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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2015-04-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:18 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
01:36 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
01:40 Player_2 joined #minetest-dev
01:54 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
01:55 JZTech103 joined #minetest-dev
03:31 hmmmm who the heck added ipv6 support
03:31 hmmmm I don't get the purpose of IPv6AddressBytes
03:31 hmmmm why couldn't you just use struct in6_addr?
03:32 hmmmm there should be a socket class cleanup
05:35 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest-dev
05:55 hmmmm
05:55 hmmmm guys check it out ^
05:55 hmmmm I cleaned up test.cpp
06:08 Zeno` is minetestserver still built?
06:08 Zeno` my timestamp for it has not updated in ages
06:09 Zeno` geez, no wonder my tests don't show stuff I expected
06:11 hmmmm Zeno`, what error does checking "ipv6_enabled" in the socket unit test prevent?
06:11 Zeno` wth
06:12 Zeno` hmmmm, I don't know what the current thing it prevents is, but when I added it the situation was that if the user did not have ipv6 in their kernel then the unit test failed
06:12 hmmmm no you didn't add that
06:12 hmmmm nerzhul did, many months *after* you added your own fix
06:13 Zeno` I added it originally but nzxrt changed it
06:13 Zeno` yeah
06:13 hmmmm so why are there two fixes
06:13 Zeno` I dunno. I think the fixed it again for gerble
06:13 hmmmm and one of the two fixes suck
06:13 Zeno` (or whatever that build system is called)
06:13 hmmmm you can guess which i like
06:13 Zeno` the non-gerble one? lol
06:13 hmmmm lol wth
06:14 hmmmm you mean gerrit first off
06:14 Zeno` jenkins
06:14 hmmmm jernkins yeah
06:14 hmmmm jenkins-ci
06:14 Zeno` whatever the silly thing is called :)
06:14 hmmmm it runs the unit tests in a jail - okay, fine
06:14 hmmmm that reads a different setting though
06:14 hmmmm bind_address
06:17 Zeno` I remember arguing about it. He wanted to remove the unit tests for release builds entirely and I remember saying they were useful
06:17 Zeno` beyond that I don't recall much
06:17 hmmmm unit tests are not run by default anymore
06:18 Zeno` yeah I approved *that* change
06:18 hmmmm hmm i hope they get run in the CI
06:18 hmmmm at the very least
06:18 Zeno` yes they do
06:18 hmmmm okay sweet
06:18 Zeno` well, I was told they do
06:18 Zeno` :/
06:18 hmmmm so my patch changes the output quite a bit
06:18 hmmmm it looks like this
06:19 hmmmm i wonder if that will affect the CI functionality
06:20 Zeno` So why is minetestserver not built?
06:20 hmmmm you mean due to my patch?
06:20 Zeno` No
06:20 hmmmm man i have no idea
06:20 Zeno` I mean since... since I dunno
06:20 Zeno` it used to get built automatically
06:20 hmmmm if anything it's probably caused by shadowninja's cmakelists cleanup
06:21 hmmmm let's just say it hasn't been perfect
06:21 Zeno` but now it's not built at all
06:21 hmmmm but we're fixing the problems as they come along
06:21 Zeno` so I've been testing on an ancient binary
06:21 hmmmm oh it'll get built, you just have to explicitly check BUILD_SERVER
06:21 Zeno` hmm
06:21 Zeno` if neither are present shouldn't *both* be built like it used to?
06:21 hmmmm actually I'm not sure if one of those options existed
06:22 hmmmm well i'd hope so
06:22 hmmmm but i guess not
06:22 Zeno` I know that on my VPS I have to use SERVER_ONLY (or something)
06:22 Zeno` which is fine
06:22 Zeno` but on here I expected (and expect) both client and server to be built
06:24 hmmmm humm
06:24 hmmmm i'm not really sure i understand what the purpose of that logic is to begin with
06:27 Zeno` Well, build server only is needed for VPS's that don't have irrlicht installed (just the headers)
06:27 Zeno` i.e. the client cannot be built because there is no X
06:28 hmmmm i think the server should be built by default on all platforms
06:28 hmmmm not just non-win32-and-osx
06:28 Zeno` well it used to be
06:28 Zeno` :)
06:29 hmmmm yeah now it's always disabled by default
06:29 hmmmm like i said.  you can change it if you want, just change a word from false to true
06:31 Zeno` seems that it got built on the 17th so something changed 9 days ago... is that when that diff is from?
