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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-11-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 john_minetest left #minetest
00:17 OldCoder joined #minetest
00:22 Miner_48er joined #minetest
00:28 Cerise joined #minetest
00:29 Miner_48er is there a minetest.register_on_joinplayer_ip or similar function?
00:34 bas080 joined #minetest
00:35 fmcd thats cool.. i guess a scale of 1 block to 1 sq ft would be a bit ambitious
00:38 VanessaE well one block is 1 cubic meter actually
00:39 ShadowNinja Miner_48er: minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local ip = minetest.get_player_ip(player:get_player_name()) end)
00:43 Miner_48er thx
00:47 ShadowNinja That probably fits better as player:get_player_ip()...
00:56 IceCraft joined #minetest
00:56 IceCraft joined #minetest
00:59 IceCraft joined #minetest
01:01 IceCraft joined #minetest
01:03 IceCraft joined #minetest
01:42 Guest59472 joined #minetest
01:42 Guest59472 hi all
01:42 Guest59472 proller, are you there?
01:42 Megaf CMake Error: The source directory "/home/megaf/minetest-next/. -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1" does not exist
01:54 Partmedia Megaf, what command line did you use?
01:55 Megaf cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1
01:56 Megaf Partmedia, but thats with the next
01:56 Megaf not the normal minetest
02:38 healshot joined #minetest
02:38 healshot Hey everyone!
02:40 healshot Anyone here know about the game mode - Realtest Revamped
02:40 healshot I would be greatful if anyone does
02:43 ShadowNinja healshot: Yes, it's a fork of Realtest by Dan.
02:44 healshot Kool im trying to download the latest for minetest-0.4.8
02:44 healshot but i dont think the github is working
02:45 ShadowNinja healshot: Dan deleted his repos recently, I think VanessaE has a copy.
02:46 VanessaE everything was restored as forum attachments, including the last version of realtest
02:46 healshot Kool I think the MOd is great i love Terrafirma Craft and i just like that i could possibly code for it
02:46 VanessaE I run a server based on it, also
02:46 Exio4 >delete repositories
02:46 Exio4 that is childish
02:46 healshot You are a godess
02:47 Minetest joined #minetest
02:47 healshot Im a big TFC fan and a big fan of Wurmonline
02:47 VanessaE I am?
02:47 healshot I was gonna try and make a verison of wurm online with minetest
02:47 * VanessaE looks herself over....  I seem quite human..
02:47 healshot yeah Vanessae
02:47 Vazon joined #minetest
02:47 Vazon hello everyone :D
02:47 healshot yeah ive been banging my head trying to find a version
02:47 healshot Hi Vazon
02:47 healshot o/
02:48 NakedFury joined #minetest
02:49 healshot mind if i join the server Vanessae
02:51 healshot Last question so is the game mode no longer active?
02:51 healshot well being developed
02:52 VanessaE sure, of ourse
02:52 VanessaE no longer active?
02:52 VanessaE well, I'm not sure about that.
02:53 VanessaE you're of course welcome to join and play
02:53 healshot Kool TY
02:53 healshot anyone here ever play Wurm Online?
02:54 Vazon hmm is advertiseing allowed?? just asking
02:54 VanessaE that sorta depends
02:54 VanessaE what sort of advertisement?
02:54 Vazon ok i know some places they kick you if you adervtize
02:55 healshot Hey Vanessae im in Hickory NC
02:55 VanessaE I'm in Waynesville
02:55 daswort joined #minetest
02:55 healshot im more near Rhodhiss
02:55 VanessaE dunno where that is
02:56 healshot Near Lenoir
02:56 exoplanet joined #minetest
02:56 healshot Sorry if im chatty just excite at the possiblities of this engine vs java
02:57 VanessaE chatty is good :)
02:57 healshot Yeah the guys over at Terrafirma craft are quiet
02:57 Vazon still tryingto get minetest server to run in terminal.... and failling like a champ XD
02:57 thexyz anyone has this:
02:58 VanessaE thexyz: I think peacock knows where to get the code
02:58 VanessaE but it's pretty much useless by now I'd think
02:58 thexyz then it can be ported
02:59 healshot Trying to figure out a way to make a Wagon mod for the game
03:00 healshot Similar to Simply Horses from MC
03:00 healshot im pretty well versed in LUA and C++
03:00 healshot Im just now digging into minetest
03:01 healshot any recommendations on tutorials or guides for modding MT
03:01 NakedFury im not sure we have any
03:01 NakedFury just the documentatio
03:02 healshot Ah
03:02 thexyz
03:02 thexyz tutorial right here
03:02 healshot Well i guess there is a first time for everything
03:03 thexyz VanessaE: thanks, I'll ask him
03:04 VanessaE sure
03:04 VanessaE in fact...I know he sent me a link at one time
03:04 healshot Yeah im not seeing how to do entities yest
03:04 thexyz VanessaE: maybe you still have it?
03:04 VanessaE lemme check, hold
03:05 Vazon VanessaE what linux do you run ???
03:05 VanessaE Xubuntu 13.10
03:06 healshot Yeah im not seeing how i can add entities i guess, I would have to have a custom version of MT to accomplish it
03:06 Vazon ooo dang i was goingto ask if you had a base model for server running terminal but i run Ubuntu not Xubuntu
03:06 healshot Time to code till bedtime Got turkey day tomorrow
03:07 VanessaE Xubuntu is just Ubuntu with XFCE on tiop
03:07 VanessaE too*
03:07 VanessaE top**
03:07 VanessaE and I run it on my VPS also
03:08 healshot Are there any mod that add mobs to the game?
03:08 Vazon ok well your the best mod make and linux expert i know lol
03:08 Vazon so i figured i would ask
03:08 exoplanet healshot~ MOB framework or simple mobs
03:09 healshot Ok i guess ill have to base my code off of it till i can get a proper enity system for vehicles
03:09 exoplanet use it as a dependency, dont fork
03:10 healshot ok
03:10 exoplanet it easier for you and better for the users :)
03:10 healshot OK cause to get my Wurm Mod im gonna have to make a whole new game mode
03:11 exoplanet why?
03:11 healshot Well just like realm test im gonna have to create a few mods
03:11 healshot i mean realtest
03:12 exoplanet games are just meta-"packages" of mods…
03:12 healshot Quick question how do you guys feel about a skills system yay or nay
03:12 healshot yeah i get what your daying
03:12 healshot im better at voip communication rather than text
03:13 exoplanet skill system makes sense if it adds something to the game play
03:13 healshot Well Ie you cant mine this rock until you reach a certain skill level
03:13 exoplanet does the minetest community have a mumble server? @ all
03:13 ShadowNinja skills == achivements?
03:14 ShadowNinja exoplanet: No.
03:14 ShadowNinja healshot: That's interesting, tools have levels, but not players.
03:14 VanessaE thexyz: no luck, but I did find a reference where peacock said he definitely has the source code in question
03:15 healshot or you cant craft said item till you reach the abilty to craft it. example you cant build a ship until you level wood working and then you can do entry level ship building
03:15 healshot yeah basicallly it would be skills rule the game world not player level
03:15 VanessaE thexyz: FreeNode-#minetest.log:Sep 12 2013 19:48:41 <Peacock>i found a copy of the source for the version where that dude did colored lights like two years ago,but it wouldn't build
03:16 exoplanet thanks ShadowNinja
03:17 healshot ShadowNinja : so ie you mine stone>Iron>so on
03:18 healshot But then SMithing would have you make Pickaxes
03:18 healshot so skills would intertwine
03:19 exoplanet but wouldn't that lead to senseless mining of ress X so you can build your <object> which better looking ress Y ? healshot
03:19 healshot Here is what im trying to recplicate: Link
03:19 healshot Well the levels would not be extreme
03:20 healshot and skill gain bonuses would also be in the game
03:20 healshot Ie eating certain food , sleeping, magic spells cat on you
03:20 healshot ^cast on you
03:21 healshot but yeah im would use Wurm as a inspiration point
03:22 healshot But, Im trying to gauge if a Skill system would be well recieved
03:22 healshot or just leave it out
03:23 us{0gb joined #minetest
03:24 healshot Again Sorry Guys if im chatty im as excited as a kid on christmas after i found minetest
03:24 NakedFury a game mode like that would be nice
03:24 exoplanet would be interessting, i think a game would make sense :)
03:25 healshot Yeah I would also have a focus on PVP like Ultima Online
03:25 healshot i just dont know how far i would do magic
03:25 exoplanet or a mod but that really depends on the technical side. If it just complicates stuff then i don't think that people would install a mod. But a game? Yup, that would work.
03:26 healshot Yeah the Gamemode would not be an issue
03:26 healshot It would just take me awhile to get all the mods for it working
03:27 healshot Im working on the Vehicles ATM for a mod
03:28 healshot Right now im just trying to make sense of the libraies in mob frame work to help out
03:29 exoplanet there is a car mod that kind of works…
03:29 thexyz VanessaE: thanks
03:29 healshot Yeah i like the riding mechanic in place in Mob Frame work
03:29 healshot I'll lookinto the Car mod
03:30 healshot I have also noticed there are not alot of mod in the MMdb
03:31 healshot This mod looks promising : Factions
03:31 healshot could use that for kingdoms
03:32 exoplanet healshot~‎
03:32 exoplanet MMdB is not that finished, and yes many people did not upload their mod.
03:33 healshot Yeah Exo gonna have to make it off of a mobile chunk to avoid lag
03:34 healshot Just like with Minecraft boats i think its better if they are mobile chunks
03:35 healshot Looks like im gonna have to hire a full time Sprite and Pixel artist lol
03:36 Vazon hmmm man why does this have t obe so hard
03:36 healshot I think, Im gonna reach out to the community and get a DEv team together
03:36 healshot Whats up Vazon
03:38 healshot Also for you Modders out there Notepad++ is your friend
03:38 exoplanet notepad just runs on windows…
03:38 exoplanet *++
03:38 healshot No the program is called ++
03:39 healshot they have other release of Notepad++
03:39 healshot i think there is a linux version
03:39 exoplanet that's why there is the "*++"
03:39 RealBadAngel forget that, Geany is the best friend
03:40 RealBadAngel aviable for windows and linux
03:40 healshot Well i wrote a few plugins for notepad ++
03:40 RealBadAngel nothing better out there
03:40 healshot and one is LUa for Moddding WoW
03:40 healshot What the site RealBadAngel?
03:41 healshot Im open to new Stuff to make life easier and let me code faster
03:41 exoplanet RealBadAngel~ oh yes Geany so fast so much functionality and between IDE and Texteditor
03:41 RealBadAngel
03:41 exoplanet
03:41 healshot Ty guys
03:41 RealBadAngel ninja'd :)
03:42 Vazon just trying to get my minetest server to run ing the Ubuntu terminal thats all lol same thing i have been trying to do for over 5 hours now
03:42 exoplanet Vazon~ what is the problem? Do you terminate the server when you quit ssh?
03:43 * exoplanet Notepad++ is still great and open source… but just windows :(
03:44 healshot lol
03:44 NakedFury i got both for quick notpad reading of README's
03:44 healshot Yeah i just have been using ++ for a long time
03:45 healshot Now to get on the serevr
03:46 exoplanet I use mousepad as my simple text editor and geany for larger stuff (+ IDE)
03:46 RealBadAngel healshot, just try geany, you will forget other editors quickly
03:46 healshot k
03:47 RealBadAngel it has syntax higlighting also for Lua
03:47 RealBadAngel not to mention c++
03:47 exoplanet the geany website looks so old :( never saw it before
03:47 healshot Vanessae's : is this still the serve addy:, port 30004
03:48 VanessaE yep
03:48 RealBadAngel exoplanet, i just saw the website when i was asked for link, and im using geany for more than yr already lol
03:48 healshot what do i put for userame and pass?
03:49 exoplanet username - what you want
03:49 exoplanet password - only if needed, you have to ask the server admin for it
03:50 healshot kk: its just taking forever, I'm stuck on Item Definitions....
03:51 healshot anyone got an good Texturepacks for this gamemode?
03:51 exoplanet what is the theme ? healshot
03:52 healshot Medevial fantasy / realism
03:55 OldCoder joined #minetest
04:01 RealBadAngel a second
04:02 RealBadAngel
04:03 RealBadAngel thats for realism
04:03 exoplanet RealBadAngel~ have you changed your avatar?
04:03 Partmedia left #minetest
04:03 RealBadAngel i did
04:04 healshot RealbadAngel I did not know you where a dev for MT
04:04 healshot Thats awesome it rare to actually talk to game dev that much
04:04 RealBadAngel thats nothing unusual here
04:05 healshot I wondering if a full converison to C++ for Wurm would be possible
04:05 healshot its a java game aswell
04:07 TheMeek joined #minetest
04:08 healshot So RBAngel would you like to do some art for me when im ready for it? Im no artist.
