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IRC log for #minetest-hub, 2017-04-12

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:43 * benrob0329 pops in
01:44 VanessaE hi
01:44 benrob0329 Hello
01:45 benrob0329 What is everybody up to?
01:45 VanessaE been coding off and on today, and now just winding down from a long day (unrelated)
01:56 benrob0329 I
01:56 benrob0329 'm just settling down as well
02:21 paramat joined #minetest-hub
03:20 paramat celeron55 Shara please can we make a small effort to avoid excessive offtopic in this channel? i agree offtopic should be allowed and i don't mind some, but recently i had to scroll through 14 log pages of OS and smartphone talk (one conversation). there's often more offtopic here than in minetest channel
03:21 paramat can we have a reminder in the channel header and at the webpage about avoiding excessive offtopic?
03:23 paramat it's not just a problem when scanning logs, when in-channel there can be too much offtopic stuff to filter through to find MT related stuff, it's a waste of peoples' time
03:24 benrob0329 Perhaps #minetest should be the main chat channel
03:24 paramat it's the offtopic channel already
03:24 benrob0329 And this should be for more on topic conversation
03:25 benrob0329 But have that be the full consensus
03:25 paramat then we had this post in hub
03:25 paramat babe-posting
03:26 paramat to be clear i amnot asking for anything strict as i like how relaxed it is here, i encourage some offtopic and certainly humour
03:26 benrob0329 O_O
03:28 paramat but i thing people should, at a certain point, think 'better take this to minetest'
03:30 paramat *think
03:32 paramat the good thing about minetest is that i know i don't have to scan the logs vecause i know i usually will not miss important stuff, but -hub has important dev stuff so i have to scan logs
03:33 paramat *because
03:34 paramat even minetest channel has a note about avoiding excessive offtopic
03:36 paramat just seen these at, applying to all channels: "The channels are not playgrounds and are frequently used for talks which are not off-topic." "Off-topic is allowed, but excessive use of it is disallowed."
03:36 paramat ^ those need to be enforced in this channel
03:38 paramat see the info for this channel for it to function as intended we cannot have unrestrained offtopic
03:42 paramat i often avoid minetest channel to escape endless immature chatter, but obviously cannot avoid this channel as important MT topics are here
03:49 * Sokomine says hi to paramat and hides quickly because that's offtopic as well
03:49 paramat hehe
03:50 paramat that's exactly the strictness i do not want :]
03:50 paramat hi btw
03:51 Sokomine :) it's really tricky, yes. some offtopic is needed so that we all feel well here. too much and the important topics are lost
03:53 sofar nore: re: server config panel: add `timed` `shutdown` button [   5] minutes + announce?
03:53 nore hmm, I could do that, but it's not really configuration
03:54 nore also, announce is a minetest.conf setting I think
03:57 paramat nore any comments on game#1695 ?
03:57 paramat oops wrong channel
04:00 nore paramat: what does your comment on game#1696 mean btw?
04:00 nore ah, didn't see sofar's answer :)
04:02 paramat i wasn't aware of all the features
04:02 paramat was just concerned it was a 1-issue hasty reaction
04:03 paramat it isn't
04:24 sofar nore: should we do the modstorage API think for `config` like I did in `timer`?
04:24 sofar iow, store the actual setting into the mod calling instead of the `config` mod?
04:36 nore sofar: I use the Settings API, not mod storage
04:37 nore So it all goes into world.conf
04:37 sofar well, gee, I suppose then
04:39 nore I mean, world.conf seems a suitable place for all these settings to me
04:45 sofar hmmm well
04:45 sofar ideally these settings are part of the mod
04:45 sofar what happens if you uninstall the mod?
04:45 sofar the settings stays
04:45 sofar right?
04:57 sofar btw
04:57 sofar all my servers have a dedicated minetest.conf for each world
04:57 sofar I don't even know if using /set xxxx in the game works with that
04:57 sofar my guess is not
05:02 octacian Night all
05:02 octacian BTW, sofar: didn't get updates done today. All I can say is I'll do it before feature freeze
05:05 sofar hahaha
05:05 sofar flw
05:07 nore yes, the setting stays if you uninstall a mod
05:07 nore which is, I think, the behaviour you want
05:07 sofar I seem to recall that CSM had `find_nodes_near`
05:08 sofar am I just seeing things?
05:08 nore I'm not sure about that
05:09 sofar find_node_near!
05:09 sofar I had to dump _G lmao
05:10 nore you can also look in src/script :)
05:12 nore what, you don't even have get_node?
05:12 sofar you do
05:12 sofar but I need find_nodes_near or find_nodes_in_area
05:13 nore I see only get_timeofday, get_day_count, get_node_max_level, get_node_level and find_node_near
05:13 sofar yup
05:13 nore (in ModApiEnvMod::InitializeClient)
05:13 nore so you can't use get_node?
05:13 sofar yes you can
05:13 sofar just fine, too
05:13 sofar but I'm gonna scan like 32^3
05:14 nore but but... it's not declared as API_FCT?
05:14 sofar right
05:14 nore it's in l_client.cpp
05:14 nore okaaaay
05:17 nore red-002: if you know why I'd be interested ^
05:17 sofar OHHHH
05:17 sofar csm doesn't load textures from CSM mods
05:18 sofar that or I'm doing something wrong
05:20 sofar
05:20 sofar client side animated torch particles
05:20 sofar but the texture isn't loaded
05:20 sofar (this works server side and shows animated particles)
05:23 sofar yeah, confirmed
05:23 sofar if I throw the texture into a server-side mod, the texture loads
05:30 sofar
05:32 nore sofar: broken link
05:33 sofar ah, edit link
05:35 sofar gimme sec
05:39 sofar
05:40 sofar geesh, choppy stream at 60fps
05:40 nore yeah :/
05:41 sofar I'll set it to 30 again
05:41 sofar that was decent
05:43 sofar anyway, we can now do node ambiance in CSM
05:43 sofar fire sounds can become CSM
05:43 sofar etc.
05:51 sofar 7000 lifetime views so far
05:54 lumidify joined #minetest-hub
06:25 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
06:25 Jordach joined #minetest-hub
06:26 Zeno` Jordach, is your horse mod public?
