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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-08-05

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:15 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
01:08 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
01:10 est31 joined #minetest-dev
01:40 AnxiousInfusion left #minetest-dev
02:06 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
02:55 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
04:15 hmmmm github acting weird for anybody?
04:18 kahrl it's a bit slow but that's it
04:44 RealBadAngel hi guys.
04:44 RealBadAngel any opinions on that?
04:50 hmmmm i'm not really sure i understand the question to be honest
04:51 hmmmm wasn't the tileable definition added in a different commit?
04:52 hmmmm well nevermind that, i think plantlike should be non-tileable by default.  this way everybody's mod works correctly when using fancy graphics
04:53 hmmmm everybody, PTAL:
04:54 hmmmm est31, kahrl, tbc_x, realbadangel, vanessae even
04:55 RealBadAngel hmmmm, tileable flags were added because of parallax mapping. now it turned out that its needed for more stuff because of fsaa
05:14 hmmmm TBC_x:  Ahhh, thank you, address sanitizer
05:14 hmmmm so it turns out that outgoing_reliables_sent is accessed by another thread
05:15 hmmmm for the sequence number
05:22 hmmmm boy connection.cpp is shit
05:23 hmmmm exceptions everywhere, fatal assertion errors on invalid protocol fields, crazy object structuring, multiple threads for no reason at all, i can go on forever
05:24 hmmmm i'm going to make it a priority for this to get rewritten in a sane manner next version
05:56 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
06:06 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
06:14 Sketch2 joined #minetest-dev
06:45 paramat joined #minetest-dev
06:46 paramat sfan5 and all, game#607 game#608
06:46 ShadowBot -- Biomes: Improve biome system and v6 mushroom spawning by paramat
06:46 ShadowBot -- Default/crafting: Add composting of leaves group to dirt by paramat
06:46 paramat left #minetest-dev
06:57 hmmmm
06:57 hmmmm PTAL as well
07:08 Darcidride joined #minetest-dev
07:13 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
07:47 est31 joined #minetest-dev
07:48 est31 ~tell RealBadAngel about : I agree, plants should be non-tileable. I don't see any usecase for tiling plant textures. Perhaps we can allow it later to be made tiling in the nodedef, if we find a usecase, but I doubt that.
07:48 ShadowBot est31: O.K.
08:05 Yepoleb joined #minetest-dev
08:41 nore joined #minetest-dev
08:47 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
08:52 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
09:02 leat joined #minetest-dev
09:06 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
09:12 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
09:52 TBC_x oh, does that mean that when a server gets malformed packet it will cause a DoS?
09:56 TBC_x that's very smart engineering there
10:03 RealBadAngel btw, since when mushrooms grow in grasslands? that kind should grow only in woods
10:07 RealBadAngel firelike is also affected by fsaa
10:10 H-H-H joined #minetest-dev
10:31 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
10:47 VanessaE ~tell est31 plantlike need to be tileable for some nodes in Realtest.  that drawtype is used for tree leaves.
10:47 ShadowBot VanessaE: O.K.
10:48 RealBadAngel VanessaE, then you will have to specify that in nodedef
10:48 VanessaE hmmmm's two commits look okay to me from a quick look at the code, haven't tried them though.
10:49 VanessaE RealBadAngel: fine by me so long as it's not some hard-coded, non-overrideable feature.
10:50 RealBadAngel just for firelike and plantlike tiling will be set by default to false
10:50 RealBadAngel if you need to override it, just define it within tiledef
10:51 RealBadAngel all other nodes have tiling set to true by default
10:51 VanessaE that seems fair then
10:51 VanessaE nodebox and mesh drawtypes can probably be se to false also by default
10:52 VanessaE well maybe just nodebox... most of the time, those aren't used for tiling
10:52 RealBadAngel that doesnt matter for them i think
10:52 VanessaE meshes are though - stairs.
10:52 VanessaE ok.
