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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2017-01-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:24 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
00:32 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
00:40 paramat i'll make a PR for the leaves sounds table to use the new, and correct, default_dig_snappy instead of default_dig_crumbly
01:04 Fixer and sounds
01:04 Fixer pleeease
01:05 paramat ?
01:39 red-001 !tell nrzkt is "register_on_receiving_chat_messages" suppose to run on messages generated by display_chat_message() ?
01:39 ShadowBot red-001: O.K.
01:42 red-001 !tell nrzkt nvm mistake on my part
01:42 ShadowBot red-001: O.K.
01:47 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
01:47 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
01:47 thePalindrome Huh
01:47 thePalindrome I thought the host switch was supposed to happen before it announces the ip
01:48 thePalindrome otherwise, it kindof defeats the point :P
01:48 red-001 host swcith?
01:48 kaeza it depends if the message to NickServ gets there before the JOIN command
01:49 kaeza should use SASL if that's a problem
01:49 kaeza also, --> #minetest
01:49 red-001 ohh irc stuff
01:51 thePalindrome Ah, that's what I was thinking of
01:51 STHGOM_ joined #minetest-dev
01:52 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
02:31 STHGOM_ joined #minetest-dev
02:43 STHGOM joined #minetest-dev
03:14 lordfingle joined #minetest-dev
03:33 froike_ joined #minetest-dev
04:12 lordfingle joined #minetest-dev
04:39 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
04:45 paramat any comments on #5095 ?
04:45 ShadowBot -- FOV / Zoom FOV: Allow a wider range of FOV by paramat
05:03 paramat anyone know if in multiplayer the 'zoom fov' setting is taken from server settings or local client settings?
05:34 Zeno` it's in game.cpp if that helps :)
05:35 Zeno` I don't see it mentioned anywhere server related. But not sure
05:37 Zeno` it's used in camera.cpp, game.cpp guiKeyChangeMenu.cpp, keycode.cpp and player.h
05:38 Zeno` so without looking in depth it's a client only setting
05:38 Zeno` paramat ^
05:41 eidy joined #minetest-dev
05:41 Zeno` I'm not sure what lhofhansl's comment means
05:42 Zeno` where he says "since the client's FOV is now sent to the server"
05:42 Zeno` I can't see where that's being done. Maybe I looking incorrectly
05:43 paramat aha
05:43 paramat thanks
05:44 Zeno` hmm
05:50 lumidify joined #minetest-dev
05:52 paramat ok i'll update my PR then
06:12 paramat updated
06:20 paramat #5070
06:20 ShadowBot -- Plantlike: Fix visual_scale being applied squared by paramat
06:27 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
06:28 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
07:00 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
07:07 paramat sofar game#1522
07:07 ShadowBot -- Sounds: Remove 'default_dig_crumbly' from leaves defaults table by paramat
07:13 sofar sure
07:13 sofar so why does frame_loop = false in player:set_animation() work great in some cases but not in others?
07:17 * sofar can't make sense of why it would loop for one animation
07:17 sofar I told it not to!
07:19 * sofar nvm
07:30 paramat thanks will merge with #1515 soon
07:30 ShadowBot -- Use round if falling node is misplaced by SmallJoker
07:30 paramat game#1515
07:30 ShadowBot -- strip bad color profiles from textures by mdoege
07:38 DFeniks joined #minetest-dev
07:48 paramat merging
07:51 paramat done
07:58 lordfingle joined #minetest-dev
08:01 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
08:04 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest-dev
08:10 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
08:37 Thomas-S joined #minetest-dev
09:04 paramat joined #minetest-dev
09:13 red-001 rebased #5094
09:13 ShadowBot -- CSM: Add method to display a formspec and callbacks by red-001
09:20 Zeno` What does nerzhul's comment mean?
09:21 nrzkt here nothing the destination branch has been fixed, i removed the comment
09:22 red-001 Zeno`, I accidently set the target branch to minetest:master
09:22 Zeno` oh :)
09:22 Zeno` I assume that the formspec code takes ownership of fs_src?
09:23 Zeno` ahh yes, it does
09:24 Zeno` what will this be used for?