06:27 Jordach wat
06:27 Zeno` mob*
06:27 Zeno` maybe I was mistaken... I thought you wrote a horse mob
06:32 CWz joined #minetest-hub
06:46 sofar red-002: did you see my comments about CSM assets in the particle PR?
06:47 Jordach sofar, NICE STREAM
06:47 sofar lol
06:47 sofar which one?
06:47 sofar the linked one above?
06:49 Jordach
06:49 * Jordach gets the picture
06:50 sofar the particle effect on torches?
06:50 Jordach yes
06:50 sofar yeah, that was my PoC to test the CSM particle PR
06:50 sofar found a bug in it, obviously
06:51 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
06:51 sofar nerzhul:
06:56 shivajiva joined #minetest-hub
06:57 nerzhul sofar, this is a known issue, maybe you can provide a pr ? :p
06:57 sofar I barely have time to review PRs
06:59 sofar
06:59 sofar bummer, seems broken?
06:59 sofar note the breath bubbles also don't go away
07:00 * sofar & bed, ugh
07:05 Jordach
07:25 paramat joined #minetest-hub
07:27 Jordach why is paramat awake at 8 am
07:27 Jordach that question also applies to me too
07:28 paramat i'm out of phase
07:45 nerzhul paramat, i fixed the warning on duplicate macro you mentionned, it's very strange that changing the code style with clang trigger a warning due to duplicate macro usage
07:45 paramat thanks
07:47 Krock joined #minetest-hub
07:54 nerzhul VanessaE, on i added support for removing player files on the files backend compat layer :) (but when this will be merged everybody should migrate to sqlite or postgresql)
07:58 Krock then we'll have backends that shouldn't be used?
07:59 nerzhul Krock, we statuate with sofar and sfan5 we should keep file backend for 1 release but encourage server owners to migrate to sqlite or postgresql themselves (a huge warning with a HOWTO is shown at player startup)
08:01 nerzhul then default is file backend but they have 1 release to make their switch manually, on next release we will drop player backend usage and only keep the migration method, which will migrate to sqlite by default if not configuration is specified
08:02 nerzhul after release +1 then players will be stored into database
08:02 nerzhul (not accounts yet, it's a little bit difficult for accounts)
08:02 nerzhul bit more*
08:03 nerzhul on my server i have accounts into database since 2 years but i dropped lua auth handler
08:13 Krock overall LGTM but it's a very big diff :3
08:16 Krock also seen the warning message. explains everything that's required. nice
08:18 nerzhul yeah, good user documentation is important as it's a very big change :)
08:19 nerzhul for the diff size, no real choice, there is many things to rework to have a proper player loading because current loading is crappy and works by chance :p
08:53 lumidify joined #minetest-hub
08:57 red-002 sofar you can load media for csm mods using texturepacks
08:57 red-002 but I agree thats only a work around
08:58 red-002 it doesn't work for sounds iirc
09:21 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
09:46 shivajiva Morning Darcidride :)
10:00 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
10:04 Megaf G'Day.
10:43 CWz Ubuntu Precise will pass on soon
10:43 CWz rip
10:44 CWz You were the most Precise Pangolin in this part of the world
10:45 CWz may the karmic koala guide your soul to the  after-life.
10:49 Calinou finally
10:50 * Megaf don't get why people still using Ubuntu
10:51 Megaf Debian FTW
10:51 Megaf or at least Linux Mint Debian Edition
10:51 Calinou uh
10:51 Calinou better user experience, strict deadline releases, commercial support, longer support
10:51 Calinou saner defaults
10:52 Calinou slightly more recent software (on even years)
10:52 Megaf based on unstable software, not well tested, weak security standards, not consistent in package selection/default UI
10:52 Megaf they are even going to drop Unity and MIR
10:53 Megaf Not to mention they spy on you and sell your data
10:53 Megaf and the ads!
10:53 Megaf Ubuntu is no better than Windows 10
10:53 Calinou ads are not a thing in official Ubuntu derivatives
10:53 Calinou …lol
10:53 Calinou they also perform almost no tracking on the derivatives
10:53 Calinou them dropping Unity is a good decision
10:53 Calinou it doesn't mean they're complete shit
10:53 Megaf I know
10:54 Megaf I'm just saying you can have all Ubuntu have (The good stuff) on other distros, without all the drawbacks
10:54 Calinou plain Debian is pretty cumbersome
10:54 Megaf give a try to LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) or OpenMandriva. You'd be surprized.
10:54 Calinou you need a special ISO to get the firmware included, for example
10:55 Calinou hey, I happen to use Manjaro and I also like Fedora
10:55 Calinou but those distros are not for absolute beginners
10:55 Calinou they have to start somewhere
10:55 Megaf Calinou, I've been using Debian as default OS for the past 5 years.
10:55 Megaf no problems with firmwares
10:55 Megaf even the Playstation 3 EyeCam just works
10:56 Megaf all you need is apt install firmware-linux-nonfree, done, problems solved
10:56 Calinou lots of aspects are also poorly documented
10:56 Calinou that won't work if you use a netinstaller and need Wi-Fi
10:56 Calinou that's why you need an ISO with firmware shipped on it
10:56 Calinou and… it's not the default since Debian 6 for obscure reasons
10:56 Megaf I agree on the wifi during install, but that is all with all OSes that respect open source software
10:57 Megaf so, that's why you can use LMDE
10:57 Calinou LMDE is hardly-maintained crap, last time I tried it
10:57 Calinou buggy as hell :P
10:57 Calinou getting support for it must be pretty tough a swell
10:57 Megaf or just use Debian ISO with nonfree included
10:57 Calinou (not many users)
10:57 Megaf Fedora will be even worse than Debian on the firmware thing
10:58 Megaf I remember trying to use Fedora for years and never been able to play mp3...
10:58 Megaf without using third parties repos
11:04 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
11:07 Megaf Anyway, just give a try to the latest OpenMandriva
11:07 Megaf an unbiased try.
11:08 Megaf without prejudgement
11:08 Megaf might be one of the closest things to macOS and Windows out there
11:12 twoelk joined #minetest-hub
11:21 paramat MegaF Calinou please can we avoid excessive offtopic here?
