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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2014-10-29

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 RealBadAngel if modder gave wrong model name or something
00:00 kahrl in that case you'd need the check, I think
00:01 RealBadAngel indeed
00:02 RealBadAngel im just lookin at this part if i can optimize it further
00:04 kahrl well...
00:04 kahrl I guess you could replace every NULL with a dummy mesh (an empty one) to avoid the checks
00:04 kahrl at least for mesh_ptr[0]
00:05 kahrl you don't even need to allocate lots of those, just reuse a single one
00:29 OldCoder joined #minetest-dev
00:42 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
00:46 DuDraig joined #minetest-dev
00:50 alexxs joined #minetest-dev
01:30 prozacgod__ joined #minetest-dev
01:31 prozacgod joined #minetest-dev
02:13 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
02:46 Zeno` joined #minetest-dev
02:58 alexxss joined #minetest-dev
03:27 Zeno` hmmmm, I thought about std::map (for colours), but how can it be initialised?
03:27 Zeno` Initialiser lists are C++11 aren't they?
03:27 hmmmm yeah they are
03:27 Zeno` Maybe I'll just remove them
03:27 hmmmm you'll need to add them in a constructor and initialize the object in the global namespace
03:28 Zeno` maybe, I'll think about it when I make my sandwich :)
03:28 hmmmm ColorContainer::ColorContainer() { colors["green"] = 0x00FF00; colors["red"] = 0xFF0000; .... }
03:28 hmmmm then in that file
03:28 hmmmm ColorContainer the_colors;
03:28 hmmmm the ctor runs and adds them all in
03:29 hmmmm in that file in the global scope
03:29 Zeno` yep
03:29 Zeno` The more important question is, I think, "are named colors worthwhile?"  Considering the alpha issue
03:29 hmmmm alpha issue??
03:30 Zeno` Maybe I could make them 50% transparent instead of solid
03:30 Zeno` well, they're solid at the moment
03:30 Zeno` See my second comment:
03:31 hmmmm yeah I think colorname#FF would work
03:31 MikeFair joined #minetest-dev
03:31 Zeno` Ok, well I'll give that a try
03:50 hmmmm btw
03:52 hmmmm as of my next commit, *the* way to do linear search in STL containers will be the "CONTAINS()" macro in util/numeric.h
03:52 hmmmm std::vector<std::string> foobar = {"blah", "asdf", "foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"};    if (CONTAINS(foobar, "bar")) { ...
03:53 hmmmm this makes searching for membership as readable as a scripting language's "in" operator
03:53 hmmmm e.g.  if "bar" in foobar:
03:54 hmmmm in fact, I strongly encourage all contributors to check out util/numeric.h to see if the common idiom you wish to use is defined in there already
03:54 hmmmm tired of seeing people constantly reinvent the wheel
04:13 Zeno` hmmmm,   <-- added the #alpha, but the std::map is giving me problems (I may just need to eat)
04:13 Zeno` that's not the real code I pasted... more like a unit test I guess :/
04:14 Zeno` so ignore the formatting
04:23 CraigyDavi` joined #minetest-dev
04:46 sol_invictus joined #minetest-dev
04:52 mos_basik joined #minetest-dev
05:22 CraigyDavi joined #minetest-dev
06:25 Zeno` Ok, done:
06:27 hmmmm wait, i don't get why they need to be lowercase
06:28 hmmmm but otherwise good
06:30 Zeno` oh yeah I meant to fix that
06:30 Zeno` is there an easy way to convert a std::string to all lowercase?
06:31 hmmmm std::tolower?
06:31 GrimKriegor joined #minetest-dev
06:32 Zeno` I thought that was only for single characters
06:32 hmmmm hmm it is
06:32 Zeno` I'll make another function called string_to_lower
06:32 hmmmm util/string.cpp
06:32 Zeno` I was hoping there was something standard but I can't find it
06:33 hmmmm i thought there was too
06:33 hmmmm there must be a reason why the stl has no lowercase string function
06:33 hmmmm hmm use tolower() from ctype.h
06:33 hmmmm rather than std::tolower
06:33 Zeno` oh str_equal() is in string.h .. thanks
06:34 Zeno` no that won't work
06:34 Zeno` inline std::string lowercase  isn't exactly portable
06:35 Zeno` maybe I'll update that function instead to use tolower()
06:35 hmmmm huh
06:38 Zeno` 'Z' is not guaranteed  by the standard to be > 'A'
06:39 hmmmm sure..
06:39 Zeno` nor do they have to be consecutive. Anyway I changed it to just use tolower()
06:39 hmmmm were you trying to add 0x20 to each character?
06:40 Zeno` Sorry, I was talking about
06:41 Zeno` pushed
06:41 hmmmm hmmm
06:42 hmmmm that's not a very good function
06:42 Zeno` I updated it... in last push
06:43 sol_invictus can someone review #1745 ?
