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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-11-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:02 NekoGloop > english and romanized japanese
00:02 Octupus joined #minetest
00:03 Octupus cheapass internet
00:03 Octupus i got a idea for a block
00:03 Octupus might take a little while
00:04 NekoGloop > english and romanized japanese
00:04 Octupus i saw that part
00:04 NekoGloop I did not say russian or whatever that was. :P
00:04 Octupus it was russian
00:04 Octupus it said i like this laguage better
00:07 NekoGloop anata ga omoshiroi desu ^w^
00:09 NekoGloop anata ga omoshiroi Octupus desu ^w^
00:09 Octupus whats dat?
00:09 NekoGloop You are funny, Octupus ^w^
00:09 Octupus oooooooooo :P
00:21 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWEQf_KrmXY :3
00:24 Octupus is there a mod that makes sound ?
00:24 NekoGloop ambience?
00:27 Octupus not that
00:27 Octupus like a bell or something
00:27 NekoGloop mesecons has notebloocks.
00:28 Octupus hmm
00:28 Octupus i will try to make a doorbell
00:28 cornernote hi
00:29 Octupus alo
00:30 Kacey joined #minetest
00:30 Kacey hello
00:30 NekoGloop konnichiha! ^w^
00:30 Kacey hola
00:31 Octupus hi kacey
00:31 Octupus cornernote,nice u and adam are great at mods 1 of u guys shud make pets
00:31 Octupus cats and dogs
00:32 NekoGloop nekoto inu :3
00:32 NekoGloop (cats and dogs.)
00:32 Octupus cool
00:33 cornernote Octupus, i made critters, they are kind of cute and can be made to follow you with some small code changes
00:33 cornernote https://sites.google.com/site/cornernote/minetest/critters
00:34 cornernote i like the 1-eyed furry monsters
00:34 Octupus Looking
00:34 Octupus These pictures are the toys from buger king
00:35 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lnn68aSziA4&feature=related :3
00:35 cornernote don't know much about burger king.. i prefer my meals to not taste like cruelty
00:35 Octupus hmmmmmmmmmmm i thin servers need this
00:35 Octupus true
00:36 NekoGloop has noone else noticed the similarities between Jack Skellington and Slenderman? :P
00:36 Kacey aaai have
00:37 cornernote https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=xn9qWnGbZtw
00:38 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
00:38 RealBadAngel well it was the 1st and the last day of ubuntu here
00:39 RealBadAngel tried to install propertiaty drivers for my ati, and it fucked up the system
00:39 NekoGloop haha
00:39 RealBadAngel so i cannot even unistall it and run system in graphic mode
00:39 RealBadAngel fuck you canonical
00:39 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPEnNLuvqQY&feature=relmfu
00:40 cornernote u know you wouldnt have that problem if you used windows ;)
00:40 NekoGloop He's using windows now if I'm not mistaken ;)
00:40 zilvarael joined #minetest
00:40 RealBadAngel right
00:40 cornernote sure, you'd have tons of other problems... but not that one
00:40 cornernote oh
00:40 NakedFury score 1 windows team!
00:40 NekoGloop linux team 0! :D
00:40 NakedFury boooo
00:41 RealBadAngel burning dvd with debian
00:41 RealBadAngel :P
00:41 NakedFury Go Windows GO! Go windows GO!
00:41 NekoGloop < is part of windows team :P
00:41 cornernote i think linux already has one up on windows... just try compile minetest on both and you will see what i mean
00:41 RealBadAngel i compiled mt already on ubuntu
00:41 NekoGloop I dont bother compiling, there's this thing called sfan's website 8)
00:42 RealBadAngel but on open drivers i got less than 40 fps
00:42 cornernote yeah, but it cant compile my gamewiki itemcube extractor
00:42 RealBadAngel so decided to install ati drivers
00:42 RealBadAngel and bye bye whole system
00:42 cornernote what do you mean RBA ?
00:42 cornernote whats it do now ?
00:43 RealBadAngel cant uninstall those fuckin drivers
00:43 GTRsdk <-- part of Linux team
00:43 RealBadAngel there was before xf86config or somethin like that
00:43 cornernote RBA, how did you install them?  with apt-get or something else ?
00:43 RealBadAngel to configure video in text mode
00:43 RealBadAngel its gone
00:44 RealBadAngel together with xorg.conf
00:44 RealBadAngel theyre changed their heads with asses
00:44 RealBadAngel morons
00:44 cornernote apt-get install xserver-xorg  ?
00:44 RealBadAngel apt-get install --reinstall
00:44 cornernote apt-get install x-window-system-core xserver-xfree86
00:45 cornernote that should give you your xf86config
00:45 RealBadAngel so what, when leftowers of fglxr are here and tries to load?
00:45 RealBadAngel and theres no way to do that
00:45 cornernote also try this
00:45 cornernote dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
00:46 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPEnNLuvqQY&amp;feature=relmfu Time-stopping sonic == YOU'RE TOO SLOW!!!!
00:46 RealBadAngel did that already
00:46 cornernote thats all i got :(
00:46 cornernote sorry
00:46 cornernote rm / -rf ?
00:47 cornernote that will remove all the stuff on there that you don't want =)
00:47 cornernote along with all the stuff you do what
00:47 RealBadAngel ehehehe
00:47 RealBadAngel i will go for debian
00:47 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meO_6WusWI4&amp;feature=related
00:47 NekoGloop :3
00:47 RealBadAngel at least i know ati drivers work there
00:48 RealBadAngel not like with this fancy schmancy ubuntu
00:48 cornernote had a massive headfuk with ubuntu last night trying to get mydumper to make mysql backups
00:48 cornernote was just segfaulting
00:48 Octupus cornernote,can u please give me a link to the topic of critters?
00:49 cornernote but the author of mydumper has aparently patched it... just needed to build from sources
00:49 cornernote Octupus - link is on the homepage
00:50 cornernote http://bit.ly/Whg15A
00:50 cornernote gotta love lmgtfy =)
00:55 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWEQf_KrmXY ^w^
01:00 Octupus cornernote,how do i make them follow you?
01:01 Kacey joined #minetest
01:01 Kacey octu
01:01 Octupus Yes
01:01 Kacey (hm)
01:01 Kacey lol
01:02 Octupus GPLv3
01:02 Kacey later in going to start the currents mod
01:02 Octupus cornernote,^ meaning of that license?
01:05 Octupus GPLv3
01:05 Octupus NekoGloop,meaning of that license
01:06 NekoGloop means you need to google it
01:07 NakedFury general public license version 3
01:07 NakedFury if you want definitions then google or bing it
01:07 Octupus lol i tried just now
01:07 Octupus didnt get a meaning
01:07 Octupus so i can do whatever i want with that mod ?
01:08 NekoGloop no
01:08 Octupus o
01:08 NakedFury http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhatDoesGPLStandFor
01:08 NakedFury if you couldnt find anything via google you suck
01:08 Octupus XD
01:08 Octupus thanks though
01:11 Octupus i wonder if rats cud work in 4.2
01:11 Octupus can they?
01:15 Octupus NekoGloop,where is the code for rats in 3.1
01:15 NekoGloop in C++
01:15 Octupus where is that?
01:15 NekoGloop in the source code.
01:15 Octupus :l
01:16 Octupus i cant even find that :l
01:16 Octupus looks like il have to make a moving node :l
01:18 Octupus any1 can help?
01:18 NekoGloop yeah: dont try to port C++ to LUA
01:19 Octupus lolz
01:19 Octupus cornernote did it with sucess
01:19 NekoGloop no, he did that from sractch.
01:20 Octupus o
01:20 Octupus alright then
01:20 Octupus i just want a node that mode around
01:20 Octupus like a rat wud do in lua though
01:20 NekoGloop entity. nodes cant move
01:20 Octupus SO how da hel did cornernote get them to move :l
01:21 NekoGloop by making them entities, like i said.
01:21 NekoGloop if you listen, you would know.
01:21 Octupus alright then
01:21 NakedFury read the code to learn
01:21 Octupus ok dont get mad
01:21 Octupus cheeez
01:21 NakedFury im not
01:22 NekoGloop and i was stating a fact :P
01:22 Octupus lolz
01:22 Octupus hm i wonder which mod has the simplest moving thing
01:24 afkael joined #minetest
01:25 Octupus il read critters init and learn
01:30 OldCoder Hello
01:30 * OldCoder reads up
01:30 Octupus Hello OldCoder,
01:31 Octupus look like i need to make walk velocity
01:31 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
01:31 OldCoder Octupus, all right
01:31 Octupus i am trying to make mobs
01:31 Octupus addd some pets
01:31 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
01:32 Octupus i need a simple 1
01:32 babyface1031 hi
01:32 Octupus maybe i can start with just making the mob
01:32 Octupus then start adding stuff to it
01:33 T_A_N_K why the hell doesn't this work in the windows version http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=j6DExPNh
01:34 T_A_N_K like, i'm almost to the point where i can start making the wiki but this, what the mother duck is wrong with the windows version
01:35 Octupus T_A_N-K,can u be able to help me code a moving creature in mt
01:35 Octupus ?
01:36 babyface1031 ooh pets
01:36 babyface1031 :D
01:36 T_A_N_K no
01:36 Octupus alright
01:36 NakedFury octupus can you not just READ one of the animal mods already created????
01:36 Octupus ik
01:36 Octupus i was asking for other mods but no responded
01:37 Muadtralk pilzmobs
01:37 Octupus thank you muad
01:37 Muadtralk alter the movement for the monsters
01:37 Octupus maybe his will be a bit easier
01:37 Muadtralk make the creature not attack but still follow
01:37 Octupus what license does it have
01:37 Muadtralk it would be rather simple to do so
01:38 Muadtralk look it up
01:38 Muadtralk cause ill be damned if i remember
01:38 Octupus alright
01:38 Octupus WTFPL license
01:39 T_A_N_K fuck, why does this not work on the windows version
01:40 Octupus idk
01:41 Octupus what is a collision box?
01:43 OldCoder Octupus, I do not know
01:44 OldCoder Octupus, Hi BTW
01:44 OldCoder I was away all day
01:44 OldCoder In San Jose
01:44 OldCoder Here to say
01:44 OldCoder I am back
01:44 OldCoder Without slack
01:48 Octupus OO i am happy u are back
01:48 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: Meow. :3
01:49 OldCoder Octupus, t y
01:49 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: http://ompldr.org/vZzRhcw Glooptest pack V1! :D
01:49 T_A_N_K http://youtu.be/ZDUOo5bubpI
01:49 T_A_N_K pretty nice
01:51 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: try using my texture pack :P
01:51 NekoGloop see if you like it
01:51 T_A_N_K laterrr i am coding
01:52 Octupus i will need to learn alot more coding b4 i can make a move node
01:55 OldCoder One step at a time
01:57 Octupus Kacey asked me to help her on floeing water strength i like i might do that for a bit
01:57 OldCoder Octupus, How did your world hold up today?
01:58 Octupus Great
01:58 OldCoder Glad to hear it
01:58 NekoGloop Meow.
01:58 OldCoder I have seen unknown blocks there; possibly from dicormod
01:59 * OldCoder puts down a small but efficiently stacked plate of chopped turkey bits
01:59 Octupus zilla and peguin had some but they took them out
01:59 * NekoGloop digs in :3
02:00 OldCoder k
02:01 Octupus i wrote my very first own line of code :D
02:01 OldCoder What was it?
02:02 Octupus liquid_strength = 10,
02:02 skully_ joined #minetest
02:02 Octupus isnt much but it is a start :)
02:03 babyface1031 Octupus are those steel blocks for your tools
02:04 OldCoder babyface1031, Hey!
02:05 OldCoder Octupus, You have written Perl before :-)
02:05 OldCoder skully_, Hi!
02:05 babyface1031 hey @OldCoder
02:05 Octupus hey face
02:05 Octupus *yes
02:05 Octupus OldCoder,perl is much much easier :D
02:05 OldCoder Nah
02:05 OldCoder Many languages are good
02:05 babyface1031 ok ty i wasnt looking a broke mine
02:05 skully__ joined #minetest
02:05 OldCoder Different strengths
02:05 OldCoder Different weaknesses
02:05 OldCoder Like people
02:06 skully__ coder!
02:06 OldCoder Like anything
02:06 OldCoder skully_!
02:06 OldCoder :-)
02:06 skully__ i queryed u
02:06 Octupus why are u shoutingskully_
02:09 OldCoder Octupus, He has some news
02:09 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest
02:09 Muadtralk joined #minetest
02:10 Octupus O
02:10 Octupus well i found about 3 mistakes in my code
02:10 Octupus Well we can say it worked :)
02:11 Octupus just need to see if the  water can keep u back
02:12 OldCoder Octupus, It is O.K. to make mistakes
02:12 OldCoder The challenge is to make things better; the code will improve
02:13 NakedFury if you never made them you would never learn or grow
02:13 Octupus well there is no chnage with the water
02:13 OldCoder NakedFury, Indeed. And hello.