11:22 Krock 40 lines are excessive?
11:24 Calinou isn't this an offtopic channel?
11:29 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
11:54 RobbieF joined #minetest-hub
12:15 twoelk left #minetest-hub
12:33 paramat it's obviously not an offtopic channel, but offtopic is ok in moderation
12:37 Jordach Megaf, ooooo techmoan video
12:40 celeron55 no this isn't an offtopic channel
12:41 celeron55 i and Shara were thinking what to add to the info page and concluded that maybe something like "Please keep offtopic discussions short (under 50 lines)" would work
12:42 celeron55 that offtopic discussion was quite close to 50 lines; i wonder if it's a good limit
12:43 * RobbieF begins typing a 50 line essay about Bananas.
12:45 rubenwardy joined #minetest-hub
12:45 Fixer RobbieF: about this? I wonder if minetest can have smth like that
12:46 RobbieF No, no Fixer. Much too on-topic. I was thinking more along the lines of
12:48 Megaf joined #minetest-hub
12:50 NathanS21 joined #minetest-hub
13:02 Krock RobbieF, I used to see that one in pixel art
13:04 RobbieF :D
13:04 RobbieF classic
13:04 RobbieF but damnit Krock, you just made it relevant again...
13:04 RobbieF gah!
13:04 RobbieF :D
13:04 Krock >:D
13:17 sniper570 joined #minetest-hub
13:29 paramat yeah indeed that discussion was only borderline excessive, i was just trying to stop it before it became that
13:29 Krock but the topic was already dead for an hour.
13:30 Krock RobbieF,
13:31 paramat ok, i didn't know that when i looked at the channel
13:31 RobbieF haha Krock - some people have WAY too much free time :D
13:31 RobbieF hehe
13:37 paramat i don't think specifying lines is needed, people are smart enough to keep it moderate
13:40 Megaf [13:37:15] <Jordach> Megaf, ooooo techmoan video
13:40 Megaf the one about the portable reel?
13:41 Megaf [13:43:10] * RobbieF begins typing a 50 line essay about Bananas.
13:41 Megaf LOL
13:42 Megaf RobbieF, is the essay ready yet?
13:43 Megaf whos wants a free VPS? It will have 99% downtime, no internet connection and no access to the world
13:44 Megaf no ssh and no remote access
13:44 Megaf but its free
13:44 Megaf 64 MB of RAM, one core limited to 1% of CPU use, and 128 MB for disk use
13:44 RobbieF :D Megaf, getting there.
13:45 Megaf RobbieF, make it 40 lines long, so we have some lines to discuss about it.
13:45 CWz kek
13:45 CWz sounds like hosting in my country
13:46 CWz they still sell webhosting packages with less than 1 GB storage space
13:46 Megaf Because people buy
13:47 RobbieF that'd be ideal for a cronjob server  :D
13:47 RobbieF if it has ssh access
13:47 * CWz thinks this unlimited hosting packages are somekind of trick
13:50 RobbieF Mmmmmm
13:50 RobbieF Has ssh access so I use it to run a bunch of our behind-the-scenes magic
13:50 RobbieF (cronjobs)
13:56 Fixer Krock: what is the faith of ?
14:01 octacian joined #minetest-hub
14:03 Krock Fixer, the protocol bump, I guess?
14:08 Jordach Sokomine,
14:09 Jordach this grass any better
14:09 * Jordach keeps refining until it looks best
14:09 Krock TeamViewer announces "Blizz", which is used for communicating and sharing desktops for people in the same group
14:09 Krock *opens link*
14:09 Krock Download broken
14:10 Krock They finished the newsletter once again faster than the feature itself
14:11 Jordach top kek
15:00 nerzhul joined #minetest-hub
15:38 Sokomine Jordach: that's a far nicer grass texture now
16:17 atorian37 joined #minetest-hub
16:40 Jordach sofar,
16:40 Jordach forward this to the core devs about formspecs and HUD
16:41 sofar tbf, we already use inventory UI for a lot of stuff
16:41 sofar crafting, cooking
16:41 sofar 3d armor uses it for clothing
16:41 Jordach sofar, i think the solution to hud and font scaling is to figure out the size when nothing is given for both font and pixel scaling
16:42 Jordach (eg 1 is 1:1 pixel scaling, eg, 1px on a 640x480 is the same as a 4k display)
16:42 Jordach but a 1:2 is a 2px on a 4k display, and takes up more room on the low sized screen
16:42 Jordach (MC does something very very very similar to that)
16:49 RobbieF Can we please get back to the banana discussion? I believe I still have 41 lines left.
16:49 RobbieF :D
16:49 RobbieF 40.
16:57 Zeno` left #minetest-hub
16:57 sofar 38
16:57 RobbieF :p
17:18 Krock2 joined #minetest-hub
17:25 Krock joined #minetest-hub
17:27 Shara Hello all
18:12 benrob0329 Hello Shara
18:13 rubenwardy joined #minetest-hub
18:19 sofar FYI I'm throwing pbj_pup into minetest-mods
18:21 * Wayward_One peeks in
18:23 benrob0329 *tardis crashes due to serialization.h error*
18:23 sofar
18:24 sofar wheps
18:24 sofar
18:42 RobbieF uh oh benrob0329
18:48 * benrob0329 is not available, please check back in the univers directly across from your own.
18:57 Sokomine adding the aspen trees to trees_lib was very easy. i think it would be worth getting it up to date with those changes to trees in mtg
19:05 Krock Poor man's house in ethereal:
19:07 Sokomine well, better than a cobble shack. a bit simplistic perhaps
19:14 tenplus1 joined #minetest-hub
19:14 tenplus1 hi folks
19:16 Krock hello tenplus1
19:16 tenplus1 hi Krock, definitely a nuclear war :P
19:16 Krock hehe, you've seen it ^^
19:16 tenplus1 funny :P
19:16 tenplus1 has everything calmed down since the other day ?
19:17 Krock uhm... I think so?
19:17 tenplus1 *phew*
19:17 Krock just the consistency of fire/TNT has been a discussion a day ago
19:17 tenplus1 consistency ???
