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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2021-06-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:03 MTDiscord joined #minetest-hub
03:19 olliy joined #minetest-hub
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-hub
07:08 CWz joined #minetest-hub
08:00 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-hub
09:05 TenPlus1 joined #minetest-hub
09:05 TenPlus1 Hi folks
09:06 TenPlus1 Any devs around to chat about entity drift issue ?
09:10 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
09:10 TenPlus1 o/ FIxer
09:13 Fixer \o
09:14 CeeGee joined #minetest-hub
09:32 TenPlus1 o/
09:33 TenPlus1 Check my builtin_item mod, drop random items in same spot, wait... they start to drift, acceleration/position remain the same for every item but as soon as you dig the block the drifting one started on it returns and drops ./!?!?!
09:33 TenPlus1 is this an engine thing
10:48 entuland joined #minetest-hub
11:37 entuland joined #minetest-hub
12:02 wwar joined #minetest-hub
13:35 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
15:18 MTDiscord <Warr1024> This sounds a bit like a problem I had in NodeCore once upon a time where if you dropped an item so it caught on the edge of a node, but the center of it as hanging in air, it wouldn't detect that it had hit the ground and would remain kinematic.
15:18 MTDiscord <appguru> items get a feature to move them out of blocks
15:18 MTDiscord <appguru> got*
15:19 MTDiscord <Warr1024> My workaround was just to check a random point on the bottom of the item's bounding box instead of always the center.
15:37 heavygale joined #minetest-hub
15:54 bwarden joined #minetest-hub
18:47 TenPlus1 joined #minetest-hub
18:48 TenPlus1 hi folks
18:52 MTDiscord <Jonathon> hello
18:54 TenPlus1 hi Jonathon
19:05 Krock hi entuland
19:05 Krock hi * TenPlus1
19:05 TenPlus1 hey Krock
19:06 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
19:06 TenPlus1 hi twoelk
19:06 twoelk o/
19:07 TenPlus1 \o
19:07 twoelk just noticed I can't talk via discord here
19:07 * TenPlus1 is not a big fan of discord, IRC all the way baby!
19:09 MTDiscord <wwar> Hello there Ten
19:09 TenPlus1 hi wwar, how's things ?
19:09 twoelk btw, been foolin with ethereal lately and have difficulties growing trees out of biome
19:10 MTDiscord <wwar> good.. nothing new.. you?
19:10 TenPlus1 saplings were meant to grow within the biome they came from, having players craft a crystal shovel to pick up specific dirt to grow them on (or just use bonemeal)
19:10 TenPlus1 wwar: tweaked new beds redo, added a few nice features :D
19:10 MTDiscord <wwar> ?
19:11 MTDiscord <wwar> i wonder if there is a way to make stuff that was bonemeal'd less quality than 100% natural ones
19:11 twoelk hm, never tried crystal shovel
19:11 TenPlus1 crystal shovels have soft touch, they can pick up dirt blocks intact with grass on top, sandy blocks etc
19:11 TenPlus1 even quicksand :D
19:12 twoelk seems only appletrees grow in sakora groves, even sakuras won't grow as it seems, might be doing something wrong though
19:12 MTDiscord <wwar> Btw Ten, that we're talking about tools, maybe make crystal pick faster than lava one to make it more useful?
19:13 TenPlus1 sakura grows on bamboo dirt
19:14 TenPlus1 maybe, crystal tools are better than diamond, lava pick cooks what it digs though so different even if same speed
19:16 TenPlus1 just tested twoelk, sakura saplings grow ok in it's own biome on bamboo dirt :D
19:16 TenPlus1 should I add a setting 'biome_specific_saplings' you can disable so they grow on ANY dirt ?
19:17 twoelk guess I need to do some crystal farming before I can create my arboretum
19:17 TenPlus1 . /give twoelk ethereal:shovel_crystal :)
19:18 TenPlus1 was hoping it would add a bit of progression into the game :)
19:18 twoelk tried apple, orange, banana, birch and sakura but only apple/default trees grew
19:19 TenPlus1 bonemeal is your friend on any server :D
19:19 twoelk also rather flowerless the bamboo-sakura biome
19:19 TenPlus1 ooh, what kinda flowers would be good there ? that I can change :D
19:21 TenPlus1 when growing sakura saplings, you have a 1 in 10 chance of it becoming a white sakura too
19:22 twoelk never saw a white one in mt yet
19:23 TenPlus1 :))))
19:23 twoelk I must admit most bamboo groves I visited in real live where rather flowerless iirc ... and somewhat itchy if you went to the wrong places
19:24 TenPlus1 hehe, only seen them on video, would like to visit one :D
19:26 twoelk visited a bamboo labyrinth in denmark once, or at least what was left of it as that was the year all clones/hybrids of that specific plant bloomed and then died in all of europe
19:26 TenPlus1 aww...  the sakura festival in japan is meant to be really good also :D
19:26 TenPlus1 maybe I'll add some more foods that use the leaves :D
19:26 MTDiscord <Jonathon> tenplus1: if your going to do all the wool colors for your beds redo, just make the textures with combine, that way you dont send more media to the client than needed
19:27 TenPlus1 Jonathon: combine is very useful but doesn't seem to work well with textures higher than 16x to be accurate
19:28 TenPlus1 I've only added 2 new beds to replace the 2 less nodes that would have been in the default beds :D
19:28 MTDiscord <Jonathon> i dont know what your talking about, ive used combine for textures greater than 16x with no problems
19:28 TenPlus1 maybe I'm using combine wrong, isnt it pixel specific ?
