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IRC log for #minetest, 2012-10-24

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 busdriver problems with meta?
00:01 Uberi|Busy yep
00:01 busdriver what kind?
00:01 Octupus any1 wanna play with me on my server
00:01 Uberi|Busy specifically, meta:to_table has userdata ItemStacks in the inventory field
00:01 Uberi|Busy and worldedit can't serialize userdata
00:01 Uberi|Busy so we need to special case it and add an ItemStack serializer
00:02 busdriver yeah im having trouble saving detached inventories between sessions too
00:02 Uberi|Busy I don't think its very elegant but it will work
00:02 Uberi|Busy busdriver: if you wait a day or two, I'll have a solution ready :)
00:02 Uberi|Busy using, busdriver?
00:02 busdriver my solution was to save the data in plain text and retrieve it later
00:02 NakedFury dammit my stupid headphones right side just died!
00:03 Uberi|Busy ah
00:04 busdriver i only have one square of detached inventory, so i save stackname and stackqty to meta:set_string
00:04 busdriver or a text file
00:04 Uberi|Busy cool solution
00:04 busdriver all the building plans are saved that way
00:05 busdriver though i mostly use detached inv's as a node chooser rather than a store
00:06 Octupus ANy1 wanna play with me on my server?
00:12 Octupus i guess no1 wanna play with me :l
00:14 busdriver 19hrs, doubt my lag would permit me, maybe around 9-10ish when the network calms down
00:14 Octupus ?
00:14 OldCoder Hi
00:15 Octupus hi
00:15 Uberi|Busy hey Octupus
00:16 Octupus hi
00:17 busdriver how long does it take for the weather to change?
00:18 Octupus hours
00:19 Uberi|Busy depends on your climate
00:19 Uberi|Busy and the current conditions
00:19 Uberi|Busy a low pressure front generally takes a few days to move through a region
00:19 busdriver i guess this testing phase is gonna take a while
00:19 busdriver lol
00:20 Uberi|Busy testing phase?
00:20 busdriver i made this huge sign that shows real world weather, thought it would be cool for server localization
00:20 Uberi|Busy oh wow
00:20 busdriver now i have to wait to see if it updates as it should
00:20 Uberi|Busy that is awesome
00:21 Uberi|Busy I always wanted a Lua powered sign that could run scripts, though
00:21 busdriver well its like a bigger version of xyz's/pilzs' sign mod
00:21 busdriver instead of collating small pngs together to form a single texture, your using seperate nodes for each letter/number
00:22 busdriver but the process of walking a string to print each char, the same
00:22 Octupus RealBadAngel,there is a person on my server who loves your mod he is new to them though :)
00:22 RealBadAngel so?
00:23 busdriver flog him
00:23 busdriver :p
00:23 busdriver (kidding)
00:23 Octupus i just telling u he likes it :)
00:24 busdriver still 31 F in anchorage :(
00:25 Uberi|Busy hey that could work
00:25 Uberi|Busy I'd build giant seven seg displays in mesecons
00:25 Uberi|Busy and display the current time with it
00:25 busdriver gimme a sec ill show you a pic
00:29 Uberi|Busy looks like that text in mauvebic's sig image
00:30 khonkhortisan if mods are all in the same namespace, what separates them?
00:31 Uberi|Busy nothing whatsoever
00:34 Uberi|Busy well, I hear you can get file-local variables using local in the top level, but haven't tested it
00:37 khonkhortisan yep local traps functions in their files
00:38 Uberi|Busy no mod-local namespace AFAIK
00:38 khonkhortisan huh. A crash in after_place_node duplicated the node.
00:38 banlieue joined #minetest
00:45 RealBadAngel ive heard another duplicating issue
00:46 RealBadAngel thx to lags. some1 was repairing the pick in my Tool Workshop
00:46 RealBadAngel and took it away from the slot, while it was repaired
00:47 RealBadAngel in time im changing the wear of the item and putting it back modified into the slot
00:47 RealBadAngel user ended with two mese picks
00:49 RealBadAngel and theres no way to change items props without "taking" copy  it from inv and replacing the original
00:49 khonkhortisan after_place_node must be run in-between recording the node being placed and removing the node from the player.
00:50 Octupus rba y does the chainsaw not work on my server
00:50 Octupus does it require timber
00:50 RealBadAngel it doesnt
00:50 RealBadAngel timber code is already in it
00:51 Octupus so how come it doesnt work
00:51 RealBadAngel check for tree node names, maybe you have modified trees or something?
00:51 RealBadAngel try it on papyrus, cacti
00:51 Octupus ok
00:51 RealBadAngel and dont forget to charge it
00:52 Octupus OHHH SO WONDER
00:53 RealBadAngel ?
00:53 Octupus it wasnt charged XD
00:53 RealBadAngel hehehe
00:55 Octupus thanks friend and the kid on my server sayts thank also
00:55 RealBadAngel youre welcome
00:55 Octupus :)
00:55 Octupus now i neeed to make better enery
00:55 Octupus my enery decreases fast
00:56 RealBadAngel by now i suggest water mills
00:56 RealBadAngel theyre slightly overpowered
00:56 RealBadAngel need to fine tune them ;)
00:57 Octupus im getting pisse
00:57 Octupus *pissed
00:57 Octupus i built my house and pieces of it are disappearing
00:58 RealBadAngel dont play with laser at home? ;)
00:58 Octupus im not XD
00:58 Octupus i think worldedit :)
00:58 busdriver i got disapearing nodes too, its a bu
00:58 busdriver *bug
00:58 Octupus o
00:58 busdriver do they reappear a few seconds later?
00:58 Octupus no
00:58 busdriver weird
00:59 Octupus i going to lay off of worldedit for now
00:59 busdriver sometimes mine disappear, reappear, disappear again and so on
00:59 RealBadAngel here too, but thats a feature ;)
00:59 Octupus lolz
00:59 busdriver not a feature when youre trying to build lol
00:59 Octupus u shud see my house rba :)
00:59 RealBadAngel
01:00 Octupus not on europe btw
01:00 RealBadAngel on my server ive made floor opens and stairs leading to the basement
01:01 RealBadAngel just with push of the button
01:01 busdriver i used to have these doors that appeared and disappeared but those are pointless w/ nodeboxes now
01:01 Octupus your floor is awesome :D
01:02 busdriver sliding doors could be cool for grocery stores tho
01:02 busdriver kill them
01:03 NakedFury server lag
01:03 Octupus i think it because it rain here just no
01:03 Octupus *now
01:03 busdriver doesnt explain how it could be server lag here when im playing intranet lol
01:03 busdriver rain?
01:04 busdriver in the map or outside? lol
01:04 Octupus rained
01:04 Octupus outside
01:04 RealBadAngel server is melting?
01:04 Octupus no
01:04 RealBadAngel corroding?
01:04 RealBadAngel :)
01:04 Octupus :)
01:05 Octupus i think its overuse of worldedit
01:05 busdriver whats youre FPS
01:05 Octupus hold on
01:05 Octupus i refresh
01:05 Octupus waiting for the textures to load
01:06 Octupus rba im going to make a trash can
01:06 Octupus :)
01:06 busdriver i dont even play if its under 35
01:08 busdriver worldedit shouldn't lag your server unless its not releasing its data after operations
01:08 busdriver keeping large tables of pos's in memory and all
01:08 khonkhortisan worldedit does lag
01:08 NakedFury there are moments when server deletes blocks
01:08 khonkhortisan depending on how large of an area you are changing
01:09 Uberi|Busy not afterwards, though, worldedit uses constant memory while idle
01:09 Uberi|Busy and most use constant memory except the serialization commands
01:10 Octupus it has gone a solid 5 minutes without the nodes being deeted
01:10 busdriver weird, mn doesn't lag on me and im editing multiple selections at a time
01:10 Octupus I spoke 2 soon
01:10 Octupus its gone XD
01:11 OldCoder Hi
01:12 Uberi|Busy Octupus: yeah, operations sometimes take a long time to finish and it only updates afterwards
01:12 OldCoder Octupus, Your nodes | are gone from your abodes | Oh Nodes | You have been eaten by Toads | What does this forebodes?
01:12 khonkhortisan that's minetest's fault it updates afterwards
01:12 Octupus i built it legit now lets see what happens
01:12 Octupus :D
01:12 khonkhortisan worldedit does things one (or two) nodes at a time
01:13 busdriver tedious
01:13 busdriver if you have a dozen holes to fill then you gotta do them one at a time
01:13 busdriver im not as young as the rest of you lol
01:14 Octupus Whta else shud i do with technic
01:15 Octupus RealBadAngel,can a single water mill go to 100% production?
01:16 busdriver water should have a flow direction, then we could build real dams, the huge kind lol
01:16 Octupus XD :)
01:16 busdriver right now you put a block in water and the water doesn't overflow or go around it
01:16 busdriver but one block of source is enough to flood a large basement lol go fig
01:17 Octupus na maybe 3
01:17 khonkhortisan it is impossible to create an anti-grav liquid.
01:18 busdriver how would that work? it would flow in all directions filling the region?
01:18 Octupus yes
01:18 busdriver and i thought you wanted to reduce lag lol
01:19 khonkhortisan minetest doesn't have the concept of water volume
01:19 khonkhortisan there's a mod for minecraft that does that, I think
01:19 Octupus o
01:21 busdriver i think well have real weather before we get things like antigrav and volume for water
01:21 busdriver though all those things should be done in cpp
01:23 khonkhortisan real weather would require knowing where the clouds are. Clouds are done in the client, mods are done in the server.
01:23 busdriver try using entities for weather lol (good luck)
01:23 khonkhortisan What is needed to do water volume is to have true meshes for nodes
01:23 khonkhortisan I did that
01:24 khonkhortisan only 49 entities can fit in a block
01:24 Zilvarael joined #minetest
01:24 busdriver i tried it for snow, it sucked
01:24 khonkhortisan node rain is even worse
01:24 busdriver all that lag for a bit of visual fluff
01:24 busdriver id rather insert a "slide" in front of the camera
01:25 busdriver different chunks different weather properties = different slide
01:25 khonkhortisan that could be done with an entity, but would it rain indoors?
01:25 busdriver imagine real fog
01:25 busdriver the low-lying type
01:26 khonkhortisan bzflag does per-object fog, everywhere type. a pov-modeler can do low fog
01:27 khonkhortisan I have 1G memory and 3G swap. Is that good?
01:27 busdriver thats alot of swap
01:27 busdriver you could get away with 1.15g swap
01:27 busdriver enough for standby/sleep
01:28 busdriver thats mostly what its for these days
01:28 khonkhortisan I don't know how to hibernate the computer
01:28 busdriver if you use swap for actual memory then you got a leak somewhere and need a reboot
01:28 khonkhortisan minetest is my leak, and a reboot doesn't help
01:28 busdriver i know
01:29 busdriver 3 hours play is = 1 reboot min for me
01:29 khonkhortisan yuck
01:29 khonkhortisan I usually reboot when the power goes out
01:29 busdriver the damn hard drive even turns off when MT crashes
01:29 khonkhortisan ?
01:30 busdriver when MT hangs, the drive turns off then on
01:30 busdriver thats only when it freezes
01:30 khonkhortisan Do you have some special variable drive speed?
01:31 busdriver not really
01:31 OldCoder Zilvarael, hello
01:31 busdriver the drive is old though
01:31 busdriver the other computers it just freezes, no drive off/on
01:32 busdriver only one of my comps has enough ram to run my server (3gs)
01:32 khonkhortisan that's triple what I have
01:33 [JJ]Albert joined #minetest
01:33 busdriver 3gs with an AMD dualcore
01:34 busdriver the others are all intels, with 2gs or less ram
01:34 busdriver dont run servers for very long
01:34 khonkhortisan I have dualcore, I just need to fill all the memory slots
01:35 khonkhortisan and my router is broken just enough to not be able to run servers but to work for everything else
01:35 busdriver depends what DE you use too
01:35 khonkhortisan you can run servers longer than I can
01:35 busdriver gnome and KDE use anywhere between 2-3x the ram the lighter DE's use
01:35 khonkhortisan maybe I should switch back from kde to xfce
01:35 busdriver if all you want to do is play, id suggest setting up a special openbox or lxde session to play from
01:36 busdriver and if you didnt already, check your autostart for useless daemons and helpers
01:37 * khonkhortisan switches DEs
01:37 busdriver anyways when you login normally you should be able to chose your DE, so you're not making any permanent changes
01:39 Octupus Some1 shud make a mod where a server admin can remove a mod
01:39 Octupus Mod Idea ^
01:39 Octupus XD
01:40 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
01:40 OldCoder khonkhortisan, wb
01:40 khonkhortisan hello
01:40 OldCoder Octupus, start a text file please with your ideas
01:40 OldCoder Do not lose them. Instead, gather them.
01:40 OldCoder Make it a text file and not DOC
01:41 OldCoder You can use Notepad to do this
01:41 Octupus ok
01:41 Octupus :)
01:41 busdriver how could you remove a mod ingame?
01:41 Octupus exactly mod idea :)
01:41 khonkhortisan you can't add, remove, or reload mods ingame, yet.
01:41 OldCoder busdriver, I doubt the API does this generally; it is an idea for discussion
01:41 busdriver you simply cant undeclare nodes while playing :/
01:41 OldCoder You are correct
01:41 Octupus even khonk said it YET
01:41 Octupus :)
01:41 busdriver you can put a condition
01:41 busdriver around the whole mod
01:41 OldCoder But there may be a middle ground
01:41 OldCoder Yes
01:41 OldCoder busdriver, that is the idea
01:41 khonkhortisan it takes some doing, but you can reload (simple) mods using another mod.
01:41 busdriver and use a variable/chat command to disable /enable it
01:42 busdriver but why would you want to enable/disable mods within the same session?
01:42 busdriver doesn't privs accomplish the same thing?
01:43 khonkhortisan developing mods without restarting over and over, and updating mods on public servers
01:47 busdriver :/
01:47 OldCoder busdriver, why the :/ ?
01:47 busdriver because if you edit code, you must restart
01:47 busdriver its not the same as simply enabling/disabling
01:47 busdriver theire read once, at startup
01:48 busdriver youd have to ask celeron for a 'recycle' button along with the exit, exit to menu, etc.
01:48 khonkhortisan you can add a chatcommand to dofile your mod, but it doesn't load multiple lua files or understand modpack.txt
01:48 busdriver like quick reboots on phones
01:48 busdriver hmm
01:49 busdriver i think you might be able to use a chat command to specify a filename for dofile
01:49 busdriver seems kinda unsecure though
01:50 busdriver i dont know how privs work but id watch out for hacked clients if you did that
01:52 khonkhortisan it's not the client you would have to worry about, it's putting bad arguments into the chatcommand
01:52 busdriver but even feeding it a filename through chat, im not sure you can still declare nodes once the world is loaded
01:52 busdriver they certainly wouldn't be in the creative inventory, youd have to rebuild that index too
01:52 khonkhortisan you can redeclare nodes
01:53 busdriver while in-session?
