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IRC log for #minetest, 2014-03-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:44 PilzAdam ShadowNinja, bye :-p
01:17 hoodedice joined #minetest
01:18 hoodedice !tell sfan5: I'm getting that lighting issue with WorldEdit again! Running a server with GUI, MT g18fd913, WorldEdit latest - fixlight doesn't work
01:18 MinetestBot TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' (file "/home/user/mtbot/modules/", line 17, in aa_hook)
01:18 hoodedice !help
01:18 MinetestBot TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' (file "/home/user/mtbot/modules/", line 17, in aa_hook)
01:19 hoodedice sfan5!
01:19 hoodedice MinetestBot is broken
01:25 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
01:37 Megaf Hi
01:37 hoodedice Hey
01:38 Megaf yep, fixlight no longer works
01:38 Megaf and its been some time already
01:47 werwerwer_ joined #minetest
02:03 ImQ009 joined #minetest
02:10 hoodedice Darn
02:34 SirDigby joined #minetest
02:34 SirDigby left #minetest
02:35 SirDigby joined #minetest
02:37 SirDigby Anyone know about openbox autostart scripts?
02:43 Menche joined #minetest
02:46 alexF joined #minetest
03:08 NakedFury joined #minetest
04:15 c107 joined #minetest
04:15 c107 I'm wanting to learn how to play this game and like it so that I can convert my Minecraft friends.
04:39 Megaf joined #minetest
04:49 VargaD joined #minetest
05:43 TheMCNAutoBot joined #minetest
05:43 TheMCNAutoBot joined #minetest
05:44 TheMCNAutoBot I need help using threads in minetest.
05:49 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
05:50 TheMCNAutoBot Hey, does anyone know how to add threading to minetest server's?-?-?-!-!
05:56 nore joined #minetest
06:26 c107 left #minetest
06:35 Mogwai joined #minetest
06:41 ungali joined #minetest
06:53 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
06:59 VanessaE TheMCNAutoBot: as soon as you figure it out, please tell the rest of us :P
07:00 VanessaE (multithreading isn't something Minetest does all that well, at least not in the places where it's really *really* needed)
07:19 sfan5 MinetestBot: quit
07:20 MinetestBot joined #minetest
07:20 sfan5 !tell Jordach test
07:20 MinetestBot sfan5: I'll pass that on when Jordach is around
07:20 sfan5 \o/
07:20 * sfan5 hugs MinetestBot
07:20 sfan5 hi everyone BTW
07:21 TheMCNAutoBot Thank you, VanessaE I would continue to create a multi-threated Minetest Plugin, module, or compile a CentOS - Multi-threated Successful compile. If Lua has a Threading ability that would be amazing. I have gotten SO close to creating an CentOS multi threaded Minetest Server that can use 6-8 Cores. VanessaE have you attempted to create multi-threading too?
07:22 sfan5 wat
07:23 sfan5 TheMCNAutoBot: can you stop throwing random words together?
07:23 sfan5 Lua does not have threading ability
07:23 sfan5 it has a global lock so you can't use it from multiple threads
07:24 sfan5 also a 'Plugin' is not a standard thing in Minetest
07:24 sfan5 what do you mean?
07:25 sfan5 if plugin = modifying the source code of Minetest then you can use threads freely
07:26 TheMCNAutoBot I am not, If the Server side of Minetest just needs an amazing programming backend. I can say that I have seen that locking problem that seems to be a problem that is keeping the minetest player and minetest server together. It's time to bring the minetest server to a multi-threaded Server backend that can "Properly Communicate Between threads" and Thank you sfan5 for not thinking outside of the minetest Lua box..
07:27 sfan5 someone would need to divide the environment lock into serveral different locks
07:28 sfan5 code that accesses Players could also be edited to first fetch all Players, release the lock and continue operation
07:31 TheMCNAutoBot Yes, can be done if Lua can reproduce properly. Thank you sfan5 for shooting my vision of minetest down out of the sky though I would NOT share my vision if the other PEOPLE of minetest finds my idea impossible.. The locking is something that holds back multi-process communication. Would you like to help me sfan5? Did you try using another type of multi-threading or inter-process pipeline that can one day get minetest to be MUCH
07:31 TheMCNAutoBot faster, improved, and fill of entertainment...
07:33 TheMCNAutoBot It's like what a server balancer does with server processes, what a proxy server does for/with a busy server. Now if this is a minetest community can I get some help?
07:34 sfan5 ..
07:35 sfan5 you can't do it in lua because the lua instance has a global lock
07:36 sfan5 also: WTF?! other type multi-threading    there are no types of multi-threading
07:36 sfan5 we don't need a inter-process pipeline either
07:36 sfan5 an*
07:37 basxto joined #minetest
07:38 VanessaE It doesn't help that he's using a translator (or seems to be)
07:39 VanessaE you could certainly get some help, but the first thing you're gonna need to do is come up with an actual plan to implement your idea
07:39 TheMCNAutoBot Thank you, VanessaE for you interest. Cheer up sfan5, and thanks for your opinion. Finally, i would contact VanessaE when I have a cure to "global lock, lock, server success lock" I am finished asking for some helping hands. Talk to you Later, sfan5 aka MacOSX type. I would stay SHUT! I would knock on your BOX that you ould want to stay inside. Thank you sfan5 I have my answers.
07:39 VanessaE and that will, as sfan5 suggested, have to start with implementing some sort of basic multithreading capability in Lua itself.
07:39 TheMCNAutoBot Yes VanessaE, I would.. Thank you..
07:39 VanessaE (nevermind the whole locking issue previously mentioned.
07:40 sfan5 '', sfan5 aka MacOSX type. I would stay SHUT! I would knock on your BOX that you ould want to stay inside.'' that sound like an insult, I don't think any translator randomly generates insults that don't make sene
07:40 sfan5 sense*
07:40 sfan5 sounds*
07:41 TheMCNAutoBot See, VanessaE has a vision. Thank you. I would contact you with the plans on a lay out presentation. I am finish, back to quite..
07:41 VanessaE don't look at me, TheMCNAutoBot....  I just know how the dev process works in Minetest...
07:42 TheMCNAutoBot Awwww, thank you I understand.
07:44 sfan5 !tell Jordach
07:44 MinetestBot sfan5: I'll pass that on when Jordach is around
07:44 VanessaE haha
07:45 VanessaE plol
07:45 VanessaE thanks for the laugh
07:46 sfan5 the whole thread is hilarious
07:46 sfan5
07:49 VanessaE haha
07:50 sfan5
07:50 VanessaE "Each individual letter on a keyboard. "
07:51 sfan5 >P! O! R! N! H! U! B! DOT! C! O! M!
07:51 sfan5 >Am I the only one who imagined this as a group of cheerleaders spelling in front of a live audience?
07:55 TheMCNAutoBot Come on this is a minetest channel. Minetestbot evaluate sfan5. Come on, sfan5 needs to be told about this adult rated material..
07:55 sfan5 wut
07:55 VanessaE um, wut
07:55 VanessaE <Peanut> HUH? </Peanut>
07:56 sfan5 Imagine your CPU screaming CPUUUUUU!
