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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-08-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:30 ch98 joined #minetest-dev
01:37 ch98 joined #minetest-dev
01:42 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
02:31 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
03:12 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
03:14 ch98 joined #minetest-dev
03:16 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
03:37 ch98 joined #minetest-dev
03:56 ecube joined #minetest-dev
04:08 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
04:13 SegFault22 joined #minetest-dev
04:13 SegFault22 left #minetest-dev
04:49 kahrl ... look at that
04:49 * VanessaE looks
04:50 VanessaE what, where? :D
04:50 kahrl sapier: the mainmenu lua could read any file readable to the current user, even if all file operations were restricted to the minetest directory
04:50 kahrl libcurl supports file:// URIs :D
04:54 neko259 joined #minetest-dev
04:55 VanessaE I...'m not so sure that's a safe thing to allow :)
05:00 kahrl what about FTP, FTPS?
05:01 VanessaE well
05:01 kahrl (and set CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS to the same, of course)
05:01 VanessaE I see no problem allowing FTP
05:01 VanessaE secure connections makes sense if you're just talking about fetching files from some random ite that enforces such
05:02 VanessaE site*
05:02 VanessaE (imagine using github as a media server :D )
05:02 VanessaE redirects...mmmh  I dunno about that
05:04 kahrl we already talked about redirects and the consensus was to allow them
05:04 VanessaE I can see a situation where a Minetest server is using some random website for its media files, without necessarily having direct control over that site
05:05 kahrl yeah - lets say somebody controls a media server but not the minetest server, but wants to shut it down temporarily and just forward to
05:05 VanessaE site owner decides "ok, this is costing me too much bandwidth, let's outsource".  Next thing you know, 2 or 3 redirects later, everything being served up is some variant of goatse.
05:06 VanessaE that's the only argument against it that I can see, other than redirects of course being a bit slower than direct access.
05:07 VanessaE (this is the part where sapier is supposed to sign on and start in on this conversation :D )
05:34 VanessaE for some reason, it feels like we're forgetting some important protocol..
05:35 VanessaE can it do rsync?
05:37 kahrl oh there's a list of the ones it can do in curl.h
05:37 VanessaE what, you want I should actually READ THE CODE!? ;)
05:37 kahrl
05:38 VanessaE gopher! :D
05:38 kahrl oh wow
05:38 VanessaE AH SCP
05:38 VanessaE that one is useful
05:39 VanessaE too bad it can't do NFS ;)
05:40 VanessaE really though, http/ftp is enough
05:40 kahrl just mount it and it can ;)
05:40 VanessaE true :D
05:41 VanessaE (seriously, gopher?  does anyone use that anymore?)
06:00 thexyz PilzAdam: I'll do that later, there are too many conflicts because 4bbb78a99b5d2a8446a1946eb44df01b618de4cc
06:04 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
07:24 yno joined #minetest-dev
07:32 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
07:34 Ritchie joined #minetest-dev
08:38 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
09:15 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
09:19 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
09:44 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
09:48 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
10:02 psedlak joined #minetest-dev
10:02 smoke_fumus joined #minetest-dev
10:03 nyuszika7h joined #minetest-dev
10:06 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
10:07 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
10:18 PilzAdam thexyz, oh damn, havent thought about merging weblate before pushing that one, sry
10:24 proller joined #minetest-dev
11:23 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
11:45 PilzAdam
11:50 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
11:54 nyuszika7h joined #minetest-dev
12:07 NakedFury joined #minetest-dev
13:30 celeron55 >Next thing you know, 2 or 3 redirects later, everything being served up is some variant of goatse.
13:30 celeron55 that actually doesn't matter because minetest can check the hashes of the contents
13:30 celeron55 (i don't think it does though?)
13:30 celeron55 maybe it should
14:03 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
14:04 thexyz wait wut wut
14:04 thexyz I asked for redirects because that'd allow me to abuse cloudflare free plan
14:04 thexyz and yeah, it definitely should check hashes
14:15 AllegedlyDead joined #minetest-dev
14:35 jojoa1997 joined #minetest-dev
14:35 jojoa1997 Hello
15:01 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-dev
15:01 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-dev
15:05 Weedy joined #minetest-dev
15:10 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-dev
15:12 Weedy_la1py joined #minetest-dev
15:13 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
15:14 rubenwardy Is anyone working on the lua main menu?
15:14 Weedy joined #minetest-dev
15:14 Weedy joined #minetest-dev
15:15 rubenwardy I started rewriting it to have a better style, and I am wondering whether that collides with any one
15:15 PilzAdam there are some open pull requests
15:16 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-dev
15:16 rubenwardy Yeah, mine will conflict
15:16 rubenwardy But it will be easy to adjust the commits to mine.
15:16 PilzAdam what do you mean with "better style"?