01:53 khonkhortisan there's lots of little things that wouldn't work the same
01:53 khonkhortisan yes
01:53 busdriver i can change fields of nodes
01:53 khonkhortisan ":modname:nodename"
01:53 busdriver thats not for redeclaring nodes
01:53 busdriver thats for declaring nodes belonging to other mods
01:53 khonkhortisan but that's what it does
01:53 khonkhortisan try redeclaring your own node from your own mod, it won't work
01:54 khonkhortisan "modname:nodename" only works the first time, ":modname:nodename" works any time
01:54 busdriver well if its not acting properly thats cuz its meant for you to be able to add stuff to other peoples mods
01:55 busdriver if someone has farm mod and you have say, apples mod, you create a node called orchard but you do it like ":farm:orchard"
01:55 khonkhortisan that's how you're supposed to do it
01:55 busdriver cuz you want your orchard to only work with farms not by itself lets say
01:56 busdriver well yeah but if you use it as not intended don't expect forward compatibility in behaviour
01:56 khonkhortisan also have to write farm in depends.txt
01:56 busdriver not necessarily
01:56 busdriver you can check if farm exists before declaring the child
01:58 busdriver check for a node or if the filepath is there
01:58 busdriver minetest.registered_items['farm:randomnode']
01:59 busdriver if it returns true, then declare the child to farm
01:59 busdriver is not nil i mean
01:59 busdriver just put that as the if condition lol
02:03 Octupus ik something was gonna happen to the nodes again
02:05 busdriver try reducing your viewing range
02:05 afkael joined #minetest
02:09 Zilvarael OldCoder: Sup! Sorry it took so long... xD
02:09 OldCoder Hi
02:13 Zilvarael Whats up man! :D
02:20 OldCoder Zilvarael, Who, me? I have set up a LevelsDB world for testing
02:21 OldCoder In theory it will be faster for larger worlds
02:21 OldCoder Port 30013
02:23 Zilvarael I'ma check it out.
02:24 Zilvarael Sooooo......slowwwwww......down....loooaaadddd..
02:25 NakedFury
02:25 NakedFury download client for OC's servers
02:25 NakedFury the big 30mb version loads very fast
02:26 OldCoder NakedFury, Yes
02:26 OldCoder I'd like to make that happen for Linux too
02:26 OldCoder Probably by allowing the cache to be loaded from the program tree
02:28 Zilvarael Grabbing... Might be a while.... since I am likely going to go watch some stuff till 12:00am my time... what time is it for you?
02:29 NakedFury 10.30 pm
02:30 NakedFury but I do recommend that big client download
02:30 NakedFury it contains lots of mods so not just connecting to OC's servers is fast, others too
02:33 OldCoder NakedFury, I will look at doing a Linux version at some point
02:34 NakedFury is a universal linux possible? so it can be used on all stuff linux not just ubuntu, kubuntu, snd its hundred of ubuclones and others like debian, etc etc etc
02:34 NakedFury that would help others more than me
02:49 hmmmm joined #minetest
02:56 OldCoder NakedFury, sure
02:56 OldCoder NakedFury, Some distros are like that if you poke at them
02:57 OldCoder It's basically about separating conflicting libraries and sorting out packages
03:11 roboman2444 joined #minetest
03:11 roboman2444 left #minetest
03:57 Zilvarael OldCoder: Whats the server for the test?
03:57 OldCoder Hey
03:57 OldCoder
03:57 OldCoder Zilvarael, ^
03:58 Zilvarael Ahh default. Otay :D
03:58 OldCoder I'll grant you interact
03:58 OldCoder Hold on
03:58 OldCoder Zilvarael, indicate your name if you join
03:58 Zilvarael Will do :D
03:59 OldCoder Zilvarael, you are privved; fly included
04:00 OldCoder NakedFury has been building
04:00 Zilvarael Assuming it stops crashing on me xD
04:00 OldCoder Zilvarael, ?
04:00 OldCoder I wish to debug all connect issues eventually
04:00 Zilvarael I have been in "Not Responding" for the last three - Four minutes.
04:00 NakedFury I was using WE to dig a thousand levels deep hole with stairs
04:00 OldCoder NakedFury, Hah
04:01 OldCoder I must preserve that
04:01 OldCoder Zilvarael, sorry to hear it
04:01 NakedFury not entirely done
04:01 OldCoder If anybody has clues
04:01 OldCoder NakedFury, The world will be retained
04:01 OldCoder Time will not be wasted
04:01 NakedFury sometimes it doesn actually dig the desired numbers
04:02 NakedFury right now I think its at -500 y
04:02 OldCoder Huh
04:02 NakedFury -445.5 y
04:02 OldCoder Zilvarael, k toggles free movement
04:02 OldCoder Zilvarael, space goes up. I forget the down key
04:03 OldCoder World seems to work fine so far
04:03 NakedFury K to activate fly
04:03 Zilvarael Whoot! Thanks.
04:03 NakedFury J to active fast move or slow move
04:03 OldCoder In theory it will be faster than SQLite3
04:03 NakedFury Space bar to go up
04:03 NakedFury Shift to go down
04:04 NakedFury hmm //stack y -500 didnt work. only made it for about 100 -y
04:04 NakedFury and dammit why is there sand here
04:04 OldCoder NakedFury, I am adding this world to the official list
04:04 OldCoder For now I will call it Metropolis
04:05 NakedFury you can use it to test all sort of stuff
04:05 Zilvarael HEY! SKINZ!
04:06 Zilvarael Gimme a second I'm going to relog. I need to get my wasd wqorking again right now its forcing directional buttons.
04:08 OldCoder Zilvarael, I'll change the defaults back to WASD if most people prefer; and they seem to
04:08 Zilvarael Oh that is you lol
04:08 NakedFury another nice addition to the game: adding LoadOuts or alternate keys
04:09 NakedFury so Loadout 1 could be WASD and loadout 2 with arrows
04:11 NakedFury shit need new headphones
04:12 NakedFury am sad, this one has a long cable and it sounds great
04:12 OldCoder NakedFury, you should save that point and add to a collection
04:18 NakedFury I think //stack maybe be broken or something
04:18 NakedFury I want it to stack y -200 yet it goes at most for 100 or less
04:19 NakedFury ok bug encountered
04:19 NakedFury reached 1k
04:20 NakedFury all blocks area protected
04:20 Zilvarael I think I'm going to log out... friend of mine is trying to get me to jump into GW2 Q.Q
04:33 OldCoder Zilvarael, k
04:34 OldCoder NakedFury, shall I remove node owner mod?
04:34 OldCoder Octupus recommends a different onw
04:34 OldCoder *one
04:34 OldCoder Or is there a possible problem'
04:34 OldCoder with the engine?
04:34 NakedFury well yes to check if I can do anything at 1000
04:35 NakedFury -1000
04:35 OldCoder All right
04:35 OldCoder Odd
04:35 OldCoder Wait
04:35 NakedFury check yourself
04:35 NakedFury teleport to -999 y
04:35 NakedFury mine then go for -1000 then mine
04:36 OldCoder I believe you
04:36 OldCoder Hold on
04:36 NakedFury its weird and ridiculous
04:36 OldCoder NakedFury, world restarted without node_owner
04:36 OldCoder But protector is still there
04:38 NakedFury there is a quirky weird music sound used every time I enter the game. as if a hummm from when you start surround sound or something. huuuuummmmmm then fades
04:39 neko259 joined #minetest
04:40 OldCoder k
04:41 NakedFury no dice
04:41 NakedFury same problem
04:41 OldCoder So not the node owner
04:41 NakedFury yep
04:42 OldCoder Odd
04:42 NakedFury very
04:42 NakedFury let me check in singleplayer
04:42 OldCoder restarting u.s. worlds
04:45 NakedFury mega gay
04:45 NakedFury even in single player
04:45 OldCoder Hmm
05:46 khonkhortisan joined #minetest
06:58 TheRedMood Compiling my own kernel :)
06:58 TheRedMood It is so FUN!
06:58 TheRedMood :D
06:58 moruk joined #minetest
06:59 TheRedMood OldCoder: A linux distro called bedrock :)
07:05 pskosinski joined #minetest
07:12 Calinou joined #minetest
07:21 Calinou_ joined #minetest
08:21 TheRedMood I just helped someone :)
08:28 TheRedMood Taoki: !
08:28 TheRedMood How are you, miss.
08:29 Taoki hi :)
08:29 Taoki Just woke up. Gonna finish readiny my spam of 1000 new mails and stuff I find in the morning, then getting back to the 3D meshes code, still lots to do
08:29 TheRedMood Nice :)
08:30 TheRedMood you must have an important job, miss.
08:30 Taoki Not at all, just a lot of subscriptions
08:30 TheRedMood Ohh
08:31 TheRedMood :)
08:31 Taoki My job is open source gaming mostly :)
08:31 TheRedMood Well, is there a place I can donate, miss?
08:32 TheRedMood I have donated to dwarf fortress so if you contribute to something I like i will push that button, miss :)
08:35 SpeedProg joined #minetest
08:43 Taoki Will keep in mind. Having money issues and donations are appreciated for what I do. Even without them I'll always love working in open-source software and contributing, but... they help
08:43 Taoki Will see if my 3D models are liked ^^
08:43 Taoki Focus is just for them to be good however. Still quite a bit to do
08:43 TheRedMood X3
08:46 TheRedMood I am trying to install something called bedrock linux
08:47 TheRedMood Have been compiling the kernel for some time now
08:47 TheRedMood Running it inside virutal box
08:49 TheRedMood Taoki: It is kind complex, but I love it :) Think of the endless possibilities, miss!
08:49 TheRedMood Isen't it ammasing.
08:53 Taoki thanks
08:54 TheRedMood Thanks for what?
09:06 TheLastProject joined #minetest
09:16 Taoki TheRedMood: For thinking the mod is good and finding it useful
09:17 Taoki And, just finished dealing with the emails and new submissions from this morning. Now back to working on the code
09:17 tripod_ TheRedMood: im running bedrock linux
09:18 TheRedMood Nice!
09:18 TheRedMood :D
09:19 TheRedMood I am testing it on a virtual box
09:19 tripod_ im running it
09:19 TheRedMood Nice
09:19 tripod_ i have arch system with bedrock
09:19 tripod_ using deb packages
09:19 tripod_ quite nice
09:19 tripod_ going to do a deb install with arch packages
09:19 TheRedMood I am just done compiling the kernel
09:19 tripod_ and when steam comes
09:19 tripod_ ubuntu
09:19 TheRedMood :)
09:19 tripod_ nice mate.
09:19 tripod_ paradigm, the guy who dev's it
09:19 TheRedMood liquorix
09:19 tripod_ i know
09:20 tripod_ well online
09:20 TheRedMood I am making a script for intsalling it
09:20 TheRedMood Or i am trying
09:20 tripod_ but been at bedrock since the start, i hope it takes off.
09:20 tripod_ i really really hope it takes off.
09:20 TheRedMood Trying to spread it :)
09:20 TheRedMood Yeah
09:20 TheRedMood Well, is it from scratch or did you use the package thats on the websiter
09:20 tripod_ from scratch
09:20 TheRedMood nice
09:20 TheRedMood me too
09:20 TheRedMood What kernel config did you use?
09:21 TheRedMood I have a old gentoo config
09:21 TheRedMood For my real pc at home
09:21 TheRedMood :)
09:22 tripod_ i use my old slackware cfg for my kernel
09:22 tripod_ last VM i did of it i pulled the latest stable kernel from
09:23 TheRedMood Nice :9
09:23 TheRedMood Well i am doign this from a windows pc
09:23 TheRedMood But i am doign it rough ssh
09:23 tripod_ noice
09:23 tripod_ brb
09:23 tripod_ late dinner.
09:23 TheRedMood to my home slackware box
09:46 PilzAdam joined #minetest
09:47 PilzAdam Hello everyone!
09:52 jin_xi Hi Adam
09:59 ruskie *yawn*
10:02 TheRedMood Well
10:02 TheRedMood Hello :)
10:02 TheRedMood Its a wonderfull morning to compile stuff :)
10:04 TheRedMood tripod_: Are you still there :o
10:09 PilzAdam
10:12 * ruskie notes it's noon and there's not much compiling going on just work
10:18 banlieue joined #minetest
10:18 jin_xi PilzAdam: nice post. i think i'd like more options to control placement tho, rarity alone leaves too much room for random
10:18 PilzAdam worlds are random
10:18 jin_xi sure, and thats very nice and appreciated
10:23 jin_xi but i think some parameters could work great too
10:25 TheRedMood Well
10:25 TheRedMood I am compiling stuff :9
10:25 TheRedMood :)
10:29 jin_xi now how is that more interesting than say... copying stuff? it sure scrolls past faster than this channel tho...
10:30 TheRedMood Well, that is because I am not allowed to talk freely in here :)
10:30 TheRedMood ohh
10:30 TheRedMood Because compiling is a interesting process
10:31 TheRedMood Its like watching a lavalamp.
10:31 TheRedMood Never gets old :)
10:31 * ruskie knows the feeling
10:32 TheRedMood :)
10:34 PilzAdam GitHub:  13 minutes ago
10:34 PilzAdam celeron55 created the celeron55/minetest wiki
10:35 jin_xi did you answer his survey?
10:35 PilzAdam yep
10:38 TheRedMood A damn.
10:38 TheRedMood It failed :(
10:45 celeron55 PilzAdam: i removed it
10:45 celeron55 but for some reason github announced it as being created
10:45 celeron55 buggy crap 8)
10:45 PilzAdam git never forgets anything ;-)
10:46 celeron55 >developing mods without restarting over and over
10:46 celeron55 reloading a single mod is pretty much totally impossible
10:46 celeron55 but it *might* be possible to implement reloading everything while running
10:47 PilzAdam if runtime overriding of nodes would be possible you can create a  mod for that
10:47 celeron55 it isn't designed for that and there are probably some pitfalls
10:50 celeron55 hmm, it could be simplest to just implement restarting the server without dropping clients
10:51 celeron55 well, dunno
10:51 PilzAdam this is not very important
10:51 PilzAdam MT is not designed for that
10:55 Jousway joined #minetest
11:01 tripod_ TheRedMood: i am now
11:02 banlieue joined #minetest
11:10 Taoki I have a question. For get_properties in LUA, you use getstringfield to get a string. What if you want to pass an array string?
11:11 Taoki getstringfield(L, -1, "visual", prop->visual); ---- This works
11:11 Taoki getstringfield(L, -1, "textures", prop->textures); ---- This doesn't because textures is an array
11:11 Taoki And I need to pass it over as the full array, maybe have LUA read it to a string[]
11:12 Taoki Not sure if there's any point in allowing LUA to read the textures of a mesh, but while I'm at it I'd rather add that as well as it can be useful
11:12 Taoki BRB
11:13 PilzAdam joined #minetest
11:22 Basstard` 1.0 yet?
11:37 Taoki Anyone have an example script using get_properties() in LUA?
11:39 celeron55 you need to construct or read the lua table by hand
11:40 celeron55 getstringfield is actually implemented in there too; you could make a getstringarrayfield or something 8)
11:41 celeron55 search for lua_next in there, that is used for iterating tables
11:42 celeron55 (hopefully you do know the general idea of the lua C api)
11:43 Taoki I'm learning the LUA C++ API as I go now. But getting the textures isn't as important, so I might leave that for later
11:44 rsiska joined #minetest
11:45 celeron55 umm... what are you doing, actually?
11:46 celeron55 the textures are already read in there
11:48 celeron55 oh.. umm... wtf
11:49 celeron55 there is scriptapi_luaentity_get_properties and then there is read_object_properties
11:49 celeron55 the latter reads the textures
11:50 TheRedMood tripod_: Well the script doesn't work right now x3
11:51 TheRedMood tripod_: Well, I am working on it :) Most of the faults are related to the lack of conditions and so on in it
11:52 Taoki ah, I understand. I think I was confusing the two
11:52 celeron55 i don't get it... the former calls the latter, but the former does some of the things for an another time
11:53 celeron55 well, whatever, just don't confuse them and it'll be fine (somebody'll need to sort that crap out sometime)
11:53 Taoki Unfortunately, buth get_properties and read_object_properties crash the server at their current state
11:54 Taoki local test obj:get_properties({"visual"})
11:54 celeron55 there is no ObjectRef:get_properties
11:55 Taoki ok. I was trying to use it the same way as :set_properties lol
11:55 celeron55 why would you do that anyway
11:55 Taoki I'm only doing it for testing now. Trying to see if LUA can also read a player's mesh other than just set it
11:56 Taoki Using a print function to see that
11:56 celeron55 the design is that you only set them, never read them
11:56 Taoki ah, ok
12:01 NekoGloop joined #minetest
12:01 TheRedMood NEKO!
