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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-12-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:29 benrob0329 do we have a setting for nametag distance
00:29 benrob0329 ?
00:32 benrob0329 nvm, found it
00:55 Fixer oh boy
01:26 red-001 can we just lock if we are going to keep deleting posts?
02:10 benrob0329 Anyone know of any good subgames?
02:10 benrob0329 (Other than SP and MC2)
02:11 VanessaE mt_game + dreambuilder :P
02:19 EvergreenTree joined #minetest-hub
02:33 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
02:42 benrob0329 VanessaE: mtg is not a good game :-)
02:42 ThomasMonroe lol
02:43 VanessaE it is if you add DB to it :)
02:52 CBugDCoder joined #minetest-hub
03:10 oOChainLynxOo joined #minetest-hub
04:23 SG9kb3I joined #minetest-hub
04:49 SG9kb3I joined #minetest-hub
05:48 jas_
05:49 jas_ !title
05:49 MinetestBot jas_: Can't loop a sound connected to player · Issue #4203 · minetest/minetest · GitHub
05:49 jas_ hehehe
05:49 jas_ (it's not true)
06:16 jas_ sofar: i cited my s sub-game and that was a mistake, the broken version is currently broken but the origin versions aren't.  it's even more broken behind me now where it's running now.  but yes, looping sounds on objects (player, or entity), has always worked for me.  that's why i was surprised to see that issue.
06:16 jas_ i was a little hesitant to make an issue for fade not working on positional sounds, for various reasons (like not enough confirmation) but i looked in .cpp yesterday and i believe it is so
06:17 jas_ soundplay has fade stuff, and soundplayAt does not.  anyways, thanks for positive input on sound offect
06:17 jas_ offset*
06:22 jas_ ... unless #4203 is heard looping locally on the client, but not for another client X distance away.  i should try that with two players.
06:27 jas_ (so far, the truth is hurting)
06:28 jas_ either i'm mocking this up wrong, it i cannot hear the sound attached to the player at a distance, looping (..this is shocking..) so i hope i'm coding wrong (likely)... lol
06:32 Amaz joined #minetest-hub
06:40 jas_ so far it looks like he's right for multiplayer, it's playing one time and not looping.
06:52 jas_ updated my comment and am taking a big break:
07:10 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
07:45 CWz joined #minetest-hub
08:02 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
08:15 Lukc joined #minetest-hub
08:16 Lukc left #minetest-hub
08:44 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
08:50 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
09:00 jas_ and then i test again, because it turns out my poor programming got in that way again, and things start working. *breaks*
09:42 compunerd joined #minetest-hub
09:48 Lukc joined #minetest-hub
09:59 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
10:02 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
10:02 tenplus1 hi folks
10:11 lisac joined #minetest-hub
10:11 tenplus1 hi lisac
10:12 lisac hey tenplus1!
10:26 IhrFussel joined #minetest-hub
10:26 tenplus1 hi fussel
10:26 IhrFussel Hey there ... I tried to make my server website HTTPS but this error occurs in certbot :: DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up A
10:27 sfan5 did you misspell your domain?
10:27 tenplus1 o/ sfan
10:27 sfan5 or rather does your domain have a www. subdomain too?
10:28 tenplus1
10:28 lisac sfan5: is www a subdomain?
10:29 sfan5 yes?
10:29 IhrFussel sfan5, that was the problem... my domain only works without www it seems ... now it says it worked but when I open my site in the browser I see no HTTPS still...what else do I need to do (lighttpd) ?
10:29 lisac wow I just googled it
10:29 lisac never thought of it that way
10:30 lisac people actually used internet before WWW existed
10:30 sfan5 IhrFussel: try explicitly putting https:// in front
10:30 sfan5 also you can set up a redirect from HTTP -> HTTPS
10:31 IhrFussel sfan5, website I need to enable HTTPS in lighttpd first?
10:31 sfan5 yes
10:53 IhrFussel I had to copy some files from /etc/letsencrypt and add some lines to the lighttpd conf but it seems to work now
10:53 IhrFussel << Could anyone check?