06:31 hmmmm it could be
06:32 hmmmm the commit doesn't tell when it was pushed, only when it was 'authored'
06:32 hmmmm well
06:32 Zeno` yeah
06:32 Zeno` I dunno
06:32 hmmmm this has been part of the master branch for longer than 9 days
06:32 Zeno` this is all very strange lol
06:33 Zeno` Apr 17 might be when I last removed cmake cache
06:36 nore joined #minetest-dev
06:47 Etzos hmmmm: I'm sure you noticed, but in case you didn't, your commit included files in src/unittest/CMakeFiles which I assume you didn't intend.
06:47 hmmmm yeah I saw that
06:48 hmmmm removing
06:51 Zeno` I just got email about hmmmm's commit!
06:51 Zeno` and he wins a prize!!!!!!!!
06:51 hmmmm what?
06:51 Zeno` for the 3000th unread email in my inbox
06:51 hmmmm oh cool
06:51 Zeno` what would you like? here's a, umm... a... medal!
06:51 hmmmm so it's like one of those "you're the millionth visitor to this website, click here to claim your prize!" ads
06:51 Zeno` yep
06:51 hmmmm man, I sorta miss the internet of yesteryear
06:52 hmmmm now there are no ads anywhere
06:52 hmmmm no ads, no popups, nothing, just internet plain and simple
06:52 jin_xi Zeno`, why?
06:52 hmmmm because I made a pull request for it
06:53 jin_xi why get emails? you can turn it off
06:53 hmmmm i started making pull requests for things i don't want to immediately commit because more people seem to look at it posted there rather than in irc
06:53 hmmmm and yeah, I do realize this is going to break shadowninja's log refactor PR
06:53 hmmmm but it's easier to break his than the other way around since all he needs to do is remove a file
06:56 Zeno` jin_xi, I know I can turn it off, but I like them
07:05 hmmmm !!!!!!!  see this shit?
07:05 hmmmm this happens all the time
07:05 hmmmm this is what I mean when i say that certain files get implicitly included by other files in the messy dependency web of some distros (and freebsd)
07:06 hmmmm so it works for me, it works for debian, and then it fails to compile on windows and ubuntu or something like that
07:25 Zeno` or android
07:38 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
07:49 hmmmm lol :D
07:49 hmmmm
07:49 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
07:49 hmmmm a fork of minetest that does absolutely nothing aside from modifying README.txt and default settings
07:50 hmmmm people are funny
07:50 Zeno` He doesn't know C++
07:50 Zeno` (well, apparently not based on the questions he's asked in #minetest)
07:50 hmmmm why did he fork it then
07:50 Zeno` *shrug*
07:50 hmmmm why can't his thing just be a mod
07:51 hmmmm sometimes, i just don't know.
07:51 Zeno` maybe he thought he knew more than her does?
07:51 hmmmm it's possible
07:52 hmmmm is it my imagination, or was there a PR floating around somewhere that allowed colored console text?
07:53 Zeno` wth
07:53 Zeno` now my taskbar has gone lol
07:58 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
07:58 Zeno` O.o
07:58 Zeno` minetest crashed my 'puter!
07:59 hmmmm s/minetest/graphics drivers/
07:59 Zeno` s/graphics drivers/opencl
08:01 Yepoleb_ joined #minetest-dev
08:03 hmmmm okay, so are people okay with  ??
08:54 Krock joined #minetest-dev
09:39 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
09:42 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
10:02 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
10:36 blaze joined #minetest-dev
10:44 misprint joined #minetest-dev
10:48 celeron55_ f824216241c7f4d2f56aae25042d8be89bc0d50d seems reasonable to me
11:18 ElectronLibre joined #minetest-dev
12:16 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
12:18 srifqi ~tell est31 please check #2648
12:18 ShadowBot srifqi: O.K.