04:09 paramat joined #minetest
04:11 exoplanet healshot~ you are new to IRC aren't you? There is a thing called tab completion. Just type the first letters of a name and hit tab
04:11 healshot Yeah last time i used IRC was like 1998-1999
04:12 RealBadAngel healshot, im rather a coder, im doing gfx casually
04:12 healshot Not working with Xchat
04:13 healshot I see RealBadAngel yeah i cant do GFX or Modling to save me life
04:13 healshot Mostly a Networking Specialist
04:14 healshot Ive been working on a game called 7daystodie
04:14 healshot they needed help with there Netcode
04:16 RealBadAngel in fact we also need something like that
04:16 andrew3 joined #minetest
04:16 healshot Whats the issue
04:16 RealBadAngel minetest is using UDP
04:16 healshot Ewww
04:16 RealBadAngel which is hell sloooooow
04:17 healshot Ok ill get to work on that
04:17 healshot ANy style you have in mind?
04:17 RealBadAngel tcp/ip
04:17 RealBadAngel we do have a workaround - cURL, but its not handy
04:17 healshot Okey do you need anything special?
04:17 RealBadAngel speed :)
04:18 healshot Well give me till the first of the year to get a stable build out but i can have indev build in a few days
04:18 RealBadAngel there was an attempt to use tcp/ip but it wasnt stable
04:19 healshot yeah you have to know what your doing
04:19 RealBadAngel do you know where to find the sources?
04:19 healshot On the site i would assume
04:20 RealBadAngel
04:20 healshot VanessaE, How do you get sticks in this game mode?
04:20 RealBadAngel this is main repo of the engine
04:20 healshot ok RealBadAngel  I'll get started on friday cause im not crazy and going shopping on black friday.
04:21 RealBadAngel cool, in case of any questions, feel free to ask
04:21 healshot i may have a few
04:22 healshot a quick one is there ever gonna be a central server like MC for login and password?
04:22 VanessaE healshot: in realtest?
04:22 VanessaE dig the dirt out from under a tree, then collect everything that falls
04:22 healshot VanessaE, NVM i just had bad luck i finally got a stick
04:23 VanessaE among the fallen items will be sticks
04:24 healshot yeah im gonna fix that in my mod thats kinda weird
04:24 dafull97 joined #minetest
04:24 healshot ill make it like TreeCapitator
04:25 healshot any idea what rocks are for?
04:29 RealBadAngel healshot,
04:29 RealBadAngel this is an attempt to implement tcp/ip
04:29 RealBadAngel maybe this could be of help for you
04:31 healshot Ill take a look, I most likely start from scratch or base it on some of my other work
04:35 Vazon grrr
04:35 Vazon i failed agian
04:36 RealBadAngel i meant it may give you ideas whats needed to do and where
04:36 healshot Ah got yeah looking at it is making my brain hurt
04:36 healshot its really messy
04:38 RealBadAngel it was working to some point
04:39 healshot Its iniffcient and sloppy but has a great foundation
04:39 healshot i can work with it
04:40 Inocudom joined #minetest
04:41 RealBadAngel good
04:41 Inocudom Fess made a post in your shaders topic today, RealBadAngel. Looks like he know of a place where shaders can be tested should you ever need it.
04:42 RealBadAngel i saw it already, that ocean shader is pretty interesting
04:43 Inocudom Does anybody here know about the new animals for mobf?
04:43 Inocudom Rabbits, butterflies, turtles, swans.
04:43 RealBadAngel wabbits?
04:44 healshot Are there any mod for hunger that work?
04:44 * RealBadAngel opens hunting season for wabbits
04:44 Inocudom Yes, rabbits. They were made by a talented modeler.
04:45 RealBadAngel healshot, yup, there are some mods for it, and even game mode
04:45 healshot Thinking of adding it to Realtest
04:45 Inocudom Donkeys were also made by the same person. I want to see the new animals, but they don't spawn on the maps.
04:45 RealBadAngel ask sapier bout them
04:45 healshot Yeah im gonna download MOBF
04:46 Inocudom Since butterflies are one of the creatures, I brought forth the idea of there being bumble bees as well.
04:46 healshot Now we are talking Forestry with apiaries like in Foretry mod for MC
04:46 Inocudom You are the modder for Realtest now, healshot?
04:46 healshot Im making a new Gamemode similar to Realtest
04:47 Inocudom BlockMen attempted hunger, so his might work.
04:47 healshot its gonna be called Wurmtest lol
04:47 healshot i lack creativity atm
04:47 healshot im working on a skill Mod ATM
04:47 healshot should have a test version soon
04:48 Inocudom For hostile monsters, wasps (especially southern yellow jackets) would make a good type of monster.
04:48 healshot ill let you guys have first crack at it.
04:48 Inocudom They could come from scary paper nests.
04:49 Inocudom and show southern yellow jackets.
04:50 healshot ok for the Test version of the skills MOD im gonna have Digging , Mining, Wood cutting,
04:50 healshot Then will go from there
04:51 healshot The Gui is gonna be the death of me right now
04:52 Inocudom Good luck to you.
04:52 healshot Inocudom,  all is working except for a proper GUI atm
04:53 healshot Just had to get some nodes going for dirt and mining
04:53 Inocudom A good gui is very important.
04:53 healshot Yeah i was never good at them I worked on the Auctioneer Mod for WOW, all i did was code a friend did the gui
04:53 healshot GUI are my bane
04:55 Vazon does anyone have a auto server restart for linux???
04:55 VanessaE while true; do minetestserver {insert options here}; sleep 5; done
04:55 VanessaE that's all it takes.
04:56 VanessaE that simple loop will cause it to restart 5 seconds after it exits
04:56 Vazon thanks :D
04:57 Vazon where do i put server name?
05:01 Miner_48er minetestserver -world name
05:03 Vazon ok
05:04 Vazon btw how are you Miner its been what 2 months since the last time we have talked
05:05 Miner_48er good how are you?
05:07 Vazon good having a wonderfull time failling at things lol
05:08 Vazon what am idoing wrong VanessaE
05:09 Vazon while true; do minetestserver --Minerealms; sleep 5; done
05:09 VanessaE -world Minerealms
05:09 Vazon ok
05:10 Vazon while true; do minetestserver -world Minerealms; sleep 5; done that still will not work
05:10 VanessaE try two dashes
05:10 Miner_48er while true; do minetestserver --worldname Minerealms; sleep 5; done
05:10 Vazon ok
05:11 Vazon perfect thanks 2 the both of you, you both have helped me so much here :D
05:11 VanessaE or do that :)
05:19 healshot sorry for caps
05:20 RealBadAngel yeah
05:20 RealBadAngel since 0.4.8 they have to be in a folder
05:20 RealBadAngel and you can select them in texture packs tab
05:21 healshot yeah i selected the pack its just not showing up in my SSP
05:21 RealBadAngel if you want tp to be server's one put it in "server" folder
05:22 RealBadAngel otherwise its just for client
05:22 VanessaE wait, since when were there proper server-side texture packs?
05:23 healshot I dont see a folder called server
05:23 RealBadAngel i just read something bout it recently?
05:23 RealBadAngel havent tested it though
05:23 VanessaE huh.  well if that's how to do it, then I guess :)
05:24 RealBadAngel texture pack shall be named "server"
05:24 RealBadAngel thats how the doc says
05:25 RealBadAngel i quess i read that in nore's pull that introduced that
05:26 Inocudom VanessaE, have you been able to test the new animals for mobf yet?
05:26 VanessaE I have not.
05:26 healshot RealBadAngel, its taking awhile for it to load when i go to SSP heads up
05:30 healshot VanessaE, Do you have any texture packs for Realtest?
05:30 VanessaE HDX supports it to some degree
05:31 Inocudom The new animals are donkeys, butterflies, geese, turtles, and bunny rabbits.
05:31 VanessaE maybe about 10-15% so far (there are some 1100 textures in realtest O_O)
05:31 healshot yeah i like RealBadAngel's but its counter productive
05:32 Inocudom They were made by a talented modeller.
05:32 Inocudom The new animals.
05:32 healshot whats the newest version of Mobf
05:32 VanessaE Sokomine: *poke*
05:34 Inocudom You should be able to find the new animals towards the end of mobf's topic.
05:35 ShadowNinja healshot: Re: central login. There has been discussion of it, but nobody has coded anything. And I don't really like that the central server is usually the forum.
05:36 healshot Ah ok ShadowNinja , just didnot know if there was gonna be a central login
05:38 Inocudom New animals were made by AspireMint.
05:40 reactor joined #minetest
05:41 healshot so im simple turns where is the zip for it Inocudom
05:41 healshot Terms i mean
05:41 reactor Mroning.
05:41 Inocudom;item=108&amp;download=1 Here is the link.
05:41 healshot herro reactor
05:43 healshot TY Inocudom
05:43 Inocudom I want people to actually care about those new animals that AspireMint made.
05:43 Inocudom You are welcome.
05:43 healshot it seems like most of the mods in the forusm where made with in the last 2-3 months
05:44 healshot Im gonna try and addthem to Realtest
05:44 reactor No wonder, most were on vacation on summer.
05:44 Inocudom If Minetest is to have a future, mods that add life to the game must be revered, not ignored.
05:44 healshot Yeah im 28 last time i had a vaction was 5 years ago
05:45 healshot Yeah im gonna try and get a fe wmods out Inocudom
05:45 healshot SO far i have about 4 atm im working on
05:45 healshot main one being my skills mod
05:47 healshot Also working on a ship, fishing, Pvp mod
05:48 healshot Anyone know if there is a thirst mod?
05:49 Sokomine no, no geese. swans. they just look similar to geese
05:49 Sokomine maybe i ought to have made them larger
05:51 Sokomine there is a fishing mod already, and a boats mod as well. as far as thirst go...hunger exists as a mod
05:51 Sokomine perhaps yours can be sligthly diffrent. new mods are alaways welcome
05:53 ImQ009 joined #minetest
05:55 Megaf joined #minetest
05:55 healshot Wells the boats mode would be more like the small boats mod in MC
05:56 healshot also they would be alot less laggy than vanilla boats
05:56 healshot well the fishing mod is gonna be like MC aquaculture
05:57 healshot The thirst mod will be simple at first
05:58 healshot the pvp mod will have catapults , trebuches, cannons balistas, hwatic carts, and battering rams , large gates and much more
05:59 healshot Inocudom you there
06:00 khor joined #minetest
06:13 werwerwer_ joined #minetest
06:31 healshot Sokomine,  do you code mods at all?
06:31 ShadowNinja healshot: Yes, she does.
06:32 healshot well anyone could help with this but here is the idea for the mod
06:33 healshot it would be more for SMP
06:33 healshot Player Ghost
06:33 healshot When your turn it on and you logout it spawn a NPC with the same armour, weapon and name as you
06:34 healshot If killed it respawn after 1 minute and disappear when you log back in
06:42 Hunterz joined #minetest
06:52 TheZenKitteh joined #minetest
06:53 TheLastProject joined #minetest
06:54 TheZenKitteh I'm playing on a friends minetest server and I spotted something I can't explain and curious if anyone has any ideas. when he connects via lan (even from multiple computers at the same time), the server cpu remains no higher than 15%. however as soon as I connect and within a minute (even when idle), the cpu spikes and maxes out and severe lag (over 40 seconds)
06:55 healshot not sure on that one
06:56 ShadowNinja TheZenKitteh: I haven't ever experienced that. Are you sure you don't have a rouge mod?
06:56 TheZenKitteh my client and his server version are same: 0.4.7. I also tested out 0.4.8 client/server and same thing. seems when I connect cpu spikes high and lag increases
06:57 TheZenKitteh I've tried run in place client compiled from minetest git and tried precompiled ubuntu packages for client. for 0.4.7 server unsure his source. for the 0.4.8 test I used git sources
06:58 TheZenKitteh as I said, the cpu only spikes when I connect
06:58 TheZenKitteh lol
06:58 TheZenKitteh I can't figure it out
06:58 reactor ?
06:58 TheZenKitteh his server cpu spikes*
06:59 TheZenKitteh he just connected with three clients at same time from his lan and server cpu for minetest didn't exceed 15%
06:59 TheZenKitteh when I connect it exceeds 90%
06:59 TheZenKitteh remains so till I disconnect
06:59 TheZenKitteh im not even sure if it's a software problem
06:59 TheZenKitteh im curious if anyone would have any idea of potential causes for such a situation
07:02 VanessaE TheZenKitteh: are you in the same location as your friend, and do you have the same inventory?
07:02 VanessaE (specifically, the items in your hotbar)
07:02 TheZenKitteh im on the east coast, he's in texas
07:02 VanessaE I mean on the map
07:02 VanessaE e.g. are you both at the same coordinates
07:02 exoplanet monitor netwroking, maybe something floods the server. Windows? TheZenKitteh
07:03 TheZenKitteh I use his ssh to connect to irc for privacy reasons so my ip will show texas. ihave his permission for such.
