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IRC log for #minetest, 2013-08-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 Jordach PilzAdam, done the front entrance to your castle
00:01 Jordach entirely from a single screenshot
00:01 * Jordach goes to bed
00:04 TorpedoSkyline joined #minetest
00:06 * NekoGloop sits on VanessaE's lap
00:07 VanessaE ooff..  get *shoves* OFF!
00:07 NekoGloop mrow!
00:08 NekoGloop butbutbutbut
00:08 NekoGloop it's World Kitten Day :<
00:08 VanessaE you're no kitten :-)
00:08 VanessaE you a fat cat :D
00:08 * PilzAdam slabs VanessaE
00:08 NekoGloop I'm a fat cat but a twig of a human being.
00:08 PilzAdam today is world kitten day!
00:08 NekoGloop seems legit
00:09 VanessaE slabs?  well, a nice slab of chicken sounds good right now
00:10 VanessaE besides, I have a box full of the real thing to my right :-)
00:10 * VanessaE pets Cookie
00:11 VanessaE not sure where Jeannie has gotten off to.
00:11 NekoGloop ~
00:11 VanessaE !title
00:11 MinetestBot VanessaE: [♪] Portal - Making Science - YouTube
00:12 NekoGloop :3
00:26 pitriss Please can anybody know if is mithirll chests linking working? And if yes, how I can use that..
00:28 lordcirth pitriss, haven't tested, but I believe the idea is that you can tab/arrow/whatever between the chests, from any one of them
00:29 pitriss lordcirth: ohh, i should test it then..:) TY.:)
00:35 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
01:14 sokomine we need a better way to handle slabs...6d facedir is great, but always turning them with the screwdriver is difficult
01:14 VanessaE there's not much to be done outside of the code in moreblocks/stairsplus
01:14 VanessaE it at least has some decent placement prediction
01:15 VanessaE all it really lacks is a way to override placing a slab vertically on a wall when you want it horizontal (the reverse is done by holding your Sneak key while placing)
01:18 xrosnight joined #minetest
01:21 PilzAdam bye
01:27 sdzen joined #minetest
01:33 Tesseract But that means no horizontal slabs on chests and such.
01:39 Tesseract The only good way to do it is a seperate key.
01:39 VanessaE yeah
01:39 VanessaE but as we can't define a new key command in Lua, we're kinda stuck
01:42 Tesseract t=-72C?
01:42 VanessaE bbrbrbbrrrrrr
01:42 VanessaE *shiver*
01:42 VanessaE proller: I think you need to work on that.  now. :)
01:43 VanessaE it got up to +57C at the spawn on my server the other day.  Nice cool breeze....if you're on Mercury.
01:48 Tesseract I left out cobble generators on for under two minutes, result: Just under four stacks of cobble...
01:48 Tesseract our*
01:49 Tesseract Actually more than that.
01:51 * Tesseract loves Auto Block(node) breakers.
01:58 kaeza Tesseract, now, if somebody could convert cobble to wood that would be great :P
01:59 sokomine hm
02:01 sdzen left #minetest
02:03 ssieb joined #minetest
02:11 Tesseract kaeza: I am working on a logger...
02:12 harrison
02:57 proller joined #minetest
03:03 kaeza bbl
03:17 alex_____ joined #minetest
03:53 proller joined #minetest
03:57 hoodedice joined #minetest
03:57 hoodedice Peacock
03:57 hoodedice I'm free
03:58 Peacock i have to shutdown for the night - heat and trouble with breakers :/
03:58 hoodedice Wow.
03:58 Peacock p4 auto-offed twice now lol
03:59 hoodedice auto-offed?
03:59 hoodedice That's Indian English
03:59 hoodedice Say: Busted
04:00 hoodedice P4 overheated and busted twice now lots of love
04:00 Peacock the powerbar itself didn't reset, but part of the room went off :/
04:00 Peacock i have a feeling lots of feeling are running their ACs on max tonight
04:00 hoodedice Woah.
04:01 Peacock *lots of people
04:01 Peacock but i should be up in six hours or less and back up
04:01 Peacock i never sleep long in heatwaves lol
04:02 hoodedice What's the temperature like?
04:02 Peacock 27 + humidity
04:02 Peacock c
04:02 Peacock says 31 on indoor thermostat
04:03 hoodedice Humidity might be the culprit. 30c is actually cold
04:03 Peacock cold? lol i could use a cold shower :P
04:04 Peacock anyways, be back in a few hours :-)
04:04 Peacock gonna try and get some zzz's
04:04 hoodedice ciao
04:22 neko259 joined #minetest
04:28 OldCoder joined #minetest
04:39 Arkmabat joined #minetest
04:41 Arkmabat Anyone have a working nether mod?
04:46 VanessaE pilzadam made one
04:46 VanessaE
04:49 Arkmabat I cant find the nether eye/pearl
04:50 * VanessaE shrugs
04:50 VanessaE I've never used that mod
04:50 Arkmabat Dang.
04:50 VanessaE (don't really care for the idea of a "hell" realm)
04:50 Arkmabat Good point
05:04 smoke_fumus joined #minetest
05:10 rsiska joined #minetest
05:16 FreeFull joined #minetest
05:20 hoodedice joined #minetest
06:04 kaeza joined #minetest
06:36 kaeza joined #minetest
06:42 daniel44321 joined #minetest
06:42 daniel44321 hello
06:42 daniel44321 anyone know how to setup a mientest server?
06:42 daniel44321 mine*
06:57 whirm joined #minetest
07:08 kaeza joined #minetest
07:11 bas080 joined #minetest
07:13 PenguinDad joined #minetest
07:28 sfan5 hi everyone
07:28 VanessaE morning.
07:29 PenguinDad G'Day
07:30 aheinecke joined #minetest
07:30 urban joined #minetest
07:34 urbanizator joined #minetest
07:43 NekoGloop joined #minetest
07:44 ungali joined #minetest
07:46 mirda joined #minetest
07:52 bas080 joined #minetest
08:14 khor joined #minetest
08:18 Calinou joined #minetest
08:47 whirm joined #minetest
08:50 jin_xi joined #minetest
08:56 PenguinDad !up
08:56 MinetestBot is up (594ms)
09:10 JamesTait Good morning all, happy Friday and happy Book Lovers' Day! :-D
09:10 sfan5 morning
09:10 sfan5 !op
09:11 Topic for #minetest is now | NEWS: Minetest 0.4.7 released | RULES: be patient, respect other users, here and in other channels | CORE DEVS: #minetest-dev | SERVERS: | IRC LOGS: | WIKI: | Today: Bring-a-cake-for-MinetestBot-day!
09:11 sfan5 !deop
09:11 kaeza lol
09:12 * PenguinDad gives MinetestBot a Cheesecake.
09:12 sfan5 you can't use leaves as fuel?
09:13 sfan5 oh god
09:13 sfan5 wait
09:13 sfan5 you can
09:13 VanessaE I Was about to ask, since when?
09:13 PenguinDad but leaves aren't efficient
09:13 sfan5 my mod just broke
09:14 VanessaE PenguinDad: no, no but they're plentiful :)
09:14 sfan5 no wait
09:14 sfan5 they burn so fast the furnace doesn't even enable
09:16 jemadux joined #minetest
09:16 jemadux joined #minetest
09:17 Semilevel joined #minetest
09:21 PenguinDad !seen Police
09:21 MinetestBot PenguinDad: Sorry, I haven't seen police around.
09:22 kaeza !seen seen around
09:22 MinetestBot kaeza: Sorry, I haven't seen seen around.