12:46 Krock joined #minetest-dev
12:49 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest-dev
12:58 xenkey joined #minetest-dev
13:02 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
13:10 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
13:10 sockbat joined #minetest-dev
13:29 Zeno` will merge #2650
13:29 ShadowBot -- Fix player pitch and yaw not being set properly by Etzos
13:30 Zeno` and #2648
13:30 ShadowBot -- Remove fly mode in simple main menu by srifqi
13:37 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
13:38 Zeno` #2589 is next
13:38 ShadowBot -- Fix fast leaves when texture_clean_transparent is enabled. by Warr1024
13:45 crazyR joined #minetest-dev
14:03 Ritchie joined #minetest-dev
14:06 est31 joined #minetest-dev
14:22 est31 #2620 is ready for review btw.
14:22 ShadowBot -- SRP based login by est31
14:22 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
14:23 blaze joined #minetest-dev
14:35 Krock est31, is it fully tested?
14:45 est31 I have tested it, yes
14:55 xenkey left #minetest-dev
15:05 est31 Trying to store id=21355 statically but block (-15,0,-151) already contains 49 objects. Fo
15:05 est31 rcing delete.
15:05 est31 arrrrggg!
15:10 Zeno` I did fall asleep
15:10 Zeno` heh
15:11 Zeno` Unless we have lots more Chinese speaking people here I reckon just merge the new Chinese translation
15:12 est31 yea
15:12 Zeno` There is no way to check this stuff... google translate of it looks ok (I guess)
15:12 est31 the issue with translations is that we core devs can't really review them
15:12 Zeno` yep
15:12 Zeno` Japanese the one guy does it a lot.. I just merge his changes as soon as I see them
15:13 est31 so two options: either let them rot, and then merge them, or merge them faster and trust ppl
15:13 Zeno` for the others I leave them a week and if nothing comes up I figure merge
15:13 Zeno` I think we should trust
15:13 est31 yea
15:13 Zeno` (after Google translate to check for obvious stupidity)
15:13 est31 or third option: find a translation platform we can utilize
15:13 Zeno` yeah... right :P
15:15 Zeno` want me to merge it?
15:15 Zeno` (I'd rather sleep but I'll do it first if you like, lol)
15:16 Zeno` k... I will merge (doing now)
15:16 est31 ok
15:17 Zeno` done :)
15:17 * Zeno` idles
15:18 Zeno` est31, 2602 is probably ok as well
15:18 Zeno` but I will review more tomorrow if you really want me to
15:19 est31 20 or 02?
15:21 Zeno` can't trick me that easily =D
15:21 Zeno` 02... but it probably should be re-reviewd
15:21 Zeno` I'm too tired right now :(
15:24 est31 :/
15:24 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:25 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
15:31 srifqi joined #minetest-dev
15:32 ShadowNinja sfan5: Zeno approved it, and it doesn't really matter since it's so trivial.
15:33 sfan5 ?
15:33 est31 what is "it"?
15:34 ShadowNinja Zeno`: I disabled the server build by default because if you've got the full (client) binary it's unneeded and since it has to rebuild everything specifically for the server-only build it nearly doubles compile time.
15:34 Zeno` ShadowNinja, I understand that... I just wish I'd known
15:34 Zeno` what did I approve? :)
15:34 ShadowNinja sfan5: The project name lowercasing optimization thing.
15:34 Zeno` oh, is that all?
15:35 Zeno` if the full minetest (not server only) is built, can there be a symlink created?
15:35 Zeno` hmm... maybe that wouldn't work
15:36 Zeno` ShadowNinja, server only build does have some differences though
15:36 Zeno` So shouldn't the server only build be tested by the CI as well?
15:37 ShadowNinja Symlink no, but probably a text file with only #!minetest --server or so.
15:37 Zeno` a script might work, yeah (even if it's not +x and !#/path/to/shell) (I suppose)
15:38 ShadowNinja Zeno`: Maybe, it's a subset of the full build though, so it should only fail if someone forgot to apply #ifndef SERVER somwhere.
15:38 Zeno` ShadowNinja, hopefully they don't forget then :)
15:39 Zeno` anyway, I'm just saying because I've been profiling minetestserver for a while now and didn't realise it was stale (LOL)
15:40 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Re: colored text:
15:40 hmmmm no no colored CONSOLE text
15:41 est31 idk just know that freeminer has it
15:41 hmmmm wel
15:41 hmmmm I can add it easily, but i'd rather wait for shadowninja's logging cleanup first
15:42 est31 After that I can add the logging API.
15:43 hmmmm I was thinking something like
15:43 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Ah, I have a Python script that does that :-).  It's designed to manage multiple servers.