10:55 IhrFussel Redirection seems to work now too
10:59 tenplus1 works fine dude :P
11:01 IhrFussel Thanks^^ I really needed to get rid of that "website is not secure" window modern browsers show when entering a password
11:20 IhrFussel My site has rating B here
11:22 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
11:24 tenplus1 hi nerzhul
11:56 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
11:56 tenplus1 hi fixer
12:00 Raven262 Hi ten
12:01 tenplus1 hey raven :P
12:06 Fixer ohi
12:12 tenplus1 back laters... off to see new star wars... w000t!
12:12 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
12:22 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
12:36 ThomasMonroe joined #minetest-hub
12:49 Amaz joined #minetest-hub
12:55 sniper338 joined #minetest-hub
12:59 Megaf Home sweet home :D
12:59 * Megaf has arrived back in Brazil
13:00 Megaf Calinou: Ireland -> Brazil
13:08 Aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
13:25 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
13:45 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
13:46 IhrFussel Does this mean only use the below method for emerge_threads when the default setting cannot be found? if (!g_settings->getS16NoEx("num_emerge_threads", nthreads)) nthreads = Thread::getNumberOfProcessors() - 2;
13:51 CBugDCoder joined #minetest-hub
13:52 sfan5 IhrFussel: yes
14:29 Sokomine question regarding settingtypes.txt in a mod folder: where can the actual settings be found in the game? i can only locate the ones from builtin and from subgames - not from any mods
14:30 Sokomine lisac: irony? :-)
14:31 greeter joined #minetest-hub
14:31 Sokomine ah. greeter is back? so no need to manually say hi again? :)
14:33 Mr-Pardison perhaps there might still be if they don't do it for us.
14:43 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
14:48 Calinou Megaf: ah, you're from Brazil?
14:48 Calinou I thought you were from Germany
15:56 Megaf Calinou: :S
15:57 Megaf Yep, I was born in Brazil and lived here until 3 years ago
15:59 ThomasMonroe huh, interesting
16:00 ThomasMonroe o/ Megaf
16:00 Megaf I arived in Ireland August first, 2014
16:01 Megaf And everytime I come to Brazil, I see how amazing my house here is, and how way more advanced Brazil is comprating to old conservative Europe
16:03 benrob0329 (Kinda off, kinda on for free software in general)
16:04 Megaf I never liked Mozilla
16:05 benrob0329 Tl;dw: Mozilla screwed up, multiple times and lost a lot of people's trust and respect.
16:05 Megaf even I was an Open Source kind of guy, I, in the past, rather use Opera (Preto based, up to 12.x) than using Firefox
16:05 Megaf I never took Mozila seriously, never
16:05 Megaf I don't take Debian very seriously either actually...
16:05 * Mr-Pardison has come to prefer chrome except for playing certain games that require the unity plugin which chrome lacks
16:06 benrob0329 Google hasn't had my respect for years
16:06 benrob0329 Mozilla just lost it
16:07 benrob0329 I respect Debian, and many other free culture projects
16:07 benrob0329 Even if I don't use them.
16:07 Megaf I don't like Bryan much...
16:07 Megaf I respected Opera and Sun Microsystems
16:07 Megaf and AMD
16:08 benrob0329 A lot of people respected Sun
16:08 Megaf was let down by Opera and Sun
16:08 Mr-Pardison we all get let down by someone we respect.
16:08 Megaf now a days I care by companies just as much they care about me
16:08 Megaf that is, not at all
16:09 benrob0329 Oracle screwed a bunch of people over when they bought Sun, and we know how that worked out for them
16:10 Megaf a Sun workstation had been my dream machine for several years
16:10 Megaf then one day Oracle ended everything
16:12 benrob0329 Pale moon is the best browser alternative I've found so far, unfortunately it lacks WebRTC
16:12 benrob0329 On purpose, for security reasons
16:13 benrob0329 Now I'm not against native clients for things, the problem is the they are quickly disappearing
16:17 Megaf Try this
16:17 Megaf :)
16:27 IhrFussel Any settings here that could cause lag?
16:30 Sokomine settings...still got no solution to my problem with them. any idea how settingtypes.txt might be made to actually show its settings somewhere?
