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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2024-03-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:19 imi joined #minetest-dev
00:46 proller joined #minetest-dev
01:41 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
01:54 ShadowBot joined #minetest-dev
02:20 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
02:47 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
02:53 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
03:50 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
04:36 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
09:22 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
09:47 Warr1024 joined #minetest-dev
10:00 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
10:11 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
10:13 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:46 calculon joined #minetest-dev
10:53 appguru joined #minetest-dev
11:05 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
11:30 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
11:46 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
12:03 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
12:31 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
12:47 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
13:05 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
13:07 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
13:16 MisterE123 joined #minetest-dev
13:16 wsor4035 joined #minetest-dev
13:16 thelounge656 joined #minetest-dev
13:41 Lupercus joined #minetest-dev
13:46 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
14:35 Krock Reminder: Meeting in 25 minutes -
14:36 Krock feel free to have a look at the "One Approval" PRs to go through them this time
14:42 Krock will merge #14401 and #14384 in 10 minutes
14:42 ShadowBot -- [no squash] Split up tile.cpp/tile.h and just a little refactoring by cx384
14:42 ShadowBot -- Implement get_node with a get_node_raw by Desour
14:53 Krock done
14:59 Krock ping @Zughy appguru @Desour sfan5 myself
15:01 MTDiscord <luatic> hi
15:01 appguru oh wait i might as well use my open thunderbird
15:01 Krock hello there! waiting a few minutes for the others to get active
15:04 rubenwardy I'm here
15:06 Krock hello here
15:06 Krock is @grorp online?
15:06 Krock because the first topic would be #13020
15:06 ShadowBot -- 3d line rendering. by Andrey2470T
15:07 Krock >  thoughts on grorp's primitive suggestion
15:08 Desour joined #minetest-dev
15:09 MTDiscord <luatic> Discord does not show grorp as online, though perhaps he has just his status to invisible. @andrey2470t is online, though.
15:10 Desour (I'm here now, hi)
15:11 Krock I'd definitely support the "type" key to be more future-proof. To be honest I ignored that PR for a while because I didn't see much use for it
15:12 Krock maybe it would be easiest to first implement a few primitives and the keep the rest for future PRs
15:12 Krock opinions on grorp's comment?
15:13 Krock ->
15:13 appguru I agree with grorp largely. I'm not exactly sold on a server-controlled primitive API, though.
15:14 Desour a primitive / 3d draw scene node API would best fit into sscsm. I thought the PR is rather about a more high-level hardcoded API, to connect objects with lines witch good prediction
15:14 appguru Very long-term I hope that we can extend (SS)CSM to have proper clientside rendering APIs. We *might* want to compromise short or medium-term.
15:14 MTDiscord <herowl> Desour: agreed
15:16 appguru An alternative compromise I briefly considered for "connecting objects" would be a bone override API which lets you attach bones to objects or bones of other objects. Basically set_attach but for bones.
15:16 appguru That way you could at least get the "connecting two points with limited jank" with a relatively cheap compromise; it would of course be much more limited than what this PR suggests.
15:17 ivanbu joined #minetest-dev
15:17 MTDiscord <herowl> Long-term I would personally feel MTE would need a C++ dll API so that people could use and package MTE with whatever games, also commercial ones, like a proper engine.
15:18 appguru To look presentable, it would also need more texturing options (namely world-space repeating textures for entities - unless you want solid color lines, you don't want your rope texture to stretch)
15:18 MTDiscord <herowl> Wouldn't you need some form of IK to connect bones like that though?
15:18 Krock appguru: but could bones be stretched?
15:19 MTDiscord <herowl> Well, from what I know about bones, they work as a tree, and go have two attachment points, you need IK. Unless I'm missing something...?
15:19 Krock repeating textures already exist for nodes, so it's definitely worth considering to port to entities as well in the future
15:20 Krock what does IK stand for?
15:20 MTDiscord <herowl> Inverse kinematics
15:20 appguru Krock: you would have two bones, attached to two different entities / points, with the vertex weights based on the distance to the bone position along the line, rather than a single bone (but yes bones also support scaling).
15:22 Krock I see. bone attachments would have a much broader use-case than just using the objectRef base position + some hack offset
15:23 appguru BTW, there is in fact currently a not too shabby hack: You can get a line-like visual by taking an entity with cube visual and stretching, rotating, and repeating the texture via texmods as appropriate. This is okay-ish for static lines, but of course janky for dynamic lines (like a leash).