19:29 MTDiscord <Jonathon> yes
19:29 MTDiscord <Jonathon> you set the size initially
19:29 TenPlus1 so if I take specific textures for a specific size, wont that be wrong if the texture is larger than needed ?
19:29 * TenPlus1 has to look into using this more
19:30 MTDiscord <Jonathon> the only problem you can run into is 32px texturepacks when you design it for 16px
19:30 TenPlus1 exactly my point :) that's why I just remade the textures I needed
19:31 MTDiscord <Jonathon> but it doesnt matter, because texture packs can override nodes textures
19:31 TenPlus1 combine would work well for certain sizes but I wouldnt be happy if the player had weird looking beds on a realistic HD pack
19:31 MTDiscord <Jonathon> see above
19:31 TenPlus1 will test :D
19:31 twoelk ah, backedclay-thistle may grow on bamboo-gras - hm
19:31 TenPlus1 maybe add a new flag for bed api that changes bedding :D
19:31 MTDiscord <Jonathon> read here down
19:33 TenPlus1 hehe guess what, thistle is already in the bamboo dirt biome
19:34 twoelk yep
19:34 TenPlus1 just a matter of being lucky enough to find one :D hehee
19:34 twoelk just found some
19:34 TenPlus1 w00t!
19:35 MTDiscord <wwar> > when growing sakura saplings, you have a 1 in 10 chance of it becoming a white sakura too So it wont spawn naturally?
19:35 TenPlus1 naturally no, I've added it as an easter egg :D
19:35 MTDiscord <wwar> someone mentioned they found one while discovering a biome ?
19:35 MTDiscord <Jonathon> ok, you can literally make any bed from any wood/wool texture, the only texture you would need to send to the client is the top of bed
19:35 MTDiscord <wwar> a bamboo biome<
19:35 TenPlus1 same way you can grow a specific banana tree with bunches instead of single bananas
19:35 twoelk planted a sakura between some bamboo two mt days ago though which hasn't grown yet - will watch that hill
19:36 MTDiscord <wwar> yeah i remember that one
19:36 TenPlus1 so long as it has enough light and is on bamboo dirt it should grow fine :) remember you ahve to be in the area though
19:36 TenPlus1 :P
19:36 twoelk not just within sight?
19:37 TenPlus1 within sight is fine, but generally ABM range (3 blocks)
19:37 twoelk got stuff to build here
19:37 MTDiscord <wwar> 3 blocks?..
19:37 twoelk can't babysit that sappling all the time
19:37 TenPlus1 1 block = 16x16x16
19:37 TenPlus1 map block :)
19:37 MTDiscord <wwar> ah block as chunk
19:38 TenPlus1 yeah :)))
19:38 MTDiscord <wwar> thought it was 3 blocks only heh
19:38 twoelk oh, puff puff,  aaand bird to chase
19:38 TenPlus1 my main issue here at present is the entity glide bug I'm experiencing, cant figure it out
19:38 wsor4035 joined #minetest-hub
19:40 twoelk yay, a jungletree grew in bamboo biome - after a week or so (mt-time)
19:40 TenPlus1 lol, tree's can be very random
19:41 MTDiscord <Jonathon> sent you a dm tenplus1 on the combine code
19:41 TenPlus1 thanks dude :))
19:47 twoelk hm, sakuraplantstairs cannot be rotated so the planking is vertical around a corner - I gotta rethink my cottage
19:47 twoelk *sakuraplankstairs
19:48 TenPlus1 wait, it cant ?
19:48 twoelk it always is horizontal
19:48 TenPlus1 ooh, gotta make ethereal wood rotatable, I did it for trunks
19:49 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Re: the combine thing, if you're worried about naive texture packs (or it's for something like an ent that's not overridable) then you can use the ^[resize: modifier to force it into the right scale so at least it doesn't look completely broken.
