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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-05-12

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:12 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
01:38 garywhite joined #minetest-hub
01:38 garywhite Be back on Monday
01:56 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
02:10 AndroBuilder_ joined #minetest-hub
02:53 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
02:59 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-hub
03:03 CBugDCoder joined #minetest-hub
03:48 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
04:18 Sokomine joined #minetest-hub
04:27 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
04:29 ssieb joined #minetest-hub
05:48 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
06:58 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
07:36 ANAND Hello, I wanted to know if there's a way to modify the server status that's displayed to a player on join.
07:36 ANAND Would over-riding the /status command suffice?
08:09 Calinou I think it's defined in builtin/, no?
08:09 Calinou the message displayed on join is the "motd" property of minetest.conf
08:09 Calinou I think core handles it, not sure…
08:10 ANAND No not the Motd, I want to add some extra details to the status message
08:11 ANAND What I'm asking is whether over-riding /status command (builtin/game/chatcommands.lua) will help me achieve that
08:12 Calinou I guess… look at the implementation in chatcommands.lua
08:13 ANAND I'll make a few changes and I'll see if it reflects... I'll be back in a minute or two
08:16 ANAND oh.. /status just invokes core.get_server_status()
08:29 ANAND I can't go modifying the engine just to add a little piece of info specific to a server. Thanks for the help though, Calinou!
09:28 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
09:37 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
09:39 Krock joined #minetest-hub
10:50 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
10:52 * rdococ yays for quantum computing
11:09 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
11:12 IhrFussel !tell paramat Couldn't we just check in MTG fire mod whether or not the "to replace" node is air or not and then decide between set_node() swap_node()? I just demonstrated last night that swap_node() is THREE times faster vs set_node() when replacing 50 nodes *without* any callbacks/meta
11:12 MinetestBot IhrFussel: I'll pass that on when paramat is around
11:24 Shara Fussel: why not just open an issue so everyone gets to see and comment?
11:26 IhrFussel Shara, I only suggest something on github if I'm 100% certain that it makes sense... I have not much clue about the fire mod so I wanted to ask him on here first before suggesting something stupid
11:28 Shara If it's stupid, it's equally stupid here
11:29 IhrFussel On github it's visible to a broader audience
11:30 IhrFussel I just looked through tenplus1's PR changes and I can only facepalm when I read "but this air node might contain metadata" comment
11:30 IhrFussel Not once did I ever witness an AIR node with metadata
11:31 Shara He actually uses airlike nodes that have metadata for something
11:31 Shara Just because you don't do something, doesn't mean no one will
11:32 IhrFussel If there is a big fire going on, the server might well lag for 10+ ms (if it has to replace 50+ nodes), maybe it should be an option
11:33 IhrFussel "fire_enable_fastreplacing" or something like that
11:35 IhrFussel I honestly didn't know that set_node() is actually THAT slow even when the node has no custom callbacks/meta ... it's terrible
11:36 Shara If it's as bad as you suggest, maybe it would make more sense to try and check why it's that bad
11:37 Shara (assuming you didn't yet)
11:38 IhrFussel Shara, only did a benchmark and 50 air -> dirt replacements took 9ms with set_node() and 3ms with swap_node()
11:39 IhrFussel Maybe an alternative could be to add an optional "keep meta" to swap_node() ... like minetest.swap_node(pos, node, true)
11:39 IhrFussel Oops I mean delete meta*
11:41 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
11:41 IhrFussel Not sure how much faster it then still would be over set_node()
11:57 xerox123_ hello everyone o/
12:19 IcyDiamond o/
12:34 Krock o/
12:59 * rdococ yays, and turns into corium
12:59 aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
13:06 rdococ Unicornizing
13:51 rdococ hm, Snap! is kind of weird, I can't tell if the continuations it has are delimited or not
14:53 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
15:04 paramat joined #minetest-hub
15:04 MinetestBot paramat: May-12 11:12 UTC <IhrFussel> Couldn't we just check in MTG fire mod whether or not the "to replace" node is air or not and then decide between set_node() swap_node()? I just demonstrated last night that swap_node() is THREE times faster vs set_node() when replacing 50 nodes *without* any callbacks/meta
15:04 paramat hmm
15:07 IhrFussel Earlier today I also suggested as an alternative to add a "delete meta" flag to swap_node() if that would make it better
15:08 paramat no that's messy, checking a node to see what it is to decide between set and swap, if done everywhere that would be code bloat. also because you now have an additional node check it will probably remove any performance gain
15:09 IhrFussel The node is already known it's a simple check will take max a few µs
15:09 paramat fire nodes aren't replaced 50 at a time and you didn't add in 50 extra node checks
15:10 IhrFussel Are you sure that a big fire on a server cannot run set_node() lots of times in a row?