07:56 VanessaE sfan5:
07:56 VanessaE braille louder
07:56 VanessaE • ••• •• •• • •••• •• ••• • • ••• •• ••• •• ••• •
07:57 VanessaE best comment of the thread right there :D
07:57 sfan5 yep
07:57 sfan5 but they could used the actual brallie chars from UTF-8
07:57 sfan5 +'ve
07:57 VanessaE perhaps, but then it wouldn't be as funny :)
08:04 VanessaE load more comments (4943 replies)   <-- um, no.   I would rather sleep some time this week. :P
08:04 sfan5 :P
08:30 VanessaE bbl
08:45 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:45 monkeycoder joined #minetest
08:46 vifino joined #minetest
08:54 kahrl joined #minetest
09:11 Jousway joined #minetest
09:22 vifino joined #minetest
09:37 proller joined #minetest
09:52 Leoneof joined #minetest
09:52 vifino joined #minetest
09:55 Jordanlw joined #minetest
10:09 vifino joined #minetest
10:15 nore <-- spam
10:15 MattJ joined #minetest
10:16 vifino joined #minetest
10:20 vifino_ joined #minetest
10:25 JackGruff joined #minetest
10:34 john_minetest joined #minetest
10:35 * sfan5 flips john_minetest
10:36 * john_minetest does a backflip
10:36 proller joined #minetest
10:38 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
10:39 nore joined #minetest
10:50 sfan5 john_minetest:
10:54 SylvieLorxu joined #minetest
11:02 vifino_ joined #minetest
11:12 sfan5 meow
11:17 vifino joined #minetest
11:17 CWz joined #minetest
11:18 CWz left #minetest
11:23 PilzAdam joined #minetest
11:23 nore hi PilzAdam
11:24 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
11:35 PilzAdam sfan5, default settings would be cool
11:35 PilzAdam also: table
11:49 Megaf joined #minetest
11:58 Garmine joined #minetest
12:04 PenguinDad joined #minetest
12:13 whiskers75 joined #minetest
12:24 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
12:24 RealBadAngel
12:25 RealBadAngel ^^ cathedral from mc converted to mt
12:26 ImQ009 joined #minetest
12:27 Leoneof joined #minetest
12:29 sfan5 PilzAdam: if you tell me how to make a table I'll add default settings
12:29 PilzAdam sfan5,
12:30 sfan5 ok thx
12:36 sfan5 PilzAdam: done
12:43 tomreyn joined #minetest
12:50 RagarLaud joined #minetest
12:50 RagarLaud hi
12:50 * sfan5 puts a kitten on RagarLaud's head
12:50 * RagarLaud strokes the kitteh on his head
13:04 monkeycoder joined #minetest
13:11 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
13:15 PilzAdam bbl
13:19 proller joined #minetest
13:28 Megaf joined #minetest
13:36 PenguinDad ~seen kaeza
13:36 ShadowBot PenguinDad: I saw kaeza in #minetest 2 weeks, 2 days, 17 hours, 20 minutes, and 15 seconds ago saying "gtg... for now. bbl maybe".
13:46 hmmmm joined #minetest
13:47 vifino ~seen sapier
13:47 ShadowBot vifino: I saw sapier in #minetest 3 days, 14 hours, 3 minutes, and 48 seconds ago saying "local pos = {x=x,y=y,z=z}".
13:56 Broam joined #minetest
13:56 Broam joined #minetest
13:56 Broam left #minetest
13:57 MinetestBot john_minetest: I'll pass that on when , is around
13:57 MinetestBot john_minetest: shadowbot was last seen at 2014-03-04 13:47:28 UTC on #minetest
13:57 MinetestBot john_minetest: minetestbot was last seen at 2014-03-04 07:20:17 UTC on #minetest-de
13:59 PenguinDad plol
13:59 RealBadAngel
13:59 RealBadAngel ^^ epic cathedral converted from minecraft
14:00 RealBadAngel moretrees, plants lib, quartz and nether mods are needed for it
14:01 RealBadAngel thats video from mc with it
14:09 Mati^1 joined #minetest
14:10 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
14:10 arsdragonfly Hello :-P
14:12 Mati^1 hi :P
14:13 arsdragonfly1 joined #minetest
14:14 arsdragonfly ooops
14:14 arsdragonfly gonna stay up late tonight
14:15 arsdragonfly hopefully i can see a living channel
14:15 sfan5 RealBadAngel: where is your water shader?
14:15 RealBadAngel you mean with that fancy water surface?
14:15 MattJ joined #minetest
14:18 sfan5 probably
14:25 sfan5 RealBadAngel: yes
14:26 hoodedice joined #minetest
14:27 RealBadAngel have to look for it, it wasnt finished
14:31 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
14:36 hoodedice joined #minetest
14:36 hoodedice paramat's flexrealm doesn't work for me =/
14:36 hoodedice tube is set to true in init.lua
14:38 hoodedice !tell paramat - I set local tube to true in init.lua but it fails to generate that ringworld - Do I have to teleport somewhere specific?
14:38 MinetestBot hoodedice: I'll pass that on when paramat is around
14:38 * hoodedice flies away
14:41 hoodedice !tell paramat Never mind, I got it.
14:41 MinetestBot hoodedice: yeah, sure, whatever
14:41 * sfan5 gives hoodedice the first-person-to-use-the-!tell-of-my-bot-today award
14:41 hoodedice You used !tell Jordach test, didn't you?
14:42 sfan5 wasn't that yesterday?
14:43 hoodedice Was it? Not in my time zone
14:47 whodeadeyes joined #minetest
14:48 whodeadeyes DDOS again?
14:49 hoodedice joined #minetest
14:56 harrison Crimean Vacation == Caravan Into Mice
14:56 harrison ++anagrams
15:03 PenguinDad RealBadAngel: I tried #1117 but the solids shader won't compile
15:04 RealBadAngel PenguinDad, will try to fix it asap
15:32 domtron joined #minetest
15:39 kahrl_ joined #minetest
15:41 SirDigby joined #minetest
15:42 rsiska joined #minetest
15:49 izm_natsuka joined #minetest
15:50 erhandsome joined #minetest
15:54 proller joined #minetest
16:02 NakedFury joined #minetest
16:03 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
16:08 Jordach joined #minetest
16:10 Lunatrius joined #minetest
16:13 FreeFull joined #minetest
16:16 Jordach
16:17 Jordach POTM?
16:21 SirDigby joined #minetest
16:23 proller Jordach, иге АЬ ыешдд 502% faster.
16:23 proller Jordach, but FM still 502% faster.
16:23 Jordach on the correct hardware
16:24 proller yes, it can run slow on your teapot
16:24 Jordach proller, everyone here mainly has old hw
16:24 Jordach also: fuck off into you're own channel
16:24 Banditer joined #minetest
16:25 cisoun joined #minetest
16:25 harrison you can come to MY channel proller
16:25 harrison and cisoun too
16:25 Banditer yay! heheh
16:25 Banditer jk
16:25 proller envy..
16:25 Banditer anyhow im here just to ask question as always
16:26 Banditer is there a mod i can study or a way to spawn diffrent kind of trees?
16:26 Banditer in specific locations or just randomly
16:26 Jordach Banditer, look for moretrees on the forum
16:27 Banditer thanks!  appreciate it
16:28 Banditer hey jordach i see u make blender models
16:28 Jordach mhm
16:28 Banditer how can i make a model and make it work in game
16:28 Banditer for example
16:28 Banditer i make a pc model
16:28 Jordach i've done that once
16:28 Jordach never doing it again
16:28 Banditer how do i put it ingame?
16:29 Banditer i see there is a model.x file
16:29 Banditer how do i go about that
16:29 bspkrs left #minetest
16:31 Jordach Banditer, i've done it before, but you can't make a node with a .x model
16:31 Jordach only entities are supported to have models
16:31 Banditer ohh ok
16:31 Banditer is there a tutorial to see this?
16:31 Jordach probably
16:32 Banditer can you link me to it? is it on the forum?