09:22 kaeza :<
09:23 VanessaE heh
09:24 TheLastProject joined #minetest
09:26 q66 joined #minetest
09:32 kaeza;id=1069
09:32 VanessaE heh
09:33 PenguinDad :D
10:17 NekoGloop joined #minetest
10:17 bas080 joined #minetest
10:26 proller joined #minetest
10:33 iqualfragile joined #minetest
10:34 bas080 joined #minetest
10:40 bas080 joined #minetest
10:49 bas080 joined #minetest
10:54 Calinou joined #minetest
10:54 PilzAdam joined #minetest
10:54 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
10:54 VanessaE morning PA
10:56 Calinou hi PilzAudio
10:56 VanessaE lol
10:56 PenguinDad hi PulseAdam
10:58 PilzAdam is anyone on the LogoSkyblock server?
10:59 thexyz is there a single block or is every player given a very personal skyblock?
10:59 PenguinDad !server
10:59 MinetestBot PenguinDad: No results
11:00 PilzAdam thexyz, one public block
11:00 PenguinDad thexyz: only a single minetest logo
11:00 PilzAdam but there are no random people playing there
11:00 PilzAdam only well known members of the community
11:00 PilzAdam thats what makes it so fun
11:01 jin_xi joined #minetest
11:02 * VanessaE 's brain crashes
11:02 VanessaE time to sleep, night all.
11:07 Calinou night
11:10 PilzAdam sfan5, whats up with the server? there are lighing glitches and the bones with the bucket are gone
11:20 * PilzAdam hands MinetestBot a cake
11:32 Jordach joined #minetest
11:32 PenguinDad Hello Jordach
11:34 Jordach mhm
11:35 PenguinDad hmmm
11:38 roboman2444 joined #minetest
11:44 PilzAdam Jordach, the bones with the water bucket disappeared
11:44 PilzAdam the whole thing down there is gone
11:44 Jordach dammit sfan5
11:45 Jordach you killed the fucking bucket
11:49 NekoGloop I'd give minetestbot cake, but i ate all of it yesterday
11:55 PenguinDad !seen Jeija
11:55 MinetestBot PenguinDad: Sorry, I haven't seen jeija around.
11:55 * Jordach pets MinetestBot and gives her cake
11:57 bas080 joined #minetest
11:58 Peacock joined #minetest
12:02 thexyz
12:05 Jordach PilzAdam,
12:05 PenguinDad !title
12:05 MinetestBot PenguinDad: Document isn't HTML
12:05 PilzAdam wow
12:06 Jordach PilzAdam, that's my screenshot used to create it
12:07 Jordach i did the same with blockmen's wallpaper
12:07 PilzAdam there is one block missing, though
12:07 PilzAdam at the top of the right tower
12:09 Jordach haha, didnt see that
12:09 PilzAdam I fixed the lighting on the server now
12:12 Jordach nice
12:15 Jordach PilzAdam, you saw that strange block in that speed render? (it was unusally dark)
12:15 PilzAdam yes
12:16 Jordach
12:16 Jordach it was a duplicate block
12:16 khor joined #minetest
12:16 Telek joined #minetest
12:17 Telek Hey, did something major change in the server? All my blocks now show up unknown.
12:17 Telek 0.4.6->0.4.7
12:17 Jordach Telek, edit the file in the world called
12:18 Jordach (cant remember the name) but it's contents has something in it that points at survival
12:18 Jordach PilzAdam,
12:18 Telek urgh.
12:18 Telek So it's not minetest_game anymore?
12:18 Jordach open up in nano, vi, emacs etc
12:19 PilzAdam its still minetest_game
12:19 Jordach and change gameid = survival/creative to gameid = minetest
12:20 Telek Yeah, nevermind, I think I hadn't updated to the associated minetest_game.
12:20 PenguinDad Telek: it's minetest_game anymore
12:21 Jordach PenguinDad, but gameid = minetest
12:21 Jordach the game is called minetest_game, but the engine calls it "minetest"
12:25 PenguinDad Jordach: i know that
12:26 PilzAdam the gameid is "minetest" because the engine removes the "_game"
12:30 Telek So all the mod dirs need to have _game now, or just the minetest_game to uniquely identify it?
12:40 thexyz no they don't
12:40 thexyz it only deletes _game when it's present
12:40 thexyz I have no idea why it's done this way
12:41 aheinecke joined #minetest
12:41 thexyz any speculations?
12:41 nore joined #minetest
12:42 nore thexyz: different github repos?
12:42 nore looks like the simplest explanation for me
12:43 thexyz oh shit
12:43 thexyz i'm stupid
12:43 nore about minetest-stress, will it be replacing the current API?
12:43 thexyz no, it'll be distributed as a mod
12:43 nore or will it be something like a common mod library?
12:44 nore and do you know why #856 isn't merged?
12:45 nore a lot of mods would profit it
12:45 PenguinDad thexyz: interesting way to make Travis-CI work
12:45 thexyz yeah
12:46 thexyz I have no idea how to make it not output ruby/rvm versions though
12:47 psedlak joined #minetest
12:48 thexyz nore: no idea, ask celeron in #-dev
12:50 nore thexyz: will minetest-stress support treegen, biomes, and so on?
12:51 nore and node definitions?
12:57 thexyz what do you mean by "support treegen"? all minetest. methods are still here
12:58 thexyz mapgen stuff probably won't be supported in first versions
12:59 nore yes, but helpers for example for minetest.register_node to be done a different (simpler?) way
12:59 nore same for spawn_tree, etc.
13:00 thexyz nodedef will be supported
13:00 thexyz there are things to improve, for example, add "uses" to item definition
13:01 nore yes, that is definitely needed
13:01 thexyz I'm not sure about what to improve in spawn_tree
13:01 nore neither am I...
13:02 nore about tools, what do you think of #688?
13:02 thexyz well, I can add a method to Stress.Node, so you can _({0, 0, 0}):spawn_tree({def})
13:02 Jordach wtf is minetest-stress used for
13:03 thexyz well, you see, I'm writing stress because I dislike current API
13:03 nore thexyz: that could be done
13:03 thexyz to me it looks like alot of patches
13:03 nore Jordach: is the LogoSkyBlock server down?
13:04 Jordach err
13:04 thexyz this one →
13:15 Jordach aw, i had to change my screen back to 19''
13:15 * Jordach had a 21''
13:16 Jordach PilzAdam,
13:16 Jordach (your tall back tower is visible from my screenshot)
13:17 thexyz nore: any other suggestions?
13:19 jemadux joined #minetest
13:19 Jordach ehm, RTT = 0.8 isn't good
13:19 Weedy joined #minetest
13:19 Weedy joined #minetest
13:22 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
13:23 Jordach sfan5, what do we do with gravel
13:23 alex_______ joined #minetest
13:23 hoodedice joined #minetest
13:24 hoodedice Peacock : server
13:24 Jordach oh, and the lighting is fucked up
13:24 Peacock is up
13:24 kaeza joined #minetest
13:25 hoodedice if event_server = true then execute "minetest.exe"
13:25 PilzAdam wtf, RTT=3.6
13:25 PilzAdam ^ Jordach
13:25 Jordach 1.4 here
13:26 PilzAdam the lighting is messed up again?
13:26 PilzAdam I fixed it by growing trees
13:27 hoodedice Peacock : feature_request = custom_skins
13:27 Peacock thats a bit superfluous
13:27 hoodedice As in?
13:28 Peacock i dont use up resources unless it really adds something to the game
13:28 hoodedice OK
13:28 HoleDigger joined #minetest
13:28 Peacock biggest priorities are lavafurnace and oil-workbench/factory
13:28 hoodedice brb
13:28 Peacock since the pipe network is up
13:28 hoodedice Oil in a waterworld?
13:28 HoleDigger Hi. Can anyone help me?
13:29 hoodedice Yes, HoleDigger. Just ask.