06:43 ShadowBot -- Adds lastlogin to auth file. Fixes issue #1604 by thekung1324
06:46 CraigyDavi` joined #minetest-dev
07:03 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
07:05 Zeno` hmmmm, if you're ok with the changes can you add a comment?
07:05 Zeno` Saves having to spend weeks finding a second core dev when there is already one "yes" :)
07:08 nore joined #minetest-dev
07:09 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
07:17 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
07:17 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
07:45 Zeno` shit
07:45 RealBadAngel what?
07:46 Zeno` I made a mistake
07:46 Zeno` one sec
07:48 Zeno` RealBadAngel, can you commit ?
07:48 Zeno` it's kind of urgent :-o
07:49 Zeno` like really urgent
07:50 Zeno` ugh :(
07:51 Zeno` nore?
07:51 Zeno` anybody?
07:51 nore yes?
07:51 nore ^ what's was that bug?
07:52 Zeno` it was returning an empty string
07:52 Zeno` breaks nearly everything
07:52 Zeno` I'm sorry :(
07:52 nore oops indeed
07:52 * nore commits
07:52 Zeno` yes
07:52 Zeno` thank you
07:52 * Zeno` will now find a hole to hide in
07:54 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
07:55 RealBadAngel done
07:55 Zeno` ok, thank. My hole is nearly complete
07:55 nore ah, you were faster
07:56 RealBadAngel i just had all the windows opened, were pushing mine a few minutes ago ;)
07:58 Zeno` that has to be the most embarrassing thing I've done in ages :(
07:58 RealBadAngel happens, nothing special
08:05 Zeno` maybe. I wrote that code in < 20 seconds
08:05 Zeno` oh well, lesson learned
08:07 RealBadAngel thats why i wait a bit before pushing my commits, its usual to find a nasty bug just before pressing that button ;)
08:08 Zeno` I'd been waiting all day and that was a last minute request (before that things were case sensitive)
08:08 RealBadAngel not to mention VE will find more of them later on ;)
08:16 RealBadAngel was watching video on mumble plugin for minecraft
08:16 RealBadAngel its quite interesting
08:17 kilbith you intend to implement in MT ? ;)
08:18 RealBadAngel it looks trivial to implement, some1 could do that
08:19 RealBadAngel Zeno`, ?
08:26 Zeno` what's that?
08:26 Zeno` Oh I looked at it... best (for me) to see how refactor_the_game goes first
08:27 Zeno` I am writing unit tests as penalty for my earlier mistake lol
08:28 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
08:29 RealBadAngel are there any issues with refactored game/
08:29 RealBadAngel ?
08:48 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
08:56 sol_invictus still nothing on #1745?
08:56 ShadowBot -- Adds lastlogin to auth file. Fixes issue #1604 by thekung1324
08:56 sol_invictus I just tested it, works fine
08:56 sol_invictus I can squash it and make a PR
09:02 FR^2 joined #minetest-dev
10:02 sol_invictus okay, there is a problem in this pull xD
10:02 sol_invictus I'm going to try fixing and open a pr later
10:08 AnotherBrick joined #minetest-dev
10:22 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:26 sol_invictus anyone on?
10:48 gravgun joined #minetest-dev
10:48 zat joined #minetest-dev
11:03 sol_invictus review please #1781
11:03 ShadowBot -- Add lastlogin to auth file by donat-b
11:09 sfan5 does os.time() return the UTC time?
11:09 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
11:09 sfan5 and no lastlogin being present doesn't mean lastlogin = os.time()
11:11 sol_invictus what do you propose? set it to zero?
11:20 paramat joined #minetest-dev
11:26 sol_invictus not sure about UTC honestly
11:26 sol_invictus will look into that once I'm back home, bbl
11:55 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
12:00 zat joined #minetest-dev
12:08 paramat left #minetest-dev
12:20 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:39 kilbith [Alert] Latest -dev build for Ubuntu (2 hours ago) : the client doesn't work at all. See here :
12:40 kilbith nore, Zeno`, RealBadAngel ^
12:41 sfan5 kilbith: thats likely only the debug build, use --disable-unittests
12:41 Zeno` sfan5, no it was a huge mistake on my part
12:42 kilbith sfan5 : minetest --disable-unittests   <- lead the same result.
12:42 Zeno` see:
12:42 kilbith Zeno`: your fix was merged 5 hours ago, the latest Ubuntu build is available since 2 hours
12:42 kilbith so I have your patch
12:42 Zeno` ugh
12:43 Zeno` where is the Ubuntu build from?