16:32 Jordach nodeboxes (which are tables in Lua) can be made into useful models
16:32 Jordach there isn't one
16:33 Krock joined #minetest
16:34 Krock Hi everybody
16:34 Jordach hey Krock
16:35 * sfan5 throws a kitten at Krock
16:35 * Krock catches the kitten
16:35 * MinetestBot catches the kitty
16:35 Jordach dammit MinetestBot
16:35 Jordach y u slow
16:35 * sfan5 pets MinetestBot
16:35 Krock <.<
16:35 Krock 2 kittens?
16:35 * MinetestBot purrs
16:35 * Jordach pets MinetestBot
16:36 * MinetestBot purrs
16:37 * Krock slaps MinetestBot around a bit with a large trout
16:37 * MinetestBot curls up beside Jordach
16:37 * harrison is not a bot, he mused
16:37 Jordach oh we guessed
16:37 sfan5 !c 16110 / 2.0
16:37 MinetestBot 8055.0
16:37 Jordach you made a typo
16:38 Zettbou joined #minetest
16:38 sfan5 me?
16:38 trickpaint joined #minetest
16:41 Calinou joined #minetest
16:41 Krock compiling libiconv doesnt work!!!!!
16:41 Krock [/kidmode off]
16:41 sfan5 did you google your error message yet?
16:42 Krock hmm let me try
16:42 Jordach :( Could not initialize Tilt, please check the troubleshooting information available at
16:43 Jordach also
16:43 Krock I can't get any useful error to google it :/
16:44 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:44 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:45 sfan5 HEVC is amazing!
16:45 zat joined #minetest
16:45 Calinou and shitty!
16:45 sfan5 no
16:45 sfan5 why would h265 be shitty?
16:45 sfan5 ah what the fuck
16:45 Calinou MPEG LA's is not hard enough
16:46 sfan5 my PI is not reachable via ssh again
16:46 Calinou pi user problems
16:46 Calinou TL;DR raspberry pee
16:47 Krock sfan5:
16:47 Jordach Calinou, pissin blood are we?
16:47 sfan5 Krock: ''copy include\ include\libcharset.h'' are you fucking serious?
16:48 sfan5 ''let me just copy a template file to the location where the file should be when it was pre-processed and expect it to work''
16:48 Krock Ehem..I don't know, I just ran the codes abrove, extracted from a Freeminter autobuild-script
16:49 sfan5 wow, what?
16:49 sfan5 anyway
16:50 Krock
16:50 sfan5 It may be easier to use MinGW or to just compile using linux anyway
16:50 Jordach Krock, no fucking wonder
16:50 Jordach you expect freeminer crap to work with minetest?
16:50 Krock Jordach, as far they need the same libraries and building coes, yes
16:50 Krock *codes
16:51 sfan5 Kray: huh? where are the copy commands in the build script?
16:51 Krock sfan5, I've alredy got MSbuild from theM$ visual studio, so I thought, I don't need another compiler too
16:51 Kray wot
16:51 Banditer hey legendary kray wassup
16:51 Kray hi
16:51 sfan5 Krock: ''copy include\ include\libcharset.h'' where is that in the build script?
16:52 Krock No where, I told the codes, which I ran on top of that pastebin
16:52 sfan5 >I just ran the codes abrove, extracted from a Freeminter autobuild-script
16:52 sfan5 the copy command is wrong in so many ways, you can't blame FM's build script for that
16:53 sfan5 +using
16:54 Krock Well, I ran exactly the codes from line 192 - 194 (inclusive chdir)
16:54 Krock In the building script
16:54 * Jordach once built minetest from source on MSVC
16:54 Banditer hey how does one create a biome?
16:54 Banditer sfan5
16:54 sfan5 !g biome
16:55 MinetestBot sfan5:
16:55 sfan5 lol
16:55 Jordach !dev biome
16:55 MinetestBot "There is currently no text in this page." -
16:55 Jordach dammit
16:55 Jordach !dev MGV7
16:55 MinetestBot "There is currently no text in this page." -
16:55 sfan5 Krock: why did you use ''copy include\ include\libcharset.h''?
16:55 sfan5 !dev Biome
16:55 MinetestBot "There is currently no text in this page." -
16:55 Jordach !dev Mapgen V7
16:55 MinetestBot "Mapgen V7 is the first map generator to use the biome infrastructure, arguably its central feature." -
16:55 Jordach THERE
16:55 sfan5 Jordach: that page's not very informative
16:56 Jordach fuck
16:56 sfan5 Banditer: we don't have docs on that
16:56 Krock sfan5: I did not, I said, I only ran the codes from those lines and nothing more. That was the exact console output
16:56 sfan5 dafuq?
16:57 sfan5 in your pastebin I can see how windows answered ''1 Datei(en) kopiert.'' which means that it succeeded in copying the files
16:57 Banditer any good mod i can look at to get an idea?
16:57 FreeFull joined #minetest
16:57 LazyJ joined #minetest
16:58 sfan5 Banditer:
16:58 Krock sfan5, yes, that I saw too. But I do not understand where those commands come from. Until now it only listed the needed files to compile, and it compiled them
16:58 sfan5 hm
16:59 sfan5 I can't help you then
16:59 sfan5 you should try using MinGW or cross-compiling on Linux altogether
16:59 Krock ...ok
17:00 Krock Waste of HDD space...
17:02 sfan5 what? MinGW?
17:04 Krock Yes, when I've already a compiler, that it also should compile
17:05 Krock Also, I already compiled all of those libraries except that one
17:10 Krock joined #minetest
17:17 sfan5 Krock: with that logic a compiler from 1999 should also compile every code I want it to compile
17:17 hoodedice joined #minetest
17:18 hoodedice Jordach: WTF?
17:18 hoodedice
17:18 Krock Yes, why not? :3 Depends on software
17:18 * Jordach just walked into the kitchen and said: BITCH, PANCAKES
17:18 hoodedice !deop Jordach: Hate-mongering
17:19 Jordach hoodedice, evergreen's machine can barely run it
17:19 hoodedice *PANCAKES, BITCH
17:19 hoodedice Jordach, I understand that it is crappy - But the way you said it is below that of a mod
17:19 hoodedice You are supposed to prevent drama, not cause it
17:19 Jordach hoodedice, FailMiner barely works
17:19 Jordach and it's not related to minetest what so fucking ever
17:20 hoodedice It is a fucking fork of Minetest
17:20 Jordach it's got it's own forums, people should discuss it there
17:20 hoodedice How the fuck is it not related?
17:20 sfan5 !c 15179 /2.0
17:20 MinetestBot 7589.5
17:20 hoodedice You are right
17:20 hoodedice But you should deal with that - not with their software being crappy
17:20 Jordach not in the fucking minetest forums
17:20 hoodedice proller!
17:20 Jordach hoodedice, they merge unfinished patches often
17:21 hoodedice I know Jordach
17:21 Jordach it will eventually become unmaintainable
17:21 hoodedice Jordach - I don't think it is a bad thing to do
17:21 Jordach think of adding strands of spaghetti into a pan, one by one
17:21 proller Jordach, what we merge unfinished?
17:21 Jordach eventually, they'll become tangled
17:21 proller and what was broken ?
17:22 hoodedice Jordach: FM tests stuff that is rejected by the MT devs because it destroys stability or is heavy
17:22 Jordach fixing a double kludge with another kludge is destined for disater
17:22 hoodedice If MT devs do not give amateurs to contribute code at all, how can we amateurs test their code on a large basis at all
17:23 proller Jordach, show list please, of bad merges, or shutup
17:23 hoodedice "fixing a double kludge with another kludge is destined for disater" < ObamaCare
17:23 Jordach hoodedice, simply because mature code isn't likely to cause merry hell
17:23 Jordach do you not know software development?