02:13 NakedFury hello
02:13 OldCoder NakedFury, I am pleased to see you
02:13 OldCoder Relax and chill
02:13 OldCoder Or vice versa :-)
02:14 Kacey joined #minetest
02:14 Kacey hello
02:14 Octupus Hi Kacey
02:15 Kacey how is it going
02:15 Octupus the mod or how im doing (o) (o)
02:15 Kacey both
02:15 Octupus mod pretty well
02:15 Octupus me tired a bit
02:16 Kacey lol same here
02:16 Kacey time to look for code
02:16 Octupus well i changed liquid_strength from 10 to 50
02:16 Kacey ooh wow
02:16 Octupus see if that changes anything
02:16 Octupus and i need to make a water flowing animation
02:17 Kacey ok
02:17 Octupus make it have a more mc flavour if u catch my drift
02:17 Kacey ok
02:18 Kacey here email me the code so far and u work on the animation and ill work on the code
02:20 Octupus hold on lets see if i did anything with changing the numbers
02:20 Kacey ok
02:20 Octupus not a bit
02:20 Octupus pm the email
02:20 Kacey ok
02:21 OldCoder Octupus, you are being patient; that will help things work well
02:22 OldCoder Try different approaches
02:22 Octupus :)
02:22 OldCoder This will work out
02:23 Octupus Kacey is responsible for code now
02:23 OldCoder He will learn
02:23 Octupus il be giving in additional tweaks and such
02:23 Octupus and i will do water animation like lava
02:23 Kacey im looking up the code now
02:24 Octupus ok
02:24 Octupus that 1 was from last night
02:24 Octupus that 1 isnt as developed as this 1 yet
02:24 Kacey ok well email me the new one
02:25 * VanessaE peeks in again
02:25 VanessaE hi.
02:25 Octupus Kacey,sent
02:25 Octupus Hello VanessaE
02:25 * Kacey hides from vanessa
02:25 Octupus why?
02:26 Octupus Kacey,also teamv stuff so i can show u what to do
02:26 Kacey need teamv first
02:26 Octupus lol
02:26 * NekoGloop gives VanessaE this: http://ompldr.org/vZzRhcw again. :3
02:27 Octupus il show u if u have tv
02:27 Kacey im getting it now
02:27 Octupus if u dont wanna get it,it is alright
02:27 Kacey im downloading now
02:28 Octupus ok
02:28 Kacey windows 7 y o no 8
02:28 Kacey u*
02:28 NekoGloop because 8 sux
02:29 Kacey true
02:30 OldCoder 8 is cell phone I hear
02:30 Kacey and laptop and everything
02:30 NekoGloop 8 is tablet-like interface.
02:30 NekoGloop not good for computer.
02:31 OldCoder Agreed
02:31 OldCoder MS Take Heed
02:31 OldCoder People like the Old Way
02:31 OldCoder This I Say
02:31 GTRsdk not new users though
02:31 OldCoder People Will Pray
02:31 OldCoder Hmm
02:31 OldCoder Interesting point
02:31 OldCoder What of the 100,000s of old users though?
02:31 Octupus Kacey do u see me
02:31 GTRsdk OldCoder: we use Linux :-)
02:32 GTRsdk or ReactOS
02:32 GTRsdk or you don't upgrade (simple as that)
02:33 OldCoder GTRsdk, Yes
02:33 OldCoder ReactOS not done but interesting future option
02:34 GTRsdk see, for now just not upgrading works
02:34 GTRsdk very few, if any, apps are made only for Windows 8
02:34 GTRsdk heck, very few, if any apps support Windows 8...
02:51 Octupus GTG every1
02:51 Octupus have a good night
02:51 babyface1031 `nite
02:53 OldCoder Night
02:53 LAD joined #minetest
02:56 T_A_N_K can i give a tool metadata?
03:00 NekoGloop you can give an itemstack metadata
03:02 T_A_N_K how?
03:02 T_A_N_K itemstack:set_string("test", "value") ?
03:02 Muadtralk left #minetest
03:03 NekoGloop if i remember correctly, you just assign it to itemstack.meta
03:10 VanessaE zzz
03:10 * NekoGloop claps loudly near VanessaE's head :3
03:11 OldCoder NekoGloop, she is tired
03:11 OldCoder VanessaE, Hey
03:11 NekoGloop :D
03:11 OldCoder NekoGloop, really tired
03:12 OldCoder It was quite an exercise
03:13 Jousway joined #minetest
03:13 VanessaE OldCoder, hi
03:14 OldCoder VanessaE, how are you?
03:14 VanessaE tired
03:14 T_A_N_K oldcoder: can you give an item metadata?
03:14 T_A_N_K item = tool
03:14 OldCoder T_A_N_K, I cannot say as I am Zzz myself
03:15 T_A_N_K hgsdghsdjsdgsdjdzh
03:15 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: check the git repo, i think minetest says at some point that it supports itemstack metadata.
03:15 NekoGloop VanessaE: Want a cookie? :3
03:15 VanessaE bleah.
03:15 NekoGloop lol
03:21 T_A_N_K time to hack this shit
03:22 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPXIXkjQ8Lc&amp;feature=related
03:22 skully_ joined #minetest
03:30 OldCoder skully_, wb
03:30 OldCoder Aren't you asleep?
03:30 skully_ no
03:30 cornernote joined #minetest
03:30 skully_ your queryed
03:31 skully_ c`mon
03:32 skully_ awnser me
03:32 NekoGloop good night everyone
03:33 skully_ ODLCODER
03:33 skully_ please awnser me in query
03:34 VanessaE skully, please speak in public unless you absolutely need to speak in msg
03:34 skully_ ok
03:35 VanessaE Whatever you have to say might benefit someone else anyway, never know.
03:36 OldCoder VanessaE, he can PM me
03:36 OldCoder VanessaE, see my own PM to you
03:37 VanessaE I know, just pointing it out is all.
03:44 VanessaE OldCoder: Gloop wrote, "You should link to OldCoder's version compiled for windows that has these patches."
03:44 VanessaE what URL would I use for that?
03:45 VanessaE (he refers to the video settings patch)
03:46 OldCoder VanessaE, one moment
03:46 OldCoder http://oldcoder.org/general/minetest/mineinfo.html#SECTION02
03:46 OldCoder For now
03:46 OldCoder That will have my builds
03:46 VanessaE thanks.
03:46 OldCoder and is where I will link to yours
03:48 VanessaE linked.
04:07 hmmmm joined #minetest
04:11 VanessaE ok, time to head off to bed.  Night all.
04:16 anunakki joined #minetest
04:20 OldCoder Same soon
04:20 OldCoder VanessaE, nice to see you
04:25 T_A_N_K yay, now you can turn atomic shovel drops on and off
04:41 cornernote joined #minetest
04:41 T_A_N_K http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wOwzUKk50g&amp;feature=youtu.be
04:43 T_A_N_K too scary?
04:55 T_A_N_K goodnight everyone
05:27 OldCoder I think it is time to rest
05:28 Kacey joined #minetest
05:28 Kacey hello
05:28 Kacey anyone on?
05:44 NakedFury not for long
05:44 NakedFury very late here
06:10 cornernote joined #minetest
07:39 cornernote joined #minetest
07:47 Jeija joined #minetest
08:09 realbadangel joined #minetest
08:19 Jeija left #minetest
08:55 toniepeli joined #minetest
08:59 Calinou joined #minetest
09:22 PilzAdam joined #minetest
09:23 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
09:30 ruskie lo
09:44 neko259 joined #minetest
09:44 khor joined #minetest
09:45 cornernote joined #minetest
09:50 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
10:03 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
10:05 jin_xi PilzAdam: i'm hypnotized by my wireworld clock
10:05 PilzAdam :D
10:06 nyuszika7h joined #minetest
10:18 jin_xi Hi taoki
10:18 Taoki hi
10:44 blaze joined #minetest
10:56 OdnetninI joined #minetest
10:57 OdnetninI I've download lastest github code and minetestserver doesn't compile: Linking CXX executable ../bin/minetestserver CMakeFiles/minetestserver.dir/rollback.cpp.o: file not recognized: File truncated colle
10:57 PilzAdam why do you triple post this?
10:58 OdnetninI if one person can help me
10:58 PilzAdam what OS do you use?
10:59 OdnetninI Trisquel GNU/Linux
10:59 PilzAdam with what commands did you compile?
10:59 OdnetninI make -j2
11:00 PilzAdam you have to do cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1 first
11:00 PilzAdam (see README.txt)
11:00 OdnetninI yes
11:02 OdnetninI http://pastebin.com/LZbkBh9t
11:03 PilzAdam are you sure you have latest version from GitHub?
11:03 OdnetninI yes
11:03 OdnetninI i've download 10 minutes ago
11:03 OldCoder Good morning
11:04 OdnetninI Hello
11:04 PilzAdam hi OldCoder
11:04 PilzAdam OdnetninI, redownload and try again
11:04 OdnetninI ok
11:04 cornernote joined #minetest
11:12 artur99 joined #minetest
11:12 artur99 hi
11:12 artur99 is enybody?
11:12 PilzAdam hi
11:13 artur99 somewone, gave me a mining laser
11:13 artur99 my interviory was full
11:13 artur99 i maked clik to take it
11:14 artur99 i take a look in my interviory, and there was nothing
11:15 artur99 i put down some objects form interviory, but the mining laser didnt apeared
11:15 artur99 are u?
11:15 PilzAdam if your inventory is full and you pick up items or dig blocks they just disapear
11:15 anunakki joined #minetest
11:16 artur99 realy? i lose a mining laser
11:16 ruskie hehe
11:16 artur99 :((
11:16 ruskie it happens
11:16 ruskie not a big deal
11:16 ruskie I rarely used it myself
11:16 anunakki mithril pickaxe
11:17 anunakki best way to go
11:17 ruskie heh
11:17 ruskie I prefer a mese pickaxe myself
11:17 anunakki oh
11:17 anunakki my bad
11:17 anunakki i meant mese
11:17 anunakki lol
11:17 ruskie hehe
11:17 ruskie though also have a mining drill but I don't really use it
11:18 anunakki well, the only problem with the technic stuff is you have to charge them relatively quickly so it gets a little annoying when you could just craft a mese pick
11:18 artur99 no, thanks...i must make my interviory be empty
11:18 anunakki so craft a chest and empty it?
11:18 anunakki lol
11:19 ruskie anunakki, you can now carry a portable power source to recharge on the spot
11:19 anunakki :O
11:19 ruskie you need an energy crystal and a battery box
11:19 anunakki i always have realbadangels github open when i'm playing so i can see the new stuff he adds to the technic mod
11:19 ruskie you put the crystal in the discharge and the item to charge in the chare
11:19 ruskie anunakki, hehe I just have teh forum post open
11:21 artur99 how to use titanium dioxide?
11:21 ruskie http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2041
11:21 ruskie see here
11:22 OdnetninI solved, it was a download problem, thanks.
11:39 Steve_the_ripper joined #minetest
12:01 cornernote joined #minetest
12:02 Jordach joined #minetest
12:19 Taoki joined #minetest
12:40 cornernote joined #minetest
12:57 TheLastProject joined #minetest
12:59 Jeija joined #minetest
13:06 OldCoder Jeija, Hi
13:06 OldCoder cornernote, Ditto BTW
13:06 Jeija Hi
13:20 anunakki joined #minetest
13:20 anunakki joined #minetest
13:21 q66 joined #minetest
13:34 LAD joined #minetest
13:36 Jordach brb - macdonalds
13:37 Jordach s/brb/bbl
13:37 OldCoder Do any U.S. people know if Daylight Savings Time ended tonight?
13:39 babyface1031 joined #minetest
13:39 Octupus joined #minetest
13:40 babyface1031 hi Octupus
13:40 Octupus Helllo
13:43 Octupus hello cornernote
13:43 Octupus oh be left XD
13:46 cornernote joined #minetest
13:46 Octupus wb cornernote
13:51 hmmmm joined #minetest
14:04 Kacey joined #minetest
14:04 Kacey hello
14:04 Octupus Hello Kacey
14:04 Kacey im trying the mod out
14:04 Octupus may i teamv so see?
14:05 Octupus *to
14:05 Kacey sure let me start it up
14:05 Octupus i just realised that personal use is not a trail commericail is
14:05 Kacey ?
14:06 Octupus dont wrry :)
14:07 BartoCH joined #minetest
14:34 anunnaki joined #minetest
14:34 Jeija left #minetest
14:34 LAD_ joined #minetest
14:40 Octupus Hi LAD_
14:40 Kacey_ joined #minetest
14:53 * PilzAdam is back
14:54 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:57 iqualfragile its good to see some progress in minetest
14:58 PilzAdam thats true
14:58 PilzAdam but they are currently more small fixes
14:58 iqualfragile especialy this texture-bux freaked me out
14:58 iqualfragile (i know i read the diffs)
14:59 PilzAdam the water thing or the video memory thing?
