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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2019-09-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 rubenwardy master
00:01 rubenwardy ALSO
00:01 VanessaE but what tag :)
00:01 rubenwardy oops
00:01 rubenwardy idk
00:01 rubenwardy I clones from master today
00:01 VanessaE well look, damnm your eyes :)
00:01 VanessaE -m
00:01 rubenwardy see
00:01 rubenwardy d262f95
00:01 VanessaE ok, that's HEAD>
00:02 VanessaE good.
00:02 VanessaE just wanted to make sure you got the bugfixes I pushed this afternoon.
00:02 rubenwardy !up 30005
00:02 MinetestBot is up (87ms)
00:02 rubenwardy ah right
00:02 rubenwardy I'm going to treat myself to a better server at some point
00:03 VanessaE you may want street_signs also
00:04 rubenwardy I'm going for more of a medieval build
00:04 VanessaE ok
00:05 rubenwardy oh, another thing - putting somethign in a sorting tube row should enable that row
00:05 rubenwardy would also be nice to have blips next to connected rows
00:06 rubenwardy I might make PRs for some of this
00:06 VanessaE good idea, both
00:55 rubenwardy
01:08 Lone_Wolf @rubenwardy: I think this is a little related to your problem
01:17 rdococ joined #minetest-hub
01:19 rdococ joined #minetest-hub
01:34 rubenwardy Lone_Wolf: that's the wrong fix to the problem
02:02 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
02:15 Lone_Wolf Yeah, agreed
02:15 Lone_Wolf I guess I could have worded that message better lol
02:43 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
03:24 FL4K joined #minetest-hub
03:44 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
04:41 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
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08:36 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-hub
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09:58 ANAND I'm trying to re-implement /msg in a game to colorize the "PM from name: <msg>" part. The code is literally a copy of the original chat-command's `func`, but just adds a bunch of colours. Am I required to add attribution to MT?
09:59 ANAND If yes, how?
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10:20 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
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11:17 CWz_ joined #minetest-hub
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11:47 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
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11:59 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
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12:31 jas_ what a great question
12:31 jas_ i believe the answer is "yes, and no."
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12:31 jas_ sofar ^
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13:26 ANAND jas_: Replying to me?
13:27 jas_ yes
13:27 ANAND lol ok
13:27 jas_ i'd answer my own interpretation but
13:27 ANAND What's "yes" and what's "no"?
13:27 jas_ sofar is, i believe, the resident expert on the matter
13:27 jas_ fair use, but that's not even needed.  i mean, mt is lgpl 2.1+
13:27 jas_ u can't go wrong
13:28 ANAND Hmm
13:28 jas_
13:28 ANAND I'll wait for more opinions, just to be on the safer side
13:28 jas_ just copy the license over, optionally attribute the source in a readme or something
13:28 jas_ lgpl 2.1+ incorporates into whatever u do
13:28 jas_ but it's a 'restrictive' license
13:29 jas_ and god damn right
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13:30 jas_ u just can't misrepresent minetest.  i mean, you're not calling your project minetest, so it's no problem.  i'm guessing it's even related
13:30 jas_ anyway, that's my take
13:37 vonflynee joined #minetest-hub
13:46 rubenwardy ANAND: that code probably falls under fair use
13:46 ANAND So no need for attribution?
13:46 rubenwardy But you could just add a comment saying *originally from minetest (GitHub link), LGPL*
13:46 ANAND Aight
13:46 ANAND thanks
14:32 tomraceror joined #minetest-hub
14:53 VanessaE it's been years.  stop G*d damned hemming and hawing over whether it's the engine or not (yeah, that came up before, outside of the official issue)
14:53 * VanessaE is angry
15:00 rubenwardy RAGE
15:04 tomraceror joined #minetest-hub
15:13 VanessaE yes, rage.
15:13 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
15:13 tumeninodes
15:13 rubenwardy !title
15:13 MinetestBot rubenwardy: Livestream 3 - Guest: GreenDimond - Dev actually plays Minetest - YouTube
15:14 VanessaE I'm trying to run servers here and people ain't fixing critical bugs like this one in a timely manner (no, a year gone by is NOT timely).
15:14 VanessaE I'd fix it myself but in areas, dealing with those vector calls, I'd have nfi what I'm doing
15:15 tumeninodes "What's your vector Victor?"
15:16 VanessaE roger, Roger.
15:17 tumeninodes :D
15:17 tumeninodes huh?