16:30 Sokomine seems to work for builtin and subgames - but not for mods. at least for me
16:33 Sokomine as far as browsers go...i'd love to find an alternative as well. sadly, really usable web browsers are rare. it gets worse even more when trying to find one for mobile devices
16:37 benrob0329 Megaf: is it good? I think I'll need to compile it
16:40 benrob0329 Nvm, yay Appimages
16:43 Calinou AppImages solve world Linux application hunger!
16:44 paramat joined #minetest-hub
16:51 paramat IhrFussel the 'trees' 'caves' 'dungeons' settings have no effect like that, they have to be in 'mg_flags =', see conf.example. also 'trees' is now a mgv6 specific flag for use in 'mgv6_spflags ='
16:52 paramat however caves and dungeons, and mgv6 trees are default on so no need
16:53 paramat 'server_unload_unused_data_timeout' looks too high, isn't the default 30?
16:53 paramat 'server_map_save_interval' is possibly too high, you're saving much larger amounts of data less often
16:53 paramat we have discussed these before =)
16:54 paramat i suggest using the default values for those 2
16:55 IhrFussel paramat, when the mg flags are remainings of the v6 mapgen I used before in the same world xP I get the feeling that the server lags more often when I reduce the save interval  to 15 or so
16:55 paramat yes 'trees' used to be in 'mg_flags ='
16:57 IhrFussel On each save interval the server also saves the player data which includes attributes... maybe that could cause more lag when 10+ players are online which means ~ 10 attributes per player
17:02 Darcidride_ joined #minetest-hub
17:07 paramat 'server_unload_unused_data_timeout' default is 29s, 600s may be excessive
17:14 Darcidride_ joined #minetest-hub
17:15 Fixer Megaf: wait a second
17:16 Fixer Megaf: oh, it is Otter, here is funny thing:  Opera Software Changes Name To Otello Corporation (
17:17 Fixer hmmm, (qt site is clearly a click-bait *cough*)
17:18 * Mr-Pardison hands Fixer a mug of mint tea with some lemon and honey
17:18 Mr-Pardison lot of people are at school when they are sick.
17:18 Mr-Pardison hate that since they get others sick.
17:18 Mr-Pardison grrrrrrrr
17:18 Fixer Mr-Pardison: worst part, same *s go to work and get others sick
17:21 Sokomine Mr-Pardison: seems that way nowadays. i helped a teacher write the papers where the days the pupils where missing are counted and was surprised how many not even missed a single day
17:32 Fixer Calinou: "AppImages solve world Linux application hunger!" time to make autogenerated AppImages for minetest stable/git *cough*
17:56 Calinou :^)
17:56 Krock joined #minetest-hub
18:01 Mr-Pardison \o Krock
18:03 Krock \o/
18:04 Megaf benrob0329: Otter is highly experiental amd trully retro looking
18:05 Megaf Fixer: they were using Qt5 wait before Qt5 was cool
18:05 benrob0329 Pale Moon lacks bits from the API that make eg Riot not work
18:05 Megaf not even duckduckgo works in otter :P
18:06 benrob0329 There just isn't a very good browser that isn't from a shady company :-(
18:06 Megaf Opera <12.x
18:07 Megaf and now maybe, and BIG MAYBE. Vivaldi
18:07 Megaf I'm impressed by Vivaldi
18:07 Megaf Vivaldi is from the same guys who made Opera Browser the browser we loved
18:07 Megaf and they work with the community
18:07 Megaf though they are not open source
18:08 Megaf well, WebKit/Blink is, and some of the libs/api they use are also open source
18:08 benrob0329 Vivaldi will never be OSS, the creator is set on proprietary software for some reason
18:09 Megaf He has his reasons, I dont blame him on that
18:09 Megaf as long as he makes a good product, doesnt force anything on us and take our feeback
18:09 benrob0329 No, its a choice
18:10 benrob0329 Just like I can choose not to use it :P
18:10 Megaf A choice of not getting you code copied, and securing your fish, in his "money"model
18:11 benrob0329 If the software is free (as in beer) I don't see why open source is not used, it makes me pause that he is so set on it.