15:44 est31 you mean Zeno`?
15:44 ShadowNinja (auto-reboot, backup, map, etc)
15:44 hmmmm errorstream % COLOR(CLR_RED |CLR_INTENSITY) << "Some really important text here" % COLOR(CLR_RESET) << " less important text here" << std::endl;
15:45 est31 and what is COLOR?
15:45 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Oh, I was just thinking errorstream gets red, verbosestream gets cyan, etc.
15:45 hmmmm ShadowNinja:  That is doable but it might seriously get annoying
15:46 hmmmm est31:  Hmm, I suppose it's not absolutely necessary if we're going to overload something different from <<
15:46 est31 also, it should recognize if the console we are piping to supports colors
15:46 Zeno` colour
15:46 hmmmm sure.  totally fine.
15:46 est31 so if its a > logfile, then we shouldn't send color
15:46 ShadowNinja That's how LuaBot and my script handle it, and I like it.  We should probably add a --color option like coreutils have though.
15:46 ShadowNinja hmmmm: What were you saying would break my cleanup?
15:47 hmmmm doesn't your cleanup modify test.cpp?
15:47 est31 then people come along and demand "I want it as setting in minetest.conf"!
15:47 hmmmm my patch deletes test.cpp
15:48 hmmmm we'll also have to come up with rules on when you're able to use colored text in console messages
15:48 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Oh, yes, more than one of them does.  Did you move the tests into tests/*.[ch]pp or similar?
15:48 Zeno` can we have colour vs. color as a setting?
15:48 hmmmm otherwise all the developers will think their messages are super important and minetest's console would turn into a rainbow
15:48 hmmmm lol zeno
15:48 hmmmm ShadowNinja, yeah
15:49 est31 how should that setting be called?
15:49 hmmmm well i think it should be enabled by default
15:49 est31 colo(u)r_name = coluour
15:49 hmmmm oh that
15:49 hmmmm shrug
15:49 hmmmm it's trivial to add support for setting aliases
15:50 hmmmm I'd like to warn people about using aliases to things
15:50 hmmmm it makes everything more complex because there's more to think about
15:50 hmmmm in my mapgen lua api I have tons of aliases for things thinking it'd help people do things their style but really it just causes more complexity and confusion
15:51 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Does my logging PR look good now?  The only issues I remember was fixing some things that aren't strictly related and a minor Irrlicht logging bug that existed before anyways.
15:51 hmmmm yeah I thought it was fine from the start
15:52 hmmmm aside from having multiple features in the same commit
15:52 ShadowNinja Alright, I'll rebase and merge now then, and maybe split off some things.
15:52 est It still has the WIP label, hasnt it?
15:54 ShadowNinja est: It did.
15:58 ShadowNinja Shouldn't the signal handler set the handler back to the system default on its first call?  Otherwise the second ^C just sets the default handler back without doing anything significant.
15:58 est the second ^C is like a sigkill, isn't itß
15:58 est ?
16:00 ShadowNinja est: No, more like a SIGTERM.
16:01 ShadowNinja It calls abort() or something like that.
16:02 ShadowNinja Well, currently it just sets the signal handler back, but the third ^C will trigger that.
16:04 est PlayerSAO::isStaticAllowed() {return false; }
16:04 est this is impossible
16:05 ShadowNinja print should really be separated from minetest.debug.
16:05 est oh it is possible
16:05 est playercao isnt used
16:05 est is it?
16:05 est sao*
16:06 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Do you agree with those two points? ^
16:06 hmmmm huh
16:06 hmmmm i don't really have any strong opinions
16:06 ShadowNinja print should go to stdout, not prefixed and sent to stderr and the log file.
16:07 ShadowNinja minetest.debug should do that.
16:13 hmmmm you mean minetest.debug should print with the prefix?
16:13 hmmmm i agree that print shouldn't go to stderr but i think it should still have the prefix
16:13 hmmmm everything has the prefix apart from debugging messages in fact
16:13 hmmmm dstream is the only stream that doesn't have prefixes
16:15 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
16:17 ShadowNinja hmmmm: dstream has a prefix now.  dstream was acutally completely seperate from all the other streams, I made it just another log level, except that it's always printed (higher priority than LL_ERROR) and it's printed without a name (as in 00:00:00: [ServerThread]: ...).