19:17 Krock but that one has burnt down, I think
19:17 tenplus1 heh
19:18 Krock yes, TNT is enabled by default in singleplayer but not in multiplayer
19:18 tenplus1 yeah, I like that... it saves server owners much hassle
19:18 Krock and there's a pull to adapt the same thing on fire, which resulted in a flamewar of coredevs vs server owners
19:19 tenplus1 who was against it (apart from Sofar, that was a given)
19:19 Krock uhm.. I'd have to look up the logs. I don't remember who was in this "group"
19:20 tenplus1 no worries, it's fine :P will flick through logs sometime and giggle
19:20 Krock I must say that I also wasn't very happy about it
19:21 tenplus1
19:22 Krock me: "oh, why so small?"  *looks how the image loads*
19:22 Krock apparently just very, very high
19:22 Krock cute :D
19:23 tenplus1 :P yeah
19:24 Shara Hi ten
19:25 tenplus1 Hi Shara :)
19:25 Shara Basically, apart from paramat, none of the devs agree with the server owners
19:25 Shara So now tnt will also be on by default on servers
19:25 tenplus1 nooooooooooo, took me forever to get that fkn pull included...
19:26 Shara Yea, well, I don't like it either.
19:26 Shara But MTG is apparently more focused on singleplayers and... that's that
19:27 tenplus1 *cough* fire Redo, TNT Redo... muhahahahahahahahah
19:27 Krock  smooth_lighting = false
19:28 tenplus1 lol, is that the sun effect when it's directly overhead and casts no shadow at equator ?
19:28 Krock yes, taken in hawaii
19:28 tenplus1 :PPPPPP
19:28 tenplus1 knew I'd seen that someplace
19:29 tenplus1 if it's more focused on singleplayer then adding the change to disable damaging features on servers shouldn't be an issue :P
19:29 Krock Find all the reposters:
19:30 mogeid joined #minetest-hub
19:31 Jordach if you want a multiplayer focused game
19:31 Jordach come on down
19:31 tenplus1 if minetest is currently singleplayer focuses then it needs a lot more added to the game... so for now it's multiplayer focuses with all the servers available..,.
19:34 tenplus1 *focused
19:34 Shara tenplus1: the argument was singleplayers might be playing lan then would lose fire, and their games would just be broken
19:36 tenplus1 if singleplayers connect over lan then it's multiplayer...
19:36 tenplus1 and it's up to whoever set it up to enable fire...
19:36 Krock This here must be related to minetest somehow:
19:37 tenplus1 lol, seen it on :)) powerful fly
19:39 Krock indeed
19:42 Shara tenplus1: good luck convincing the devs :)
19:43 Shara I made the PR; I can't do more.
19:50 Sokomine oh? why would anyone be against turning off fire by default on servers? it can save a lot of new inexperienced server owners
19:50 tenplus1 +100
19:50 Shara Sokomine: check the PR
19:51 Krock ->
19:51 Shara Also
19:51 Shara
19:52 Sokomine better "broken" by no fire than work destroyed by fire
19:55 tenplus1 so many settings and functions being changed and backwards compatibility broken, then something good like this coming along and an all out flame war starts ?!?!  *confused*
19:57 tenplus1 ya know, +1000 if the devs add a "GAME" tab that allows players to download custom games and use them for singleplayer and multiplayer
19:57 rubenwardy I was against it
19:57 tenplus1 that way even if we disagree over things like this, we can easily have a custom game that has the settings/features/mods we like
19:57 rubenwardy simply because it's inconsistent, and would cause confusion
19:58 Shara It did not feel inconsistent to me.
19:58 Shara And would have addressed an already existing inconsistency, but now the devs have decided to go the other way.
19:59 tenplus1 if a server owner see's the fire isnt spreading then first thing they do is check to see if it's enabled... that's not confusion
19:59 Krock oh shit. looks like this is going to become a flamewar again
19:59 Shara the argument was singleplayer people would play in lan and not know how to enable it, and it would break their worlds
19:59 * tenplus1 is simply talking calmy and clearly
19:59 benrob0329 No, no flamewars
19:59 tenplus1 it's a very easy setting to ENABLE...
20:00 tenplus1 but... for those who dont know any better, it's a life saver if griefers do attack the server with fire and tnt
20:00 Shara Krock: I don't get why people assume talk = war.
20:00 benrob0329 *cough* in game settings *cough*
20:01 tenplus1 it's either that or we add a gamemode switch for "creative", "survival", "easy"
20:01 tenplus1 each having it's own settings
20:01 Krock Shara, right now it's a calm talk but it's the perfect situation for people to get into this discussion, which may cause a flamewar easily
20:01 Shara If we disallow discussions because they 'might' get into a flamewar, then how can we have any discussion?
20:02 Krock Shara, I said nothing about diallowing. was just a comment from my side
20:02 Krock +s
20:03 Shara Yes, but not sure what else it can lead to
20:04 Krock I wouldn't know of any other cause, no.
20:04 tenplus1 smoething that confuses me though, sofar said "minetest.is_singleplayer() is considered bad. The flag specifies that the game was started in singleplayer mode. However, entirely functionally equal is a game that is started as a local LAN game"
20:05 tenplus1 I tested this and minetest.is_singleplayer() is only true during a singleplayer game, a LAN game comes up false
20:05 tenplus1 and a server comes up false
20:05 Krock tenplus1, and that's exactly the thing
20:05 Krock the thought is to make it the same for both
20:06 Krock so the players can customize their singleplayer world and open it to their friends with the same behaviour
20:06 Krock with needing to enable tnt manually
20:06 tenplus1 the way he put "functionally equal" to me kinda meant it came up true for lan games...  badly worded prolly
20:06 Krock indeed
20:07 Shara well, he initially thought I'd disabled it for singleplayer too...
20:07 Shara So I guess he was rushing in general.
20:08 Shara I'm unlikely to make further PRs to MTG either way (not due to the refusal, but due to other things that were said), but since I'm not very active there anyway, not big loss.
20:08 Shara not a *
20:09 tenplus1 what else was said?