09:25 red-001 in buildin I'm thinking of using it for the death formspec
09:25 nrzkt we are working on Client Side modding
09:25 nrzkt here the goal is to have purely client formspec
09:26 Zeno` seems ok at a quick glance
09:26 Zeno` minor formatting issues aside
09:26 nrzkt red-001, in this PR you will replace the death formspec ? could be nice, there is already a callback for it, i moved the text call in pure lua
09:27 red-001 I was thinking of doing that in the next PR as I will need to add a function for respawning the player
09:27 Zeno` I labeled it WIP because of the test code (so it doesn't accidentally get merged)
09:28 nrzkt red-001, it seems you miss a thing with register_chat_command, i will fix it in my next push
09:28 red-001 what was it?
09:29 nrzkt dofile(commonpath .. "chatcommands.lua") in client
09:29 nrzkt i'm working on making sound_play common between mainmenu & client
09:31 red-001 I had that in there must have accidently removed it when rebasing
09:36 red-001 btw shouldn't #5088 get a WIP label?
09:36 ShadowBot -- Client side scripting/modding by nerzhul
09:38 nrzkt ofc, done
09:52 Krock joined #minetest-dev
09:52 Krock joined #minetest-dev
09:55 paramat #5079 is ready for review
09:55 ShadowBot -- Dungeons: Make >=2 wide stairs possible by paramat
10:10 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
10:11 nrzkt Zeno`, can you look at #5096, it's not very long
10:11 ShadowBot -- sound_play & sound_stop support + client_lua_api doc by nerzhul
10:12 Zeno` no commmit description?
10:12 nrzkt all is in the title :p
10:13 nrzkt i don't see what to add :)
10:15 Zeno` seems ok I guess
10:15 Zeno` it's mostly re-arrangin stuff
10:15 nrzkt not exactly, i need sound_play in client, i extract it from mainmenu to make it shared between mainmenu & client :p
10:16 nrzkt many commits in this branch will be extraction of mainmenu or server functions to make them available to client
10:17 AntumDeluge joined #minetest-dev
10:17 nrzkt merging then
10:22 nore Zeno`: can you approve #4986 btw, so it can be merged?
10:22 ShadowBot -- Hardware node coloring by juhdanad
10:24 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
10:24 sapier joined #minetest-dev
10:27 sapier nrzkt you can run this lua code from your client init.lua to generate the table I gave you yesterday
10:28 nrzkt sapier, this permits to check security right ?
10:28 sapier you should create /tmp/somefile each time you test it to make sure the rename and delete functions don't fail because of missing file only
10:28 Fritigern joined #minetest-dev
10:28 sapier it's just a first implementation of code checking for any unsafe function (I did realize to be unsafe)
10:29 nrzkt sapier, okay, i removed os.exit yesterday it was in whitelist, it's not allowed anywhere now, it's in master
10:29 nrzkt i will test it later i'm working on globalstep client side
10:29 sapier missing is the io package I haven't thought about a way to do a test for those functions
10:31 sapier there's still something we have to think about e.g. getenv it's perfectly ok to have this allowed on server but it's a no go on client
10:31 sapier it's gonna provide way to much information which could be abused to find ways to escape the sandbox
10:32 nrzkt yeah i don't think it's useful too, maybe you can test and provide PR as i'm very busy :p
10:34 fwhcat joined #minetest-dev
10:51 Zeno` Is there any reason why TenPlus1 could not be added as an MTG dev?
10:51 Zeno` to get more devs in that part of the game I mean
10:51 Zeno` he seems to know his way around
10:52 Zeno` nore?
10:52 nore Zeno`: fine for me
10:53 Zeno` let's push for it then if he agrees?
10:54 Zeno` I just think there should be more devs in that area. Obviously you, nore, are very busy with study and that's more important
10:54 nore Zeno`: yeah, although I will have more time soon (I'm going to have an internship, so more free time on evenings and weekends ^^)
10:55 nore I'll try to work on mt then
10:56 Zeno` yeah, but more views/input the better I'd think
10:57 Zeno` nore, how was your first year of study? Successful?
10:57 nore Zeno`: yeah, quite so
10:57 Zeno` excellent :)
10:57 nore (so I'm a half year after my bachelor's degree now)
10:58 Zeno` that quickly?
10:58 Zeno` wait, you have to work for 5 years or something for .gov after that, right?