19:51 MTDiscord <Jonathon> yeah, i just dont like waiting forever for media thats a duplicate
19:54 twoelk
19:55 TenPlus1 updated Ethereal NG so wood is now rotatable on place
19:55 MTDiscord <Jonathon> looks like somenones stairs and slabs need world aligned textures
19:56 MTDiscord <Warr1024> There are cases where I have textures that are actually most easily expressed as texturemods, like animations where I cross-fade between things, which are easiest done with a lua loop, a [combine and some [opacities.  I could bake that into a static texture to make it a bit more texture-pack-creator-friendly, in theory, but (1) that sometimes backfires, and (2) it's just a lot more work to rewrite it as, say, imagemagick macros.
19:57 TenPlus1 handy to know :) never really tried my hand at texture effects before
19:57 twoelk from the outside
19:57 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I've also found on that on the trade-off between having total control over the composition of a texture vs. having total responsibility over its composition, artists seem to vary a lot.  Some want to customize everything exactly, others would rather just replace textures 1:1 and change the look without reinventing the animations or composition rules.
19:58 MTDiscord <Jonathon> technically you could make a game with no texture using only texture modifiers
19:58 MTDiscord <Jonathon> you would lose your sanity tho
19:58 MTDiscord <Warr1024> anything you'd save in media transfer time, you'd burn in node def transfer too :-/
19:59 MTDiscord <Warr1024> also it's tricky because there's something like a 64k limit on texture name lengths.
19:59 TenPlus1 the mob reset stick is very handy at recolouring mobs though :D been using that
20:00 MTDiscord <Warr1024> entity textures can be completely customized by the server code and there's no way to override them in a texture pack (or even to specify how to tell which entities to override) so I guess there are always things TP artists can't really adjust.  Not like they can change any geometry either.
20:00 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Game creators ought to try to be kind to them wherever it's feasible though, at least.
20:01 MTDiscord <Jonathon> to be fair, a decent few texture pack artists dont even know that they can override specific nodes
20:01 MTDiscord <Jonathon> or use texture modifiers
20:02 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Eh, I only really design for the ones who can be bothered to learn all necessary aspects of their craft :-)
20:02 MTDiscord <Jonathon> :p
20:02 TenPlus1 it's good to have someone good at what they do Jonathon :)
20:02 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Mainly, I'd say, just avoid doing horrible things to them that they can do nothing about, like really bad UV unwraps.
20:03 MTDiscord <Jonathon> how many entities does nodecore even have?
20:03 MTDiscord <Warr1024> After all, if you spend all your energy trying to make everything perfect for hypothetical downstream creators, you may find you don't have enough of a game to actually attract any anymore :-D
20:04 * twoelk detetcs some black magic talk and makes cross signs towards UV-wripwrap stuff
20:04 MTDiscord <Warr1024> NC has its own remakes of the builtin ones (falling entity, loose item), the ones used for stack node visualization, player avatars, and the inventory items on players.
20:05 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Hmm, actually, I kinda wonder about the skinnability of players now.  The default was changed from a single texture to a bunch of layers, some of which are colorized, before being overlaid
20:05 TenPlus1 few mods out there that create personal player skins using that method, is pretty kewl :D
20:06 MTDiscord <Jonathon> now for lols i want to try some mobkit stuff in nodecore
20:06 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Yeah, NC has a 2-color shirt and 1-color pants, and each of those is colorized based on a hash of a player's name (unless you override the skin with other mods) so you can learn what players look like from any angle if you can see their clothing color.
20:07 * twoelk makes more cross signs
20:07 MTDiscord <Warr1024> There are (at least) 2 mob mods for nodecore, neither of which use ents to add mobs.
20:08 TenPlus1 nodeboxes ?
20:08 twoelk those tree ents? :D
20:08 MTDiscord <Warr1024> rabbits uses a mesh node for the rabbits, and snakes are multi-node made of cubes
20:11 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Oh, I forgot, there's the sharks mod too, which adds "mobs" but they only exist as inventory items XD
20:11 TenPlus1 I like the idea of a basic game that has all the items available for use
20:12 TenPlus1 saves for a lot of compatibility checks :D
20:12 MTDiscord <wwar> yeah.. you dont know what is useless and cause lag when you just download mods and add them
20:13 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It can be really constraining though, like dealing with items in the base game that are thematically inappropriate for your game design.
20:13 TenPlus1 that's why I like mc as a base game, has all the items already, api's for all sorts for players to make use off
20:14 twoelk mc?
20:14 TenPlus1 mt is amazing and versatile, but checking for different kinds of mapgen, mobs etc. is tiring :D
20:14 TenPlus1 mc = minecraft
20:14 Krock multicraft
20:14 twoelk hoped I had misread
20:14 TenPlus1 hah
20:14 TenPlus1 player overrides also like monoids, pova etc.
20:15 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I tried to build a game on top of MTG but I basically couldn't make it work because I was spending too much time working around my inability to directly remove something from the base game.  The only successful MC mod I ever wrote was one that ran on top of another MC mod that did all the removal for me.