15:17 VanessaE who?
15:17 tumeninodes hahahaha
15:18 tumeninodes see... everything can be fixed with movie quotes. ;)
15:21 tumeninodes .... fap fap fap fap fap!!!
15:21 tumeninodes sorry... but it's appropriately funny
15:23 tumeninodes kilbith: so my next very important question... is it back portable?
15:24 VanessaE kilbith ain't here.
15:24 tumeninodes doh, that's right
15:24 tumeninodes dag nabbit
15:25 tumeninodes you'll be happy to know he has stated the fps hit is very little though
15:26 VanessaE it'll never make it into MT officially, so big deal :P
15:26 tumeninodes rubenwardy: you guy's need more dialog in your vids ;)
15:26 tumeninodes hmmm, we'll see
15:27 Lone_Wolf joined #minetest-hub
15:28 rubenwardy tumeninodes: we do
15:31 Calinou VanessaE: as a workaround, coordinates could be sanitized
15:31 Calinou in the command-line input, that is
15:33 VanessaE as far as I can tell, this crash isn't coming from a command
15:33 VanessaE in my case it was triggered by a basic_machines mover
15:34 VanessaE in other cases where basic_machines is not present, I am not sure of the cause.  may
15:34 VanessaE -may
15:34 vonflynee joined #minetest-hub
15:38 VanessaE at a totally random guess.. maybe in the basic_machines-triggered instance, the mover is trying to move a node either from or to a mapblock that isn't yet loaded, and areas is barfing on the protection check?
15:38 rubenwardy started now ^^
15:40 VanessaE sorry to be so pissy.  I've expended all I have chasing down bugs in my own mods... I'm just out of patience and brainpower, I have to leave it to everyone else.  but I still have public servers to run.
15:41 rubenwardy :'(
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15:44 HDMI_STECKDOSE joined #minetest-hub
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15:58 tumeninodes why is rubenwardy crying?
15:58 rubenwardy I'm not crying?
15:59 tumeninodes 11:41:59
16:00 tumeninodes
16:00 tumeninodes nvm :P
16:05 * twoelk is musing wether he should visit Brussels next feb
16:06 VanessaE what's there?
16:06 tumeninodes brussly stuff
16:06 VanessaE ["you don't say" meme]
16:06 tumeninodes 00
16:11 vonflynee joined #minetest-hub
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16:25 VanessaE tumeninodes: oh btw...  "fap fap fap"?  seriously?  [pukes]
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16:35 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
16:42 tomraceror joined #minetest-hub
16:45 tumeninodes VanessaE: sorry :( it was appropriate, inappropriate humor
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16:55 * twoelk takes a peek while boss takes the dog out
16:57 Krock joined #minetest-hub
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18:00 VanessaE is there a way to get a list of all currently-loaded mapblocks (positions) ?
18:04 sfan5 nah
18:04 VanessaE time to write an LBM then..
18:06 vonflynee joined #minetest-hub
18:07 Krock C++ editing is the way
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19:07 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
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19:24 jas_ text that is in a formspec that is not drawn (textarea with scrollbar) really reduces lag
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19:24 jas_ i have a large amount of text on lavaland in a button marked [...] on the inventory, and as soon as i open it i notice everything slow heh
19:25 jas_ reduces framerate*
19:26 jas_ 60fps to 14
19:27 Krock jas_: use freetype = false
19:28 Krock it's quite faster, but there's no shadows by default
19:28 jas_ i'm going to add pages instead
19:28 jas_ but thanks
19:28 Krock (by default = without editing)
19:28 jas_ also when chat on teh screen, i guess i will do freetype false for that
19:28 jas_ because, for example, when returning to game after an error, with all that red text, i notice framerate drops substantially
19:28 jas_ seems the game runs much smoother with chat/hud disabled, or at least definitely chat
19:29 jas_ i will miss shadows :'(
19:29 Krock I'd have a patch ready if you want colors and shadows for chat
19:30 Krock haven't gotten around to apply it for all texts
19:30 jas_ ok yeah sure
19:31 jas_ u get a segfault is u disable freetype and settings exist for it
19:31 Krock there's quite some caching in the freetype glyph rendering code, but it's weird that it's still so slow
19:31 Krock jas_: update Minetest
19:31 jas_ it's really slow, so very slow.  but i thought it was minetest
19:31 Krock kind of .. yes. freetype -> irrlicht is minetest code
19:31 jas_ update?