17:23 hoodedice I don't. I just started out. But I know how the MT development rolls.
17:24 proller Jordach, where list? what is broken ?
17:24 Jordach hoodedice, MT development usually works on the fact that; 1) is it Lua extendable? 2) will it break the current dev version with older git commits
17:24 hoodedice Anyway, proller, please refrain from posting 'Added to FreeMiner' type posts in the forums
17:24 Jordach (eg, sfan's playerlist got that treatment, 2 passed, 1 didn't)
17:25 hoodedice I would like to think of FM being related to MT, but it is a fork, and posts related to FM must stay in the 'Minetest related projects' subforum
17:25 hoodedice Thank you
17:25 hoodedice Jordach I understand
17:26 hoodedice But FM is good at what it is supposed to do
17:26 hoodedice Merge stuff that can not be merged into Minetest
17:27 * hoodedice plays an air guitar while waiting for a reply
17:27 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:29 harrison
17:29 PenguinDad hoodedice, so FailMiner is supposed to be slow and unstable?
17:30 hoodedice !kick harrison *What is that? looks like spamlink*
17:30 hoodedice PenguinDad, Not really
17:30 hoodedice It's supposed to add things. Period.
17:31 hoodedice Like my telemap mod
17:31 hoodedice Which doesn't work at all
17:31 * hoodedice flies away on a flying wheelchair on a rainbow made of pure sarcasm
17:32 Banditer lol!
17:32 hoodedice "I was born before 1970 and I read the Ringworld books in the late 70's/early 80's." - LionDen.
17:32 hoodedice Looks like we have a...
17:32 hoodedice *wears glasses*
17:32 hoodedice Grandpa
17:32 hoodedice YEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH
17:33 Banditer im a noob but how do i add another ore?
17:34 hoodedice !rtfm
17:34 hoodedice Oh. MinetestBot isn't here...
17:34 hoodedice ~rtfm
17:34 ShadowBot Read the friendly manual. See,, and
17:34 hoodedice Thank you, ShadowBot
17:34 Banditer thank you hoodedice
17:34 PenguinDad "friendly" lol
17:35 hoodedice ^
17:36 Exio4 joined #minetest
17:40 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:41 hoodedice rubenwardy!
17:41 * hoodedice hugs rubenwardy
17:42 rubenwardy Hi Hoodedice, and Hi all
17:46 V0id_ joined #minetest
17:47 * Krock compiled libiconv.dll but searchs all other dll's :/
17:49 Calinou achievement get: compile on Windows
17:50 Jordach Calinou, compiled minetest-classic in MSVC
17:51 joepie91_ joined #minetest
17:57 Exio4 \o/
17:58 phantombeta joined #minetest
17:59 sfan5 wheres MinetestBot?
17:59 synisdeadlongliv joined #minetest
17:59 synisdeadlongliv sfan5, ^ best host ever
18:00 sfan5 ik
18:00 sfan5 wait, wut
18:00 Exio4 it is tor, like me
18:00 Exio4 but because synisdead == no gateway cloak there
18:00 sfan5 ah
18:01 MinetestBot joined #minetest
18:01 sfan5 Exio4: what do you think of HEVC?
18:01 sfan5 <3 MinetestBot
18:01 MinetestBot <3 sfan5
18:01 hoodedice joined #minetest
18:01 hoodedice joined #minetest
18:01 sfan5 !op sfan5 ShadowNinja
18:01 Jordach >spotify:user:monstercatmedia:playlist:2iEvdx6L5N033sDoaa6OMO >/r/electroswing
18:02 sfan5 wub wub
18:02 sfan5 wub
18:02 Exio4 HEVC?
18:02 sfan5 (kind of wub)
18:02 Megaf_ joined #minetest
18:02 sfan5 Exio4: aka H265
18:02 Exio4 so
18:02 Exio4 i didn't know it existed
18:02 Exio4 so you can guess what i think
18:03 sfan5 try it for yourself
18:03 sfan5
18:03 sfan5 that script builds ffmpeg with a ton of libs
18:03 sfan5 (including libx265)
18:04 Exio4 :(
18:05 cisoun joined #minetest
18:05 Exio4 i would need a new harddisk before doing that
18:06 sfan5 168MFullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood NCOP1[BDrip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC].mkv
18:06 sfan5 81Msame file using x265 (half bitrate, but no noticeable diff).mkv
18:06 sfan5 these are my results with h265
18:06 Exio4 what about the cpu usage?
18:06 sfan5 uh
18:06 Exio4 what are the limits of those codecs?]
18:06 sfan5 decoding uses 75 percent of  4 cores
18:07 sfan5 encoding uses 100 percent (ofc) and runs with 1 fps on my machine
18:07 sfan5 limits.. see wikipedia article
18:07 Exio4 encoding seems a bit too slow
18:07 Exio4 sfan5, i mean, with your current hardware
18:07 Exio4 X fps with x264
18:07 Exio4 and Y fps with x265, decoding
18:07 sfan5 they are working on improving it
18:07 sfan5 ah
18:08 Calinou sfan5, don't talk about illegal downloading in here
18:08 Exio4 what
18:08 sfan5 roughly decoding x264 1080p < decoding x265 1080p < decoding x264 2160p (4K)
18:08 sfan5 Calinou: I did not even use the word download here
18:09 sfan5 decoding x265 sometimes causes audio-video desyncronisation
18:09 Exio4 hell yeah
18:09 Exio4 episode nine of intelligence is up \o/
18:09 sfan5 CPU in case you want to know: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz x4
18:10 Exio4 i knew it was a mobile i5 :P
18:10 sfan5 it isn't that new though
18:10 Exio4 2xxx is second gen
18:10 Exio4 i'm using a bulldozer anyway
18:11 sfan5 (I mean: my laptop is 3-4 yrs old)
18:11 Calinou sfan5, it's implied
18:11 Calinou "decoding x264 2160p (4K)"
18:11 Exio4 what
18:11 Calinou 2160p is not always 4k, it can be Ultra HD. Ultra HD is 3840 × 2160, 4k is 4096 × 2160
18:11 * Jordach would prefer the AMD A10 line
18:11 Calinou AMD CPUs suck these days compared to Intel's offerings
18:11 sfan5 Calinou: s/4K// then
18:12 sfan5 Calinou +1
18:12 sfan5 AMD CPUs really suck
18:12 Jordach Calinou, APU vs CPU
18:12 Calinou Haswell with prices that got down killed them
18:12 Exio4 AMD cpus are hell cheap compared to intel anyway
18:12 Jordach and i don't like having a bugged instruction set
18:12 Calinou even APUs
18:12 Calinou Exio4, nope
18:12 sfan5 my mother has got a brand new laptop with AMD cpu (almost 1 yr old) and it's windows 8 is slow like hell
18:12 Calinou do you use more than 15% of your instruction set?
18:12 sfan5 s/1 yr/0.5 yrs/
18:12 Jordach Calinou, blender probably does
18:12 Calinou sfan5, likely due to 5400rpm HDD, or crapware
18:13 Exio4 sfan5, if you compare semprons with i7s you'll get that
18:13 Exio4 if i tell you my bulldozer outperforms your celeron, does that mean intel sucks?
18:13 sfan5 Calinou: probably hdd, I know that there isn't any crapware
18:13 Exio4 what amd cpu?