13:29 Peacock why not? in a flooded world there wouldn't be many accessible resources left,but oil would be one of them
13:29 Rancon joined #minetest
13:29 HoleDigger Alright, I've recently come accross Minetest. And I want to test it out, however upon start up and world creation my FPS is at 1-5. I can't play at all. :/
13:30 Rancon Have you tried closing excess programs in the background?
13:30 kaeza your system info?
13:30 HoleDigger I've downloaded Razor Game Booster and tried to do that.
13:30 HoleDigger Yes I have Rancon.
13:30 Rancon Green text?
13:30 HoleDigger Urm..
13:31 hoodedice Dont use gamebooster
13:31 hoodedice Screws up your PC in the long run
13:31 HoleDigger My Processor is: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU
13:31 Rancon sorry... I'm new to irc.. why is your text green?
13:31 hoodedice Your system secs, please?
13:31 kaeza graphics card?
13:31 hoodedice *Specs
13:31 HoleDigger T7100 @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
13:31 HoleDigger Installed Memory(RAM): 4.00GB (3.49GB useable)
13:31 hoodedice Is that a laptop/netbook?
13:32 HoleDigger Laptop.
13:32 HoleDigger Rancon, I have no clue as I am also new to IRC.
13:32 OldCoder Hi
13:32 HoleDigger Urm.. How do I check what graphics card I have?
13:33 kaeza try disabling fancy features like shaders, etc
13:33 HoleDigger I've tried all of those settings.
13:33 HoleDigger Using the mimapping filter, makes my FPS rise to 5.
13:33 kaeza Rancon, green text is when somebidy says your nickname <--- like this line
13:33 thexyz Peacock: custom skins don't add any overhead to lua, do they?
13:33 kaeza body*
13:34 Rancon Okay, cool.  Thanks :)
13:34 Peacock its more crap to d/l
13:34 kaeza :|
13:34 thexyz it doesn't matter when you have remote media set up
13:34 Peacock i have tons of nodes id rather add but i wanna keep the timeouts reasonable
13:34 HoleDigger So.. Any solutions?
13:35 hoodedice HoleDigger
13:35 hoodedice Which OS?
13:35 HoleDigger Windows 8.
13:35 Rancon Well.. bye :)  I kind of feel unconfortable.. kind of like dropping on a conversation that's not mine..
13:36 hoodedice hmm...
13:36 hoodedice Anyone knows where the Device Manager is in Windows 8. LOL
13:36 Peacock as for remote media, i have enough trouble finding file/image hosts that can stay up/inbusiness lol sounds like a hassle
13:36 kaeza lol metro
13:36 hoodedice MEdiaFire?
13:36 Rancon weird... HoleDigger and I both use windows 8 on laptops.. but I'm having server lag whilst he is having general lag
13:36 thexyz Peacock: hm? why can't you host it yourself?
13:36 Rancon left #minetest
13:37 Jordach MinetestBot, tell sfan5 to get his ass down to his server
13:37 hoodedice HoleDigger, Press WIndowsKey+X
13:38 HoleDigger Okay.
13:38 Peacock well id have to setup a server which is presumably more overhead, something more to maintain, and MT already does media, even if its not quite as fast
13:38 hoodedice Anything pops up?
13:38 thexyz by the way, I think we should make it fetch files by sha1 hash, then make public CDN
13:38 HoleDigger Yeah.
13:38 hoodedice Peacock, what about Mediafire/Google Drive?
13:38 HoleDigger A dialog box in the bottom left.
13:38 thexyz Peacock: yeah, but in the end it'll take less resources
13:38 hoodedice HoleDigger, is it 'Device Manager'
13:39 HoleDigger There is a 'Device Manager' option there..
13:39 hoodedice Ok, click on that
13:39 Peacock if someone makes a mod or a plugin that makes remote media easy to setup i'll consider it
13:39 thexyz (or just use free cloudflare CDN)
13:39 HoleDigger Done.
13:40 Peacock as for mediafire/googledrive, im trying to minimize how much stuff i have to register for
13:40 thexyz I think that'd be the best way
13:40 hoodedice Ok, HoleDigger. Search for something that goes ATi, or nVidia, or intel GMA
13:40 PilzAdam Jordach, too much lag
13:40 thexyz host everything @ and use cloudflare cdn to deliver static
13:40 PilzAdam this isnt fun anymore
13:41 Jordach *runs nmap on sfan5's IP*
13:41 Jordach brb
13:41 HoleDigger Urm.
13:41 Peacock plus the minute i start hosting files externally i know people are gonna crawl up my ass about licensing lol
13:42 HoleDigger Under Display Adapter... I have found..
13:42 hoodedice ..
13:42 hoodedice (That sure is a lot of susence)
13:42 hoodedice *suspence
13:42 hoodedice *suspense
13:43 thexyz Peacock: that's no different to what you have now, people can already "crawl up your ass about licensing"
13:43 HoleDigger Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM 1.1)
13:43 Peacock difference is they cant do anything about it
13:43 thexyz but, anyway, I like this idea of free CDN with everything
13:43 Peacock except piss and moan, but im used to that here lol
13:44 alex_______ joined #minetest
13:44 hoodedice Hmm, your GMA can run GTA SA nicely
13:44 hoodedice Update your drivers
13:44 HoleDigger How?
13:44 hoodedice Or. Better option. Switch to Xubuntu
13:45 hoodedice
13:45 hoodedice !title
13:45 MinetestBot hoodedice: Xubuntu
13:45 thexyz Peacock: sure; I've never encountered with that here, we're probably in different channels
13:45 HoleDigger I wish to stay on Windows 8.
13:46 Peacock i'll bet
13:46 hoodedice I don't have enough documentation on 8
13:46 hoodedice I'm on xp atm.
13:46 HoleDigger How do I update my drivers?
13:47 hoodedice !g update intel 965 drivers
13:47 MinetestBot hoodedice:
13:47 NekoGloop protip: don't say you're using windows 8 in this chat, you'll just arouse the biased haters
13:47 hoodedice Indeed
13:47 hoodedice 8 is good. I haven't used it much though.
13:47 thexyz no its shit!!1
13:47 hoodedice Wait.
13:48 hoodedice Updating intel GMA on xp is easy. One Right click and four left clicks
13:48 hoodedice HoleDigger
13:48 hoodedice
13:48 thexyz its muh easier to just emerge stuff!!1
13:48 hoodedice !title
13:48 MinetestBot hoodedice: Intel(R) Redirect
13:49 HoleDigger Alright thank you.
13:50 hoodedice Get back if your GMA has updates.
13:50 hoodedice Peacock: Can you pass me remote media via mail?
13:51 Peacock dont know how that could work
13:52 Peacock either way, im not publishing anything
13:52 HoleDigger Says it has a 'New Driver Available'.
13:52 HoleDigger So DLing it now.
13:53 hoodedice It's been four minetest days. And my nation hasn't loaded yet -.-
13:53 Peacock you appear to be in the dome
13:54 hoodedice Yes
13:54 Peacock i got other players who are building :/
13:54 hoodedice *comeletely loaded
13:56 Peacock i managed to create a sortof artificial sun by laying two layers of invis lights
13:57 hoodedice oooh
13:57 hoodedice Will check that out
13:57 Peacock figured id be better than putting light fixtures everywhere lol
13:58 FreeFull What's old style modmgr?
13:59 hoodedice How much am I allowed to interact?
13:59 HoleDigger Alright, hoodedice, I completed the installation of the package.
13:59 HoleDigger Going to try to play again now.
13:59 hoodedice Restarted?
13:59 HoleDigger Almost forgot.
14:00 HoleDigger Let me do it now.
14:00 Peacock you want me to restart?
14:00 hoodedice No tyou
14:00 Peacock oh ok lol
14:02 FreeFull Peacock: Do you know what climbing thing I was talking about?
