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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2021-01-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:12 Conradish006 joined #minetest-hub
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-hub
08:00 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-hub
10:19 calcul0n__ joined #minetest-hub
11:32 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
13:45 T4im joined #minetest-hub
13:59 Thomas-S_ joined #minetest-hub
17:26 fluxflux joined #minetest-hub
18:48 homthack joined #minetest-hub
18:50 fluxflux_ joined #minetest-hub
19:54 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
20:35 TenPlus1 joined #minetest-hub
20:36 TenPlus1 hi folks
20:36 Krock hi TenPlus1
20:36 Krock \o/
20:36 TenPlus1 hey krock, how's you ?
20:37 Krock fine thanks. u?
20:37 TenPlus1 worried, my stairs redo and doors redo dont work anymore with 5.4 dev, they cannot override default mods
20:37 TenPlus1 yet farming redo works fine, dunno why that one is ok
20:39 rubenwardy hey
20:40 TenPlus1 hi ruben, how's things ? got your message, dont know what it means, sorry
20:40 rubenwardy They should be able to override default mods
20:40 rubenwardy So, on ContentDB new packages need to go through an approval process
20:40 rubenwardy you need to start that process by clicking "Submit for Approval"
20:40 rubenwardy currently, you have mods in "State: Draft"
20:40 MTDiscord <L​one_Wolf> TenPlus1: Overriding textures?
20:40 TenPlus1 weird, am sure I did all that... will re-check
20:41 rubenwardy I've renamed "Work in Progress" to "Draft" today which should make that clearer
20:41 TenPlus1 lone_wolf, not so much textures but farming redo overrides default farming mod completely, as does stairs redo and doors redo
20:41 TenPlus1 minetest should load those instead of defaults
20:41 rubenwardy yeah, mods/farming/ should override games/mtg/mods/farming
20:42 TenPlus1 farming does, no problem there, doors and stairs will not
20:42 TenPlus1 doors doesnt even appear on the mod list for any new worlds when it's clearly there
20:42 rubenwardy hmm
20:43 TenPlus1 I think the addition of the mod.conf files has messed it all up
20:43 TenPlus1 the simple depends.txt worked fine
20:43 rubenwardy is the latest version on ContentDB?
20:43 rubenwardy mod.conf vs depends.txt shouldn't matter
20:44 TenPlus1 will remove mod.conf and re-upload so it works for everyone again
20:44 rubenwardy how do I know if it's right?
20:44 rubenwardy *how do I know if it's doors redo?
20:45 TenPlus1 you have to select doors mod for the world to enable it for override
20:45 TenPlus1 same with farming and stairs
20:45 rubenwardy I know - but what can I see ingame?
20:46 TenPlus1 stairs has slopes, farming has all the food items, doors has big key to change door states from open, locked, protected
20:46 rubenwardy I see a key tool
20:46 TenPlus1 that's it
20:46 rubenwardy So, if you try to load the mods what do you see in debug.txt? Any errors?
20:47 rubenwardy You should see     Mod name conflict detected: "doors" /  Will not load: games/minetest_game/mods/doors  /   Overridden by: mods/doors
20:48 TenPlus1 game halts and says it cannot override doors
20:48 rubenwardy I suspect there may be another mod causing that issue
20:48 rubenwardy like, the interaction between multiple mods
20:49 rubenwardy having the error would be useful
20:49 TenPlus1 ModError:Unresolved name conflicts for mods "stairs".
20:49 TenPlus1 ya know something, removing the mod.conf for doors redo lets me run stairs redo... what gives ?!?!
20:50 rubenwardy there's probably a dependency cycle then
20:52 TenPlus1 rewrote modconf for all mods involved, seems to work now
20:53 rubenwardy weird
20:53 TenPlus1 sorry for the hassle
20:53 Conradish006 joined #minetest-hub
20:53 TenPlus1 *hangs head in 9pm shame*
20:54 TenPlus1 How do I see which mods are giving issue in contentdb and need approval ?
20:56 rubenwardy hmmm, that's a good point actually
20:56 TenPlus1 am clicking 1 by 1 and they all have downloads undre releases... I dont see pre-=release thing
21:00 xerox123 \o/ 10+1
21:00 TenPlus1 hey xerox :) how's you ?
21:00 xerox123 gud
21:01 TenPlus1 kewl, what's new with you ?
21:02 TenPlus1 Krock: those 3d_armor changes are live on Xanadu and seem to be working a-ok :)
21:14 TenPlus1 night folks :) have a happy Burns night :P
21:30 calcul0n_ joined #minetest-hub
22:22 MTDiscord <w​war> I missed all the fun

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