18:14 Calinou SSD with slow CPU is better than HDD with good CPU
18:14 Exio4 SSD is shit for data
18:14 sfan5 Exio4: both laptops were rendering a scene from Jordach (using blender) and my laptop was able to catch up even when the other one was already rendering for like 10 mins
18:14 sfan5 ...
18:14 Exio4 sfan5, what scene?
18:14 Exio4 lets check
18:14 Jordach sfan5, does your Intel Support OpenCL out of the box?
18:14 Exio4 i've a -march=native build of blender here
18:15 Exio4 it was able to outperform a bulldozer 6300 at 4ghz
18:15 Exio4 :D
18:15 sfan5 Jordach: nope, NVIDIA only has CUDA and that is 5GB to dl and I don't think I even set it up correctly
18:15 Exio4 (my 6100 at 3.7ghz + optimized build)
18:15 Exio4 cuda works without the whole sdk and shit
18:15 Jordach sfan5, that AMD A10 supports OpenCL OUT. OF. THE. BOX.
18:16 Exio4 nvidia haz opencl but shitty
18:16 Jordach AMD adheres to standards
18:16 sfan5 Exio4: ask Jordach for the blend
18:16 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:16 Jordach (i've not seen any form of non Open* not working on one yet)
18:16 Jordach actually
18:16 Jordach fuck that
18:16 Exio4 i want the .blend, don't care about the final result :P
18:16 Jordach i'm going to build a scene so fucking intensive you'll run out of ram
18:16 Exio4 Jordach: gimme .blend
18:17 Exio4 lol
18:17 artur99 joined #minetest
18:17 Exio4 will my 12gb be enough :D
18:17 * Jordach edits an 8K render
18:17 sfan5 Jordach: you forgot to blur 'Starred by sfan5' on the screenshot you posted to deviantart
18:17 Jordach fuck it
18:17 Jordach i can't be fucked
18:18 q66 joined #minetest
18:19 Jordach sfan5, the Feb 14 Night P1 8K render took 2 hours on an i3
18:19 sfan5 whose i3?
18:19 Jordach my shcools
18:19 sfan5 lol
18:20 Jordach btw, you're both rendering at 8K
18:20 Jordach all the settings are precooked
18:20 Exio4 sfan5, give me .blend
18:20 Exio4 :(
18:20 Jordach Exio4, sfan5: you're getting a .blend designed for this
18:20 sfan5 Exio4: lemme find it
18:20 Exio4 ahj
18:20 artur99 hi
18:20 Exio4 kk jordach
18:20 john_minetest joined #minetest
18:21 Jordach 23.62mb
18:21 Exio4 sfan5, i'll use jordach's .blend
18:21 Exio4 ff
18:21 Jordach in fact, you can both use it
18:21 Jordach AMD vs Wintle
18:21 Jordach Wintel*
18:21 Exio4 should i enable turbo & overclock?
18:21 Exio4 :3
18:22 Exio4 i need proper cooling
18:22 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:22 Exio4 my fx is not diesel
18:22 Exio4 so i don't have turbo (?)
18:22 Jordach Exio4, any means to win
18:23 Jordach remember, 400% of 1080p
18:23 Exio4 lol
18:23 Jordach your ram will be your limit :P
18:23 rubenwardy I vote we add a befunge api to Minetest.
18:23 sfan5 Exio4: can't find it anymore
18:23 Exio4 i think i'll close the cpuminers, dogecoin wallets, kde, and left the system in dwm
18:24 * sfan5 throws Doges & Cates at Exio4
18:24 Exio4 Cates lol
18:24 Exio4 i hope rendering it doesn't take more than 30 minutes
18:24 * Jordach has 6 minutes remaining on the clock
18:25 Exio4 i'll be switching to dwm
18:25 Exio4 bbl
18:25 Exio4 i'll be back in <10 minutes :P
18:25 fwilson Jordach: this clock?
18:26 * sfan5 throws a btrfs formatted 250GB 2.5 HDD at john_minetest
18:26 sfan5 >berlin
18:26 sfan5 wot
18:26 Jordach 3 minutes ;P
18:27 * sfan5 puts an s-Bahn on john_minetest's head
18:28 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
18:28 * john_minetest puts a jutebeutel on sfan5's head
18:28 * sfan5 puts an U-Bahn under john_minetest's feet
18:28 sfan5 s/under/below/
18:28 sfan5 .
18:28 * john_minetest puts an ironic moustache in sfan5's face.
18:29 sfan5 rubenwardy: I vote we add a brainfuc API to Minetest
18:29 rubenwardy :P
18:29 * sfan5 puts a kitten in john_minetest's face
18:29 rubenwardy Not as good as Defunge!
18:29 PilzAdam joined #minetest
18:29 * sfan5 throws Ruby at rubenwardy
18:29 sfan5 !op PilzAdam
18:29 * john_minetest puts a thrift shop scarf around sfan5's neck
18:29 MinetestBot PilzAdam is back!
18:30 * sfan5 puts a pilz on PilzAdam's head
18:30 * MinetestBot purrs
18:30 * sfan5 hugs MinetestBot
18:31 * sfan5 begins to throw ATtiny2313's at john_minetest
18:31 Exio4 me back
18:32 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
18:32 rubenwardy To make the constant 123 in Defunge, you need to do: >391+2*91+:1**+++
18:32 * john_minetest begins to throw ATmega48PA chips at sfan5
18:32 rubenwardy Basically does 3+(10*2)+(10*10*1)
18:33 * sfan5 throws an ATtiny13 with a blinking LED attached at john_minetest
18:33 Exio4 *1
18:33 Exio4 legit
18:33 FreeFull_ joined #minetest
18:33 Exio4 Jordach: .blend :(
18:33 * john_minetest throws an ENIAC with some blinking lightbulbs (wow, no LED, such hipster) at sfan5
18:34 * EvergreenTree taps john_minetest
18:34 * sfan5 throws the leftover ATmega16 at john_minetest
18:34 * sfan5 taps EvergreenTree
18:34 sfan5 I HAZ KITT3N!!!
18:34 * EvergreenTree slaps john_minetest
18:34 Exio4 wow
18:34 * john_minetest throws an angry kitten at EvergreenTree
18:34 * EvergreenTree gives Jordach a L337 K1TT3H
18:35 * sfan5 GIVEZ KITT3N TO Exio4
18:35 Exio4 such kitten
18:35 Exio4 very sfan5
18:35 sfan5 much meow
18:35 Exio4 much doge
18:35 Exio4 wow
18:35 sfan5 wow
18:35 * Krock throws a roasted kitten at sfan5: You didn't help me.
18:35 * PenguinDad throws a Princess Mononoke DVD at john_minetest
18:35 Jordach meow
18:35 Exio4 \o/
18:35 Exio4 4ghz
18:35 * sfan5 roasts Krock over Exio4's overheating CPU
18:35 Jordach
18:35 sfan5 PenguinDad: wut
18:35 * Krock likes that hot climate
18:36 sfan5 !g Princess Mononoke wikipedia
18:36 MinetestBot sfan5:
18:36 Jordach Krock, my tower sits at 60 centigrade all the time
18:36 * sfan5 puts a bench on Jordach
18:36 * EvergreenTree G1v3s J0rd4ch 4 K1tt3h
18:36 Jordach feel like rendering something that took 2 hours on an i?