15:12 paramat it's a mistake to try too hard to use swap, and some modders are using it where it 'likely' to be ok, which is bad
15:12 IhrFussel It doesn't affect my server personally since I disabled fire spreading and igniting altogether...but a x3 performance boost sounds like a lot for servers with fire enabled and probably aggressive players who ignite everything they see
15:13 IhrFussel Then what about my alternative solution? Add optional minetest.swap_node(pos, node, true) [true = delete meta]
15:14 paramat we could possibly have another node setter because there are 2 options: meta removal, and running callbacks
15:14 paramat ah if it's already known, maybe ..
15:15 BakerPrime joined #minetest-hub
15:15 IhrFussel Or add 2 flags to swap_node() ... one for meta another for callbacks
15:16 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-hub
15:16 paramat yeah
15:16 paramat well
15:17 IhrFussel But settings both flags at once will make set_node() obsolete
15:19 IhrFussel Maybe minetest.swap_node(pos, node, {meta=true}) and minetest.swap_node(pos, node, {callbacks=true})
15:20 paramat for performance it's best to keep 'set node' without flags, to be as simple as possible (less arguments to process), duplication is ok here
15:20 paramat swap could become a version with options
15:21 IhrFussel I wonder how much faster swap_node() is when meta gets deleted
15:21 IhrFussel Or callbacks are run
15:21 ANAND sorry to interrupt, quick question: Is it possible to set ratios for the //mix command in WE?
15:22 IhrFussel ANAND, hack: type the ones atht should be more common multiple times
15:22 paramat it depends on whether separate control of meta and callbacks is useful or not, maybe
15:23 paramat no problem, there is no 'interrupt' on IRC :)
15:23 ANAND :D
15:23 IhrFussel Clearing meta without running callbacks is exactly what we are looking for in the fire mod...or not?
15:24 ANAND IhrFussel, I'd ended up passing default:stone 137 times along with one of each ore
15:24 ANAND ... in order to get the natural ratio
15:25 IhrFussel ANAND, the mix command accepts that many parameters?
15:25 ANAND yes
15:26 ANAND I did not use exactly 137, but I did copy-paste default:stone way too many times
15:26 sfan5 ANAND: there isn't
15:26 ANAND :(
15:27 paramat Ihr yeah perhaps. anyway it's worth an issue to suggest 2 arguments for 'swap node': meta removal, run callbacks. we need more input on how useful it is
15:27 sfan5 you're welcome to make a pull request ;)
15:27 ANAND sfan5 I was actually thinking of that...
15:27 ANAND I'll see if it can be done
15:28 ANAND Thank you though!
15:28 sfan5 it can, you just need to touch a little more code
15:28 sfan5 since worldedit.set is not laid out for this at all
15:29 ANAND Cool! I'll check out the code right away...
15:29 Krock minetest even ships a function to generator ores
15:29 Krock *generate
15:29 ANAND Krock, c++ or lua?
15:30 sfan5 though, if you just want stone turned into ores according to some fixed distribution, you might want to send a PR to instead
15:30 Krock ANAND, both. in Lua it's like minetest.generate_ores(vm) and done
15:30 ANAND I see
15:30 sfan5 Krock: is that guaranteed to only touch stone nodes?
15:31 Krock sfan5, it touches whatever the ores are defined to touch
15:31 sfan5 hm
15:31 sfan5 I should have expected this
15:31 ANAND Is it documented in lua_api.txt?
15:31 Krock ANAND, Ctrl+F is your friend. Yes.
15:31 ANAND haha ok
15:32 Krock however, this ore generation will rely on the Y position in the world to generate the stuff, so you'll end up manually creating terrain like the map generator
15:32 Krock might not be the desired output if you want to have diamond clusters at Y=10
15:37 sfan5 hm that function does gravel, dirt and stuff too
15:39 Krock perfect underground life :)
16:30 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
16:52 xerox123 how does this look for a CTF floating island?
16:54 Krock visually looks very good but it won't help much to cover from snipers
17:00 Jordach snipin's a good job mate
17:01 xerox123 can't just spoonfeed the players their defences
17:01 xerox123 :P
17:03 Jordach it's challengin' work, outta doors, i'll guarantee you
17:03 Jordach 'll not go hungry
17:04 sfan5 Krock: generate_ores is broken
17:05 rdococ concept: technology themed CTF map. players, rather than having resources like cobble and wood to build their base and protect their flag, would construct highly advanced security mechanisms to ensure that the other team doesn't get into their base and/or out again
17:06 Krock sfan5, did you call vm:write_to_map afterwards()
17:06 sfan5 yes and that's not the issue
17:06 sfan5 get_emerged_area says min {x = -256, y = -112, z = -128} max {x = -225, y = -81, z = -81}
17:06 sfan5 but in the end placeAllOres() is called with nmin = (-241,-97,-112) nmax = (-240,-96,-97)
17:07 sfan5 where does it even get these nonsense values?