20:09 Shara I'd rather not repeat.
20:09 tenplus1 okie :)
20:09 Shara was somewhere other than here
20:12 sofar Shara: if you want, just ask me to make PRs and discuss changes you'd like to see
20:12 Shara sofar: I spoke to two devs before making the PR.
20:12 Shara If you really want to know why I think I won't make more
20:12 sofar there's certainly different minded people in the dev team as well
20:13 sofar paramat and me can bounce pretty hard on differences as well :)
20:13 Shara 1 - your comments on how server owners think it's okay to wreck games for all the little kids in the world
20:13 sofar but, we always rebound and work back together
20:13 Shara 2 - sfan's comments on my PR being "retarded" and "shit"
20:14 Shara I have a lot of respect for you guys - I'd like some back.
20:14 sofar well, my concerns are always technical
20:14 sofar I think sfan shares that sentiment
20:14 Fixer I missed everything again
20:14 sofar even if the language is harsh, it's about a solvable technical conflict
20:15 sofar I don't know how I phrased it
20:15 Shara Doesn't matter. There's really no need for it. You can just tell me "we don't like this PR becase <reason>" and that's fine. That why I can see the reaon and learn and know what could be better next time.
20:15 sofar I think I tried to explain that this channel is devoid of people who only play local lan games with their kids
20:15 Shara That way*
20:15 sofar I tried, but I got no response
20:16 sofar and only more pushback
20:16 Shara I was trying to understand your view too.
20:16 * tenplus1 has a personal server for nephews
20:16 sofar this is where I try to acknowledge peoples concerns as well
20:16 Shara But everyone just got 'shouty', which helps no one.
20:16 tenplus1 fire and tnt was the 1st thing they wanted REMOVED cause they would grief one another with it... their choice
20:16 sofar scottish kids, heh
20:16 tenplus1 ages 5 to 12
20:17 Shara I still don't understand how it breaks games. That was the part that got to me.
20:17 Shara But I think it's no big deal. It just shows MTG needs to pick a direction/focus.
20:17 sofar just removes something that was working before, that's all.
20:17 sofar maybe post 0.4.16 we can break and do that
20:18 Shara If that's singleplayer, it's fine by me. Just seems to tell me another official game as a base for servers really is needed
20:18 sofar I proposed a 3-way break
20:18 sofar retain minetest_game as legacy
20:18 sofar and make a modding base based on that
20:18 Shara Surely minetest_game is nicely on the path to becoming a full game anyway?
20:18 sofar and then a new singleplayer/local lan game
20:19 sofar it has too much baggage
20:19 tenplus1 'Minimal' should be a server game with only nodes registered... that allows server owners to enable/disable any mods in mtg
20:19 sofar some of it is soooo unworkable
20:19 Shara I really want to work on a base game for servers.
20:19 sofar minimal is a lost cause imho
20:19 Shara In fact, I plan to work on one.
20:19 tenplus1 not the current minimal... but a new one
20:19 Shara Even if it only ends up being used by me.
20:19 sofar mtg is a good start for multiplayer servers
20:19 sofar afk, meetings
20:20 tenplus1 mtg has so much ppl wanna disable./replace
20:20 Shara MTG is a terrible base for servers.
20:20 Fixer sofar: modularise
20:20 * Jordach looks at Solar Plains
20:20 * Jordach sips tea
20:20 Jordach not my business
20:21 * tenplus1 looks at Solar Plains...  holds TNT
20:21 * Fixer already had tnt
20:21 tenplus1 :P
20:21 Fixer i mean tea
20:21 Fixer lol
20:21 * Shara wants tea now
20:22 tenplus1 again... a [game] tab added to the startup menu that allows players to browse current [games] and download/use them
20:22 Sokomine hmm. the strength of mt lies in its diversity of mods. that's particulary strong on servers. they all have their own sets of mods - subgames if you wish - with many things in common. but even those might not be shared by absolutely all servers. there are some servers out there that enable fire...they're the exception. there are some few servers who have decided against a /spawn command or no protect
20:22 Sokomine ion commands
20:23 Sokomine tenplus1: what else do people want to disable/replace in mtg on servers apart from destructive elements like fire, tnt, lavabuckets?
20:24 Sokomine a game tab might not be a bad idea, yes. currently subgames are a bit hidden. some work out very nice, and there's a lot of diversity. problem is that hardly anybody will declare the own subgame ready/finished - they're all in diffrent states of progress
20:24 tenplus1 many use UI and replace inventory
20:24 tenplus1 doors and farming mods get replaced by most
20:24 tenplus1 mapgens etc
20:24 Sokomine ah yes, that's true. i use ui in all my games (after i got used to it on vanessas servers)
20:25 tenplus1 if we had a "Minimal" game that registers only nodes and allows us to disable built-in mods to our hearts content it would be a great thing :)
20:25 rubenwardy UI would be so much nicer with a better background, icons, and spacing
20:25 Sokomine doors? hm. the standard doors are always present? there're usually just further ones added by other mods
20:26 tenplus1 *cough* Doors Redo... ehehehe...  got my own key that I prefer
20:26 tenplus1 single door registry for open/locked and protected doors
20:28 Sokomine ah, ok. i'm planning to put the password protection part of my locks mod in a new mod and implement it diffrently. could be useful for maps with quests or all these teachers out there
20:28 tenplus1 good idea...
20:30 Shara I think MTG doors are fine as is, but would love to split keys from them
20:30 tenplus1 +1
20:31 Shara I'd also leave default as is (or at leats mostly) because so many mods use it for different things, and the point of having a base like this is that you can easily add mods as you wish.