18:36 Krock 60°C is.. neatly warm
18:37 * john_minetest throws a Spirited Away VHS at PenguinDad
18:37 * Jordach 91v35 3v3r9r33n7r33 4 k177y
18:37 Exio4 depends Jordach
18:37 EvergreenTree 1337 Sp33k 4TW
18:37 Exio4 if it takes more than 30 minutes here, i'll probably stop
18:37 PenguinDad john_minetest, I actually have that film here
18:37 Jordach Exio4, it shouldn;t
18:38 Exio4 this is old-gen, remember
18:38 Exio4 not vishera :P
18:38 Krock 101 7H47'5 13375P3@K
18:38 Exio4 also, 59C = 4ghz
18:38 Exio4 \o/
18:38 sfan5 Exio4: lets compare how many parts we have after 2 mins
18:38 Jordach i'd try and get stuck at the 6th part
18:38 Exio4 sfan5, nah
18:39 sfan5 :-(
18:39 sfan5 my ears hurt
18:39 sfan5 the headphones make my ears hurt :w:
18:39 Exio4 one minute and 15 seconds remaining
18:39 Exio4 sfan5, use speakers
18:40 sfan5 nah
18:40 Exio4 i only use headphones when playing games
18:43 hoodedice joined #minetest
18:43 hoodedice joined #minetest
18:43 Exio4 so
18:43 Exio4 it is rendering
18:43 Exio4 all the cores at max frequency!
18:43 sfan5 john_minetest: nah
18:43 sfan5 I usually use earplugs
18:43 sfan5 but headphones are nicer
18:43 Exio4 Scene, Part X-Y?
18:44 Selah joined #minetest
18:44 sfan5 816-8160
18:44 Selah ok wrong one
18:44 Exio4 560-8160 here
18:44 hoodedice hexchat high as fuck
18:44 hoodedice Disconnects when away and such
18:45 Exio4 lol, 59C w/ minerd, 63C with blender
18:45 Exio4 part 800
18:45 Jordach LET'S TAKE IT UP TO 11
18:45 Jordach forcing my ALSA to 120%
18:45 Exio4 lol
18:45 Exio4 your alsa?
18:45 Exio4 more like pulseaudio
18:46 sfan5 part 1038
18:46 Exio4 1070
18:46 Jordach Exio4, i has headphones
18:46 hoodedice Jordach, yu have a google+ notification
18:46 Jordach AMD! AMD! AMD! AMD! AMD!
18:46 Exio4 lol
18:46 sfan5 Jordach: 59MExcision Shambhala 2013 Mix.ogg (libopus codec)
18:46 Jordach hoodedice, already read the email
18:46 sfan5 youtube can't  beat that
18:46 Exio4 1220
18:46 sfan5 1171
18:46 hoodedice But, the notification!
18:47 Jordach hoodedice, i ignore them
18:47 Exio4 1300 \o/
18:47 Jordach i usually use TheJordach for usual shit
18:47 sfan5 1203
18:47 hoodedice Jordach, BAD.
18:47 Jordach my animations alternate is for uploading only (usually)
18:47 hoodedice Back then, if you read all notifications, there used to be a dancing bell
18:47 Exio4 1500
18:48 sfan5 1300 \o/
18:48 Jordach !title
18:48 MinetestBot Jordach: Slime (soft body) animation test - YouTube
18:48 Exio4 haha
18:48 hoodedice On Google+, you also get to see Linus ranting
18:48 hoodedice Which is just plain amazing
18:49 * Jordach hasn't been fucking with the physics engine in blender
18:49 sfan5 nnnnhhhh
18:49 sfan5 I give up
18:49 Exio4 part 1800
18:49 Exio4 lol sfan5
18:49 * sfan5 gives up at 1425
18:49 Jordach AMD WINS!
18:49 Exio4 7 minutes so far
18:49 Exio4 you sfan5?
18:49 sfan5 dunno
18:49 Exio4 7:25
18:49 sfan5 probably 8-9 mins
18:49 Exio4 1900
18:50 Exio4 didn't you check? :P
18:50 Exio4 Jordach: not so flawless
18:50 Jordach Exio4, he gave up :P
18:50 Exio4 not so flawless
18:50 sfan5 Jordach: you can't compare a high-end desktop CPU with a mobile CPU that isn't that new
18:50 Exio4 my bulldozer is shit
18:50 Exio4 it is mid-end in fx series and is now old
18:51 sfan5 I would rather use my CPU for something that makes sense, like encoding x265 or playing games :P
18:51 Exio4 >encoding
18:51 * Jordach just spotted a Spotify bug
18:51 * sfan5 spots john_minetest
18:51 Jordach this is fucking crazy
18:52 Exio4 jpart 2300
18:52 hoodedice whoo
18:52 Exio4 and i'm going to play l4d2 so i'll stop rendering
18:52 Jordach
18:52 Jordach I CALL BULLSHIT
18:53 hoodedice How do I add people on spotify?
18:53 hoodedice Also, I am so EXCITED!
18:53 Jordach hoodedice, web client or the dedicated local one?
18:54 hoodedice I ordered a mouse this morning! And it will ship in less than a day!
18:54 Jordach 0.0
18:54 hoodedice web client...
18:54 Jordach hoodedice,
18:55 Jordach WAT
18:55 Jordach WAT WAT WAT
18:55 hoodedice ?
18:55 Jordach another fucking bug
18:55 Jordach sfan5 apparently has his starred as secret, yet i can view it
18:55 Jordach wtf?!
18:55 Jordach EvergreenTree's is public and shows correctly
18:55 sfan5 Jordach: thats because I'm following you (IIRC)
18:56 Jordach huh
18:57 monkeycoder joined #minetest
18:58 hoodedice Yawn whatever
18:59 hoodedice I'm hoodedice on Spotify as usual, and I listen to *very boring* music
18:59 sfan5 Exio4: heres some stats: x264 1080p decoding (actually converting to rawvideo into /dev/null): 110 FPS, x264 2160p decoding: 33 FPS, x265 1080p decoding: 42 FPS
18:59 Jordach hoodedice bullshit
19:00 hoodedice what?
19:00 Jordach and there's nothing wrong with transformers
19:00 hoodedice ??
19:00 hoodedice *facepalm*
19:01 hoodedice I was listening to 'Taking Back Sunday' in that album
19:01 hoodedice I am a Punk Rock guy - No one likes this genre nowadays
19:02 Jordach
19:02 Jordach clearly not The Who :)
19:02 hoodedice Oops. I said the band name by mistake
19:03 Jordach huh
19:03 Jordach yay
19:03 * Jordach is streaming live news via his tablet and is working on his PC
19:04 * hoodedice is coding - Not for minetest though, otherwise you could expect a lot of questions
19:05 hoodedice Jordach - listen to 'It's only a movie, stupid'
19:06 hoodedice
19:06 hoodedice !title
19:06 MinetestBot hoodedice: Spotify
19:06 Jordach fail :O
19:06 hoodedice Wow. Such title
19:06 Jordach very info
19:07 hoodedice such bot
19:07 Jordach Ukraine is fucked
19:08 hoodedice hmm
19:08 * Jordach considers a daily summary of the news
19:08 * Krock is totally sad cuz he can't compile 8/10 libraries
19:08 * hoodedice wishes he could do something about it
19:09 * rubenwardy is writing Befunge
19:10 * hoodedice is thinking - 'What the fuck is Befunge?'