15:24 Krock right
15:25 MTDiscord <herowl> You can just have a custom mesh as well, or use particles, and some other way I think
15:25 MTDiscord <herowl> But yeah, jank
15:28 Krock I'll just state general agreement to grorp's comment. If there's ideas to make the PR more helpful, I'd say to leave a comment there?
15:30 appguru Personally, the 3d line PR is not a review priority for me, and I think Andrey has deprioritized it as well; I discussed it with him briefly on Discord. Let me make you a copy of the relevant chat history real quick.
15:30 MTDiscord <herowl> Andrey said he lost interest tbh.
15:30 MTDiscord <herowl> (in that PR)
15:32 Krock I do not see any such comment in the PR itself, so if that's the case I'd be grateful if he could clarify whether it needs adoption or not
15:32 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Actually yes, I am more interested in other PRs now like Camera API, dual wielding and ambient light. The last one is the most possible feature to be finished and merged, so I will accent on that
15:33 Krock but the 3d line PR is yet not abandoned, right?
15:35 sfan5 oh hey
15:36 Krock hello!
15:37 appguru hi
15:38 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> No, but I am stuck into how it should be implemented in the most correct way to be honest. More general API would be better, but up to which degree should it be generalised? Just drawing any primitives like triangles, points, lines or although more types of primitives for objects behaving as lines?
15:38 appguru here's the relevant #engine discussion:
15:39 Krock there's always multiple ways to do it. going too much into detail (e.g. vertex/index arrays etc) would be too inefficient
15:40 Krock thus a connecting line between points (what the PR currently implements) seems to be a good approach.
15:40 MTDiscord <herowl> Tbh the primitives talked about would be I think line (of a few kinds), cube and icosphere.
15:41 MTDiscord <herowl> Maybe arbitrary planes too
15:41 MTDiscord <herowl> Cube defined as AABB and sphere by center and radius
15:42 grorp joined #minetest-dev
15:43 appguru hi grorp
15:43 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> It seems like we should offer a design we agree upon or that PR will remain stuck until it gets closed
15:43 Krock the four so called "visual types" are IMO the right amount to start with
15:43 MTDiscord <herowl> Another question is whether to attach the primitives to objects as-is or have option to attach to bones
15:43 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> (hi)
15:43 grorp hi, I'm now lurking
15:43 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> I think this could support setting arbitrary meshes for lines also except of certain primitives
15:43 Krock @herowl: that's an idea for a later PR to make it more useful. having empty bone names for now might already suffice
15:44 MTDiscord <herowl> That's my feeling too
15:44 appguru well, you can always attach an entity to a bone, then attach to that entity as a workaround
15:44 MTDiscord <herowl> +1
15:45 Krock I'd have to do a full code review but as of now it appears that the priorities just aren't high enough
15:45 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
15:45 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Which difference would be between attaching a line to objects and bones? I've not ever used bones for entities, so I have a bad representation about that
15:45 Krock however, concept-wise I think it would be a good addition to have. SSCSM are still far away
15:46 MTDiscord <herowl> Well, maybe name the function "add primitive" though like grorp suggested to prepare for adding more stuff
15:46 Krock @andrey2470t bones are specific points, such as the player's head. it's what the model uses to render
15:46 MTDiscord <herowl> Well, you could attach it to a monster mouth or player/mob hand and have it respect animations properly
15:46 Krock s/render/put the vertices to the place they should be/
15:47 appguru andrey2470t: like set_attach, basically. bones are useful when you have animations and want to keep in sync with that. for example players have bones for their arms (which you can use to place items in their hand). think of a dog leash which you want to be attached to the hand of the player without jank.
15:47 appguru but, as i said, this is not strictly necessary, because as a slightly inefficient but otherwise okay workaround, you can attach an invisible entity to a bone, then attach the line to the invisible entity.
15:48 Desour bones are not only points. they represent a transformation (i.e. pos, rot, scale) relative to the object. and some vertices of the mesh are bound to it, which makes them be transformed accordingly
15:48 MTDiscord <herowl> In this case it is just bone position though
15:48 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> And weights
15:48 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Source: Been trying to find weights again
15:49 appguru While most people try to lose weight, jordan tries to find it.