14:59 Octupus Hi Adam
15:02 iqualfragile the memthing
15:03 realbadangel hi all
15:03 PilzAdam c55 wasnt sure if its stable so please report bugs etc.
15:03 iqualfragile im working on it
15:03 PilzAdam hi RBA
15:03 iqualfragile are you realy realbadangle?
15:03 realbadangel no. im a fake
15:03 iqualfragile he usualy capitalizes his name
15:04 realbadangel yeah, just noticed that
15:04 Jordach i know its the real one
15:04 realbadangel im on debian right now, so xchat just took my user name
15:04 Jordach because rba uses satfilm.net.pl
15:05 realbadangel im still fightin with video drivers
15:05 iqualfragile yeah, those are annoying
15:05 realbadangel official amd/ati drivers doesnt support my radeon
15:06 realbadangel bought 1,5yrs ago for circa 100$
15:06 realbadangel insane
15:06 PilzAdam brb
15:07 Jordach realbadangel - windows ftw
15:07 realbadangel i want to compile the game
15:07 iqualfragile1 joined #minetest
15:09 Jordach iqualfragile1 - wifi?
15:09 iqualfragile1 oh, wow, that came by suprise
15:09 iqualfragile1 yes wifi
15:10 Jordach im hardwired
15:10 iqualfragile1 but i thought it would be more stable
15:10 Jordach wifi != stable
15:11 iqualfragile1 pilzadam: http://sup.qc.to:8000/minetest-texture-bug.png
15:11 iqualfragile1 not fixed, i guess
15:13 MilanFIN joined #minetest
15:14 Jordach aw fuck: i have to switch hardware routers
15:15 TheLastProject joined #minetest
15:15 Jordach_ joined #minetest
15:22 Jeija_ joined #minetest
15:23 PilzAdam back
15:24 PilzAdam iqualfragile1, if you have too low video memory it doesnt help, but it frees it after exiting the world
15:25 iqualfragile1 i have ~512 mb i think
15:25 iqualfragile1 and this error justhappened after i left a game and rejoined it
15:25 iqualfragile1 it looks perfectly right when just joining it after restarting minetest
15:25 iqualfragile1 (pilzadam)
15:25 PilzAdam hmmmmmm, after rejoining it should be fixed
15:26 iqualfragile1 jup, and the build was from 19:30 yesterday evening
15:26 iqualfragile1 so it includes the patch
15:26 PilzAdam it should be fine without completly restarting minetest
15:28 Octupus joined #minetest
15:29 Octupus Hello
15:29 PilzAdam wb
15:30 Octupus im using icechat now :)
15:30 PilzAdam i see that
15:31 Calinou joined #minetest
15:31 iqualfragile1 icechat is so puny
15:31 PilzAdam hi Calinou
15:31 Octupus so
15:31 Octupus :"l
15:31 PilzAdam Calinou, can you move this to mod realeases? http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3605
15:31 Calinou hi
15:31 * Calinou updated hexchat to 2.9.3
15:31 Calinou k
15:32 Octupus Hello Calinou i tried dloading hexchat just now
15:32 Octupus but it got an error
15:32 PilzAdam xchat ftw
15:32 Calinou done
15:32 Octupus xchat i got to pay :l
15:32 PilzAdam thx
15:32 Calinou xchat is only paid for windows, and is discontinued anyway (iirc)
15:32 Calinou better use xchat
15:32 Calinou free AND legal fork
15:33 Octupus i am windows Calinou
15:33 Calinou fun fact: xchat windows binaries are paid, but the software is under the GPL (iirc), this means free forks are legal
15:33 Calinou 8D
15:33 Calinou Octupus: 64 bit or 32 bit?
15:33 Octupus 32 i thnk
15:33 Calinou try the windows x64 one
15:33 Octupus i dont remember
15:33 Calinou then, the x86 one
15:33 Calinou windows + E, right click somewhere in the "computer" window, and see
15:33 Octupus i tried the 64 thats where i got the error
15:34 Calinou https://github.com/downloads/hexchat/hexchat/HexChat%202.9.3%20x86.exe
15:34 Calinou there
15:34 Calinou for 32 bit windows
15:35 * Calinou is installing JDK7, both 32 bit and 64 bit
15:36 Octupus icechat cant even open links :l
15:36 Octupus isnt that totally gay
15:37 Calinou ctrl+click
15:37 Calinou "security" feature 8)
15:37 OldCoder ?
15:37 OldCoder Oh!
15:37 Calinou (well, at least in hexchat)
15:37 OldCoder So that is really true?
15:37 Calinou or just copy-paste the link in browser
15:37 OldCoder They think they can stop FOSS?
15:37 LAD joined #minetest
15:37 * Calinou voted for hexchat on AUR
15:38 GTRsdk duit
15:38 Calinou OldCoder: security feature as in. avoiding accidentally clicking NSFW/malicious links
15:38 Calinou no u GTRsdk
15:38 GTRsdk :-)
15:38 GTRsdk Where do I vote then?
15:40 OldCoder k
15:45 dzho joined #minetest
15:46 dzho so, on ubuntu precise using minetestc55 from the minetest repo, the cursor drifts upwards.
15:46 dzho is this a known bug, is there a workaround?
15:46 Octupus joined #minetest
15:46 Lumpio- You might need to adjust the vertical servos in your mouse
15:46 Octupus Hello
15:46 Lumpio- So it counters out the drift
15:47 Octupus i got hexchat working i think
15:47 Lumpio- Your cursor will then drift down everywhere else but that's the price you'll have to pay
15:47 LAD hey Octu
15:47 Octupus Hi LAD
15:48 dzho it's a touchpad
15:48 dzho minetest is the only thing I see this in
15:48 dzho outside of minetest, the cursor does not drift
15:48 VanessaE it's a known bug in minetest, yes
15:49 VanessaE I seem to recall the workaround was odd and had something to do with window size?
15:50 dzho VanessaE: ah, thanks
15:50 dzho if anyone happens upon a link to a bug report I'd appreciate knowning about it so I can follow it
15:51 dzho in the meantime, I'll mess around with window size
15:51 VanessaE though frankly I don't see how anyone could play the game with a touchpad :-)
15:52 dzho :-)
15:52 * Calinou updated nvidia driver
15:52 Jordach_ VanessaE I can easily play minecraft with a touchpad
15:52 Calinou dzho: get a external mouse :P
15:52 Jordach_ s/craft/test
15:52 Calinou maybe try playing fullscreen
15:52 dzho VanessaE: I changed the width of the window and it seems to have fixed it.  Thanks again!
15:52 Calinou (fullscreen = 1 in minetest.conf, might want to change resolution with screenW and screenH)
15:52 Jordach_ fullscreen == low fps
15:52 Calinou no
15:52 Calinou higher
15:52 Calinou your DE is not "rendered"
15:52 VanessaE dzho: you're welcome
15:53 Calinou especially true if your driver supports unredirected fullscreen windows
15:53 Calinou (latest nvidia driver does)
15:53 Jordach_ OldCoder - FOSS can never rule!
15:53 Octupus hexchat is better than ice
15:53 Calinou by far
15:53 Octupus how do i set a quiting message
15:53 Calinou Octupus: btw, did you install the HexTray plugin?
15:53 Calinou you really should
15:53 Calinou set quit message in the options
15:53 Calinou xchat works without hextray too
15:54 Octupus i dloaded 84
15:54 Calinou but hextray moves hexchat's icon to the notification area :P
15:54 Octupus o
15:54 jordach i just use ychat :D
15:55 Calinou meh
15:55 Calinou xchat2 isn't updated anymore
15:55 * jordach is a lazy shit
15:55 Octupus GTG
15:55 Calinou only hexchat is active, and less buggy, and has better windows integration
15:55 Calinou I moved to hexchat 2 months ago
15:55 Octupus bye every1
15:56 jordach Calinou - it works
15:56 jordach PilzAdam http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=50624#p50624
15:56 Calinou yep, but hexchat is still better. :P
15:57 jordach Calinou - i see your skin for <shall not be named> has too many useless pixels
15:57 jordach ;)
16:05 iqualfragile joined #minetest
16:07 iqualfragile joined #minetest
16:10 OldCoder jordach, very well. FOSS will stay as a guest.
16:11 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
16:15 SpeedProg joined #minetest
16:16 RealBadAngel still havent installed those damn drivers
16:17 OldCoder Which ones?
16:17 VanessaE bbl
16:17 RealBadAngel i bet those bastards from amd makin such troubles for linux users on purpose
16:17 OldCoder Hah
16:17 ruskie heh
16:17 OldCoder What is the card or chipset?
16:17 OldCoder AMD I gather
16:17 OldCoder More specific?
16:17 RealBadAngel hd 5550
16:18 RealBadAngel its not any longer supported
16:18 RealBadAngel 1,5yrs old card
16:18 RealBadAngel fuckin bastards
16:18 ruskie that's because it goes to the open source drivers
16:18 Calinou jordach: i know, anyway the hat layer is ignored if it has no transparent pixels
16:18 RealBadAngel theyre way slower
16:18 Calinou RealBadAngel: it is supported
16:18 Calinou radeon < 5000 series are not
16:18 Calinou 5000 series is
16:19 RealBadAngel it isnt
16:19 OldCoder Wait
16:19 Calinou it is, at least in ubuntu 12.10
16:19 RealBadAngel Your card is not supported
16:19 OldCoder Nouveau is part of that set
16:19 OldCoder Wait
16:19 RealBadAngel im downloading 12.2 catalyst now
16:19 OldCoder The new Frame Buffer drivers
16:20 OldCoder Bleeding Edge might work
16:20 RealBadAngel 12.4 installed but no opengl
16:21 OldCoder Might need to compile the latest stuff. How much work is this worth?
16:21 RealBadAngel i need to make this box running
16:21 RealBadAngel with the proper drivers
16:21 RealBadAngel open source are way too slow
16:23 OldCoder RealBadAngel, Not necessarily if you build yourself
16:23 OldCoder I switched to Nouveau a year ago; never looked back
16:23 OldCoder It's great
16:23 OldCoder No more NVidia crap
16:23 RealBadAngel if i fail with propertiaty i may be forced to go this way
16:23 RealBadAngel we will see
16:24 OldCoder Very well
16:24 RealBadAngel i made the card workin ok once with ubuntu 12.04 on this box when tested it
16:24 OldCoder k
16:24 RealBadAngel so i believe it shall be possible with debian too
16:25 ruskie hmm my e350 has a hd 6310 card and I know that one doesn't work well with the open source drivers yet... so using fglrx with it on debian
16:26 blaze joined #minetest
16:26 ruskie but I still prefer the open source drivers since they have better multiscreen support
16:26 RealBadAngel wow this time with no error warnings
16:26 OldCoder I prefer Open Source drivers because I need to package this stuff. Nightmare to deal with piles of binary blobs and license issues.
16:26 RealBadAngel goin to reboot
16:27 OldCoder Good luck
16:27 ruskie OldCoder, hehe yeah I'm familiar with such crud
16:27 RealBadAngel i may need that :)
16:29 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
16:29 RealBadAngel ok, got it workin
16:29 RealBadAngel 60fps again
16:30 Calinou <OldCoder> I switched to Nouveau a year ago; never looked back
16:30 ruskie heh
16:30 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, who is the patch going?
16:30 ruskie I tend to be happy with 30fps
16:30 Calinou nouveau is on average 8 times slower on fermi/kepler cards
16:30 Calinou it is 5% faster than nvidia driver on 8600gt
16:30 Calinou few people have series 8 nvidia cards today
16:30 Calinou nouveau handles fermi and kepler terribly
16:30 Calinou and my card uses fermi architecture
16:30 Calinou YEY
16:31 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, im almost ready with move from windows to debian
16:31 RealBadAngel have already compiled up to date git
16:31 OldCoder Calinou, Nouveau can be packaged. You know what I used to do? I had copies of about five NVidia binary install packages. Had to write scripts to reinstall bits and pieces from those monsters whenever the user booted on a new PC.
16:31 RealBadAngel now i need to figure why theres no sound
16:32 RealBadAngel and thats all
16:32 OldCoder I doubt it was even legal
16:32 OldCoder RealBadAngel, Progress is good
16:32 ruskie OldCoder, if it was inside an organisation it would be
16:32 OldCoder ruskie, No; I run a distro
16:32 ruskie ahh
16:32 OldCoder To Hell with that kind of sh*t
16:32 RealBadAngel when im ready with it, ntfs partitions will go to hell
16:32 ruskie hehe
16:32 ruskie then yeah most likely not hehe
16:32 OldCoder RealBadAngel, Actually NTFS is well behaved now if you run ntfs next generation layer
16:33 ruskie that's why most distros have packages that pull the upstream sources
16:33 RealBadAngel i meant "fuck you Gates"
16:33 ruskie btw OldCoder what distro?
