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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-06-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:01 zRubenBot joined #minetest-hub
00:03 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
00:04 rdococ
00:05 IhrFussel I went to the doc yesterday and saw GDPR in action "Dear patients, you accept that we use your last name to call you into our surgery rooms. If you don't agree to this, let the personal know."
00:07 IhrFussel Or is it personell? Not sure
00:07 VanessaE personnel
00:09 IhrFussel Are they just being overly cautious or is this an actual requirement to comply with GDPR? It's kinda silly
00:09 VanessaE probably just overcautios
00:09 VanessaE cautious*
00:10 VanessaE GDPR has a lot of people on edge
00:14 IhrFussel I also saw a few examples of how online games do the legal stuff now regarding GDPR ... Nintendo displays a message box as soon as you try to connect to the internet stating that your account infos will be sent over the net when you click "Agree" ... I guess MT should do it the same way
00:15 IhrFussel It would help server owners a lot if MT would just have that info builtin ... and who knows if it's even allowed to have it only displayed *after* you already joined a server
00:22 rdococ Weird, I'm in the UK and haven't seen anything like that...
00:23 rubenwardy I have a friend who works at a Minecraft server company, and they've recently implemented GDPR
00:23 rubenwardy stuff like deleting chat logs for individual users that don't consent
00:24 paramat such a message could be incorporated into our improvement of server joining
00:37 tumeninodes In a world where frivolous law suites clog the court systems, and amazingly often win, is a world where something like GDPR can become a "thing" and be force implemented
00:37 tumeninodes the world and society gets loopier by the day
00:43 rdococ > frivolous law suites
00:44 rdococ I think you'll find frivolous lawsuits are way less likely than you think
00:45 tumeninodes nah, they exist everywhere today
00:46 rdococ really?
00:46 paramat in USA yes
00:46 tumeninodes ^
00:46 tumeninodes and Banana Canada
00:47 rdococ reminds me of a "frivolous" lawsuit about a woman that spilt hot coffee on her lap and had to go to hospital, and people think she "just spilt coffee and won a million dollars"
00:47 rdococ she wasn't even driving the car at the time, as well
00:48 rdococ and she was rather old
00:48 tumeninodes haha McDOnalds
00:48 tumeninodes yeh she was old, and careless
00:48 rdococ do I detect a hint of satire/
00:48 rdococ ?
00:48 tumeninodes only truth
00:48 rdococ or at least I hope it's satire. poe's law makes it hard to tell.
00:49 tumeninodes it was not the fault of the corp that she spilled her coffee on her lap. Now everyone has to have luke-warm coffee
00:50 tumeninodes in the USA, anyone can sue anyone, for anything, at anytime (given it is done within the statute of limitations
00:51 tumeninodes which is why our courts are so backed up, they let violent criminals walk free time and time again, awaiting trials set a year out
00:51 tumeninodes as long as you don;t kill someone or cause them to die from their injuries, you can be back in the streets in a matter of days
00:52 tumeninodes even someone who breaks into your home with a weapon, and they threaten the lives/safety of you and your family, and you shoot them, they can sue you or their family can for wrongful death
00:52 tumeninodes anyway, that's enough offtopic for me man, :P
00:53 rdococ > the hot coffee was at around 85 *C
00:54 rdococ > "Liebeck was hospitalized for eight days while she underwent skin grafting, followed by two years of medical treatment."
00:54 tumeninodes coffee is hot..., who knew?
00:55 rdococ if your coffee is hot enough to burn your skin enough that you need a skin graft, it's too damn hot
00:55 rdococ I'd rather lukewarm coffee than the possibility of endangering myself or others because they decided to make the coffee really hot
00:56 rubenwardy just add milk to it
00:56 rdococ you know, as if the number before 85 is like 30 or something and there's no compromise between lukewarm and scalding hot
00:56 rubenwardy wob't bet that hpt then
00:56 rdococ rubenwardy: it was coffee purchased at mcdonalds, do you think people drive there with cartons of milk ready?
00:57 rubenwardy was mostly trolling
00:57 rubenwardy latte milk would burn that hot though
00:57 tumeninodes I just make my coffee/tea at home now. saves money and tastes better
00:58 rdococ rubenwardy: ah, poe's law means I can't tell
00:58 tumeninodes and my kid bought me a travel mug which can warm it up :)
00:59 tumeninodes is it <50 lines max "each" or as a group? :D I'm counting
00:59 tumeninodes "was mostly trolling" <me too, I know the details of that particular case, and it was not frivolous
01:04 rubenwardy How would peps recommend backing up a pg database and a folder of uploads?
01:05 rubenwardy currently doing pgdump and 7zip, and I will need to set up a conjob on my laptop to sync backups down
01:06 rubenwardy wondering if there's a better way
01:15 BillyS Hmm
01:15 BillyS minetest schematics are a .mts file
01:15 BillyS How would I create one of those?
01:16 BillyS Ah, WE can do it (;t=9400)
01:34 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
01:34 twoelk also;at=0&amp;q=schematic
01:44 twoelk|2 joined #minetest-hub
01:48 ANAND joined #minetest-hub
02:26 paramat joined #minetest-hub
02:29 Sokomine for most schematic-based things, worldedit is quite suitable. you might also want to take a look at my handle_schematics mod. it's useful when you want to transplant or import buildings or change the materials they are made out of
02:29 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
02:38 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-hub
02:39 twoelk|2 left #minetest-hub
02:49 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
03:12 tumeninodes suck it China
03:31 paramat erm 50 lines in one go, but of course too many 50-line discussions would be naughty too :)
03:32 tumeninodes got it
03:54 Hijiri joined #minetest-hub
04:25 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
05:23 tumeninodes left #minetest-hub
05:32 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
06:37 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
06:37 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
07:23 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
07:23 tenplus1 hifolks
07:28 sniper338 tenplus1: Ohayo! ಠ‿↼
07:28 lumberJ morning
07:28 tenplus1 hi sniper, hey lumberJ
07:28 tenplus1 updated Fire Redo to add particle effect when node burns :) looks trippy
07:29 lumberJ haven't tried that mod out
07:29 lumberJ can you light farts in it?