07:03 TheZenKitteh im on linux
07:03 TheZenKitteh I think he's on windows. server is on linux
07:03 VanessaE nevermind your geographical location on earth
07:03 VanessaE I mean your location within the minetest world :)
07:03 TheZenKitteh well there's so much lag we both appear to be jerky and it takes over 30 seconds for the server to respond to a command
07:04 healshot VanessaE, im trying to instal fishing_master into Real test i keep getting errors have you ever installed this mod
07:04 TheZenKitteh when im not connected, he says there's no lag
07:04 VanessaE healshot: no. but i can tell you it should not be "fishing-master"
07:04 healshot Here is the link to the mod :
07:04 VanessaE change the folder name to 'fishing'
07:04 VanessaE and try again
07:04 VanessaE TheZenKitteh: but are you at the same location in the minetest map as he is when you sign in?
07:05 TheZenKitteh well we can see each other. if you speak of coordinates not sure. didn't think to check such
07:05 VanessaE you need to find out
07:05 TheZenKitteh I assume it is in the player file?
07:05 VanessaE press F5 to find your coordinates.
07:06 VanessaE ask your friend his.
07:06 VanessaE have him teleport to you.  then both of you sign off.
07:06 VanessaE then have him sign on again
07:06 VanessaE chances are, the server will start lagging.
07:07 VanessaE this means there's a "lag machine" in the area.  i.e. some construction of mesecons, technic, or something else, which causes the server to lag because *someone* is close enough to cause the server to load and run it
07:07 VanessaE if it doesn't matter where you are, then it's something in your inventory that's causing the lag
07:08 VanessaE such as a flashlight or other walking lightm etc.
07:08 VanessaE ,
07:08 VanessaE figure out which situation persists - does it matter where you are?  then go from there.
07:08 healshot Hey VanessaE  thatnks for the heads up it works great in the mod pack
07:09 TheZenKitteh well in one test I had a fresh world
07:09 TheZenKitteh nothing built
07:09 TheZenKitteh the lag was still there
07:09 VanessaE TheZenKitteh: same inventory contents?
07:10 TheZenKitteh no inventory contents on that test
07:10 VanessaE well a fresh world is gonna lag anyway
07:10 VanessaE mapge
07:10 VanessaE mapgen.
07:10 TheZenKitteh well coords are same on his world
07:10 VanessaE doesn't matter
07:10 reactor Arnold Lane... had a strange hobby!
07:10 VanessaE if it's a brand new map, the map generator is busy running, and this will cause everyone else to lag.
07:10 TheZenKitteh he logged out, cpu still 90% and only dropped 5% when he logged out with me still logged in
07:11 TheZenKitteh im about to have him log back in and me log out
07:11 TheZenKitteh yea
07:11 TheZenKitteh when I log out 15%
07:12 TheZenKitteh seems somehow im causing the cpu spike
07:12 VanessaE what happens if you create a new account?
07:12 VanessaE i.e. sign on with a new name
07:12 TheZenKitteh don't know, lets see
07:12 reactor It's normal eh.
07:13 reactor When you crate a password, it has to compute the hash.
07:13 TheZenKitteh less cpu but still far more than with him logged in multiple times. 65% now
07:13 TheZenKitteh and rising
07:13 VanessaE wait.
07:13 VanessaE let your account settle in
07:13 VanessaE it might just be the map being sent to you
07:13 TheZenKitteh 2 of his clients = 15% cpu use. when I come in it jumps
07:14 TheZenKitteh im not moving in the world
07:14 TheZenKitteh lol
07:14 TheZenKitteh im waiting to see if it lowers before I move
07:14 TheZenKitteh seems to be stable around 40%
07:14 TheZenKitteh better than prior
07:14 VanessaE I can only guess it's a bug in the network code, maybe a long ping time causes a CPU spike?
07:14 TheZenKitteh yay cpu settled to 12%
07:15 TheZenKitteh so has to be something with my character file
07:15 VanessaE there you go
07:15 VanessaE no
07:15 VanessaE not if you signed in with a new name
07:15 reactor By the way. Is map transfer still crawling slow in MT?
07:15 VanessaE new character file then
07:15 TheZenKitteh I know, I mean old character file
07:15 VanessaE reactor, about as slow as it's been yeah
07:15 reactor Or does it have to do with variables?
07:15 VanessaE TheZenKitteh: then it's something in your inventory.
07:15 reactor Also. How's it going with lags?
07:15 reactor Still much lag?
07:16 VanessaE lag's as bad as ever if the Lua side of things has a lot of work to do, yeah
07:16 VanessaE (or if the mapgen is too busy)
07:16 reactor So, more mods = more lag?
07:16 VanessaE not necessarily
07:16 TheZenKitteh about to test if lag has improved, I think it has
07:16 VanessaE more mods that do active stuff = more lag, generally.
07:17 VanessaE but many mods just add nodes without adding active code.
07:18 VanessaE brb
07:18 TheZenKitteh lag improved dramatically
07:18 healshot Is there a way to get MT to go full screen?
07:18 TheZenKitteh ty VanessaE
07:18 TheZenKitteh ^_^
07:20 TheZenKitteh well off to play. ta ta
07:20 TheZenKitteh left #minetest
07:22 exoplanet healshot~ which wm do you use?
07:22 healshot WM?
07:22 exoplanet window manager
07:23 reactor Holy wars. Here we go again.
07:23 healshot Im still kinda fuzzy on what you mean I use Windows 7 ulti
07:24 healshot 64bit
07:24 healshot but i have 2 more boot
07:24 exoplanet for most WM you can configure a shortcut to fullscreen a window
07:24 healshot i have an android bot and a linux boot and a windows 8 boot
07:24 exoplanet oh windows. good question, then. :)
07:24 healshot I thought there was a comand like Mc you hit f11
07:25 healshot could i run a target command?
07:25 healshot like -fullscreen
07:26 reactor Is the FreeBSD port up to date now?
07:27 exoplanet looked in the manpage, and no there is not fullscreen option healshot healshot
07:27 reactor Maybe we should also add the "minetest-devel" port, that would fetch the latest git?
07:27 reactor exoplanet: should edit the config.
07:27 reactor I wonder if minetest.conf has #include.
07:27 healshot Ok exoplanet  Thought there was a way to ge fullscreen
07:28 exoplanet reactor~ can find an option there
07:28 reactor If it does, create two configs with different fullscreens status, and include the main config.
07:30 exoplanet ther should be a cli switch.
07:30 exoplanet *e
07:32 bas080 joined #minetest
07:35 healshot Yeah im gonna need a partner for my modding pleaures
07:35 healshot If anyone would like to Join my Mod Dev team let me know
07:39 reactor ?
07:39 reactor What are you trying to do, healshot?
07:39 reactor exoplanet: I have a trick for you.
07:39 healshot It is gonna be a mod or rather a gamemode that will simulate Wurm Online
07:40 reactor Create two configs that include the main one (which you should rename)
07:40 reactor Make scripts that run cpp on them, and overwrite to minetest.conf (which should not exist)
07:41 reactor Cpp should process the #include statements.
07:41 reactor healshot: Wurm?
07:42 healshot
07:42 healshot Its a game Notch worked on before making minecraft
07:44 reactor I still don't get it.
07:45 healshot It making an RPG of MT
07:45 reactor Oh.
07:45 healshot Its Minecraft but harder better to watch some videos to get it
07:45 reactor Well, personally, I don't quite like RPGs.
07:46 reactor They take too long to play.
07:46 healshot Well its not the kind of RPG your thing of
07:46 healshot It like dropping you in medvial time to survive
07:46 healshot so its more of a Medevil survival game
07:47 healshot they just added hell hounds and dragons
07:47 healshot and of course other mythical beasts
07:48 reactor I'm not very fond of Middle Ages, either.
07:48 healshot Only reason i like it is for a seige pvp system
07:48 reactor Those were the worst time humanity has ever been though: religion almost destroyed science.
07:48 healshot i think gun / fps pvp is kinda bland
07:48 reactor s/alm/had alm
07:49 reactor Why not. I like shooters.
07:49 reactor They help release mortido very well.
07:49 healshot cant really seige in an fps like you can in guildwars 2 or darkage of camelot or warhammer online
07:49 reactor Why not.
07:50 reactor XXth century was full of epic battles, wasn't it?
07:50 healshot never seen a FPS with a proper seige system
07:50 reactor You mean, siege?
07:50 reactor Ha. Because no one has tried to implement it, that's it.
07:50 healshot yes
07:50 reactor It's a matter of time.
07:51 healshot well the new warhammer 40k mmo is gonna try it
07:51 healshot but again it has touches of fantasy and scifi
07:51 reactor I don't like games that take long to play.
07:51 healshot lol then your missing out
07:52 reactor I like something one can play while an assignment is compiling/processing.
07:52 healshot plus minetest is an infinte time sink lol there is no end to it
07:52 reactor Idk.
07:53 healshot I like games that take skill to play
07:53 healshot I like to earn things in a game not be handed them
07:53 reactor Short games take skill, too.
07:53 reactor Reaction time.
07:53 healshot Not always
07:54 healshot anyone can play call of duty well
07:54 reactor I like to improve my reaction time.
07:54 healshot well with age reaction time goes by the way side
07:55 reactor Do not remind me of aging.
07:55 healshot Twitch gaming had it hay day, games like Battlefield 4 are bringing back skill to the fps
07:55 reactor I shouldn't worry, though, I invest efforts in preserving myself.
07:55 healshot gonna be frozen reactor
07:55 reactor No.
07:56 reactor Well, I hope I will afford to have my head frozen in case I die.
07:56 healshot lol
08:16 Leoneof joined #minetest
08:21 healshot Found a bug with the mobf
08:21 healshot I cant kill zombies
08:29 aheinecke joined #minetest
08:44 Guest48829 joined #minetest
08:52 berome joined #minetest
08:53 berome left #minetest
09:11 healshot joined #minetest
09:11 healshot Back
09:11 VanessaE hi
09:11 healshot Vazon you there?
09:12 healshot trying to get a mod pack for Minerealm server
09:12 healshot Got some mods to add to realtest VanessaE
09:13 iqualfragile joined #minetest
09:13 VanessaE Realtest isn't really meant for mods
09:13 VanessaE besides, I don't maintain it.
09:14 VanessaE no one's picked up the proverbial torch yet
09:14 healshot Mods are : HUD, Fishing, Torches
09:14 healshot Well i can maintain it but it will be different
09:14 VanessaE I just own/run a server that runs that game, but I don't maintain the game
09:15 healshot Gues when i get my real net back ill get to work on it
09:15 healshot right now im tethered to my phone and its as slow as hell
09:17 VanessaE ick
09:17 healshot Yeah i havent had proper net since March
09:17 healshot i have to go to the office to get things done lol
09:23 lukelarris joined #minetest
09:24 healshot Well off to bed so i can get up early for turkey day
09:24 healshot night everyone
09:24 iqualfragile haha kebab
09:24 healshot ?
09:26 JamesTait Good morning all; happy French Toast Day! :-D
09:27 VanessaE mmmmmm french toast
09:38 reactor Remove kebab
09:53 iqualfragile reactor: at least somebody got it
09:53 reactor ?
09:54 reactor I like kebab... as long as it's made by Russians in a food producint establishment, not those people coming from poor countries and baking them outside.
09:54 reactor s/int/ing/
09:55 iqualfragile well, i live in the country kebab was invented in
09:57 iqualfragile brb
09:58 john_minetest joined #minetest
09:58 reactor iqualfragile: but you're from Germany, aren't you
09:58 reactor s/$/?/
09:58 reactor john_minetest: o/
09:58 iqualfragile hi john_minetest
09:58 iqualfragile yes i am
09:58 iqualfragile it was invented by some turkish guy in berlin
10:00 reactor :D
10:00 reactor john_minetest: again, not everyone is a freaking pony.
10:00 iqualfragile jep döner
10:00 reactor böner
10:00 reactor bönёr
10:00 reactor Whatever.
10:00 iqualfragile and the odds were not that low as berlin is the city with the secound most turkish people living there i think
10:01 iqualfragile or was it third…
10:01 iqualfragile did i mention we have a litle integration problem around here?
10:01 reactor iqualfragile: I see... aren't the Turkish overflowing the place like those immigrants from various neighbouring countries in Russia?
10:02 iqualfragile there are actually imigrants to russia?
10:03 reactor Yes.
10:03 iqualfragile well anyways, got to go, later
10:03 reactor Later maing.
10:03 reactor Yes, because intelligent Russians are running from Russia.
10:03 reactor Russia just doesn't meet their requirements.
10:04 reactor Neither does it meet mine, I think. As I've been told, there are no good wages for theoretical physicists in Russia.
10:04 reactor So, my prospect is quite dull if I stay here.
10:05 reactor As you say.
10:05 reactor I like math, and I like sitting there, drinking tea and thinking over algorithms.