16:33 OldCoder ruskie, I am monolithic
16:33 OldCoder Mine
16:33 OldCoder One minute
16:33 OldCoder Somebody is paging. I will link you after.
16:35 RealBadAngel its not the problem with minetest, theres no sound at all
16:35 ruskie RealBadAngel, muted most likely
16:35 ruskie run alsamixer and unmute stuff
16:36 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, try install pacuvontrol; it worked for me on Kubuntu
16:36 ruskie only if using pulseaudio
16:37 OldCoder ruskie, links follow:
16:37 RealBadAngel it was muted, right
16:37 OldCoder Game screenshots: http://oldcoder.org/distro/ssdistro/ssdistrogames.html
16:37 RealBadAngel but mt is playin weird sounds
16:37 ruskie too many times I helped people with the alsa default muted
16:37 OldCoder Multimedia: http://oldcoder.org/distro/ssdistro/ssdistromedia.html
16:37 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, thats normal ;-)
16:37 OldCoder Distro history and purpose: http://oldcoder.org/distro/ssdistro/ssdistromedia.html
16:37 OldCoder Whitepaper: http://oldcoder.org/distro/distronotes.html
16:37 OldCoder Done
16:37 OldCoder
16:37 RealBadAngel those laser sounds? kinda
16:37 Calinou OldCoder: nvidia can be packaged, duh
16:38 OldCoder Calinou, Nope
16:38 Calinou how does ubuntu gets their drivers? packages.
16:38 Calinou nvida-glx
16:38 Calinou says no
16:38 OldCoder Actually I did package it
16:38 OldCoder But see notes above
16:38 ruskie OldCoder, thanks
16:38 OldCoder ruskie, you are most welcome
16:38 Calinou <RealBadAngel> when im ready with it, ntfs partitions will go to hell
16:38 Calinou ntfs sucks, +1
16:40 PilzAdam +1
16:41 RealBadAngel ofc when im done with copying all the repos and workin dirs
16:41 celeron55 (it sucks if you are running something else than windows)
16:42 RealBadAngel c55 today is the day im gettin rid of windows
16:42 iqualfragile ntfs suchs bad
16:42 OldCoder Windows is Sindows
16:42 iqualfragile rba: great!
16:42 RealBadAngel still, sounds are fucked up
16:43 RealBadAngel instead of music effects i can hear some random noises
16:43 RealBadAngel any ideas?
16:43 PilzAdam mute it
16:44 OldCoder Using ALSA?
16:44 RealBadAngel yup
16:45 iqualfragile get rid of pulseaudio
16:45 OldCoder May need to tweak the settings
16:45 OldCoder And BTW Pulse is a problem
16:45 Calinou no u
16:45 ruskie iirc debian by default doesn't come with PA
16:45 RealBadAngel itegrated hd audio
16:45 Calinou <RealBadAngel> c55 today is the day im gettin rid of windows
16:45 Calinou what distro?
16:45 RealBadAngel debian
16:45 Calinou have fun installing drivers/firmware
16:45 Calinou :D
16:45 ruskie Calinou, dead easy
16:45 RealBadAngel already installed ati ones
16:46 Calinou the MS-DOS way(R)
16:46 Calinou sure easy
16:46 RealBadAngel just the sound problem left
16:46 ruskie there's a package for fglrx and firmware
16:46 NekoGloop joined #minetest
16:46 RealBadAngel you just have to know which one
16:46 Calinou yey, editing the inexistant xorg.conf FTW
16:46 RealBadAngel in my case that was catalyst 12.2
16:46 NekoGloop which... what? :P
16:46 Calinou reading documentation from 2005 ftw
16:47 RealBadAngel calinou, no edidting was needed, just tryin different drivers builds
16:48 ruskie installing fglrx-driver from non-free generally works
16:48 MilanFIN joined #minetest
16:48 RealBadAngel anybody remember how to start stop pulse audio?
16:48 ruskie of course I am on testing so that might be it
16:48 ruskie RealBadAngel, you probably don't have it installed
16:49 RealBadAngel i do have volume control
16:49 ruskie RealBadAngel, but check /etc/init.d/
16:49 RealBadAngel and can hear some weird sounds
16:49 ruskie for anything pa or pulseaudio related
16:49 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, pulseaudio --kill
16:49 RealBadAngel and to bring it back?
16:49 PilzAdam --start
16:49 PilzAdam (see manpage=
16:49 PilzAdam *)
16:51 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, check if its running: pulseaudio --check & echo $?
16:51 PilzAdam 0 = running
16:52 RealBadAngel shit i had just alsa
16:52 RealBadAngel no pulseaudio at all
16:52 ruskie well that's not bad
16:52 RealBadAngel installed it, goin for reboot
16:52 ruskie you really don't need pulseaudio
16:52 RealBadAngel alsa doesnt work
16:52 ruskie well pulseaudio will go through alsa
16:53 ruskie so if alsa doesn't work what makes you thing pulseaudio will...
16:53 ruskie pulseaudio runs on top of alsa
16:53 RealBadAngel dunno :)
16:53 RealBadAngel i will give it a try
16:57 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
16:57 RealBadAngel well, it helped
16:57 RealBadAngel got the sound
16:58 RealBadAngel :)
16:58 PilzAdam so you have pulseadio now?
16:58 RealBadAngel yes
16:59 RealBadAngel now the decent wallpaper and i can start to feel like home
16:59 ruskie huh
16:59 ruskie erm heh
17:00 RealBadAngel who said pulseaudio install wont help? huh?
17:00 RealBadAngel :)
17:00 jin_xi well, pulseaudio sucks
17:01 PilzAdam well, no
17:01 RealBadAngel as long it works i can live with it
17:01 ruskie hopefully you won't run into a wall with something not working
17:01 jin_xi i do audio work. i've come to hate pa with a passion
17:01 RealBadAngel so now i have workin compile and play enviroment for mt
17:01 RealBadAngel cool
17:02 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, now fix that falling
17:02 RealBadAngel sure thingy
17:02 PilzAdam i realy dunno why i dont do it...
17:02 RealBadAngel then i go for formspec
17:02 PilzAdam maybe because you can test it better
17:03 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, i will create a branch in my repo and you can test it, ok?
17:03 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, maybe because i discover it and you lettin me fix it? :)
17:03 NekoGloop how the hell do i do anything in realtest...?
17:04 PilzAdam NekoGloop, with keyboard and mouse... ?
17:04 RealBadAngel ive tried to play the mod for mc, terrafirma craft
17:04 RealBadAngel its really hard
17:04 RealBadAngel but some can find it fun
17:05 NekoGloop I cant make a pickaxe like the modmaker states.
17:06 RealBadAngel youre propably missing somethin
17:06 RealBadAngel ask him
17:06 NekoGloop < already dud
17:06 NekoGloop did
17:07 RealBadAngel i try to join server now
17:07 NekoGloop what server?
17:07 RealBadAngel i can see lotsa error messages
17:07 ruskie not everything is an error
17:08 RealBadAngel 18:07:01: ERROR[main]: Client: Cannot create image from data of file "nether_tree_top.jpg"
17:08 RealBadAngel JPEG FATAL ERROR: Wrong JPEG library version: library is 80, caller expects 62
17:08 ruskie but it did say you were connected
17:08 ruskie ahh
17:08 RealBadAngel what the fuck is nether tree?
17:08 ruskie you need a diff version of the binary
17:08 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/21317be49362ed13701ab5ab609020f8bfbec418
17:09 ruskie RealBadAngel, the error is simply... the mt you have is built against libjpeg 8 while you have libjpeg 6
17:09 ruskie RealBadAngel, did you build mt yourself... or using some package?
17:09 RealBadAngel built it
17:09 ruskie odd
17:09 RealBadAngel PIlzAdam, you could wait for me :(
17:10 RealBadAngel ruskie: shall i upgrade some libraries?
17:10 ruskie shouldn't be needed
17:10 ruskie something is odd though...
17:10 ruskie check what versions you have of jpeg
17:10 ruskie dpkg -l | grep jpeg
17:10 RealBadAngel i pasted install needed libraries as it was stated on github
17:11 RealBadAngel dpkg -l | grep jpeg
17:11 RealBadAngel ii  libjpeg62                            6b1-1                             The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime library (version 6.2)
17:11 RealBadAngel ii  libjpeg8                             8b-1                              The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime library
17:11 RealBadAngel ii  libjpeg8-dev                         8b-1                              Development files for the IJG JPEG library
17:11 RealBadAngel ii  libopenjpeg2                         1.3+dfsg-4                        JPEG 2000 image compression/decompression library
17:11 ruskie hmm
17:11 NekoGloop Oh, i can find stone lying around and make a pickaxe from those.
17:11 NekoGloop Cool.
17:12 ruskie RealBadAngel, ok... you have both libjpeg8 and libjpeg62 installed... so it's picking the wrong lib probably
17:12 RealBadAngel remove older one?
17:12 ruskie try removing libjpeg62
17:12 RealBadAngel how?
17:12 ruskie see if anything complains
17:12 ruskie apt-get remove libjpeg62
17:12 PilzAdam apt?
17:12 PilzAdam on debian?
17:13 ruskie PilzAdam, you don't read much do you... it has been said he's using debian
17:13 ruskie ;)
17:13 PilzAdam I always thought debian had no apt...
17:14 ruskie apt originated on debian
17:14 ruskie dpkg, apt, aptitude
17:14 jin_xi huh, thats where apt comes from
17:14 RealBadAngel its removing lotsa stuff
17:14 RealBadAngel shit
17:14 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, thats good for memory
17:14 ruskie RealBadAngel, then don't
17:14 ruskie I believe it asks you before you do it
17:14 ruskie could try an update first
17:15 RealBadAngel yes, it did
17:15 RealBadAngel but now i can see it removed circa 100 entries
17:15 ruskie it told you it would remove them
17:15 ruskie hehe
17:15 ruskie it prints a list
17:15 RealBadAngel even rhytmbox was removed
17:15 PilzAdam apt-get remove *
17:16 ruskie RealBadAngel, hit ctrl+s on that terminal... then screll up and copy the remove list... so you can reinstall it
17:16 ruskie erm scroll up
17:17 ruskie ctrl+s freezes scrolling
17:17 ruskie ctrl+q unfreezes it
17:17 RealBadAngel jesus
17:17 RealBadAngel lookin at the list it have uninstalled half of the system
17:17 ruskie yeah
17:17 ruskie that's why I said see if anything complains
17:18 ruskie you can reinstall it all
17:18 ruskie you have the list... copy it to some file
17:18 ruskie and when it's done install it with apt-get install thatlist
17:18 RealBadAngel i just have messages
17:18 RealBadAngel that a package was removed
17:18 ruskie scroll up
17:18 ruskie above the point it asked you to remove it
17:18 Calinou PilzAdam: you should fix "mining" air giving air blocks
17:19 Calinou add drop = "" to air and ignore definitions
17:19 Calinou and commit :p
17:19 RealBadAngel i dont know if the list is complete
17:19 ruskie RealBadAngel, do you see the start of the command?
17:19 RealBadAngel i cant see command i issued
17:19 ruskie ahh
17:20 ruskie it would start with Packages to be REMOVED: list
17:20 RealBadAngel list were too long
17:20 RealBadAngel i guess im in the middle of the list
17:20 ruskie RealBadAngel, cat: /var/log/apt/history.log
17:20 ruskie check that
17:20 ruskie should give you the full comand line
17:21 RealBadAngel lol
17:21 RealBadAngel i cannot even run new terminal
17:21 ruskie ?
17:21 ruskie ohh it was probably removed
17:21 RealBadAngel xchat was unistalled too
17:21 RealBadAngel lol
17:21 ruskie yeah anything you have opened will stay so
17:21 ruskie wait for it to finish removing
17:22 ruskie ctrl+q to release the scroll
17:22 ruskie and see if it's done yet
17:22 RealBadAngel a sec
17:23 RealBadAngel got cat
17:23 ruskie yeah it won't hose the system you would just need to reinstall everything
17:24 RealBadAngel http://pastebin.com/c6hx1KSm
17:24 ruskie now you can just do apt-get install and the list of packages
17:24 ruskie ahh
17:24 PilzAdam w00t
17:24 ruskie ok lemme get you a cleaner way
17:24 cisoun joined #minetest
17:26 ruskie btw any reason you're using 32bit instead of 64bit version?
