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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2022-09-01

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
02:16 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
04:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
05:17 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
06:08 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
06:40 MTDiscord <luatic> kilbith: Disagreed
06:40 MTDiscord <luatic> while I like degrees, there are good reasons for radians
06:41 MTDiscord <luatic> such as the Lua builtin math funcs all expecting radians
06:42 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> radians my precious
06:48 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
08:23 MTDiscord joined #minetest-dev
08:47 kilbith that's not enough to offset the intuitiveness of degrees
08:48 kilbith radians are to foot what degrees are to meter
08:49 MTDiscord <luatic> No.
08:50 MTDiscord <luatic> the only point degrees have going for them is that they can represent common angles using integers rather than multiples of pi
08:51 MTDiscord <luatic> you can also straight up multiply radians with the radius to get the circumference :)
08:51 kilbith what happens in the real world is that a modder will instinctively feed a degree when they face a rotation function, 99% of the time
08:52 MTDiscord <luatic> I'm all for consistency, but I would prefer going with radians
08:52 MTDiscord <luatic> also kilbith: how would you back that claim up?
08:53 kilbith aside intuitiveness, degrees are also more consistent (irrlicht uses them)
08:53 MTDiscord <luatic> granted, radians are introduced after degrees at school (primarily because pi is introduced late due to being irrational)
08:53 kilbith degrees are introduced earlier in school yes
08:53 MTDiscord <luatic> irrlicht also uses both degrees & radians
08:53 MTDiscord <luatic> it suffers from the same mess as Minetest
08:53 kilbith but to the general public, degrees are much more common also
08:53 MTDiscord <luatic> some functions only take degrees, some only radians
08:54 MTDiscord <luatic> but we're not targeting the general public, we're targeting the Minetest-modding public
08:54 kilbith Irrlicht's set_rotation functions take degrees
08:54 kilbith Minetest-modding public -> which is the general public
08:54 kilbith most of them are not mathematicians
08:54 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> irrlicht uses degrees? let's change that in irrlichtmt then
08:55 MTDiscord <luatic> I support that
08:55 MTDiscord <luatic> get rid of degrees
08:55 kilbith you see that's your problem, you can't make a software intuitive enough
08:55 MTDiscord <ROllerozxa> degrees should only be for player-accessible settings like FOV
08:56 MTDiscord <luatic> kilbith: as to your meter-foot analogy, I just found an interesting quote: "The number 360 can be broken in to many factors, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 360.  This makes it easy to divide a circle into equal parts.  (This is similar to the reason why we divide a foot into 12 inches.)"
08:56 rubenwardy The API should have used degrees, and there should be methods like `set_rotation_rad` for radians. This would have resulted in the most consistency
08:56 nrz as no one is happy with radians or degrees, i propose to use watch clock hours instead, at least we won't use math conventions ?
08:57 kilbith what rubenwardy says
08:57 nrz set_rotation('2h')
08:57 MTDiscord <luatic> I propose we solve this the Java way
08:57 MTDiscord <luatic> Our rotation functions should only accept objects of an Angle class
08:57 nrz generally in API radians have specific undernstandable radian calls an degrees are by default
08:57 rubenwardy but whatever. I was outvoted in 2017, and now the damage is done. Increasing inconsistency, the Minetest way
08:57 MTDiscord <luatic> Radians and Degrees are subclasses of Angle
08:58 MTDiscord <luatic> rubenwardy: I like the suffix solution. I think it should go both ways. func should keep using rads/degs for backwards compat. func_deg takes degs. func_rad takes rads.
08:58 MTDiscord <luatic> that way there will be no surprises
08:59 kilbith no there would be only func() for degrees, radians takes an additional substring
08:59 kilbith -s
08:59 MTDiscord <luatic> No.