07:30 tenplus1 flint and stone lights anything flammable :PPP just dont eat spicy foods for a while
07:32 tenplus1 redo version also has normal chests burn and drop items inside :D
08:35 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
08:35 tenplus1 o/ Gael-de-Sailly
08:36 Gael-de-Sailly Hi tenplus1
08:38 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
08:40 tenplus1 hi ruslan
08:50 DI3HARD139 joined #minetest-hub
08:50 tenplus1 hi DI3HARD139
08:51 CWz joined #minetest-hub
08:51 tenplus1 o/ cwz
08:52 CWz Ello
08:52 DI3HARD139 Hello
08:52 DI3HARD139 Hey there CWz
08:52 CWz ello
08:55 CWz i wonder how many non-mobile minetest forks are there
08:56 tenplus1 too many
09:05 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
09:05 tenplus1 hi fixer
09:10 tenplus1 bbl
09:10 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
09:14 Fixer hi
10:19 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
10:20 IhrFussel Hey it's him again... I wonder what he tries to achieve with this poll;t=20248
10:24 sfan5 he wants it changed because his subgame got removed due to restrictive license
10:32 Amaz Hmm, looks as if it's going the same way for him as the hacking/cheating poll went for his "brother"... :P
10:45 rubenwardy He's been spamming cheating tools on my server
10:45 rubenwardy Fucking prick
10:45 rubenwardy XD
10:46 entuland joined #minetest-hub
10:48 entuland hey there everybody
10:48 entuland nerzhul, not sure I understand the closing of #7416
10:48 ShadowBot -- MeshCollector::append() called with numIndices=89628 (limit 65535)
10:48 entuland is that because I've got rid of the crashes?
10:49 entuland cause that was just a secondary comment related to that issue
11:05 Krock joined #minetest-hub
11:16 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
11:33 nerzhul entuland yes the crash is not a crash then issue closed
11:33 entuland but that isn't the main point of the issue
11:33 entuland the main point is that complex meshes fail to render with a "[fixme]" notice
11:33 entuland no crash there
11:33 entuland the same mesh renders on 0.5 without any notice
11:34 entuland just to be clear, I'm not "attached" to that report and my mod is doing fine, that's just an extreme case for very complex meshes
11:35 entuland if it turns out to be not worth investigating cause 0.5 handles them properly, that's fine with me
11:50 entuland the only thing I would do in such a case is changing that to a wontfix or similar stating that it works fine in most recent builds, so that anyone stumbling on the same notice understands its real status
11:54 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
12:01 IhrFussel Some people seriously joina SURVIVAL server and dare to say "give me iron" ... and then they expect the staff to give them iron for free
12:01 IhrFussel "iron" doesn't even exist in MTG as ingot, only as ore/lump but many don't get that either
12:03 IhrFussel Most mobile players expect MT to be exactly like MC which can be a huge problem sometimes
12:04 entuland eheheh
12:05 entuland young swords most likely
12:06 IhrFussel "game mode 1" "how to craft redstone" "why doesnt key for [insert MC specific feature here] work?" << chat messages I see a lot i the log
12:06 IhrFussel in*
12:07 IhrFussel I log every command by players (except PMs, Offline Messages and /setpassword) now ... let's see what nonsense commands people try to type
12:08 entuland ahahahha
12:09 IhrFussel Got one xD {None} (09/06/18 14:05:02) [bradley7]: /iron
12:10 Krock time to fill your logs with useless stuff
12:11 IhrFussel Ok must be a young kid... "/!!" "/!!!" "/!!!!" gosh
12:11 entuland eheheeh
12:11 entuland it would be nice to have the game reply to them automatically for certain messages :P
12:12 IhrFussel Krock, it's interesting to see what commands players expect to exist ... for example commands from mods on other servers
12:12 entuland "This. Is. Mineteeeeeest! - not minecraft"
12:13 Krock I'd like to enter /!!! but irrlicht doesn't allow this key combination
12:14 IhrFussel FGH was on my server earlier today o.o in case it's the same FGH from the forums
12:15 IhrFussel "/godpork" which mod provides that command?
12:42 entuland heheeh
12:43 entuland god mode with a bacon armor
12:43 entuland or perhaps it's a translation of a very common italian swearing
12:48 rdococ irrlicht~
12:52 longerstaff13 rdococ: yay~
12:53 rdococ longerstaff13 is yay, and brexit is nay~
12:54 longerstaff13 agreed, but about the "longerstaff13 is yay" part, not so much
12:54 rdococ <EUleaver> waah! but meh freed0mz!!!
13:11 rdococ <Edge> We're TOTALLY faster than every other web browser there!!!
13:12 ANAND What on earth is wrong with this kid? *sigh*
13:13 IhrFussel Everyone start using Ecosia as your web browser! Help planting trees
13:14 IhrFussel Just found out that Ecosia is in my city o.o Ecosia is a web search engine based in Berlin, Germany, which donates 80% of its surplus income to non-profit conservationist organizations
13:15 xerox123 ANAND: Dunning-Kruger
13:15 ANAND yea :/
13:16 ANAND Fun fact: He doesn't even understand that reference, and says that his new nickname is Dunning-Kruger. Just wow... -_-
13:17 Sokomine IhrFussel: you could add an /iron command that tells the player "Craft a pick and start digging for iron!"
13:17 ANAND XD
13:17 ANAND Is /iron a legit MC command?
13:18 Sokomine no idea
13:20 Sokomine i only know about an mc server that has commands for giving players so-called "kits" from time to time. that might range from some wooden blocks to more valuable ones if the player has made some progress and built something good that got reviewed by moderators
13:20 ANAND I see
13:20 Sokomine maybe that's neccessary in mc because the world is less deep. in mt, there's always room to just expand your mine downwards
13:21 Sokomine admittedly, free items eventually become of intrest as they save you from crafting. i like that on ihrfussels servers and on others where materials are eventually free
13:30 BillyS HMm
13:30 BillyS I'm trying to make a spawner that activates every time a player gets to close to it . . . node timers are the best way I can think of.
13:30 BillyS Have them run every 3 seconds or so and check
13:30 BillyS Is there any better way?
13:32 ANAND Would register_globalstep() be of use?
13:32 BillyS Hmm
13:32 BillyS That very well could work
13:33 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
13:33 BillyS But checking if a bunch of different areas contain a player that often could get laggy, couldn't it?