17:27 RealBadAngel no reason
17:27 RealBadAngel ah, maybe before i had problem with finding 64 bit libraries on one distro
17:27 RealBadAngel some version of ubuntu i guess
17:28 ruskie grep Remove: /var/log/apt/history.log | tr ',' '\n' | sed -e "s/Remove: //" -e "s:(.*)::" -e "s/:i386//" | tr "\n" " "
17:28 ruskie RealBadAngel, try that
17:28 ruskie should give you a list you can just copy paste to reinstall
17:28 NekoGloop dat feeling when you can see each individual frame being processed...
17:28 RealBadAngel told me access denied
17:28 RealBadAngel (im on root)
17:29 RealBadAngel root@Haven:/home/realbadangel# /var/log/apt/history.log | tr ',' '\n' | sed -e "s/Remove: //" -e "s:(.*)::" -e "s/:i386//" | tr "\n" " "
17:29 RealBadAngel bash: /var/log/apt/history.log: Brak dostępu
17:29 ruskie odd
17:29 ruskie ok lemme pastbin the list
17:29 RealBadAngel brak dostepu means Access denied
17:29 ruskie http://sprunge.us/OZHd?raw
17:29 ruskie there
17:29 ruskie there's the list
17:30 PilzAdam Calinou, https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/936411e4d144eb5d5d11d84c7e6f2df29ef70a8c
17:30 RealBadAngel got it
17:30 RealBadAngel so now?
17:30 ruskie RealBadAngel, apt-get install thatlist
17:31 RealBadAngel can you omit that 1 at the start?
17:31 ruskie ???
17:31 RealBadAngel i cannot edit such long command list
17:31 ruskie yeah
17:32 ruskie that's just from the pastebin
17:32 NekoGloop in realtest, you're stuck with no metal.
17:32 NekoGloop because there is -no- coal.
17:33 NekoGloop that and i cant make a fucking anvil...
17:33 ruskie RealBadAngel, you can copy the list into a file then do: apt-get install $(cat file) and it will use the file for the list
17:34 RealBadAngel installing
17:34 RealBadAngel managed to copy it
17:34 RealBadAngel damn, almost nothin is workin here atm
17:34 RealBadAngel even openin link in browser opens kinda terminal text based browser lol
17:35 mrtux joined #minetest
17:35 ruskie yeah it threw you to the terminal browser
17:35 ruskie as the default one
17:35 FreeFull joined #minetest
17:35 RealBadAngel glad i havent closed browser and terminals lol
17:35 ruskie learn to use irssi in a terminal
17:36 ruskie then you can always do it directly in console
17:36 ruskie without needing X
17:36 RealBadAngel heheh
17:36 RealBadAngel i will rather stick to GUI
17:36 ruskie well a lot of people use irssi
17:37 ruskie for irc there is no real reason to use GUI
17:37 PilzAdam Calinou, done
17:37 RealBadAngel i do remember bitchx
17:37 RealBadAngel and split wars
17:38 RealBadAngel some of the ircnet servers were located in world trade center buildings
17:40 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, can you test the falling fix? I want it to be tested before merge it upstream
17:41 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, not now, im fixing removal of one library which caused hundreds of entries to be removed
17:41 RealBadAngel hold on
17:42 PilzAdam I know, when will you be ready?
17:42 RealBadAngel soon i think
17:42 PilzAdam s/think/hope
17:42 RealBadAngel list is downloaded and executin
17:43 RealBadAngel lets *hope* it will all work again
17:43 PilzAdam I removed Nepomuk (a basic package) on kubuntu and the whole system crashed, reinstalling didnt help
17:43 PilzAdam after a shutdown it didnt boot anymore
17:44 PilzAdam i had to reinstall the whole system
17:44 RealBadAngel i havent restarted yet
17:44 RealBadAngel without ruskie help i bet it will end with reinstall
17:45 RealBadAngel well apt ended its work
17:45 ruskie hehe
17:45 RealBadAngel even wallpaper is back
17:46 RealBadAngel was plain green before
17:46 RealBadAngel shall i try to reboot? :)
17:46 ruskie that should still work
17:46 PilzAdam first try minetest
17:46 RealBadAngel its still open
17:47 RealBadAngel restarting it
17:47 RealBadAngel JPEG FATAL ERROR: Wrong JPEG library version: library is 80, caller expects 62
17:47 RealBadAngel 18:47:25: ERROR[main]: Client: Cannot create image from data of file "technic_music_player_top.png"
17:47 ruskie RealBadAngel, now try apt-get dist-upgrade
17:47 ruskie to update to the latest packages
17:48 ruskie or you could find where the right library is
17:48 RealBadAngel all is up to date
17:48 RealBadAngel used net install
17:48 ruskie then try this: dpkg -L libjpeg8
17:49 ruskie should list: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libjpeg.so.8
17:49 RealBadAngel root@Haven:/home/realbadangel# dpkg -L libjpeg8
17:49 RealBadAngel /usr/lib
17:49 RealBadAngel /usr/lib/libjpeg.so.8.0.2
17:49 RealBadAngel /usr/share
17:49 RealBadAngel /usr/share/doc
17:49 RealBadAngel /usr/share/doc/libjpeg8
17:49 ruskie ow...
17:49 RealBadAngel /usr/share/doc/libjpeg8/changelog.Debian.gz
17:49 RealBadAngel /usr/share/doc/libjpeg8/copyright
17:49 RealBadAngel /usr/share/doc/libjpeg8/changelog.gz
17:49 RealBadAngel /usr/share/doc/libjpeg8/README.gz
17:49 RealBadAngel /usr/lib/libjpeg.so.8
17:49 ruskie ow right... I'm on testing
17:49 ruskie do an ldd minetest
17:49 ruskie ldd being the command
17:49 ruskie should list what library is finding
17:49 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
17:50 babyface1031 RealBadAngel any new MV come soon i LOVE your mods :D
17:50 RealBadAngel http://pastebin.com/TDdw5K9Y
17:51 RealBadAngel babyface1031, before weekend ends, for sure
17:51 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, ldd minetest | grep jpeg
17:51 babyface1031 :D
17:51 ruskie RealBadAngel, hmm... what about dpkg -L libjpeg62
17:51 ruskie seems like there's some confusion there...
17:51 ruskie it's linked to 8 but expects 62
17:52 RealBadAngel like game wants 62
17:52 ruskie RealBadAngel, yeah but according to the ldd it's linked to .8
17:52 RealBadAngel root@Haven:/home/realbadangel# dpkg -L libjpeg62
17:52 RealBadAngel /usr/lib
17:52 RealBadAngel /usr/lib/libjpeg.so.62.0.0
17:52 RealBadAngel /usr/share
17:52 RealBadAngel /usr/share/doc
17:52 RealBadAngel /usr/share/doc/libjpeg62
17:52 RealBadAngel /usr/share/doc/libjpeg62/changelog.gz
17:52 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPEnNLuvqQY
17:52 RealBadAngel /usr/share/doc/libjpeg62/README.gz
17:52 RealBadAngel /usr/share/doc/libjpeg62/changelog.Debian.gz
17:52 ruskie try a ls -la /usr/lib/libjpeg.so.8
17:52 RealBadAngel /usr/share/doc/libjpeg62/copyright
17:52 RealBadAngel /usr/lib/libjpeg.so.62
17:53 ruskie RealBadAngel, might want to use pastbin
17:53 ruskie I'd try rebuilding the game
17:53 NekoGloop I'd make a cake.
17:53 PilzAdam NekoGloop, what a cake
17:53 PilzAdam ?
17:53 RealBadAngel same error messages
17:54 ruskie RealBadAngel, how did you build minetest?
17:54 RealBadAngel drun in place =1
17:55 RealBadAngel make -j2
17:55 ruskie RealBadAngel, in the dir you built it check: grep -i jpeg CMake*
17:55 RealBadAngel and this before:
17:55 RealBadAngel apt-get install build-essential libirrlicht-dev cmake libbz2-dev libpng12-dev libjpeg8-dev libxxf86vm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libsqlite3-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev
17:56 RealBadAngel CMakeCache.txt:JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/usr/include
17:56 RealBadAngel CMakeCache.txt:JPEG_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib/libjpeg.so
17:56 RealBadAngel CMakeCache.txt://Details about finding JPEG
17:56 RealBadAngel CMakeCache.txt:FIND_PACKAGE_MESSAGE_DETAILS_JPEG:INTERNAL=[/usr/lib/libjpeg.so][/usr/include]
17:56 RealBadAngel CMakeCache.txt://ADVANCED property for variable: JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR
17:56 RealBadAngel CMakeCache.txt://ADVANCED property for variable: JPEG_LIBRARY
17:56 RealBadAngel CMakeCache.txt:JPEG_LIBRARY-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1
17:56 ruskie pastebin stuff
17:57 ruskie but ok
17:57 RealBadAngel ah sorry
17:57 ruskie do an ls -la /usr/lib/libjpeg.so
17:57 icallitvera joined #minetest
17:57 ruskie where is it pointing to?
17:57 Calinou_ joined #minetest
17:57 RealBadAngel 8
17:57 PilzAdam Calinou_, https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/commit/755df5f659899e961a7b1875837088fbc6cc1a55
17:58 RealBadAngel lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 11-03 08:35 /usr/lib/libjpeg.so -> libjpeg.so.8.0.2
17:59 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, thats good
18:00 RealBadAngel seen too many unknown lately
18:00 RealBadAngel have way too many checks if name==ignore
18:00 RealBadAngel and gettin unknown ones still
18:01 kumikumi_ joined #minetest
18:01 te3_ joined #minetest
18:01 xrogaan_ joined #minetest
18:01 xrogaan_ joined #minetest
18:06 RealBadAngel heh, 30fps with enabled full view range is cool
18:07 GTRsdk awesome
18:07 ruskie heh
18:07 ruskie don't think I get that many
18:07 * GTRsdk wishes he could have 40 FPS on full view mode
18:07 ruskie but then I don't have a dedicated card... just the e350's APU
18:07 RealBadAngel according to AMD i do have old card
18:08 RealBadAngel not supported anymore
18:08 * PilzAdam gets ~200 FPS in full view range
18:08 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, i will get such one as a present on xmas for me :)
18:09 PilzAdam its called nVidia GTX 460
18:09 PilzAdam + intel code i7
18:09 RealBadAngel how much?
18:09 PilzAdam *core
18:09 PilzAdam 1G
18:10 PilzAdam = 1024 MB
18:12 TForsman joined #minetest
18:13 artur99 joined #minetest
18:13 redcrab joined #minetest
18:16 artur99 hi
18:17 PilzAdam hi
18:17 RealBadAngel ruskie?
18:17 artur99 hi
18:17 ruskie RealBadAngel, ?
18:18 RealBadAngel what about pointing to 62
18:19 ruskie might break other stuff
18:19 ruskie you did try the workaround?
18:19 RealBadAngel hmmm, that dep mt introduced?
18:19 RealBadAngel that it wanted 62 and found 8?
18:20 ruskie the one I send you in PM
18:21 artur99 how to make silicon from? how to use that 2 ingredients?
18:21 ruskie you need to put each into the alloy furnace
18:21 ruskie either electric or the normal one
18:22 RealBadAngel put sand and coal dust into alloy furnace
18:22 RealBadAngel coal dust you get grinding coal in grinder
18:23 RealBadAngel alloy furnaces have 2 slots
18:23 RealBadAngel input slots i mean
18:25 artur99 aaa
18:25 artur99 how to make bricks?
18:26 ruskie clay lumps that you get from clay
18:26 artur99 and where to get clays?
18:27 ruskie from clay blocks
18:27 ruskie you can find them in the areas around water
18:27 artur99 aaa
18:32 Octupus joined #minetest
18:33 Octupus Hi
18:38 OldCoder Hi
18:38 OldCoder artur99, Hello
18:38 Octupus :)
18:38 OldCoder artur99, welcome back
18:38 Octupus hexchat is pretty nice :)
18:39 artur99 hi
18:39 Octupus hi artur99
18:40 cisoun joined #minetest
18:40 artur99 if i use the mining laser, it will dig 4 spaces
18:40 Octupus hi cisoun
18:40 artur99 but if i use  mining drill, it will dig a single place
18:40 Octupus yes
18:40 Octupus but the mining laser dig like this
18:40 Octupus air block air block air block air block
18:41 artur99 and is working lower than a pickaxe
18:41 cisoun hi
18:47 Calinou_ PilzAdam: thanks :D
18:47 RealBadAngel artur99, not slower. you have just to click for each node dug
18:48 RealBadAngel and try to dig mese with pickaxe and mining drill
18:48 Octupus Hi RealBadAngel
18:48 RealBadAngel hi
18:48 Calinou_ PilzAdam: add https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/268 maybe?
18:48 RealBadAngel you will notice mining drill is way faster then
18:49 Calinou_ and this one maybe too: https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/pull/243
18:50 PilzAdam Calinou_, already had an eye on this
19:02 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
19:03 Octupus wb rba
19:17 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
19:17 T_A_N_K texture leaks were fixed?!?!?!