10:53 RealBadAngel if we find any other case that should be defaulted other way, its easy to add that
11:05 VanessaE ~tell paramat the compost idea is kinda "meh" in my opinion.  you should need to add something to that recipe besides leaves.  maybe 8 leaves + 1 dirt in the center --> get 2 or 3 dirt
11:05 ShadowBot VanessaE: Error: Spurious ">".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
11:05 VanessaE ~tell paramat "the compost idea is kinda "meh" in my opinion.  you should need to add something to that recipe besides leaves.  maybe 8 leaves + 1 dirt in the center --> get 2 or 3 dirt"
11:05 ShadowBot VanessaE: Error: Spurious ">".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
11:06 VanessaE stupid bot.
11:08 FR^2 joined #minetest-dev
11:08 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
11:09 FR^2 left #minetest-dev
11:09 TBC_x I did some modifications to ClientInterface
11:10 TBC_x now, everything is broken
11:12 VanessaE ~tell paramat 'the compost idea is kinda "meh" in my opinion.  you should need to add something to that recipe besides leaves.  maybe 8 leaves + 1 dirt in the center --> get 2 or 3 dirt'
11:12 ShadowBot VanessaE: Error: Spurious ">".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
11:12 VanessaE fuck it.
11:12 VanessaE TBC_x: oops :)
11:13 TBC_x well... I haven't started on doing significant changes yet
11:13 TBC_x the goal is to put everything behind ClientInterface
11:14 TBC_x No direct modification of RemoteClient outside of that interface should be permitted
11:15 TBC_x the existence of ClientInterface::Lock() and ClientInterface::Unlock() was a sign that bad stuff is going on there
11:15 * H-H-H gasps @ VanessaE,s laungage :O
11:17 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
11:17 VanessaE uh oh
11:17 VanessaE now you gotta contend with nrz ;)
11:19 VanessaE btw is there a reason windows builds still aren't using a self-extracting zip or whatever?
11:19 rubenwardy ShadowBot, is useless
11:19 ShadowBot rubenwardy: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
11:20 rubenwardy point proven
11:22 proller joined #minetest-dev
11:28 T4im joined #minetest-dev
11:35 RealBadAngel
11:35 RealBadAngel shall i fix the intendation here? its done with damn spaces
11:36 VanessaE no
11:36 VanessaE tabs for indentation, but spaces for columnar formatting.
11:36 amadin joined #minetest-dev
11:37 VanessaE the blank line at 82 can go, though
11:39 RealBadAngel thats against any rules
11:40 RealBadAngel whole file is wrongly formatted
11:40 VanessaE no
11:40 VanessaE that's actually the correct way
11:40 VanessaE "Add spaces between operators so they line up when appropriate (don't go overboard). For example:"
11:41 VanessaE
11:41 RealBadAngel ok
11:42 VanessaE except line 67 needs fixed.
11:44 RealBadAngel heh "tabs for indentation"
11:44 RealBadAngel theres no single tab in that file ;)
11:44 VanessaE line 67 is tabbed.
11:45 RealBadAngel its added by me
11:45 VanessaE well fix it :)
11:45 RealBadAngel using spaces for indentation?
11:45 VanessaE mmhmm
11:45 VanessaE in this case it's required.
11:45 VanessaE because you're aligning a param with the others on the page
11:45 RealBadAngel tell that to hmmm
11:47 H-H-H kids lol
11:54 leat joined #minetest-dev
12:06 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:29 TBC_x to align params use spaces
12:29 TBC_x so it is aligned even with wider or shorter tabs
12:30 TBC_x if you don't care about aligning, just use an extra tab
12:35 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
12:46 TBC_x does any mod calling get_player_information utilizes ClientState?
13:05 leat joined #minetest-dev
13:08 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
13:17 SopaXT2 joined #minetest-dev
13:21 VanessaE nrzkt: are we any closer to getting an Apple Store build going?  I'm still running into idiots who are using that old 0.4.9 iOS version that can't even render signs_lib correctly.