10:59 nrzkt Zeno`, i'm fine too if he wants, having mobs api inside MTG could be good too,
10:59 Zeno` he's been helping with MT and MTG since forever
10:59 Zeno` I think he'd be a good mtg dev
10:59 nrzkt as he is the maintainer, and that will permit better interaction with core, and port some critical features to core instead of lua to have performant mobs
11:00 nrzkt Zeno`, #5097 implement register_globalstep client side too :)
11:00 ShadowBot -- CSM: Implement register_globalstep by nerzhul
11:00 Zeno` nrzkt, I need to think about that and look at it properly
11:01 nore Zeno`: I started my third year of bachelor's degree last year and that is the same moment from when I need to work 10 years in the public area (so, still 8 years to go at the end of this year)
11:02 Zeno` nore, that's a reasonable thing though considering
11:02 Zeno` plus it's awesome experience anyway
11:02 nore Zeno`: it is, indeed :)
11:02 nrzkt Zeno`, it's a port from server side, same way, ... and i missed doc, i add it now
11:03 nrzkt done
11:15 jomatv6 a/go fire
11:15 jomatv6 ups, sorry
11:37 Zeno` nrzkt, I do want to read it properly first
11:38 Zeno` it's not urgent is it?
11:38 nrzkt Zeno`, no problem, i added a second commit on this PR to add core.after
11:38 Zeno` ok cool :)
11:38 Zeno` I'm about 1/3rd of the way through looking at it
11:38 Zeno` maybe 1/4
11:39 nrzkt take your time, i will continue my devel on my branch on this PR, and then squash + merge when you are okay, but atm it's fairly trivial, just porting server features to client & share code
11:39 Zeno` k
11:40 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
12:02 lumidify joined #minetest-dev
13:25 Bukki joined #minetest-dev
13:28 juhdanad joined #minetest-dev
13:54 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
14:07 xerox123 joined #minetest-dev
14:41 Zeno` sfan5, you here?
14:41 sfan5 ye
14:41 Zeno` sfan5, what is required in mods to "fix" the 0,0,0 issue?
14:41 red-001 updated and rebased #5094
14:41 ShadowBot -- CSM: Add method to display a formspec and callbacks by red-001
14:42 Zeno` sfan5, I can't quite work it out :/
14:42 sfan5 every call to create_detached_inventory which creates an inventory that is specific to a single player, needs to pass the player name as last argument to the func (after the callback table)
14:42 Zeno` ahhhhhh
14:42 Zeno` I see!
14:42 Zeno` thanks
14:42 lisac joined #minetest-dev
14:43 sfan5 like this
14:43 Zeno` yep looking at your fix it in conjunction with that makes it obvious. Thank you
14:45 red-001 should I make a post on the forum asking about what sort of stuff modders want in client-sided lua or are most modders on irc anyway?
14:46 sapier red-001 slow down let us first create a propper base
14:47 sfan5 ^ ack
14:47 red-001 good point
14:48 lisac red-001, I think maybe chat prediction should be in client side scripting. But then, I don't know.
14:49 lisac or node placement prediction?
14:49 red-001 chat prediction was already removed a few days ago
14:49 lisac I know. But maybe re-add it as a client side scripting stuff?
14:49 lisac so modders can modify it.
14:50 red-001 there are callbacks for incoming and outgoing chat
14:50 lisac Oh, okay :D
14:50 Calinou chat prediction is mostly useless, and often misleading, I can't see why one would add it
14:50 Calinou almost no games ship with it, not even Quake or Half-Life based games
14:50 Calinou and Minecraft, too :)
14:50 lisac Well, Calinou, it must've had a point, why else would people add it?
14:50 Calinou lisac: the only sane way to do it is to display the predicted message, but with semi-transparency
14:51 Calinou so that the user knows the message is sent, but not acknowledged by server yet
14:51 sapier what is it supposed to predict? answer "hello" if someone says "hello"?
14:51 Calinou this is what Discord, Slack... do
14:51 Calinou sapier: it shows what you've typed so you don't forget it before the server acknowledges it, in case of lag
14:51 lisac Also, is lag in seconds?
14:51 red-001 expect a server with that much lag would be unplayable
14:51 sapier I see so not prediction but local echo
14:51 Calinou it only really matters when you have multi-second lag anyway
14:52 Calinou sapier: yeah, call it local echo if you prefer
14:52 Calinou (what SSH lacks, and mosh adds :P)
14:52 sapier well for terminal sessions it's called that way
15:00 sapier btw there are quite a lot of open security issues with client scripting what about fixing them first? at least I wont approve any feature addon while those are still present
15:01 sapier imho first do the necessary work then the fun stuff ;-)
15:03 nrzkt chat prediction is useless.