15:49 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> At this point I'm about to just go to my gym and call it a day
15:49 Desour if you can attach a bone of an object to a bone of another object, or to a fixed world pos, that would probably be useful
15:49 MTDiscord <herowl> But isn't that IK?
15:49 MTDiscord <herowl> So would be out of scope.
15:50 appguru herowl: I don't think overriding single bones is IK, or particularly hard to do
15:51 appguru from wiki: "inverse kinematics is the mathematical process of calculating the variable joint parameters needed to place the end of a kinematic chain [...] in a given position and orientation relative to the start of the chain"
15:51 MTDiscord <herowl> But if you attach an existing bone to a specific position, and the object is moving...?
15:51 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Ah, it works very like as in blender. Attaching some part of mesh to some bone and doing the bone as transformation pivot point
15:52 MTDiscord <herowl> It is the same thing, not "like"
15:52 MTDiscord <herowl> We may be missing some features that Blender has, but that's ig
15:52 appguru herowl: then you might want IK - instead of overriding - for it to look okay
15:53 MTDiscord <herowl> And what is the thing you were suggesting exactly? Because I feel like I am missing something.
15:53 Desour @herowl: in IK you'd also move the other bones (in the kinematic chain) so that they fulfill certain constraints (e.g. the arm sticks to the body), no?
15:53 MTDiscord <herowl> Yes
15:54 appguru the thing i was suggesting is restricted to a single bone
15:54 MTDiscord <herowl> So basically orient the bone towards whatever?
15:54 appguru you fix the (absolute) position of a single bone at a certain world pos, for example, not affecting any other bones
15:54 MTDiscord <herowl> So that the bone tracks another object, for example?
15:55 appguru yes
15:55 MTDiscord <herowl> But not ripping it, just pointing?
15:56 appguru (you will have to compute the local TRS properties from the wanted global properties by applying the inverse parent transform, but that is pretty doable)
15:56 appguru herowl: wdym by ripping vs pointing
15:56 MTDiscord <herowl> Moving the bone to the position vs rotating it towards it.
15:56 Krock might be already be too deep in this topic? wouldn't attaching to bones already suffice, without any physical impact on the player model?
15:56 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Hmm, in the case of the dog leash what appguru mentioned, it can be implemented without bones. Very similar thing I alteady did with the fishing rod. I just set the position offset for the closest rod point and the relative offset is always constant, only the parent's position is changed
15:57 Krock s/ be / we /
15:57 appguru herowl: both are doable, i primarily considered positions
15:58 appguru Krock: let's try to wrap this topic up then to continue with the meeting?
15:58 MTDiscord <herowl> Krock: I think we don't need any messing with bones for this PR tbh.
15:59 appguru yes, we were discussing my tangential, slightly alternative suggestion
15:59 Krock alright then. noted down a quick summary in the meeting points (will save at the end)
15:59 Krock on to the next:
16:00 Krock one approval PR's.
16:00 Krock #11391
16:00 ShadowBot -- Add support for static boxes in 'leveled' type; add node box types 'leveled_plantlike[_rooted]' by Wuzzy2
16:00 sfan5 sounds useful at first glance
16:00 sfan5 does anyone want to review it?
16:01 appguru i have a pending review on that, i will finish my review
16:01 Krock thanks
16:02 Krock skipping the 3d line rendering PR (already discussed, low priority)
16:02 Krock #14225
16:02 ShadowBot -- Add bulk_get_node function by sfence
16:02 Krock before our meeting I merged DS' optimizations. this PR was however initially not meant to perform well
16:02 MTDiscord <luatic> Performance-wise, this has been obsoleted by Desour's PR as far as I understand.
16:02 Krock but rather to be easier to use
16:03 sfan5 yeah sounds like that should be closed after all
16:03 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Ok, so the topic of my PR has finished. Can we discuss about Camera API today also? There are a few questions relating to workarounds due to the static nature of the nodes.
16:03 Krock @andrey2470t I'll add it after the one approval PRs, if we don't get to it we can discuss it in the next meeting
16:04 Krock about bulk_get_node: I'd also vote for a close because I don't quite see the need for such specific functions
16:04 grorp I don't see how it's easier to use tbh
16:04 MTDiscord <luatic> I think the convenience afforded by bulk_get_node is very limited
16:04 Desour I'd say let sfence answer first, maybe they still see a reason for the bulk get node, or come up with a faster version
16:05 Krock (+1'd on rubenwardy's comment)
16:05 appguru I agree with Desour
16:05 Krock okay. will await arguments.