12:01 TheRedMood :D
12:01 TheRedMood I realised something yesterday!
12:01 TheRedMood You are not a cat!
12:01 TheRedMood :o
12:02 TheRedMood You are a .....
12:02 TheRedMood Half-cat!
12:02 TheRedMood :o
12:02 NekoGloop ...yes.
12:02 TheRedMood :D
12:03 NekoGloop now, someone explain... why the hell does everyone not listen to me in the slightest.
12:07 tango_ joined #minetest
12:09 NekoGloop OldCoder: requesting build permission on
12:11 tripod_ nice one TheRedMood
12:18 Taoki For everyone who's interested in the progress of 3D models:
12:19 tripod_ i am
12:19 tripod_ xD
12:19 Taoki Pretty much, everything is done apart from the code to switch animations. I'll be getting to that next
12:19 Taoki :)
12:19 NekoGloop looks like a penguin
12:19 jin_xi Taoki: nice work, keep it up!
12:19 Taoki NekoGloop: It's a randomly extruded sphere. A good player model is the last concern for now
12:19 Taoki Need to get the code done first
12:29 tripod joined #minetest
12:43 Taoki Ok, I believe I found a model format that should work with irrlicht and support rigs: b3d
12:43 Taoki Seems super kart tux uses this, so it should be fine
12:44 Taoki Anyone experienced with modelling got any objections to this if another format isn't found? Once again it is VERY difficult to find a mesh format that works with Irrlicht that does what I'm intending it to, so I hope this is fine
12:51 TheRedMood X3
12:51 TheRedMood You worrie way to much, miss.
12:51 Taoki Just wanna do it right :P I worry more about how i'll get the animation code running
12:51 TheRedMood Oh,
12:51 TheRedMood That is going to be rough....
12:51 Taoki I'll also need a bone attachment code. So that players can visibly hold items like in MC
12:56 ttk2 joined #minetest
12:56 Octupus joined #minetest
12:57 Octupus hello
12:58 Taoki I'm currently trying to find a b3d export script for blender 2.64. If anyone knows one, please post a link
12:58 Taoki And of course if you want 3D players :)
13:01 Taoki Trying this one so far: Will see if I can get another simple test mesh to export
13:06 tripod glhf
13:10 pskosinski joined #minetest
13:15 mrtux joined #minetest
13:15 Octupus can any1 tell me what mod makes the server crashes and deletes recent blocks
13:17 hmmmm joined #minetest
13:23 TheRedMood I need to go
13:23 Octupus Can any1 assist me
13:23 Octupus bye
13:25 FreeFull joined #minetest
13:25 TheLastProject joined #minetest
13:26 Octupus can any1 of you help me
13:29 jin_xi what up?
13:30 Octupus i have disapperaing nodes on my server since last night
13:31 jin_xi mmkay... can you be a bit more specific on how they disappear?
13:32 jin_xi is it purely visual or do nodes vanish from the map?
13:32 Octupus vanish
13:33 PilzAdam joined #minetest
13:33 jin_xi thats weird. is the map regenerating?
13:33 Octupus no
13:33 Taoki Weird, for some reason animated meshes require new settings in the client to load their format, while obj didn't x_x
13:33 Octupus like recent block disappear
13:34 Octupus i buil 1 side of my house 8 times
13:34 jin_xi idk. but did you recently change something in your setup?
13:34 Octupus removed a mod
13:35 jin_xi which mod? pls be specific, it avoids those questions...
13:35 Octupus node_owner my cornernote
13:35 Octupus *by
13:36 jin_xi so, here is my guess:
13:37 jin_xi ownership of land is somehow still present and prevents you from changing nodes
13:37 NekoGloop joined #minetest
13:37 Octupus how can i remove ownership of land?
13:37 jin_xi never used this mod, don't know how it works and what it does to world files.
13:38 NekoGloop node_ownership?
13:38 Octupus no
13:38 NekoGloop it brutally maims the world files.
13:38 Octupus node_Owner
13:38 Octupus i might have to go to a back up
13:38 Octupus and safe my friends world
13:41 Octupus *house
13:43 NekoGloop Kalinka? Malinka?
13:46 Octupus just waiting for the big man to wake up
13:47 NekoGloop which one, the old one? ;)
13:48 Octupus :D
13:49 jin_xi NekoGloop ok, this one i liked
13:49 NekoGloop eh?
13:49 jin_xi dat song
13:49 NekoGloop note: they're both crossdressers :D
13:49 NekoGloop one is a girl dressing like a guy, the other a guy dressing like a girl.
13:54 Taoki Seems that the texture cache in the client has serious oddities with loading files
13:55 Taoki obj worked, now for animated meshes it expects me to load some data from some cache
13:55 NekoGloop enable_texture_atlas=false
13:55 Taoki Data from cache cannot even be loaded like a normal file it appears
13:55 Taoki Is anyone experienced with all that stuff
13:56 NekoGloop just kill the minetest source.
13:57 jin_xi and your point is?
13:57 NekoGloop ?
14:00 Octupus XD the guy stole wiz khalifa's car XD
14:02 Octupus
14:03 Octupus some1 watch that some hardcore matrix shit
14:03 Octupus and need for speed
14:04 NekoGloop
14:05 Octupus this man out running the coppers and stole wiz khalifa's car  XD
14:07 Taoki Can someone clarify how that file cache mess works please?
14:08 Octupus i wonder when the boss man will be awake
14:09 NekoGloop
14:09 NekoGloop and HL him endlessly, he'll wake up eventually :3
14:10 OldCoder Hello
14:10 OldCoder NekoGloop, Octupus Taoki how are you?
14:11 NekoGloop haha
14:11 NekoGloop waiting for interact on :3]
14:11 NekoGloop :3*
14:11 OldCoder I have turned atlas off by default for future builds
14:11 Taoki OldCoder: Not well, having an issue with the code being broken
14:11 OldCoder NekoGloop, interact is coming now then
14:11 NekoGloop
14:11 OldCoder Taoki, I have not read up yet
14:11 Taoki I need help with it
14:11 OldCoder Taoki, sure
14:11 Taoki ok
14:11 OldCoder Hold on a cat needs interact
14:11 Octupus hi coder
14:11 OldCoder Hi
14:12 Octupus talk on m13 please
14:12 Octupus i need to talk to you
14:12 OldCoder Sure
14:12 OldCoder Wait
14:12 OldCoder Hold on a cat needs interact
14:12 Octupus ok :)
14:12 NekoGloop ^w^
14:12 OldCoder I may need to be to San Jose again today but I'll be here at least 3 or 4 hours now first
14:13 Octupus ok :)
14:13 OldCoder NekoGloop, what is your NickoGloop in the game?
14:13 NekoGloop NekoGloop
14:13 OldCoder Done
14:13 OldCoder Octupus, coming
14:13 OldCoder Taoki, I will read shortly
14:15 WolfgangB joined #minetest
14:17 Taoki OldCoder: Some very badly made (IMO) code in the client requires translating each type of file. Apparently it would want me to translate meshes, which is probably not possible. And for OBJ this wasn't needed... the model format normally cannot influence these things
14:18 OldCoder Taoki, I am reading above. Here are two questions. Will removing node ownership and texture atlases both help or are they unrelated?
14:18 Taoki OldCoder: I think unrelated. Hold on, I'll yhow in detail where
14:19 Taoki OldCoder: client.cpp line 808: bool Client::loadMedia(const std::string &data, const std::string &filename)
14:19 OldCoder jin_xi, There was a similar problem with 30000. Weird database damage. I will put Octupus world back a week or two.
14:19 Taoki In that function you must apparently translate each file somehow, and load its data in the cache
14:19 OldCoder Taoki, go on
14:19 Taoki yes,
14:19 OldCoder Taoki, let me read above briefly
14:20 Taoki OldCoder: This is the entire function
14:20 OldCoder TheRedMood, what would be in Bedrock? A daemon called Fred?
14:20 OldCoder Taoki Reviewing
14:20 Taoki As you can see, images and sounds are both being loaded in a specific way there. Apparently tou somehow extract their data, and put it in the cache
14:21 OldCoder Taoki allow time for review
14:21 Taoki I need to understand how this works and how to add models in that list.
14:21 Taoki sure
14:21 Octupus coder a week or 2 will remove the new spawn
14:21 OldCoder Octupus, that will be fine
14:21 Octupus OHH yea i need to same my house
14:21 OldCoder Taoki, I am reading
14:21 OldCoder Octupus, go do it
14:21 Octupus i forgot :D
14:22 iqualfragile joined #minetest
14:22 OldCoder Taoki, they are using Irrlicht calls to merge either images or sound files into the current data. The heart of it is:
14:22 OldCoder m_tsrc->insertSourceImage(filename, img);
14:22 OldCoder m_sound->loadSoundData(name, data);
14:22 OldCoder I am reviewing your own comments now
14:23 Taoki OldCoder: Yes. Apparently I need to find a variant for meshes
14:23 OldCoder Or do an end run around the issue
14:23 * OldCoder is reviewing
14:23 OldCoder Taoki, I assume conversion to image at this stage would be out of the question. Correct/
14:23 OldCoder ?
14:23 Octupus Young and Reckless_Alumni
14:24 OldCoder ?
14:24 Taoki OldCoder: Yes. The model needs to be put in that stream (or what it is) as a model and understood as such
14:24 Octupus ?
14:24 Taoki The format is b3d
14:24 OldCoder Taoki, what if that requires rewrites at a higher level?
14:24 Taoki Normally it shouldn't. Also obj did not require this
14:24 OldCoder What if there is no provision for this in MT in the code that will use the cache?
14:24 OldCoder Wait
14:24 OldCoder OBJ is a model format
14:24 OldCoder Is it not?
14:25 Taoki yes. And that one worked
14:25 Taoki I switched to b3d, now it wants this
14:25 OldCoder Excuse naive question. I assume the answer is no. Mesh can't be converted to OBJ?
14:25 OldCoder I am checking something
14:25 Taoki No, it's a static format. For players we need dynamic format
14:25 Taoki With bone support. b3d has that
14:25 OldCoder It may not be possible at this point without rewrites elsewhere. Hold on.
14:26 Taoki That makes no sense, Irrlicht handles the model rendering. Plus that model format should not change anything
14:26 OldCoder Wait please
14:26 OldCoder Wait
14:27 OldCoder Here is a possible explanation
14:27 OldCoder Confirm this or contradict it if you can. Irrlicht apparently supports OBJ but not BDS. Is there a third format that might work?
14:27 Taoki It's not bds... b3d
14:27 OldCoder Rather B3D
14:27 OldCoder That was a typo
14:27 Taoki Weird, someone said it does IIRC
14:28 OldCoder I am seeing remarks to the effect...
14:28 Taoki super tux kart uses it
14:28 OldCoder That people use a third party exporter
14:28 OldCoder Looking for a conclusive statement now
14:28 Taoki Yes, got one for Blender
14:28 OldCoder If no export
14:28 OldCoder That implies no native support
14:28 OldCoder Hold on
14:29 OldCoder Can import B3D
14:30 OldCoder Taoki, I am seeing import and export for B3D but not much about native support for the format
14:30 OldCoder When you used OBJ...
14:30 OldCoder Was the load call bypassed entirely?
14:30 Taoki odd. I will ask on their channel
14:30 OldCoder Yes
14:30 Taoki Dunno, it just worked
14:30 OldCoder I'd need to see the fork in the path
14:30 Octupus i hate when ppl see me at the supermarket and they are like "Hey what are you doing here" and im just like:Oh you know hunting elephants
14:30 OldCoder ??
14:31 OldCoder Octupus, what is that about?
14:31 Octupus idk XD
14:31 OldCoder Taoki, I'd need to see where the MT code decides to make the loadMedia call or not
14:31 Taoki OldCoder: What is it with that function I pasted earlier however? Might I need to add an interpreter for meshes there either way?
14:31 Taoki Not sure about that
14:31 Taoki Now i'm confused and worried though :/
14:31 OldCoder Taoki, see above. I don't know about this but I can probably comment. Don't be worried. This is an exploration.
14:32 OldCoder The question is...
14:32 Calinou joined #minetest
14:32 OldCoder Taoki, (a) Does loadMedia get called for OBJ and work or (b) not get called in the same way at all?
14:32 OldCoder I'd add a printf or >> to find out
14:32 Octupus Boy:SHe's Hot    Girl:She's a B****  Girl:He's Hot      Boy:He's gay XD
14:32 OldCoder Taoki, looking at the code...
14:32 Taoki OldCoder: Likely not called (b). Because that function filters by extension, and obj was not there
14:32 OldCoder Octupus, ??
14:33 Octupus XD
14:33 OldCoder Taoki, I was just going to say...
14:33 Taoki OldCoder: Ok, thanks lots doing that and the help, I'll wait for what you find
14:33 OldCoder Taoki, exactly that. Find the code that makes the decision at a higher level and we'll now
14:33 Taoki yes
14:33 Octupus when i was young i used to draw the sun at the corner of the page XD
14:33 OldCoder Taoki, I can't find it myself I'm afraid. Look for the corner that does the decision. I think we can nail this down.
14:34 OldCoder Octupus, most kids do that
14:34 OldCoder Octupus, and I am confused about the supermarket
14:34 OldCoder It does not seem related to your MT house or backup
14:34 OldCoder Taoki, the code says...
14:34 NekoGloop oh no!
14:34 Taoki OldCoder: No idea how to find that either. Not sure how to fix this :(
14:34 NekoGloop i lost the tardis!
14:34 Octupus Boy:ily    Girl:say it out makes it special     boy:im leaving you XD
14:34 OldCoder Taoki, then I must help you
14:34 Octupus i already saved my house
14:34 OldCoder Octupus, is this from a song?
14:34 OldCoder Taoki, I can grep the code
14:34 Octupus no pictures XD
14:35 Taoki NekoGloop: After this part I can probably do most of the animations on my own. But there are those parts I can't understand
14:35 Taoki Thanks
14:35 Taoki I use gep all the time and still don't find something useful
14:35 Taoki **grep
14:35 OldCoder Octupus, I have no idea what you are talking about but I will go save your world now
14:35 Taoki erm OldCoder not NekoGloop, above ^
14:35 OldCoder Taoki, I will take half an hour to an hour to catch up with things and save Octupus world. Then I will grep myself.
14:35 Octupus ok
14:35 OldCoder Octupus, it sounds like a soap opera
14:35 Taoki ok, thanks
14:35 Octupus We have 2 addresses memorized
14:36 OldCoder Why is the girl leaving the boy?
14:36 OldCoder Octupus, I am focusing now on the backups. Page me if I'm needed.
14:36 Octupus ours and P>sherman 42 wallaby way  sydney
14:36 Octupus Nemo :D
14:36 Octupus ok coder
14:37 OldCoder Octupus, How about October 14? Would that work?
14:37 Octupus il be here posting for randomness
14:37 Octupus yes
14:37 Taoki OldCoder: Someone on #irrlicht confirmed b3d is natively supported by irrlicht. So it's likely a problem here :( (just letting you know for when you will look into it)
14:37 Calinou windows 8 is released today in the USA, amirite?
14:37 Calinou Taoki: WOW POPULAR FORMAT
14:37 Calinou YEY
14:37 OldCoder I have no idea
14:37 OldCoder Calinou, comments about the code would be helpful
14:37 Taoki Calinou: Yes. I heard it's one of the good formats
14:37 * Calinou laughs
14:37 Calinou never heard of it > noone uses it
14:37 Taoki Calinou: I'm running into huge issues with the media stream / cache however
14:38 Calinou is it a free format? text or binary?