13:22 sfan5 i almost got minetest to work on ios a year (or two) ago
13:23 VanessaE eesh
13:23 sfan5 with work i mean it goes into the mainmenu
13:31 blaise joined #minetest-dev
13:36 Darcidride_ joined #minetest-dev
13:38 nrzkt nrzkt: to be clear i don't care about mac users and i will not buy a mac and pay a yearly licence to apple shit to publish a free app
13:38 nrzkt and to build it
13:39 VanessaE well the clones need to be removed from the play store
13:40 VanessaE or we need a reliable way to block them
13:41 TBC_x just request source code from each of them
13:42 VanessaE somehow, I doubt 0.4.7 sources will do us any good :P
13:43 VanessaE (I'm told that THAT is how old the still-in-use iOS clones are)
13:43 Calinou we should break protocol at every minor version; this is a damn game
13:44 Calinou this is not OpenSSL
13:44 VanessaE I don't wanna be forced to enable strict version checking again (or whatever the option was called)
13:44 VanessaE at least not until 0.4.13 comes out and I can at least be sure most players can GET it.
13:47 nrzkt i have an idea to solve this VanessaE, you will be enjoyed
13:47 VanessaE ?
13:48 nrzkt stand up and go install it on each device of your users :D
13:48 VanessaE hah!
13:52 Robby_ joined #minetest-dev
13:52 TBC_x that's briliant idea!
14:58 SopaXorzTaker joined #minetest-dev
15:09 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:16 rubenwardy I left my server running for a few days, and when I came back mapblocks wouldn't load except for the ones I spawned into.
15:16 rubenwardy the server uses delete_blocks
15:17 rubenwardy it's not sqlite corruption as restarting fixed it
15:22 VanessaE check your log, see if your player handle is being deleted.
15:22 VanessaE this happens on my creative server because of how entities are being mishandled.
15:23 rubenwardy no errors in debug.txt
15:24 rubenwardy I guess I need a higher log level
15:25 lag01 joined #minetest-dev
15:27 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
15:48 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest-dev
16:05 hmmmm hrmm :)
16:05 hmmmm crap, delete_area() seems to be a lot more difficult to get right than it seemed like
16:06 hmmmm i think I have an idea of how to fix that though, which just involves setting m_static_allowed = false for the objects inside the mapblocks being deleted that happen to be active
16:12 RealBadAngel hmmmm, what do you think about #3006 ?
16:12 ShadowBot -- Fix tiling issues for PLANTLIKE and FIRELIKE with FSAA enabled by RealBadAngel
16:12 hmmmm well I see a fatal problem right away
16:13 RealBadAngel where?
16:13 hmmmm
16:13 hmmmm check out operator precedence for & vs. &&
16:14 hmmmm actually nevermind, i'm mistaken there
16:15 hmmmm still it might be a good idea to surround material_flags & MATERIAL_FLAG_TILEABLE_HORIZONTAL with ()
16:15 RealBadAngel ok
16:15 RealBadAngel anythin more?
16:17 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
16:17 hmmmm it looks good
16:18 hmmmm note that I say this without compiling, testing, or valgrinding it
16:18 hmmmm just... please make sure it compiles without any warnings and that it works
16:18 hmmmm it doesn't look like any memory is being allocated there so i guess that's okay
16:19 RealBadAngel it works ok
16:19 RealBadAngel now i will need to push some tiling fixes to the game
16:20 RealBadAngel all the grass nodes needs new defs
16:30 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
16:47 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
16:49 hmmmm oh
16:49 hmmmm RealBadAngel:  c_content.h is definitely wonky but I'd rather leave it stay consistent with the way it is than change everything
16:50 hmmmm we'll do a script/ cleanup at some point
16:50 hmmmm you can't deny there is some amount of appeal to how neat and lined up it looks, but it's a horrible violation of our code style
16:54 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
16:56 hmmmm alrighty
16:56 hmmmm est31:  you around?  re-review
16:56 hmmmm also what about ?