20:31 Shara least*
20:43 Fixer i'm fine with tnt/fire enabled by default, admins can disable it or whatever, if server owner can't even disable tnt/fire in settings, something is wrong with that admin or minetest or both
20:43 Jordach consider giving fire a 100% ignition rate but a 800% increase in burn time
20:44 Jordach (eg, it takes about an hour+ for a reasonably sized forest)
20:44 * tenplus1 ignites fire in a 100% oxygen environment and fries his eyebrows
20:44 Krock making it spread slower is a good idea
20:45 Jordach i mean insanely slower
20:45 Jordach it means you get a chance to put it out before anything really happens
20:46 tenplus1 how about adding a flick switch in-game...    /fire on/off       and it removes on next abm update :)    can easily be done
20:51 Wayward_One Hi all
20:52 tenplus1 hi wayward
20:52 Shara Hi Wayward_One
20:54 tenplus1 nite folks :)
20:54 tenplus1 left #minetest-hub
21:00 epoch joined #minetest-hub
21:27 sofar my idea for the `config` mod is to make those config updates all "live" changes
21:27 Jordach
21:28 sofar fire off: you can make fire nodes, but they no longer spread or burn down other nodes
21:28 sofar fire on: whooosh!
21:28 Jordach sofar, lilacs grown wild
21:28 sofar tnt off: explosions only damage players
21:28 sofar tnt on: holes!
21:28 rubenwardy would be very useful to have register_on_setting_change to let /set be dynamic and efficient
21:28 sofar liquid flooding off: bucket water places flowing nodes only
21:28 sofar liquid flooding on: bucket water works as usual
21:29 Shara sofar: yes, such things could help
21:29 sofar rubenwardy: that's in the PR
21:29 sofar rubenwardy: there's a callback for each setting
21:29 sofar the trick is NOT to use minetest.conf as a backing
21:29 sofar it needs to be per *world*
21:30 sofar which the PR does, of course
21:30 sofar I'll take that to the max after 0.4.16
21:30 rubenwardy minetest.setting_set and /set should be per world, imo
21:31 sofar right, but, even if they were, they don't offer a callback notification
21:32 Krock rubenwardy, oh yay. smooth lights per world
21:32 Krock this would have to be split up somehow
21:33 sofar would you ever turn off smooth lights in a world?
21:33 Krock for debugging purposes only
21:33 sofar hmmm ic
21:38 Nathans21 joined #minetest-hub
21:41 sofar about the doors mod
21:42 sofar would you not want the API part to be in the modding base?
21:42 sofar I mean tenplus1 just duplicates it in *_redo
21:42 sofar but he essentially praises the API that way
21:43 Shara sofar: My only issue with doors is keys
21:43 Shara I would want to keep everything other than them for doors
21:43 sofar interesting
21:43 sofar I think keys can be a mod API that lies underneath doors and chests
21:44 sofar what do you use for doors, then?
21:44 Shara Yes, but they are simply not needed in a real base
21:44 Shara Since mods can add keys on top
21:44 sofar yeah but that's a fundamentally incorrect design
21:44 Shara So to me, that should be a choice compeltely left for the server owner
21:44 sofar a good design should accomodate it
21:44 Shara Hmm, can you explain why for me?
21:44 sofar needless to say the current design is broken too
21:44 Shara Not trying to be argumentative - just want to understand
21:44 * VanessaE peeks in
21:45 sofar so keys were an afterhought for me
21:45 sofar they kind of made it organically into the scheme of mtg
21:45 sofar so now it's a half-half API
21:45 Shara Hmm, it's just that as you pointed out before, they were sort of designed with singleplayer in mind
21:45 sofar what it should be, imho, is that doors build on top of the keys API
21:46 Shara WHich is fine, but when it comes to building a server, it's a whole different thing.
21:46 sofar forget about tenplus1's delirious concept of keys
21:46 Shara Is there any way to adjust the keys API to make different ways of handling keys possible?
21:46 sofar he means fine but they're not keys, they're essentially "locks" in his version
21:46 Shara Sorry, but I really like the end result of Ten's system, regardless of how it's achieved.
21:47 sofar he wants a "lock" api
21:47 sofar I want a "key" api
21:47 sofar they should be able to live side by side
21:47 Shara And no way to make them work together?
21:47 sofar not be exclusive
21:47 Shara Hah, same thought together :)
21:47 sofar ideally, they would work together as well
21:47 Shara But yes, this is what I'd like to see.
21:47 sofar the problem is, I've thought over "keys" a lot
21:47 sofar I've not thought over a "lock" API much since I'm not interested in it
21:48 sofar mostly because it imposes a UI that I don't like
21:48 Shara Hmm, all I can say is I have a busy server using it, and no one has complained.
21:48 sofar players will use what they get
21:48 Shara Yes, but I play myself, and I like it
21:48 sofar did you give people the mtg keys?
21:49 Shara And actually, I have players who can be pretty vocal if they don't like my mod choices.
21:49 Shara No, but many of them are familiar with them.
21:49 octacian_ joined #minetest-hub
21:49 sofar well of course, MP is a different game as well
21:49 Shara Keep in mind, my target audiance for servers isn't kiddies, or not only kdidies anyway
21:49 Shara kiddies*
21:50 sofar I do tend to favor developing for singleplayer/lan play
21:50 Shara I get quite a few people who are moderators/admins elsewhere playing my survival for example.
21:50 sofar question
21:50 Shara So it's people who have some experience with different mod possibilities.
21:50 sofar does tenplus1's "locks" also work on chests?
21:50 Shara I believe so.
21:50 Shara I can do a quick test if you give me a moment
21:51 sofar do you remove the default chests and from the game ?
21:51 Shara Don't think so.
21:51 Jordach Shara, sofar, Solar Plains is biased to multiplayer but is happy with singleplayer as well
21:52 Shara sofar, if you want to test the locks in action, feel free to check on Dark Lands to save setting it up yourself. Can grant any privs you need for testing it.
21:52 sofar at work, can't play
21:52 Shara Okay
21:53 Jordach sofar, backdoor the intel firmware to make MC run like ass, Kappa
21:53 Jordach (i'm being sarcastic this evening, go figure)
21:53 Shara Hmm, no, doesn't seem to work on chests
21:53 Shara I had thought it did for some reason.
21:54 sofar Jordach: I'd like for them to make MT faster
21:54 Jordach top kek
21:54 Jordach you know optimisation goes into code and not IPC
21:54 Jordach (considering Intel chips make MT already hugely faster than AMD FX9XXX)
21:56 Shara I don't think I ever felt a need to change a chest between locked and unlocked, now that I think about it.