16:18 hmmmm why
16:18 hmmmm is it impossible to print without a prefix now?
16:19 ShadowNinja Because that's much simpler, and it includes the timestamp and thread name where DTIME and get_current_thread_id were used before.
16:19 ShadowNinja You can use cerr and the like directly, but yes, currently there's no unprefixed version.
16:19 hmmmm well i don't agree with THAT behavior
16:20 ShadowNinja The only time that you really want it to be unprefixed is if you're doing something like a migration, where you don't want it logged to a file.
16:20 est migration?
16:20 ShadowNinja est: SQLite -> LevelDB or similar.
16:21 hmmmm well, I say there is another time
16:21 est and why not have it there?
16:21 hmmmm debugging events where you really don't need clutter that's irrelevant to you
16:22 hmmmm i don't care that the event happened at exactly this date and time at 53:21 and 430 milliseconds
16:22 hmmmm more clutter is bad
16:23 est there is #2559
16:23 ShadowBot -- Add options to control timestamps for logging by est31
16:24 hmmmm i'm sorry
16:24 hmmmm i just don't see any real purpose behind adding prefixes to dstream
16:24 hmmmm it's not doing anything but removing options for the developer
16:26 est Perhaps it can be done/discussed on another PR?
16:26 ShadowNinja hmmmm: It removes other hacks like DTIME.  If you prefer I could add another unprefixed stream, but it doesn't seem like it would really be usefull to how have thet info.
16:26 ShadowNinja not have that*
16:26 hmmmm how does dstream have anything to do with dtime
16:27 ShadowNinja hmmmm: DTIME was a macro to add the timestamp to messages logged with dstream.
16:27 ShadowNinja As in dstream<<DTIME<<msg;
16:28 hmmmm dstream needs to be out-of-band with the rest of the logging system
16:28 hmmmm i already don't appreciate that the debugstream initialization comes as late as it does
16:28 hmmmm and this makes it much worse
16:28 hmmmm it's for DEBUGGING
16:29 hmmmm DTIME could be made non-hacky, just turn it into a function getTimestamp() for the rare occasions where a developer would actually want the timestamp with their debug messages
16:29 hmmmm or add dstream and dtstream (the latter has the timestamp prefix)
16:30 hmmmm but jeez don't just change things for the sake of change.  that's not productive.
16:30 ShadowNinja hmmmm: It's initialized within the first few lines of main(), or at least the stderr output (log file comes a bit later in init_log_steams in init_common).
16:31 hmmmm i thought you said that dstream was added in with the rest of the normal logging levels
16:31 ShadowNinja hmmmm: If it's just for debuging then it shouldn't be in the production code.
16:31 hmmmm what about unit testing
16:32 hmmmm come on shadowninja, stop
16:32 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Use actionstream or infostream or so.
16:32 ShadowNinja Or dstream.
16:33 hmmmm but then it has a big ugly prefix
16:33 hmmmm look all i'm asking for is that you stop taking away options
16:33 ShadowNinja If it should always be printed then you should use dstream.  The prefix is usefull for tests.
16:34 ShadowNinja I'll add direct_to_log_outputs_stream or so.
16:34 hmmmm :|
16:34 hmmmm no
16:34 hmmmm then you're forcing a whole bunch of other code to change
16:34 hmmmm what is the purpose of all this again?  how is this making minetest *better* than it was?
16:35 ShadowNinja It adds threadnames and timestamps to dstream and cleans up the ugly debugstreams thing.
16:36 ShadowNinja g_log_outputs_stream, forwarding to g_logger's log outputs for LL_NONE.
16:36 hmmmm and then now to have no timestamps to dstream you're making everything else change
16:41 hmmmm what do other people think about this
16:41 est when I'm debugging, I'm logging to errorstream
16:44 ShadowNinja ^ That's basically dstream with a prefix.
16:45 hmmmm i like my current logging levels, and i need a stream that always prints no matter what the log level
16:45 hmmmm for logging to a file, i can see timestamps as being useful
16:45 hmmmm but sometimes i just need some things printed with no extra added BS
16:46 est like?
16:46 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
16:46 hmmmm if your solution fulfills these requirements, then i'm okay
16:47 ShadowNinja hmmmm: dstream is still set to always print.