19:17 T_A_N_K :D
19:17 T_A_N_K https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/commit/41c00e87d42580881d8c7001f39014814e3b55f2
19:17 artur99 how to active the solar pannel?
19:18 T_A_N_K Will this fix the no more textures bug?!
19:18 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, not 100%
19:18 T_A_N_K oh okay, can i have my better digging animation commited?
19:19 artur99 how to active the solar pannel?
19:19 PilzAdam make a pull request
19:19 NekoGloop artur99: with sunlight.
19:20 artur99 is day, the pannel is on the ground, up, in the front of the sun, but nothing...
19:21 NekoGloop is there something above the panel?
19:21 NekoGloop is it in -complete- sunlight?
19:21 ruskie artur99, is it wired to your battery?
19:21 NekoGloop oh yeah, and you need a batbox.
19:22 NekoGloop (that got me too for a while x3)
19:23 T_A_N_K when jeija logs on tell him to commit his inertia for players walking from block planet and to commit that you cannot fly through blocks from blockplanet
19:23 artur99 yes
19:23 artur99 is wired
19:25 NekoGloop is it wired to a battery box, and THEN to your machine?
19:25 T_A_N_K commited https://github.com/jordan4ibanez/minetest/commit/37d6c3a2f19854caf6dfeb352cb9f6c50bb52757
19:25 artur99 i have a bettery box, everithing is wired
19:25 artur99 yes
19:26 T_A_N_K also, pilzadam, do you know how in minecraft when you look and move around it will actually move your wield item and wield hand?
19:26 PilzAdam yea i saw that
19:27 T_A_N_K would that be possible in minetest?
19:27 jin_xi joined #minetest
19:28 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, somehow
19:28 T_A_N_K :D
19:29 artur99 how to creeate an electric lamp?
19:29 T_A_N_K make the client get players position, then on the next frame get the position again, then compare, and move around the wield item according to that
19:29 T_A_N_K same for the camera's movement
19:32 artur99 how to creeate an electric lamp?
19:33 NekoGloop artur99: you dont; technic has no electric lamp
19:33 NekoGloop mesecons has one though.
19:33 NekoGloop also, these things called forums. Learn to use them.
19:34 artur99 i searched
19:34 NekoGloop ...
19:34 artur99 but i dont find... when wil be?
19:34 artur99 *didnt find
19:34 NekoGloop you are a moron, you know that right?
19:37 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
19:38 NekoGloop wb T_A_N_K
19:38 T_A_N_K ty
19:38 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, im testing your digging animation
19:39 T_A_N_K minetest is getting speed updates and aesthetics and fixes i'm so excited :D
19:39 T_A_N_K okay awesome
19:40 T_A_N_K_ joined #minetest
19:40 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: having issues?
19:40 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, thanks to c55 giving me, xyz and darkrose push access
19:41 T_A_N_K awesome sauce, and no switched to quassel
19:42 RealBadAngel NekoGloop, some1 made electric lamp for technic already
19:42 RealBadAngel but im not sure on shall i include it
19:42 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: yeah but isnt in it. :P
19:42 RealBadAngel should i?
19:43 NekoGloop sure
19:43 RealBadAngel will add it then
19:43 RealBadAngel code is ok, just need to register power machine
19:43 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, would it be possible to use the old digging animation if you have a node selected?
19:44 PilzAdam yours looks nice foor tools and hand, but somehow strange for nodes
19:44 T_A_N_K idk, is there a way to actually get the node your holding?
19:44 PilzAdam they go to far away from you
19:44 Muadtralk joined #minetest
19:44 OdnetninI joined #minetest
19:44 PilzAdam dunnno, you made the patch ;-)
19:44 PilzAdam but it still looks awesome!
19:45 Muadtralk what patch?
19:45 OdnetninI what looks awesome?
19:45 PilzAdam https://github.com/jordan4ibanez/minetest/commit/37d6c3a2f19854caf6dfeb352cb9f6c50bb52757
19:45 PilzAdam T_A_N_K's digging animation
19:45 Muadtralk oh yes
19:45 Muadtralk ive seen it already
19:45 PilzAdam but for nodes the old one looks better
19:45 T_A_N_K man, now i will have to search the edge of the earth to find how to get the wielded item
19:46 Muadtralk now all we need is semitransparency support
19:46 Muadtralk so the crack animation is not shite
19:46 * Octupus is back
19:46 JangoFett154 joined #minetest
19:46 JangoFett154 VanessaE
19:46 NekoGloop Muadtralk: we do have that.
19:47 NekoGloop the current crack animation uses semitransparencty.
19:47 Muadtralk hmmm?
19:47 Muadtralk never seen such lies
19:48 NekoGloop look for yourself.
19:48 Muadtralk hmmmm
19:48 Muadtralk i was not aware of this
19:48 Muadtralk i should check my eye sight
19:49 * PilzAdam can confirm what NekoGloop says
19:49 Muadtralk i looked
19:49 Muadtralk man i must have been blind
19:50 OdnetninI the mod, looks better than other one
19:52 PilzAdam yay! im #4 on this list: http://www.ohloh.net/p/minetest-c55/contributors
19:55 T_A_N_K how does this client's camera get the drawtype of the item? :L
19:57 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, I guess there is a function in the player ref
19:57 T_A_N_K I am looking in camera.cpp
19:57 PilzAdam yes, in update there is one param the player
19:57 T_A_N_K where?
19:58 PilzAdam https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/blob/master/src/camera.cpp#L214
20:00 PilzAdam ok, there is no such function
20:00 artur99 how to make an invizible dorr? just i see it, and other players see wall
20:01 T_A_N_K gosh darnit
20:01 Octupus artur99,i dont think u can make that
20:01 T_A_N_K the only way i can see this working is to get the wield item type from client.cpp
20:01 T_A_N_K and i am not a c# coder only lua and python
20:01 OdnetninI is posible to put our player in 3d?
20:02 OldCoder Not yet
20:02 OldCoder Taoki is looking at that
20:02 Taoki Working on it right now
20:02 OdnetninI ok
20:02 Taoki I figured out what was wrong, doing part of the attachments
20:02 OdnetninI thanks taoki
20:02 Taoki NP
20:04 artur99 i saw on somewone, sometimes in his house i can see a secret pasage, but sometimes i cant see it
20:05 T_A_N_K would this be the item type? https://github.com/celeron55/minetest/blob/master/src/client.cpp#L1642
20:06 celeron55 PilzAdam: you shouldn't brag around at all with that; you get >2x amount of commits compared to previous contributors because you merge things rather than rebase like i have tended to do
20:07 PilzAdam I know
20:07 PilzAdam and i wasnt "bragging"
20:08 artur99 how to make a dorr?
20:09 NekoGloop there is no such thing as a dorr
20:09 artur99 *door
20:09 PilzAdam artur99, there are so many door mods...
20:09 NekoGloop he's incompetent and cant look on the forums
20:15 T_A_N_K wow this version of minetest is sooo much faster!
20:15 PilzAdam realy?
20:17 T_A_N_K yes
20:17 T_A_N_K even with my mod it's still quite fast
20:18 Octupus_ joined #minetest
20:18 T_A_N_K mode =  gamemode
20:18 Octupus_ da hell
20:18 PilzAdam maybe its the "Don't leak textures all over the place" commit that does it
20:18 Octupus_ i get disconnected
20:20 RealBadAngel i do have same feeling
20:20 RealBadAngel like it began to be faster
20:21 PilzAdam oh and theres the pow with multiplikation replace wich should make it faster
20:25 T_A_N_K good
20:26 jin_xi joined #minetest
20:26 artur99 can i use dirt for my first conservatory (greenhouse)?
20:26 artur99 :D
20:27 Octupus artur99,if u want 2
20:28 artur99 so i need dirt, light and wather
20:28 T_A_N_K yes, this terrain generation is much much faster, even with grass spawning everywhere and random patches of grass i cant outrun the terrain generation almost all the time, nice work
20:28 Octupus wather?
20:34 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
20:38 artur99 i dont need water?
20:38 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, i just noticed that you digging animation is for placing too
20:38 T_A_N_K yep
20:38 PilzAdam and this animation looks good for nodes
20:38 T_A_N_K idk why there wasn't originally different animations
20:39 PilzAdam so i guess i could live with that and merge it
20:39 artur99 yep= i need or yep=i dont need?
20:39 NekoGloop next, make a windows build with this. :3
20:39 T_A_N_K awesome!
20:40 RealBadAngel to yep or not to yep, that is the question ;)
20:40 PilzAdam T_A_N_K, you need to convince either xyz or darkrose or c55
20:40 RealBadAngel and still asnwer is 42
20:40 PilzAdam i cant merge this alone
20:40 T_A_N_K idk how to, everyone who saw it liked it, so there, there is my convincing
20:41 NekoGloop I want a windows build :P
20:41 PilzAdam NekoGloop, c55 said he wanna create a new official build soon
20:42 T_A_N_K Here is a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtZWvzkflWU&amp;feature=youtu.be
20:42 T_A_N_K celeron55 , do you like how it looks?
20:44 Taoki T_A_N_K: Those particles when digging... :D
20:44 NekoGloop Taoki: a particles mod.
20:44 T_A_N_K yes! but it makes it a tiny bit laggy, so i removed it from me game mode
20:44 NekoGloop if only they werent the whole texture of the node.
20:45 NekoGloop PilzAdam: 0.4.6?
20:45 PilzAdam dunno
20:46 T_A_N_K but maybe in this new build it will be faster again
20:46 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPEnNLuvqQY :D
20:47 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: is it at all possible for you to make a windows 32-bit build?
20:47 NekoGloop (with your digging animation)
20:47 T_A_N_K probabl
20:47 T_A_N_K probabbly
20:47 T_A_N_K probably*
20:47 NekoGloop and the less lag :D
20:47 NekoGloop the texture loading thingy-majiggy.
20:48 PilzAdam NekoGloop, the texture thing is not 100% fixed
20:48 NekoGloop well its at least better.
20:50 Taoki Nice, animated water is finally in minetest_game on GIT
20:50 * OldCoder is resting
20:50 Taoki I wonder if the new signs are in too (allows text to be displayed firectly in-world like in MC... OldCoder's server has that mod)
20:50 Taoki Totally a mod I'd like to see in ASAP too :)
20:50 OldCoder Hi
20:50 OldCoder Resting now
20:50 Taoki hi hi
20:51 Taoki ok
20:51 PilzAdam Taoki, the water textures are from RBA
20:51 Taoki nice
20:51 PilzAdam Taoki, and the signs are more a hack so i guess they dont make it upstream :(
20:51 Taoki ok. Wonder what hack they're using
20:51 PilzAdam not a real hack
20:52 Taoki What do they do exactly that make it a hack and a bad thing though?
20:52 PilzAdam they use a entity for the texture
20:52 Taoki Ahhh... for each textured font?
20:53 Taoki Yeah, doesn't sound very pretty
20:53 PilzAdam thats not the prefered way, but the only one that is currently possible
20:53 Taoki correct, not very good then
20:53 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest
20:53 SpeedProg joined #minetest
20:53 Taoki If it uses nodeboxes responsably though... well maybe it's not bad then
20:53 NekoGloop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM9zZL3zS3k&amp;feature=related
20:53 Taoki If it spawns a LUA entity for each latter then surely no
20:53 Taoki **letter
20:53 PilzAdam NekoGloop, spam wave against sky?
20:54 NekoGloop Yes.
20:54 PilzAdam Taoki, not for every letter
20:54 NakedFury joined #minetest
20:54 NekoGloop Had enough of random spam topics.
20:54 Taoki ok. Maybe not that bad then
20:54 PilzAdam Taoki, it combines the letter textures
20:54 PilzAdam entities are the only thing in MT that can change textures at runtime
20:55 Taoki ouch, ok then
20:55 Taoki yeah
20:55 PilzAdam Taoki, if you /clearobjects the world the signs are empty
20:55 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, i keep diggin on a beach with mesepick
20:55 T_A_N_K that's POOP
20:55 RealBadAngel i get contstantly unknown items and flowing_water
20:55 Taoki That explains why sometimes signs showed as empty on minetest.org. But still a nice mod I guess
20:55 T_A_N_K in the same escense of the pipes mod, i think a node box for the sign can be achieved
20:56 T_A_N_K it will have hundreds of combinations, but it would work
20:56 NekoGloop Taoki: no, that's because signs were placed before mod was inserted.
20:56 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: spam of node definitions much?
20:56 T_A_N_K as in every letter is an addition to the nodebox, kind of like the pipes mod
20:56 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, what?
20:56 T_A_N_K no, actually, but it will have a lot of definitions
20:56 NekoGloop well over the 65535 limit of minetest.