12:43 kilbith
12:43 kilbith as usual
12:43 Zeno` shit
12:44 Zeno` I don't think that includes the fix :(
12:44 kilbith normally yes
12:45 kilbith it was built 3 hours later from your patch
12:45 kilbith I can check in the code if you want
12:45 Zeno` minetest --version
12:45 Megaf kilbith: maybe it took them three hours to build and publish
12:46 kilbith Zeno` : minetest --version  <- lead the same result than the paste errors above ^
12:47 Zeno` minetest --disable-unittests --version
12:47 kilbith same thing
12:47 Zeno` can you check the source pleasE?
12:47 kilbith i'm on it
12:49 kilbith eh, no, I can't, the build doesn't include the src/
12:50 Megaf he meant the source package
12:50 kilbith precise plz ?
12:51 Megaf Zeno`: maybe something here?
12:51 kilbith yes that's it
12:51 kilbith I just follow the official links
12:51 kilbith as everyday
12:53 Megaf
12:53 Megaf I can find anything really useful there
12:55 Zeno` geez can't they include the git hash?
12:58 Zeno` I don't think it includes the fix
12:58 Megaf It's Ubuntu, the worst operating system ever... What do you expect?
12:58 * Megaf grabs popcorn
12:58 kilbith something is broken in the code, not Ubuntu
12:58 Zeno` lp:minetest-c55 bug Development 5 hours ago
12:58 Zeno` 3035. Added names colours and refactored pa...
12:59 Zeno` where is my hole? :(
12:59 Megaf kilbith: ok, first, that's daily build, experimental, expected to break
12:59 kilbith of course
12:59 Megaf Zeno`: so, it's your fault afterall
13:00 Zeno` Megaf, I never denied it was my fault
13:00 Megaf Zeno`: you must test your changes before pushing them...
13:00 kilbith +1
13:01 Zeno` normally I do compile, run, run under valgrind. This was a last minute change and I made a bad mistake
13:02 Zeno` I missed a +
13:02 Zeno` No excuse I know
13:03 Zeno` I have learned a hard lesson... last minute changes typed in < 20 seconds because they're "obvious" are not so obvious after all.... I don't know what else I can say
13:03 Zeno` Trust me, I am normally the most pedantic of people :(
13:03 kilbith bullshits almost always happens with a lack of attention ;)
13:04 kilbith but to err is human
13:04 Zeno` I doubt others include the valgrind step that I normally do. I stuffed up.
13:05 mos_basik joined #minetest-dev
13:05 Megaf [13:03:12] <Zeno`> I have learned a hard lesson... last minute changes typed in < 20 seconds because they're "obvious" are not so obvious after all.... I don't know what else I can say
13:05 Megaf That's how errors are born
13:06 Zeno` correct
13:07 Zeno` To atone for this I have added more unit tests and documented util/string.h (a very boring task)
13:13 kilbith joined #minetest-dev
13:15 Zeno`   <--- there "atonement" heh
13:19 Zeno` I must be the first person ever to push a broken commit
13:20 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
13:20 kilbith stop the self-flogging, Zeno` :P
13:31 Amaz Zeno' really no :P
13:48 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
13:56 Megaf Zeno`: sapier do that all the time
13:56 Megaf and karl and everyone
13:57 Megaf lol
13:57 kilbith s/do/did
13:57 kilbith they were shot for that
13:57 kilbith RIP
13:57 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:00 Zeno` I am gonna be shot?!
14:01 Zeno` wahhhhhhhh I don't wanna be shot :( /me puts on bullet proof vest
14:01 Brains Bullet proof vest == Face shots.
14:02 Amaz Zeno` Nope.
14:02 Amaz Just banished to Freeminer :P
14:02 Zeno` I also have a bullet proof mask!
14:03 Zeno` In fact, I have isolated myself in a room with walls made out of 314 metres of kevlar on each side
14:04 shadowzone Was that before or after YipiYuk bit off your big toe?
14:05 troller joined #minetest-dev
14:07 Chicken_shadow joined #minetest-dev
14:10 chchjesus joined #minetest-dev
14:11 deltib joined #minetest-dev
14:16 Chicken_shadow joined #minetest-dev
14:17 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:07 troller joined #minetest-dev
15:31 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
15:33 Hunterz left #minetest-dev
15:36 PenguinDad joined #minetest-dev
15:38 troller joined #minetest-dev
15:47 Krock joined #minetest-dev
15:49 TenPlus1 joined #minetest-dev
16:01 sol_invictus okay, I'm back
16:02 sol_invictus os.time returns time in UTC
16:03 sol_invictus ^^ sfan5
16:04 sol_invictus I have no idea what it returns on windows though
16:06 TenPlus1 left #minetest-dev
16:08 Megaf_ joined #minetest-dev
16:09 DuDraig joined #minetest-dev
16:09 Zeno` hmmmm, is  correct?