14:38 Taoki Calinou: ok. Some websites say it's one of the most popular formats for 3D
14:38 Calinou what kind of restrictions does it have?
14:38 Taoki binary, but it's likely free. Super tux kart uses it
14:38 Calinou can blender export/import it fine?
14:38 Octupus i hate when a B***** can take a compliment     Your so pretty          No im ugly           Well f**** it yout ugly then damn
14:38 OldCoder Calinou, through 3rd party filters
14:38 Taoki Yes, with an external exporter. Was hard to find one but I did
14:38 Calinou well that works
14:38 Calinou I bet it can be used then... lacking IQM support :|
14:38 * Calinou slaps irrlicht guys again
14:39 OldCoder Calinou, the problem is that some code decides to call loadMedia for b3d but not for obj
14:39 Taoki Problem is I suddenly need some sort of cache interpreter in the client
14:39 Octupus when ever i see a clownfish i automatically think OMG its nemo XD
14:39 Taoki OldCoder: Exactly
14:39 OldCoder Octupus, best not to see it on your plate then
14:39 Octupus XD
14:40 Taoki Calinou: client.cpp line 808, bool Client::loadMedia(const std::string &data, const std::string &filename)
14:40 Octupus no headphones+yu can talk to me
14:40 Taoki Calinou: For some reason b3d files go through that function while obj ones don't
14:40 Octupus 1 headphone+you can talk to me if i like you
14:40 Octupus 2 headphones= F*** off
14:40 OldCoder Folks I am wondering if I should delete node owner from all the worlds
14:40 Taoki Calinou: And, that function requires me to somehow interpret the model and put it in the stream.
14:41 OldCoder Octupus, what was the node owner mod you liked instead?
14:41 Octupus node_ownersho[
14:41 Octupus *ship
14:41 Taoki What is the mod about?
14:41 OldCoder I have one by that name. sorry but I need the link again. You did give it before but I wish to be sure.
14:41 OldCoder Taoki, there are three anti griefing mods
14:42 Octupus ok
14:42 OldCoder Protector and two named Node Ownership
14:42 OldCoder I added Protector and one Node Ownership
14:42 Taoki ahh, to make certain blocks or areas unable toe dit by others?
14:42 OldCoder Yes
14:42 Taoki I have my own idea about that which I'd really like to see
14:42 OldCoder Wondering if N.O. is a problem
14:42 Octupus its a pillow its a pet is a PILLOW PET
14:42 OldCoder Oh?
14:42 Octupus XD
14:42 Taoki OldCoder: I'd like a mod where you can use fences with a sign to make an area belong to a player
14:42 Taoki So if it's in the bounds of that fance, only the owner can edit it (plus the fence itself)
14:42 OldCoder Taoki, delineated by fences
14:43 OldCoder Would take a while to code I assume
14:43 OldCoder Unless
14:43 Taoki Yes. And possibly by putting a sign or special item on the fence to mark it as a node ownership fence
14:43 OldCoder Delineation is a concept already in the game
14:43 OldCoder Long term feature
14:43 Octupus
14:43 Octupus OldCoder,^'
14:43 Taoki yeah, dunno sadly
14:43 OldCoder Others: Please review that thread
14:43 OldCoder Can I get any consensus on the current Node Ownership mod?
14:44 OldCoder As opposed to the one Octupus likes?
14:44 Taoki If freely shaped fences are an issue however, the player could create a cube ouf of placing 8 nodes on the ground, and own that
14:44 OldCoder Taoki, put this in a text file
14:44 Taoki I'll probably post on the forum
14:44 OldCoder Taoki, try to maintain a text file of remarks and ideas
14:44 OldCoder Please do the text file as well
14:44 Octupus that link is the 1 i like
14:45 OldCoder Octupus, I will review but replacing your world first
14:45 Octupus k
14:45 Taoki Calinou: Anyway, any chance you could also help look at this issue with the model formats? I can't understand it and really need help on this one. Didn't even know some files get parsed by that function, whatever its purpose is
14:45 OldCoder Octupus, you are 30004 right?
14:45 Taoki OldCoder: I will when I have more time, very focused with the models for now
14:45 Octupus yep
14:45 Calinou Taoki: who said I was a C++ programmer :P
14:45 NekoGloop node_ownership?
14:45 Taoki Calinou: Just asking :P
14:45 NekoGloop if it's added, I'm off the servers.
14:45 Taoki if you are
14:45 Octupus HEY YOU
14:45 Octupus XD
14:46 Calinou Taoki: maybe look at the image loading code? it supports different formats
14:46 OldCoder Taoki, if you wish to comment on possibilities just paste it into a text file or the ideas may be lost
14:46 NekoGloop greedy bitches steal other people's land
14:46 Calinou also, did you try loading .obj models with editing extensions?
14:46 Taoki Calinou: I looked at a lot of code. The image loading code has image speicfic functions that translate it
14:46 OldCoder NekoGloop, I am not following. Node Ownership is already there and I am considering removing it
14:46 Taoki As well as the sound loading code
14:46 NekoGloop why, if you have protect blocks?
14:46 Taoki OldCoder: Personally, I suggest removing it until we find a way to define owned areas with fences or other nodes
14:46 Calinou supporting just one format would work... having several formats is good but not really needed
14:46 Calinou eg. almost everyone uses .png
14:47 OldCoder To protect things by default
14:47 Calinou jpg is nearly pointless
14:47 OldCoder
14:47 OldCoder NekoGloop and others review that one
14:47 OldCoder Is it worthwhile?
14:47 OldCoder Octupus recommends it
14:47 NekoGloop no.
14:47 OldCoder Others?
14:47 NekoGloop of course, my opinion doesnt matter
14:48 pk1001100011 joined #minetest
14:48 Calinou minecraft now has a bug tracker: "HI i trayed to play on x360 but i dont find my online friends and i need to pay to have friends????????????"
14:48 NekoGloop you'll add it anyway.
14:48 OldCoder NekoGloop, your opinion matters quite a bit
14:48 Octupus neko what can i do with alatro ?
14:48 OldCoder No comments on the new mod from others?
14:48 Calinou Octupus: tools
14:48 Calinou iirc
14:48 OldCoder
14:48 OldCoder This one?
14:48 Octupus o
14:49 NekoGloop octupus: tools, blocks.
14:49 Octupus OOHHH
14:49 Octupus i like how kalite hels you
14:49 Calinou every ore allows you to make blocks
14:49 NekoGloop Calinou: not arol.
14:49 NekoGloop Octupus: it also makes a good furnace fuel.
14:50 Octupus server down coder
14:50 OldCoder I will drop the old node owner for now
14:50 OldCoder Octupus, I am replacing your world
14:50 OldCoder Wait
14:50 Octupus ok
14:50 adam___ joined #minetest
14:50 NekoGloop ... help.
14:50 NekoGloop I'm stuck
14:50 OldCoder In 30006 ?
14:50 NekoGloop yes.
14:50 OldCoder How did it happen?
14:51 OldCoder Wait
14:51 iqualfragile hmm… i guess it is allright to add that mod
14:51 NekoGloop teleporter, i teleported to an owned underground area.
14:51 OldCoder How did you get teleport?
14:51 NekoGloop teleporter node
14:51 OldCoder and once there
14:51 OldCoder you are stuck
14:51 OldCoder I will restart without node owner
14:51 NekoGloop cant dig, server says area owned
14:52 OldCoder You have made your point kitty :-)
14:52 NekoGloop i teleported to somewhere protected by protect blocks.
14:52 OldCoder Restarting without node owner temporarily in a minute
14:52 NekoGloop not node_owner
14:52 PilzAdam joined #minetest
14:52 Octupus Hi adam
14:52 OldCoder NekoGloop, does what I just did fix it?
14:52 PilzAdam hi Octupu
14:52 OldCoder NekoGloop, you can fly now
14:52 iqualfragile hi
14:53 iqualfragile did c55 say anything yesterday after i was gone?
14:53 NekoGloop he's capable of intelligent conversation?
14:54 Octupus ::O
14:54 iqualfragile actualy he is even here right now
14:54 OldCoder Restarting U.S. worlds
14:55 NekoGloop I just got loaded too.
14:55 Octupus I just realized something
14:55 OldCoder O?
14:55 Octupus that there isnt 1 caribbean server
14:55 OldCoder Nope
14:56 Octupus i miss sparky
14:56 Octupus but he has a better life now
14:57 OldCoder Yes
14:58 Octupus who knew that weed makes you skinny
14:59 OldCoder Octupus, your world has been reset 10 days
14:59 OldCoder Try it now
14:59 OldCoder Others: Worlds should be restarted
14:59 OldCoder Node Ownership is removed temporarily
14:59 OldCoder NekoGloop, you have fly
14:59 OldCoder in 30006
14:59 OldCoder Taoki, I will be AFK for 10 minutes then will grep the code
14:59 OldCoder ^ Announcements
14:59 OldCoder
15:00 OldCoder Leaving for 10 seconds to try something
15:00 Taoki OldCoder: ok,
15:00 OldCoder left #minetest
15:00 OldCoder joined #minetest
15:00 Octupus how the blog going friend
15:00 OldCoder We will see
15:01 OldCoder I am AFK for 10 minutes or so
15:01 OldCoder Please test the worlds; Octupus especially yours
15:01 Octupus i am
15:01 OldCoder k
15:01 Octupus just waiting for the textrues
15:01 Octupus babyface1031a will get his house
15:02 Octupus :)
15:02 Octupus then il have to worldedit a basement for him
15:02 Octupus Thanks coder :D
15:02 OldCoder Sure
15:02 OldCoder See if it works
15:03 Octupus im trying to find where he had his house
15:03 Jordach joined #minetest
15:04 Taoki OldCoder: When you are back, I spoke with c55 about the media issue. The code going through that function is correct, Client::loadMedia must read all files from the media stream in the memory. It's Irrlicht functionality, and what I apparently need are the irrlicht functions to put / get files from the memory system
15:04 Octupus y cant i open facehouse?
15:04 Octupus coder are the  schemeatics in there
15:05 Taoki Seems I am slowly comint to an end of what I can do with the mesh code. Pretty soon I'll need help finsihing it
15:06 Taoki As it's also possible I might have to send animations, texture settings, etc. of the mesh to the client
15:06 Octupus oh well guess il have to rebuild his home
15:08 Jordach hey PilzAdam
15:08 * Jordach has BF3, but no gold
15:08 PilzAdam sup Jordac
15:08 PilzAdam +h
15:09 * PilzAdam just installed Kubuntu 12.10
15:09 Jordach kewl
15:14 Octupus jordach wanna play with me on my server?
15:15 Calinou PilzAdam: Recommends: A Guide To Kubuntu (Amazon)
15:15 Calinou :>
15:17 Octupus calinou wud  like to play with me
15:18 iqualfragile calinou: i doubt he will need that
15:18 * iqualfragile just set up fai to install kubuntu!
15:19 Calinou fai?
15:19 Calinou all *buntus suck anyway :p
15:20 iqualfragile yup
15:20 OldCoder Back
15:21 OldCoder Facehouse?
15:21 OldCoder Taoki, all right
15:21 OldCoder Oh
15:21 OldCoder Babyface House
15:21 OldCoder Octupus, wait
15:21 Taoki WB
15:21 OldCoder Octupus, I need to move the schema for you
15:22 OldCoder Octupus, I am stopping your world to move the schema
15:22 MilanFIN joined #minetest
15:22 Octupus k
15:23 Octupus i almost finished his house anyways but i still need my scheme for my house
15:23 OldCoder coming
15:23 OldCoder Restarting Octuteam world
15:23 OldCoder Octupus, schems are copied
15:24 Octupus k thanks friends
15:24 Octupus *friend
15:25 OldCoder Others please indicate problems if any
15:30 Octupus coder did u backing up helping the server?
15:30 Octupus port:30000
15:32 whirm joined #minetest
15:34 Octupus that plants shall grow
15:35 Octupus i have most of his house finished
15:35 Octupus just need to place his generaators
15:36 Octupus and grnder and solar panel
15:36 ruskie finally got some copper now just need some diamond
15:38 Octupus Lol
15:38 Octupus im on my server ruskie :)
15:38 Octupus its fun
15:41 Taoki OldCoder: Been talking on the IRC for an hour about this issue. It's hard to both explain and understand responses to / from the problem. All I know so far is that in Client::loadMedia I need to interpret the mesh, possibly as a raw file so the client can get it
15:44 RealBadAngel joined #minetest
15:44 OldCoder Taoki, I feel I can comment further
15:44 RealBadAngel hit all
15:44 OldCoder But I will need to review the code
15:44 OldCoder RealBadAngel, Hello
15:44 Taoki hi
15:44 Taoki OldCoder: My code?
15:44 OldCoder Taoki, No; MT
15:44 OldCoder Taoki, there is a key question...
15:45 RealBadAngel Taoki, got any further?
15:45 Taoki ok. Mine if needed can be seen here
15:45 Taoki RealBadAngel: With a lot of things, but I've ran into a block for hours
15:45 Taoki Asking over the place on how to fix it
15:45 OldCoder Taoki, I will review the code by tonight. But see what I said above. I need to find out why the function is called for b3d and not obj
15:45 OldCoder Taoki, If you add printfs you may be able to tell
15:45 Taoki RealBadAngel: In client.cpp line 808, Client::loadMedia function: I need to read and interpret the mesh file there. I'm required to do this for the m3d format, which is an animated format
15:45 OldCoder If not, I will need to review for a while
15:46 Taoki OldCoder: From what I understand, it's because the file was read directly and not put through the stream, which was bad. For b3d it's put through the stream
15:46 OldCoder Taoki, wait; is that backwards?
15:46 RealBadAngel taoki, again: towntest mod reading .we files
15:47 PilzAdam joined #minetest
15:47 OldCoder not put through the stream, which was bad. For b3d it's put through the stream
15:47 OldCoder Isn't that contradictory?
15:47 OldCoder Is loadMedia called for OBJ or not? I gather it is not
15:47 Taoki RealBadAngel: It's a lotmore complicated here. I need to add a new file format through the memory stream. Different than last night's issue
15:47 Octupus I finished babyfaces house
15:48 RealBadAngel now im goin to sleep, be back about midnight CET
15:48 RealBadAngel then if you are online i will try to help
15:48 Octupus bye rba
15:48 OldCoder Taoki, see my question above please
15:49 OldCoder <OldCoder> not put through the stream, which was bad. For b3d it's put through the stream
15:49 OldCoder <OldCoder> Isn't that contradictory?
15:49 OldCoder <OldCoder> Is loadMedia called for OBJ or not? I gather it is not
15:49 RealBadAngel Octopus: not yet, buit soon
15:49 RealBadAngel still eating lunch
15:49 whirm joined #minetest
15:49 Taoki OldCoder: I'm confused why obj wasn't and b3d is as well
15:50 Taoki But it seems to happen. Important thing is files must go through the stream
15:50 OldCoder Taoki, I wish to know what happens with OBJ
15:50 OldCoder We will need to track that down
15:50 OldCoder Can be done with printfs
15:50 Taoki yes. Sadly I don't know about that
15:50 Taoki hmm
15:50 OldCoder You could simply add >> or printfs and redirect the output
15:51 RealBadAngel yesterday was the same story
15:51 OldCoder as the program is run
15:51 OldCoder Taoki, I see that as the next step
15:51 RealBadAngel Taoki, you just dindnt knew the right questions
15:52 Taoki For now I'm getting closer to the issue slowly, with c55. I need to use createMemoryReadFile in that function and assert it, but must get the mesh properly first
15:52 Taoki By the correct name
15:53 RealBadAngel as i proposed
15:53 RealBadAngel all cached
15:53 MilanFIN joined #minetest
15:53 RealBadAngel lua just selects the proer one
15:53 sciopat joined #minetest
15:56 Octupus ok rba
15:57 OldCoder Taoki, I repeat: If OBJ does not get passed to that function perhaps we should look at what happens with OBJ
15:57 OldCoder It is a point worth considering
15:59 Octupus i now will finish redecorating my house
16:00 OldCoder Octupus, how did the world work out?