13:33 ANAND It could, yes
13:34 ANAND I think a trial run would help in determining whether the resulting lag is actually noticeable
13:34 Krock node timers would be more efficient as long there are not too many of them used at once
13:37 BillyS I don't except there will be
13:37 BillyS And as I want the spawners to only work once or twice, node timers would definately be best
13:38 ANAND Agreed
13:53 IhrFussel Lol a "30" year old "man" says "my name sounds better than yours fussel"
13:53 ANAND lol
13:54 IhrFussel If kids pretend to be older they should practice more...seriously
13:54 Krock "and" "quotes" seem to be "intended"
13:55 ANAND IhrFussel, what was the "30" year old "man"'s name? :) (For academic purposes ofc)
13:55 IhrFussel Yes because his name is "DanTheMan" and he said he is 30
13:56 ANAND XD
13:57 BillyS Ack
13:57 IhrFussel [DanTheMan]: Fussy you dangerous fussy Emanuel is a dumb name lol dan is better ñ
13:57 BillyS Can't get blender to import a .b3d
13:58 ANAND heh
13:59 ANAND "you dangerous" uh.. what?
13:59 IhrFussel "i know allah"
14:02 BillyS Seriously? Blender can export a .x file, but it can't import one?
14:03 ANAND Forum moderators: Can KGM be banned? All his recent posts are polls and rants about bots/auto-clickers and restrictive licenses...
14:03 ANAND Here's his latest topic:;t=20249&amp;p=321214
14:05 Krock BillyS, you'll need a .blend file too
14:05 sfan5 ANAND: being annoying is not against the rules
14:07 ANAND I understand. But aren't all his posts / polls about cheating, hacking, bots and restrictive licenses (all of which are against the forum rules)?
14:07 BillyS Imma just steal some of the mob models from PilzAdam
14:09 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
14:14 Krock ANAND, these are meta topics. talking about the stuff is not the same as sharing cheats (/alike)
14:15 ANAND Hmm...
14:15 Sokomine BillyS: i was considering adding a peaceful version of the sandmobs. after all they do get a nice town to live in in mgvillages' sandcity :-)
14:15 tumeninodes speaking of "meta"...
14:16 rdococ alkaline water can hydrate you :O
14:16 rdococ wait, so can acidic water
14:16 * rdococ yays
14:17 rdococ it'd be fun to have acids in game. you would use them to dissolve things in things and do things.
14:17 * tumeninodes sets my meta topic aside to ask a git cl noobie question
14:18 tumeninodes oh wait..., nevermind
14:18 Sokomine rdococ: there's some green liquid that's iirc supposed to be acid in some subgames (carbone? the one with the nice yellow cobble). it springs from fake mese nodes
14:19 rdococ apparently acids can be used to remove rust
14:20 rdococ "Strong acids, sulfuric acid in particular, are widely used in mineral processing. For example, phosphate minerals react with sulfuric acid to produce phosphoric acid for the production of phosphate fertilizers, and zinc is produced by dissolving zinc oxide into sulfuric acid, purifying the solution and electrowinning."
14:21 rdococ hm, concept: some ores would require treatment with strong acids as opposed to just being cooked, or at least it would be an alternative that could produce more yield
14:21 ANAND good idea
14:22 tumeninodes ok, I'm having an off day folks, so I need to ask a silly question. The current MT repo, is the one for 0.5.0 right?
14:22 * tumeninodes waits for snickering to stop
14:22 rdococ minetest master is 0.5.0-dev, I think
14:23 rdococ can't wait for VAEs in 0.6.0-dev forwardport branch though
14:23 tumeninodes I believe it is but I have to make certain, my brain is playing games with me today
14:23 Sokomine rdococ: afaik some liquids used to gain gold are also considered highly problematic. or was that only quicksilver?
14:23 sfan5 the master branch is 0.5.0-dev, the stable-0.4 and backport-0.4 branches contain 0.4.17 currently
14:24 Krock tumeninodes, you can always check out the repository. there are the branches listed behind a drop-down list. fastest way is to check the CMakeLists.txt file to see what version the branch has
14:24 tumeninodes ok good thank you. now for the 2d part.
14:24 tumeninodes oh ok, thanks Krock
14:25 rdococ I heard there might be a or 0.4.18
14:25 tumeninodes now, since I used Calinou's one line portable script to d/l, and I just refreshed my fork on github..., can I git pull and make -j5, and then do git push origin master?
14:26 Krock to update your fork on github? yes, push to origin.
14:26 tumeninodes ok, cool. thank you very much
14:26 Krock use --force if your master branch is dirty
14:27 tumeninodes yep. (is embarrassed my master branch has ring around the collar) : /
14:28 rdococ your master branch needs a shower
14:28 tumeninodes and --force stops changes to any unmerged changes I have made, correct?
14:30 tumeninodes oh, nvm... --force if it is really behind? doh, I hate cl :P  I'll go look at help again rather than being lazy haha
14:30 Krock --force overwrites the remote branch with what you've got locally. so all differnt commits will be trashed
14:30 tumeninodes got it, thank you...., again :)
14:31 Krock no, I only mentioned --force for the case your master branch has additional commits which aren't in upstream/master
14:31 Krock regular push will work fine in the regular case
14:31 tumeninodes yeh I just refreshed the fork so push will be fine
14:34 rdococ hm
14:34 rdococ we could maybe determine a way to yay
14:36 rdococ Hm, idea: reversible circuitry. a circuitry system where wires cannot merge or split, and where components that take two inputs also output two outpuss
14:36 rdococ s/outpuss/outputs
15:03 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
15:03 tenplus1 hi folks
15:03 tumeninodes hi tenplus1
15:03 tenplus1 hi tumeninodes
15:04 Krock hi tenplus1
15:05 tenplus1 hey krock :)
15:05 ANAND hi tenplus1
15:05 tenplus1 hi ANAND
15:05 tenplus1 it's thundering here :P so kewl
15:05 ANAND :)
15:07 rdococ > tenplus1
15:07 rdococ < yay
15:07 rdococ Anarcho-yayismâ„¢
15:07 tenplus1 hi rdococ
15:08 rdococ tenplus1 is yay.