16:56 VargaD joined #minetest-dev
16:58 VanessaE hmmmm: how is c_content.h a violation of the coding style?
16:59 hmmmm when I say it's good to have operators line up I'm talking about operators on expressions, not function prototypes
17:00 VanessaE right, I get that
17:01 VanessaE seems to me that if there is "appeal", and spaces are otherwise used for columnar listings as in the examples, then some sort of "it's permissible to..." guideline should added for this case as well.
17:03 hmmmm well
17:03 hmmmm i did have on the backburner for a while to revamp the coding style rules
17:04 hmmmm right now it's just a bunch of things that i (and most others) hate, dumped onto a wiki page
17:05 hmmmm in addition to having added rationale for each, what I'd like to do is divide up each into "rule", "guideline", and "suggestion", each of which follow the SHALL/MUST, SHOULD, MAY distinction of RFC 2119
17:05 VanessaE good idea.
17:06 hmmmm so what you just said would be covered if we turn most of the purely non-functional "style" rules into guidelines (i.e. must have a good articuable reason for breaking it)
17:06 hmmmm but otherwise permissable
17:07 hmmmm this is how the the code standards work for the JSF program
17:07 hmmmm btw
17:08 VanessaE hm?
17:09 hmmmm joint strike fighter
17:09 hmmmm F-32
17:09 hmmmm 35 imean
17:10 VanessaE isn't that the one that's massively over-budget and behind-schedule? :)
17:10 hmmmm lockheed was mostly responsible for that, we weren't
17:10 hmmmm it's like they really don't give a fuck
17:22 TBC_x joined #minetest-dev
17:23 TBC_x oh, finally they fixed it
17:25 hmmmm TBC_x, will this interfere with your modifications?
17:26 TBC_x I'm not working on that right now
17:35 hmmmm okay
17:36 hmmmm are you going to do the SharedBuffer race condition?  I would but I don't want to take credit for what you found
17:39 TBC_x I'm working on ClientInterface, there is too much shared state
17:39 TBC_x that is imo causing most havoc
17:45 TBC_x I wanted ask est31 about his SRP addition
17:54 VanessaE gah, fullscreen in minetest is stupid
17:55 VanessaE same image across all three monitors?
17:55 VanessaE either it should limit itself to the one monitor the controlling terminal is on, or it should stretch across all.
18:05 FR^2 joined #minetest-dev
18:06 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
18:13 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
18:26 crazyR_ joined #minetest-dev
18:29 CraigyDavi joined #minetest-dev
18:33 hmmmm VanessaE:  to be fair, that's irrlicht
18:33 VanessaE ok, granted.
18:35 hmmmm oh god i wonder what fullscreen does on my setup
18:35 hmmmm I have an nvidia card with twinview, and the secondary monitor is to the *left* of the primary one
18:35 hmmmm apparently it's too hard for applications to deal with this setup
18:35 VanessaE mine is the AMD equivalent to that
18:35 hmmmm AMD multimonitor support is actually good.
18:36 VanessaE three monitors driven by DVI-D, DVI-D, and HDMI, all piped through AMD's feature
18:36 hmmmm this... this is just a crapshoot
18:36 VanessaE (not xinerama)
18:36 hmmmm hey at least I have as good 3d performance as windows users do :)
18:36 VanessaE no strike that, the third one is displayport
18:47 VanessaE so, what does it do? :)
18:49 lag01 joined #minetest-dev
18:57 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
19:09 H-H-H joined #minetest-dev
19:10 alket joined #minetest-dev
19:44 twoelk joined #minetest-dev
19:51 Calinou_ joined #minetest-dev
20:10 Sketch2 joined #minetest-dev
20:11 GunshipPenguin joined #minetest-dev
20:16 nrzkt VanessaE: i have analog problem in full screen with MT too. The screen changed for extended to cloned
20:16 VanessaE nrzkt: yes, same thing
20:16 nrzkt and after exit it stayed cloned :(
20:17 VanessaE for me, luckily, it returned to normal.