16:09 deltib joined #minetest-dev
16:14 hmmmm Zeno`, yes it is
16:14 hmmmm although I see what you're saying
16:15 VanessaE [10-29 12:00] <TenPlus1> Has anyone noticed any problems with latest DEV when placing schematic files on map ? mainly segmentation faults ??
16:15 hmmmm haven't noticed any segmentation faults
16:15 hmmmm backtrace would be nice though
16:19 * VanessaE shrugs.  TenPlus1 already signed off, figures.
16:19 VanessaE my build's a few commits behind so I won't see any such segfaults.
16:22 Krock new #1785 other pull request posters gona hate me for this
16:22 ShadowBot -- Many functional unimportant code style fixes by SmallJoker
16:23 Krock about the files lost in total 600 bytes with this change
16:24 Krock -about
16:26 gravgun joined #minetest-dev
16:27 Zeno` aarrgh
16:27 PenguinDad Krock: Zeno` won't like the main.cpp fixes I guess
16:27 Zeno` Krock, please not main.cpp
16:27 Krock k
16:27 Zeno` lol PenguinDad
16:28 * sol_invictus hates windows users
16:28 PenguinDad woohoo I knew it!
16:28 sol_invictus I had to install lua on a VM to test os.time()
16:28 troller joined #minetest-dev
16:29 sol_invictus thankfully, it returns epoch time as well
16:29 sol_invictus PenguinDad: know what?
16:29 sol_invictus knew*
16:30 Krock Zeno`, fixed
16:30 Zeno` thank you :)
16:30 PenguinDad sol_invictus: that Zeno` won't like the main.cpp code style fixes by Krock
16:30 Krock sol_invictus, Y U hate me?
16:33 Zeno` It's been a very long day. G'night all
16:33 Krock night.
16:34 PenguinDad Sleep well Zeno`
16:34 sol_invictus good night, sleep tight
16:36 sol_invictus Krock, actually I remember you were laughing at linux, that's pretty silly hehe
16:36 Krock I can laught about linux. I'm allowed to do so.
16:37 kilbith no
16:37 kilbith politburo is disagree
16:37 PenguinDad Krock: who allowed you to do that?
16:37 Krock PenguinDad, the not-existing rule
16:38 sol_invictus KGB will catch you
16:46 sfan5 sol_invictus: it needs to use UTC on every platform
16:46 sfan5 otherwise the auth.txt file is not portable
16:47 sol_invictus where is it not UTC?
16:47 sfan5 I don't know
16:47 sfan5 but you said you had no clue what it returns on windows
16:48 sol_invictus above I said I checked on windows
16:48 sfan5 oh
16:48 sfan5 didn't read that yet
16:48 sol_invictus it returns unix time as well
16:50 PenguinDad what's the return value on OS X?
16:51 sol_invictus that certainly I'm not going to check
16:52 PenguinDad sol_invictus: I didn't say that you have to check it
16:54 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
16:56 sol_invictus sfan5, so what about non existant time? is last_login = 0 okay? so chat command can handle it as unknown
16:56 sfan5 yes
16:56 sfan5 should be ok
16:57 gravgun "last_login = 0" well I just logged on on 1st of Jan 1970
16:58 gravgun no problem there :/
16:59 Krock lel
17:01 sol_invictus gravgun: better solution would be ...?
17:02 gravgun sol_invictus: none, cause AFAIK MT didn't exist back in 1970
17:03 sol_invictus what none?
17:04 sol_invictus last_loging is a number, it shouldn't be anything else
17:05 Krock -1
17:05 gravgun Didn't say "non"
17:05 gravgun "none"*
17:05 gravgun Just said none.
17:05 gravgun As in
17:05 gravgun "there are no better solutions that comes to my mind"
17:23 Hunterz joined #minetest-dev
17:42 Calinou :'(
17:42 Calinou colours galore in code
17:43 Calinou
17:43 Calinou <insert meme face here>
17:43 Calinou as if that was going to change anything but your looks anyway
17:51 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
17:57 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
17:59 kilbith Megaf_: make a .deb package for Ubuntu takes only 12-13 minutes, not 3 hours :
18:37 Chicken_shadow joined #minetest-dev
18:48 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
18:53 chchjesus joined #minetest-dev
18:53 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
19:49 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
19:49 Megaf_ kilbith: yep, but sometimes the server is building several packages at the same time
20:04 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
20:34 Amaz joined #minetest-dev
20:42 johnnyjoy joined #minetest-dev
21:13 johnnyjoy left #minetest-dev
21:13 johnnyjoy joined #minetest-dev
21:13 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
21:19 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
21:27 shadowzone joined #minetest-dev
21:31 troller joined #minetest-dev
22:02 zat joined #minetest-dev

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