10:08 reactor Dumb?
10:08 reactor It's a matter of taste. I am a theoretical thinker. I really suck at manipulating materials.
10:08 reactor Why should I bother?
10:37 thexyz john_minetest: what kind of algorithms do you study?
10:37 thexyz what notations "nobody uses"?
10:41 proller joined #minetest
10:41 reactor proller: 3DPABCTBYNTE
10:47 proller PREVED
10:54 reactor Btw.
10:54 reactor proller: how about we register #minetest-ru?
10:55 proller good idea
11:02 thexyz john_minetest: any names?
11:02 thexyz minetest-ru is taken already
11:03 reactor You're into Markov chains?
11:06 thexyz I'm sure he's talking about markov algorithms
11:18 TheLastProject joined #minetest
11:21 proller joined #minetest
11:22 VanessaE proller: this one's for you :)
11:23 proller its about every, who do something
11:29 thexyz some algorithms names, or are you studying the theory in general? like algprithm definition, turing machine, markov algorithms, halting problem, etc.
11:29 Guest60739 proller, did you see the message I sent to you?
11:30 Guest60739 joined #minetest
11:31 proller you have strange problem, cmake is 99/9% same as in master
11:33 thexyz alright
11:41 reactor john_minetest: I told you you better do applied math.
11:41 reactor You're gonna die of boredom.
11:44 proller Megaf, try  make clean; cmake . ......
11:44 thexyz I still am nut sure what you're talking about, but whatever
11:45 thexyz *not
11:45 reactor OldCoder: o/ any news, mate?
11:46 thexyz what markov algorithm?
11:49 thexyz oh, this
11:50 thexyz then I got this right, did you write an interpreter or something?
11:51 thexyz I see
11:51 thexyz we had this too
11:53 reactor Manipulating whose strings?
11:54 Megaf proller, that made it
11:54 Megaf building
11:54 reactor bullying
11:55 Megaf I stopped, gonna get the latest git firstg
11:55 Megaf first
11:55 reactor fisting?
11:58 Megaf proller, do you have that forum topic handy?
11:58 proller to update - git pull; git submodule update --init --recursive
11:59 Megaf I want the whole thing, to download from 0
11:59 proller git clone --recursive -b next minetest_next
12:03 proller
12:05 Megaf proller, so, this next is supposed to be much faster
12:06 Megaf is that right?
12:06 proller for server - ye
12:06 proller for client - ~ same fps, but more view range
12:06 Megaf and is it compatible with normal minetest clients?
12:08 proller yes
12:14 proller git clone && cd minetest && git checkout next && git submodule update --init --recursive
12:15 OldCoder reactor, Hi! Actually, it appears that I have lost most of the group that used to be on my worlds. I have nobody to build.
12:15 OldCoder But we will see
12:15 reactor mk
12:15 OldCoder I will continue to repair the worlds and see if anybody comes
12:15 OldCoder After all the machine is 32GB RAM and Octocore. It is acceptable :P
12:16 OldCoder reactor, make any tweaks to your world and let me know
12:16 OldCoder I will review the catalog and ask questions
12:16 reactor I don't have any yet.
12:16 OldCoder That is fine
12:16 VanessaE that beats the hell out of the 1GB + 8 cores I have at my disposal at linode :)
12:16 OldCoder But you have people
12:16 OldCoder I do not
12:16 VanessaE barely...
12:16 OldCoder People trump cores
12:17 OldCoder Well, the worlds are good
12:17 VanessaE when my servers aren't busy exposing client-side bugs and causing crashes
12:17 OldCoder But the trend is up
12:17 OldCoder Software is clearly improving
12:17 OldCoder It is time to go to the office and work
12:17 OldCoder Late! 4:20am!
12:17 VanessaE have a good day
12:17 * OldCoder will connect from the office
12:18 VanessaE I'm off to bed
12:18 OldCoder So actually I will c u i a b
12:18 VanessaE (also late)
12:18 OldCoder Night and day then
12:18 OldCoder o/
12:19 reactor !
12:31 proller no
12:32 sfan5 hi everyone
12:37 sfan5 firefox does not play my apng at all :(
12:41 sfan5 yes these work
12:42 sfan5 try this one
12:42 whirm joined #minetest
12:43 sfan5 that are the first 25 frames of the "blood lad" intro
12:43 sfan5 firefox doesn't do anything at all
12:43 sfan5 while chrome happily plays it (with the addon)
12:46 reactor Browsers suck nowadays.
12:46 Peacock joined #minetest
12:46 sfan5 ok, back to testing how many frames I can make chrome play
12:47 sfan5 400 works
12:47 sfan5 lets try 500
12:48 sfan5 that works too
12:48 Peacock then who was phone?
13:04 troller joined #minetest
13:05 iqualfragile sfan5: The requested URL /out.png was not found on this server.
13:05 sfan5 I deleted it.. one sec
13:06 sfan5 try again
13:12 q66 joined #minetest
13:13 iqualfragile sfan5: hmm… go report a bug i guess
13:16 ImQ009 joined #minetest
13:18 berome joined #minetest
13:22 zat joined #minetest
13:26 OldCoder joined #minetest
13:32 cisoun joined #minetest
13:47 thexyz Peacock: hai
13:48 thexyz Peacock: VE told me you have that branch with colored lights
13:48 thexyz sfan5: nice black image
13:48 sfan5 it's an APNG
13:48 sfan5 but doesn't work in firefox
13:48 thexyz meh
13:48 thexyz you're overengineering
13:48 thexyz just encode it to h264
13:49 Peacock doesn't work
13:49 Jousway joined #minetest
13:49 sfan5 well..
13:49 Peacock but this does, though i couldn't (on my own) find the relevant code, if it's there
13:49 sfan5 I wanted to make an APNG from a video, just for testing
13:50 sfan5 I used this python script
13:52 Peacock though if jacobf by his own admission had merge problems in march 2012, not sure how useful it would be now
13:58 thexyz Peacock: thanks, I'll try it
14:00 Peacock heads up though, it wouldn't compile on my setup
14:02 troller find area with high humidity
14:02 thexyz Peacock: I can't find any colored lights here
14:02 troller 65+
14:02 thexyz can't find related commits in the commit log either
14:02 Peacock yeah i think jacobf put them in his colored_light branch which he later deleted :/
14:03 Peacock only reason i tried compiling his main minetest repo in case it was there
14:03 thexyz so do you actually have it?
14:03 Peacock no i never had the colored_light branch of his, VE knew that
14:04 Peacock or at least i told her, dont know if she remembered lol
14:04 thexyz alright
14:04 thexyz so maybe someone else still has it lying somewhere?
14:05 Peacock maybe one of the people in this thread
14:05 Peacock he did post the repo so maybe someone tried it
14:06 thexyz of course i will just email him
14:06 thexyz sfan5: you did post in the thread though you should have it
14:06 Peacock yeah that was gonna be my next suggestion lol you guys can see private emails
14:07 sfan5 thexyz: I always clone such stuff to /tmp
14:07 thexyz fug u -(
14:07 thexyz Peacock: it's also available in the commit log
14:08 thexyz I always hate it when the internet loses some data
14:08 Peacock i'll be damned
14:08 Peacock i never thought to check
14:08 Peacock at least we know he's still active on GH
14:08 OldCoder Is anybody able to comment on the state of git current? Should I update to 0.8.4 stable or git?
14:09 OldCoder git current looked a bit crashy the other day
14:09 Peacock 0.8.4's not out yet :P
14:09 OldCoder Actually I believe it is
14:09 sfan5 unless you need better rollback and a working line_of_sight use 0.4.8
14:09 Peacock 0.4.8 is :P
14:09 OldCoder Ah!
14:09 OldCoder <- dyslexic today
14:09 OldCoder sfan5, t y
14:10 Peacock dyslexia's more manageable than seeing anagrams everywhere lol
14:10 OldCoder john_minetest, Hi! Will you test Zegaton?!
14:10 OldCoder Peacock, we all do that
14:10 sfan5 Imagine how confused people would be if you used major.patch.minor instead of major.minor.patch
14:10 Peacock reading too fast lol
14:10 OldCoder Ha
14:10 Peacock meh i'd just use 0.48
14:10 Peacock same difference, fewer keystrokes lol
14:11 sfan5 what 'bout 048?
14:11 OldCoder 048 is great it is our fate to use 048
14:11 OldCoder Mate
14:11 Peacock would work too
14:11 Peacock but at least 0.48 implies beta
14:12 Peacock when 1.0 then you know the software is more or less "complete"
14:13 Peacock i guess im just used to VLC version numbers
14:13 thexyz > vlc
14:13 thexyz do you know why vlc logo is a cone?
14:13 thexyz > On day, people from the VIA association (VIA is a students' network association with many clubs ... amongst those is VideoLAN. More info here : ) came back drunk with a cone. They then began a cone collection (which is now quite impressive i must say). Some time later, the VideoLAN project began and they decided to use the cone as their logo.
14:15 OldCoder john_minetest, the cache solves that issue
14:15 OldCoder Does it not?
14:15 * OldCoder is simply inquiring
14:15 OldCoder I will update to 0.4.8
14:15 OldCoder Build a new cache myself
14:15 OldCoder Would be interested to know
14:15 OldCoder If the cache does address the issue
14:15 Peacock i've often woken up short a few memory engrams and plus some odd objects lol
14:16 berome joined #minetest
14:16 OldCoder And hopefully httpfetch will solve the problem once and for all
14:16 OldCoder john_minetest, ?
14:16 OldCoder THere are no more mods than before
14:16 OldCoder AFAIK
14:16 thexyz what's the status of httpfetch?
14:16 OldCoder thexyz, I think planned for end of year
14:16 berome left #minetest
14:16 OldCoder john_minetest, that is not "thousands of mods"
14:16 OldCoder :-)
14:16 OldCoder That is *one* mod
14:17 OldCoder And it is important to the future of the project I think
14:17 OldCoder Yes
14:17 OldCoder See notes above; "thousands of mods" and media for one mod are separate issues. Media is addressed by cache and httpfetch.
14:17 * OldCoder is not arguing; simply thinking about this
14:17 thexyz OldCoder: I'm more interested in whether it works now
14:17 OldCoder thexyz, Nope
14:17 OldCoder thexyz, Wait
14:17 thexyz I see
14:18 OldCoder thexyz, if you apply
14:18 OldCoder a client-side patch
14:18 OldCoder It appears to work fine
14:18 OldCoder Speeds things up
14:18 OldCoder john_minetest, Hm? Sorry, what won't connect? Trying now?
14:18 thexyz so it actually does work
14:18 thexyz just not merged
14:18 OldCoder thexyz, I tested it weeks ago
14:18 OldCoder john_minetest, I will look in a few minutes
14:19 OldCoder thexyz, I am told that there are pieces they wish to add on the server side
14:19 OldCoder But I would like to see the client side merged now
14:19 OldCoder So that I can make users like john_minetest happier
14:19 OldCoder thexyz, One issue is that some type of fixes that Sapier is working on
14:19 OldCoder conflict with the server side parts of httpfetch. But I believe that a subset of httpfetch could be merged soon.
14:19 OldCoder Done
14:19 OldCoder
14:20 OldCoder thexyz, Basically curl fails now. It does not pull all textures. Ask Vanessa.
14:20 OldCoder The client side patch seemed to fix this
14:20 OldCoder john_minetest, Very well! But this is not 0.4.8 yet; I need to update and rebuild the cache for you
14:22 OldCoder john_minetest, anyway I trust we are clear; yes, the music issue should be addressed. I favor this approach: (a) httpfetch, (b) eventually TCP instead of UDP, (c) client-side checkbox to turn off sound, (d) eventually merge music into game. Why not use cache today?
14:23 Peacock if you're gonna merge music you need to increas the timeouts when users join a server so they can dl the first time
14:23 OldCoder john_minetest, I will turn off music for Zegaton at any rte
14:23 OldCoder john_minetest, see notes above; I believe I agree
14:24 OldCoder Music should be merged
14:24 OldCoder But they have enough to deal with for the moment
14:24 OldCoder Peacock, Yes
14:24 Peacock tho. personally i think the more you play the more annoying the music gets, unless you have lots of variety and change them regularly
14:24 OldCoder Peacock, I agree with that too. But one step at a time.
14:24 OldCoder john_minetest, See note above. I will turn it off permanently as this is your world.
14:24 OldCoder Isn't Zeg9 around still? I rarely see him
14:25 Peacock i also think midi might be cool, kindof arcade and low tech, seems like a fit for voxely worlds
14:25 OldCoder Peacock, Agreed again!
14:25 OldCoder Peacock, care to work on a MIDI Mod?
14:25 VanessaE joined #minetest
14:25 Peacock midi mod's not the problem, can the engine play them?
14:25 OldCoder And that would solve the large data problem!