16:48 hmmmm but the second is not
16:48 hmmmm why remove options from the developer?
16:48 hmmmm do you know better than everyone else and their use cases?
16:51 hmmmm dstream with DTIME is only used in exactly 1 place: the signal handler in porting.cpp
16:51 hmmmm I don't understand why you'd change EVERYTHING ELSE for such a rare use case
16:51 hmmmm and the DTIME thing isn't a hack, it's just a shortened version of getTimestamp()
16:58 Gethiox joined #minetest-dev
16:58 ShadowNinja hmmmm: It's used in a few other places, although they might be mostly commented out.  I'm adding g_log_outputs_stream anyway.
17:00 hmmmm and if you are, that means the behavior is still changed for every other instance of dstream
17:00 hmmmm in any case a global search on the project only turned up those instances
17:01 hmmmm i just don't get why timestamps need to be enabled by *default*
17:01 hmmmm when it's clearly the more unpopular option
17:01 Calinou in software, timestamps should be off by default
17:04 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Me and est prefer the timestamps.  Calinou: Why?
17:06 Calinou do you see any other game where timestamps are on by default?
17:06 nrzkt joined #minetest-dev
17:06 Calinou any system program?
17:06 Calinou eg. GIMP
17:06 nrzkt ShadowNinja, hmmmm : the PR linked is for colored chat, not colored console
17:06 hmmmm you and est != the majority
17:07 ShadowNinja nrzkt: Yes, I already heard so.
17:08 ShadowNinja Calinou: Er, IDK, OpenSpades?  I don't look at the console a lot in games.
17:08 Calinou probably a minority in the free game world
17:08 hmmmm timestamps where they're uncalled for (i.e. debugging) do nothing but add extra bloat and noise to the output that's going to be ignored
17:08 Calinou Xonotic, all Cube 2 games, Quake-based games don't
17:08 ShadowNinja It's definitely useful in minetest though.  I've used it to check, eg, when a crash occured.
17:08 Calinou then add them as an option
17:08 Calinou timestamps = true in minetest.conf
17:08 Calinou with timestamp_format optionally
17:09 est so what about disabling the timestamps by default, and make them optional?
17:09 hmmmm i think the way timestamps work right now are fine
17:09 hmmmm they don't need to be modified
17:09 est first as invocation parameters, then also if people want it as options in minetest.conf
17:09 est but then its unified.
17:09 hmmmm modifying them right now would just serve certain peoples' preferences and generally not add benefit
17:13 est what would be a more apropriate time?
17:15 ShadowNinja After I've merged this I think adding log_timestamp_format or similar would be good.
17:21 Aaron1011 joined #minetest-dev
17:21 Aaron1011 joined #minetest-dev
17:46 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
17:54 Vexyl joined #minetest-dev
17:54 ShadowNinja Ugh, I can't fix this dumb Irrlicht logging bug.
17:55 ShadowNinja Some things, like "Irrlicht engine version... using OpenGL..." are passed to the MyEventReceiver, while others (Mainmenu "Loading texture: ..." and "Quit message received") aren't.
17:58 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
18:00 hmmmm merging #2654 if nobody else has any problems with it...
18:00 ShadowBot -- Tests: Modularize unit testing by kwolekr
18:00 est wait
18:01 est the order is determined by linker?
18:01 est how that?
18:02 est ah I see
18:02 est ok then
18:04 hmmmm because static initialization
18:04 est yes I've seen it
18:05 hmmmm adding unit test dependencies i think is a slippery slope
18:05 est why
18:05 hmmmm dependencies in general take additional consideration
18:05 hmmmm detecting circular dependencies, etc.
18:06 est I think hard coding the order would be enough
18:07 est a method which populates the list of registered testbases
18:08 hmmmm hard coding is eww
18:08 hmmmm :/
18:08 hmmmm besides, i'm getting rid of these dependencies
18:08 hmmmm they're quite nasty tbh
18:08 est yea
18:08 hmmmm g_settings should not be used anywhere in unit tests
18:09 est this is the problem when you use globals
18:09 hmmmm the idea that unit test behavior is modified by the config file is bonkers
18:09 est agree
18:11 ShadowNinja hmmmm: TestMapblock has to be fixed, otherwise seems O.K. (other than the bug where log_set_lev_silence silences ALL log streams.