19:10 * hoodedice notes that he has been using the word fuck a lot more than he used to
19:11 * hoodedice Attributes the above fucking change to Jordach
19:11 Jordach fuck fuck fuckitty fuck fuck
19:11 * Krock is still totally sad
19:11 * hoodedice wonders how the fuck Jordach became a fucking moderator
19:11 hoodedice !help
19:11 MinetestBot
19:12 hoodedice !badword off
19:12 Krock !makemehappy
19:13 hoodedice !op
19:14 hoodedice !givemefuckingopsothaticanliketurnthefuckingcensoron
19:14 Jordach </trollface>
19:15 hoodedice !badword off
19:15 hoodedice -.-
19:15 hoodedice But I get the +, so I'm fucking happy
19:19 sfan5 hoodedice: the badword algo-thing is off since Mar 2013 or so
19:19 sfan5 s/or so//
19:20 hoodedice Fucking switch it on, please!
19:20 Jordach
19:20 Jordach fuck, typo
19:21 * rubenwardy Befunge program:
19:22 rubenwardy !g befunge
19:22 MinetestBot rubenwardy:
19:23 rubenwardy (use Wasabi to run)
19:24 sfan5 rubenwardy: I'm not sure whether will run it
19:24 rubenwardy !g wasabi befunge
19:24 rubenwardy :D
19:25 MinetestBot IOError: [Errno socket error] [Errno 101] Network is unreachable (file "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 571, in create_connection)
19:25 sfan5 go home MinetestBot you're drunk
19:26 * rubenwardy just made Django style url parsing in PHP
19:26 * MinetestBot stumbles over
19:26 * Jordach picks MinetestBot and puts her down on the sofa
19:27 Jordach +up
19:40 OldCoder joined #minetest
19:40 hoodedice joined #minetest
19:40 hoodedice joined #minetest
19:40 hoodedice joined #minetest
19:40 hoodedice Webchat is SO better than HexChat
19:40 sfan5 lol
19:40 OldCoder joined #minetest
19:41 * sfan5 welcomes OldCoder
19:42 OldCoder sfan5, thank you
19:42 * OldCoder is tired but appreciates welcome
19:42 sfan5 how's it going?
19:43 OldCoder sfan5, these days, I usually discuss it in PM and on my weblog. But I'll say that I'll document a CentOS MT build procedure soon, that my servers are migrating to a better network...
19:43 sfan5 ah
19:43 OldCoder That my worlds will resume and update once my life settles down. I lost my home at Christmas and I am homeless.
19:43 OldCoder I need to find a job
19:43 OldCoder
19:43 sfan5 do you use RAID on your servers? if so, which one? Which fs do you use?
19:43 OldCoder Hardware RAID
19:43 OldCoder and XFS for some partitions (filesystem)
19:44 sfan5 XFS seems like a good choice
19:44 OldCoder XFS is much faster to format
19:44 OldCoder Seconds; whereas ext3 can take hours
19:44 sfan5 have you tried btrfs?
19:44 OldCoder I added to my distro just a week ago
19:44 OldCoder I will not put Minetest on it for a while
19:44 hoodedice " I lost my home at Christmas and I am homeless." sfan5 - "do you use RAID on your servers?"
19:44 OldCoder New and experimental
19:44 hoodedice *facepalm*
19:44 sfan5 hoodedice: I did not read that
19:44 OldCoder hoodedice, ? It is a sensible question
19:45 * OldCoder appreciates sensible questions
19:45 sfan5 +completly when writing the question
19:45 OldCoder btrfs is quite promising
19:45 OldCoder Metadata to detect corruption
19:45 hoodedice OldCoder: I wish you the best of luck in these dreary days
19:45 OldCoder hoodedice, thank you
19:45 sfan5 I use btrfs to store the files my Raspi torrents
19:45 sfan5 (on a 250GB HDD)
19:45 OldCoder XFS will be O.K. for the time being
19:45 OldCoder sfan5, How do you find performance?
19:45 sfan5 I also use it as rootfs for my pi, with lzo compression
19:45 OldCoder Hmm
19:45 sfan5 btrfs's performance is quite good
19:46 OldCoder Works O.K. as rootfs?
19:46 sfan5 yes
19:46 sfan5 s/ok/good/
19:46 sfan5 :P
19:46 OldCoder All right. I enabled it in my latest kernel build.
19:46 OldCoder I plan to start testing it when circumstances permit
19:46 OldCoder It is time to put ReiserFS to rest
19:46 sfan5 on a class 10 sd card (10 MB/s write) btrfs can write a file completly 0x00 with 50 MB/s
19:46 sfan5 +which is
19:46 PilzAdam troll Jordach is troll
19:46 OldCoder Hm?
19:46 OldCoder R
19:47 Jordach EL PINGS
19:47 sfan5 also If you enable btrfs make sure to not to make a module of it
19:47 OldCoder Yes
19:47 sfan5 using btrfs as rootfs won't work when you need to load an btrfs module
19:47 sfan5 that was the mistake I made with my pi
19:47 sfan5 took me way to long to realize
19:47 OldCoder Yes
19:48 OldCoder This is generally true for fs isn't it?
19:48 sfan5 ffmpeg finished building \o/
19:48 sfan5 yes
19:48 OldCoder sfan5, which ffmpeg release? There are so many
19:48 sfan5 git
19:48 OldCoder Very edge
19:48 OldCoder It will not link against older apps but may be interesting
19:49 sfan5 I don't install is system-wide
19:49 sfan5 I put it into a directory
19:49 OldCoder Yes
19:49 OldCoder I have about 4 versions of the framework
19:49 sfan5 when I need it I do: . ~/Dokumente/ffmpeg-git/
19:49 OldCoder And set things up so that programs can link against the one that is needed
19:49 sfan5 (my building script:
19:49 OldCoder R
19:50 OldCoder Isn't pulse problematic?
19:50 sfan5 I also build mpv with a similar script too (also in the gist)
19:50 sfan5 no
19:50 OldCoder Breaks everything?
19:50 sfan5 nah
19:50 OldCoder kk
19:50 sfan5 pulse just works fine
19:50 sfan5 I use mpv as default video player
19:50 * OldCoder has heard stories of pulse terror
19:50 EvergreenTree sfan5: I tried installing mpv via a ppa and it completely screwed over my drivers
19:50 EvergreenTree :P
19:50 sfan5 /usr/bin/mpv -> /home/stefan/Dokumente/ffmpeg-git/ -> calls and forward args to ffmpeg
19:50 EvergreenTree That's why I had to wipe and install kubuntu
19:51 sfan5 EvergreenTree: if you want mpv (which is really awesome BTW) it would be a good idea to do it like
19:51 sfan5 me
19:51 EvergreenTree install it by building it?
19:51 EvergreenTree I tried to, I forget why it failed
19:51 sfan5
19:51 sfan5 wget & chmod that
19:52 sfan5 put it into /tmp & exec it
19:52 sfan5 will build mpv with a ton of libs and put it into `pwd`/target
19:52 sfan5 you may want to adjust some of the settings at the top of the file first
19:52 * Jordach just watched someone use a rope on someone then say Get over here like they're fucking Scorpion
19:53 Jordach i'm so fucking done
19:53 EvergreenTree sfan5: I'll try building it myself, I hate auto build scripts which I didn't write specifically for my system
19:54 sfan5 EvergreenTree: why?
19:54 sfan5 my script does not add any options I specifically need
19:54 EvergreenTree Idk
19:54 sfan5 the only options are at the top
19:54 EvergreenTree I prefer building it myself
19:54 sfan5 just try it please
19:54 Jordach EvergreenTree, then may i suggest Gentoo?