14:25 OldCoder Peacock, I don't know but I am sure could be added
14:26 OldCoder VanessaE, how about MIDI for Minetest?
14:26 OldCoder <Peacock> i also think midi might be cool, kindof arcade and low tech, seems like a fit for voxely worlds
14:26 OldCoder john_minetest, I am looking for 0.4.8 git link... do you have it?
14:26 OldCoder I will update the server now
14:26 OldCoder And turn off Ambient simultaneously for you
14:27 OldCoder No
14:27 OldCoder That will pull git current right?
14:27 OldCoder One of the others gave me the "stable" link; checking logs now
14:28 OldCoder Hmm
14:28 * OldCoder looks
14:28 OldCoder Ah
14:28 OldCoder It is git checkout afterward...
14:28 OldCoder git clone whatever && cd whatever && git checkout stable-0.4
14:28 OldCoder Like that, right?
14:29 * OldCoder proceeds
14:30 thexyz everything?
14:30 thexyz how did you like that linux release which borked your drive?
14:30 thexyz oh
14:30 thexyz that's not really everything though
14:31 thexyz it'd be fun to have a distro which always uses latest-commit software version
14:31 thexyz if it builds, of course
14:31 thexyz "so bleeding edge it hurts"
14:32 Peacock often it builds, whether you can update successfully or not, thats another thing
14:32 thexyz I can't make a distro
14:32 thexyz Peacock: of course! that's the fun part
14:32 thexyz I remember some discussion where some arch maintainer said that cron scripts build packages for him
14:33 thexyz cool, eh?
14:33 Peacock Children of the Cron
14:33 thexyz it was like "i'll be away for a while but that's no problem, you still get package updates"
14:33 OldCoder thexyz, You can make a distro
14:33 Peacock i hear remastersys is looking for a maintainer
14:33 thexyz OldCoder: I probably can but for now I'm not willing to
14:33 OldCoder gentoo
14:33 thexyz yes, I use it
14:33 OldCoder thexyz, your own distro by default
14:33 thexyz and it seems I suck at making distros
14:34 OldCoder Bonsai Kitten always says just use overlays to Gentoo
14:34 OldCoder Cloned 0.4.8 stable
14:34 hmmmm joined #minetest
14:35 OldCoder ?
14:35 OldCoder john_minetest, I am shutting down my worlds to rebuild. Zegaton will return in a bit with 0.4.8.
14:37 thexyz what's the size?
14:38 OldCoder john_minetest, sure...
14:38 OldCoder Odd; I can't think of the name
14:38 OldCoder Starts with an s
14:38 OldCoder SendSpace
14:38 OldCoder Use them
14:38 OldCoder No need to register; they provide delete links
14:38 thexyz john_minetest:
14:39 OldCoder Let's see how fast an octocore can compile Minetest
14:40 OldCoder Is 64 seconds good?
14:41 thexyz OldCoder: server only or both?
14:41 thexyz john_minetest: so much bloat
14:41 OldCoder thexyz, I think I just compiled the server
14:42 thexyz alright, let's see
14:43 thexyz real0m31.812s
14:43 thexyz I got swapp'd
14:43 OldCoder thexyz, Interesting; why were you twice as fast as me?
14:43 OldCoder Waut
14:43 OldCoder Wait
14:43 thexyz because running two VMs and compiling Minetest with -j10 is probably not a good idea
14:43 OldCoder I built client too
14:43 thexyz okay
14:44 OldCoder I used -j8
14:44 thexyz oh, I guess I should set it to twice number the threads?
14:45 OldCoder I will try -j16
14:45 OldCoder I am also using -O2
14:45 OldCoder Hmm but not client after all
14:46 thexyz both server and client take 1m7.085s
14:46 OldCoder Doesn't seem to be using all the cores
14:46 thexyz 8 gb of ram is not enough those days it seems
14:47 OldCoder 640KB is enough! :P
14:47 thexyz said no one ever
14:48 OldCoder yes
14:49 thexyz A daily reminder that you should be buying LTC right now.
14:49 OldCoder john_minetest, some people say double # of cores
14:49 OldCoder LTC?
14:49 thexyz litecoin
14:49 OldCoder Ah
14:49 OldCoder More bubbles
14:49 OldCoder Should I bother trying to mine bitcoins? And can litecoins be mined?
14:50 thexyz no, unless you have a farm of ASICs
14:50 Peacock i just read a forbes piece that says the rise in btc value might have something to do with the cryptolocker malware that demands ransom in bitcoins to decrypt victim's files :/
14:50 OldCoder thexyz, john_minetest even with -j16 it takes me 66 seconds real time to compile the server alone. Is this substandard?
14:50 thexyz Peacock: oh that's nice
14:50 thexyz thanks to kind Windows users many people got rich
14:51 OldCoder reactor, are you around?
14:51 thexyz running whatever shit .exe they get
14:51 reactor I am.
14:51 Peacock here it is
14:51 Peacock well that's what you get for opening random attachments
14:51 thexyz indeed
14:51 Peacock a police dept. in the US even admitted to paying off the ransom in BTC
14:51 Peacock 2K$
14:51 thexyz and for Windows that's even worse because there's no app store of any kind
14:52 thexyz repository
14:52 thexyz call it whatever you want
14:52 thexyz and most of time on Windows you download .exe files without signatures over a plain http
14:52 Peacock i guess the closest thing would be steam (but just for games)
14:53 OldCoder reactor, PM thanks
14:53 reactor ?
14:53 OldCoder reactor, Please PM
14:53 reactor There.
14:54 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
14:54 MinetestBot EvergreenTree: <Jordach> stainless steel complete, reactor placed, oh, and we need some hv cables
14:54 MinetestBot john_minetest: I'll pass that on when Zeg9 is around
14:55 EvergreenTree A little late, already found out.  :P
14:56 thexyz (sound)
14:57 reactor EvergreenTree: ?!
14:57 EvergreenTree reactor, sorry, just talking about VanessaE's survival server
14:58 reactor Mk.
15:00 OldCoder john_minetest, I will be working on updates for a bit. Preparing new world setup scripts.
15:00 OldCoder Actually I will rest briefly first
15:02 BlockMen joined #minetest
15:02 BlockMen hi everyone
15:05 TheLastProject joined #minetest
15:06 EvergreenTree reactor, there are nuclear reactors in technic
15:06 reactor I know.
15:07 reactor I forgot to say "hello".
15:07 reactor So, hi, EvergreenTree!
15:07 EvergreenTree Hi reactor
15:07 Tuxedo[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:10 proller joined #minetest
15:10 troller joined #minetest
15:12 OldCoder john_minetest, see above
15:12 OldCoder I have decided to redo my scripts and make everything tidy
15:13 OldCoder Zegaton will be one of the first worlds in the new framework
15:13 OldCoder Possibly an hour or two
15:13 OldCoder john_minetest, I will be very grateful if you are able to test
15:16 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
15:25 Hunterz joined #minetest
15:27 OldCoder k
15:27 OldCoder Working on scripts now
15:40 Vargos joined #minetest
15:41 troller joined #minetest
15:42 NakedFury joined #minetest
15:43 Calinou joined #minetest
15:44 reactor john_minetest: lol
15:44 reactor I don't agree with the one about country music, though :D
15:47 q66 joined #minetest
15:51 reactor Get your motor running, head out on the highway. Looking for adventure, and whatever comes our way!
15:54 Jordach joined #minetest
15:57 fmcd am i better off on 32bit or 64bit linux for minetest
15:57 Jordach 64
15:58 Calinou 64
15:58 Peacock 128
15:58 Calinou 16777216
15:58 Exio4 256, 512, 1024
15:58 Peacock i win, bitches
15:58 Exio4 ew
15:58 Exio4 Calinou: 1267650600228229401496703205376
15:58 Exio4 :D
15:58 Exio4 1024^10
15:58 reactor Overflow.
15:58 fmcd oh i was just gonna split the difference and go with 48
15:59 Peacock need anymore intelligent advice? :P
15:59 Exio4 haha
15:59 fmcd but really does it actually run faster on 64 bit linux?
15:59 Peacock only if you have a 64 bit processor
15:59 fmcd yeah its a 64 bitamd
15:59 fmcd turion x2 or something
16:00 reactor MKay.
16:00 reactor It should work.
16:00 fmcd just be concerned if there was libs that were only available in 32
16:00 fmcd that were being wrapped
16:01 Calinou fmcd, it can run a bit faster like most software
16:01 Calinou I'd still do it because it is just more modern, and your CPU lets you do it
16:01 fmcd i'll give it a go
16:01 Exio4 the run faster thing is because 64 bit means sse2 enabled and other optimization shit by default
16:02 reactor You can directly adderss more memory with 64 bit.
16:02 fmcd yeah.. games can probably take advantage of htat stuff more than most
16:02 reactor That's the only advantage that I see.
16:02 Exio4 also, luajit :P
16:02 fmcd i presume 64 bit instruction set can move stuff faster
16:02 reactor I run a 64 bit OS here.
16:04 OldCoder john_minetest, It will take days to redo my scripts. So I've restarted the existing worlds but turned off Ambience for Zegaton.
16:04 Peacock if ya'll want a good laugh
16:05 Peacock (free pony if you figure out which comments' mine ) :P
16:05 Jordach merry fucking christmas
16:13 fmcd The 2013 MY-Escape with the 1.6-liter engine has a potential for localized overheating of the engine cylinder head. The head could crack, which would leak oil, which could cause a fire.
16:15 anunakki joined #minetest
16:16 OldCoder anunakki, Hi
16:23 MinetestBot GIT: ShadowNinja commited to minetest/minetest: Don't use variable length arrays ff25218374 2013-11-28T08:22:41-08:00
16:33 Leoneof joined #minetest
16:35 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:35 markveidemanis joined #minetest
16:37 cisoun joined #minetest
16:48 PilzAdam joined #minetest
16:48 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
16:49 OldCoder john_minetest, ambience should be disabled; checking
16:49 OldCoder Pilzello
16:49 OldCoder john_minetest, network issue?
16:50 OldCoder john_minetest, ambience confirmed off
16:51 OldCoder john_minetest, Where is ShadowNinja server?
16:51 Wuzzy joined #minetest
16:51 OldCoder john_minetest, All I can tell you is that my disk and network are very very fast
16:51 OldCoder And that the despised :P mod is disabled
16:51 OldCoder If anybody in the U.S. is willing to connect that may provide more information
16:51 OldCoder john_minetest, yes but you are overseas
16:52 OldCoder Possibly; find out sometime where ShadowNinja is
16:52 OldCoder I regret any issues and I will be running Euroservers again
16:52 OldCoder But need to nail this down
16:53 ShadowNinja The server is in New York.
16:53 OldCoder ShadowNinja, Interesting. Mine is also East Coast.
16:53 OldCoder ShadowNinja, willing to try to connect to Zegaton?
16:56 cyn joined #minetest
16:59 Peacock i saw the huge snowbanks outside so i implemented my contingency plan: i went to the off-license
17:08 Jordach +1
17:13 Peacock phase 1 of 12 of my plan complete XD
17:13 Peacock 'muricans? ping VE
17:13 PilzAdam Peacock, arent you american?
17:13 Peacock how many muricans speak a 2nd language?
17:13 Peacock french canadian :P
17:14 PilzAdam Canada is in (North) America
17:14 Peacock well it's generally taken for granted that american means USA citizen,
17:14 Peacock USAian just sounds like asian otherwise
17:14 PilzAdam he would have said US american if he meant that
17:14 Peacock naw
17:15 Peacock american = US, North American = US,CAN
17:15 Peacock at least thats the distinction we use here
17:16 Peacock hell i'm not even sure americans know canada is in north america lol
17:16 PilzAdam canada is the mexiko on the other side
17:17 Peacock yeah except without the cartels, corrupt police and a much higher standard of living lol
17:17 blaze joined #minetest
17:17 Peacock though we get crooked politicians instead and tons of snow
17:18 Hunterz joined #minetest
17:19 Peacock though crooked politicians seem to be a feature anywhere there's a lot of tax dollars to spend...
17:21 Peacock fool, thanksgiving was nearly two months ago :P
17:22 EvergreenTree !title
17:22 MinetestBot EvergreenTree: Thanksgiving Etiquette - YouTube
17:23 Evolykane joined #minetest
17:24 Evolykane left #minetest
17:24 Peacock and ours was sometime in october
17:24 Peacock i forget which date lol
17:25 Peacock im also bad with remembering easter, my birthday (or anyone elses)
17:26 Peacock and for the americans it's black friday, we have black history month in february, and the dutch have zwarte piet (sp?)
17:28 Peacock and it has different names all over the place
17:28 Peacock including saint nich himself
17:28 Peacock naw, you forget chinese new year :P
17:29 Peacock didn't new year used to be april 1st on... uhm, julian calendar?