15:03 red-001 sapier, do you have any sort of list of issues or maybe a script to test for them?
15:03 nrzkt for security, sapier please test branch and give us a real return on it
15:03 sapier yes I already posted the first version of a test script on gist see history
15:03 sapier chat history
15:03 sapier you can just dofile within init.lua
15:04 red-001 thanks!
15:05 red-001 nrzkt, could you re-review the formspec PR?
15:08 nrzkt Zeno`, i need you for #5097 :)
15:08 ShadowBot -- CSM: Implement register_globalstep & core.after by nerzhul
15:08 nrzkt red-001,
15:09 sapier red-001 create /tmp/somefile prior each run of the test
15:09 sapier otherwise you won't create proper results for rename and remove test
15:09 red-001 ok
15:12 nrzkt red-001, i added comments
15:14 red-001 werid minetest just keeps crashing when I try to run the script
15:14 nrzkt red-001, interesting to know where
15:14 sapier well if "exit" ain't forbidden then minetest just exits on calling exit ;-)
15:14 sapier just guessing about the reason ;-)
15:14 nrzkt exit is forbidden currently, but maybe there is a problem in other part
15:14 red-001 looks like error handling in client sided lua seems to be some what broken
15:15 sapier can you post the error?
15:15 red-001 looks like I need to use a debugger to get the error message
15:16 red-001 ok looks like it was just something to do with me using windows
15:17 sapier ohh the test is only tested on linux :-)
15:17 sapier some things don't work on windows e.g. /tmp/somefile ;-)
15:18 sapier calling /bin/true wouldn't work either but execute is forbidden anyway
15:19 Zeno` is on_exit() used at all?
15:19 sapier mobf uses is to make sure player steps of ostrich on exiting in singleplayer ... but it's broken in multiplayer
15:19 Zeno` if not then adding it might allow the error to be captured there
15:20 nrzkt Zeno`, os.exit is forbidden by mod security in master since yesterday
15:20 Zeno` oh :/
15:20 sapier be carefull on_exit != os.exit ;-)
15:20 Zeno` nrzkt, but on_exit() not forbidden? (can't see how it could be)
15:21 nrzkt oh okay, don't know this call
15:21 Zeno` atexit() might be better
15:21 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
15:22 sapier well os.exit is lua standard and on_exit is equivalent to on_punch on_die ...
15:24 red-001 sapier, the test crashes on the call to debug.upvalueid
15:25 sapier interesting for me that call ain't available at all thus I couldn't test what parameters would be correct
15:25 red-001 and on upvauluejoin
15:26 sapier I suggest reading the docs and fix the test ;-)
15:26 sapier then forbid the functions ;-)
15:26 red-001 why is the debug library an issue for security anyway?
15:27 sapier because debug libraries tend to allow access to thins you usually are not allowed to access
15:28 sapier e.g. getlocal if you have access to that function you are able to access local stored functions you're not supposed to access
15:28 sapier e.g. if someone did overlay dofile by a variant allowing dofile from certain paths only you could access the unprotected version of dofile via getlocal
15:43 red-001 I see
15:43 red-001 so why not disable the whole debug library?
15:43 red-001 e.g. debug = nil
15:46 sapier possible
15:47 sapier imho at best we'd enable scriptapi base to not even load the debug code it is possible and does prevent errors due to not disabling new debug or os functions on lua update
15:47 Fixer
15:49 octacian joined #minetest-dev
15:53 red-001 that sounds like the easiest way to do it
15:54 Icedream joined #minetest-dev
15:54 sapier yes but for security best way is preferrable to easiest way ;-)
15:55 octacian_ joined #minetest-dev
15:56 red-001 "error in error handling"
15:56 red-001 lol
15:58 octacian_ joined #minetest-dev
16:02 red-001 so there should be a diffrent whitelist for client and server|?
16:02 sapier of course on server there's way more allowed
16:09 red-001 nrzkt, you can't use std::string inside a union
16:10 sfan5 red-001: use a std::string*
16:12 red-001 that would get me back to where this started...
16:24 sfan5 why?