17:07 Krock 5 nodes in each direction.. hmm
17:07 Krock I think it does that because it was designed to work for on_generate only
17:12 sfan5 also it's not a reliable way to generating ores either
17:12 sfan5 if the manip you're using happens to belong to a desert biome, it will do nothing at all
17:31 sfan5 Krock:
17:31 sfan5 most of this method are just terrible workarounds for generate_ores being unflexible and sorta broken
17:31 sfan5 still better than nothing I guess
17:32 sfan5 ^ ANAND I've implemented your request in we_env
17:33 Krock interesting solution. running the generating function and then undo all unwanted changes
17:34 rubenwardy Krock: why don't some entries in modList.php have `author`?
17:34 rubenwardy eg: my crafting mod
17:34 Krock looking
17:35 Krock "Unlockable Crafting [crafting] - No craft grid"? it has an author
17:37 rdococ Neologism used to be a neologism
17:41 Krock rubenwardy, if there's an author missing, then it'll be missing for all of their mods. Authors that couldn't be found are called "ERROR_500" just to see that something failed
17:42 rubenwardy nvm, firefox is just stupid
17:43 Krock yes, it won't be shown if you search for a term. all the other keys will be sorted out :3
17:44 rubenwardy yay
17:45 rubenwardy the auto meta importer for the contentdb now finds the forum topic ID for you
17:45 Krock o/
17:50 xerox123 rubenwardy: working on a floating islands map
17:51 xerox123
17:51 xerox123 the islands so far
17:52 ANAND Nice!
17:52 ANAND Are those cobbles placed on purpose?
17:52 ANAND on the sides
17:53 xerox123 yes
17:54 ANAND ok
17:54 ANAND and the buildings house the team bases?
17:55 xerox123 I don't want to give the bases too much initial protection
17:56 xerox123 I think a house is a bit generous
17:56 ANAND IMHO, the players should decide how they want their base to be built
17:58 xerox123 you can connect on the same address and see them
17:59 Shara xerox123... what happens if players fall?
17:59 xerox123 if I'm feeling nice I may put water at the bottom
17:59 Shara then how do they get up?
18:00 Shara It's quite poor gameplayer is you either fall endlessly, or land somewhere that prevents a way of quickly rejoining the action
18:00 rdococ you could have an invisible death barrier at the bottom of maps with problems like that
18:01 rdococ e.g. not for the current maps where you can reach the bottom of the map without getting trapped, but only for maps like xerox123's floating islands map
18:01 Shara rdococ: which makes it sound less suitable for CTF
18:01 Shara But just my opinion anyway
18:01 rdococ Shara: why, and what else would you do?
18:01 Shara I'd not hav e amap like this
18:01 Shara Doesn't feel well suited
18:02 ANAND Lava could be added
18:02 ANAND Won't look good
18:03 Shara Yea, already thought of and dimisseed that
18:03 ANAND But will kill the player, forcing them to re-spawn at base
18:03 Shara And if players can survive the drop, you'll just end up with them making lovely stacks of dirt to climb back up wherever they like
18:04 xerox123 water streams from the islands?
18:04 Shara Players could remove them
18:08 ANAND If the lava river's deep enough, players can't point at anything to place the dirt on
18:10 rdococ Again, invisible death barrier. unless you can give a legitimate reason as to why it doesn't feel well suited.
18:11 Shara Because it's not a thing that exists in CTF
18:11 Shara You'd need to get that added before adding maps that depend on it
18:11 ANAND rdococ try convincing rubenwardy first :)
18:24 Fixer make a mooove
18:24 Fixer rdococ: fancy UI
18:53 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
18:54 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
19:20 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
19:20 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
19:30 Tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
19:30 Tenplus1 hi folks
19:40 ANAND Hey Tenplus1!
19:40 Tenplus1 o/ anand
19:41 Krock o/ Tenplus1
19:41 Tenplus1 I see that apples regrow in mtg now :) nice shara
19:41 Tenplus1 hey krock
19:41 Krock IhrFussel, dump their inventory into the bin
19:42 Shara :)
19:42 Shara Hi Tenplus1
19:42 Shara Fussel: I just tell them that's their own fault then, and don't even bother checking
19:42 Tenplus1 hi shara :)
19:43 Tenplus1 I found a way so that apple_mark node can replace oranges and banana's too :D
19:43 Shara Tenplus1: yea, but not doing it for MTG
19:43 Shara And I don't want to use metadata
19:43 Tenplus1 it's not metadata
19:43 Shara What then?