17:29 Peacock im glad some people still enjoy the holidays lol
17:30 Peacock i have family spread over north, central and south america
17:30 Peacock and while the wife's family is concentrated in the same area, there's a whole fucking lot more of em to visit lol
17:32 PilzAdam I am studying 10km away from home
17:33 Peacock thats not too bad, as a kid we did Toronto - Quebec (about 800km)
17:33 NakedFury 76.0 km from home
17:33 NakedFury a 58 minute drive
17:33 Peacock my sister, brother in law and niece are 3900km away lol
17:34 NakedFury that is far
17:34 Peacock and i have no effing clue how far puerto vallarta and lima are from here lol
17:34 Peacock but its probably alot more lol
17:34 Tux[Qyou] joined #minetest
17:35 Peacock yep
17:35 NakedFury well google "distance from X(your town or country to lima"
17:35 Peacock just did
17:35 Peacock "complicated...   You might even have to swim.   May we suggest you fly instead?"
17:35 Peacock thats what travel math told me lol
17:36 Peacock montreal - lima = 6400km
17:36 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:36 PilzAdam NakedFury,
17:37 NakedFury you want me to close it?
17:37 PilzAdam yes please
17:37 NakedFury well google "distance from X(your town or country) to lima"
17:38 Peacock ? just said, lol 6400km
17:38 NakedFury I know but I missed a ) to close a statement and PilzAdam was gonna have to live with that forever so I had to close it
17:39 PilzAdam now everything is balanced again :-)
17:39 Peacock oh lol didn't notice :P
17:39 NakedFury also yesterday night someone was looking for you because they think you have the source code for colored lights
17:40 NakedFury thexyz I think
17:40 Peacock yeah xyz i pointed him to queatz's github but his code is gone
17:40 Peacock so i think he emailed him
17:40 Peacock who knows, if the guy archives shit like i do he's probably got a few folders worth of backups lol
17:41 Peacock (hopefully he labels them better than i do lol)
17:41 NakedFury and minetest maybe got a new user interested in modding
17:41 Peacock well speaking of modders, what exactly happened to dan ducombe?
17:41 Peacock was it him that posted the cracked APK?
17:42 NakedFury no idea
17:42 PilzAdam Peacock, no
17:42 NakedFury minetest seems to attract the good and the bad. sadly the bad are pretty emotionaly unstable
17:42 thexyz yes indeed i did
17:42 thexyz Peacock: it was mrtux and I've already unbanned him because this stuff's got removed from the play store
17:43 Peacock mrtux != novatux?
17:43 thexyz dunno
17:43 Peacock yeah i noticed both the thread and app are gone lol
17:43 Peacock that escalated quickly lol
17:45 Peacock nakedfury the creative usually are emotionally unstable
17:45 Peacock but i still dont get what dan did then to get himself banned
17:45 PilzAdam dan is banned?
17:45 Peacock seems so
17:46 Peacock though all his threads seem intact and theres nothing in his post history to suggest a reason :/
17:50 FreeFull I know there was a person who asked to be banned. I'm not sure who that was though
17:50 Jordach FreeFull, that same person banned me from his server for criticising me
17:50 Jordach s/me/him
17:51 Peacock well if i criticized myself publicly id ban myself to the nearest sanitarium as well :P
17:52 Peacock i dont quite get though why people have to ask to be banned, it's like their addicted
17:52 Jordach one more block and they just can't stop
17:52 rubenwardy joined #minetest
17:54 Peacock well in most cases it just amounts to a break anyhow so they might as well just take a break lol (cornernote's back)
17:54 Peacock constantly playing/modding the same game can drive anyone nuts otherwise
17:55 NakedFury they can take a break the problem is what they do just before going on break
17:55 Peacock well yeah usually it's what happens that makes them realize they need a break lol
17:56 Peacock god knows in 3 years ive taken 3 breaks of several months off, usually the summers so i can be outdoors and take in the sun on the beach
17:58 rubenwardy Hi all
17:59 Gethiox joined #minetest
17:59 NakedFury hi
18:00 Peacock howdy reubensandwich XD
18:01 Peacock
18:01 khor joined #minetest
18:01 Zeg9 joined #minetest
18:01 MinetestBot Zeg9: <john_minetest> Come here more often.
18:02 Jordach john_minetest, i got a nuclear reactor active at ve-survival
18:02 Peacock oh yeah, well i got warp cores, top that :P
18:03 Jordach Peacock, you used /giveme mine's legit
18:03 OldCoder Zeg9, Hi!
18:03 Zeg9 Hello!
18:03 OldCoder Zeg9, I wish to proceed with Zegaton and making sure my copies of your mods are updated
18:03 Peacock well of course i hardly ever write crafts
18:03 Peacock i need to do those before putting up a server
18:03 OldCoder Zeg9, I do not Skype; may we talk here occasionally?
18:03 Zeg9 of course
18:03 Zeg9 but I don't have much time tonight
18:06 Peacock though my space game crafts should be easier, 5x5 grid
18:06 OldCoder Zeg9, No need tonight
18:06 OldCoder Zeg9, I simply wish to stay in touch and debug the worlds
18:08 LazyJ joined #minetest
18:08 rubenwardy Peacock, I love corned beef
18:09 rubenwardy Sorry for delayed reply, "reubensandwich" is not on my highlight list
18:09 Peacock corned beef and smoked meat :-)
18:15 Peacock though that picture i posted looks like a heart attack and a half
18:16 thexyz look at this ripoff
18:17 NakedFury is this: It aims to make the game fun while trading off some bits of perfectionism. a criticism from some of minetest devs?
18:17 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
18:17 thexyz of course it's not
18:17 thexyz how dare you to think that
18:17 Jordach baww, someone bored with their tiny shoes
18:19 rubenwardy are you really an admin on there?
18:19 thexyz yes I am
18:20 thexyz you didn't specify, where, but I am on both
18:20 rubenwardy Then why are you saying it is a rip off?
18:20 thexyz it's a joke
18:20 thexyz I do that sometimes
18:21 rubenwardy oh ok
18:21 PilzAdam thexyz, how about moving that to "Minetest related projects"?
18:21 rubenwardy I was thinking that
18:22 rubenwardy thexyz: pm
18:26 Peacock was that colored light stuff in relation to MT or FM?
18:27 thexyz well, it's obvious that it can't get into MT
18:27 Peacock thats what VE and I thought too lol
18:29 Peacock though honestly i can understand why HW lighting would have been better for that, lighting in general needs alot of work
18:30 NakedFury lightning alone would make a x.x.1+ version
18:30 Peacock well anyone who saw the trouble me and paramat were having with asteroid shadows would know lol
18:32 Peacock so yeah, sweet, we'll have MT, FM, and possibly MT2 if that rewrite idea goes ahead :-)
18:36 FreeFull What would the rewrite do?
18:36 FreeFull And what's FM?
18:36 Peacock freeminer = FM
18:37 Peacock not sure what the rewrite would do, all i know is c55 wants to overhaul the present codebase
18:37 rubenwardy_ joined #minetest
18:37 FreeFull
18:38 troller
18:39 FreeFull Ok, seems there are two freeminers
18:39 Peacock under API changes one thing seems fuzzy: dont abm's already support a neighbors param, or is neighbor some sort of conditional true/false function in FM?
18:40 PilzAdam Peacock, the rewrite from c55 would be more of a private project
18:40 FreeFull None of the differences between freeminer and minetest are listed on the website
18:41 Peacock well in any case concurrent development of multiple engines would probably bring alot more features and testing of said features :-)
18:41 troller Peacock, its neighbor passed to action()
18:41 Kacey joined #minetest
18:41 Peacock Freefull
18:43 Peacock the only thing that might be tricky is supporting the same mod across different engines
18:43 Peacock tho isn't there some sort of get version function?
18:49 thexyz and there shouldn't be
18:49 thexyz there should be a list of features the engine supports
18:51 Peacock well the abms are slightly different, so say someone wanted to write a mod for both engines, could you use something like if get_version() == 'freeminer0.xx' then abm elseif get_version() == 'minetest0.xx' then ...
18:52 rubenwardy For api features you can do "if minetest.add_particle_spawner"
18:52 rubenwardy There is no need to get game engine
18:52 rubenwardy they have the same api
18:52 Peacock might be easier to write seperate mods in that case rather than check if each function works
18:52 Peacock yeah though i imagine with time that'll change?
18:53 Peacock unless one of the two implements all of the others' changes
18:54 Peacock i may just be tired too and not getting it lol been up since 23hrs EST (yesterday)
18:54 Peacock lol
18:54 Peacock i have a pretty good idea, read the dev logs :P
18:55 PilzAdam "since 23hrs EST (yesterday)"
18:55 PilzAdam why do you have to add a timezone when talking about a duration?
18:55 thexyz john_minetest: exactly
18:55 Peacock because you're in a different timezone :P
18:55 Peacock as are most here
18:55 PilzAdam but 23 hours here are also 23 in america
18:55 Peacock well america has different timezones
18:56 Peacock people on the east coast hit the sack while people on the west coast are having dinner
18:56 PilzAdam and they are also 23 hours in other galaxies
18:56 Peacock allright let me put it another way, been up all night and half the day :P
18:56 PilzAdam you only need to add a note about the timezone when talking about a specific point in time, not when talking about duration
18:57 Peacock well thats what i said? i woke up at 23hrs EST
18:57 PilzAdam you mean 23:OO ?
18:57 Peacock yeah 2300 or 11pm
18:57 PilzAdam well you used a kinda odd format
18:58 Peacock thats the fatigue part lol
18:58 Peacock got this giant hole in my bathroom ceiling and the guy's supposed to come one of these days to fix it
18:59 Peacock (spent all of last week not sleeping either waiting for the plumber to come twice and fix the leak)
19:00 rubenwardy left #minetest
19:00 rubenwardy joined #minetest
19:02 thexyz john_minetest: that's mostly related to merging thinks and communicating about things
19:03 NakedFury diagonal rails one
19:04 thexyz s/thinks/things
19:06 troller joined #minetest
19:09 bas080 joined #minetest
19:09 djdduty joined #minetest
19:09 djdduty joined #minetest
19:10 thexyz john_minetest: what stuff?
19:13 Peacock well i'd guess colored lights among others, though im curious to see how you'll finally decide to store the rgb values
19:13 Leoneof joined #minetest
19:16 thexyz indeed
19:16 Ikkiko joined #minetest
19:16 thexyz though I have a little idea on what you're talking about since I haven't seen the source
19:20 thexyz what shaders?
19:21 ruskie because sometime that doesn't work well
19:21 Peacock i doubt its that simple
19:22 ruskie nothing wrong with that
19:22 Peacock what's wrong with forks? isn't that part of the point of open source?
19:22 ruskie competition, different things to try out, etc...
19:22 ruskie it is forked thousands of times
19:22 thexyz john_minetest: what forks are there?
19:23 thexyz john_minetest: also IIRC RBA's shaders are still in dev
19:23 Peacock well, look at it another, with minetest alone mod development is starting to die down, or has been for awhile, different engines might bring new features into the fold
19:23 Peacock *another way
19:23 ruskie each bloody embedded manufacturer has a atleast a dozen forks of it
19:23 Peacock ruskie seriously, to say nothing of the # of linux distros lol
19:23 ruskie that's a different pot
19:24 ruskie john_minetest, sure it should it's the nature of development
19:24 ruskie you can try out stuff in forks and good stiuff can trickel back into main while the rest dies off
19:24 Peacock well i see another way, mt up until 0.3 or 0.4 was mostly done by two guys, now we got over half a dozen devs who can't always agree, i dont see forks as bad in that case
19:25 ruskie hell linux dev is basically fork of a fork of a fork
19:25 thexyz john_minetest: if you think I haven't tried talking about the need of communication you're a bit wrong
19:25 ruskie each dev has their own fork until their patches hit linus
19:25 thexyz john_minetest: and classic is completely different since it's 0.3-fork
19:26 * VanessaE peeks in
19:26 VanessaE hi
19:26 Peacock (and technically classic is game not engine)
19:26 thexyz john_minetest: maybe
19:26 thexyz we'll see
19:26 troller john_minetest, proller's stuff moved to freeminer
19:26 * FreeFull remembers playing 0.3 on c55's server, with rats and DMs
19:27 thexyz john_minetest: not fast enough means one or two years or so
19:27 thexyz this is unacceptable
19:27 PilzAdam VanessaE, do you know what made Dan ragequit?
19:28 Vazon joined #minetest
19:28 thexyz john_minetest: yes, sorry, but just talking here is pointless; check minetest-dev logs
19:28 Vazon hello Everyone
19:28 thexyz there's a reason i've decided to support this instead of continuing fighting with other devs
19:28 thexyz if you think that's just for shits and giggles then you're wrong
19:29 thexyz no, I don't really want to continue this, sorry
19:29 VanessaE PilzAdam: he's an impatient 14-year-old kid (or 16?) who can't deal with the idea that he should fix his code, or roll back when something breaks.