15:11 rdococ Idea: lua mapgen that uses a map of Earth to determine geography ingame
15:18 Amaz rdococ: I've done something similar, but for Middle Earth rather than normal earth :P
15:19 Amaz It would be fairly easy to adapt it though
15:25 rdococ > we need more yays
15:26 Fixer we don't
15:26 * Fixer sends a little drum to rdococ
15:26 * rdococ turns the drum into a yay
15:27 rdococ Idea: luacontroller 'packages' that when you click a luacontroller with them, its code is imparted to the luacontroller
15:27 Krock Idea: rdococ begins to implement his ideas
15:27 rdococ unfortunately I would need to implement that to implement it
15:28 rdococ like needing a stonecutter to make a stonecutter in capitalism_game
15:28 rdococ although "recursive items" like stonecutters would be interesting if the game started with a single one in existence
15:29 rdococ as you'd need it to make one in the first place, you'd have no choice but to ask someone else for one if you don't
15:35 Sokomine hi ten. can you borrow me some of the thundering? or rather the rainfall? it's too warm here
15:35 Sokomine rdococ: there's a map based on earth's real map already. it's just a bit big. there's at least one forum thread for that
15:41 * tenplus1 shares the rain
15:41 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
15:41 tenplus1 wb Gael-de-Sailly
15:42 tumeninodes Hi Sokomine
15:42 Gael-de-Sailly hi again tenplus1
15:42 * Sokomine thanks ten and greets Gael-de-Sailly
15:42 tumeninodes and Gael-de-awesome mapmaker
15:43 tumeninodes brb, nature waits for no one
15:43 xerox123 minetest needs a tab menu were it shows everyone connected to a server
15:44 tenplus1 should sugar have an option to disable in farming ?
15:44 xerox123 what's wrong with sugar?
15:45 tenplus1 nothing, I've had modders wanting switches to disable certain foods in farming...
15:45 tenplus1 I think sugar is a base ingredient so will leave it be
15:46 ANAND xerox123: Good idea. It could be accessed from a button on the servers tab, and could return the connected players of the selected server
15:47 xerox123 ANAND: Im taking about ingame
15:47 xerox123 but that's a good idea too
15:47 ANAND You mean when ur already connected?
15:48 Gael-de-Sailly a tab in the inventory menu?
15:49 ANAND Connected players can be obtained in-game already - /who and /status
15:49 ANAND or*
15:51 rdococ what about unicorn politics?
15:51 xerox123 /status shows a list, it's hard to see names clearly when things are in a long horizontal list
15:51 ANAND so /who then :)
15:52 ANAND But maybe we could have a specialized list
15:52 Krock xerox123, CSM. minetest.get_player_names()
15:52 tenplus1 Farming Redo tidied and updated:
15:52 ANAND which could implement some sort of player sorting where applicable
15:53 xerox123 seen in minecraft where it shows names in a grid with their latency?
15:53 Krock no
15:54 ANAND no too
15:54 ANAND but it has potential
15:54 xerox123
15:55 ANAND hmm
15:55 rdococ OpenYayâ„¢
15:56 tenplus1 hrmm
15:57 xerox123 when I mean tab menu, I mean where the tab key is pressed and shows until the key is released
15:58 ANAND oh I see
15:59 xerox123 and then server owners, like in CTF, can assign colours to names in the list to show teams, or show you the health of other players etc...
16:00 tenplus1 a player stats page... lag, time on server etc.
16:01 ANAND As Krock said, the basic player list can be implemented client-side using CSM, and tab-key binding is possible using
16:04 tumeninodes I'd like to see an exit button for formspecs or the ability to exit by clicking anywhere outside the form (though I believe the formspec takes up the entire window, so) sometimes (often for me) having to hit Esc is a slight inconvenience
16:05 BillyS Uhh
16:05 BillyS How do I do animations for mobs with blender?
16:05 BillyS I have an armature . ..
16:06 BillyS I guess I just use keyframes?
16:11 IcyDiamond tenplus1: why notabug
16:12 tenplus1 hi diamond...  I found it easier to use than most, and it's fast :)
16:13 IcyDiamond Okay then
16:13 tenplus1 also some big names use it, libreboot for one :P
16:13 IcyDiamond Gitlab is the best imo
16:13 BillyS I tried using keyframes; didn't seem to work
16:13 BillyS I'm using the mods_redo API
16:13 IcyDiamond I run my own instance
16:13 tenplus1 gitlab doesnt feel right to me
16:13 BillyS The mob looks just fine, but no animation
16:14 IcyDiamond How so
16:14 IcyDiamond It's amazing
16:15 tenplus1 I did try it and I really wanted to like it... but alas, no
16:15 IcyDiamond XD
16:15 BillyS augh
16:16 AndroBuilder joined #minetest-hub
16:16 rdococ Idea: Yay
16:16 tenplus1 wb andro
16:16 rdococ > BillyS
16:16 rdococ > yay
16:16 BillyS I love minetest, but things like this really  should be documented
16:16 rdococ keyframes?
16:16 rdococ minetest has yayed
16:17 IcyDiamond I moved my mods onto my gl
16:18 Sokomine xerox123: afaik such a tab with all players online was added some time ago (as a mod? or directly in the ame? i do not remember)
16:18 xerox123 oh
16:19 rdococ what is with the screaming next door
16:19 rdococ well, it's more of a baby crying
16:24 rdococ Hm... should the 'lua packages' be in the form of 'lua discs'?
16:24 rdococ or 'lua floppy discs'... or 'lua cartridges'...
16:24 rdococ hm
16:24 rdococ How about "lua controller blueprints"?
16:28 rdococ Hm, do you think they should be rewritable?
16:28 rdococ (guess I could add both varieties)
16:30 BillyS How how how how?!
16:31 rdococ ?
16:32 ClobberXD joined #minetest-hub
16:32 tenplus1 hi clobber
16:36 ClobberXD Hello tenplus1 :P
16:36 rdococ weird, it doesn't seem to work
16:37 rdococ nvm, it does work but it needs to modify the formspec?
16:42 rdococ got it to work
16:43 BillyS ..huh
16:43 BillyS I just checked every option under export, and it worked. Okay . . .
16:44 rdococ loll
16:46 tenplus1 you making a new mob billy ?
16:47 rdococ nw to make art for the luacontroller blueprints
16:47 rdococ anyone here good at drawing item art?
16:49 BillyS tenplus1: Yep
16:51 tenplus1 kewl :PP
16:52 BillyS I'm not really creating a new one; just stole the stone monster's model, re-animated it, and gave it a different texture
16:52 BillyS And boosted strength/damage
16:52 tenplus1 ooh, cant wait to see it :D
16:52 tenplus1 is this the marble monster :D
16:53 BillyS No, the "nether" monster, actually
16:53 tenplus1 :)
16:53 BillyS I'll hopefully have it on my server later today, if you wanna check it out
16:53 tenplus1 custom mob for nether mod :) I like it
16:53 BillyS Yep
16:54 BillyS They guard a certain type of auto-generated building in the nether, which will have something very rare inside of it
16:54 tenplus1 donuts!!!!!