14:02 Peacock havent tried it yet
14:02 Peacock building a new skyscraper :-)
14:03 meldrian joined #minetest
14:05 Peacock Freefull i added you to smokers nation so you can build on the smaller platform and be protected
14:05 hoodedice Peacock, What's my nation called?
14:05 Peacock smokers too, but you wanted the dome not the platform :p
14:06 Peacock so figured there wouldn't be much overlap
14:09 hoodedice ooookay
14:09 FreeFull Peacock: I still wish there was a crafting bench or somesuch
14:09 Peacock well if you want platform space and theres a shortage i could always enlarge nation and add more
14:10 Peacock crafting bench will be easy to get to work with oil
14:10 Peacock its coming up with crafts that will be PITA lol
14:10 Peacock bench will have a 4x4 or 5x5 grid methinks
14:10 Peacock or seperate columns for different components, not sure yet
14:11 babyface1031 joined #minetest
14:12 Peacock bench is gonna have to have craftguide builtin since i wont be able to remember any of them lol
14:12 hoodedice HoleDigger s PC takes an awful load of time to boot
14:13 hoodedice Peacock, I need a teleort to spawn
14:13 Peacock in the dome?
14:14 thexyz hoodedice: or it broke
14:14 hoodedice Is ther a dome spawn? Then yes
14:15 hoodedice Windows 8. You can never expect anything.
14:16 Peacock done :-)
14:17 hoodedice Nope.
14:17 Peacock you mean youre stuck?
14:17 hoodedice Spawn me to main pawn then
14:17 hoodedice Ya
14:17 hoodedice Under the grass
14:18 Peacock sorry thought you meant you wanted a teleporter there lol
14:18 Peacock you have both now :p
14:18 HoleDigger joined #minetest
14:19 HoleDigger Just tested it, no change.
14:19 PenguinDad HoleDigger: does it work
14:19 HoleDigger I did see some sort of error message upon start up though, in the command prompt dialog thingy.
14:20 HoleDigger 'OpenGL driver version is not 1.2 or better.'
14:20 HoleDigger 'Using renderer: OpenGL 1.1.0'
14:20 PilzAdam HoleDigger, then you need to update your graphic card driver
14:20 thexyz > PA trolling
14:20 hoodedice PilzAdam, See logs
14:20 Jordach HoleDigger, is the computer Windows Surface Pro
14:21 hoodedice He just did that
14:21 hoodedice Not surface.
14:21 hoodedice Intel crapware
14:21 thexyz now the only way left is to switch to glorious Linux
14:21 Jousway joined #minetest
14:21 hoodedice Indeed
14:21 thexyz I mean, GNU/Linux
14:21 hoodedice HoleDigger, does the game start up?
14:22 HoleDigger Yes.
14:22 hoodedice fs still 1-5?
14:22 hoodedice *fps
14:22 PenguinDad HoleDigger: try D3D
14:22 HoleDigger Yes.
14:22 HoleDigger D3D?
14:22 PenguinDad Direct3D
14:25 PilzAdam spam:
14:25 hoodedice TRUST THE RUSSIANS!!!
14:25 hoodedice;locale=ru
14:25 hoodedice !title
14:25 MinetestBot hoodedice: — Яндекс.Диск
14:25 hoodedice Download this, HoeDigger
14:26 hoodedice *HoleDigger
14:26 thexyz
14:26 Peacock ugh, just got markveidemanis on my server lol
14:28 hoodedice Open Messaging Service?
14:29 thexyz this post came from future
14:32 FreeFull Peacock: I can't put down any signs
14:32 FreeFull Oh, nevermind
14:32 FreeFull They have to be on a wall
14:32 kaeza well, this is at least taking some shape
14:32 FreeFull Otherwise you get an error
14:32 kaeza oops
14:32 FreeFull And lose the sign
14:32 kaeza wrong chan
14:33 PenguinDad joined #minetest
14:34 hoodedice thexyz. It is August 9 here
14:34 hoodedice arg = invalid
14:34 thexyz okay
14:34 thexyz did you read it?
14:35 hoodedice I didn't get it
14:35 hoodedice What is this OMS
14:35 hoodedice How does it work?
14:35 Peacock FreeFull yeah i only have one type of sign
14:35 Peacock i figured theres no shortage of posts/columns and the likes to put them on
14:38 PenguinDad joined #minetest
14:41 HoleDigger hoodiedice, I dowloaded what you told me ot.
14:41 HoleDigger to*
14:41 HoleDigger Said that the applicaiton couldn't run on my computer.
14:45 PenguinDad joined #minetest
14:47 Jordach HoleDigger, is it a hybrid laptop tablet
14:48 sfan5 Jordach: I'm back
14:48 Jordach sfan5, kill those torrents
14:48 sfan5 which torrents?
14:48 Jordach all of em
14:48 HoleDigger Jordach, no, it's a laptop.
14:48 Jordach me and PilzAdam we're getting RTT = 2.0
14:48 sfan5 Jordach: I don't have anything running except minetestserver and a webserver
14:49 Jordach strange, lag's now gone
14:49 Jordach anytime you go: we all lag
14:49 sfan5 oh shit
14:49 * sfan5 know knows
14:49 sfan5 I left the War Thunder launcher running
14:49 sfan5 that seeds for a torrent
14:49 Jordach ffs
14:50 * Jordach tries to poke evergreen, but he's not here
14:57 bas0801 joined #minetest
14:58 khor joined #minetest
14:59 Calinou joined #minetest
14:59 Jordach hello Calinou
14:59 Jordach Calinou,
15:00 Jordach ^ connect!
15:01 Peacock i always read duckdns as shorthand for duck dinners lol
15:02 dachary joined #minetest
15:03 hmmmm joined #minetest
15:04 Final joined #minetest
15:06 hoodedice Peacock : need_fly
15:06 Peacock temp granted
15:07 hoodedice thnx
15:07 Peacock dont tell anyone ingame lol
15:08 hoodedice k =)
15:08 hoodedice Sister's killing me for the PC
15:08 hoodedice that's why
15:08 PilzAdam sfan5, lol, chat segfault
15:09 jin_xi joined #minetest
15:09 sfan5 haha
15:09 Peacock ^ why i dont use ingame chat lol
15:09 sfan5 I bet you had gdb attached
15:09 FreeFull Peacock: What inventory does your server use?
15:09 Peacock a very customized version of UI
15:09 PilzAdam sfan5, each server step updates the player positions; 0.1 == 10 updates per second == 10 "frames" per second
15:09 PilzAdam no gdb :-/
15:10 PilzAdam sfan5, 0.05 would at least mean 20 FPS
15:10 arsdragonfly joined #minetest
15:10 hoodedice On an average, I get 2500 ERRORS for each hour of gameplay
15:10 FreeFull Peacock: I'd love if the shifting inventory behaviour wasn't there
15:10 sfan5 PilzAdam: ok,ok
15:10 Peacock shifting?
15:11 FreeFull Peacock: Like every time you get a new item from it, your whole inventory shifts by one
15:11 FreeFull Also, there don't seem to be plain wooden stairs in it D:
15:11 Peacock thats intentional, otherwise im always grabbing stuff from the end and moving it to the front
15:11 Peacock default wood aint in there
15:12 Peacock i tried to limit default to "natural" nodes
15:12 whirm has drowning been disabled?
15:12 Peacock 87 and 88 are woods
15:12 hoodedice On the contraty, it's been enabled
15:12 hoodedice (In the latest git(
15:12 hoodedice *)
15:12 whirm how come I don't drown anymore in the latest git?
15:13 hoodedice PilzAdam
15:13 whirm (using technic)
15:13 PenguinDad BlockMen!