20:57 Taoki NekoGloop: I think signs that had the new text on them but sometimes showed sometimes no
20:57 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: those work by creating a whole new node for EACH AND EVERY combination.
20:57 PilzAdam Taoki, my reworked signs only need to be punched to update if the text is lost
20:57 T_A_N_K exactly!
20:57 T_A_N_K and that's how the signs mod could work
20:57 Taoki nice
20:57 OdnetninI joined #minetest
20:58 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: think about it. We'd have to make a sign for each possible sentence. Even with just 16 letters, numbers, and symbols, we already have too much for minetest to handle.
20:58 T_A_N_K not really, but it would be insane to code
20:58 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, exactly what i said: with using default tool
20:59 RealBadAngel i get flowing water and unkown items
20:59 * Taoki would approve of an implementation that somehow modified the fonts on the texture. Dunno how MineCraft does this magic
20:59 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, what do you do exactly?
20:59 RealBadAngel 2 minutes of digging the sand on the beach and got 25 unknowns, and 10 flowing waters
21:00 NekoGloop Taoki: with a special drawtype.
21:00 RealBadAngel swinging mese pick just
21:00 RealBadAngel nothing more
21:00 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, look into your player file and look what the unkonw item is
21:01 RealBadAngel its on the server
21:01 PilzAdam latest version?
21:01 RealBadAngel im on the latest
21:01 RealBadAngel server propably 0.4.3
21:01 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: you may have conflicting minetest-versions.
21:02 NekoGloop OC's server?
21:02 RealBadAngel EU
21:02 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, can you ask the server owner to send you the player file?
21:02 RealBadAngel when OC will be around
21:02 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: it runs on his custom minetest build, found here: minetest.org
21:02 NekoGloop http://minetest.org even
21:02 RealBadAngel and i run up to date git
21:03 NekoGloop http://oldcoder.org/general/minetest/mineinfo.html
21:03 Octupus IM around now
21:03 Octupus if u ment OC-Me
21:03 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: probably conflicting minetest-versions.
21:03 RealBadAngel i guess so
21:03 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: http://minetest.org/clients/ocminetest-debian-20121020.deb
21:04 RealBadAngel thx but i do have already modified versions
21:04 RealBadAngel working on formspec now
21:04 NekoGloop well that one will let you play on OC's server decently well
21:04 RealBadAngel fixed images covering slots alrady
21:05 RealBadAngel now playing with image scaling
21:05 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, tested this? https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/21317be49362ed13701ab5ab609020f8bfbec418
21:05 Octupus Who is OC
21:05 NekoGloop Old Coder
21:05 Octupus oooooooooo :)
21:06 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, yeah that works. made the same patch before you let me post it
21:06 RealBadAngel verfied and works
21:06 RealBadAngel merge it please
21:06 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: Cross-compiling taking it's sweet time? :P
21:06 T_A_N_K oh i haven't started yet
21:06 NekoGloop xD
21:07 T_A_N_K and anyone who wants antivirus on your linux system here's the gui for clamav deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clamav/ppa/ubuntu precise main
21:07 NekoGloop well I just want the latest git with your swing animation :3
21:07 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, now falling nodes are bullet proof, or rather laser proof ;)
21:07 NekoGloop no other patches are needed :3
21:09 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, when i get a bit used to the new enviroment i will start to post c++ patches
21:09 PilzAdam good!
21:10 artur99 how to make a glow glass?
21:10 T_A_N_K clamtk is a good gui for clamav
21:10 RealBadAngel torch + glass
21:10 NekoGloop artur99: torch and glass
21:11 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: when were you gonna do the compile? :3
21:11 T_A_N_K later on when i aijafljkgasfd
21:11 T_A_N_K in about 30 minutes
21:11 NekoGloop so...
21:11 NekoGloop ok.
21:13 OdnetninI how can i help?
21:13 RealBadAngel bring some beer
21:14 OdnetninI XD
21:14 RealBadAngel and chips
21:14 RealBadAngel :)
21:14 OdnetninI JAJAJAJA
21:14 RealBadAngel aber schnell ;)
21:14 NekoGloop and kick the drunkard out.
21:14 PilzAdam german?!?!?!
21:14 RealBadAngel nein
21:15 OdnetninI now, how can i help?
21:15 RealBadAngel ick bin ein Berliner nur ;)
21:16 RealBadAngel drei jahren in Berlin gewohnen
21:16 PilzAdam Dein Deutsch ist ziemlich schlecht
21:16 jordach just bring the beers already!!
21:16 RealBadAngel i know :)
21:16 jordach ice cold, preferrably
21:17 NekoGloop jordach: snow:ice cold?
21:17 RealBadAngel i learned it watchin tv
21:17 RealBadAngel and talkin to the ppl
21:17 jordach ice cold, preferrably
21:17 jordach aw damn
21:17 jordach hit the up arrow
21:17 PilzAdam jordach, i thought the britons drink there beer warm?
21:17 jordach no
21:17 jordach we like it cold too
21:17 jordach just not too cold, (4 degrees celcius)
21:19 RealBadAngel an Eskimoo comes to the bar and asks: whiskey please. barman: with ice? Eskimoo: askin for trouble???
21:19 NekoGloop Eskimo*
21:20 NekoGloop Eskimo*
21:20 RealBadAngel whatever :)
21:20 RealBadAngel you got the point i think
21:24 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, hold on
21:24 RealBadAngel why have you added here .5?????
21:25 PilzAdam because i round correctly
21:25 PilzAdam https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rounding
21:25 RealBadAngel rounding correctly doesnt mean it will work correctly in MT
21:26 RealBadAngel it shall be just cut off the float part and left integer
21:26 PilzAdam it does work correctly if you round correctly
21:26 RealBadAngel no
21:26 NekoGloop where is the player entity have its definition?
21:26 RealBadAngel only integer part shall count
21:27 PilzAdam so if you have *.99999 you will cut off the 0.99999 part?
21:27 RealBadAngel float is trash
21:27 RealBadAngel YES!
21:27 NekoGloop where is the player entity have its definition?
21:27 PilzAdam but it is another node then
21:27 Octupus Son:dad i think im dropping out of school   Dad:ok son but remember 1 thing   Son:what     Dad: i dont like pickles on my big mac
21:27 RealBadAngel its not about rounding at all
21:27 PilzAdam NekoGloop, content_cao.cpp
21:27 RealBadAngel its about that the values shall be integer
21:28 PilzAdam they are integer after that
21:28 Octupus u guys understand my jjoke?
21:28 RealBadAngel so 12.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999 = 12
21:28 artur99 how to make a withe glowglass?
21:28 RealBadAngel not 13
21:28 RealBadAngel thats the whole issue
21:28 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: you are making no sense...
21:28 PilzAdam yep
21:28 NekoGloop place the node where it is closest to.
21:29 NekoGloop not where the numbers minus a decimal place say it should go.
21:29 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, try it with my version, you will see
21:29 RealBadAngel no, because the node from coord 12 will then go makin love with node on 13
21:29 RealBadAngel and get stuck fuckin and blinkin there
21:29 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, the position 12.9999 is in the node at 13
21:29 RealBadAngel no
21:29 NekoGloop Does the code round the number?
21:29 PilzAdam 12.4 is the node at 12
21:29 RealBadAngel 12 shall stay 12
21:30 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: If you cant understand logic, dont try.
21:30 RealBadAngel no matter how many microns close to 13
21:30 Octupus LISTEN
21:30 jordach fuck sakes, force itto have no floar
21:30 Octupus 12.999999999999999999999999
21:30 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, please try my version
21:30 Octupus rounds down
21:30 jordach -r +t
21:30 Octupus so 12
21:30 RealBadAngel just did
21:30 jordach for god sakes
21:30 * jordach shakes head
21:31 RealBadAngel thats why im talkin bout it
21:31 jordach its like WW3 in here
21:31 NekoGloop Octupus: no, because the first decimal place is greater than 5.
21:31 NekoGloop jordach: who's counting?
21:31 RealBadAngel listen, laser beam is on the edge
21:31 jordach NekoGloop - i believe Octupus was saying RealBadAnge's method
21:31 RealBadAngel touched the node at 12.9
21:31 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, simply try my version
21:32 RealBadAngel why the fuck it shall cause the nede on 13 to fall??
21:32 jordach ya know what: remove all rounding all together and disallow decimals
21:32 Octupus yes try to make that a single decimals place
21:33 Octupus to make that a single decimal is 13
21:33 Octupus but we are working with 1
21:33 Octupus *12
21:33 Octupus so subtract 1
21:34 Octupus u get your 12
21:35 Octupus RealBadAngel,this might be your answer ^^
21:35 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: Octupus: jordach: PilzAdam: if pos.x > floor(pos.x)+0.5 then <insert code here> else if pos.z > floor(pos.z)+0.5 then <insert code here> end end
21:35 NekoGloop etc.
21:36 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, the integer coordinates of the nodes are exactyl in the middle of the node: http://www.zimg.eu/i/1032828221
21:36 NekoGloop wow that failed only a bit.
21:36 PilzAdam so if you have a coord with decimal > 0.5 you are in the next node
21:37 PilzAdam NekoGloop, your code is shit; here its better: https://github.com/PilzAdam/minetest/commit/21317be49362ed13701ab5ab609020f8bfbec418
21:37 Octupus can any1 tell me if i can change the colour of glass using an abm with an interval on 2
21:37 PilzAdam no you cant
21:37 Octupus chaning the colour every 60 secs?
21:38 PilzAdam no you cant
21:38 Octupus oh ok thanks
21:38 NekoGloop PilzAdam: no, i just didnt finish it.
21:39 Dogzilla131 joined #minetest
21:39 NekoGloop Octupus: yes you can, but you have to define each color as its own node.
21:39 Octupus ok how is that done
21:39 Octupus ik how to make the nodes
21:39 NekoGloop not sure off the top of my head
21:40 Octupus il just make single blocks
21:41 NekoGloop PilzAdam: not every number rounds up.
21:41 PilzAdam i know
21:43 NekoGloop PilzAdam: http://pastebin.com/EecDdc1y
21:43 NekoGloop ... fack
21:44 NekoGloop PilzAdam: this one: http://pastebin.com/w41wWWBC
21:44 Octupus is i put this line of code can this change the colour of light
21:44 Octupus light_source_colour = red ,
21:44 NekoGloop not possible.
21:44 Octupus ok thanks
21:44 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, ok, i tested your changes
21:45 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: this should work: http://pastebin.com/w41wWWBC right?
21:45 RealBadAngel they work, dunno why rounding them before such way wasnt workin
21:45 babyface1031 talk to VanessaE maybe she can help and add her dyes to the glass
21:45 PilzAdam NekoGloop, this is shorter and does same: http://pastebin.com/iRDfwmbm
21:46 NekoGloop how is that better?
21:46 NekoGloop it doesnt perform any checks.
21:46 PilzAdam yes, but it has same effect with less code -> faster
21:46 RealBadAngel btw
21:47 NekoGloop so if i had a node falling at 2.999, it will be placed at 2.5 instead of 3.5.
21:47 RealBadAngel adding .5 is and operation that takes time too
21:47 PilzAdam I know
21:47 RealBadAngel ha
21:47 PilzAdam but this 0.00000001 second doesnt matter
21:47 T_A_N_K joined #minetest
21:47 RealBadAngel beaten you with your own weapon then :)
21:48 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: having issues, or are you on webchat for some reason unknown?
21:48 T_A_N_K no i'm compiling or attemplting to
21:48 NekoGloop ah.
21:48 RealBadAngel times 9?
21:48 RealBadAngel and wheres sand all around? :)
21:49 NekoGloop what is it with 9? :P
21:49 RealBadAngel when you hit a node which can fall
21:49 RealBadAngel all nodes aroud are checked to be falling ones too
21:49 RealBadAngel even worse
21:49 RealBadAngel theres recursion in it
21:50 Octupus light_source = 50,
21:50 NekoGloop Octupus: wont work
21:50 Octupus any1 belive that is to much :P
21:50 Octupus how much is the rescrictions then?
21:50 NekoGloop LIGHT_MAX does actually represent the max light minetest will allow.
21:51 Octupus ok i will do tht
21:51 PilzAdam Octupus, LIGHT_MAX = 15
21:51 NekoGloop PilzAdam: no, LIGHT_MAX is 14.
21:51 NekoGloop stop assuming you're right.
21:51 Octupus il try 15 if it dont work il try 14
21:52 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, so i will shoot pile of sand, +.5 can be actually be executed dozens of times
21:52 RealBadAngel not only 9
21:53 RealBadAngel if one of those 9 is also a falling one it calls itself again
21:53 NekoGloop thus devastating CPUs worldwide.
21:53 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, this will make MT realy slow</ironic>
21:53 NekoGloop PilzAdam is such a maniacal evil genius. Or idiot, one of the two.