16:54 BillyS (still not sure what that something will be)
16:54 BillyS xD
16:54 BillyS Do you happen to know if on_construct is called when nodes are placed as a schematic?
16:54 tenplus1 nope
16:55 tenplus1 schems dont call anything apart from abm's
16:55 tenplus1 gotta do that manually
16:55 rdococ changed terminology from read/write to copy/paste to make it easier
16:56 BillyS Hmm . . . thanks
16:56 tenplus1 you could place a special node that when detected by lbm or abm turns into a chest and fills with items
16:56 BillyS Yeah, I'm thinking for the spawners rn
16:56 BillyS They use on_timer
16:56 BillyS Which is set up by on_construct
16:57 rdococ add fake chests that turn into mobs
16:57 BillyS And I really don't like ABMs
16:57 BillyS rdococ, interesting idea
16:57 tenplus1 dont we have a mimic mob alraedy ? chest monster
16:58 rdococ odd
16:58 rdococ gimp 2.10 allows me to use colors out of the standard rgb system
16:58 rdococ like this anti-cyan color with negative green and blue
16:59 rdococ and there's a pink 'tag' on the color to remind you that it can't display it properly
17:01 BillyS Also, I modified the nether mod
17:01 tenplus1 what did you change ?
17:01 BillyS Now there is a layer of bedrock between the surface world and the nether
17:02 BillyS So you can't dig to it
17:02 tenplus1 ahhhh handy, stop players digging into nether...
17:02 BillyS Then I'll add hostile mobs to the nether, and peaceful mobs to the overworld
17:03 BillyS So players who don't like mobs and players who do can both play
17:05 tenplus1 w00t
17:11 BillyS Heh, I've decided to make the mob spawners only run twice, but explode when destroyed
17:11 rdococ Krock: Yay, I implemented my idea!
17:11 rdococ It's not public yet though.
17:11 BillyS So you have to suffer the mobs, or low yourself up
17:11 BillyS *blow
17:12 tenplus1 lol
17:12 tenplus1 nice
17:12 rdococ make the spawners destroy the chest when destroyed >:D
17:12 tenplus1 if you use tnt.boom when digging spawner it'll blow up chest and drop items inside anyhoo
17:12 rdococ or maybe add some "chest-destroying spawners" that do that
17:13 rdococ tenplus1: not if they're magical loot-destroying spawners ;)
17:13 BillyS â„¢
17:13 rdococ no mobs, no lootâ„¢
17:13 BillyS Altho, if I used tnt.boom, I'd have to make the nether blocks un-TNTable
17:13 BillyS which is probably a good idea, considering that TNT is enabled on my server
17:14 rdococ make them transparent
17:14 rdococ netherglass dimension
17:14 tenplus1 lol
17:14 BillyS Although, I want to add a restriction so that a limited amount of TNT can be placed in one area
17:14 tenplus1 nethersand, on_boom = nether glass
17:14 rdococ ^
17:14 rdococ and nethersand + youtube = nether gonna give you up
17:15 rdococ rickroll node: when mined, rickrolls the miner
17:16 ANAND lol
17:29 BillyS Ack, cat on lap
17:29 BillyS Can't easily type
17:35 rdococ I'm working on a luacontroller blueprint system that makes moving and copying code between LuaCs really easy.
17:35 rdococ although I need to add protection first
17:36 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
17:36 tenplus1 back
17:36 rdococ Here's a thought: Wouldn't minetest.is_protected be better handled as a system which would allow you to register 'protection modifiers', rather than simply being a redefinable function?
17:37 tenplus1 explain
17:37 rdococ e.g. minetest.register_protection(function (pos, name) stuff; return if this mod allows the player to dig here end)
17:38 rdococ Then, if at least one of the protection function says that it's protected, then it is.
17:38 tenplus1 that's how it works already
17:38 rdococ ?
17:38 tenplus1 minetest.is_protected isnt overwritten, it's added to... so each protection mod can officially check a position with a name and return true/false
17:38 rdococ the only function I see is is_protected, and lua_api.txt says that mods can redefine it
17:39 tenplus1 eg...  old_is_protected = minetest.is_protected....   then you use is_protected and call the old one from inside
17:39 BillyS tenplus1, should the /spawn and /home commands work in the nether?
17:39 rdococ tenplus1: that produces lots of closures
17:39 rdococ surely a better protection handler would be better. it could be implemented in lua...
17:39 tenplus1 billy, it's a quick way to escape nether but depends how difficult you wanna make game :))
17:40 BillyS Yeah
17:40 BillyS Maybe cause a delay
17:40 BillyS So if you are in the nether, you have to wait 5 seconds or something before they work
17:40 tenplus1
17:41 tenplus1 rdococ: an example...  areas does same, which means you can run 2 or 3 protection mods together and they can all check an area
17:41 xerox123 life + pineapple and coconut drink = amazing
17:42 BillyS heh
17:42 tenplus1 mmm, tasty
17:43 rdococ tenplus1: no, I get that
17:43 rdococ tenplus1: it's just that doing that creates tons of closures
17:43 rdococ many anonymous closures kept in closure variables all called old_is_protected
17:43 tenplus1 only if you run 20 protection mods :) lol... 1 or 2 isnt gonna make a difference, they run quick enough
17:43 rdococ from different mods
17:43 rdococ lol, true
17:44 rdococ Lolyays.
17:44 tenplus1 my point being, the is_protected isnt overwritten but added to for stability
17:44 rdococ but you could still add to it with register_protection, plus you have no closure variables
17:45 tenplus1 it's possible to add a better system, yes :) procedural check loop and 1 return
17:45 rdococ you could do it within the current system
17:47 tenplus1 if all other protection mods agree to use new system
17:47 rdococ Adding protection to my luac_blueprints mod, so you can't overwrite protected luacontrollers with it
17:48 rdococ (Although you can still copy code from luacontrollers, although you could do that anyway iirc)
17:48 tenplus1 write an example and test
17:50 rdococ Write a yayâ„¢
17:54 rdococ hm
17:54 rdococ I tried to join the local server but minetest crashed
17:54 rdococ another segfault?