16:00 Octupus great
16:00 Octupus i finished building babyface house without any blcks disappearing
16:00 Octupus thanks
16:01 Octupus i spoke 2 soon
16:03 Octupus FUCK THE WORLD
16:03 Octupus GOOD DAMMIT
16:03 Octupus AH FUCK
16:03 Octupus DAM
16:04 Octupus OldCoder,^
16:04 OldCoder Hi
16:04 OldCoder ??
16:05 Octupus i give up
16:05 Taoki OldCoder: I agree. I'd like to find that out. Currently with c55 on getting it to work through the stream, should be nearly there
16:05 OldCoder Octupus, don't give up
16:05 OldCoder This is interesting. That copy of the world is 10 days old.
16:05 OldCoder Octupus, I am running the same server as then. I will review all changes.
16:05 OldCoder Give me a few minutes
16:05 Octupus ok
16:05 Octupus im gradually pissed off
16:06 Octupus i built that fucking wall 11 times now
16:06 OldCoder Yes; that must be annoying
16:06 OldCoder Taoki, O.K.
16:06 OldCoder Octupus, this is odd as the world was back to 10 days ago
16:06 OldCoder I will check all changes shortly on this end
16:06 Octupus k
16:07 jin_xi Octupus: surely  it will work once you rebuild it 44 times more
16:07 Octupus im not even gonna build it once mrore
16:07 OldCoder jin_xi, what do you suppose is happening?
16:08 OldCoder I have restored his world to 10 days ago
16:08 OldCoder What is making things disappear?
16:08 OldCoder Vanessa said lag but this is a bug
16:08 OldCoder An odd one
16:08 jin_xi he said he removed a mod, and since then the issue is present
16:08 fortytwo joined #minetest
16:08 sciopat joined #minetest
16:09 jin_xi so i presume it is to do with said mod, node_owner i believe.
16:09 jin_xi anyway here is what happens:
16:10 jin_xi_ joined #minetest
16:10 OldCoder jin_xi, the problem occurred before the mod was removed
16:11 OldCoder I removed the mod as an attempted solution
16:11 OldCoder Hmm
16:11 OldCoder He was taken by the net split
16:12 jin_xi_ well, im back
16:12 jin_xi_ with a _
16:12 Octupus joined #minetest
16:13 Octupus i think it may be the build also
16:14 OldCoder Octupus, the build? Can you explain?
16:15 Octupus umm
16:15 Octupus the version you built for windows
16:15 OldCoder Oh? The client?
16:15 OldCoder Try a different client, then
16:15 Octupus iok
16:15 OldCoder This may be a useful test
16:16 cisoun1 joined #minetest
16:16 Octupus DA FUCK
16:16 OldCoder ?
16:16 Octupus why are my table green
16:16 OldCoder Octupus, I am going to try something additional
16:17 OldCoder Octupus, I will put both the world and the mods back 10 days ago
16:17 OldCoder Both of them
16:17 Octupus k wait
16:18 afkael joined #minetest
16:18 Octupus ok ima wait for a couple of minutes
16:19 OldCoder Working on this
16:21 jin_xi lol @ browse the sauce
16:22 Octupus when i came on u shut it down XD
16:22 OldCoder Octupus, I am resetting. I wonder if there is a problem with the schems.
16:22 OldCoder Octupus, I wish to reload without the schems for a day.
16:22 Octupus ?
16:23 OldCoder Octupus, I mean just go back to 10 days ago for both the mods and the world
16:23 OldCoder And see if no problems occur
16:23 OldCoder THEN
16:23 OldCoder reload the new objects
16:23 Octupus i built babyface's house completely by hand
16:24 Octupus and it reset some of it
16:24 Octupus I GIVE UP ON LIVE
16:24 Octupus *RAGE QUIT*
16:26 OldCoder Octupus, relax a bit
16:26 OldCoder Octupus, this is good training for engineering
16:27 MilanFIN joined #minetest
16:28 * Octupus might not be around because he might be bathing or attacking the wall :)
16:29 OldCoder All right
16:30 OldCoder Octupus, I have restarted with several changes. Do this. Do not rebuild that house again today. Either yours or Baby Face. I have not copied the schems. Just play for a day and tell me if there are problems.
16:30 OldCoder This is called debugging
16:31 OldCoder
16:31 OldCoder I am on an errand for about half an hour
16:31 * OldCoder back soon
16:39 khor joined #minetest
16:43 Octupus boom
16:50 MiJyn joined #minetest
16:51 MiJyn hello
16:57 Octupus XD
16:57 Octupus Now i just dont give a fuck
17:00 Octupus OldCoder,when you come back i want to tell you the server got worst and thanks
17:00 Octupus for the help and the server it self
17:00 OldCoder Hi
17:00 Octupus hi
17:01 OldCoder Octupus, I don't wish you to be distressed. if you have given up there is nothing to lose. Correct? Therefore relax and explain.
17:01 Jordach I LIKE TABS
17:01 OldCoder Reviewing Jordach
17:01 OldCoder Jordach, Some sort of icons
17:01 Jordach see the top bar
17:02 OldCoder k
17:02 Octupus just put some glass to make a tower . i go 100 high come back down and the wholle glass is gone
17:03 OldCoder Octupus, this is very odd. Try an older client; will you do this as a favor? I wish to track down the monster.
17:03 OldCoder Jordach, I am distracted and will need help. I see tabs.
17:03 Jordach i count about 34
17:03 Octupus im using 4.2
17:04 OldCoder Octupus, are you using a client that is not mine?
17:04 Octupus ye
17:04 Octupus *yes
17:04 OldCoder Octupus, now to debug; try my client. Remove your emotions and give up hope. Then treat this as a puzzle.
17:04 OldCoder In a puzzle of this type we remove possibilities one by one
17:04 OldCoder Like trapping a mouse in the house
17:04 OldCoder Then skips and jumps about
17:05 OldCoder But in the end we corner it and it is gone
17:05 Octupus i did try your client same thing
17:05 OldCoder I will post in the dev channel about this as it may well be a core problem
17:05 OldCoder Octupus, so...
17:05 Octupus same thing happen
17:06 Octupus i think it worldedit
17:06 OldCoder 1. Old world. 2. Old mods. 3. I have tried different servers. 4. You have tried different clients. And things disappear.
17:06 OldCoder Wait!
17:06 OldCoder I said not to put things back
17:06 Octupus i didnt
17:06 OldCoder Have you done worldedit on this copy?
17:06 Octupus :l
17:06 whirm joined #minetest
17:06 OldCoder Then it is not worldedit
17:06 OldCoder Do not :l
17:06 OldCoder As I said this is a puzzle
17:06 Octupus well then :
17:06 OldCoder We have changed almost everything
17:06 * OldCoder laughs
17:07 * Jordach waits for VLC player
17:07 * Jordach then hates SourceForge for slow speed
17:07 OldCoder Octupus, your world may be dead for now but we will revive it. If necessary we will move the entire thing to an entirely different type of database.
17:07 OldCoder Octupus, I must leave again today but this world is not forgotten
17:07 OldCoder I will state before I leave
17:07 OldCoder I regret things are not in order
17:08 Octupus k
17:08 Octupus :
17:08 thexyz OldCoder: any news on leveldb test?
17:08 MiJyn joined #minetest
17:10 OldCoder yes
17:10 Octupus i got an idea
17:11 Octupus y not reset server to the original map
17:11 thexyz OldCoder: so..?
17:11 OldCoder thexyz, on the phone
17:11 OldCoder brb
17:13 PilzAdam brb
17:13 Octupus is red wool default?
17:13 Octupus or wool:red
17:15 FreeFull Should be wool:red
17:16 Octupus i cant find door in default
17:16 PilzAdam joined #minetest
17:16 FreeFull doors:door_wood
17:16 Octupus found it
17:18 Octupus well ima play fifa
17:18 NekoGloop joined #minetest
17:18 Octupus if u need me well
17:18 Octupus :l
17:23 NekoGloop since obviously my ability to code in lua is useless, i give up.
17:25 neko259 joined #minetest
17:26 Octupus who am i kidding no1 is gonna need me
17:26 tripod i need you baby
17:26 tripod you can light my fire
17:27 Octupus dont ever call me that again
17:27 Octupus :l
17:27 tripod you nimrod
17:28 Jordach
17:28 Octupus ********
17:29 Octupus thats what gonna happen jordach
17:32 NekoGloop my mods are discontinued.
17:33 Joschasa joined #minetest
17:34 PilzAdam NekoGloop, then you can share your ideas?
17:34 NekoGloop my ideas are as horrible as the code that implements them.
17:36 Jordach PilzAdam, we need a BF3 mod
17:37 PilzAdam sure
17:38 OldCoder TheLastProject, Hi
17:38 OldCoder Oops
17:38 OldCoder I meant thexyz
17:38 OldCoder thexyz, I have had no reports of problems
17:38 TheLastProject Always happens :P
17:38 OldCoder The world is 30013
17:38 OldCoder Try it
17:38 OldCoder TheLastProject, well then we should get to know each other too
17:38 OldCoder Octupus, the world needs you!
17:38 OldCoder <Octupus> y not reset server to the original map
17:39 OldCoder I will be happy to; but let us wait until Uberi finishes the next WorldEdit
17:39 OldCoder Octupus, we will move all of your stuff onto a regenerated world
17:39 Octupus joined #minetest
17:40 NekoGloop if there's anyone the world needs, its not someone with horrible idea.
17:40 NekoGloop not me.
17:40 Octupus Like me I have horrible ideas
17:40 NekoGloop so do i, obviously.
17:41 Octupus U have great ideas
17:41 OldCoder NekoGloop, Octupus you are both needed and your ideas are interesting
17:42 OldCoder if my life settles down I wish to use some of them
17:42 OldCoder Not all but some
17:42 Octupus :
17:42 OldCoder :-) please because i am serious
17:42 OldCoder Octupus, Uberi will do a new WorldEdit
17:42 NekoGloop you're just saying that because you dont want to be rude.
17:42 OldCoder Bullshit
17:42 OldCoder ;-)
17:42 Octupus :
17:42 OldCoder NekoGloop, you are over the top sometimes but creative and interesting
17:42 OldCoder Octupus, I do not understand ; very well
17:43 Octupus U said not to do :l so :
17:43 OldCoder Octupus, we will export your stuff to the same world and a new type of database
17:43 OldCoder Octupus, I apologize
17:43 Octupus :
17:43 OldCoder Octupus, I was not commanding you not to ;l but expressing the hope you would feel :) again
17:44 OldCoder If you are :l then :l but perhaps it will be :) again soon
17:44 OldCoder thexyz, see the above; LevelsDB seems to be working. But I am at a loss about Octupus problem which also happens elsewhere sometimes
17:44 OldCoder Objects just disappear
17:44 OldCoder Folks I must make phone calls for a bit and then go get passport photos
17:44 NekoGloop my fences randomly disappear as well
17:44 OldCoder I will say AFK and back
17:45 OldCoder NekoGloop, *Please* look for patterns as this is a serious issue
17:45 NekoGloop i thought someone was just being a dick.
17:45 OldCoder Nopoe
17:45 OldCoder Nope
17:45 OldCoder It is a possibly fatal flaw in MT that must be addressed
17:45 OldCoder I will help you and others to hunt it down
17:45 NekoGloop mapblock loading
17:45 OldCoder But I have tried several things for Octupus world and the issue persists
17:45 NekoGloop i must be getting far enough away.
17:45 OldCoder NekoGloop, I wish to experiment with your assistance
17:45 Octupus :l
17:45 NekoGloop that it gets unloaded.
17:45 OldCoder Explain
17:46 OldCoder But I must phone people now
17:46 OldCoder NekoGloop, do this please; talk to Octupus and compare notes
17:46 OldCoder I wish to experiment further this coming week
17:46 NekoGloop OldCoder: you think i know shit about how the minetest source works? i can barely do the stupidest things in LUA.
17:46 OldCoder No!
17:46 OldCoder NekoGloop, I mean patterns that you notice
17:46 OldCoder Talk to you soon
17:46 * OldCoder is AFK
17:46 NekoGloop all i can tell you is that its always the same three fence blocks.
17:47 NekoGloop i still hate ambience.
17:47 OldCoder NekoGloop, that is consistent; the blocks I mean. And there will be solutions about music.
17:47 OldCoder I need to make phone calls now
17:48 NekoGloop then do so and stop yelling at me about it.
17:49 Octupus I hate life :)
17:49 NekoGloop i think the map is regenerating itself..
17:49 Octupus I
17:49 Octupus I might be exaggerating a bit
17:54 NekoGloop fuck this shit
17:55 NekoGloop even minetest hates me.
17:55 OldCoder Octupus, NekoGloop Minetest is quite happy to have both of you
17:55 Octupus :
17:55 OldCoder You bring creativity and energy to the table
17:55 OldCoder You are quite important
17:55 Octupus I wish
17:55 OldCoder Octupus, I never lie
17:55 OldCoder :-)
17:56 Octupus :
17:56 OldCoder :l then
17:56 NekoGloop that looks like you're smirking
17:56 NekoGloop anyway, I've placed a sign where the glitch happens
17:57 Octupus Im the one that ppl think as your kid friend :l
17:57 NekoGloop oh look, "LandminesBeast joined the game"
17:57 Octupus Oh well
17:58 NekoGloop aaand he timed out
17:58 Octupus Bummer
17:58 NekoGloop this fucking desert goes on forever.
17:58 PilzAdam joined #minetest
18:01 Octupus I have 3 created players on ac milan
18:02 NekoGloop animal crossing?
18:02 Octupus Soccer team
18:03 NekoGloop ?????????????????
18:03 OldCoder bbs
18:03 Octupus K
18:03 artur99 joined #minetest
18:04 MiJyn hi artur99
18:04 artur99 hi
18:05 Octupus Hi griefer
18:05 artur99 how to creeate a room on irc?
18:05 OldCoder Octupus, no please
18:05 MiJyn he's a griefer?
18:05 MiJyn artur99, just join it
18:05 OldCoder Octupus, let it drop for now
18:05 MiJyn and you will either join it or create it
18:05 NekoGloop you all are griefers.
18:05 artur99 aaa
18:06 artur99 join ##artur99
18:06 artur99 isnt working
18:06 artur99 join #artur99
18:06 Octupus Thanks neko ik in 1
18:07 MiJyn Neko, yeah, I used to grief a lot too... I wonder if anyone HASNT griefed lol
18:07 artur99 i havent hasnt
18:07 artur99 whats that?
18:07 NekoGloop MiJyn: me.
18:08 Taoki OldCoder: Back. And I think I finally figured out the mistery as to why the obj file was working and this one isn't
18:08 OldCoder Taoki, hi
18:08 artur99 i dont understand
18:08 MiJyn NekoGloop lol
18:08 Octupus Me 2 in a few hours
18:09 NekoGloop
18:09 Taoki OldCoder: The file is first read from the data stream (which I'm trying to make work), then if it's not found there from the direct path. Both the obj file and the other one work this way. Reason I thought "only the obj goes through the stream" is that the b3d one isn't rendering for some reason. So I assumed the client isn't finding it
18:09 Taoki But all files are subject to this process if I understand right. First read from the data stream, then from the full path if not found there
18:10 Taoki So I need to find out why my mesh isn't rendered now, the reason is a different one
18:10 Taoki But, celeron55 helped and found a code which I'll test after I finish some things. Normally that fixes the stream so this issue can be left behind at last. Will see if that works
18:10 Taoki But I think this answers why the obj was working and the b3d was not. They are read the same way, I made a bad assupmation the later goes through the stream only
18:11 NekoGloop "c55 helped"
18:11 NekoGloop Paradox detected.