20:27 GunshipPenguin Is there a set 0.4.13 release date at the moment?
20:31 nrzkt hmmmm: can you review this little cleanup: #3008
20:31 ShadowBot -- Little optimization on getAdded/Removed activeobjects per player loop. by nerzhul
20:32 hmmmm god dammit nrzkt
20:32 hmmmm FacePositionCache was an optimization that turned out to add a race condition that caused crashes
20:32 nrzkt this is not the PR question here
20:32 hmmmm i'm just saying
20:33 nrzkt i already read what you said.
20:33 hmmmm 'optimizations' tend to introduce hard to track bugs
20:33 nrzkt read the PR before complaining, please
20:33 hmmmm I'd rather not rush to conclusions
20:33 hmmmm errm, rush to add optimizations so close to release
20:33 hmmmm this'll be the first thing after release
20:33 nrzkt this is a single thread double call optimization...
20:34 hmmmm thing is i'm not perfect
20:34 hmmmm i miss things in PRs that I review all the time
20:34 hmmmm it's safest to not add things that aren't bugfixes
20:34 nrzkt nobody is perfect :) i can ask for a second review if you need on this PR, but it's a very very easy improvement
20:34 nrzkt std::set to std::queue for queueing u32 to read them in the callee
20:35 nrzkt and second: don't convert position to int to convert it to float in the called functions...
20:35 hmmmm see what est31 says
20:35 nrzkt okay
20:35 hmmmm you know what would be really nice?
20:36 nrzkt a world without bugs ? :p
20:36 hmmmm if there was a unit test added for addActiveObject/getAddedActiveObjects
20:36 hmmmm less optimizations, more unit tests
20:36 hmmmm what minetest needs more than ever right now is stability
20:36 nrzkt a unit test on this function is very hard to add
20:36 hmmmm i'm really tired of seeing the words "crash" "broken" "error" every 5 minutes and i'm sure users are too
20:36 nrzkt we need to have a player with objects in the range
20:37 nrzkt and objects not in range
20:37 nrzkt and then instanciate a set of active objects
20:37 hmmmm i would personally prefer to not see this added until after release
20:37 hmmmm that's all i'm saying
20:37 nrzkt okay. No problem for me
20:38 hmmmm i could look at it for an hour and still miss some kind of odd side effect introduced by swapping data structures
20:38 nrzkt it's not a so huge improvement, just a little
20:38 hmmmm you know minetest.delete_area()?
20:38 nrzkt you talk about connection-ugly.cpp ?
20:38 nrzkt no, i didn't look at est31 areas
20:38 hmmmm no that's my new API i added
20:38 hmmmm it seems so simple and so far it caused 3 huge bugs
20:38 hmmmm nothing is "trivial"
20:39 nrzkt areas are less trivial than a std::queue :p
20:39 nrzkt we need a std::area in c++17
20:39 nrzkt :p
20:39 nrzkt i looked at a previous thing you said about one thread for MT
20:39 hmmmm my point is that Environment and Map and related objects are sooo intertwined that it's almost impossible for any one person to fully understand the impact of their changes
20:40 hmmmm it desperately needs cleanup
20:40 nrzkt i think we could maybe win some performance by merging emerge + serverthread
20:40 hmmmm but so does connection.cpp
20:40 nrzkt this will remove many mutex
20:40 hmmmm ermrm, i'd rather not
20:40 hmmmm that's a horrible idea
20:40 hmmmm what we need is smarter locking
20:41 TBC_x I'm now stuck at reworking ClientInterface to fix data races and I need informations about est31's SRP
20:41 nrzkt yes, i also looked at getNodeNoEx function one hour ago and mapblock data* array. THe data* population is very hard to understand
20:41 nrzkt hmmmm: locking on mapblocks ?