15:13 FreeFull Peacock: Yeah, but I want to keep stuff on my hotbar in the same place and it keeps moving
15:13 hoodedice RealBadAngel !
15:13 PenguinDad whirm: technic game?
15:13 FreeFull Peacock: Could modify it at least so it doesn't do that if there is an empty slot right at the front
15:14 whirm PenguinDad: yes
15:14 Peacock not sure how to do that, might be easier to enable default inventory for specific players
15:15 hoodedice Inventory sure is slow
15:15 Peacock the worldeditor uses the first two slots so thats another reason as well for the shifting behaviour
15:15 Peacock best thing to do really is trashcan the inv, and add the nodes you need for a given project
15:16 FreeFull But I don't know what nodes I want
15:16 FreeFull Also, if I trashcan, I will lose all my oranges
15:16 Peacock could be tricky, because it's more efficient when im working on big projects
15:16 hoodedice Ya.
15:16 PenguinDad Then isn't technic game updated for the Drowning update by BlockMen.
15:16 FreeFull Since there don't seem to be chest
15:16 FreeFull Or wooden stairs
15:16 FreeFull I really want wooden stairs D:
15:17 Peacock why would anyone need a chest in creative mode?
15:17 Peacock 88 and 87 have stairs
15:17 hoodedice Best to take a screenshot of all nodes, and write the numbers for them
15:17 hoodedice Then, just use the search function
15:19 Peacock it takes some getting used to for sure, but i designed it to minimize repetitive actions (and my RSI lol)
15:20 Peacock my handwriting was terribly good to begin with, but now i can write my own prescriptions :p
15:20 Peacock *wasnt terribly good
15:21 rubenwardy joined #minetest
15:22 hoodedice Revoke_fly
15:22 rubenwardy Hi all!
15:22 hoodedice I'll get back some other day
15:22 hoodedice Hey Ruben
15:22 hoodedice Bye Ruben
15:22 PenguinDad hi rubenwardy
15:23 Peacock done :-)
15:24 rubenwardy Just finished making my own A* class
15:24 rubenwardy (c++)
15:24 rubenwardy A* pathfinding that is
15:25 rsiska joined #minetest
15:26 kaeza hey ruben
15:28 rubenwardy Hi kaeza
15:29 rubenwardy kaeza: pm
15:30 whirm PenguinDad: Ill wait for the update then, thanks
15:34 mirda joined #minetest
15:39 PilzAdam sfan5, Jordach,
15:57 troller joined #minetest
15:59 Calinou joined #minetest
16:12 NakedFury joined #minetest
16:18 Jordach while the grinder is going, anything happen while i was gone?
16:20 * Jordach suggests a Multi Tool: Combine the four tools (axe, sword, shovel and pickaxe to dig every block)
16:21 PilzAdam there is a mod for that, but I dont like it
16:22 * Jordach throws a kitten at MinetestBot
16:23 kaeza a paxel
16:24 kaeza just like the old MESE pick
16:31 Jordach sfan5, lagging
16:32 sfan5 Jordach, investigating
16:32 Jordach sfan5, it went to 0.5 then dropped
16:32 sfan5 network upload is used 10- 25&
16:32 sfan5 s/&/%/
16:33 HoleDigger joined #minetest
16:33 HoleDigger Minetest still so laggy. D:
16:34 Calinou no u
16:34 HoleDigger Yeah..
16:34 HoleDigger Running on 1-5 fps.
16:34 HoleDigger Need help. D:
16:34 Jordach it does serve you right for using windows 8
16:34 Calinou HoleDigger: lag != slow fps
16:34 Kacey joined #minetest
16:35 Calinou get better hardware :P
16:35 HoleDigger My hardware should be able to run it smoothly.
16:35 Calinou what is it?
16:36 HoleDigger Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7100 Calinou @ 1.850GHz 1.80 GHz
16:36 Calinou graphics card?
16:37 HoleDigger Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family
16:37 Calinou then it won't, which brings me to my next point: get better hardware :P
16:37 HoleDigger Really?
16:37 HoleDigger Why not?
16:38 HoleDigger I don't understand?
16:38 Calinou that's not powerful enough
16:38 HoleDigger Oh?
16:38 Kacey for what?
16:38 Calinou on top of that, intel doesn't ship drivers for your IGP on windows 8
16:38 Calinou Kacey: for Minetest
16:38 Calinou HoleDigger: by far
16:38 Kacey my E1 runs minetest just fine
16:38 Calinou "just fine" = 15 FPS with 32 view distance?
16:39 Kacey no 4
16:39 Calinou ...
16:39 Kacey -4
16:39 Kacey i have big fingers
16:39 HoleDigger Well you've been really helpful!
16:39 HoleDigger -.-
16:39 Kacey just fine = ~50 FPS with full view distance
16:39 Calinou yes, we've been
16:39 Calinou "get better hardware" is an helpful advice
16:39 Calinou Kacey: full view distance with 3 loaded blocks? :P
16:40 HoleDigger Surely, the error message that my OpenGL version is 1.1.0 not 1.2.0 comes into affect somewhere?
16:40 Calinou no
16:40 HoleDigger Wow.
16:40 Kacey no. even with moretrees and the wierd glitch it has been giving me i have 50 FPS
16:40 Kacey and that is ALOT of blocks loaded
16:41 HoleDigger This computer can play a mmorpg at 20 FPS stable.
16:41 Calinou "alot" isn't a word, "a lot" is
16:41 Calinou HoleDigger: that isn't a lot
16:41 HoleDigger Still..
16:42 HoleDigger I'd expect it to run minetest at higher than 1 FPS.
16:42 Kacey i say alot
16:42 Calinou Minetest is probably more demanding than your MMORPG, then
16:43 HoleDigger Really?!
16:43 Calinou yes
16:43 Calinou it's not like you need a gaming PC to play Minetest anyway
16:43 Calinou a PC with a recent intel IGP will do fine :P
16:43 Jordach my pc is a PENTIUM 4 and i get 50fps
16:43 Calinou you have dedicated graphics
16:44 HoleDigger So I cannot even attempt to play minetest on this PC with my hardware? o.o
16:44 Calinou no
16:45 Jordach you could, but it'd be horrible
16:45 HoleDigger Not even a way to up my FPS by like 10? Without changing hardware ofc.
16:45 Jordach when i first played minetest, i got about 5-7 fps on a IGP on a AMD Duron (yes, this was 0.2 btw)
16:45 Calinou probably not
16:45 ruskie last time I played it on my e-350 I got like 20-30fps or so
16:46 Calinou intel didn't take their IGP seriously until Sandy Bridge
16:46 Jordach when i got my current PC i got 30-40 fps with the P4 P4
16:46 Jordach IGP*
16:46 Calinou that is, early 2011
16:49 HoleDigger_ joined #minetest
16:50 HoleDigger_ This more demanding than mintest? Intel® Pentium® 4 at 1GHz, (Mid to High Range Dual-Core 2.5GHz CPU or better recommended.)
16:50 Calinou frequency means nothing these days
16:50 Calinou same for number of cores
16:50 HoleDigger_ What part accounts for how powerful it is then?
16:52 HoleDigger_ ...
16:53 HoleDigger_ Calinou, you there?
16:53 Calinou yes
16:53 iqualfragile_ joined #minetest
16:53 HoleDigger_ What part accounts for how powerful it is then?
16:53 Calinou nothing, looking at benchmarks is more advisable
16:54 HoleDigger_ How did you work out that mine wasn't powerful enough then?
16:54 Jordach brb - food
16:55 Calinou HoleDigger_: looking at benchmarks?
16:55 HoleDigger_ Oh.
16:55 HoleDigger_ What are the benchmarks?
16:55 HoleDigger_ I'm retaded, k?