18:12 MiJyn NekoGloop lol +1
18:13 NekoGloop er, "anyone in #minetest helped" -> Paradox detected.
18:13 MiJyn lol
18:13 MiJyn "minetest is being developed" -> Impossible!
18:13 NekoGloop yes.
18:13 NekoGloop Sing!
18:14 artur99 paradontax
18:14 artur99 ?
18:15 PilzAdam bye
18:15 NekoGloop i keep telling NakedFury to just support what mods he can, and to not worry about fully supporting them.
18:15 NekoGloop but no.
18:15 NekoGloop no-one listens to little NekoGloop
18:16 Taoki lol
18:16 Taoki @ earlier
18:16 OldCoder b nice
18:17 artur99 minetest is a game, isnt it?
18:17 NekoGloop artur is a troll, isnt it?
18:17 Octupus :l
18:17 MiJyn *he
18:17 artur99 isnt it!
18:18 NekoGloop it*
18:18 OldCoder no
18:18 artur99 he tried to tell me that im an animal, didnt he?
18:18 Jeija joined #minetest
18:19 NekoGloop Wild JEIJA appeared!
18:19 thexyz wtf is with cache loading speed?
18:19 Jeija Hi everyone, hi NekoGloop!
18:19 thexyz it's impossible to login to oldcoder's server
18:19 NekoGloop What will you do?
18:19 Jordach @ANYONE UNDER 15.99999999 SHUSH
18:19 OldCoder Hi
18:19 OldCoder I have been on the phone
18:19 OldCoder I am reviewing
18:20 NekoGloop >FIGHT< >BAG< >PKMN< >RUN<
18:20 Calinou /banlist
18:20 OldCoder First: Octupus and NekoGloop I don't lie generally. Put aside feelings and be engineers for a bit. We'll work things out.
18:20 Calinou wow there's a lot
18:20 OldCoder Next: Please no griefwars or griefing debates for a while. Unless you feel you must.
18:20 Octupus I was framed for grief coder
18:20 OldCoder Octupus, All right
18:21 OldCoder Next: artur99 is not a troll but I don't know quite what he is yet. He is certainly unusual. Give him a chance. You can /ignore him if it does not work out.
18:21 NekoGloop >op tells us not to talk about griefing
18:21 OldCoder NekoGloop, No...
18:21 NekoGloop >continue talking about greifing
18:21 NekoGloop ...
18:21 NekoGloop profit?
18:21 OldCoder NekoGloop, it is a suggestion and nothing more
18:22 OldCoder Next: thexyz: The world 30013 is LevelDB. I am checking its status right now. One moment please.
18:22 OldCoder Seems to be running
18:22 OldCoder Can anybody else connect to port 30013 or not?
18:22 thexyz yep, i mean, it's connecting right now
18:22 thexyz downloading cache
18:22 thexyz but it's damn slow!
18:22 OldCoder thexyz, so might be O.K. ?
18:22 thexyz only 2% downloaded in ~5 minutes
18:22 OldCoder thexyz, I will fix that personally in time
18:22 OldCoder thexyz, I know... I know... I need Vanessa's help
18:23 OldCoder We will patch the code so that it can be disabled client side
18:23 OldCoder OR
18:23 thexyz where can I predownload cache?
18:23 OldCoder I will find a way to preload the cache
18:23 OldCoder thexyz, If you will help me tomorrow I will set that up
18:23 OldCoder thexyz, I need to go speak with attorneys today and to visit a passport office
18:23 OldCoder Does anybody need an old coder in your country? I am sort of moving
18:24 OldCoder Not kidding
18:24 OldCoder Thinking about China
18:24 OldCoder Near Shanghai
18:24 thexyz oh
18:24 OldCoder Next:
18:24 NekoGloop Japan has all the cool stuff :#P
18:24 thexyz then you'll never ever come online, right?
18:24 MiJyn <Jordach> @ANYONE UNDER 15.99999999 SHUSH
18:24 MiJyn wut?
18:24 OldCoder The most serious issue is not (a) adding patches (b) features (c) ambience slow
18:24 OldCoder The most serious issue is buildings disappearing
18:24 OldCoder or fences
18:25 OldCoder We got to fix that if MT is to continue
18:25 NekoGloop MiJyn: certain countries use "." instead of ",".
18:25 OldCoder Can't have buildings and fences just disappearing
18:25 OldCoder Next: I don't know anybody in Japan
18:25 NekoGloop OldCoder: check the mapblock saving.
18:25 OldCoder That about covers it
18:25 thexyz OldCoder: well, it didn't happen to me when playing locally
18:25 OldCoder NekoGloop, I will. Once I understand. Can you comment further?
18:25 OldCoder thexyz, Disappearing blocks?
18:26 OldCoder thexyz, I've only seen it three times
18:26 OldCoder thexyz, Octupus has an odd situation...
18:26 NekoGloop i think the mapblock isnt saved.
18:26 artur99 join #japanese
18:26 Octupus NO
18:26 OldCoder thexyz, I have restored his world and the mods to 10 days ago
18:26 OldCoder But the stuff still evaporates
18:26 OldCoder Very odd
18:26 OldCoder NekoGloop, can you comment further about what I might look for in the code?
18:26 thexyz OldCoder: does this happen with my leveldb patch?
18:27 OldCoder thexyz, I wish to find out!
18:27 thexyz on new clean world
18:27 OldCoder thexyz, we will find out as follows:
18:27 NekoGloop OldCoder: something to do with... mapblock saving?
18:27 OldCoder NekoGloop, O.K. I get it thank you
18:27 thexyz OldCoder: so, you created new world and use minetestserver with leveldb support, right?
18:27 OldCoder thexyz, Uberi will finish the next worldedit. we will export Octupus stuff to a brand new world AND make it LevelDB.
18:27 OldCoder thexyz, Right
18:27 OldCoder thexyz, 30013 is pure LevelDB. No SQLite3.
18:28 OldCoder thexyz, How does my plan sound?
18:28 OldCoder thexyz, Uberi will finish the next worldedit. we will export Octupus stuff to a brand new world AND make it LevelDB.
18:28 OldCoder ?
18:28 OldCoder I will also look at mapblock saving in the code
18:28 OldCoder thexyz, right now I am running Octupus world using your fork
18:28 thexyz OldCoder: and nodes are disappearing in that leveldb world, right?
18:28 OldCoder TheLastProject, no
18:28 OldCoder thexyz, no
18:28 thexyz oh
18:28 OldCoder TheLastProject, I am sorry
18:28 TheLastProject Don't worry~
18:29 OldCoder thexyz, There are no problems at all with LevelDB yet
18:29 OldCoder It seems just fine
18:29 thexyz nice then
18:29 OldCoder thexyz, Play the world please
18:29 thexyz does it work faster?
18:29 OldCoder thexyz, Too soon to tell. We must build up large structures
18:29 OldCoder thexyz, Please build or encourage others to build in that world
18:29 OldCoder thexyz, I will set permissions to open
18:29 OldCoder thexyz, or I will op you and NakedFury now
18:29 OldCoder Hold on
18:30 thexyz OldCoder: yep, as I already said, I can't connect to it
18:30 thexyz because cache won't download
18:30 OldCoder thexyz, Aren't you loading now?
18:30 thexyz any external link to cache?
18:30 OldCoder thexyz, I can make one
18:30 thexyz nope, I already turned minetest off
18:30 OldCoder thexyz, what do you need?
18:30 OldCoder thexyz, It will load if you wait
18:30 thexyz "cache" directory
18:30 OldCoder thexyz, There is a Windows cache in the new Windows client
18:30 OldCoder Will that work?
18:30 pskosinski joined #minetest
18:31 OldCoder Guys I G2G now for the day But will be hexe tonight
18:32 OldCoder laptop is bxoken
18:32 OldCoder Need to go offline but will be back
18:33 triplei joined #minetest
18:34 Octupus Bye
18:34 Octupus :)
18:35 BartoCH joined #minetest
18:36 thexyz OldCoder: should work
18:36 thexyz will check later
18:36 OldCoder k
18:39 artur99 bye
18:39 artur99 left #minetest
18:42 OldCoder i must go offline to have laptop fixed see you tonight folks
18:44 NekoGloop how the fuck do i get oracle VM to work
18:44 thexyz NekoGloop: explain your problem
18:44 Octupus Bye coder
18:45 NekoGloop 1) how do i use it
18:46 NekoGloop ok, so... i create a vitrual machine, yes?
18:46 thexyz yes
18:47 NekoGloop which linux thingy should i choose?
18:47 thexyz um? depends on what do you need
18:47 NekoGloop minetest.
18:47 thexyz any
18:47 NekoGloop wanna see if i can actually get it to go better.
18:48 thexyz umm?
18:48 NekoGloop yes but which ones have a precompiled build?
18:48 thexyz it'll definetly be slower in virtual machine
18:48 NekoGloop realbadangel said he got it to go faster.
18:48 thexyz that's not true
18:48 NekoGloop as long as windows is idling, the linux should be decently fast.
18:48 sciopath joined #minetest
18:48 thexyz it could be faster on real hardware
18:48 thexyz but not in virtual machine
18:49 NekoGloop oh just shut up and help me try this.
18:49 thexyz lol
18:49 thexyz ok then
18:49 thexyz i suggest you to choose ubuntu
18:49 Taoki OldCoder: Later, take care
18:49 NekoGloop ok.
18:50 NekoGloop now, should i just stick with the RAM suggested?
18:50 thexyz what's the suggested value?
18:50 NekoGloop 512
18:50 NekoGloop (mb)
18:50 thexyz better set it 1-2gb
18:50 NekoGloop cant.
18:50 thexyz depends on how much do you have
18:50 NekoGloop slider is only so long :P
18:50 NekoGloop 512 should be good.
18:51 thexyz nope
18:51 NekoGloop if not, i can always just make another machine, allocating more.
18:51 NekoGloop thexyz: RAM, not disk space allocated.
18:51 thexyz you can simply modify this one
18:51 thexyz i know what does ram means
18:51 thexyz mean*
18:51 NekoGloop 512mb RAM should be more than enoguh
18:51 thexyz nope
18:51 thexyz but, anyway
18:52 NekoGloop next step!
18:52 thexyz i've already shut up, remember
18:52 thexyz any windows users to check if this build works?
18:52 thexyz for me it segfaults on close (in virtualbox)
18:53 NekoGloop ok.
18:53 NekoGloop now I've created the VM.
18:53 thexyz have you already downloaded ubuntu installation iso?
18:53 NekoGloop now... when starting it, it tells me i... yeah i need that.
18:53 thexyz
18:54 NekoGloop what do i do there? :P
18:55 thexyz isn't it obvious?
18:55 thexyz > Get Ubuntu 12.10
18:55 NekoGloop ...
18:55 NekoGloop THEN
18:55 thexyz read.
18:55 NekoGloop oh god.
18:55 TheRedMood Well
18:55 NekoGloop ... 30 minutes later...
18:55 thexyz well, i understand
18:55 TheRedMood Finally some really good feedback from the script :D
18:56 NekoGloop 30 minutes later this download is completed...
18:56 TheRedMood I am about half way to making it able to install the whole system for me :)
18:56 TheRedMood Ohh
18:56 TheRedMood :o
18:56 TheRedMood What are you downloading neko?
18:56 NekoGloop ubuntu
18:56 TheRedMood nice :)
18:56 TheRedMood I am making a installer script for a distro called bedrock
18:56 thexyz well, unity will definetly lag in virtualbox
18:56 TheRedMood It is sort of a everything in one distro
18:57 TheRedMood Bedrock has package managers from, arch, debian, ubuntu, centos, gentoo
18:57 NekoGloop but if linux is supposedly so FUCKING fast like all you dickheads keep saying, then i wont have much of a problem, now will i?
18:57 TheRedMood And can use all of them ;)
18:57 TheRedMood NekoGloop: hey!
18:57 TheRedMood You are downloading the bloated version of GNU/Linux
18:57 TheRedMood Try something like gentoo
18:57 thexyz NekoGloop: you're using it inside virtualbox
18:57 thexyz inside windows
18:58 thexyz yes, it'll be slower than windows
18:58 thexyz definetly
18:58 TheRedMood
18:58 TheRedMood There neko
18:58 thexyz then you'll try to run something opengl inside it (minetest)
18:58 thexyz it will be MUCH slower than windows
18:58 thexyz but, anyway
18:58 TheRedMood Thats how fast you can get it neko :)
18:58 thexyz i'm shutting up right now
18:58 TheRedMood That is the gentoo install book
18:58 TheRedMood thexyz: why? :o
18:59 thexyz TheRedMood: because he told me to do so
18:59 TheRedMood thexyz: You are adding valuable insight ;D
18:59 thexyz also, why not amd64?
18:59 OldCoder linux can be optimized
18:59 TheRedMood Ohh, I never used amd64 inside of virtualbox :)
18:59 thexyz oh
18:59 NekoGloop <insert random gibberish letters here and call it a linux distro>
18:59 TheRedMood Hey OldCoder
18:59 thexyz gentoo inside virtualbox should be really fun
18:59 OldCoder thexyz see what you think of nekogloop theoxy about map save blocks
18:59 thexyz unless you have distcc
19:00 OldCoder got to get disappeaxing act fixed
19:00 TheRedMood It seems like our little half-cat is being obnoctios <3
19:00 NekoGloop fuck off TRM
19:00 TheRedMood Ohh
19:00 TheRedMood It is really FUN :)
19:00 TheRedMood But I think bedrock looks better
19:00 TheRedMood okey
19:00 TheRedMood Guys
19:00 thexyz TheRedMood: what's the difference? is bedrock source-based distro?
19:00 TheRedMood Starting to compile my linux kernel
19:00 NekoGloop and i think i wanna kill you now
19:00 TheRedMood 256 mb ram
19:00 OldCoder leaving to get laptop fixed back tonight Octupus NekoGloop have faith thexyz try cache from 30MB windows client i posted not the 10Mb version i look forward to continuing
19:01 TheRedMood for the liquorix kernel
19:01 TheRedMood inside virtualbox
19:01 TheRedMood Lets see here
19:01 OldCoder NekoGloop, no kill yet there must be better solutions here have some tuna kitty
19:01 thexyz try building libreoffice inside VM
19:01 OldCoder bye until later
19:01 NekoGloop fuck off oldcoder.
19:01 OldCoder thexyz, oh that would be a while
19:01 OldCoder NekoGloop, ? what is wrong?
19:01 TheRedMood And we are timing it
19:01 TheRedMood OldCoder: Can I please tell you what I have been doing today?
19:01 TheRedMood :D
19:02 OldCoder TheRedMood, if you are very quick my laptop is broken
19:02 OldCoder and i must go to fix it
19:02 TheRedMood okey :D
19:02 TheRedMood Well I started off being all sad
19:02 TheRedMood because of school and so on
19:02 thexyz well
19:02 TheRedMood But then I decided I should do something usefull
19:02 OldCoder NekoGloop, what is the issue? i meant what i said TheRedMood continue
19:02 thexyz as i guessed, there're no windows users
19:03 TheRedMood So I started writing an install script for bedrock
19:03 TheRedMood Since i am dealing with compiling the kernel
19:03 TheRedMood And doing stuff on onther disks
19:03 Jordach wtf, CasimirKaPazi added you to minetest_game
19:03 TheRedMood I have had to redo the virtual setup a lot of times x3
19:03 NekoGloop its halfway done downloading...
