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IRC log for #minetest-docs, 2022-07-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-docs
04:07 erle joined #minetest-docs
04:37 BuckarooBanzai joined #minetest-docs
06:20 erle joined #minetest-docs
11:12 appguru joined #minetest-docs
12:51 erle joined #minetest-docs
17:33 MTDiscord <Jonathon> dunno is something we would ever want to have in the docs?
19:28 erle Jonathon yes, but the post is wrong on bitmap optimization, lol
19:29 erle it was probably written by someone who never even tests their own stuff
19:38 erle Jonathon: here are two good rules of thumb for optimizing lossless images: for images with about 70 pixels or below (e.g. 8×8) → TGA is always the smallest. from that point up to about 256 pixels (e.g. 16×16) you are guaranteed to have lossless compression with colormapping regardless of format.
19:38 erle also the post mentions optipng and pngcrush without going into detail and does not even mention zopfli
19:38 MTDiscord <Jonathon> ya know what, im just not going to comment further than to say, believe what you want to believe, no matter how different from reality it is
19:39 erle ?
19:39 erle the thing with 256 pixels is pretty obvious, the palette can have up to 267 one-byte entries
19:39 erle up to 256 i mean
19:40 erle the other thing is obvious if you figure out how much overhead you need to encode the first pixel in a PNG image, which is about 69 bytes of boilerplate
19:41 erle optimizing PNG images can take very long
19:41 erle so i am pretty sure i know what i am doing
19:41 erle anyways, i just wanted to point out that the post is missing two very obvious optimization techniques
19:42 erle (i.e. counting bytes and calculating minimum overhead)
21:13 MTDiscord <luatic> erle: I don't think this kind of byte-shaving is really worth it; games are unlikely to have loads of textures with < 70 px, standard is 16x16+
21:14 MTDiscord <luatic> anyways, add what you feel is missing in the thread (e.g. zopfli)
21:16 erle i think, if people want to shave off bytes, they should not cargo-cult it, but understand the matter
21:17 erle luatic has the PNG encoding situation become better? i.e. is the checkerboard still 20 times the size that optipng outputs?
21:17 erle (i can also check, but i thought maybe you know)
21:18 erle i personally think the 4k bytes boundary is relevant for disk space, so i think in 4k blocks
21:18 erle for example, some of the textures of minetest game could be a few bytes smaller if saved differently. did i make a patch? hell no lol
21:19 erle luatic btw one of the funniest things btw regarding image optization is bloated metadata. someone once left in metadata in textures for mcl2 and those became HUGE
21:19 MTDiscord <luatic> erle: no, nobody touched the encoder
21:19 erle i think it was an entire XML metadata element in a text chunk or so
21:20 MTDiscord <luatic> if I was to write a checkerboard texture I'd use a palette
21:20 erle same
21:20 erle however, minetest.encode_png() gets confused by it
21:20 erle i assume that no filtering is happening
21:21 MTDiscord <luatic> encode_png is kept as simple as possible
21:21 MTDiscord <luatic> it's literally dumping ARGB8 scanlines and then compressing the entire thing using zlib
21:21 erle oh LOL
21:21 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> texture format discussions are so incredibly boring
21:21 MTDiscord <rubenwardy> mutes channel for a day
21:21 erle well, i am pretty sure if minetest.encode_png() can produce textures that are 5% of the size it makes now it is kinda useful
21:21 MTDiscord <luatic> @rubenwardy don't worry, I'm working on an exciting debug mod
21:22 erle (without loss of quality)
21:22 MTDiscord <luatic> it's pretty much finished actually
21:22 erle code is unexciting lol
21:22 erle if it gets exciting, things go wrong
21:22 erle i prefer boring stuff
21:22 MTDiscord <luatic> erle: the hacks I've implemented here are magnificient
21:22 erle luatic tell?
21:22 MTDiscord <luatic> I've found a way to get function arguments from within Lua
21:22 MTDiscord <luatic> using only the debug library
21:23 erle the problem with “dump scanlines into zlib” is “no prefiltering” am i right?
21:23 MTDiscord <luatic> erle: problem 1 is ARGB8, problem 2 is no filtering
21:23 MTDiscord <luatic> solving 1) is doable, solving 2) is harder
21:24 erle i am pretty sure that “no prefiltering” means this is about as good as RLEd TGA (i.e. okay for small textures, abysmal for large ones)
21:25 MTDiscord <luatic> except we still have zlib to save us ;)
21:25 erle like prefiltering is the best part of PNG
21:27 erle the thing i am pointing out is that zlib does not save you
21:30 erle luatic without prefiltering i can get a smaller filesize by pushing the raw pixels into zlib (which is basically what i am doing in xmaps to get a very small item meta)
21:30 erle okay, i am putting a paletted TGA in it
21:30 erle but same
21:31 erle anyways, luatic i bet you have thought about it. why is prefiltering difficult?
21:41 MTDiscord <luatic> there are multiple filters you can use, some more complex than others and you have to decide which to choose for every scanline, and which filter you choose for one scanline affects your options for neighboring scanlines
21:41 MTDiscord <luatic> TBF the PNG spec mentions some heuristics...

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