17:54 rdococ idk, wasn't running from terminal
18:02 Roger9_ joined #minetest-hub
18:03 rud0lf_ joined #minetest-hub
18:04 Roger9 joined #minetest-hub
18:04 tenplus1 wb
18:07 xerox123 /shutdown <delay> no longer seems to care about the delay
18:07 rdococ hellox123
18:07 sfan5 i think there's a bug for that
18:08 BillyS /shutdown math.huge
18:08 rud0lf joined #minetest-hub
18:12 xerox123 #7223
18:12 ShadowBot -- The `/shutdown` command is broken.
18:12 xerox123 found it
18:14 BillyS tenplus1: Hmm, what about minetest.set_node()? Does that call on_construct?
18:14 tenplus1 yes
18:14 BillyS I thought so
18:14 BillyS thx
18:15 tenplus1 set_node and place_nod will do callbacks...  schem node placement and swap_node do not
18:15 BillyS Ah
18:16 BillyS I suppose schem node placement probably works akin to voxels
18:18 CWz joined #minetest-hub
18:18 tenplus1 wb
18:28 * BillyS tries to figure out how to make schematics randomly generated
18:28 tenplus1 on map or mod placed ?
18:29 BillyS mod placed
18:29 tenplus1 if mod placed then make 2 or 3 different schems it can place using math.random(1,3)
18:30 BillyS But I don't know where I want to place it, othen then "somewhere in the nether". That's the issue
18:30 BillyS *other
18:31 BillyS Maybe nssm can help me out there
18:31 tenplus1 you want it placed by mapgen ?
18:31 BillyS yes
18:32 tenplus1 lua or v7 decoration ?
18:32 BillyS lua, I think
18:33 BillyS I didn't look into decorations . .
18:33 rdococ ugh, I'm ill
18:33 rdococ still
18:33 tenplus1 minetest.place_schematic_on_vmanip(vmanip, pos, schematic, rotation, replacement, force_placement, flags
18:33 rdococ I've been ill for two weeks now
18:33 rdococ doesn't stop me coding mods though, lol
18:34 tenplus1 :P
18:34 BillyS tenplus1, I think I want to do it via register_decoration (Not sure tho)
18:34 rdococ write-only memory
18:34 rdococ WOM
18:34 BillyS I'd have to make fill_ratio extremely small
18:35 tenplus1 you could have registered_decoration add an airlike special node and run an lbm to switch it to a random schematic when the area is loaded
18:35 * rdococ glues a WOM with a ROM and makes RWM: read-write memory
18:35 BillyS rdococ: Now glue those together, and make a harddrive
18:36 BillyS There is only one type of schmeatic, tho, so I don't think that is necessary
18:36 BillyS tenplus1: ^
18:36 tenplus1 wait,didnt you ask about random schematics ?
18:36 * rdococ glues lots of RWMs together and makes an SD card
18:37 tenplus1 oh, randomly generated as in placement ?!?!
18:37 BillyS tenplus1: Ok, no. xD I want one schematic to be randomly placed multiple times in the nether
18:37 BillyS Yes
18:37 rdococ there will be copy-once blueprints that turn into paste-only ones when copied once
18:38 tenplus1 billys, register_decoration and schamatic = ???
18:39 tenplus1 that's how I place trees n stuff in ethereal
18:39 BillyS Yep, I have no idea what I am doing / talking about either. :P
18:39 tenplus1
18:39 BillyS Yeah, looking at that
18:39 rdococ You could even mass-produce paste-only copies of the blueprints that cannot be tampered with, and sell them.
18:40 BillyS Where are schematics for mods stored?
18:40 BillyS Apparently, the mod root
18:40 tenplus1 anywhere you like so long as you have path to the .mts file...  schematics folder etc.   or you can make it a table with node detauls inside
18:41 BillyS Ah
18:47 BillyS Hmm
18:48 BillyS I am so confused
18:49 CWz joined #minetest-hub
18:49 tenplus1 this may help:
18:50 BillyS Very, thanks
18:50 BillyS What does sidelen do?
18:51 tenplus1 size of divisions make in chunk,
18:51 tenplus1 it's usually 8
18:51 BillyS ok
18:52 BillyS Hmm, I assume noise_params basically define where it is placed?
18:52 tenplus1 <-- tells you what everything is :D
18:53 BillyS ah, thx
18:54 BillyS Now i just need to figure out how to use it. xD
18:54 BillyS (noise_params, that is)
18:55 tenplus1 you can check the tree's and see what values they have and kinda figure it out :)
18:56 BillyS kk
18:57 BillyS Thanks, you're a life saver! :D
18:57 tenplus1 :P
18:58 BillyS Ack, y_min is depth. Stupid y axis
18:59 BillyS Explains why they weren't generating. :P
19:00 tenplus1 once you set params and run map you can stand in teh same area (within y_max) ehehe... and do   /deleteblocks here 20  to regenerate area and see if it works
19:00 BillyS ok
19:01 rdococ
19:02 tenplus1 I need to sign in before I can view it.... seriously ???
19:02 rdococ y coordinate is almost always vertical in video games
19:02 rdococ hold on
19:02 rdococ tenplus1: I made it private by mistake
19:02 tenplus1 lol
19:02 rdococ accidentally proprietaryâ„¢
19:02 Krock tenplus1, sign in with your GitHub account :P
19:02 BillyS Well, at least they generate . . . now they are so mushed togeher I though tthey didn't for a moment. xD
19:02 BillyS *they
19:03 tenplus1 just gotta tweak settings to make it more rare
19:03 rdococ lol
19:04 rdococ BillyS: what do you think of my luac_blueprint mod?
19:04 BillyS I think I'll use fill_ratio instead. Only one value to tweak. :P
19:04 BillyS rdococ: Haven't seen it yet
19:04 tenplus1 true, and you can make it 0.0002 for rarety
19:04 rdococ BillyS: link aboveâ„¢
19:06 BillyS The only annoyance is that it seems to want to put them next to each other
19:07 tenplus1 that's why I use a very low fill_ratio to spread it all out
19:07 BillyS ah
19:07 BillyS I assume I would want the "force_placement" flag, seeing that it's a building?
19:08 Fixer *,,,,,,*
19:08 tenplus1 yeah :)
19:08 tenplus1 wb fixer
19:08 Fixer ty
19:08 aerozoic Is it ok to delete the rollback file while the server is up and running?