19:29 Vazon anyone now how to get it where on a server you can get it where your players can see the texture pack you are useing?
19:29 VanessaE he ragequit because he got banned from the forum
19:30 thexyz john_minetest: okay, that's good because we won't
19:30 PilzAdam I thought he was banned because he raqequited the forums (i.e. blanking posts)
19:30 Vazon who are we talking about Dan?
19:30 VanessaE PilzAdam: he deleted the one post for the one broken mod, in defiance of the rules and after being warned twice.  that delete is what got him banned, and what prompted him to delete his mods and ragequit entirely.
19:31 rubenwardy Minetest has 273 forks
19:31 VanessaE VanessaE: pilzadam and I are yeah
19:31 NakedFury how could he delete his posts after being banned?
19:31 Vazon lol im invisable
19:32 VanessaE NakedFury: he deleted his mods at their source - e.g. dropbox, github repos
19:32 rubenwardy They are still forks
19:32 NakedFury ohh
19:33 VanessaE obviously he couldn't delete the posts....and his attempt failed, thanks to sfan5, topywo, and myself :)
19:33 VanessaE afaik all of his mods are preserved.
19:33 NakedFury nice
19:34 Vazon So Dan ragequit becuase he was asked to fix a problem in his coding???
19:34 VanessaE yup
19:34 VanessaE I told him fix it or just roll back what broke it
19:34 VanessaE instead he opted to get childish and delete it
19:34 Vazon well that not very smart there is alway room for improvement
19:36 Vazon i love improving my things broken or not... he should have just fixed it and everyone would have been fine and dandy
19:36 Vazon everything*
19:36 PilzAdam so just for the record: VanessaE made Dan ragequit :-p
19:36 VanessaE PilzAdam: nope.
19:37 VanessaE dan made his own choices, and ultimately sfan5 made him quit.
19:37 Vazon hmm now they target each other lol let me get a bag of popcorn and sit back watch how this plays out
19:37 PilzAdam who do you want to bully out next? me? :-p
19:38 VanessaE not funny, PilzAdam
19:38 PilzAdam I tried...
19:38 Vazon looks like hes laughing VanessaE XD
19:39 rubenwardy VanessaE:
19:39 rubenwardy
19:40 Vazon lol ruben
19:40 PilzAdam rubenwardy, you are doing it wrong
19:40 PilzAdam rubenwardy, I feel offended by your recent action(s). Please read
19:40 Vazon XD poor VanessaE
19:40 VanessaE blah
19:42 rubenwardy PotatOS!
19:43 Vazon ...well isnt that random
19:43 rubenwardy
19:43 rubenwardy Weird video
19:44 Peacock well, on the modding front, i think you should just all make it clear that people dont actually own their own mods once they're posted, that would save alot of headaches
19:44 BlockMen bye
19:44 BlockMen left #minetest
19:45 PilzAdam Peacock, if they dont read the licences they publish it under then its their problem...
19:45 thexyz » You should avoid removing content posted by yourself if people rely on it (releases, etc.).
19:45 Peacock (though thats also the reason i proposed free and nonfree mod boards instead of release and general, which seems more vague to me)
19:46 Peacock pilzadam, yeah they dont read the license, but they're also told to chose one from a pre-selected list when in reality theres no obligation to chose one, that could use more clarification
19:47 PilzAdam they are not told to choose a free license
19:47 rubenwardy I would not post mods on the forum if I would not own them.
19:48 Vazon hmm still need hel pwit hmy texture problem
19:48 PilzAdam Vazon, you need more help with your typing
19:49 Vazon sorry i type fast.... i will slow down a bit :P
19:54 Peacock pa i have to disagree, ive seen on more than one occasion modders told they have to chose a license
19:55 PilzAdam only if they use code licensed under SA
19:55 Peacock hell even that annoying forum bot tells people they need to specify a license
19:56 pehjota joined #minetest
19:56 thexyz john_minetest: have you understood it yet?
19:56 Sokomine at least if it's supposed to get into the mod releases forum. perhaps that's a precaution against later removal of the mod
19:57 NakedFury actually to post on release mods they have to post license otheriwse mods will not move them\
19:57 Peacock though i loathe to get into it again, if mods are game content, creative content, then even RMS agrees creative works are different than pure software
19:57 PilzAdam yes, since we dont want to support non-free software
19:57 * Sokomine finds the bot a bit annoying as well :) (hopefully it can be used to feed the mmdb)
19:57 Peacock well thats quite different than telling people they *have* to chose a license
19:58 VanessaE Peacock: it's simple:  pick a license without any "no-derivs" clause or gtfo
19:58 JackGruff joined #minetest
19:59 Peacock well that's not what you tell new modders
19:59 Peacock so dont be surprised when they ragequit
19:59 Sokomine completely without a liscence, it might be problematic using the mod on a server. for singleplayer, that's hardly going to matter
19:59 VanessaE um
19:59 VanessaE dan ragequit because he was childish
19:59 PilzAdam "Any mod that disallows derivatives cannot be published on this forum." – << Peacock
19:59 PilzAdam we do tell it newbies
20:00 Peacock thats rich coming from c55, when i complained about my own mods being derived in such a short period, he's the one who told me to pick a new license lol
20:01 VanessaE "this forum" means "this forum section"
20:01 VanessaE i.e. Mod Release
20:01 Sokomine oh, no, dan didn't quit due to liscence problems. he's young. young people sometimes behave childish (especially if they're actually children/youths)
20:01 JackGruff I find it disappointing that the stock textures are clones of MC.
20:01 Peacock soko he got banned for pulling his own shit, which IMO, he had every right to do
20:01 VanessaE JackGruff: they are not.
20:02 Sokomine hmm, you missed what happened in chat, peacock
20:02 JackGruff VanessaE, they are.
20:02 VanessaE JackGruff: no, they are not.
20:02 Peacock i missed that particular chat yes, but i've seen it a dozen times with different peopel by now
20:02 PilzAdam Peacock, he has, but we have the right to ban him and republish his mods
20:02 JackGruff the game looks almost identical from the surface
20:02 VanessaE cisoun: care to comment on that?
20:03 JackGruff im not saying MC's textures were copied directly, just that the style is the same
20:03 Peacock pa yeah, and you see whats that done to modding in the last two years, it's a shell of what it was when i joined
20:03 VanessaE Peacock: what he does not have the right to do IS BLANK POSTS IN VIOLATION OF A WARNING FROM A MODERATOR
20:03 JackGruff especially soil/grass
20:03 PilzAdam Peacock, I wasnt here 2 yeaers ago
20:03 Peacock i was
20:04 Peacock and there were fewer rules, more creativity and more mods
20:04 PilzAdam VanessaE.setMode(fullCapsRage);
20:04 VanessaE JackGruff: maybe the minimal textures are, but not the minetest_game ones....  besides, there's not much you can do in 16px :P
20:04 Sokomine form the surface...perhaps. but even if you where to use a texturepack with mc textures, it'd still look and feel slightly diffrent. play some time and see for yourshelf
20:04 Gethiox joined #minetest
20:04 PilzAdam Peacock, "fewer rules"?
20:04 Peacock compared to now? definately
20:05 Peacock i dont even post in the current environment, just not worth it for me
20:05 PilzAdam what rules were added?
20:05 VanessaE there are fr more mods now than when you joined, peacock, and a lot of creativity
20:05 Peacock more derivs maybe, but less creativity, and im not the first to point out that alot of talented modders have called it quits
20:06 VanessaE the only rules that were added regarded getting your mods published in the Mod Releases section, and a line in the Rules page about graphcial smileys and animated avatars.
20:06 VanessaE graphical*
20:06 sfan5 VanessaE: I did?
20:07 VanessaE sfan5: your (rightfully instituted) ban is what sent him off the deep end
20:08 sfan5 ah
20:08 VanessaE but it's also what saved all that forum content
20:08 VanessaE topywo and I caught all his mods and kept them from disappearing
20:09 Peacock well the way i see it, a few lazy people are determined to hold onto the fruits of other people's labour while simultaneously driving them insane, and they know they can get away with it because of the licenses they tell people they have to use
20:10 VanessaE Peacock: no one says you have to use a specific license!
20:10 VanessaE you have to use ANY license that has no "no-derivs" clauses
20:10 VanessaE that's it
20:10 VanessaE make up your own license if you want
20:10 Peacock you dont have to issue any license if you want
20:10 VanessaE as long as you don't try to prevent others from forking
20:10 Peacock no license is a plain copyright
20:11 VanessaE wrong.
20:11 VanessaE no license is no license
20:11 VanessaE copyright is copyright
20:11 VanessaE the two are orthogonal
20:11 Peacock you see what i don't get is this: c55 chose of his own free will to opensource minetest, but you would deny this choice to everyone writing mods, why?
20:11 Calinou joined #minetest
20:11 PilzAdam no license means nobody is allowed to run the mod
20:11 Sokomine urgs. it might get really nasty there. don't know what "no liscence specified" will really mean. most likely: money for lawyers who love debating about such things...
20:11 JackGruff what is about minetest that attracts so much bitching?
20:11 PilzAdam Peacock, Minetest is not only open source, its free software
20:11 Renoki joined #minetest
20:12 VanessaE Peacock: no one is denying you the right to close-source your mods you twit
20:12 VanessaE just don't expect them to get moved to Mod Releases.
20:12 Peacock quite simply the problem here is mods are treated as code uniquely and not creative content, and creative people would beg to differ
20:12 VanessaE publish them in Modding General
20:13 Calinou woah VanessaE, no need to call each other twits.
20:13 Sokomine close-source won't work with mt :-)
20:13 Calinou Sokomine, obfuscated code
20:13 thexyz luac
20:13 Calinou if you do that, and forbid it from redistribution and such it's effectively proprietary
20:13 Peacock well if people are blanking their posts or removing the source files, i have to wonder if they really knew what their choices were, and who informed them
20:13 thexyz or just forbid them from redistribution
20:13 PilzAdam Peacock, the thing is that we are a free software community, and we dont like non-free software; thats why we dont support it
20:13 VanessaE Peacock: it's not up to us to teach other people how to read.
20:14 Peacock well in that case you're mixing politics with coding, and i'm only interested in coding
20:14 PilzAdam and if people choose to make their work free, then they have to live with the consquences
20:15 Sokomine seems peacock wants to say that some people did not understand the implications
20:15 PilzAdam Peacock, if you are only interested in coding, then why do you even publish your mods?
20:15 thexyz what a nice talk
20:15 Peacock have i published anything recently?
20:16 rubenwardy_ joined #minetest
20:16 Peacock tho i'd point out im not the one who quit here recently, dan is, but the story is always the same
20:16 VanessaE Peacock: dan quit because he couldn
20:16 Peacock because he's childish i know, the same reason is given every time
20:17 VanessaE couldn't be bothered to fix his code or roll back the last bug he caused/added
20:17 Peacock well what business is that of yours?
20:17 VanessaE *looks at fingernails, ponders trimming*
20:17 Peacock it's his mods, he can fix or not fix if he wants
20:17 Sokomine and it may be a very emotional problem...if you where to ask a new modder who just started and is happy to get his first mod released, you'd probably get wtfpl as a liscence. later, they get to know other people, get involved - and some of them get disappointed/hurt/bored - and then blank their posts and change their mind at that moment. some weeks later, they may no longer care
20:17 VanessaE Peacock: because I run a server that HE DEMANDED UPDATES ON.
20:17 VanessaE I run the primary server he used for developing the Realtest game.
20:18 Peacock well, just as much as it's his choice to update his mods, it's your choice to update your server, i don't see the conflict
20:18 VanessaE he broke his currency mod by not properly vetting some change Nore gave him, and then didn't want to back that change out propery.
20:18 VanessaE properly*
20:18 Peacock so couldn't you rollback from an older version?
20:18 Sokomine vanessa runs a world for dan, so it's her business (actually 2 worlds)
20:18 VanessaE I could have, and did.
20:18 VanessaE he couldn't be bothered to do the same.
20:18 Peacock so in the meantime you're short 1 modder?
20:19 VanessaE what?
20:19 Peacock MT lost one modder because he wouldn't update one of several mods he's written?
20:20 zat1 joined #minetest
20:20 werwerwer joined #minetest
20:20 rubenwardy MT lost one modder because he threw a paddy-fit
20:21 thexyz I'd say that's because forum software doesn't allow reverting forum contents
20:21 thexyz *post contents
20:21 VanessaE MT lost a modder because he, for the fourth or fifth time, refused to roll back to the previous version and then bitched, himself, that he couldn't fix it, and then decided oh I'll just write a whole new one and delete this one....without bothering to consider that servers already use it
20:21 thexyz I'm still not sure about what happened though
20:22 Peacock yeah but it's not up to any moderator to tell someone how to mod
20:22 thexyz it seems to me that there was some local discussion in some private irc channel and then the guy went full nuts
20:22 rubenwardy She did not
20:22 Peacock MT lost a modder because he, for the fourth or fifth time, refused to roll back
20:22 thexyz she did tell him not how a moderator but how a community member
20:22 Peacock sounds like she's telling him what to do
20:23 thexyz if he can't chat with people then I'm worried about him
20:23 rubenwardy She said that she wont update the mods on her server, because of the bug
20:23 Peacock i dont know, i believe in free association, if the guy won't take your suggestion, just don't use his mods
20:23 Peacock but to ban him over it
20:23 Peacock seems like bad PR to me
20:24 VanessaE Peacock: um.
