM4 9IEUNH pls stahp ignore kthx YX79UI
10:20 APZ00VO 51IEOX pls stahp ignore kthx 3Q6WHE
10:20 A6TI4EQ 1T4Y2N pls stahp ignore kthx IMC92N
10:20 AR1CCIW WVEAFJ pls stahp ignore kthx YOE3X9
10:20 A2J9MID FE85FT pls stahp ignore kthx HOPXKK
10:20 AHIU1EA 7KTX0X pls stahp ignore kthx YZ1IE2
10:20 A6TI4EQ GXPROI pls stahp ignore kthx 5IDKUN
10:20 AE61O7G QBFQHC pls stahp ignore kthx DC5DZB
10:20 AI04TM4 0NMLIO pls stahp ignore kthx DB73EB
10:20 APZ00VO FVO095 pls stahp ignore kthx XGRFZI
10:20 A2J9MID 3WR03B pls stahp ignore kthx 5D08BR
10:20 AR1CCIW ZF4GMH pls stahp ignore kthx TAO6MR
10:20 AHIU1EA DEW088 pls stahp ignore kthx ZTZF6T
10:20 A6TI4EQ END6PP pls stahp ignore kthx Q5QG1R
10:20 AE61O7G FBW0W7 pls stahp ignore kthx 7VZK2U
10:20 AI04TM4 KZQC08 pls stahp ignore kthx 5N1B6G
10:20 APZ00VO B5Q0NF pls stahp ignore kthx BV1CWK
10:20 AR1CCIW G9GG88 pls stahp ignore kthx Y9IUFT
10:20 A2J9MID 5RQWMX pls stahp ignore kthx NZ698M
10:20 A6TI4EQ VZ3R5Z pls stahp ignore kthx 4PVDSM
10:20 AE61O7G N89TBP pls stahp ignore kthx WHK9LS
10:20 AI04TM4 J4G9FS pls stahp ignore kthx QUMCQA
10:20 AR1CCIW CFSZBA pls stahp ignore kthx R95BZW
10:20 APZ00VO 1ILQU7 pls stahp ignore kthx SSXE8B
10:20 A2J9MID GU56X0 pls stahp ignore kthx 47N1L7
10:20 A6TI4EQ Y6OEM6 pls stahp ignore kthx 9Z7EJF
10:20 AE61O7G AIXOOE pls stahp ignore kthx WG9315
10:20 APZ00VO XR11PR pls stahp ignore kthx S9M8AK
10:20 AR1CCIW QP3OZJ pls stahp ignore kthx 8J7SAD
10:20 AI04TM4 XSEJY8 pls stahp ignore kthx AY01WU
10:20 A2J9MID 3M609V pls stahp ignore kthx 15JPSK
10:20 A6TI4EQ 34XQ33 pls stahp ignore kthx JBVYJF
10:20 AE61O7G FSSOV0 pls stahp ignore kthx 89HK8L
10:20 AR1CCIW NDKW4N pls stahp ignore kthx PK0NC8
10:20 AI04TM4 YRY0QO pls stahp ignore kthx S37N4S
10:20 APZ00VO ZKU3HS pls stahp ignore kthx R6HPCY
10:20 A2J9MID 772VPN pls stahp ignore kthx HIVY6J
10:20 AZ7T7NB NH0T81 pls stahp ignore kthx W3OXIM
10:20 AHIU1EA DXPC0L pls stahp ignore kthx NFCQ3U
10:20 AHIU1EA NFRVLQ pls stahp ignore kthx GNYNJC
10:20 AHIU1EA AKERKX pls stahp ignore kthx XV8WBY
10:20 AKUCE0Z EG8Z39 pls stahp ignore kthx S9L49B
10:20 A6TI4EQ HM9EUZ pls stahp ignore kthx FMOVLZ
10:20 ADVHC0J WU744J pls stahp ignore kthx 7DCSLA
10:20 AE61O7G W8UZS1 pls stahp ignore kthx QICXP4
10:20 AI04TM4 BB9HXD pls stahp ignore kthx T8G45H
10:20 AHIU1EA P4OGUB pls stahp ignore kthx ZX5LYB
10:20 AR1CCIW HULA6F pls stahp ignore kthx BDAR8V
10:20 APZ00VO PJUO01 pls stahp ignore kthx JUCBX1
10:20 A2J9MID FT2QFY pls stahp ignore kthx TZP884