19:44 Tenplus1 I can dig a banana and replace it with apple_mark with param2 = 2 and override the node to check for param2 and replace with banana :P
19:44 Krock a node for each fruit
19:44 Tenplus1 I have all those rotatiuonal positions to work with :D
19:44 Shara Ahh, sure
19:44 Tenplus1 1 node, many rotations
19:44 Tenplus1 ehehe
19:44 Shara Just seems bettr to register nodes though :P
19:44 Shara But that's a nice way of doing it as well
19:45 Krock so could I create a fruit spawner when using the screwdriver correctly?
19:45 Tenplus1 I dont like wasting nodes if possible, would also like beds mod to use 1 single node per bed instead of 2
19:45 Shara you can target the mark node
19:45 Shara can't*
19:45 Tenplus1 lol krock, you cant point to airlike with screwdriver
19:45 Tenplus1 but yeah, if it were possible it would be fun to do
19:45 Krock no, I meant targetting the fruit before diggin ti
19:46 Krock *digging it
19:46 Tenplus1 param2 only works with apple_mark (airlike node)
19:46 Shara I assuming the mark is being set based on type of fruit, not its rotation
19:46 Tenplus1 yeah, if I dig apple then place apple_mark with 0 param2, if banana 1 param2, if orange 2 param2 etc
19:47 Shara Problem of course is that if you do it this way for ethereal fruit trees, how is some other mod to klnow what you are using?
19:47 Tenplus1 they can add their own nodes :) eheheheh
19:47 Shara why should they if you don't?
19:47 Shara This isn't reserved for you :P
19:47 Tenplus1 am kidding :) they could...
19:48 Tenplus1 ethereal only has 3 items to regrow (banana, orange, coconut), you got a lot of param2 space left
19:48 Shara I really want regrowth added to ethereal, but please do it in a way that isn't so likely to make conflicts with other mods
19:48 Shara I guess I'm forking ethereal when I do my next big update then :P
19:48 Tenplus1 was gonna add 'regrow' to ethereal
19:50 Tenplus1 1 node to rule them all
19:51 Shara ethereal is going to be annoying to update for me anyway
19:51 Tenplus1 how so ?
19:51 Shara because I need to manually switch settings every time, plus bonemeal change, and I think some other things you did since I last updated
19:52 Tenplus1 I've only removed bonemeal so that servers use the actual bonemeal mod which has a lot more features and api
19:52 Shara features I didn't want
19:52 Tenplus1 what bonemeal ?
19:52 Shara Having the lighter version in ethereal itself was useful
19:52 Shara yes
19:52 Shara I iddn't want the other types
19:53 Tenplus1 it's the same thing, only different versions (mulch, bonemeal, fertilizer)
19:53 Tenplus1 just working a lot better with better mod support
19:53 Shara I still don't want the other versions
19:53 Tenplus1 o.O
19:54 Shara Just because you want something added to a mod, doesn't mean everyone else who uses it does
19:54 Shara and it's your mod, so it's fine, but it means I will have to make my own version on next update, since you changed ethereal as well
19:55 Tenplus1 I dont get your dislike of mulch and fertilizer items
19:55 Shara It wasn't a problem while that still had bonemeal
19:55 Tenplus1 it still HAS bonemeal
19:55 Shara Because I consider it too basic a feature to justify having three different items for it
19:55 Tenplus1 mulch from leaves but only works in 2x2 area, bonemeal from dirt/bones but works on 3x3 area, mulch + bonemeal = fertilizer that works in 5x5 area
19:56 Tenplus1 it's a progression
19:56 Shara You removed bonemeal from ethereal, yes?
19:56 Tenplus1 the aliases are there if you are running bonemeal
19:56 Tenplus1 it still works...
19:56 Shara which is not what I want
19:56 Tenplus1 *sigh*
19:56 Shara I don't want mulch or fertiliser
19:57 Shara Pretty sure I told him that way back when he changed it... but oh well
20:07 rdococ I once modified one of the farming mods to add random mutations that would affect their growth speed
20:08 Shara Hmm, just growth speed, or anything else?