18:13 Megaf man, couple of months ago a thunderstorm, big one, happened here in my house in Brazil
18:13 Megaf the UPS was fried
18:13 Megaf and so was my TV
18:13 Megaf I just looked behind my TV
18:13 Megaf all black, carbon black
18:14 Megaf likely from huge spark, hdmi connector melted
18:14 Calinou <Megaf> and they work with the community
18:14 Calinou <Megaf> though they are not open source
18:14 Megaf then I looked to the back of my workstation, also black
18:14 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
18:14 Calinou I don't think they are then :)
18:14 Megaf and melted
18:14 Megaf tho my workstation still works
18:15 Megaf as in, powers up and boots
18:15 Megaf but the hdmi part is toast
18:18 IhrFussel benrob0329, my server is free but not open-source... many of my mods are unique modifications I don't want to share to prevent copy cats from using what makes my server so unique
18:20 IhrFussel There certainly are good reasons for closed-source things ... open-source makes "stealing" your ideas easier
18:22 Calinou to the clients, servers aren't software, they're services
18:22 Calinou especially since all mods run server-side
18:22 Calinou well, I don't think so :)
18:24 IhrFussel If I would develop a mod for other servers then I'd make it open-source because it is *meant* to be open and adjustable ... but when thinking about my own content I want to keep the code mainly private
18:24 benrob0329 IhrFussel: Servers are slightly different, that isn't code running on my machine possibly doing things to my setup
18:25 Megaf fried PC and computer.
18:26 IhrFussel benrob0329, but CSMs sent from the server likely are
18:27 IhrFussel When they get implemented
18:28 rubenwardy we will add an option to disable proprietary mods, and it should be prominent in the UI before you connect to a server. A lot of our users are FOSS advocates
18:28 rubenwardy there's no reason you can't open source your client-side scripts, and keep mods to yourself
18:29 IhrFussel rubenwardy, how does that work? You will only allow "approved" CSMs with that option enabled? How would the mods get your approval? By verifying in the forum?
18:30 rubenwardy not talking about that
18:30 rubenwardy "disable proprietary mods"   ->   the client would just need to know the license of each mod
18:31 benrob0329 IhrFussel: I would hope that would be open source :-)
18:31 benrob0329 I should know what gets run on my machine
18:32 benrob0329 Also, I find it sad that wanting code improvements now counts as "stealing"
18:33 rubenwardy IhrFussel: I highly suggest you contribute back fixes to the mods you use, as thanks to the mod author
18:33 benrob0329 Its not like there are licenses which require credit to be given to the author or anything *cough* BSD *cough*
18:33 rubenwardy however, unique features and mods you can keep private
18:33 rubenwardy for example, adding XP to simple mobs which links into your custom XP system
18:33 IhrFussel Servers should be unique and stay unique IMO ... to not share every bit of functions the server uses is totally fine and forces difference between servers
18:34 IhrFussel I agree that clients should know which functions are running on their end
18:35 IhrFussel Although the sandbox should block any kind of malicious code
18:37 benrob0329 I am of the belief that free culture is beneficial to the faming market
18:37 Sokomine IhrFussel: it might get bad when a server eventually shuts down. some parts might then get lost forever. other than that...there will always be some custom things where sharing with all others does not make much sense as other servers have other setups and details
18:37 IhrFussel rubenwardy, it's not really "fixes" it is changes that specifically suit my desired gameplay
18:37 benrob0329 I mean, look how long modable games last, or how many platforms Doom is been ported to
18:37 rubenwardy that's fine. I was talking specifically about bug fixes and generic improvements
18:37 benrob0329 *gaming market
18:54 Aerozoic joined #minetest-hub
19:25 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
19:52 Mr_Pardison joined #minetest-hub
20:13 IhrFussel The majority of lags on my server seems to be caused by teleporting... teleport pads, travelnet, teleport requests via command ... there are several ways to teleport on my server and players heavily use them ... when they arrive at the other point the server has to load quite a few mapblocks at once
20:16 benrob0329 So teleporting causes more lag than conventional travel, but conventional travel is more painful than teleporting
20:16 benrob0329 Got it
20:16 Mr-Pardison traveling by conventional means is way more fun.
20:17 Mr-Pardison yo uget to see stuff.
20:17 Mr-Pardison *you get
20:17 IhrFussel But is it normal for a server to lag 0.5 - 1 sec when teleporting to unloaded area?