20:24 VanessaE Peacock:  he bitched about it ON MY SERVER.
20:24 Peacock so ban him ON YOUR SERVER
20:24 VanessaE and therefor on the server chat channel
20:24 VanessaE which covers like 9 servers
20:24 Peacock so that translates to forum ban?
20:24 VanessaE oh christ
20:24 VanessaE can't you read!?
20:25 Jordach Peacock, you're overthinking and pissed
20:25 * VanessaE is getting irritated
20:25 thexyz VanessaE: you should write a short summary and pastebin it
20:25 VanessaE thexyz: I pastebinned the log recently, not sure of the link now though
20:25 thexyz and then go away for an hour and the problem will solve itself
20:25 thexyz log is often not enough
20:25 thexyz but w/e
20:25 Peacock whatever, you want to ban him that's fine, just don't wonder publicly why things seem to be quiet
20:26 VanessaE Peacock: he came into our channel, bitched that Nore broke his mod, even though Dan's the one who added the code and released the result to his git repo without testing, then when we told him to just roll back to undo the change, he bitched that he couldn't, and then proceeded on his little tantrum.
20:27 EvergreenTree Exactly, if you don't know how to roll back, FIGURE IT OUT
20:27 VanessaE Peacock: he got banned from the forum for violating the rules in defiance of an order not to.
20:27 VanessaE If someone announces they're about to violate the rules, and you warn them not to, and they do it anyway, what exactly do you expect to happen?
20:27 VanessaE let that person just continue merrily on their way?
20:28 werwerwer joined #minetest
20:28 exoplanet joined #minetest
20:29 VanessaE thexyz: we all know it's a standing rule that deleting/blanking an important post is a bannable offense, but why isn't it written down in the Rules section anyway?
20:29 VanessaE (see my post in the moderator section)
20:29 thexyz VanessaE: You should avoid removing content posted by yourself if people rely on it (releases, etc.).
20:30 VanessaE that's not good enough
20:30 VanessaE it needs to spell out what can happen, why, etc.
20:30 VanessaE "you should avoid" != "this will get you banned"
20:30 Peacock no we need to force people to use forum attachments, because that will make them more free
20:30 thexyz and acknowledge that the moderators can ban you for not doing so, or for any other reason.
20:30 zat1 I tried to make stollen:
20:30 NakedFury add a warning pop up when a player uses the Delete post button. Warning deleting posts is agaisnt the rules of the forums blablablah. Do you want to conitnue? Yes or No.
20:31 VanessaE thexyz: still not good enough.
20:31 Sokomine perhaps about that blanking of how about doing a temporal ban? in some cases it might help to give agitated people a night or a few days to think of what they're doing and to help them not to do something they'll regret most likely afterwards
20:31 thexyz VanessaE: "Removing content posted by yourself (releases, etc.) will get you banned."
20:31 thexyz just changed it
20:32 VanessaE that'll work
20:32 Peacock why dont you just make it clear that stuff in releases belongs to the community and not the author? that would make things 100* clearer
20:32 Sokomine peacock: forum attachments are practical for getting a mod :-) just 1 instead of 2 clicks
20:32 Peacock sokomine practicality isn't the issue, ownership is
20:33 * Sokomine munches some of zat1's bakery
20:33 thexyz define "belongs"
20:33 NakedFury just do the same thing as minecraft mods and everyone is happy
20:33 Peacock by belong to the community, i mean even if they pull it someone else will put it back up, at least then they would know
20:33 VanessaE Peacock: no one said the community owns the code!  THE LICENSE SAYS WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO REDISTRIBUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:33 VanessaE G*D DAMN IT MAN
20:34 Peacock so if per the license you can repost the mod, why do you bother banning them?
20:34 Peacock it doesn't make sense to me lol
20:34 VanessaE because if we don't, they delete their posts also
20:34 thexyz since I'll be busy with the other project (ehehe) please only reach to me when you've agreed on something so I won't have to use my brain and will just do what you tell me (regarding the forums, moddb and other services I currently host)
20:34 VanessaE which makes the mod hard to understand
20:35 thexyz it's fun to read the log though
20:35 Jordach thexyz, then who will admin the forum then
20:35 Peacock well you could solve that by posting new threads instead of editing threads the guy can blank
20:35 sfan5 it seems like every dlink router has a backdoor
20:35 Jordach o noes
20:35 thexyz john_minetest: there are moderators, I don't understand what do you mean by "admin"
20:36 thexyz fug
20:36 thexyz Jordach: ^
20:36 Jordach plol
20:36 thexyz also quassel sucks
20:36 Jordach oh gtfo terminal n00b
20:36 thexyz what?
20:36 thexyz anyway, please answer the question
20:36 proller joined #minetest
20:36 troller joined #minetest
20:36 Jordach thexyz, ah
20:36 zat1 Sokomine: it was kinda fail in case you didnt notice. lol
20:36 Jordach then no
20:37 thexyz "no" to what?
20:37 Sokomine peacock: that sounds like a good idea, if it's technically possible
20:37 Peacock sokomine, ultimately i think positions and rights could just be clearer than what they are
20:38 Peacock and quassel still sounds like a french pastry
20:38 Sokomine sfan5: seems to happen pretty frequently, that backdoor matter :-(
20:38 Sokomine zat1: i "ate" it before looking at the picture :-)
20:39 meldrian joined #minetest
20:40 zat1 lawl
20:42 Sokomine peacock: in this particular case it wouldn't have helped. it might have helped if someone would have jumped and done the more complex parts of coding for dan instantly. and, of course, since there is always communication involved, perhaps there would have been ways to solve the conflict otherwise. but we're all humans only and can't read each other's mind, so it's not possible to avoid all conflicts and misunderstandings
20:44 Peacock sokomine it just seems to me the same problems keep coming up with different people, there must be a better way, the only choices there are better communication, or more punitive measures
20:45 Peacock unless others have ideas..
20:45 VanessaE communication doesn't work if one party throws a tantrum and then just leaves
20:45 VanessaE Dan's was a rather unique case
20:45 sfan5 who would name himself "Otaku_swag94" on reddit?
20:46 VanessaE nothing short of a parental thrashing would have been sufficient
20:46 sfan5 that is just.... ... .. you can't describe how stupid that is
20:46 VanessaE sfan5: what's it mean?
20:46 sfan5 it?
20:47 Sokomine looks like a random combination of letters and numbmers, sfan5
20:47 sfan5 nobody knows what otaku means?
20:47 Sokomine i don't
20:47 sfan5
20:49 Sokomine vanessa: i'm sure there would have been one way somehow, but i don't know how either
20:50 VanessaE Sokomine: you were there, you know we tried every way there was
20:50 VanessaE sfan5: oookay
20:51 thexyz Peacock: I think we've decided to allow non-free mods on freeminer forums, so you can post your mods there (if interested)
20:51 VanessaE so, the japanese version of OCD? :)
20:51 thexyz sfan5: nobody knows how otaku smells
20:52 Sokomine vanessa: we tried, yes. perhaps some other approach might have worked. i really don't know. that's probably more for psychologists to figure out
20:52 NakedFury otaku are the obssessed of anime culture
20:53 thexyz this term is most oftenly used in a negative sense
20:53 thexyz sfan5: my reddit name is pomfpomfpomf3
20:53 thexyz do you know why?
20:53 sfan5 no
20:54 thexyz I can show you but you'll regret it
20:54 thexyz
20:54 sfan5 !title
20:54 MinetestBot sfan5: POMFPOMFPOMF =3 - YouTube
20:54 thexyz it's a bit NSFW i think
20:55 sfan5 lo
20:55 sfan5 l
20:56 sfan5 I think this was enough for today
20:56 thexyz there's a 10 hours version
20:57 thexyz and now you'll have to watch the original clip
20:57 thexyz just for the video
20:57 thexyz
20:58 Peacock sorry im not ignoring anyone, i just got the ceiling people in here atm
20:58 sfan5 !title
20:58 MinetestBot sfan5: きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ - PONPONPON , Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - PONPONPON - YouTube
20:58 sfan5 oh
20:58 sfan5 the GEMA again
20:58 thexyz lol
20:58 sfan5 they didn't like it so they brought it down
20:59 thexyz they didn't understand it
20:59 sfan5 haha
20:59 thexyz no worries i'll youtube-dl it for you
20:59 sfan5 seriously, germany is a nice country but the GEMA is just... shit
20:59 NakedFury you know if nekogloop something was here he would be posting links to japanese anime songs of a ridiculous dancing female
20:59 NakedFury all day
20:59 sfan5 >ridiculous dancing female
20:59 thexyz sfan5:
20:59 sfan5 lol
21:00 sfan5 wait
21:00 sfan5 >
21:00 sfan5 is that a pun?
21:00 thexyz you're starting to understand
21:00 ecube joined #minetest
21:00 thexyz how this world works
21:01 * sfan5 is confused
21:01 sfan5 is this all people in japan do all day? /s
21:02 thexyz japan is more popular outside of japan
21:03 NakedFury okay neko would be posting this
21:04 thexyz or the english-translated version of some song
21:05 thexyz <3
21:06 NakedFury I hate myself for clicking it
21:07 MinetestBot GIT: Sapier at GMX dot net commited to minetest/minetest: Split server/client port setting to avoid port number clashes in mainmenu b08d7558de 2013-11-28T12:43:06-08:00
21:07 thexyz why?
21:07 VanessaE you know you guys are just begging nekogloop to show up with all these japanese/anime links :)
21:07 NakedFury yup
21:08 thexyz you don't like that kind of music? :(
21:09 exoplanet joined #minetest
21:09 NakedFury no
21:09 thexyz why?
21:10 NakedFury they always include spoilers of the series I am watching
21:10 thexyz NakedFury: where's your watching list?
21:11 exoplanet is the debian maintainer here?
21:11 thexyz exoplanet: check the #-dev channel
21:12 NakedFury watching list?
21:12 thexyz exoplanet: emptty
21:12 thexyz is his/her nickname
21:12 exoplanet thanks thexyz
21:12 thexyz exoplanet: *his
21:13 thexyz NakedFury: yes, do you have one?
21:15 NakedFury
21:15 NakedFury doesnt have a watching list feature but I only watch 3 for now. Log Horizon, Gundam Build fighters, Yowamushi Pedal
21:16 thexyz > streaming
21:16 thexyz well, I'm sorry
21:16 thexyz there are websites which provide watching lists, like or or
21:17 thexyz also suggestions and shit like this, can be quite helpful
21:23 Peacock if my wife were here, she'd suggest animes lol
21:23 Peacock im usually asleep when she's watching em
21:23 Sokomine your wife is a good builder
21:25 Peacock she puts as much time building shit as i put coding shit, i guess we just tend to to do both at hte same time lol
21:30 q66_ joined #minetest
21:34 dumdidum joined #minetest
21:34 dumdidum hello, is there a mod that makes papyrus grow?
21:34 PilzAdam dumdidum, that functionality is in default
21:35 dumdidum PilzAdam: so i just have to place papyrus on dirt near water?
21:35 PilzAdam yes
21:35 dumdidum great, thanks :)
21:40 Miner_48er joined #minetest
21:54 quasar joined #minetest
21:55 Peacock jesus sweet mary, the ceiling guy just left, and i he told me everything about his childhood and recent sex life :(
21:55 Peacock *he
22:03 JackGruff joined #minetest
22:09 Sokomine peacock: you're a good builder as well :-) hope you'll make your waterworld world accessible again...
22:16 Calinou the ceiling guy probably is a better builder than him!
22:16 Calinou who knows!
22:16 q66_ joined #minetest
22:20 PilzAdam bye
22:42 whirm joined #minetest
22:44 Gethiox joined #minetest
22:58 powrtoch joined #minetest
23:00 us}0gb joined #minetest
23:02 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
23:08 dante123 joined #minetest
23:10 JackGruff joined #minetest
23:12 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
23:24 * VanessaE pokes RealBadAngel
23:25 dumdidum joined #minetest
23:25 dumdidum is it possible to grow flowers and bushes?
23:29 paramat joined #minetest
23:30 RealBadAngel VanessaE, ill be there a bit later
23:32 VanessaE k
23:33 NekoGloop joined #minetest
23:41 VanessaE bbl
23:44 EvergreenTree joined #minetest
23:46 RealBadAngel VanessaE, im here, whats up?

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