19:03 TheRedMood OldCoder:
19:04 TheRedMood I chose this kernel
19:04 TheRedMood I like it a lot, atleast for my debian desktops
19:04 Taoki OldCoder: Got the stream working properly at last! Most credit goes to c55 for the help on this part
19:04 TheRedMood It has very good hardware support to
19:04 TheRedMood AND NICE MISS!
19:04 NekoGloop "c55 helped"
19:04 TheRedMood THAT IS AWESOME
19:04 TheRedMood !
19:04 NekoGloop again, paradox?
19:04 OldCoder Taoki, great!!!
19:04 * TheRedMood lifts Taoki up on his shoulders
19:05 Taoki yes. It was a very difficult part, but it works
19:05 Taoki he he ^^
19:05 OldCoder TheRedMood, i will xeview later
19:05 * TheRedMood starts running around all happy
19:05 TheRedMood :D
19:05 OldCoder NekoGloop, is all ok/
19:05 OldCoder ?
19:05 OldCoder thexedmood good
19:05 Octupus All is well :(
19:05 TheRedMood Well
19:05 Octupus :)
19:05 TheRedMood So now
19:05 TheRedMood it is the 3 time I am compiling it
19:05 OldCoder Octupus, well xings a bell
19:05 TheRedMood And it takes some time :)
19:05 OldCoder taoki that sounds okey dokey
19:05 TheRedMood But it is supposed to set it all up
19:05 NekoGloop other than i havent slept in a few days.
19:06 OldCoder TheRedMood, indeed sleep
19:06 TheRedMood right now it i just that i have just pasted all the things I have done into a script
19:06 OldCoder NekoGloop, if you will not take the tuna I will save it for anothex time and now I xeally must go
19:06 OldCoder good!!
19:06 Octupus ?
19:06 TheRedMood I am going to add the variables and so on later :D
19:06 OldCoder i want the scxipt
19:06 NekoGloop your R key is messed up, i take it?
19:06 TheRedMood Ofcourse you will get it :)
19:07 OldCoder Octupus, thexyz, Taoki, nekogloop hold down the foxt
19:07 OldCoder NekoGloop, yes kitty
19:07 Octupus ?
19:07 TheRedMood I will sir!
19:07 TheRedMood :O
19:07 OldCoder why wexe you angxy befoxe cat?
19:07 * OldCoder shxugs
19:07 OldCoder ttys
19:07 TheRedMood Miss, I think NekoGloop is angry at me :(
19:07 TheRedMood Taoki: miss I think NekoGloop is angry at me :(
19:07 Octupus Y is your are messed up ? :S
19:08 * TheRedMood raises his hand and touches Taokis belly
19:08 Octupus XD
19:08 TheRedMood Are you alright up there :D
19:08 GloopMaster pervert ^
19:09 Octupus XD
19:09 TheRedMood :o
19:09 * TheRedMood turns around and looks at Octupus
19:09 TheRedMood :o
19:09 TheRedMood Why?
19:09 Octupus Hm
19:09 Octupus *Ah Rapist*
19:10 * Octupus runs away :)
19:10 GloopMaster 7 mins left
19:11 Taoki lol
19:12 * Jordach considers leaving the channel
19:13 GloopMaster i just remembered that the college i go to has oracle VM on their computers as well.
19:13 Taoki whats wrong?
19:13 Taoki Jordach
19:13 * Jordach dislikes un-intellible things
19:14 Fixer joined #minetest
19:14 TheRedMood What?
19:14 TheRedMood What did i do now?
19:16 GloopMaster 1 min left...
19:16 GloopMaster debating just installing ubuntu or using the vitrualbox.
19:18 Jordach GloopMaster, SHAZAM
19:18 GloopMaster ..wurt
19:19 thexyz install it on real hardware
19:20 TheRedMood nah
19:20 TheRedMood Keep to virtualbox :)
19:20 TheRedMood Until you feel how good it feels
19:20 GloopMaster fuck this.
19:20 TheRedMood to have so much software at your hands
19:20 GloopMaster why doesnt it even install the damn OS
19:21 TheRedMood X3
19:21 TheRedMood Because you are doing it wrong
19:22 GloopMaster oh yeah?
19:22 GloopMaster you wanna keep being a dick, or tell me how to do it?
19:22 TheRedMood well
19:22 TheRedMood First off
19:22 TheRedMood The one who is being a dick is you.
19:22 thexyz lol
19:22 TheRedMood You are being mean to people
19:23 TheRedMood Saying "why doesn't it even install the damn OS"
19:23 TheRedMood Won't give me a picture of what is wrong
19:23 TheRedMood so lets start with the basics
19:23 TheRedMood 1. Is your computer turned on?
19:23 TheRedMood 2. Can you reach the keyboard from where you are sitting
19:23 GloopMaster sticks at "Ubuntu 12.10" with four dots below it.
19:23 TheRedMood Well then
19:23 TheRedMood Just let it stay like that
19:23 TheRedMood So it can load in for the first time
19:24 GloopMaster then crashes.
19:24 TheRedMood okey
19:24 TheRedMood What is the error you are getting then?
19:24 GloopMaster um, the window closing on its own.
19:25 TheRedMood okey
19:25 TheRedMood Well then
19:25 TheRedMood Can you tell me what exactly you did up to this point
19:25 TheRedMood what did you download
19:25 TheRedMood And so on
19:25 GloopMaster oh, there we go!
19:25 TheRedMood Now then :)
19:26 TheRedMood Just a note
19:26 GloopMaster it is working now...
19:26 TheRedMood I have been compiling the kernel for 19 minutes :)
19:26 GloopMaster or at least, is at the desktop :P
19:26 TheRedMood This is at 256 mb
19:26 GloopMaster i dont know if it's working, but it's at the desktop.
19:26 TheRedMood well it is working
19:27 TheRedMood now then
19:27 GloopMaster ah, an install window. what the fuck do i do. :P
19:27 TheRedMood Well
19:27 TheRedMood you want to install the system
19:27 TheRedMood Did you enable 3d acceleration and set the graphics option to 128 mb?
19:27 TheRedMood This installation is very easy
19:27 GloopMaster did i do what?
19:27 TheRedMood Just do as the installer tell you to
19:27 TheRedMood Ohh
19:27 TheRedMood okey
19:27 TheRedMood you can do that after wards
19:27 Octupus I'm going on cp
19:28 TheRedMood First just push the install ubuntu now thing in the installer
19:28 TheRedMood And just follow
19:28 GloopMaster FUCK!
19:28 TheRedMood :)
19:28 GloopMaster i needed to allocate more disk space
19:28 TheRedMood Swearing won't help you
19:28 TheRedMood How much did you give it?
19:28 GloopMaster 2GB
19:29 TheRedMood ohh
19:29 TheRedMood Belive it or not
19:29 TheRedMood but many linux distrebutions can run perfectly fine on that space
19:29 TheRedMood But ubuntu can't
19:29 TheRedMood So you need to redo this
19:29 TheRedMood Want my help as a friend ?
19:30 TheRedMood But then you got to tell me what is wrong
19:30 TheRedMood SO that we won't be enemies
19:30 TheRedMood And so that I can either help or correct myself.
19:30 GloopMaster sure, if i know what actually goes wrong
19:31 TheRedMood not like that
19:31 TheRedMood What makes you so angry at me
19:31 GloopMaster not mad at you
19:32 TheRedMood okey
19:32 TheRedMood :)
19:32 TheRedMood Well
19:32 TheRedMood Just go into virtual box
19:32 TheRedMood And click the ubuntu entety
19:32 TheRedMood Right click and "remove"
19:33 TheRedMood And press delete all
19:33 TheRedMood So that you get rid of al lthe files
19:33 TheRedMood give an indication when done
19:33 GloopMaster yes
19:34 TheRedMood Then press new :D
19:34 GloopMaster i know this.
19:34 TheRedMood Can I give you a hug neko?
19:34 TheRedMood :o
19:34 Muadtralk joined #minetest
19:34 TheRedMood Anyway
19:35 GloopMaster why are these things so fucking retarded
19:35 TheRedMood ubuntu
19:35 TheRedMood RIght now you are the one being stupid :)
19:35 TheRedMood okey
19:35 GloopMaster i made a new harddrive and allocated 6GB
19:35 TheRedMood assing like 1204 mb of memory
19:35 TheRedMood you need atleast 8 i think?
19:35 Muadtralk Gloopmaster? Neko? I is confused
19:35 TheRedMood I would advise you have atleast 16Gb
19:35 GloopMaster I can only give 450MB of RAM
19:35 TheRedMood For something like ubuntu
19:35 TheRedMood That is okey gloop
19:35 TheRedMood well
19:36 TheRedMood Before you boot it up
19:36 TheRedMood click on it
19:36 TheRedMood And in the right side click on display
19:36 TheRedMood Drag the video memory all the way to the right
19:36 GloopMaster and only have 8.11GB on the harddrive that i actually physically have.
19:36 TheRedMood Ohh
19:36 TheRedMood Well :o
19:36 TheRedMood Then we need a ligther system
19:36 GloopMaster Muadtralk: yes.
19:36 TheRedMood Give me a secound
19:37 Muadtralk wattos
19:37 Muadtralk is rather small
19:37 TheRedMood yeah know
19:37 TheRedMood But right now wre are going with xubuntu
19:38 TheRedMood
19:38 TheRedMood I would have installed something like gentoo or slackware
19:38 TheRedMood Since I could have taken it down really good
19:38 TheRedMood Download this neko :)
19:38 TheRedMood Muadtralk: What distro do you use on a daily bases?
19:39 Octupus joined #minetest
19:39 Muadtralk wahtever one IO havent destroyed while playing with it
19:39 Muadtralk whatever* I
19:39 Octupus hi szden
19:39 Muadtralk *
19:39 Muadtralk ello
19:39 TheRedMood :)
19:39 TheRedMood You sound like a wise man :)
19:39 TheRedMood I like source based
19:39 TheRedMood Looking into called exherbo right now
19:39 TheRedMood Really facinating stuff
19:39 Muadtralk destroying x11 is my specialty
19:40 TheRedMood That is the distro of the moth thingy
19:40 Muadtralk hmmm
19:40 Muadtralk how interguing
19:40 TheRedMood right now/ which i mean right now) I am working on a script for a diamond I foun, called "bedrock"
19:40 TheRedMood It is hard to download it
19:40 TheRedMood Set it up
19:40 thexyz well, then
19:40 TheRedMood So I though I would write a setup script
19:40 thexyz why is it "diamond"?
19:41 Octupus muad anything new to your server?
19:41 TheRedMood Now I am compiling the system.
19:41 TheRedMood I mean the kernel
19:41 Muadtralk huh I saw that very distro a few months ago
19:41 TheRedMood the virtual machine has 265mb
19:41 TheRedMood And we are at
19:41 TheRedMood 33 minutes
19:41 TheRedMood I am using the kernel
19:42 TheRedMood As i have had great succses with it earleir
19:42 GloopMaster this torrent.
19:42 GloopMaster my god.
19:42 TheRedMood thexyz: It can use pacman, apt-get, portage and a lot more
19:42 TheRedMood thexyz: it is basiclly a really good bare metal distro
19:42 TheRedMood Which I see great potential in
19:43 TheRedMood Muadtralk: I found it 2 days ago.
19:43 TheRedMood Muadtralk: I have yet to actully use it, since I have been using my entier time installing and updating the script x3
19:43 TheRedMood the script is about half way now
19:43 TheRedMood It can compile the kernel, download what I need, setup patches, and so on
19:44 Octupus MuadTralk,whats up with yo server
19:45 roboman2444 joined #minetest
19:46 TheRedMood Muadtralk:
19:46 TheRedMood thexyz:
19:46 TheRedMood That is the script so far :D
19:48 Muadtralk nothings up with my server
19:48 Muadtralk aside from frequent crashing
19:48 Octupus why
19:48 Octupus unstable mod?
19:48 Muadtralk unstable client
19:48 GloopMaster crappy server computer? :P
19:48 Muadtralk and the dreaded bad_alloc
19:49 Octupus o
19:49 GloopMaster for virtual box, how do i specify xubuntu? just use ubuntu and hope for the best? :P
19:49 TheRedMood No
19:49 TheRedMood Shall I tell you a secret?
19:49 TheRedMood It really doesn't matter :)
19:50 TheRedMood Set it as ubuntu is okey :)
19:50 GloopMaster changes the default settings.
19:50 TheRedMood yeah
19:50 TheRedMood But those can be changed again
19:50 TheRedMood Well Muadtralk What did you think of bedrock?
19:51 Muadtralk never tried it
19:51 GloopMaster and now i wait and wait and wait...
19:51 Muadtralk from what i saw it has some potential
19:51 Octupus IM AT A PAYPHONE XD
19:51 GloopMaster a critical error has occured.
19:52 GloopMaster fuck this shit.
19:52 Octupus XD
19:52 Muadtralk thats why i dont use virtual box
19:52 Muadtralk :D
19:52 GloopMaster shut your trap
19:52 TheRedMood :D
19:52 TheRedMood Losing is fun!
19:52 TheRedMood Okey
19:52 Octupus i wish to play on your server tralk but u guys dont trust me
19:52 TheRedMood Well what do you think about the script?
19:53 TheRedMood Ofcourse it needs
19:53 thexyz lol
19:53 Octupus LALALALALALA
19:53 Muadtralk everything got reset octu
19:53 thexyz GloopMaster: that's because you use windows
19:53 Muadtralk you could just go on
19:53 Octupus really why?
19:53 TheRedMood Comments, variables, prompting, tests, options for 64bit and so on
19:53 TheRedMood :)
19:54 GloopMaster if you all wanna be dickheads, go ahead.
19:54 Muadtralk huh something bad must have happened i cant remote connect to the server computer
19:54 thexyz on linux virtualbox works for me just fine
19:54 GloopMaster I cant be any more depressed.
19:54 thexyz in every occasion
19:54 thexyz even with macosx
19:54 Muadtralk its the new survival horror server
19:54 Octupus muad can i be a admin now?
19:54 Muadtralk i put it up for october
19:54 Octupus a full 1
19:54 Muadtralk lol im not even full admin
19:55 Octupus XD
19:55 Octupus so who is
19:55 Muadtralk nobody has privs past interact, shoujt and fast
19:55 Octupus thats gay
19:55 Octupus so dont u have ban
19:55 Muadtralk nope
19:55 Octupus XD
19:55 Muadtralk thats part of the horror
19:55 Muadtralk tis lawless now
19:55 Octupus ohh im talking about after horror
19:55 TheRedMood So
19:56 TheRedMood What is wrong neko?
19:56 TheRedMood I can't help you
19:56 Octupus can i be a admin after october :)
19:56 TheRedMood your machine got to little power to run it in vitrual mode
19:56 TheRedMood OHH!
19:56 GloopMaster come on, i got farther with ubuntu....
19:56 TheRedMood IT WORKED :D
19:56 Octupus i wish to rebuild my weed farm :)
19:56 TheRedMood 48 min to compile kerenl
19:58 Octupus MuadTralk,what was your ip again
19:59 GloopMaster since obviously linux is full of fail, goodbye virtualbox.
20:00 Octupus its right muad
20:02 TheRedMood Just found a error in the script x3
20:06 Muadtralk yes
20:06 Muadtralk but my server appears to be down
20:07 Octupus i see :)
20:07 Octupus any1 know the recipe for growlamps?
20:10 iqualfragile install craftguide
20:11 Taoki OMG! I got a mesh to animate :D Really sweet
20:12 Muadtralk look at the init.lua or crafting.lua
20:13 Muadtralk or check the forums
20:15 iqualfragile taoki: great!