19:08 tenplus1 dunno, never use it... have always disabled rollback
19:09 BillyS Ack, the nether is too dark
19:09 * BillyS turns it into glowstone
19:09 BillyS Wonderful
19:11 rdococ Yay!
19:14 rdococ what do you think of my luac_blueprint mod?
19:14 tenplus1 copy and paste settings from one node to another ?
19:15 rdococ it allows you to copy code from one luacontroller and paste it to another
19:15 BillyS Seems to be working
19:15 tenplus1 handy
19:15 tenplus1 kewl billy, are they spread out more ?
19:15 BillyS Except for the times it spawns in a 1x1 node hole, and is entombeed in solid rock. :P
19:15 rdococ there are paste-only blueprints which are only for tamper-proofing, not proprietary code
19:15 BillyS *entombed
19:16 rdococ may add locked blueprints for further tamper-proofing
19:16 tenplus1 you could remake schem file with huge gaps around sides and top :)
19:16 BillyS It seems to be working
19:16 BillyS Hmm . . . .
19:16 BillyS That's not a bad idea
19:18 tenplus1 once the 0.5 cave biomes are in effect you can place buildings more easily knowing the landscape will have a surface to use :)
19:19 BillyS Just yeah
19:19 BillyS -Just
19:20 BillyS I have a tendency to type a word, forget it, type another one, and then hit "enter" :P
19:21 tenplus1 will 0.4.17 get a patch release with the legacy fix ?
19:24 BillyS fill_ratio = 0.001 and STILL 5 of them spawn together.
19:25 tenplus1 add another 0.... 0.0002
19:27 tenplus1 this is where the noise_params come into it to spread things out... or... have it spawn near a certain node only like coal et
19:28 BillyS Seems to have fixed it; they aren't spawning at all now. xD
19:28 BillyS Myabe I'll look into noise_params
19:28 tenplus1 add this to the register_decoration:     spawn_by = "default:stone_with_coal",  num_spawn_by = 1,
19:29 Krock why not fiddle a bit with "sidelen"? 0.001 is ~ (1 / 32^2)  so one should spawn each 32 nodes
19:29 tenplus1 ooh, better idea :D
19:29 tenplus1 so many settings to play with :D
19:29 BillyS xD
19:29 BillyS Set sidelen to 0.001?
19:29 Krock no, to 16.
19:30 BillyS Hmm, ok
19:30 BillyS It was at 8
19:30 Krock the 0.001 was a comment for the fill_ratio
19:30 BillyS Ah
19:32 IhrFussel Does override_day_night_ratio() just adjust how long the sun stays per day? For example I can make the sun go down at 20:00 instead of ~ 18:30?
19:32 BillyS They aren't as close anymore
19:32 tenplus1 hi fussel
19:34 IhrFussel Hi there tenplus1 ... do you have any idea how the function works?
19:35 IhrFussel lua API just says the value is between 0 .. 1 and manipulates the daylight time to "some" extent... that's not very clear
19:36 tenplus1 lua_api.txt needs to give detailed explanation with examples...
19:40 Krock assume 0 being night all the time and 1 sunny all the time. 0.5 would be about what we currently use, I guess
19:41 IhrFussel Alright will try 0.6 then to see how it looks... I hope each client understands it ... any info on when it was added?
19:44 rdococ minetest 0.6.0!
19:44 Krock git blame
19:45 tenplus1 its good that ruben is making a modding book with proper examples to explain how commands and functions work... we really need this
19:45 Krock older than 4 years so it's safe to use
19:47 IhrFussel
19:52 IhrFussel Okay....0.6 makes 3 AM pretty morning sky
19:56 rdococ I think override_day_night_ratio just changes the brightness of the sky as if it was a certain time
19:56 rdococ and for specific players
19:56 entuland joined #minetest-hub
19:56 tenplus1 wb entuland
19:57 tenplus1 wait, so does that mean we can have nightvision for specific players by setting it to 1 ?
19:59 rdococ above ground, yes
20:00 rdococ setting it to 1 makes it appear as if it is daytime, so it'll still be dark if you're under ground
20:00 tenplus1 hrm, why was this function made ?
20:01 rdococ well, you could use it in a weather mod for lightning strikes, or a "blood moon"-esque mod for nights that are darker than usual and have more mobs
20:01 rdococ or maybe for solar eclipses
20:01 tenplus1 the override would still hav to check for time of day etc and adjust lighting as night progresses
20:01 rdococ speaking of things like that, multiple day/night ratio overrides should probably add up
20:03 IhrFussel The name of the function is COMPLETELY misleading then and my time got wasted...I thought it meant that you can control how long sunlight/moonlight will stay, making it possible to have "summer days" and "winter days"
20:05 Krock so what's wrong?
20:05 tenplus1 ntie folks
20:05 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
20:05 IhrFussel Krock, the value defines the brightness set as definite brightness which never changes
20:05 rdococ well, you should probably wait for an update that allows you to customize the apparent orbit of the Sun
20:06 rdococ or you could set up a routine that scans for every player and sets it to a calculated brightness every time the time changes
20:06 xerox123 the Sun doesn't orbit! Earth is flat! Do your research! /s
20:06 rdococ but that might lag
20:07 rdococ xerox123: Sun does orbit... the galaxy ;)
20:07 rdococ hey, idea: diseases mod which adds vaccines that prevent diseases
20:07 xerox123 No! The Earth is simply moving up through space at 9.8m/s2! Gravity is a lie! /s
20:08 rdococ Earth is a yay blob, and it can open its mouth to destroy any place it wants to. don't let it destroy you.
20:09 rdococ hm, if you cut off your arm and then held it together would it still work?
20:11 longerstaff13 rdococ: interesting
20:16 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
20:17 BillyS rdococ: If you cut a ribbon cable in half and held the ends togehter, would it still work?
20:17 rdococ BillyS: maybe if you hold them carefully
20:18 rdococ if you cut a copper wire and hold the ends together, it still works
20:19 BillyS True
20:19 BillyS But then you have to consider that muscles and tendons won't work
20:19 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
20:19 rdococ ah, true
20:20 rdococ well, maybe
20:20 rdococ Gael-de-Yay
20:20 rdococ BillyS: will you consider adding the luac_blueprint mod?