16:06 Krock next: #14243
16:06 ShadowBot -- Update docs to allow non-liquid nodes to use "liquid" drawtype by ryvnf
16:06 Desour pure doc change
16:06 Krock so the background of this change is rather strange
16:06 sfan5 I'm neutral on that one
16:07 appguru esp. considering Wuzzy's comments, I think this is just an oversight from the drawtype - liquidtype decoupling left to be addressed in the docs, hence my approval
16:10 Krock okay. I'll leave a review and see what happens
16:10 Krock #14319
16:10 ShadowBot -- Fix object:punch(puncher, ... should allow nil for puncher by sfence
16:10 Krock I'd like to know why we need "nil" punchers in the first place.. ?
16:11 Krock I'd somewhat expect an ObjectRef to be provided to callbacks
16:11 appguru for the same reason some other callbacks allow nil actors, i assume: to let mods invoke them without having to come up with an actor
16:11 Krock would it require a fake ObjectRef for automation mods?
16:13 Krock just checked. core.node_dig may also handle nil players
16:14 appguru a (hopefully rather limited) risk i would like to point out: despite our documentation saying it may be, i wouldn't be surprised if some mods have grown to rely on puncher not being nil
16:15 Krock 3d_armor/3d_armor/init.lua
16:15 Krock hitter is expected to be an ObjectRef
16:16 Desour `on_punch` says: "`puncher`: an `ObjectRef` (can be `nil`)"
16:16 sfan5 acceptable risk, the docs say differently at least
16:16 Desour but register_on_punchplayer only allows players as hitters
16:16 Krock register_on_punchplayer doesn't state that yet
16:17 appguru Desour: I don't think register_on_punchplayer only allows players as hitters. IIRC it allows any object as hitter (but of course only players as victims).
16:17 Desour kinda inconsistent with on_rightclick where the clicker is not nil, according to doc
16:18 Desour appguru: that's what the docs say though: "`hitter`: ObjectRef - Player that hit"
16:18 appguru I wouldn't be surprised if the docs are outdated. Let me check though.
16:20 Krock who is in favour of this PR, who's against?
16:21 appguru Desour: PlayerSAO::punch always calls on punchplayer. This is consistent with what I remember. The docs are wrong.
16:21 MTDiscord <herowl> I personally think that puncher and digger and whatever should be able to be nil.
16:21 Krock or let's do it differently - await answers of possible use-cases and then proceed on what to do with the other callbacks
16:22 MTDiscord <herowl> All callbacks should be usable by mods abstractly with any possible side effects. Let me dig up an issue real quick.
16:23 Krock by the way, @herowl, are you known under another name on GitHub? I cannot recall yours
16:24 Krock mainly to properly target requests and questions
16:26 Krock PR reply updated with key points from this discussion
16:27 Krock next PR: #14347
16:27 ShadowBot -- Item meta pointing range by cx384
16:28 MTDiscord <herowl> #13563
16:28 ShadowBot -- minetest.dig_node in protected areas will not work (even if you own the area)
16:28 MTDiscord <herowl> So yeah, it was about protections too.
16:29 MTDiscord <herowl> nauta-turbidus
16:29 MTDiscord <herowl> No PRs yet.
16:29 Krock it seems that's a flaw in core.dig_node
16:29 MTDiscord <herowl> Well, there are a few things like this.
16:29 appguru indeed
16:30 sfan5 14347 seems useful, I will review it
16:30 appguru thanks
16:30 Krock sfan5: I agree. it's pretty simple
16:31 Krock it might trip anticheat though, if newer mods are used on older servers
16:31 Krock due to f32 getToolRange
16:31 Desour that's the server owner's fault then
16:32 sfan5 we want our users to upgrade anyway :)
16:32 sfan5 could also gate it with a protocol check on the client
16:32 Krock the error message is not obvious, though.
16:32 Desour I might also review it if sfan doesn't do before
16:33 Krock it reports players as cheaters without giving an indicator as for why that happens
16:33 Krock but I agree that's a server owner problem
16:34 Krock #14369
16:34 ShadowBot -- Try to preserve metatable when exchanging data with the async env by y5nw
16:35 appguru Krock: good catch, sfan5: protocol check sounds like a safe, low effort solution
16:35 Krock this is only for metatables?