21:56 Shara WHich isn't to say there shouldn't be a way to
21:57 sofar Shara: that was one of my problems with the "lock" tool method
21:57 sofar fundamentally, you want chests to always be locked
21:57 sofar (on a MP server)
21:57 Shara yea
21:57 sofar the "lock" tool does what, then?
21:57 Shara Shared chests are possible with this set up when using protectors, which I found works well
21:58 Shara Adding someone to the protection enables them to access a protected chest
21:58 sofar that's the UI part - the user interaction is just weird
21:58 sofar "giving them a physical key" is what you do in the real world
21:58 sofar which is what I wrote
21:58 sofar that's a nice UI
21:58 Shara I find it pretty intuitive to be honest. But maybe there are other ways to handle it all
21:58 Shara Problem is - too many physical keys
21:59 sofar yes, it needs a "keyring"
21:59 Shara Because inventory management can become hell
21:59 sofar I think that could solve the problem permanently. If you had a keyring item that had all your keys on them, you'd probably use it
22:00 Shara I'd have to play for  abit with it to get a feel for it, in all honesty
22:00 Shara It owuld certainly help
22:00 sofar the thing you need to keep in mind is that it works without any formspecs
22:00 sofar and encourages players to trade objects/items
22:01 * Jordach autistically screeches
22:01 Shara But... if you force that into a base game, it's back to the starting point, because existing servers may well want to keep their current approach
22:01 sofar that's fine
22:01 sofar if we do a modding base I'll likely rewrite it
22:01 Shara I see a base game as being as minimal as possible
22:01 sofar and make it a standalone API
22:01 Shara Yea, that would be a good thing in general
22:02 Jordach it seems like sofar thinks like i do
22:02 Jordach can't go wrong if you re-write everything ;)
22:02 sofar actually I'd put it in the singleplayer game first
22:02 sofar Jordach: I've seen enough shit in my lifetime
22:02 sofar it doesn't matter how nice and great it works. 2 years later nobody will understand your code
22:03 sofar I'm 100% sure I'll redo the door code again
22:03 Sokomine Shara: hm. my chesttools-mod adds an option to upgrade chests. access to the shared variant there is based on who can build in the area. that access system was afaik first seen on landrush and is more practical than per-chest-based access
22:03 Jordach sofar, i usually leave 1-3 comments per segment
22:03 Shara Well, I am pretty much committed to working on my own 'base game' at this point. Whether or not it proves helpful to anyone else is another thing.
22:03 Shara Sokomine: Yes, I like that kind of access system. It's similar to wha I use currently.
22:03 Shara what*
22:04 Shara If you have access to the protection on an area, you can open doors/chest tied to that protection
22:05 Sokomine sofar: my locks mod has a keyring. but that's only the token that allows you to access other peoples locks. no troube with lost keys or griefing through keys ending up in the wrong hands
22:05 sofar oh
22:05 sofar one thing to keep in mind
22:05 sofar I intend to redo the `minetest.is_protected()` interface entirely after 0.4.16
22:05 sofar especially for multiplayer
22:05 Shara Will it break mods?
22:06 sofar everything
22:06 Fixer ERROR
22:06 Fixer placed homedecor door, rotated with screwdriver - tried to open - error
22:06 Shara I don't know if I can handle rewriting more broken mods
22:06 sofar Fixer: new stairs placement code?
22:06 Fixer yes
22:06 sofar fixing the mods should be simple
22:07 sofar replace `minetest.is_protected` with a different function call
22:07 Fixer engine at commit 1399678
22:07 sofar Fixer: file issue :)
22:07 Fixer to who?
22:07 Fixer vanessa or mth?
22:07 Fixer g
22:07 Shara Hmm, okay
22:07 Sokomine sofar: why rename it if it will be just a diffrent function name?
22:07 sofar uh, not minetest_game?
22:07 Fixer 12 apr build
22:08 sofar because it will need a new parameter
22:08 Jordach sofar, Shara: cut the legacy bs, start anew
22:08 Shara Headache for me is that mods seem to be kept in line with current dev, and I prefer to keep mine working with stable release
22:08 Fixer sofar: so to whom i need to file an issue?
22:09 sofar Fixer: I dunno, maybe it's a screwdriver bug?
22:09 Fixer will try on vanilla ok
22:09 sofar Fixer: can you repro with just minetest_game without homedecor?
22:09 sofar Shara: problem is:
22:09 Sokomine and what will the new parameter do? i had to check if an area is protected at all (by checking with a fictional impossible name) for the shared chests to work properly. would have been bad if anyone could use them on unprotected lan
22:09 Fixer sofar: in vanilla doors are not rotated
22:10 Shara I really dislike that doors no longer rotate
22:10 Fixer yep
22:10 sofar can be fixed, just needs code to support (complex, complex code)
22:10 sofar I didn't want to
22:11 Fixer will post in homedecor
22:11 sofar heck I'm not even sure if I'll make doors 2-high nodes again in the future
22:12 Fixer .__.
22:13 shivajiva plans to make a player 1 node tall?
22:13 Fixer WAIT  A SECOND
22:14 Fixer *towelly mode*
22:14 benrob0329 Proper crouch
22:14 Jordach sofar, my doors are one node with a box that coves two
22:14 benrob0329 ctrl vs shift would be nice
22:15 sofar how do you block liquids from going into the top half?
22:15 Fixer sofar: minetest_game bug :D
22:15 Jordach sofar, since it's a doors+ port
22:15 Jordach l m a o
22:15 Fixer sofar: opening door with stair or slab triggers it
22:15 Fixer kek
22:15 sofar slab placement bug then I think
22:15 sofar mtg bug, for sure
22:16 benrob0329 Shift being crouch, ctrl being crawl
22:16 sofar everytime someone makes a _plus or _redo mod, god kills a kitten
22:16 benrob0329 Or shift/sneak, ctrl/crouch
22:16 sofar (if course, I'm an atheist so it's irrelevant)
22:16 Fixer sofar: _reredo
22:17 Shara _reredoplus
22:17 Shara (sorry, had to)
22:17 mogeid joined #minetest-hub
22:17 benrob0329 stairs_redo_redo_plus_plus
22:17 Jordach or just me do it and it'll be 95% less idiotic
22:18 sofar oh I'll take jordach's code any day
22:18 Jordach :D
22:18 benrob0329 Then do it.