20:20 rdococ (to your server)
20:20 Gael-de-Sailly Hi rdococ :)
20:20 Gael-de-Sailly and others :D
20:21 BillyS rdococ: My server doesn't have luaCsâ„¢
20:21 rdococ BillyS: aww
20:21 BillyS I suppose I could add it
20:21 rdococ it depends on luacs, so if you add it you should also add luacs
20:22 rdococ plus it would literally be useless without them
20:22 rdococ although I might extend functionality to other things that can have code in them
20:22 entuland hey there
20:22 rdococ I wonder if VE would consider adding the mod to her creative servers...
20:22 entuland banging my head with matrix transforms... lots of fun
20:22 rdococ delicious matrix yays
20:23 entuland we don't have helpers in minetest, correct?
20:23 entuland only vector helpers?
20:23 rdococ idk
20:23 entuland uhm...
20:23 rdococ maybe find a matrix helper made purely in lua?
20:23 entuland I'm importing this:
20:24 entuland it surely does its work properly
20:24 entuland it's just me unable to wrap my mind about those directions and orientations
20:24 rdococ hm... BillyS: any suggestions for crafting recipes?
20:24 rdococ entuland: what do you need the matrix transforms for?
20:25 BillyS rdococ, item frame + dye? :P
20:25 rdococ if it's just for rotation then quaternions are your best bet
20:25 rdococ BillyS: maybe luacontroller + dye
20:25 entuland to allow my canvases to capture their range no matter what their direction / orientation
20:25 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
20:25 entuland I need to cover all possible facedirs
20:26 entuland uhm
20:26 entuland I think I've found the culprit
20:27 rdococ hm, maybe item frame + luacontroller + dye?
20:28 rdococ or maybe a luac blueprint should require a luac blueprint to craft
20:28 rdococ /s
20:29 entuland yes! I got it!
20:29 entuland silly me, I didn't need inverse matrices at all!
20:29 * rdococ yays
20:30 entuland :)
20:30 entuland means I can get rid of that library altogether :P
20:33 rdococ
20:33 rdococ entuland: try out this mod ^
20:35 entuland remind me what luacontrollers are... those thingies with ABCD pins in mesecon where you can write lua code in-game?
20:35 rdococ yes
20:35 rdococ the blueprint mod allows you to copy and paste code to and from them
20:36 entuland I'll bookmark that mod, right now I'm waist deep into some quite painful 3D transforms :P
20:36 rdococ also, luacontrollers can interact with digilines. using a digistuff touchscreen you can even create an ingame OS.
20:36 rdococ and then you can use the blueprints to distribute what is essentially luacontroller firmware
21:14 entuland_ joined #minetest-hub
21:23 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
21:35 rdococ;t=20251
21:38 longerstaff13 wassat
21:39 rdococ my new mod
21:48 paramat joined #minetest-hub
21:51 paramat please someone temp-ban KGM from the forum
21:52 sfan5 KGM has not broken the forum rules, LMD on the other hand has
21:52 sfan5 he was tempbanned until 5th
21:52 * xerox123 needs to check this out
21:56 xerox123 KGM and his alter ego LMD
21:59 tumeninodes Ban Polls!!! :D
22:00 tumeninodes just abolish them. most who have used them in the past are annoying people (aside from Hamlett) he does polls just to ask if people like or are happy with his mods
22:08 paramat ok. i thought it was KGM who published the cheat tutorial
22:09 tumeninodes it was, iirc
22:10 paramat i thought so. the tutorial was against the rules?
22:10 tumeninodes basically explained the how to
22:10 paramat it was essentially carrying out the threats
22:11 paramat maybe sfan5 got the 2 members mixed up
22:11 sfan5 wasn't me who banned him
22:11 paramat ok
22:12 tumeninodes yeh. they're kids (at least lmd's age says 13). this is typical behavior for that age and upset/bored. hopefully they get it out of their system and can just continue on as good members
22:12 paramat forum says both had 3 day bans, woah!
22:13 paramat somewhat harsh ;)
22:13 tumeninodes oh, I thought you meant not enough XD
22:13 paramat heh i do
22:14 tumeninodes :P
22:14 paramat they may only visit the forum every few days
22:14 sfan5 clarification: KGM has definitely broken the rules, LMD might not have formally done so but we was indeed tempbanned too
22:14 paramat ah ok :)
22:15 tumeninodes it's just the age, still developing reasoning and rationalizing skills
22:15 paramat still too soft a punishment
22:16 tumeninodes haha guilty by association... I love that plan.
22:16 paramat 1-2 weeks
22:16 paramat for KGM
22:16 paramat hmm, 2 weeks
22:17 tumeninodes the loons have been out n about this week, that's for sure
22:17 tumeninodes afk
22:17 paramat forum mods are too soft
22:19 sfan5 you might say they are optimistic about people's will to better their behaviour
22:20 rubenwardy it was a warning
22:20 rubenwardy not a punishment
22:20 entuland there, it was far easier than I thought in the end:
22:20 rdococ btw: gonna remove the copy-once and paste-only luac blueprints
22:43 rdococ hm
22:59 IhrFussel "123 for hot bf" modern dating
23:00 tumeninodes 0_o???!!! wrong ch IhrFussel? :D
23:01 IhrFussel Nope, just a random chat line I found funny
23:01 tumeninodes phew
23:04 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
23:09 IhrFussel Looks like players can still turn completely black when attached to an entity and moving around
23:14 Fixer IhrFussel: typical
23:16 tumeninodes is that entity specific? or "all" entities?
23:17 Fixer 321 for very hot pull request
23:18 tumeninodes sounds sexy
23:19 IhrFussel tumeninodes, there is nothing in the cars mod that should cause a black skin ... we're talking black as in "stuck inside a node" black and it only happens when the players moved far away from you while being attached to a moving entity
23:20 IhrFussel The skin turns normal again when leaving that entity
23:21 tumeninodes models fighting for the light
23:26 paramat please open an issue
23:29 rdococ 123 /s
23:30 rdococ sarcastic datingâ„¢
23:40 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
23:43 tumeninodes I wonder if adding backface culling to the player model might fix that? or perhaps the car models need it? (just a wild guess)
23:44 tumeninodes ... very, extremely wild
23:45 tumeninodes what ever is going on, those models are fighting one another when attached. could be another lighting issue to though
23:53 IhrFussel Not sure if it just happens with cars, will test more with other attachable's late here. goodnight

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