09:00 kilbith man you're so stubborn
09:00 MTDiscord <luatic> so are you
09:00 rubenwardy also, whilst radians may be better than degrees when calculating - they're both much worse than using transformation matrices. There's the gimble lock problem
09:00 MTDiscord <luatic> gimbal*
09:00 MTDiscord <luatic> we need quaternions, not transformation matrices
09:01 rubenwardy
09:01 MTDiscord <luatic> we have scale, translation & rotation; switch rotation to quaternions and we'll be fine
09:01 rubenwardy transforms are a bit easier to deal with than quaternions, and also deal with position and scale
09:02 rubenwardy well maybe not, they're both equal levels of dark magic
09:05 rubenwardy although, you still invoke radians vs degrees in util functions     object.transform.basis = object.transform.basis.rotated(axis, rotation_amount)
09:46 olliy joined #minetest-dev
10:32 MTDiscord <Crystalwarrior> Could have rad2deg and deg2rad
10:32 MTDiscord <Crystalwarrior> As helper funcs
10:33 MTDiscord <Crystalwarrior> I agree degrees are easier to get so I understand why they were chosen for intuitiveness
10:33 MTDiscord <Crystalwarrior> But I also like having options
10:33 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:33 MTDiscord <Crystalwarrior> I also suck at math very bad and had to learn how radians work the hard way LOL
10:59 MTDiscord <luatic> Lua has these already
10:59 MTDiscord <luatic> math.rad and math.deg
11:00 MTDiscord <luatic> lua > math.rad(180) 3.1415926535898 > math.deg(math.pi) 180.0
11:00 MTDiscord <luatic> they were not chosen in the first place
11:01 MTDiscord <luatic> they were chose in some places; degrees were chosen in other places
11:02 MTDiscord <luatic> there's not much math involved here: just remember that 180° = pi in radians, or 360° = 2pi, or even that circumference = full circle in radians * radius = 2pi * radius
11:02 rubenwardy oh, handle
11:02 rubenwardy *handy
11:03 rubenwardy Lua doesn't have round but does have simple coverter
11:03 MTDiscord <Crystalwarrior> Ye
11:04 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:04 MTDiscord <luatic> I suppose the good reason against round is that it is mostly redundant with math.floor(x + 0.5) or math.ceil(x + 0.5), but you have to spell out whether you want 0.5 to be rounded down or up (the entire rounding mode ties to something thing is a mess).
11:05 MTDiscord <luatic> can't be doing it wrong if you're not doing it at all, that's the Lua philosophy
11:52 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:23 rubenwardy rad/deg is mostly redundant with * and /
12:24 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:28 MTDiscord <luatic> hehe true
12:29 MTDiscord <luatic> constants might indeed have been cleaner than func calls
14:20 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:21 appguru joined #minetest-dev
16:16 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
16:47 olliy joined #minetest-dev
16:51 natewrench joined #minetest-dev
20:13 Sokomine joined #minetest-dev
21:53 Fixer_ joined #minetest-dev
21:55 Thomas-S_ joined #minetest-dev
21:56 book`_ joined #minetest-dev
21:57 [0] joined #minetest-dev
21:58 paradust_ joined #minetest-dev
22:31 cheapie left #minetest-dev
22:32 panwolfram joined #minetest-dev
22:36 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:38 rubenwardy merging #12732 in 10
22:38 ShadowBot -- fix not perfectly placed label in tab_online by Niklp09
22:40 cheapie joined #minetest-dev
23:08 Desour joined #minetest-dev
23:17 Desour just to be part of today's bikesheddery: we could also use multiples of full circles, i.e. 2pi -> 1.0, 90° -> 0.25 => right angles (which is what we use most often in minetest) are still exact (though not integral) + there's no magic constant + you can get the same angle by taking the fractional part only + (most importantly) nobody uses it, so you are all equally unsatisfied
23:20 Desour (btw. ruben's suggestion of using transformation matrices works well with 90° rotations: <>)
23:26 proller joined #minetest-dev

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