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IRC log for #minetest-doc, 2017-10-10

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:02 bigfoot547 <red-001> [10:20:28] jas_, bigfoot547 what do you think of adding the link to the instructions for compiling on android to the main page just below the link to general compiling instructions? << +1
05:49 bigfoot547 Good work jas_ :)
05:49 bigfoot547 I'm away now :/
05:49 bigfoot547 lol
08:24 pigra_kojoto joined #minetest-doc
08:42 Shara bigfoot547: since you seem to be working through methods pages, do you know if there is either any guidance on, or have you had any thoughts about, the level of information that should be provided for examples?
08:43 Shara I checked a few things last night for  amod I was working on, and those they did have examples they weren't very helpful for me because the intent of the example code wasn't explained to give me any context
08:43 Shara and though they*
08:44 Shara Maybe it's just me, but in any documentation I worked on practice has been to introduce and explain an example so a reader better understands it
10:03 Krock joined #minetest-doc
15:48 jas_ The more the merrier, but it has to be an acceptable license (the example code) -- and its author should be approached and asked for permission if possible.
15:48 jas_ but yeah, definitely more example code for sure
15:50 Shara jas_: I'm thinking less about more examples and more about explaining what they do so that it's easier to understand the code
15:50 Shara Otherwise, the example can end up being little better than the definition that comes before them
15:50 Shara examples*
15:51 Shara And if I add any examples myself, it will likely be my own code, since I'm too lazy to go looking :D
15:52 jas_ ye same here.
15:53 Shara It's generally just quicker and easier to write one directly
15:54 Shara And almost finished the mod I'm working on... so can hopefully get back to editing then.
20:23 lumberJ joined #minetest-doc
20:25 lumberJ just wanted to say I would be willing/interested to help out updating the wiki from the api here and there if you all would like any help.
20:26 lumberJ i own the City-States server and folks know me on Craigs channel #davisonio-minetest if you need references
20:26 lumberJ also some of my mods are up on github:
20:27 lumberJ just let me know if you are interested :)
20:33 lumberJ lol, thats from the aquarium :P
20:34 Krock you can demand an account by sending a message to Calinou: either here with a PM or on the forum
20:36 Calinou hi
20:36 Krock and sure, helpers are (almost) always welcome
20:36 lumberJ ok, since I see you online, Calinou, I'd like to request a wiki account :)
20:36 Calinou lumberJ: PM me your email address and desired username, /msg Calinou <message here>
20:36 lumberJ will do
20:37 Calinou I can create both a regular account ( and dev account (, they are separate installations so they need different accounts
20:37 Krock just use the same password for everything. problem solved. /s
20:39 lumberJ sure Krock, I always just use "password" :P
20:39 lumberJ or occasionally '12345'
20:39 lumberJ :D
20:40 Krock programmers start with 0
20:41 Krock except those with Lua and Mathlab
20:59 Calinou my server uses "123" as default password :P
21:03 Shara Hi lumberJ, and welcome
21:11 Krock Calinou, pwned
22:15 lumberJ thanks Shara

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