16:35 appguru yes
16:36 appguru I took a look, I think I can review it, though I'll have to familiarize myself a bit with sfan's stack-based packer bytecode ;)
16:37 Krock I don't yet understand why exactly this is needed
16:37 appguru Krock: when you pass a vector to an async env, the metatable is lost. this is inconvenient.
16:38 appguru it is not strictly needed, but if we don't have it, we force modders to restore metatables themselves, which is ugly and frustrating.
16:38 Krock right, but wouldn't it be more efficient to construct the vector "object" again in the async env - assuming it already has vector.lua included?
16:38 appguru not preserving our own metatables - which we know by name - was considered a bug. this PR also adds a feature to let modders make their own metatables known "by name" to the engine.
16:39 Desour if performance matters, btw.. please bear in mind that internalizing strings to lua is quite expensive. e.g. get_known_lua_metatables could be called less often. and the metatable table could perhaps be indexed by integers
16:39 appguru Krock: efficient in what sense?
16:40 Krock appguru: serialize/deserialize speed vs new metatable construction within the async env
16:40 sfan5 Krock: when the serialization happens you already have {x=1,y=2,z=3}, just setting the right metatable on it is more efficient than passing it
16:40 ywang Desour: I could change the code to use integer indices instead of strings
16:40 sfan5 it also requires the packer to have specific knowledge of vectors
16:40 Krock I assume such metatable is only serialized once?
16:41 Krock since it's the same for all vectors...?
16:41 sfan5 to be clear: this isn't about serializing the metatable, it's about transporting the information which metatable it was
16:41 appguru Krock: the metatable is not serialized
16:41 ywang The metatable is not serialized at all. It is registered separately in the main and async environments
16:41 Krock ooh
16:41 Krock I see. that's a much more elegant implementation. Thanks for clarifying
16:41 Krock after all - 100 LoC is somewhat reasonable for that
16:42 appguru anyways yeah, Desour is right, integer indices are a good idea performance-wise, esp. considering they wouldn't complicate the code much
16:43 appguru though names are certainly more user-friendly
16:43 Desour ywang: if it can be changed to integer indices later, it's fine with strings for now imo.
16:43 ywang I would assume it is possible to have an API-facing string<->mt mapping and an internal integer<->mt mapping
16:44 Krock tables would allow string and integer mappings but I don't know whether that's faster
16:44 cx384 joined #minetest-dev
16:44 Desour transferring common strings could also be optimized, by doing something like an atomics table: convert the string to a number in lua when sending, and the number back to string in lua when receiving
16:44 appguru yeah
16:44 appguru but i think we shouldn't complicate this PR too much for now
16:45 appguru and we don't want to burden users with picking numbers for metatables
16:45 Desour +1
16:46 Krock moving on. #14406
16:46 ShadowBot -- [no squash] Fix node callbacks unit test by sfan5
16:46 appguru assuming sfan5's implicit approval, that basically has two approvals, doesn't it?
16:46 Krock this is rather new and simple
16:46 sfan5 it does, you can skip this
16:46 Krock right. can be merged as-is.
16:47 Krock end of one approval PRs
16:47 Krock andrey2470t would like to discuss #14325
16:47 ShadowBot -- Camera API (revival) by Andrey2470T
16:47 Krock > There are a few questions relating to workarounds due to the static nature of the nodes.
16:48 MTDiscord <luatic> @andrey2470t
16:48 Krock what exactly would you like to clarity?
16:49 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> There are questions which I asked on #engine "Question relating to my Camera API pr: should the nodes tile definitions support RTTs at all? I don't feel it would bring a large benefit comparing to the entity render targets textures which are dynamic. The single thing which the nodes textures can support is rendering onto themselves a space only from the only camera, it already means it is impossible e.g. to create mirrors using
16:49 MTDiscord them. It is necessary to do directly via entities adding them as render surfaces. Another downside is after forced reloading of nodes RTTs textures when a new camera is created or just a texture is set for it that needs adding mesh update tasks for all mapblocks using those textures"
16:50 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> "(2) There is an other thing requiring clarification: RTTs can't be combined with simple textures like those generated from texture modifiers since they use per-pixel updating. RTTs are always continuously changeable, but texture modifiers are not in the most cases. So it requires a cyclic re-combining simple textures with RTTs through Irrlicht's IImage::set/get_pixel() is what very expensive op. Also one can consider more heavy
16:50 MTDiscord situation is combining simple texture + RTT + simple_texture + RTT, i.e. combination of infinite count of textures. The solution to that I found is to oblige modders to set RTTs only in textures field and some new overlay_textures with simple textures overlaid on those. A couple of the corresponding textures could be sent to the shader as two uniforms then"
16:51 Krock what does "RTT" mean in this context?