20:41 hmmmm locking on everything
20:41 nrzkt the m_env_mutex is bad
20:41 hmmmm freeminer tried this
20:41 nrzkt connection thread need only mutex to packet queues
20:42 hmmmm proller is STILL fixing race conditions
20:42 nrzkt and we need to find emergethread common areas
20:42 hmmmm nevermind that
20:42 hmmmm let's talk about the current bugs
20:42 hmmmm we need to fix the bugs
20:42 nrzkt :)
20:42 hmmmm we'll add more later
20:42 TBC_x hehe
20:42 TBC_x more bugs?
20:42 TBC_x :)
20:43 hmmmm so there's this one guy who is reporting a LUA_ERRERR
20:43 hmmmm I had him apply my patch but haven't heard anything back yet
20:44 hmmmm i think it would be really nice if it were part of upstream so *anybody* who has an OOM error or double fault can get improved diagnostics
20:44 nrzkt running MT in a 32MB VM ?
20:44 hmmmm
20:44 hmmmm no, out of memory errors happen when something requests an insane amount of memory due to a miscalculation
20:45 hmmmm int number_of_things;
20:45 nrzkt where is the JAVA GC ? :p
20:45 hmmmm if (g_settings->getBool("thing here")) {
20:45 hmmmm number of things = blah blah blah;
20:45 hmmmm }
20:45 hmmmm for (int i = 0; i != number_of_things; i++) {
20:45 hmmmm foobars.push_back(new Thing(blah blah blah));
20:45 hmmmm see how easy it was to make an out-of-memory bug?
20:46 nrzkt yes but here it's not a lua stack error
20:46 hmmmm lua OOM bugs happen the same exact way
20:46 nrzkt if you do a memleak in c++ the kernel will kill the process
20:46 TBC_x I made this
20:46 TBC_x but I'm not gonna make a PR because that does not fix the problem
20:46 TBC_x ClientInterface is ill-engineered
20:47 hmmmm fixing a data race is still better than nothing
20:47 nrzkt yes
20:47 hmmmm i'd add it
20:47 TBC_x the problem is, it doesn't fix it
20:47 nrzkt TBC_x, i miss some time but ClientIface should be removed to have a better, more KISS session system
20:47 hmmmm that's alright
20:47 hmmmm keep searching I guess :)
20:47 nrzkt TBC_x what is the original problem ?
20:47 nrzkt lock doesn't solve all
20:48 nrzkt you add some useless locks in a previous commit...
20:48 TBC_x ClientInterface leaking RemoteClients
20:48 hmmmm nrzkt:  that was not a useless lock.
20:48 hmmmm in any case these aren't random, they come from Thread Sanitizer reports
20:48 nrzkt a lock on a variable on only one function called by one thread ?
20:48 TBC_x when RemoteClients are in the wild something may concurrently modifi its data
20:48 hmmmm did you look close enough?
20:48 hmmmm getPeerIDs() is called by 2 different threads, about 5 times total
20:49 nrzkt yes, it's right
20:49 hmmmm I reviewed it and without a doubt that was the problem
20:49 nrzkt but i'm not sure i talked about this
20:49 TBC_x I want to remove all getClient() from ClientInterface
20:49 RealBadAngel so i am going to merge #3006 now, ok with that?
20:49 ShadowBot -- Fix tiling issues for PLANTLIKE and FIRELIKE with FSAA enabled by RealBadAngel
20:49 hmmmm RealBadAngel: yes, fine
20:49 nrzkt TBC_x, why ?