19:32 Krock current master
19:32 Krock there was a bugfix, dunno if it's in the most recent stable
19:32 jas_ i will try, i was on 5c97, one before 'Fix Irrlichy 1.9 support'
19:33 jas_ and while that compiles ...... (thx for help krock o7)
19:33 Krock that's new enough
19:33 Krock it shouldn't give a segfault, but a fatal error due to missing fonts
19:34 jas_
19:34 Krock oh. well yes. seems obvious why it fails. either use the xml fonts or bitmap ones
19:35 jas_ i was planning on simply commenting out font-related settings in the conf
19:35 jas_ but instead i'm going to let this compile and go sit out in the sun :)
19:35 Krock for former it would be "font_path = /path/to/fonts/mono_dejavu_sans.xml"
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19:35 Krock compiling won't fix it there
19:36 Krock latter would be fonts like  (Kahrl has a public repository to generate these)
19:37 Krock what's your CPU if I may ask?
19:41 jas_ hm
19:41 jas_ my laptop died, i am using some old box.  let me lscpu
19:42 jas_ AMD A6-3620 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
19:42 jas_ i found it in a closet
19:42 jas_ for years i heard something rattling around in my laptop.  when fan finally died, well, it stopped booting
19:43 jas_ i had an old version of obs on there that worked with my old version of opengl :'( and the wifi worked with my phone's hotspot and this box's wifi does not.  ever feel like you don't have enough computers?
19:43 jas_ that's the client, the server is a bit newer
19:44 Krock the single core performance isn't that great; explains the text lags a bit
19:44 vonflynee joined #minetest-hub
19:44 jas_ well i will try ur suggestions, thanks again krock
19:44 Krock you can't have enough until you come to the point of spacing issues
19:44 jas_ does your computer make a sound when you get highlighted?
19:45 Krock yes, it screams and throws a kernel panic
19:45 jas_ LMAO oh u
19:45 Krock hexchat only shows up the notification exclamation mark, nothing more. it's customizable after all
19:45 jas_ but it's extensible i believe
19:46 jas_ oh u mean u have default settings, sorry
19:46 jas_ you know what's nice?  pc speakers
19:47 jas_ !title
19:47 MinetestBot jas_: Doom with PC Speaker sounds! - YouTube
19:48 jas_ my sb16 sounded different than that tho
19:48 jas_ this sounds emulated :( oh well
19:48 jas_ oh it's dosbox duh
19:49 jas_ here's hardware sound, probably my imagination i remembered it sounding different.  anyway
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19:57 jas_ wait not the sb16 lol nevermind.  krock thanks for the tip, i got a framerate boost now by disabling freetype
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20:16 VanessaE sfan5, Krock: hacky, or elegant?  :)
20:19 sfan5 the real hacky part is that the engine still has has no support for in-world text
20:19 VanessaE heh
20:19 VanessaE besides that :P
20:19 Krock I don't see an issue there
20:20 Krock sane implementation
20:20 Krock I'd however use the MAP_BLOCKSIZE constant for less magic numbers
20:20 VanessaE I thought about that, yeah
20:20 VanessaE ok.
20:21 Krock sfan5: there's a PR for it but it's laaarge
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20:21 VanessaE Krock: I guess you mean core.MAP_BLOCKSIZE ?
20:22 Krock yes
20:22 Krock or minetest. same table
20:22 VanessaE right.
20:23 VanessaE
20:25 VanessaE (incidentally, what idiot thought syntax-highlight with grey for some elements was a good idea on a light grey background color ?)
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20:32 Krock as if it's a good idea at all. gray and green are comment colors in my editors
20:32 Krock depends on the editor though
20:33 VanessaE yeah.  in my setup, keywords are blue, arithmetic operators are green, quoted strings in orange, comments in red, everything else is black (white bg)
20:34 Krock local pos2 = vector.add(pos1, core.MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1)
20:34 VanessaE correction, numbers are green, arith ops in black
20:34 VanessaE I avoid vector ops :P
20:34 Krock obviously
20:36 VanessaE but, I suppose I can use them here.
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20:44 VanessaE
20:48 Krock oh yes that's much more compact
20:50 Krock hmm.. vectors could be much easier to use if they'd make use of metadatables
20:50 Krock *metatables
20:51 tacotexmex joined #minetest-hub
20:53 VanessaE ok, it works.  commits.
20:54 VanessaE
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22:33 Lone_WolfHT joined #minetest-hub
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