16:51 appguru render to texture
16:51 Krock thanks
16:51 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> RTT is render target texture
16:53 appguru I'm presently not invested in the camera API PR, but my opinion is that (1) nodes need not, probably should not, support RTT in a first PR for simplicity; (2) for highly dynamic stuff we usually use entities; (3) if we did really want RTT on nodes, we could consider metadata for that, but I'm not a big fan; (4) nodes complicate matters due to being batched in mapblocks
16:53 sfan5 note that swapping a texture does not require a mesh update
16:54 appguru yes
16:54 Krock the first version of the PR was canvas-like so that's already a good target
16:55 Krock what would the use-case of rendering to node textures be?
16:55 appguru btw, i think camera stuff is also generally very clientside in nature, but we probably don't want to wait on SSCSM for this one either
16:57 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> In the PR I reload certain textures for each tile def having rtt = true flag set through `getTextureForMesh()", but as I found out this doesn't change anything. And adding instant reloading of meshes resolved that problem
16:59 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Yes, I think it can be changed later if it is made
16:59 appguru it is definitely possible to change materials - and hence textures - without reloading/updating meshes (see for example sfence's liquid - glass bugfix PR).
17:00 appguru btw, do we have any idea of which / how many users rely on shaders disabled?
17:00 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Just I know the crack levels of nodes are changed via this mechanism and it does the same thing, however it reloads the only mapblock mesh
17:01 appguru cracks are different. they're probably not implemented optimally if they reload meshes, though i haven't checked. but the performance impact is limited because at most a single mapblock mesh is concerned.
17:01 Krock This PR does currently not have priority for me, thus I can only say that I agree to appguru's input (1) above to simplify the PR, hence lowering the bar.
17:02 Krock I'll be away for a moment and update the wiki to what I currently have.
17:02 Desour appguru: IIRC, there was consensus that disabled shaders support can be dropped whenever necessary
17:02 appguru interesting
17:02 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> How about my second question? This requires usage of new field for entities
17:03 appguru about overlay textures for entities?
17:03 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Yes
17:03 appguru can't modders achieve a pretty good approximation by just overlaying another surface with a small distance?
17:03 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Overlay rtts with simple textures and their various combinations
17:06 appguru various combinations?
17:06 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Sounds hacky too for me. But is embedding a new field of overlay textures not a better solution?
17:07 appguru it is a bit hacky, but what are the problems with this hack?
17:08 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> So, the modders should be warned about the limitation according to which textures would accept only rtts or only simple ones, overlay_textures would do only simple
17:08 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> And those textures would two by two be sent to shaders to be combined
17:09 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> However, a problem can occur if the object shader is disabled...
17:10 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> It needs in adding a duplicated mesh whereas my doesn't do it
17:13 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> And the limitation for that is not critical. It is very low unlikely it would require to combine textures in another sequence
17:14 appguru not only unlikely: since camera textures are opaque, there is no point in overlaying them over another texture. you can directly set the texture then instead.
17:14 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Usually rtt goes first and then atop that some another texture. E.g. I make a camera display from some point, I add rtt and then e.g. texture with date/time info on this
17:15 appguru more than usually - always, if the modder is sane, because RTT textures are opaque, is what I'm saying :P
17:15 appguru the RTT textures coming from cameras, that is
17:17 appguru in other words: your restriction that overlay textures have to be "simple" (non-RTT) is not a restriction at all
17:20 appguru I'm ultimately not sure whether an overlay_textures feature would be worth the added complexity.