16:55 Calinou tests?
16:55 Calinou anyway, for CPU: dual core is highly recommended, and for graphics, it's best to have a decent dedicated graphics card
16:57 HoleDigger_ Dedicated graphics card?
16:59 HoleDigger_ Dw, I know.
17:01 HoleDigger_ If I played on Ubuntu, would that help?
17:02 Calinou HoleDigger_: no
17:02 Calinou it'd be worse
17:03 HoleDigger_ Earlier, I asked the same question.
17:03 HoleDigger_ I was told it would help if I did?
17:03 Calinou well, people who don't verify their facts
17:04 Calinou intel is slower on windows than on linux (though it is getting nearer), but their older IGPs really suck on linux
17:04 Tesseract I have a i5 with integrated Intel HD 5000 graphics and it plays smoothly.
17:04 Calinou HD5000 *surprised TF2 heavy*
17:04 Calinou Tesseract: that's a recent IGP
17:06 HoleDigger_ Well seems like I won't be playing minetest. ;-;
17:08 Wuzzy joined #minetest
17:09 Jordach sfan5, can you make the grinders a bit faster
17:09 Jordach they also should use 50% of what a furnace uses
17:09 Jordach (i can get 12-13 items from a furnace, should be 6 per coal lump)
17:12 Jordach i can even check and moderate the forums and the grinder isnt even finished
17:25 Miner_48er joined #minetest
17:26 neko259 joined #minetest
17:27 Miner_48er how much improvement would be expected from multi threading?
17:28 Calinou do it then
17:28 cisoun joined #minetest
17:28 Calinou multithreading would require a big rewrite
17:28 Calinou and the benefit may not be that big
17:29 Gethiox joined #minetest
17:30 Miner_48er num_emerge_threads
17:31 Calinou bugs with cave generation, iirc
17:31 Calinou and that doesn't do everything
17:32 * Jordach now remembers why my server locked up
17:32 Jordach emerge thread likes to lock up if it cant process fast enough
17:36 tango_ joined #minetest
17:37 Miner_48er excess processors maybe using 20% of CPU
17:37 LazyJ joined #minetest
17:38 Miner_48er how often would a lock up be expected?
17:39 Jordach depends, over six hours with 5 other clients connected to my P4 server, it locked up about three times
17:40 Miner_48er what CPU?
17:40 Jordach Pentium 4 with Hyperthreading Tech
17:42 Peacock dont all p4s have hyperthreading?
17:42 Jordach late 2005 P4's do
17:43 Peacock hmm k mine was from 2006
17:46 Peacock ahh the days where people used to brag about having p2s, p3s and p4s lol now its 1 core, 2 cores, 4 lol
17:48 Peacock tech changes but convos stay the same lol
17:48 Miner_48er 8 core Intel Xeon Would it lock up?
17:48 Jordach probably not
17:50 Miner_48er what's the performance difference?
17:52 Jordach good performance: xeon is server tech
17:52 Jordach it's designed for punishment; compared to the P3
17:52 Jordach P4*
17:54 Calinou I bet it would lock up on any CPU
18:06 NekoGloopMkII joined #minetest
18:09 iqualfragile joined #minetest
18:10 Tesseract
18:10 Jordach !title
18:10 MinetestBot Jordach: xkcd: Trade Expert
18:26 PilzAdam plol:
18:26 PilzAdam Jordach, sfan5, ^
18:28 Calinou BUILD_TYPE=Debug
18:28 Calinou ._.
18:29 iqualfragile PilzAdam: -.-
18:31 PenguinDad PilzAdam: plol
18:45 Prestotron562_ joined #minetest
18:45 Prestotron562_ Hey homies
18:46 Prestotron562_ Whats up?
18:46 Prestotron562_ Anyone here?
18:46 lordcirth Jordach, Xeons are cool, but does AMD have a similar offering for servers?
18:46 Prestotron562_ Hey Jordach
18:47 lordcirth Oh right, Opteron,  nvrm
18:47 Prestotron562_ Derpy derp
18:49 Prestotron562_ Very silent
18:50 Prestotron562_ So many users, so little chat XD
18:50 mirda joined #minetest
19:01 proller joined #minetest
19:11 Calinou joined #minetest
19:12 mirda joined #minetest
19:17 iqualfragile there should be somebody who pastes people like Prestotron562 some text telling them to be patient because this is irc and we are here to idle
19:17 Peacock staircase, 3rd take (better work this time lol)
19:25 Roukoswarf-M joined #minetest
19:27 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
19:28 EdB joined #minetest
19:42 thexyz > Here’s an idea. When they hit eleven, give them a plaintext file with ten-thousand WPA2 keys and tell them that the real one is in there somewhere. See how quickly they discover Python or Bash then.
19:43 Calinou ...or Java
19:43 * Calinou runs
19:43 thexyz that too
19:43 PenguinDad ...or Ruby
19:44 thexyz yeah, eleven-years old bruteforcing wpa2 password using ruby
19:44 thexyz > Google and Facebook give kids money if they manage to find and exploit security vulnerabilities in their systems. In schools we exclude kids for attempting to hack our systems. Is that right?
19:44 thexyz I love this article
19:44 thexyz
19:45 PenguinDad !title
19:45 MinetestBot PenguinDad: Kids can't use computers... and this is why it should worry you - Coding 2 Learn
19:46 thexyz > Okay, so I can’t use 3G, it crashes when I try to make phone calls and the device runs so hot that when in my jacket pocket it seconds as an excellent nipple-warmer, but I can see the potential.
19:47 lordcirth thexyz, it's good
19:50 Semilevel joined #minetest
19:51 thexyz today I tried to boot linux with init set to /usr/bin/emacs23-nox
19:51 thexyz it didn't work
19:51 thexyz what am I doing wrong?
19:52 sfan5 can you execute the emacs23-nox normally?
19:52 Jousway joined #minetest
19:52 proller python for kid? for make him brain-damaged?
19:53 PenguinDad xD
19:53 sfan5 hey
19:53 thexyz sfan5: yeah
19:53 sfan5 python is a nice language
19:53 sfan5 hm
19:53 thexyz proller: you meant "perl"
19:54 thexyz it says that /dev/tty doesn't exist
19:54 thexyz I'm not good with that booting stuff
19:54 sfan5 ^ that is set up by init
19:54 sfan5 /dev/* is usually set up by init
19:54 thexyz mg works though
19:54 proller thexyz, no, with perl he have chance
19:54 thexyz uh, sure
19:55 thexyz perl is a nice language
19:55 thexyz
19:55 sfan5 thexyz: try editing init to launch /usr/bin/emacs23-nox after /dev and so on has been set up
19:56 thexyz sfan5: how?
19:56 thexyz I'm talking about kernel "init" param
19:56 sfan5 you don't have a normal init script?
19:56 thexyz the point was to replace init with emacs
19:57 thexyz so when you boot you only have emacs
19:57 thexyz and there's nothing but emacs
19:58 sfan5 hm
19:58 sfan5 try looking at the init of your computer copy the part of it that sets up /dev/*
20:00 thexyz i thought udev manages it
20:00 Vargos joined #minetest
20:02 proller thexyz, this string especially designed for killing python "programmers"
20:02 thexyz okay, I'm dead now, I guess
20:03 thexyz I'm not sure why you hate it though
20:05 iqualfragile proller: you meant COBOL
20:05 Calinou COBOLstone
20:05 * Calinou runs
20:05 proller thexyz, its long story
20:06 iqualfragile and there was nothing but emacs
20:06 iqualfragile dat perl file hurty my eyes
20:08 proller python decides for me all, in perl i'm deciding
20:08 thexyz oh, okay
20:10 Peacock well by that logic wouldn't you prefer assembly? :p
20:11 sfan5 thexyz: not on every system...
