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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2018-02-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
18:43 loggingbot_ joined #minetest-hub
18:43 Topic for #minetest-hub is now Keep offtopic short | | Logs:
18:50 paramat sfan5 i highlighted you in a message in -dev this morning about logging, i think red tried to contact you on saturday
18:51 sfan5 yes i was gone on the weekend
18:52 red-001 someone wanted to get whitelisted for the serverlist, told them to leave a memo, not sure if they did
18:54 sfan5 they did
18:54 CWz what serverlist
18:54 tenplus1 hi CWz
18:55 rubenwardy lol
19:02 paramat logs are back
19:08 Krock tenplus1, already seen on youtube
19:09 tenplus1 :P
19:16 Fixer those ducks are awesome
19:16 tenplus1 eheheh
19:16 Fixer i wonder if you can simulate dial up sounds with those
19:16 Raven262 joined #minetest-hub
19:16 tenplus1 hi raven
19:16 Raven262 o/ ten
19:18 Krock Fixer, can confirm. sauce: used to play with one to annoy friends
19:18 * sofar tries to reduce open PR count in minetest-mods/*
19:19 tenplus1 good luck
19:19 Krock also does a very good job in preventing auto-closing doors from closing.
19:19 sofar it's not too bad
19:19 Fixer technic *cough*
19:20 sofar technic needs some love
19:20 sofar and luacheck
19:20 sofar tbh anyone could do that
19:20 sofar the biggest problem is finding people to test stuff
19:21 * sofar looks for someone who's good at testing PRs
19:21 sofar if only we had someone who like testing PRs in here...
19:21 * sofar shrugs
19:22 tenplus1 not so much "likes to" but getting "time to"
20:00 tumeninodes joined #minetest-hub
20:00 tenplus1 hi tumenu
20:00 tenplus1 *tumeni :P lol
20:00 tumeninodes Hiya ten
20:01 tumeninodes he he
20:01 tumeninodes todays tumenu
20:01 * tenplus1 thinks of Tuna Menu
20:02 tumeninodes ha
20:05 tumeninodes someone broke logging? or was it just that dead round here the past day or so
20:05 benrob0329 It dieded after a netsplit apparently
20:05 tenplus1 net split messed up bot
20:06 tumeninodes ouch, so splits DO hurt afterall
20:06 tumeninodes poor bot... brb
20:08 tumeninodes omg, before I step away, (and quite OT) I just thought of something. if I said Hi to both of you I could say "Hi ben ten" :D
20:08 tenplus1 lolol
20:10 benrob0329 tumeninodes: problem was less the netsplit, and more the fact that loggingbot_ isn't registered
20:10 benrob0329 So it can autorejoin the chanbel
20:10 benrob0329 *cant
20:21 TMcSquared joined #minetest-hub
20:21 tenplus1 hi Tmc
20:24 ThomasMonroe o/
20:24 ThomasMonroe that was me :P
20:24 tenplus1 doppleganger
20:24 ThomasMonroe 0_0
20:28 tenplus1 did anyone watch/like the Ghost in the Shell movie ?
20:30 ThomasMonroe nope
20:31 tenplus1 aw
20:37 Fixer look at my horse, my horse is amazing
20:37 * Fixer scrolls through ansi art
20:37 tenplus1 give it a lick... hmmm...
20:37 tenplus1 it tastes just like raisins :P
20:40 * Fixer reads latest github
20:41 tenplus1 am having an early night...  nite folks o/
20:41 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
21:29 lumberJ joined #minetest-hub
23:25 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
23:41 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
23:59 roben1430 joined #minetest-hub

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