17:20 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> This is restriction, otherwise if a modder does "camera_rtt^default_glass.png", it will lead to dummy texture. If just "camera_rtt" in textures field, that's all okay
17:21 appguru yes, the restriction that you can't use RTT in texture modifiers needs to be documented
17:21 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> It needs to add another textures in other field to be combined in the shader
17:21 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Since the shaders work continuously, it is possible
17:22 appguru it would be possible, but would it be worth it just for overlays, which can be achieved with the hack i described as well?
17:23 appguru the issues i currently see with my hack would primarily be modder convenience and extreme angles / distances (if you're very far, the two close planes may start z-fighting; if you're very close and observing from an extreme angle, you might notice the hack)
17:24 appguru I would lean towards keeping the camera API PR simple if there is no significant reduction in functionality. I'm not sure if having to use this hack would qualify as a significant reduction in functionality.
17:26 appguru btw, i'm not sure whether it'd even be that bad to allow applying texture modifiers to RTTs / how quick one would run into performance problems. CPUs are fast, textures aren't that big.
17:26 Desour why do you worry about texture modifiers at this point btw.? afaik the PR is very complicated already anyways. just move that feature to a follow up PR
17:27 appguru also that
17:27 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> I feel texture modifiers with rtts could be used often, even e.g. do the rtt gray-scale or other tint. You can add some frame around it. There are many things where it would find usage
17:28 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> If think about that thoroughly
17:28 appguru mere "tints" via color blending can roughly be achieved with an overlay plane as i have described (gray scale, colorizehsl etc. needs actual processing of the pixels, though)
17:29 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Yes, that's a problem
17:29 appguru but i agree with Desour, this PR is complex as-is, let's worry about texture modifiers when we get there
17:29 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
17:30 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Well ok
17:30 sfan5 off-topic but would be nice if someone could review #14419
17:30 ShadowBot -- [no sq] Fix some common SAO methods to not generate useless update packets by sfan5
17:31 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Then there are still other problems. Punching an entity with rtts cause short-term appearing dummy textures and then disappearing
17:32 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> I think it is worth to add controlling the main camera in another PR also
17:32 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> It is targeted mainly for the secondary ones
17:32 sfan5 sounds like you're not disabling the punch texture modifier
17:32 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> And the last one is occlusion culling
17:32 proller joined #minetest-dev
17:33 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> x2048 suggested some portal algorithm
17:33 cx384 Sorry if I disrupt your conversation, but regarding texture modifiers, would there be any support if I make a PR to solve #3540 ?
17:33 ShadowBot -- Provide the possibility to provide a crack texture override per node.
17:33 cx384 (since it is not part on the roadmap and doesn't have a "concept approved" label)
17:33 Desour controlling the main camera, e.g. setting it to quaternion mode and similar, is a different feature. and it would be much more useful than adding more cameras imo
17:34 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> How would disable crack modifier if modifiers themselves can't be applied?
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17:34 MTDiscord <mistere_123> Desour, IIRC, you can replace the main camera with one of the api's cameras
17:35 MTDiscord <mistere_123> and then control it however you like
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17:36 appguru related to main camera control: #14333
17:36 ShadowBot -- Support setting camera roll via lua by regulus79
17:37 rubenwardy #14432
17:37 ShadowBot -- Assertion `g_menuclouds->getReferenceCount() == 1' failed since VBO optimizations commit
17:37 Desour @mistere_123: well yes, but you can't control them and how they act that well. i.e. no quaternion mode, no disabling bobbing, no relative transformation I think
17:38 appguru cx384: sounds like something i'd support conceptually, but i probably can't commit time to it anytime soon :/
17:39 Krock cx384: there's quite some reaction/support shown in the issue's reactions so I suppose if this can be implemented rather easily there's not much reason to deny it. It should however not be a workaround for the door issue. In that case, the crack should be centered with the mesh
17:41 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> You pinged the wrong member lol
17:41 MTDiscord <mistere_123> You can't disable bobbing on camera api cameras!? why is there bobbing on them at all?
17:41 cx384 OK thanks, maybe I will make a PR.
17:42 Desour joined #minetest-dev
17:42 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> I think no
17:42 MTDiscord <mistere_123> Cameras were specifically made to break the paradigm of a player == camera. Bobbing is a bug.