19:54 Jordach </total_sarcasm>
19:55 EvergreenTree lol
19:55 sfan5 !c 15179 / 2.0
19:55 MinetestBot 7589.5
19:56 sfan5 yay
19:56 sfan5 libx265 crashes
19:56 hoodedice !c 1+1
19:56 MinetestBot 2
19:56 hoodedice WOW
19:56 OldCoder !c sqrt(1)
19:56 MinetestBot NameError: name 'sqrt' is not defined
19:56 OldCoder !c 1/0
19:56 MinetestBot ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
19:56 EvergreenTree For some reason I had to install libav53-dev-extras to get my programs to recognize libx264
19:57 OldCoder !c 5!
19:57 MinetestBot SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing (<string>, line 1)
19:57 sfan5 OldCoder: math.sqrt
19:57 OldCoder ah
19:57 PenguinDad !c 0/0
19:57 hoodedice EVACUATE PLANET EARTH!
19:57 MinetestBot ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
19:57 OldCoder !c math.sqrt(1)
19:57 MinetestBot 1.0
19:57 hoodedice DIVISION BY ZERO!
19:57 sfan5 EvergreenTree: ubuntu's libav shit is broken
19:57 sfan5 libav itself it utter shit
19:57 EvergreenTree I kind of guessed that
19:57 hoodedice !g divide by zero meme
19:57 MinetestBot hoodedice:
19:57 EvergreenTree :P
19:57 PenguinDad see you tomorrow
19:58 sfan5 EvergreenTree: if you want to you can just cp -R the output of my script to /usr/local/
19:58 sfan5 anyway, will you try my build script for once?
19:58 EvergreenTree gah, it won't configure because of the previously said package
19:58 EvergreenTree I hate you libav
19:59 sfan5 won't configure
19:59 sfan5 wat
19:59 EvergreenTree Also, I use libx264
19:59 EvergreenTree for recording
19:59 sfan5 wheres the problem?
19:59 EvergreenTree And I have found no other way to get kdenlive and simplescreenrecorder to recognize libx264 without installing libav53-dev-extras
19:59 sfan5 my build script makes sure no already existing things from your system will be used?
20:00 EvergreenTree and installing said package uninstalls the regular libav packages
20:00 sfan5 yeah
20:00 EvergreenTree I'm using ./waf configure
20:00 sfan5 you can't have libav-extra and libav-dev
20:00 EvergreenTree sadly
20:00 sfan5 that is shit
20:00 EvergreenTree I need libx264
20:00 sfan5 care to try to cp -R output of my build script to /usr/local and test kdenlive & simplescreenrecorder?
20:01 EvergreenTree where does the build script put the finished build?
20:01 sfan5 `pwd`/target
20:01 sfan5 source remains in `pwd`/src
20:01 sfan5 build files are in `pwd`/build
20:03 EvergreenTree running
20:04 sfan5 ok thanks
20:04 EvergreenTree sfan5: I already have ffmpeg installed
20:04 EvergreenTree the build script is trying to install it
20:05 sfan5 lolno
20:05 sfan5 ever program is configure with prefix=`pwd`/target and installed there
20:05 EvergreenTree lolno?
20:05 sfan5 every*
20:05 sfan5 configured*
20:05 sfan5 +too
20:05 EvergreenTree oh, so it is locally installed?
20:05 sfan5 yes
20:05 * Jordach cries
20:06 MinetestBot GIT: Novatux commited to minetest/minetest: Fix rendering glitches when far from the center of the map 062de11b4c 2014-03-04T11:12:10-08:00
20:06 * EvergreenTree gives Jordach a fuzzy kitten
20:08 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
20:08 john_cephalopoda joined #minetest
20:09 domtron joined #minetest
20:11 Exio joined #minetest
20:11 synisdeadlongliv left #minetest
20:11 Jordach huh
20:11 Jordach instead of taking twenty years, apparently blender has a repeat function
20:13 domtron repeat what, render?
20:14 Jordach domtron, in edit mode, if you have a repeating shape, you can just duplicate it once, then press shift + r to duplicate it again, with the same distance
20:17 proller
20:19 domtron Blender is very fun :P
20:23 Jordach EvergreenTree, you got voice of the day
20:23 EvergreenTree woohoo
20:23 zat joined #minetest
20:23 Jordach just pruning Jei (sorry about that)
20:30 Jordach
20:30 alexxs joined #minetest
20:30 Jordach repeat mode solves all those annoying attachment rail issues
20:37 domtron nice
20:38 domtron my attempts at "gun smithing" in blender are rather unimpressive :P
20:39 Jordach domtron, there's a few on my renders topic
20:40 Jordach in fact, you could probably 3D print my models and they'd look real
20:42 domtron that is very cool. This is mine: I was making it for OpenClonk.
20:45 domtron Good bye
20:55 Renoki joined #minetest
20:58 Banditer joined #minetest
20:58 Banditer hey PilzAdam
20:58 Banditer he isnt here :(
20:59 alexxss joined #minetest
21:01 iqualfragile joined #minetest
21:09 troller joined #minetest
21:09 proller joined #minetest
21:11 Jordach also, pew pew pew
21:11 Jordach
21:14 sfan5 Jordach: how 'bout a different Pew Pew Pew?
21:16 Jordach sfan5, you could walk down a city street to catgroove
21:16 Jordach and it'd just feel right :D
21:16 sfan5 yeah
21:16 sfan5 unfortanely there aren't much ppl walking down the street at 22:16
21:17 Jordach fuck sakes android tablet
21:17 Jordach the internal clock is fucked
21:17 Jordach it's reading 19:49 right now D:
21:17 fwilson
21:17 fwilson sorry, i have a highlight on "clock" :)
21:17 fwilson had to
21:17 fwilson :)
21:18 Jordach why am i opening links when quassel previews it!?
21:18 * Jordach shuts down his tower with style
21:28 NakedFury joined #minetest
21:37 Gambit joined #minetest
21:38 grrk-bzzt joined #minetest
21:47 yano left #minetest
22:00 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
22:26 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
22:34 Banditer PilzAdam are you there?
22:43 RealBadAngel
22:44 Banditer niiiiiice
22:46 RealBadAngel
22:48 fireglow hey, could somebody explain to me the function of the setting "liquid_finite" in regards to the weather mod? I want to stop the rain pooling on the ground and slowing people down
22:50 PilzAdam there he is!
22:50 SmugLeaf joined #minetest
22:50 Banditer there he is!!!
22:50 Banditer hahah
22:50 Banditer hey just one question
22:50 Banditer did ou ever finish you economy game mode?
22:50 Banditer last time the buy button was not working
22:50 Banditer did you ever fix that?
22:52 PilzAdam hmmm.... according to my last commit to the repo it wasnt working because of formspecs
22:52 naccall joined #minetest
22:52 PilzAdam but only in a window size of 800x600
22:57 Banditer so it works?
22:58 Banditer and is that all it needs?
22:58 Banditer i would like to use it but dunno if its finished
22:59 PilzAdam its rather unifinished, though basic concepts work already
22:59 PilzAdam -i
23:00 Banditer nice are you going ot work on it still?
23:02 PilzAdam I neither have enough time nor interest to work on it currently
23:04 Banditer ohh ok...well il have a look at it and see:D
23:05 Banditer btw im a noob adam
23:05 Banditer can you link me to the gituhub to dl 0.4.8 please
23:06 Banditer the source code
23:06 Banditer n/m found it
23:06 PilzAdam
23:07 mrtux joined #minetest
23:09 Banditer love you pilzadam you have always been so cool
23:09 Banditer even htough i think you are german
23:15 iqualfragile Banditer: wtf?
23:15 iqualfragile even though? how does nationality affect coolness at all?
23:17 Banditer what? no my english isnt that good i meant to say he is cool because he is german
23:17 Banditer see i am german my self :D
23:57 MattJ joined #minetest

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