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IRC log for #minetest-project, 2017-05-21

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:28 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-project
00:54 halt_ joined #minetest-project
00:54 Grandolf joined #minetest-project
01:06 Grandolf joined #minetest-project
03:40 octacian joined #minetest-project
03:40 octacian joined #minetest-project
04:52 ssieb joined #minetest-project
05:32 OldCoder ssieb, Hello
05:57 lumidify joined #minetest-project
05:58 OldCoder lumidify, Hello
05:58 OldCoder How are you this morning?
05:58 lumidify Hi OldCoder
05:58 lumidify Fine, thanks :)
05:58 OldCoder lumidify, say Hello to Fuchs. He is associated with Freenode. He is AFK presently.
05:59 OldCoder Shara, you'll be awake soon. Perhaps you'd like to chat with Fuchs as well.
05:59 OldCoder Regarding the history of this channel. The fact that it was authorized by the head of the project.
05:59 OldCoder And that he has repeatedly acknowledged its significance.
05:59 lumidify Hi Fuchs
06:00 OldCoder lumidify, I'm working, but ping me if anything is needed.
06:01 OldCoder Fuchs, Shara is an interesting character. If something that I suspect related to her role is true...
06:02 OldCoder She is the only person in the project who has put in more hours than I have for more years.
06:04 OldCoder Grandolf, I've been offline due to medical issues. And due to working on a distro upgrade.
06:04 OldCoder I'll be available on Sunday afternoon. And off and on for the rest of the month.
06:12 OldCoder Thomas-S, good morning
06:12 OldCoder The Germans have arrived, in force
07:41 Thomas-S Good morning!
07:55 OldCoder Thomas-S, hello again
07:55 OldCoder You actually arrived about 1.5 hours ago
07:55 * OldCoder trusts the day is proceeding appropriately
07:55 Thomas-S I was in church in between. That's why I didn't respond.
07:55 OldCoder Of course
07:55 OldCoder How will the day go, Thomas-S ?
07:56 Thomas-S I hope it will go good :)
07:56 OldCoder It's nearly lunch-time
07:56 OldCoder That part surely will be sensible
08:25 cx384 joined #minetest-project
08:46 OldCoder cx384,  Hello
08:46 cx384 hi OldCoder
08:47 OldCoder
11:15 Shara OldCoder: Fuchs is welcome to contact me if he wishes. I'll only speak truth as far as any of this is concerned.
11:15 Shara As a note - I also don't care for public theories about my identity.
11:15 Fuchs Shara: not needed, but thanks :)   (and neither do I)
11:28 Zeno` joined #minetest-project
11:28 Zeno` OldCoder, stop lying to Fuchs
11:28 Fuchs ?
11:28 Zeno` OldCoder: [07:03:44] Fuchs, Shara is an interesting character. If something that I suspect related to her role is true...
11:29 Zeno` (11:41:57 AM) OldCoder: [07:04:03] She is the only person in the project who has put in more hours than I have for more years.
11:29 Fuchs oh, don't worry, I just ignore that
11:31 Zeno` Shara is, of course, valued but to suggest that she has spent more time on the project than any of us core devs and other long-term contributors is just plain lies
11:32 Zeno` and "her role" is what any other person's role is
11:33 Zeno` there is no conspiracy unfortunately (it'd make a good movie if there was)
11:54 rubenwardy joined #minetest-project
11:54 rubenwardy left #minetest-project
12:22 Jordach joined #minetest-project
12:39 IhrFussel joined #minetest-project
12:39 IhrFussel left #minetest-project
13:01 celeron55 joined #minetest-project
13:48 octacian joined #minetest-project
14:06 CWz joined #minetest-project
14:06 CWz left #minetest-project
17:35 octacian_ joined #minetest-project
17:50 octacian joined #minetest-project
18:04 lumidify joined #minetest-project
18:33 Sokomine joined #minetest-project
18:34 Grandolf joined #minetest-project
19:23 halt_ joined #minetest-project
19:23 Grandolf joined #minetest-project

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