17:43 MTDiscord <mistere_123> If you want bobbing on a camera, attach it to an entity bone with a bobbing animation
17:44 Desour should've said en/disable bobbing. I'm not assuming the new cameras are doing bobbing
17:44 MTDiscord <mistere_123> ok I'm thouroghly confused then
17:44 Desour but the server should be made able to control the bobbing behaviour of the main camera, which the PR doesn't provide, according to its doc
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17:45 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Yes, there is no amy bobbing, exactly. I think it can be simulated by rotation interpolation which the PR affords
17:45 MTDiscord <mistere_123> That doesnt matter then... you can use a camera api camera instead of the main camera, and implement bobbing yourself
17:46 Desour ah yes server side camera bobbing
17:46 MTDiscord <mistere_123> Yes, if you implemented it yourself it would then be serverside, while still interpolated clientside
17:50 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> Using interpolation in this PR, bobbing  can be already implemented smoothly. However, there may be jerks if do it repeatedly since it needs to track lua-side if camera is rotated at the necessary angle during some time, then inverse the rotation
17:52 Desour all I wanted to say is that adding more cameras is orthogonal to changing how a camera behaves. and latter is more important to me
17:55 appguru I don't think it's orthogonal. More like a 45° angle :P the hope/idea with this approach would be that once you have the camera API, you can implement the main camera in terms of that.
17:56 appguru But I suppose it doesn't matter much which way around you do that. You could either dehardcode the main camera, then generalize that to multiple cameras, or implement support for multiple cameras, then make the main camera a special case of that.
17:58 appguru The former seems more likely to yield (high-priority) results earlier though. Then again the latter has basically already been implemented...
17:58 MTDiscord <andrey2470t> I feel tired from the today discussion, it was pretty long for me. It was nice to discuss with all you and I could find conclusions to many problems appeared with my PRs
17:58 sfan5 rubenwardy: I'll pick that commit and push it master alone
17:59 Krock reviewing 14419 ...
18:22 Krock thanks Zughy for the wiki update. The date is yet not correct, though.
18:22 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> oh, whoops
18:22 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> on it
18:23 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> It confuses me that we're using two different formats on internal discussions and the wiki
18:23 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> never mind, I'm stupid
18:23 rubenwardy ISO-FREEDOM
18:23 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> fixed c:
18:26 Desour btw. @Zughy: I really like the emojis for the PR labels! can we also have some for issue labels? :)
18:26 Desour or would someone mind if I change them myself?
18:27 rubenwardy May I suggest 💩 for "Formspec"
18:27 Krock honestly I dislike the new colors - mostly because I'm used to the old ones
18:27 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> Desour: thanks! I'd personally avoid more emojis as I fear they're gonna create visual noise; more harm than good
18:27 Krock note that renaming labels might break links
18:28 Krock (links outside of github, for issue or PR filtering)
18:28 Desour @Zughy: oh, ok then
18:29 Desour haha, right, we now have emojies in the url when searching for topics x)
18:30 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> right now your brain knows that you're in the PR section with just one rapid glance (emojis = PRs). We could port the same emojis for bug labels (🐛) and feature request labels (✨) but I'm not 100% sure
18:31 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> also, what Krock said
18:31 Desour I just noticed, we have a few label:"Feature ✨" issues. should they be converted to "feature request"?
18:34 appguru joined #minetest-dev
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19:08 sfan5 merging #14406 in like 5 minutes
19:08 ShadowBot -- [no squash] Fix node callbacks unit test by sfan5
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19:26 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
19:35 [MTMatrix] <Zughy> Yes Desour
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21:05 MTDiscord <redundantcc> Am I needed for something, or can I safely assume pinging me was an accident?
21:08 MTDiscord <warr1024> Curse of the one-letter nickname.
21:09 Desour it's "redundantcc" here. it's more than one letter in my used font
21:14 ROllerozxa discord nickname can be different from their username
21:18 MTDiscord <warr1024> The IRC bridge is a little weird because it apparently uses the user's username when it quotes them on the IRC side, but seems to also be sensative to their separate nickname on the discord side when it comes to detecting mentions and converting them into Discord pings.
21:19 SFENCE joined #minetest-dev
21:20 MTDiscord <redundantcc> Oh this is interesting, so this wasn't just an accident it was a bug! I'm surprising given how often I'm the one to end up finding them.
21:21 MTDiscord <redundantcc> Can someone send me a link to the IRC Bridge code, I want to see how this works.
21:22 MTDiscord <warr1024> Ask in meta-discussion on the Discord side; probably a good time to move this out of irc dev, where it's off-topic.
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