22:18 nore this discussion makes me think that there are tons of bugs with multi-node nodes
22:18 benrob0329 DO IT
22:18 nore so what needs to be done
22:18 sofar nore: actually, I've even considered making vmanip-based doors
22:18 nore is to make an *universal* API for them
22:18 sofar arbitrary node/shape
22:18 * Jordach autistically screeches
22:19 sofar Jordach: you know, my son has autism
22:19 Jordach i do too
22:19 Jordach :^)
22:19 sofar he doesn't screech, though
22:19 Jordach sofar, i use it jokingly
22:19 Jordach i've seen worse, trust me
22:19 nore that allows placing/rotating such nodes, using *one node for each part* so that collision and line of sight has no problems
22:19 Fixer sofar: thats 4chan for you, or what he reads
22:19 sofar it does make me sad to be reminded of it
22:20 Jordach Fixer, well, stuck in a school with blatant retards for 7 years does a number on my neurons
22:20 Jordach there's like 6 functioning ones, including me
22:20 sofar maybe when my son gets a little older, you can talk to him about your experiences then
22:21 Fixer how i'm supposed to place a vertical slab now? :trollface:
22:21 Jordach at least he doesn't have PTSD and gigantic memory holes as a result of it
22:21 Fixer shit, opened door with slab again
22:21 Jordach lul
22:21 sofar Fixer: can't
22:22 sofar that was taken out entirely
22:22 Fixer oh well, i will use screwdriver
22:22 Fixer once
22:22 Fixer and that is good
22:23 Fixer i like this new system sof ar
22:23 * Jordach kek'd
22:24 sofar j o a a f
22:25 Jordach sofar, [23:24:47] <VE-Survival> <nomohakon> huh, i found ugly rainbow dog flying in caverealm
22:25 * Jordach lmaos
22:25 sofar ahaha
22:25 sofar tell them to eat the blocks
22:26 * Jordach looks at current stairs code
22:27 benrob0329 Jordach, if you don't come back in 5 minutes, I'm gonna call for help
22:28 Jordach benrob0329, don't worry
22:28 Jordach i re-wrote beds for god sake
22:28 Jordach you really don't want to look at that mess
22:28 benrob0329 I already have, sometimes I even have flashbacks
22:28 sofar I'm still rinsing my eyes with hydrofloric acid
22:28 Jordach vs
22:28 Jordach
22:29 Jordach bonus: there's no backwards compat
22:30 Jordach mods shouldn't do that
22:30 Jordach another backup optional mod should deal with backporting old blocks
22:30 benrob0329 Granted, my code probably isn't much better
22:33 Jordach sofar, X99 for my next PC?
22:34 Jordach just go overkill
22:34 benrob0329 I'm using x99 in mine, it works
22:34 * Jordach needs more power
22:35 benrob0329 POWER!!
22:35 sofar Jordach: ha, I have something better
22:35 Jordach
22:35 sofar Jordach: 990x
22:36 sofar grin, they're getting old
22:36 benrob0329 Does that even exist yet?
22:36 benrob0329 I mean, officially
22:36 sofar 990x?
22:36 sofar yes, of course
22:36 sofar;rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=web&amp;cd=1&amp;cad=rja&amp;uact=8&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjr2-qi_Z_TAhVFHGMKHRBoDqUQFggaMAA&amp;;usg=AFQjCNHjNH7nJ5snWnGNIMwS38eScL7NTw&amp;bvm=bv.152180690,d.cGc
22:36 sofar fuuu google link
22:36 sofar
22:37 sofar (I have 2 of those)
22:37 * benrob0329 would probably have to buy a new motherboard
22:37 Jordach sofar, my i5 4690 would likely stomp em
22:37 sofar launched: q1'11
22:37 benrob0329 oh
22:37 * benrob0329 is lazy and didn't look at the links
22:38 Jordach 990x scores similar to an i7 4790k
22:38 Jordach on a benchmark
22:38 sofar
22:39 benrob0329 i7 5930k in my desktop, I'm probably going to upgrade my gpu before I get a new cpu
22:39 Jordach sofar, Intel Core i7-4790 is almost the same as my 4690
22:40 sofar yes, so, about 50% faster than the 990x
22:40 sofar for single-core
22:40 Jordach my BIOS will allow this thing to go beyond 4ghz with an OC
22:40 Jordach it's not even a K varaint
22:40 sofar of course, I have 6 full cores
22:40 sofar vs you 4?
22:40 Jordach but considering MT's singlethreaded ness
22:40 Jordach :^)
22:43 red-004 wow RTT calculation is a mess
22:46 Fixer joined #minetest-hub
22:53 Jordach sofar, minetest.rotate_node is superior
22:53 Jordach it's PERFECT
22:54 Jordach sofar,
23:00 Calinou;px=Jane-Silber-Steps-Down
23:00 Calinou Mark Shuttleworth will be Canonical CEO again
23:01 Jordach >The OpenCL Cycles renderer has shorter render times by up to 50% in some cases,
23:01 * Jordach falls out of Jordach's chair
23:04 Jordach my AMD GPU is happy af
23:05 benrob0329 what??
23:05 * benrob0329 would fall out of his chair, but is too lazy to do so.
23:06 Jordach i've moved recipes outside of registering a stair and slab defs
23:07 Jordach since it can be done together
23:08 Calinou yeah, they finally made OpenCL faster
23:08 Calinou the release is not ready yet
23:08 Calinou it's still in the works
23:08 Jordach mfw RX 480 8GB
23:08 Jordach the one good card for it
23:08 Jordach all this VRAM and not enough usaeg for it
23:13 * sofar afk
23:14 * benrob0329 runs to every chat service and announces the news
23:15 benrob0329 if its stable, i may upgrade to an amd card instead of a 1080ti
23:38 Hijiri joined #minetest-hub
23:48 * Jordach just heard sofars voice
23:48 Jordach had to boost my amp by +35dB but, not_bad.png
23:49 Jordach and yes, i like CSM particles

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