20:17 benrob0329 But we need a good (non lag inducing) travel method
20:18 benrob0329 Both boats and carts are way too laggy tbh
20:20 Jordach carts can be non-laggy
20:20 Jordach just has to be done right
20:22 benrob0329 Jordach: I mean in MTG
20:23 benrob0329 Stu's railnet is the best cart mod I've seen
20:23 benrob0329 But it still suffers just as much when lag gets bad
20:23 Jordach then use dtime detection
20:24 Jordach or even lag detection to slow it down
20:30 Sokomine IhrFussel: i heard on a server that my travelnet mod would cause lag. that seems highly suspicious to me; it does not have anything built-in that could cause lag. but teleporting around frequently may of course have an effect - no matter how it is achieved
20:31 * Sokomine hits Mr-Pardison with some chests filled with stacks of cobble for that comment about travelling
20:31 * Mr-Pardison takes the cobble and uses it to expand his crystal farm
20:31 rubenwardy IhrFussel, it'll be due to map loading
20:32 Mr-Pardison you should see the things I saw on DL while travelign to the western edge.
20:32 Sokomine the land will have to be loaded anyway once the player arrives there by foot. it may just be distributed over a longer time
20:32 rubenwardy when you teleport to an entirely unloaded area, it needs to load all blocks around you
20:32 rubenwardy to fix, improve your map I/O
20:32 rubenwardy by, eg: using postgresql
20:32 rubenwardy or a RAM disk
20:32 Sokomine Mr-Pardison: ah, good. crystals look nice
20:32 rubenwardy or going from HDD to SSD or Raid
20:32 Mr-Pardison produces about 25-30 crystals per harvest.
20:33 Mr-Pardison when I let it grow them.
20:33 benrob0329 I'll have to look into using Postgres
20:34 rubenwardy Postgresql is good because it 1) has an in memory cache and 2) is a separate process, so non-blocking I/O
20:34 rubenwardy and maybe improved indexing generall
20:34 Sokomine Mr-Pardison: there are good builds distributed all over the map. but: most houses are not. for me, there's a cost-effect tied in. anything easy to reach may be ok if it's just halfway acceptable and not too ugly. but if the player/server makes me to walk ten minutes to it it'd better be something extremly awe-inspiring that did take an excellent builder days to build
20:34 rubenwardy generally*
20:35 Sokomine rubenwardy: i wonder what effect map-changing mods have on all that. many abms or lbms that actually do find any blocks to change might also lead to a huge amount of blocks that will be written back
20:37 IhrFussel rubenwardy, creating a ramdisk seems to be very complicated :/ And I couldn't get postgresql to run when I tried... Redis worked but took way too long to convert my DB
20:52 paramat "But is it normal for a server to lag 0.5 - 1 sec when teleporting to unloaded area?" no, maybe it's due to a mod though?
20:58 IhrFussel paramat, no, it also happens with a fresh map DB and no mods except MTG I already tried that
20:59 IhrFussel Moving fast already causes some lag after sometime cause at some point the server seems to struggle loading the mapblocks in time
21:02 paramat weird, that amount of lag seems very excessive for just loading a few blocks, your send range is low after all
21:03 Mr-Pardison l8r peeps.
21:03 Mr-Pardison cya after the break.
21:03 Mr-Pardison oh wait.
21:03 Mr-Pardison still have school tomorrow.
21:03 Mr-Pardison well, cya
21:16 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
21:20 Aerozoic Anybody know what causes carts to get so jumpy?
21:25 greeter as in they appear to fly off the tracks occasionally?
21:29 Aerozoic greeter, yes especially when the track changes directions
21:30 Aerozoic It has gotten much worse recently.