20:12 PenguinDad Peacock: no by that he would prefer binary :P
20:12 Peacock punchcards? :p
20:12 sfan5 I suggest building a system image with buildroot and then installing emacs into it and modifying the init script
20:13 Peacock i thought emacs already was an operating system XD
20:13 iqualfragile it is
20:13 iqualfragile at least micrognuemacs
20:13 Peacock can even watch your favorite ASCII-porn on it :p
20:13 sfan5 ^
20:14 iqualfragile wtf? there is ascii-porn
20:14 iqualfragile … rule 34 i assume
20:15 iqualfragile oh dear, i will not enter this page:
20:15 Jordach sfan5 agrees with pron
20:15 sfan5 Is there even a way to disagree with it?
20:15 Jordach plot twist: <sfan5> did that spam you reported .... contain .... boobs?
20:15 thexyz iqualfragile: 10/10 would visit again
20:15 * sfan5 plol's
20:15 Jordach plol
20:15 Peacock "will highly recommend to friends and family"
20:15 Peacock maybe not family
20:16 thexyz well yeah
20:16 iqualfragile thexyz: well, i did not visit it, but i was kind of shure that everybody else would :P
20:16 sfan5 !title
20:16 MinetestBot sfan5: minetest/util/master/master.cgi at master · minetest/minetest · GitHub
20:16 Jordach i found a new pastebin for porn:
20:17 Jordach they even do that ascii porn thexyz will probably be watching :P
20:17 Peacock "is that a dude or a chick"     "i cant tell its just a bunch of squiggles!" :P
20:18 sfan5 s/squiggles/characters/
20:18 Peacock ascii-porn would have to be unicode tho :p
20:18 iqualfragile it will be hard to s/glxgears/waylandgears/
20:18 iqualfragile in my head
20:19 Peacock dont forget mirgears :p
20:19 sfan5 don't forget asciigears :P
20:19 iqualfragile /ignore Peacock
20:19 Peacock aside, why would they name a display thingie after a defunct space station that caught fire?
20:20 iqualfragile well… think about it
20:20 Peacock touche
20:20 iqualfragile because it does not work well and there will be a mob of angry nerds with torches
20:21 iqualfragile and by torches i mean lightsablers (wtf, we call those lazerswords)
20:21 Peacock either that or ittl set your gfx card on fire :p
20:21 PenguinDad iqualfragile: there is
20:22 sfan5 !title
20:22 MinetestBot sfan5: ASCII porn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
20:23 sfan5 "ASCII porn was the world's first internet pornography"
20:23 iqualfragile sfan5: you know, its quite easy to guess the title of an wikipedia page
20:23 sfan5 iqualfragile: nah
20:28 Miner_48er what would be the best conf for a MT server? excellent hardware and bandwidth
20:29 LazyJ Good enough hardware, at least. :P
20:29 sfan5 Miner_48er:
20:29 LazyJ Vanessa's rig has us beat. ;)
20:31 LazyJ Yup, those settings are already in place.
20:31 VanessaE hi :)
20:31 LazyJ Howdy :)
20:31 PenguinDad hello Vanessa
20:31 Miner_48er those are over a year old any new setting tweaks?
20:31 VanessaE I don't use those on mine, that post is so old now I don't know that those settings would help anymore
20:32 LazyJ Miner and I are wondering what else we can do config wise to correct sever lag or slow-down in the server.
20:32 Miner_48er what settings do you use?
20:33 VanessaE Miner_48er:
20:33 Peacock hm, right mouse button went from not clicking, to clicking twice... more violence?
20:34 sfan5 what the duck
20:34 sfan5 there is 1200 MB RAM free and my system is shitting its pants (= almost hanging up)
20:38 LazyJ VanessaE: Our config atm,
20:41 Calinou "num_emerge_threads = 4" don't you have 6 cores? :p
20:41 Calinou (to VanessaE)
20:41 thexyz it's 6 AMD cores
20:42 VanessaE yp
20:42 VanessaE yep
20:42 lordcirth thexyz, only Bulldozer on onward have less power than their specs imply, right?
20:42 VanessaE but you're supposed to cut it short by 2 or something
20:42 VanessaE ask hmmmm
20:42 Calinou thexyz: 6 actual FPUs, phenom x6
20:42 Roukoswarf-M joined #minetest
20:42 Calinou not a bulldozer/piledriver
20:42 VanessaE (this is a PheonmII X6 1055T)
20:43 Calinou lordcirth: they do have 4/6/8 physical cores, but only 2/3/4 FPUs
20:43 Calinou this makes them good for multitasking
20:43 VanessaE (PhenomII*)
20:43 Calinou (better than intel's HT)
20:43 lordcirth Calinou, interesting
20:43 lordcirth VanessaE, They're a great line of CPUs, I have 1090t here and I love it
20:43 Calinou
20:44 Calinou (german, but still interesting, read the graphs)
20:44 LazyJ Does Minetest keep track of every generated node at all times or just the ones within a specified area of active players?
20:46 VanessaE joined #minetest
20:47 Roukoswarf-M joined #minetest
20:47 VanessaE that was weird.
20:47 VanessaE my computer just went kaboom
20:47 lordcirth VanessaE, how so?
20:47 VanessaE hard locked for no reason
20:47 lordcirth VanessaE, OS?
20:47 Calinou fglrx user problems
20:48 VanessaE lordcirth: Debian 7
20:48 LazyJ NSA snooping :P
20:48 Calinou don't you use sid?
20:48 VanessaE and yeah, probably fglrx's fault.
20:48 Calinou graphic driver is often the cause of lockups
20:48 lordcirth VanessaE, have you tried running the FOSS drivers?  minetest isn't all that intensive if you turn a few things down.
20:49 VanessaE hooho
20:49 Calinou she tried
20:49 VanessaE you're funny :)
20:49 lordcirth Not sure about radeon, but nouveau isn't bad
20:50 kahrl the FOSS driver works for me
20:50 kahrl but I tend to run the deptest game that registers a total of 1 node
20:50 VanessaE last time I used it, I got between a third and half the performance of fglrx
20:50 Calinou "nouveau isn't bad" you didn't use it on fermi/kepler then
20:50 lordcirth I ran a fully-FOSS system for a couple of months.  I got along pretty well.
20:50 Calinou my graphics card runs at 1/7 of its possible speed under nouveau
20:51 lordcirth Calinou, Oh I know.  I got a 650 and it didn't work. I meant to get a 550, but they ran out and I got upsold before I checked compat
20:51 Calinou you don't buy fermi when kepler is out
20:51 Calinou that is stupid
20:51 Calinou and the 5xx (fermi) still can't be reclocked
20:52 lordcirth It stayed at 10 FPS, whether on desktop or gaming. very strange
20:52 Calinou 24 FPS on sauerbraten with nouveau, 690 with nvidia
20:52 Calinou didn't even try tesseract with nouveau, but it's really slow on tesseract, I tried on a laptop
20:52 lordcirth Calinou, according to benchmarks it was a good deal at the time.  No wonder they were gone when I got there.
20:53 Calinou the 650 is still a lot better than the 550 in every way
20:53 Calinou when you buy new, you buy the latest gen, it works like that :P
20:53 lordcirth I ran Alien Arena on software rendering for a while.