18:11 ShadowNinja )
18:19 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Latest changes (look for the g_log_outputs_stream-related ones)
18:21 * ShadowNinja changes the digprop_err level to deprecated.
18:23 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Is that what you want?
18:24 ShadowNinja hmmmm: For tests you probably want std::cerr, since it doesn't need to be logged and probably shouldn't be sent to the syslog (on android).
18:24 ShadowNinja Logged to file that is.
18:25 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
18:34 hmmmm disabling all log streams?
18:35 hmmmm note those things have been outstanding problems
18:35 hmmmm obviously unit testing needs work but it can't all be done in a single commit
18:36 hmmmm do I really want to log to cerr and not stdout?
18:38 Vexyl probably, so people can do 2>/file/path to save to file or 2>/dev/null to ignore and still see standard output
18:39 hmmmm we can switch around logging things later
18:40 hmmmm a pet peeve of mine is when people tell you to modify your pull request based on future tasks or to fix things that were already broken to begin with
18:40 hmmmm you need to maintain focus
18:45 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
18:56 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Well, it doesn't really matter, maybe std::cout is more appropriate. but you can easily redirect either if you need to.  I just suggested stderr because that's want the regular logger uses.
18:58 ShadowNinja Also, sapier really likes doing things like mod_statistics[modname].stats.types[tp].min_us = 0; mod_statistics[modname].stats.types[tp].max_us = 0... when types[tp].min/max_us = 0 would do, which is really anoying because it's so much more inefficient.  He did this with dynamic_cast too.
19:04 hmmmm I only used dynamic_cast *once*
19:04 hmmmm *ONCE*
19:04 hmmmm and that's to filter out non-schematic decorations from the decoration manager
19:04 hmmmm in general i feel like you need a compelling reason to use RTTI
19:05 ShadowNinja local r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9 = to_register(...) There's this syntax for loading parameter lists into a table...
19:05 hmmmm in any case, the whole reason why I am cleaning up unit testing is because I want to encourage people to add more unit tests
19:05 hmmmm I'm personally adding schematic unit tests, objdef unit tests, and maybe some mapgen ones
19:06 hmmmm looking forward to unit tests for SRP and perhaps the entire player logon sequence
19:06 * ShadowNinja added threading tests in his PR :-)
19:06 Wayward_One joined #minetest-dev
19:06 hmmmm well
19:06 hmmmm add it in a different PR please
19:06 est you wanted to add the RFC test vectors?
19:06 hmmmm i want to keep PRs small and focused
19:06 hmmmm est:  you already have them in there
19:06 est ^
19:07 est hmmmm, no
19:07 hmmmm oh
19:07 hmmmm well yeah add them in then
19:07 est only in the csrp fork
19:07 est not minetest
19:07 hmmmm alrighty...
19:07 est the issue is, we need some sha-1 implementation
19:07 hmmmm pushing...
19:07 hmmmm yea I realize
19:08 kahrl sha1.cpp?
19:08 est yes
19:08 est but I have to adjust the srp.cpp
19:08 est for that
19:08 est perhaps when I have time.
19:09 est when you have time, the PR is ready for review, only known bug is that empty passwords don't work
19:09 hmmmm alrighty pushed
19:09 est (yet)
19:09 hmmmm what do you guys think about #2651?
19:09 ShadowBot -- fix pathfinder to produce more useful paths. by obneq
19:09 Krock est, any passwords, not just empty
19:10 est darnit
19:10 est you are right
19:10 est seems to be a regression
19:10 est they did work once
19:10 paramat joined #minetest-dev
19:15 paramat nore, sfan5, ShadowNinja perhaps sometime you could add your thoughts on game#496 to the thread?
19:15 ShadowBot -- Make flowers farmable, with seeds, instead of the slow uniform-density spread.
19:17 hmmmm heh
19:17 hmmmm
19:17 hmmmm we may possibly need to bring this exact stuff back when client side modding hits
19:17 sfan5 paramat: i agree with PilzAdam, making everything farmable makes the game more boring
19:17 hmmmm i still don't know how this is going to work though
19:18 hmmmm perhaps all handled through lua rpc
19:18 est ^
19:18 est I think we should do this with lua if we need it
19:18 hmmmm all crafting handled through lua?