20:08 rdococ I don't think there was anything else
20:08 Shara I guess I'm surprised there's nothign random about it by default
20:08 rdococ Although I think it would be better if it affected other things too
20:09 Shara Growth speed should be variable
20:10 rdococ This would probably be infeasible for a Lua mod, but imagine crop evolution that, after many generations of slight changes to the crop's appearance and functionality, would result in entirely different plant species
20:10 rdococ Or at least visible changes that would be enough to distinguish different varieties of the crop, similarly to how you have different varieties of plants in real life
20:11 Shara Would be pretty intersting
20:11 rdococ I guess you could do it to a limited extent with the node coloring feature
20:12 Shara Or just lots of alternative crops registered, which are different stage versions, and there's a small chance of growing a next stage version
20:12 rdococ That would also work, but depending on variety could result in a lot of nodes being registered
20:12 Shara Of course
20:13 Shara Just that it's not impossible
20:26 rdococ You would use selective breeding to breed only the crops that have the properties you want (higher yield, speed, etc.), and maybe the properties could be somewhat mutually exclusive (for example, a crop can have a high yield and low speed, or a low yield and high speed, but it can't have high both, only medium both).
20:33 Fixer 270 players on 2b2t...
20:33 Fixer wonder if minetest can handle that much players on one server
20:34 Calinou I thought there was a MT server with 270 players online right now :P
20:35 Krock it would be punished by the server list
20:36 Calinou yeah, max_players > 100 is punished IIRC
20:36 Krock 127 is the max
20:46 Fixer lol
20:50 IhrFussel IMO MT isn't that bad of an's a OSS game that supports ~ 50 players connected at once with its network code without huge lag caused by the engine itself
20:53 IhrFussel I bet most servers wouldn't lag at all anymore if they removed all lua code (except for builtin)
20:53 lisac IhrFussel: they would lag even less if you removed the map loading and handling of player movement
20:54 IhrFussel But who wants to play on a barebones server
20:54 lisac maybe just make a nicely colored chat
20:54 IhrFussel I mean it's not MT's fault that lua is slower than c++
20:54 paramat "I bet most servers wouldn't lag at all anymore if they removed all lua code" so true :D
20:55 lisac I also bet if minetest only allowed C++ mods, it would be a lot less alive
20:56 paramat problem is many mods are badly coded and overintensive, and users don't know which are intensive. unfortunately it sems to be the popular ones
20:56 paramat *seems
20:56 IhrFussel Back when there were barely any mods for servers and MTG just began development, I could imagine that servers had 20+ players without lag
20:57 paramat also usually too many mods are added to servers, like hundreds
20:58 IhrFussel paramat, I have 180 but most of them aren't worthy of the name "mod" really...they just add 1 or 2 nodes to the game
20:59 IhrFussel The worst are mods that run intensive tasks on each server step when it's not necessary
20:59 Calinou IhrFussel: it does tend to lag with 50 online players in my experience
21:00 Calinou LuaJIT is not that slow, too
21:00 Calinou I mean, some people accuse the LuaJIT developer of being an alien due to how fast it can be :P
21:01 IhrFussel Calinou, I know but luaJIT -> c++ -> luaJIT is still slower than c++ -> c++ -> c++ ... at least I think so
21:02 Calinou it is, yes
21:02 Dumbeldor IhrFussel: it depends, few people can write good C++. So better than beginners doing bad lua than bad C++ :P
21:02 Calinou earlier 0.4 versions felt much snappier though
21:02 Calinou (less mods, less intensive mods, but also less things to do)
21:03 IhrFussel For example I modified mesecons globalstep because AFAIK there is no node/mechanic that requires the 0.1 sec I changed it to 0.2 sec
21:06 IhrFussel Did ABMs always exist?
21:06 Krock Did Minetest always exist?
21:06 Krock No.
21:06 Calinou did life always exist?
21:06 IhrFussel I mean since MT dev
21:06 Calinou ABMs were already a thing in December 2011 IIRC
21:07 IhrFussel Was 2011 already the version with lua API?
21:08 IhrFussel When I first heard of "ABMs are slow to execute" I assumed they would be in lua xP but they are in the c++ code so I wonder how they can be so slow/intensive
21:10 Fixer since 0.4 in early 2012 iirc
21:11 Calinou the Lua API was added on 2011-11-30
21:11 Calinou 4 days after, I launched the first version of More Blocks <3
21:20 Fixer
21:21 Fixer 2011 was year of vanilla for me
21:21 Fixer also, officially 7 years with minetest
21:51 paramat no need for [off] for on-topic
22:41 ircSparky joined #minetest-hub
22:42 ircSparky minetest.override_item is wrecking connected nodes (fences and glass panes are no longer connecting) any way to fix?
23:07 paramat joined #minetest-hub
23:32 Tmanyo joined #minetest-hub
23:44 Jordach joined #minetest-hub

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