20:53 lordcirth Calinou, except when Bulldozer came out :P
20:53 Calinou ideally, wait a bit so that prices drop
20:54 Calinou that's what I did
20:54 lordcirth Calinou, A solid 1090t for $100 or bulldozer for $200 - quick decision
20:54 Calinou bulldozer was epic fail, that's true
20:54 Calinou intel was a better choice :P
20:55 lordcirth I was perfectly happy with a 1090t over Intel.  They're good solid chips that overclock well, everything unlocked
20:55 Calinou if it's $100, it was probably on sale or used then
20:55 Calinou and overclocking is like picking pennies of the street
20:57 lordcirth Calinou, I didn't get mine for $100, I bought before Bulldozer, but I saw $120 just before they went out of stock. Wouldn't be surprised if you could find one for $100 on clearance somewhere
20:57 lordcirth overclocking is a great way to get 1 more year out of an old chip
20:57 * Calinou has a 2600K right now
20:58 Calinou it is enough for me by far :p
20:58 lordcirth Calinou, and when it isn't, OC it 20% instead of replacing.  If it burns, you were going to replace it anyway.  If not, you don't need to replace it for a while longer
21:04 Niften joined #minetest
21:04 Niften Hey
21:05 Calinou lordcirth: OCing diesels the boot
21:05 Calinou so no
21:05 Calinou and it makes stuff hotter and noisier
21:05 lordcirth Calinou, diesels?
21:05 Calinou I'd rather replace it and not deal with that stuff, not to mention K CPUs being more expensive
21:05 Calinou diesels = boots, shut downs, boots again
21:05 Calinou most mobos do that when OCing for unknown reasons
21:06 Calinou OCing also requires testing stability, which reduces the actual performance improvement
21:06 lordcirth Calinou, haven't seen it myself.  I got a nice motherboard, I OC'd from 3.2 Ghz up to 3.6 for a while, no problems.
21:06 iqualfragile i am sorry, but is there realy anybody out there whose cpu is the bottleneck
21:06 iqualfragile (well ignore atom)
21:06 Calinou it's like buying a 10% speed upgrade in TF2 MvM and believing it'll help you win waves with a bad team
21:07 lordcirth iqualfragile, for playing minetest, probably not.  But for other things, sure
21:07 iqualfragile lordcirth: well, i would actualy reverse this statement
21:07 iqualfragile playing minetest can be quite cpu expensive
21:07 Calinou due to how small the improvement of x86 CPUs is these days, I should keep this one for a while.
21:07 Calinou I'm not CPU limited in anything I do
21:08 iqualfragile thats my point
21:08 sfan5 really? then mine bitcoins with your CPU
21:08 Calinou not profitable, eats bandwidth
21:08 iqualfragile i am ram bound right now
21:08 iqualfragile (just 4GB)
21:08 Niften Minetest is really lightweight; shoudln't be CPU intensive at all.
21:08 Calinou I have 8GB
21:08 Niften *shouldn't
21:08 Calinou by today's standards, it is
21:09 Calinou it'll run fine at max settings on a celeron G1610 + GTX 650
21:09 VanessaE joined #minetest
21:09 VanessaE am I back now or is it gonna crash again?
21:09 VanessaE (I fear a pending HD failure)
21:10 lordcirth iqualfragile, Most things that are CPU-bound for me are the single-threaded ones, since I have 6 (real) cores.  Anything that multithreads properly is really fast
21:10 FreeFull Minecraft runs fine on my laptop
21:10 * sfan5 wants 8GB ram instead of 4GB
21:10 Calinou AMD is quite worse at single thread than intel
21:10 * VanessaE runs a quick (incremental) backup just to be safe
21:11 * sfan5 was just hearing a song by Justin Bieber(by accident, webradio) and I instatly killall -9 vlc
21:11 lordcirth VanessaE, have you checked SMART data?
21:11 sfan5 *instantly
21:11 VanessaE lordcirth: not yet, I haven't had an opportunity as this just now started
21:12 Calinou sfan5: better than me
21:12 Calinou when I heard a random MLP song playing, I kept playing TF2.
21:12 Calinou this was because I opened :x
21:12 Calinou they put that in autoplay
21:13 Calinou lordcirth: you should use Windows 8, SMART is disabled by default on PCs with Windows 8 preinstalled :P
21:13 FreeFull sfan5: Fun thing about killall is that with some operating systems, it will literally kill all processes
21:13 Gethiox joined #minetest
21:13 Calinou at least on linux it does what it is supposed to do
21:13 Tesseract sfan5: I got 52 bones from two stacks, seems the duplication glitch got them, they were probably on the edge of the loaded blocks...
21:14 lordcirth Calinou, why would they disable it?
21:14 Calinou saves 2 to 3 seconds of boot time
21:14 Calinou the less mobo features enabled, the quicker the POST
21:14 lordcirth Calinou, wait, checking smart on boot takes time, or having the HDD enable smart?
21:15 Calinou enabling SMART takes some time, so MS disables it on preinstalls
21:15 Calinou at least on certain PCs
21:15 lordcirth Calinou, leaving you open to sudden HDD failure.  Great
21:16 Calinou yeah, MS logic
21:16 MaxCZ joined #minetest
21:16 MaxCZ Hi
21:17 lordcirth Calinou, well, they'll help you with your HDD failure for a fee, I'm sure.  But that doesn't help once the data is gone.
21:17 FreeFull Calinou: I think killing all processes is the original behaviour
21:17 FreeFull And I know that's what it will do in Solaris
21:17 FreeFull I prefer using pkill over killall anyway
21:17 kahrl you could just ask the NSA for a backup of your data
21:17 lordcirth Anyway, I'm not touching Win8 with a 10 foot pole regardless
21:17 lordcirth kahrl, lol
21:18 Calinou better use plol over lolall
21:18 MaxCZ sfan5
21:21 Jordach joined #minetest
21:24 Jordach should minetest dev group apply for a hostmask on freenode
21:26 Tesseract Jordach: Is GMS finished?
21:27 Calinou Jordach: not needed imo
21:27 Calinou also, wasn't group registration disabled?
21:28 Tesseract Jordach: aten is down, you will need to reconnect.
21:30 Tesseract DNS is updated, but it will take a while to propagate...
21:33 Tesseract I would like the group registration, if it were an option.
21:42 sfan5 FreeFull: e.g. solaris
21:51 rsiska joined #minetest
21:54 * Jordach is going to finish the Sam II statue
22:00 Jordach sfan5, one hour until UTC goes to the next day
22:00 Jordach (so the topic has to change again)
22:00 * Jordach gives a cake to MinetestBot
22:01 FreeFull sfan5: I did say Solaris
22:02 * Tesseract gives a googol of cakes to MinetestBot
22:02 MinetestBot nom nom nom nom
22:02 Tesseract Gah, waiting for timeouts again.
22:03 kaeza joined #minetest
22:03 Tesseract That should hold you for a few milion years. :-)
22:04 * Jordach can make a diamond factory with pipeworks - sfan5
22:05 * Tesseract too
22:05 Jordach outbound pipe from the loggers; into both furnace slots
22:05 Jordach (one tree for fuel; the others for burning, then re-fueling the coal)
22:06 Jordach then coal goes into a autocrafter: 9 of them for a coal block; then into a furnace grinder
22:06 Jordach and then out into a auto crafter for diamond blocks
22:08 Tesseract Jordach: I don't think crushers support tubes ATM.
22:08 Jordach but i doubt sfan5 would install pipeworks
22:13 Mustek joined #minetest
22:15 PenguinDad I have a bug on my screen :/
22:16 Jordach a literal bug
22:16 Jordach haha
22:17 PenguinDad crazy the bug likes Jordach's name :D
22:20 PenguinDad Got to go
22:22 Jordach D:
22:25 NekoGloop joined #minetest
22:42 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest
23:24 Exio4 hi
23:53 khor joined #minetest
23:55 Exio4 here! my first C program!
23:56 * Exio4 waits for any C coder around
23:56 Kray what is this shit
23:56 Kray macros are not functions
23:56 Exio4 xD
23:57 Exio4 haha
23:57 Exio4 isn't it cute? <3
23:57 Exio4 le macro hell!

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