19:18 hmmmm well
19:18 hmmmm we'll figure it out when we get there heh
19:18 est not all crafting
19:19 est just the sending
19:19 hmmmm yeah true.
19:19 est I don't think that sending all recipes by default would be a good idea for example
19:22 est but noted
19:22 hmmmm that PR is totally done?
19:22 hmmmm looked through and it seems good, let's merge it
19:22 est yes. I wanted to keep it as non intrusive as possible
19:23 est if you want we can keep the serialisation in
19:23 hmmmm now you have me thinking
19:23 hmmmm i think we can get rid of it, yeah.
19:23 est ok then
19:26 est Do you think I should squash it?
19:26 hmmmm sure, they're closely related enough
19:26 est ok
19:31 est I'll keep the serialisation commit separate
19:31 est if we still need it it can rolled back fast
19:31 hmmmm good idea
19:33 est hmmmm, you probably want to add src/unittest/CMakeFiles/ to the gitignore :)
19:33 hmmmm yeah probably.  every time I do git add "src/*" it re-adds it
19:33 hmmmm :(
19:34 est pushed
19:38 hmmmm sweet
19:40 hmmmm 2633 looks good to me
19:40 hmmmm i'm pushing that now
19:40 hmmmm #2633
19:40 ShadowBot -- Fix minetest.clear_* breaking the corresponding minetest.registered_* tables by tomasbrod
19:41 est you fix the style?
19:41 hmmmm did the style need fixing??
19:41 est yes
19:41 hmmmm i thought he just used spaces instead of tabs and then fixed it
19:41 est no
19:41 hmmmm i'll check it out
19:43 hmmmm oh he needs spaces in list[k]=nil
19:44 est that 2
19:44 hmmmm what's the other thing though
19:44 est identation
19:44 hmmmm ohh didn't see that
19:44 est in the loop
19:55 est ok, Krock's bug is fixed now
19:56 est (was a order mistake because of a new param)
19:59 MinetestForFun joined #minetest-dev
20:01 paramat okay thanks for looking
20:02 hmmmm alright
20:02 hmmmm so what are we doing about #2641
20:02 ShadowBot -- Revert the upper-case PROJECT_NAME nonsense that was part of #2402 by sfan5
20:03 hmmmm it seems to be divisive
20:03 hmmmm let's have a vote
20:03 hmmmm here's my vote: i really don't give a turkey
20:03 est ^mine too
20:05 hmmmm let's make a strawpoll
20:06 Wayward_Tab joined #minetest-dev
20:06 hmmmm
20:12 celeron55_ i agree with sfan5 but i also agree with pilzadam's comment about the code
20:12 sfan5 I'm about to correct that
20:23 sfan5 *sigh*
20:23 sfan5 turns out "that" commit was committed
20:23 sfan5 more reverting work for me..
20:32 hmmmm well
20:33 hmmmm whatever you do, just do something 8)
20:34 sfan5 #2641 should be good to merge now
20:34 ShadowBot -- Revert the upper-case PROJECT_NAME nonsense that was part of #2402 by sfan5
20:34 sfan5 now we wait for travis..
20:49 hmmmm oh, looks like shadowninja's side made a comeback
20:49 hmmmm it's now at 3/3
20:57 est now its 4/3 for sfan5
20:57 sfan5 ok, the PR is not _really_ ready to merge
20:57 hmmmm i wonder if either side is manipulating the votes
20:57 sfan5 now*
20:57 sfan5 also that's exactly why strawpoll isn't a good idea for this
20:58 hmmmm haha
20:58 hmmmm it gives a rough idea
20:58 hmmmm i didn't think it'd be a very big deal honestly
21:02 sfan5 so.. do we merge it or not?
21:41 ShadowNinja sfan5: No :-P
21:42 * ShadowNinja voted once, but could vote about 6 times with all the servers he has access to.
21:46 jin_xi pathfinder change example
21:52 paramat left #minetest-dev
21:53 ShadowNinja hmmmm: Is logging O.K. to you with g_log_outputs_stream?
22:00 ElectronLibre left #minetest-dev
22:06 Lone_soldier joined #minetest-dev
23:12 ShadowNinja multi-socket rebased.  Any comments on it from anyone?  #2604
23:12 ShadowBot -- Add support for multiple listen addesses by ShadowNinja

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