16:25 red-001 see the discussion in #5094
16:25 ShadowBot -- CSM: Add method to display a formspec and callbacks by red-001
16:26 sfan5 i don't get it
16:26 sfan5 putting a pointer into an union is possibly
16:26 sfan5 possible*
17:17 red-001 could someone review #5078 ?
17:17 ShadowBot -- Remove guest nicknames by red-001
17:29 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
17:43 red-001 nrzkt, so should I use a pointer to std::string in #5094?
17:43 ShadowBot -- CSM: Add method to display a formspec and callbacks by red-001
17:43 nrzkt i thing it's better to keep the C++ container there, and don't forget to delete it
17:44 red-001 ok
17:53 red-001 so are you saying I should manually call delete on the strings?
17:54 sfan5 obviously
17:57 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
17:59 nrzkt red-001, yes to avoid memleaks
18:00 nrzkt we don't use C++11, they shared_ptr cannot save us, but i hope at some point we will switch to it :p
18:01 red-001 ohh I see you added some documentation
18:05 nrzkt yes, i added API documentation now, on early stages, to prevent loss in documentation we should add or backport lua doc now
18:52 red-001 updated and rebased #5094
18:52 ShadowBot -- CSM: Add method to display a formspec and callbacks by red-001
18:52 red-001 nrzkt ^
19:18 sfan5 pushing fix for the issue raised here in 5 mins
19:20 nrzkt nice sfan5
19:20 red-001 does already check if the player exists?
19:20 red-001 doesn't*
19:23 sfan5 it does but that's completely unrelated
19:23 sfan5 if player is NULL that if is just skipped
19:26 red-001 fixed #5094 and added documention to it
19:26 ShadowBot -- CSM: Add method to display a formspec and callbacks by red-001
19:37 blaze joined #minetest-dev
19:51 diemartin joined #minetest-dev
20:23 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
20:52 sapier joined #minetest-dev
21:01 nore we shouldn't wait too long before merging #4986 or it will need rebase again
21:01 ShadowBot -- Hardware node coloring by juhdanad
21:01 nore anyway, going to sleep, bbl
21:06 nrzkt nore, there is two approvals, you can merge
21:14 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
21:18 sapier can someone please review #5085?
21:18 ShadowBot -- Make entity on_punch same signature and behaviour as player on_punch by sapier
21:26 jordan4ibanez joined #minetest-dev
21:32 Icedream joined #minetest-dev
21:38 Icedream joined #minetest-dev
21:48 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
21:50 red-001 updated #5094
21:50 ShadowBot -- CSM: Add method to display a formspec and callbacks by red-001
21:51 red-001 nrzkt, the chatcommands stuff is something that got lost while rebasing the chat commands PR
22:32 diemartin joined #minetest-dev
22:35 red-001 sapier, why is loadstring a security issue?
22:35 red-001 mod security stops it from loading bytecode
22:41 sapier well if this is true it'd be less critical but what's the usecase for it?
22:42 red-001 only debug/testing tbh
22:42 sapier well debug and testing is nothing to be done on "regular" client
22:42 red-001 I mean mod debuging
22:43 sapier yes but we're talking about client scripting code for regular client
22:43 red-001 is there any use case for load and loadfile?
22:43 sapier imho once we have a save version we can think about a special mode for debugging
22:44 sapier no not in client
22:44 red-001 so setting to nil should be safe then?
22:45 sapier I think so but as I said I'd prefere not even load them to environment
22:45 red-001 so remove them c++ side?
22:45 red-001 ok
22:46 sapier yes I'd suggest modifying ScriptApi base to be able to not load the default lua mods
22:47 sapier but I haven't tested so not sure if this does work. For what I've read it should work
22:47 red-001 ok I think I got a version of mod s_security.cpp that will pass that test script
22:49 red-001 is there much of a diffrence between not loading these functions at all and removing them with the current method?
23:03 sapier1 joined #minetest-dev
23:03 sapier1 left #minetest-dev
23:15 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
23:15 red-001 #5100
23:15 ShadowBot -- [CSM] Improve security by red-001
23:16 red-001 also I fixed the remaining issues with #5094
23:16 ShadowBot -- CSM: Add method to display a formspec and callbacks by red-001
23:20 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
23:43 Tmanyo joined #minetest-dev
23:49 zorman2000 joined #minetest-dev
23:54 Fixer ha?
23:58 Fixer happened to few people on vanessa creative-building at
23:58 Fixer message doubling from certain players

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