20:16 iqualfragile you will definitly need to get c55 to include that
20:18 Octupus y does jordach leave when i need him :l
20:18 shadowjay1 joined #minetest
20:24 GloopMaster;feature=related
20:31 GloopMaster do we have cobwebs?
20:31 BartoCH_ joined #minetest
20:32 GloopMaster what is the bedrock mod's name for the texture?
20:32 bulletrulz joined #minetest
20:32 bulletrulz hey
20:33 GloopMaster what is the bedrock mod's name for the texture?
20:36 Uberi joined #minetest
20:37 GloopMaster hello Uberi.
20:38 Uberi o/ GloopMasterp
20:38 Uberi * GloopMaster
20:38 GloopMaster someone tell me why NF cant do the simplest edits of the textures.
20:38 Uberi NF?
20:39 GloopMaster NakedFury.
20:39 Uberi whatcha editing?
20:40 GloopMaster dokutest. or, rather, dokucraft.
20:40 GloopMaster I'm adding textures to dokutest since obviously my modding talents suck.
20:42 Jeija left #minetest
20:43 GloopMaster I'm having a shitton of fun making these textures, cantcha tell?
20:44 Uberi quite so
20:46 ruskie n
20:47 ruskie ups
20:47 GloopMaster random spam is random
20:47 ruskie lol
20:47 ruskie missed a /
20:48 bulletrulz joined #minetest
20:48 bulletrulz hey
20:49 bulletrulz back
20:51 Uberi hi bulletrulz
20:51 GloopMaster noone cares.
20:53 bulletrulz hi Uberi AND Neko dont be a dick
20:54 GloopMaster was that directed at me or #minetest in general?
20:54 GloopMaster because they need to heed that.
20:55 Taoki I have a question, which is important so I can create player animations. Is there any way in LUA to get which key a player is pressing or not pressing? Not by analyzing the string of the key, but checking if he presses the forward button, left mouse, etc
20:55 Uberi Taoki: man I've always wanted to have that
20:55 Uberi then we'd register Lua key handlers
20:55 GloopMaster no.
20:56 Uberi yes.
20:56 GloopMaster no.
20:56 GloopMaster its not possible.
20:56 Uberi I have, in fact, always wanted it :)
20:57 GloopMaster fuck off, i was answering the question presented.
20:57 bulletrulz GloopMaster: were u talking to me
20:58 GloopMaster ./topic "making you think of suicide since 2010!"
20:58 Uberi no need to be facetous, GloopMaster
20:59 GloopMaster fuck off.
20:59 Uberi see what I mean?
20:59 Taoki ok. If it's not possible yet that is a problem
21:00 GloopMaster wanna make a fool of yourself? go ahead.
21:00 Uberi someone's having a bad day
21:01 GloopMaster FUCK. OFF.
21:01 GloopMaster both of you!
21:01 bulletrulz DUDE
21:01 TheRedMood hey hey hey!
21:01 TheRedMood Now everyone clam down
21:01 Uberi GloopMaster: I might say the same to you, but I don't care enough to do so
21:01 TheRedMood And be jappy
21:01 TheRedMood :D
21:01 Uberi hey TheRedMood
21:01 TheRedMood Hey Uberi :D
21:02 TheRedMood okey
21:02 cosarara97 hi guys
21:02 bulletrulz AND GET OFF IRC DAMMIT
21:02 Uberi I wonder how Love2D does the keypress handling
21:02 TheRedMood sfan5|OFF: come here
21:02 bulletrulz hi cosarara97
21:02 TheRedMood We need an op here right now
21:02 GloopMaster i see, now I'm the one at fault.
21:02 Uberi no need, everything's sweet as can be
21:02 GloopMaster rather than the assholes who provoke everyone.
21:03 bulletrulz GloopMaster: what the FUCK DID I DO?
21:03 Uberi you're entitled to your own opinion, of course
21:03 Uberi if you can take the Love2D module, Taoki, you can probably see how they do it
21:03 bulletrulz Uberi: hold on
21:03 bulletrulz hi GloopMaster why u mad at me i did not do nothing!?
21:04 TheRedMood Hey
21:04 TheRedMood Both stop it
21:04 TheRedMood Now.
21:04 Uberi well I say that is much better
21:05 TheRedMood I am using gentoo
21:05 bulletrulz oh ohk
21:05 bulletrulz Uberi:
21:05 TheRedMood But I am currently writing a script for something called bedrock
21:05 TheRedMood
21:06 Taoki TheRedMood: Sounds nice
21:06 TheRedMood Taoki: Thanks miss :)
21:06 TheRedMood Ever heard of bedrock?
21:06 Uberi nopers
21:06 GloopMaster yeah
21:06 Taoki I play MineCraft so sure
21:06 GloopMaster it makes minecraft maps retarded.
21:07 TheRedMood X3
21:07 TheRedMood Gloop
21:07 TheRedMood just stop
21:07 TheRedMood You are sad, you don't want to talk about it
21:07 TheRedMood I can't help you
21:07 TheRedMood We can't help you
21:07 GloopMaster fuck off already.
21:07 TheRedMood So laying the weight of it on us
21:07 TheRedMood Won't help you
21:07 TheRedMood The one who should get off, is you
21:08 TheRedMood Move the stone dreaded attitude out of here
21:08 bulletrulz TheRedMood: how is gento
21:08 TheRedMood bulletrulz: Ohh, it is really nice
21:08 TheRedMood Do you know anything about it?
21:08 Uberi TheRedMood: /ignore is a rather useful command
21:08 TheRedMood Uberi: no.
21:08 TheRedMood I am helping a community
21:08 bulletrulz TheRedMood: is it a i might try it
21:08 TheRedMood You should do :)
21:08 Uberi fair enough
21:09 TheRedMood well
21:09 TheRedMood gentoo is what you would call "source based"
21:09 TheRedMood Does the word compiling ring any bells for you?
21:09 Uberi yep
21:09 GloopMaster alright, if you want me to leave, I'll do so. Goodbye. There're plenty of other games to play.
21:09 bulletrulz GloopMaster: no
21:09 bulletrulz dont leave
21:09 TheRedMood Bye neko
21:09 TheRedMood :)
21:09 TheRedMood There
21:09 bulletrulz ur a cool guy FUCK!
21:10 TheRedMood Good
21:10 bulletrulz he meant the project
21:10 TheRedMood He will come back.
21:10 Uberi well now he can go deal with what he needs to
21:10 bulletrulz he meant hes leaving the project
21:10 bulletrulz i hope so
21:10 TheRedMood That guy got a feeling for a lotof people in here :)
21:10 TheRedMood Taoki: don't you go worrieng, miss. He will be back
21:10 TheRedMood Taoki: I mean what would we do without our little pet kitty?
21:10 TheRedMood :D
21:10 TheRedMood Well
21:10 TheRedMood bulletrulz: Does it mean anything to you
21:10 TheRedMood ?
21:11 TheRedMood compiling
21:11 TheRedMood And don't bother googling this
21:11 TheRedMood Just tell me streight out
21:11 TheRedMood So I can get an idea of how to explain it :)
21:11 TheRedMood ( i don't bite btw!)
21:11 bulletrulz well i know what it is it takes long time though
21:11 TheRedMood The only stupid questions are the once not asked
21:11 TheRedMood Well
21:12 TheRedMood Compiling it turning source code(What people like miss write)
21:12 TheRedMood (And I sometimes)
21:12 Taoki TheRedMood: Not really following the drama here. Too busy with code and I can't help much by getting into it
21:12 TheRedMood Taoki: There is no drama x3
21:12 Muadtralk drama what drama?
21:12 Taoki I can see GloopMaster is very upset at everyone here
21:12 TheRedMood Taoki: That is the whole point. He wanted drama and I didn't give it to him
21:12 Uberi Taoki: I assume by your question that you're looking to make some sort of walking animation?
21:12 TheRedMood You all feed the hungry beast
21:13 Taoki Uberi: I'm introducing animated 3D players. I'm very close to making the animations too
21:13 TheRedMood bulletrulz: Well, it turns that into computer code that the computer can run
21:13 TheRedMood bulletrulz: on systems based on debian(ubuntu is one) you have "apt-get"
21:13 bulletrulz oh i know what it is i hve built things before
21:13 TheRedMood yeah
21:13 bulletrulz but there is no yum,apt-get,pacman on it?
21:14 TheRedMood Well then you download a binary, also called pre compiled, software
21:14 TheRedMood on gentoo we have something called
21:14 TheRedMood emerge
21:14 TheRedMood ANd portage
21:14 TheRedMood Instead of downloading software
21:14 TheRedMood you download the source code
21:14 TheRedMood And it builts it on your machine
21:14 TheRedMood Correct
21:14 TheRedMood :)
21:15 TheRedMood gentoo is a very techincal distro.
21:15 TheRedMood Do you know what kernel is?
21:15 bulletrulz yeah maybe when im alittle more advanced im still only 2 years of linux
21:15 bulletrulz linux 3.1
21:15 bulletrulz im guessing lol
21:15 TheRedMood Ohh
21:16 TheRedMood :o
21:16 TheRedMood I have like 1.5
21:16 ttk2 joined #minetest
21:16 TheRedMood I am mostly self thought
21:16 iqualfragile joined #minetest
21:16 bulletrulz yeah but i did not use it acctully just seen it
21:16 bulletrulz for using linux i started i think about 1 year
21:17 bulletrulz i HATE UNITY THOUGH D:
21:17 Uberi TheRedMood: and what are some of the advantages of always compiling on your own machine?
21:17 bulletrulz gnome shell is aright
21:17 theredmood_ joined #minetest
21:17 bulletrulz mate is good
21:17 bulletrulz lxde is good
21:18 bulletrulz xfce is ok
21:18 theredmood_ That was stupid
21:18 theredmood_ Well
21:18 bulletrulz enlightment is BOSS
21:18 theredmood_ bulletrulz:
21:18 theredmood_ That is the gentoo installation handbook
21:18 theredmood_ On one page :)
21:18 theredmood_ It looks likea  beast and it truly is
21:18 theredmood_ But it isen't that hard
21:18 theredmood_ Well
21:18 theredmood_ I like echinus
21:18 theredmood_ Or just to use the command line
21:18 theredmood_ Well what I am doing
21:19 theredmood_ Is called bedrock
21:19 theredmood_ Bedrock is a jack of all trades
21:19 theredmood_ It can have portage, apt-get, yum, pacman
21:19 theredmood_ on one distro
21:19 theredmood_ That is pretty awesome :)
21:20 bulletrulz really?
21:20 bulletrulz is does?
21:20 theredmood_ yep
21:20 theredmood_ once I got the script down
21:20 theredmood_ Which I am currently making
21:20 theredmood_ You can try it out :)
21:20 theredmood_
21:20 theredmood_ There
21:21 TheRedMood There
21:21 TheRedMood Now
21:21 bulletrulz is the iso done?
21:21 TheRedMood
21:21 TheRedMood This is my script
21:21 Octupus any1 where jordach is
21:21 bulletrulz is this ur website
21:21 TheRedMood No this is something you would have to do from a debian live installation
21:21 TheRedMood Ohh
21:21 TheRedMood Nononononon
21:21 TheRedMood I don't make bedrock linux
21:21 TheRedMood !
21:21 TheRedMood X3
21:21 TheRedMood That is very kind of you, but I am not that good
21:22 TheRedMood I am making an installer script so that you can download it
21:22 TheRedMood and it will set everything up for you
21:22 TheRedMood If you ever ownder about anything linux related
21:22 TheRedMood Just ask me
21:22 bulletrulz lol
21:22 TheRedMood I will either answer you
21:22 TheRedMood Or I will find it for you
21:23 TheRedMood :)
21:23 TheRedMood The name is Teodor :)
21:24 bulletrulz TheRedMood: is there any distro that exist that is possible of running rpms and debs?
21:25 cisoun joined #minetest
21:25 donaldr3 joined #minetest
21:27 Octupus im living the life
21:27 Octupus using a grinder
21:27 Octupus then using an electric furnance while i wait :)
21:32 TheRedMood bulletrulz: bedrock
21:33 Uberi wow cool
21:33 bulletrulz TheRedMood: cant find a iso?
21:33 TheRedMood Um
21:33 TheRedMood That is because I don't think there is one yet
21:33 TheRedMood I am working on it thou :)
21:33 TheRedMood I am going to try to make a build script for it
21:34 TheRedMood Maybe then I can find you an ISO
21:34 TheRedMood Make you an ISO*
21:34 TheRedMood How does that sound=?
21:35 bulletrulz good:D
21:35 TheRedMood I am working on that
21:35 TheRedMood Right now the thing that is going to take you the longest
21:35 TheRedMood is compiling the kernel
21:35 TheRedMood I am using the
21:35 TheRedMood kernel
21:36 TheRedMood Which I have had very good experience with before
21:36 TheRedMood Actully
21:36 TheRedMood are you running any virtual machines?
21:37 bulletrulz no
21:43 TheRedMood okey :)
21:44 Taoki This is weird. In LUA, you register functions to several C++ hooks. For exmaple, minetest.register_on_punchnode. But if I grep the word register_on_punchnode in the code, it does not exist. WTF?
21:46 pskosinski joined #minetest
21:47 pskosinski left #minetest
21:48 Uberi Taoki: hmm, I remember seeing it the other day, lemme take another look
21:48 Taoki Uberi: ok. My curiosity is how the hook function has a name in LUA which no part of exists in the code
21:48 Taoki As I need to code another function like that
21:50 Uberi hmm, if only I can remember what file it was
21:50 Taoki Apparently they're in the builtin folder
21:52 Uberi hey Taoki, try
21:53 Uberi it's a pure lua function
21:53 Taoki Uberi: Wait. So C++ hooks are written in LUA? Pretty sure they must be coded in C++ first
21:54 Uberi Taoki: no no, register_on_punchnode just adds a function object to a table
21:54 Uberi it doesn't actually do any MT related stuff
21:55 Taoki ok
22:14 Taoki Anyone know if ther's a way for LUA to read settings from minetest.conf?
22:15 Uberi minetest.setting_get or something like that
22:15 Uberi lemme check lua_api.txt
22:15 Taoki thanks
22:16 Uberi yep that's the one
22:16 Taoki Uberi: I need to know if the LUA API can read and understand the keybinfs in the settings
22:16 Taoki awesome
22:16 Taoki **keybinds
22:16 Taoki Ah, but you don't know each client's setting, just the server's. Hmmm :/
22:17 Uberi yeah
22:17 Uberi I suppose it only works for the server
22:28 Fixer left #minetest
22:46 icallitvera joined #minetest
22:49 Gizmokid2005 joined #minetest
23:13 Octupus joined #minetest
23:15 Octupus I'll
23:15 Octupus Sau
23:15 Uberi hi Octupus
23:16 Octupus Hi
23:16 Octupus Where is jordach and Eva
23:16 Octupus *Rba
23:16 Octupus Face needs privs
23:20 MiJyn hi
23:23 NekoGloop joined #minetest
23:24 Octupus_ joined #minetest
23:26 Octupus_ Any1 saw jordach since he logged off
23:32 babyface1031 joined #minetest
23:32 babyface1031 hi
23:32 Octupus hi face
23:33 Octupus face you can wait here and ask jordach or realbadangel when they come on for privs
23:33 Octupus also OldCoder he can grant you also
23:33 babyface1031 ok
23:33 Octupus gtg
23:39 NekoGloop Meow.
23:50 Octupus joined #minetest
23:51 Octupus Did they come on babyface1031
23:52 babyface1031 no
23:53 Octupus :l
23:54 babyface1031 really want to start building too
23:54 babyface1031 ;9
23:55 babyface1031 ;9
23:55 babyface1031 :(
23:57 Muadtralk joined #minetest

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