21:53 arcanoloth joined #minetest
21:54 RealBadAngel mathematical correct
21:55 RealBadAngel but in this case proper rounding is not needed, and can save us a few cpu cycles
21:55 Octupus what is this used fr -sunlight_propagates = true,
21:55 RealBadAngel node below will get light
21:55 NekoGloop makes it so light passes through a node, Octupus
21:56 NekoGloop RealBadAngel: not just below.
21:56 Octupus ohhh thank you
21:56 RealBadAngel it will let light pass through
21:56 Octupus im making 3 new glass for the the spirit of christmas
21:56 NekoGloop yeah but not just to a below node
21:56 Octupus 4
21:56 NekoGloop Torch Glass Air Air Stone
21:56 NekoGloop the stone will get light from the torch.
21:56 RealBadAngel next one can be solid stone
21:57 RealBadAngel so below
21:57 RealBadAngel this one passes it to the next one
22:05 Octupus what is something that is green and default ?
22:06 Octupus not dirt_with_grass
22:06 T_A_N_K this http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1434 is not very helpful at all
22:07 Octupus hi sfan5
22:07 sfan5 hi
22:07 PilzAdam joined #minetest
22:08 T_A_N_K sfan5, how do you compile on windows?
22:08 PilzAdam KDE fail
22:08 sfan5 T_A_N_K: why are you asking?
22:08 T_A_N_K because i am compiling latest version for windows
22:09 sfan5 read readme.txt ;)
22:09 Octupus sfan i hear your build has 3d players?
22:10 sfan5 no
22:10 sfan5 give me a patch and i can make a build with 3d players
22:11 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: if you are having issues i can ask sfan
22:13 sfan5 NekoGloop: isn't he able to ask himself?
22:13 NekoGloop he's compiling the build for me.
22:13 NekoGloop :P
22:16 T_A_N_K damn, this is really overcomplex for windows
22:18 NekoGloop T_A_N_K: hence why i asked you
22:19 sfan5 i'm making a new win build right now
22:20 NekoGloop sfan5: with T_A_N_K's digging animation?
22:20 sfan5 no
22:20 NekoGloop aw
22:20 sfan5 but if he would gives me a patch...
22:20 sfan5 --s
22:20 sfan5 *-s
22:20 PilzAdam sfan5, https://github.com/jordan4ibanez/minetest/commit/37d6c3a2f19854caf6dfeb352cb9f6c50bb52757
22:20 NekoGloop check github, he has a pull re-- fucking ninjas.
22:20 sfan5 a _patch_
22:22 sfan5 Fatal error: can't create CMakeFiles/sqlite3.dir/sqlite3.c.obj: No such file or directory
22:22 sfan5 someone broke it
22:22 sfan5 ...
22:22 sfan5 nvm
22:22 NekoGloop was it you? :3
22:23 sfan5 no
22:23 sfan5 it works like: if(randint(0,10) != 1) {stop_working(); }
22:25 T_A_N_K sfan5 do you have a zip folder which i can unzip, place the source of minetest in, and then compile from there?
22:26 Kacey joined #minetest
22:27 Kacey hello
22:28 Kacey octupus how is the mod coming along
22:28 Octupus which md :l
22:28 Kacey kaceywater
22:28 Kacey im still finding the bucket code
22:28 Octupus havent touched that yet im working on my own right now
22:28 Kacey ooh ok
22:30 sfan5 T_A_N_K: a patch would be much easier for me
22:31 PilzAdam bye
22:31 T_A_N_K no, i mean, zip your folder which you compile from and let me download it so i can compile things if you aren't around mate
22:33 Taoki http://minetest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=50688#p50688
22:33 sfan5 T_A_N_K: ....wait
22:34 Octupus can any1 tell me why when i try to chnage colour of glass to yellow it turns to purple ?
22:34 Octupus gimp
22:44 Octupus http://pastebin.com/eiNpgsVt
22:44 Octupus NekoGloop,^
22:46 Octupus sfan5,can u check out that link and tell me if i got anything wrong
22:47 sfan5 everything is right
22:47 sfan5 it must be a texture atlas/texture loading issue
22:47 Octupus ok i saved them correctly though
22:47 Octupus but it says i got an init/lua error
22:48 Octupus init.lua
22:48 sfan5 which error?
22:48 Octupus old on
22:48 Octupus *holn
22:48 Octupus *hold
22:49 Octupus futher back in the mod i had the
22:49 Octupus minetest register node thingy
22:49 Octupus then the craft recipe
22:49 Octupus can this change anything since i changed it?
22:50 sfan5 ....
22:50 sfan5 i don't see any mistakes in the reciepes
22:50 sfan5 *recipes
22:51 NekoGloop " LIGHT_MAX = 15," doesnt belong in the nodedef
22:51 Octupus O
22:51 Octupus where does it belong special_tiles= {right
22:51 NekoGloop NO
22:51 Octupus ok where then :l
22:52 NekoGloop AS light_source YOU IDIOT
22:52 Octupus U TOLD ME LIGHT_MAX
22:52 Octupus GURRRRR
22:52 sfan5 left #minetest
22:52 sfan5 joined #minetest
22:53 Octupus :#
22:53 cornernote joined #minetest
22:53 sfan5 you could create a value in the nodedef named minetest_is_shit and the engine wouldn't care
22:54 NekoGloop well I'm just telling him something that wont work
22:54 sfan5 a additional nonsensical LIGHT_MAX wouldn't produce an error
22:54 NekoGloop does your mod depend on default?
22:54 Octupus yes
22:55 Octupus doesnt it say in the crafting recipe
22:55 Octupus Default :
22:55 NekoGloop does your mod depend on default?
22:55 sfan5 he said yes
22:55 Octupus yes and with light_source = 15, i got an error
22:55 NekoGloop yes but does minetest know this?
22:56 T_A_N_K how does my version of sweden sound? http://soundcloud.com/jordan-craige/sweden
22:56 Octupus NekoGloop,how will minetest know this?
22:57 NekoGloop depends.txt?
22:57 Octupus i did that already :l
22:57 NekoGloop you -do- know that it serves a purpose, right?
22:57 NekoGloop also, we'd be able to help you if you actually told us what went wrong
22:57 sfan5 ^^^
22:58 Octupus im trying but u are going apeshit on me :l
22:59 sfan5 -.-
22:59 Octupus HAHA GOT IT
23:03 hasufell joined #minetest
23:03 hasufell any server open?
23:05 T_A_N_K we got tons of em
23:05 Octupus hasufell,mines is open
23:05 T_A_N_K http://minetest.net/forum/viewforum.php?id=10
23:05 sfan5 hasufell: http://servers.minetest.ru
23:06 T_A_N_K sorry neko, but this is too complex for my tiny brain to handle
23:06 NekoGloop D:
23:08 T_A_N_K you'll have to become a programmer neko, switch to arch linux, grab your hobo bags and go to boot camp, come back, many years after the war, study c++ for 17 years, go back to the next war, come back, and then maybe
23:08 T_A_N_K you'll be ready
23:09 NekoGloop sfan5: ok, what format should the patch be in?
23:12 hasufell left #minetest
23:13 T_A_N_K i am sad, i will never be able to make a song as nice as this http://youtu.be/Bmsys_vvodU
23:13 NekoGloop you made that...
23:13 T_A_N_K again*
23:14 T_A_N_K back then i had a nice server, had plenty of players on it, didn't worry about hackers, didn't have the doors mod so there was some crazy mod that emulated a door and you can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33sE6C6UpIw&amp;feature=fvwrel, back then we didn't have stairs, crops were entities, good times
23:15 sfan5 NekoGloop: unified diff
23:15 NekoGloop a what? :P
23:15 sfan5 T_A_N_K: i agree
23:15 sfan5 :/
23:16 T_A_N_K i am thinking of starting my server again, now that the terrain generation is quite fast
23:17 sfan5 NekoGloop: ask T_A_N_K to make a patch
23:17 T_A_N_K i can't make a patch, i can't even compile it
23:19 sfan5 .....
23:20 OdnetninI taoki, have you got put 3d?
23:21 T_A_N_K_ joined #minetest
23:21 Taoki OdnetninI: Waiting for new help on the code, will see tomorrow
23:21 OdnetninI i can try to help you, but ok., tomorrow
23:26 NekoGloop joined #minetest
23:28 icallitvera joined #minetest
23:29 OldCoder I am preparing to back up and update the worlds
23:29 OldCoder Does anybody have changes?
23:31 OldCoder Worlds going down now
23:31 OldCoder Oh!
23:31 OldCoder Not yet
23:32 NekoGloop OldCoder: read above. Would it be possible to make a windows client fitting that criteria?
23:32 OldCoder I will scroll up
23:32 OldCoder What am I looking for?
23:32 OldCoder BTW Zeitgeist is working on 30001. When he is done the worlds are going down for backup.
23:33 OldCoder
23:33 OldCoder NekoGloop, can you copy paste? Or tell me what to look for?
23:33 OldCoder
23:33 babyface1031 ok
23:34 NekoGloop OldCoder: T_A_N_K's digging animation.
23:34 OldCoder k
23:34 OldCoder Hold on
23:35 OldCoder NekoGloop, Sometimes I need things spelled out very literally. May I ask what you are asking for?
23:36 OldCoder Worlds going down now
23:36 NekoGloop I am asking for a build of the latest git minetest with T_A_N_K's digging animation patch.
23:37 OldCoder Ah
23:37 OldCoder yes
23:37 OldCoder Windows version; correct?
23:38 NekoGloop win32.
23:38 OldCoder Yes
23:38 OldCoder Link the patch please
23:38 OldCoder I see a mention of a YouTube video
23:38 NekoGloop getting the patch, give me just a minute
23:38 OldCoder Also indicate if you mean C55 base
23:38 OldCoder As opposed to any other fork
23:40 NekoGloop OldCoder: https://github.com/jordan4ibanez/minetest/commit/37d6c3a2f19854caf6dfeb352cb9f6c50bb52757 patched onto minetest-c55 base.
23:40 OldCoder I will restart worlds shortly then attempt this
23:41 NekoGloop Do not use the minetest in that fork, it is a bit older than what i want. :P
23:42 OldCoder NekoGloop, then which Minetest do I use?
23:42 OldCoder Should I use my fork with the patch added?
23:42 NekoGloop that will do.
23:42 NekoGloop :3
23:43 OldCoder I will try now
23:43 NekoGloop WAIT NO
23:43 OldCoder ?
23:43 NekoGloop do the latest c55 base. (i hear it's faster now)
23:43 OldCoder Wait
23:43 OldCoder My fork is just thexyz version
23:43 OldCoder with some patches added
23:43 OldCoder Wouldn't he have the C55 changes?
23:43 NekoGloop he wouldnt have updated just yet.
23:43 NekoGloop :P
23:44 NekoGloop in the latest git i hear you actually cant outrun the map generator.
23:44 OldCoder Hmm
23:44 OldCoder I wonder if he'd update
23:44 OldCoder I'd like to get both
23:44 * OldCoder shrugs
23:44 OldCoder I need that change in diff -ruN format
23:44 OldCoder Can you produce a diff?
23:44 NekoGloop < still has no idea what "diff" means
23:45 OldCoder Can anybody produce a diff from GitHub?
23:45 NekoGloop um...
23:45 OldCoder NekoGloop, it is the standard patch file format
23:45 OldCoder Hmm
23:45 OldCoder dev channel looks inactive
23:45 Octupus joined #minetest
23:45 OldCoder Octupus, updated
23:46 NekoGloop copy the source files, and apply the code changes manually?
23:46 OldCoder Taking more time
23:46 Octupus Thank you
23:46 OldCoder and risking errors
23:46 NekoGloop < has no idea how to make or use a diff file...
23:46 OldCoder Octupus, y w
23:46 OldCoder NekoGloop, I have been asking around
23:46 NekoGloop OldCoder: shouldnt error.
23:46 OldCoder You misunderstand
23:46 OldCoder To do this manually requires time and labor
23:46 OldCoder I really need a diff file
23:46 OldCoder There is supposed to be a way to make one from GitHub
23:46 OldCoder I will try Google
23:47 NekoGloop prolly through the git shell
23:47 OldCoder Yes
23:47 OldCoder I see the command
23:47 OldCoder But he'd need to run it
23:48 OldCoder Hmm
23:48 NekoGloop at this point I'm feeling it would be simpler to compile myself...
23:48 OldCoder As you wish
23:48 OldCoder But we need this feature
23:48 OldCoder I mean, the diff feature
23:56 Octupus OldCoder, face says she says she can't make the new glass
23:57 NekoGloop cloning jordan4ibanez/minetest...
23:58 cornernote joined #minetest
23:59 OldCoder NekoGloop, I have tried to clone that fork
23:59 OldCoder NekoGloop, do you know if anybody who knows git is around?
23:59 OldCoder cornernote, hi

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