20:16 TenPlus1 yeah, most of my mods tinker with defaults or plain just replace them, like doors redo, beds redo, buildin_item, falling_item etc
20:16 * twoelk leaves sakurasappling on bamboo hill to hunt some food before starving - maybe it's afraid of growing while beeing stared at
20:16 TenPlus1 ehheheh, if you update ethereal mod you can rotate wood nodes now :D it's live on xanadu
20:17 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It's very easy to add new content to a game that makes it easier.  It's pretty hard to add new content that makes it harder, except in specific ways.
20:17 MTDiscord <Warr1024> For instance, you can add monsters that kill players more, but you can't, say, make crafting significantly harder.
20:17 CeeGee joined #minetest-hub
20:18 twoelk isn't there a mod that makes fisting trees useless?
20:18 MTDiscord <Warr1024> In NodeCore some of the fundamental economics of the game are actually different.  An MTG chest full of cobble is about equivalent to an NC stack of cobble...
20:18 MTDiscord <Warr1024> There are I think a bunch of mods that change how you collect trees.  NodeCore does so as well, probably rather differently than other games/mods.
20:20 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Like, the way I see it, there's a difference between "this mod changes the first 5 minutes of gameplay advancement, and then you play like you used to once you're past that" vs "the game works differently and this change will continue to affect your experience"
20:26 twoelk I think there should always be several paths into and about a game
20:27 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It's a sandbox game; it's actually pretty difficult to make that NOT true.
20:27 twoelk an easy path that provides basics for a long way in and other more sophisticated paths that provide more reward but are not essential to keep existing
20:31 TenPlus1 cblocks updated on git and contentdb, stone and wood blocks now rotatable
20:31 twoelk reward may different things though, such as access to more decorated stuff or some adventure
20:32 TenPlus1 progression in any game is important
20:32 TenPlus1 you gotta do the little things before moving forward with anything else :)
20:33 twoelk yes but progression in such an open game as mt should be different things in parallel to suit many types of players
20:33 TenPlus1 true, depending in the [game] installed
20:34 twoelk for example I don't care much for monsters and fighting but may go to gritty paths to collect that exact node I need to build something
20:35 TenPlus1 ehe yeah, things important to you :)
20:36 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It's not absolutely necessary to provide a ton of user choice within a game when users have enough choice between games.
20:37 MTDiscord <Warr1024> To a certain extent a game would do better to offer a good experience for its niche than for every game to just try to be generalist and appeal to as many niches as they can.
20:37 twoelk well, a server owner may be interested to keep players on his server
20:37 MTDiscord <Warr1024> We're not commercial game-makers, we don't need to make sales, so we have an opportunity to make games for underserved audiences.
20:38 TenPlus1 I lik ehaving a medeival survival server, but with many choices available once you  survive the first steps
20:39 twoelk same here :P
20:40 twoelk sometimes I wish technic was devided along the lines of preindustrialisation, steampunk and atom-age
20:41 TenPlus1 theres a mod just like that
20:41 TenPlus1 separated into ages
20:42 TenPlus1 yup, called Tech Age
20:42 TenPlus1 steam to power, to wind to all sorts :D looks greatr
20:42 twoelk oh, havn't tried that one
20:43 MTDiscord <wwar> Maybe make another server that is not medeival?
20:43 TenPlus1 lol, if only I had the time for a second server
20:43 twoelk sigh, if only I had the time to play (more)
20:45 twoelk hm, pressed the update button - maybe a feedback on what is updated might be usefull
20:45 MTDiscord <wwar> same.. if only i had time to play
20:45 MTDiscord <wwar> wait.. i do have time to play..
20:47 twoelk had some files getting corrupted lately, including some mt-worlds, still trying to rescue some lost worlds
20:48 TenPlus1 what we really need is a way to backup the map with options, especially while playing
20:48 TenPlus1 e.g. backup map but only save mapblocks containing certain items (protection, torch etc)
20:48 TenPlus1 that'll shrink it right down also
20:49 MTDiscord <wwar> yeah.. protected places only + use the same seed if the map os lost
20:50 TenPlus1 xanadu is sitting around 90gb in size, it's huge
20:50 MTDiscord <wwar> Well Xanadu is old.. so even saving only protected places will be huge hehe
20:50 TenPlus1 true :)
20:51 MTDiscord <wwar> But for other new servers.. maybe that protection way will help
20:53 TenPlus1 but yeah, a way to backup server while it's runinng would be great
21:01 TenPlus1 nite folks o/
23:06 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It wouldn't be TOO difficult to write an external utility that you can give a copy of the world, it would search for the presence of certain things like specific nodes by ID, and then delete any mapblock that's not within a certain distance.
23:07 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Pretty sure the map formats are well-documented ... somewhere.
23:19 Krock joined #minetest-hub

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