21:30 greeter i think it's caused by lag. i've only seen it when block lag is occurring. i could be wrong though, and i can't really be more precise than that i'm afraid
21:36 Fixer !tell paramat during exploration server lag easily exeeds 1 or even 2 in singleplayer
21:36 MinetestBot Fixer: I'll pass that on when paramat is around
21:47 IhrFussel Fixer, did you test the lag when tp to unloaded area (not ungenerated)
21:50 IhrFussel I can confirm that max_lag goes to 1.2 secs after a few secs of aggressive fast flying into ungenerated areas
21:58 IhrFussel Okay same regarding unloaded mapblocks (already generated) it seems... I set client_mapblock_limit to 50 for testing (I hope it affects singleplayer) and tp to 300,10,500, loaded some mapblocks and tp to 500,10,500 ... max_lag jumped to 1.1
21:58 paramat joined #minetest-hub
21:58 MinetestBot paramat: Dec-18 21:36 UTC <Fixer> during exploration server lag easily exeeds 1 or even 2 in singleplayer
22:01 IhrFussel paramat, did you even check the max_lag after tp to an already generated but unloaded area? They seem to take ~ 1 sec regularly
22:32 Aerozoic Is "max_block_generate_distance = 6" controlled by the client or server?
22:34 IhrFussel Aerozoic, that's the max distance the clients receive, regardless of their own settings AFAIK
22:35 Aerozoic You're not thinking of "max_block_send_distance = 8" are you?
22:36 IhrFussel Ohh sorry...generate distance is also dicated by the server, that's the amount of mapblocks the server generates max for a player
22:36 IhrFussel dictated*
22:37 Aerozoic Ok thanks :)
22:37 IhrFussel Not 100% sure but from what I experienced on my own server with different values it seems to be what I think
22:38 Aerozoic So why is the generate setting less than the send setting?
22:38 IhrFussel Generating map is much more resource hungry
22:38 Aerozoic IN other words, why would you send 8 but only generate 6?
22:39 Aerozoic What good does it do to send those extra 2?
22:39 IhrFussel Cause generate means the map part needs to be created first vs sending which means the map part already exists in the DB
22:40 IhrFussel It's best to just try out some large values and then some tiny ones and decide on a good value to use
22:44 Aerozoic I wonder if those extra 2 act like a buffer in case the client generates faster than i can receive.
22:44 Aerozoic it*
22:50 oOChainLynxOo joined #minetest-hub
23:09 paramat no i haven't checked max lag after tp, i could be wrong but that seems too long somehow
23:11 sofar Hijiri: something for you to do during the holidays? seems right up your alley
23:11 sofar :)
23:11 paramat the 2 setting defaults are different because generating world is more intensive than loading world
23:11 IhrFussel Walking doesn't lag the server/singleplayer, cause the engine only needs to generate/load a few mapblocks at a time...but if you are in the middle of nowhere and there are 0 mapblocks loaded the engine has some work to do
23:13 IhrFussel Water areas generate/load much faster compared to mountain it definitely depends on the nodes to load
23:15 IhrFussel Someone here mentioned generating 1 mapblock takes ~ 0.1 sec ... that seems right
23:16 Calinou that's quite a lot
23:16 paramat 1 mapchunk
23:16 Calinou try increasing num_emerge_threads
23:17 paramat takes around 100ms on my machine for mgv7
23:17 IhrFussel Chunk then... and how many chunks are loaded when there are 0 around the player?
23:18 paramat but remember core mapgen is in a different thread
23:18 paramat so doesn't cause server lag
23:19 IhrFussel But loading the chunks seems to be as slow or almost as slow
23:19 IhrFussel I tp a few times between unloaded areas with 0 mapblocks in RAM and it took 0.5 - 1.3 secs
23:21 IhrFussel That was in 0.5.0-dev singleplayer
23:22 Fixer just by walking i can bump my max_lag to 3 sometimes
23:22 Fixer rarely
23:22 Fixer it is mostly 1.5-2
23:22 Fixer for new blocks
23:23 IhrFussel But I want someone else to time the "already generated but unloaed mapblocks"
23:24 IhrFussel unloaded*
23:25 IhrFussel For that you need to set the mapblock_limit in advanced settings to something low like 50 ... and then fly around a specific area...then fly a little further and after ~ 50 blocks generated in that direction tp back to the alreay generated but unloaded area
23:26 IhrFussel An you will see that it takes almost as much time as generating the least in my case
23:27 IhrFussel And chunk loading happens in the main thread which means causes server lag and can lag all mods
23:29 IhrFussel Now I'm off for the night...if you have any times tested let me know via !tell =) See ya
23:33 paramat chunks aren't loaded, only blocks are loaded

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