20:49 RealBadAngel ok. preparing then PRs for minetest_game
20:50 TBC_x because that leaks clients and bad thing may happen
20:50 TBC_x and ClientInterface is for interfacing with clients, not to expose them to the cruel world
20:51 TBC_x basically let all RemoteClients sit behind the interface
20:51 TBC_x and rip out auth and handshake stuff
20:51 RealBadAngel wow, not a single whitespace, something new for me ;)
20:52 TBC_x as the temporary data are stored for the entire lifetime of clients
20:53 TBC_x the only things server packet handlers would do to clients is to setBlocksNotSent
20:53 TBC_x through the interface
20:54 nrzkt i see
20:54 RealBadAngel i think we should fix "holes" in wielded items before release, kahrl do you have any idea how to do that?
20:55 TBC_x but I need est31 because his SRP code is in my way
20:56 nrzkt One thing in the design is not good
20:56 nrzkt Player class is very strange on server side
20:56 nrzkt Some attributes should be in PlayerSAO, like HP
20:56 nrzkt and some other things like peer_id should be with RemoteClient...
20:57 nrzkt and protocol_version too
20:57 TBC_x I haven't looked at player class yet
20:57 TBC_x but if this is so, it's horrible
20:57 nrzkt in fact Player class is used by client & server
20:58 TBC_x Player class shouldn't be accessed by server at all
20:58 nrzkt client side should be merge with localplayer, (which inherits from player) and server side should be splited. RemoteClient (session) should have a link with SAO if needed, but i don't think this is useful
20:58 TBC_x imho
20:59 nrzkt wtf we also have peer_id in PlayerSAO
20:59 nrzkt ...
20:59 nrzkt and Player + PlayerSAO have pointer to each other. Data is dup
21:00 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:00 TBC_x don't look at me
21:01 TBC_x I have started contributing code just recently
21:26 nrzkt hmmmm: you talked about packet copy, i see many MapNodes copy on a 5 minutes run with valgrind & callgrind
21:26 nrzkt all of them are due to getNode(NoEx)
21:37 sloantothebone joined #minetest-dev
21:44 nrzkt #3010 is not huge hmmm: remove a non included + if #0 file :p
21:44 ShadowBot -- Remove unused file by nerzhul
21:49 Sketch2 joined #minetest-dev
21:57 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest-dev
22:08 hmmmm nrzkt:  so??
22:08 hmmmm a MapNode is 4 bytes
22:08 hmmmm a packet is hundreds of bytes (if not more)
22:08 nrzkt 30M calls for 5 min with valgrind, multiply this by 10 for a real usage :p
22:09 hmmmm that's nothing
22:09 hmmmm that is such an inane microoptimization
22:09 nrzkt 1.2GB memory movements removed :p
22:09 hmmmm if you do what
22:09 hmmmm how do you fix it
22:10 nrzkt i don't tell i will do it, i just said there is a problem. Using pointers instead of copying ?
22:10 hmmmm so copy around 8 bytes in order to refer to a 4 byte stucture
22:10 hmmmm that's really smart
22:10 nrzkt in that case, agree :)
22:11 nrzkt i should go, good evening !
22:21 crazyR__ joined #minetest-dev
22:50 kahrl RealBadAngel: other than reverting to the old method of creating extrusion meshes, unfortunately I do not :(
22:52 hmmmm guys, anybody?
22:52 hmmmm
22:53 hmmmm
23:26 cornernote hmmmm, just wondering if this is something I am doing wrong in lua, or a core issue -
23:34 Taoki_1 joined #minetest-dev
23:35 Taoki_1 joined #minetest-dev
23:41 Sketch2 joined #minetest-dev
23:43 est31 joined #minetest-dev
23:44 est31 TBC_x, whats your srp problem?
23:48 est31 hmmmm,
23:48 est31 why an assert now?
23:49 diemartin joined #minetest-dev
23:49 est31
23:50 est31 here we call processPacket, and aren't sure whether connection is NULL or not
23:50 est31 there is an extra if there
23:51 est31 meh, connection.cpp is just such a mess.
23:53 est31 all these error messages would have been candidates for warnstream logging messages
23:53 est31 because errorstream is reserved for really serious things, its sent to all clients via chat

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