15:17 Weedy_la2py joined #minetest-dev
15:18 rubenwardy like this:
15:20 Weedy joined #minetest-dev
15:20 Weedy joined #minetest-dev
15:22 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
15:23 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-dev
15:23 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-dev
15:26 Weedy joined #minetest-dev
15:27 Weedy_la1py joined #minetest-dev
15:28 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
15:33 Weedy joined #minetest-dev
15:36 sapier joined #minetest-dev
15:37 sapier kahrl mainmenu doesn't enforce any security policys
15:40 sapier rubenwardy actually I just added i18n support to mainmenu
15:42 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-dev
15:47 Weedy joined #minetest-dev
15:47 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
15:48 sapier rubenwardy do you intend to use a single file per tab or add dialogs to those files (if the dialog is relevant for that tab only)
15:48 rubenwardy not sure
15:49 rubenwardy sounds logically
15:49 rubenwardy *logical
15:49 sapier your design is similar to what I used for modmanager and modstore (I've been to lazy to update the other tabs too) ;-)
15:50 sapier modstore and manager need tab private data too so there's an additional difference
15:50 sapier menu.world_to_del would be private too if this dialog wasn't called by different tabs ;-)
15:51 sapier but you should merge the i18n branch first unless you want to add it manually later I doubt automatic merge is possible
15:52 rubenwardy I will add it manually
15:53 sapier np don't forget about the fixes in guiFormspecMenu.cpp
15:54 sapier and plz don't revert the naming fixes for those TP functions it's just ugly to have anything lower case and 3 functions TPddfhdsg
16:01 rubenwardy is menu.render_TP_list(TPlist)
16:01 rubenwardy correct?
16:02 sapier no
16:02 sapier I replaced TP by texture_pack
16:02 rubenwardy ok
16:03 sapier yes it's longer but you don't have to guess "what does TP mean in this special case"
16:03 Weedy joined #minetest-dev
16:03 Weedy joined #minetest-dev
16:03 sapier most time it's obvious but e.g. filterTP isn't
16:04 sapier sfan5 minetest is still missing color predefines this was something YOU said you'd add it after you broke the previous readable color selection
16:24 nore_ joined #minetest-dev
16:25 nore_ can someone look at #858 and #859 please?
16:26 nore_ those are fixes for mainmenu and formspec-related things
16:26 rubenwardy I can not access github
16:27 Calinou it is odwn
16:27 sfan5 sapier: ..
16:28 rubenwardy I am going to have to go now
16:28 sapier sfan5 I need to add those damn color macros in all of my mods it's just annoying to have hundreds of copys
16:29 thexyz wait, wait, what color macroses do you need?
16:29 sfan5 ^ was just about to ask that
16:29 nore_ looks like they are under a ddos :(
16:29 thexyz have we agreed on some set yet?
16:30 sapier maybe you can imagine right exactly what color 19A222 is  but I CANT
16:30 nore_ sapier: light green?
16:30 sapier there already was a set ... I don't say you can't add more but at least that minimalistic ser
16:30 thexyz I vote for this
16:30 thexyz this set was shit (sorry)
16:31 sapier I don't know what color this is I need to start a program to update forst
16:31 thexyz I mean, YLW? GRN? Are you serious?
16:31 sapier a little bit too much  :)
16:31 thexyz any objections to "Color name charts"?
16:31 sapier no need to keep the exact names
16:32 thexyz from the wiki article I linked
16:32 sapier the 3 char lenght was a commitment to ease parsing
16:33 sapier isn't that already a little bit too much?
16:34 sapier as I'm already complaining .... -O1 is still crap for DEBUG BUILD
16:36 thexyz sapier: what do you mean?
16:37 sapier if you set cmake build type to debug you get compiler optimization -O1 which is useless for debugging ... and guess what I always need to compile twice
16:37 thexyz
16:37 thexyz sapier: no, I'm talking about "a little bit too much?"
16:38 Calinou <sapier> maybe you can imagine right exactly what color 19A222 is  but I CANT
16:38 Calinou it's easy
16:38 Calinou palettes suck
16:38 Calinou it's much easier for people to learn how to use hex colors than a palette
16:38 Calinou I never remember IRC colors, or worse, X11 colors
16:38 sapier we don't force that palette but just allow ppl to use it for convenience
16:38 Calinou (and don't even know how to use X11 colors anyway)
16:39 sapier I don't want to think about what "dark green" I used for this part neither do I want to look if #FFAACC was whit grey or light lemon if I read code
16:39 Calinou keep gcolor2 or such at hand
16:41 celeron55 any kind of pretty colors generally aren't anything that people actually know names for
16:41 thexyz I'm with sapier on that; it's easier to type darkred for me than to look what darkred is
16:41 sapier there's a app for everything of course but thats not an excuse to not add a simple lookup table increasing usability drasticaly
16:41 celeron55 (i'm against named colors; even just for KISS)
16:41 sapier I'm not talking about hundreds of colors just the basic colors and maybe light and dark versions
16:42 sapier I doubt #112233 is KISS
16:42 sapier maybe last S
16:42 sapier ;-)
16:42 celeron55 why not?
16:43 celeron55 ;-) ;-) ;-)
16:43 sapier because you don't program mods and don't need to lookup those names for code you didn't look at for lets say 2 months
16:43 celeron55 put colors in variables in the code then
16:43 thexyz that's what we were going to do
16:44 celeron55 myniceblue = "#3344cc"
16:44 sapier yes so we have 200 mods all using slightly different colors ... that's going to give a very consistent feeling when playing minetest
16:45 sapier I already use those variables for my mods but I guess other mods use slightly different dark green values
16:45 celeron55 so you intend to add some kind of minetest.colors = {somecolor="#something", ...}
16:46 celeron55 or what?
16:46 thexyz yes
16:46 sfan5 what if modders use their own colors instead of built-in "standard" colors, that not consistent too
16:46 sapier I more thought about something like COLOR_GREEN = "#00FF00" but thats a minor detail
16:46 celeron55 then i am strongly against using something like that "green" is #00ff00
16:46 celeron55 because that's a horrible color
16:46 celeron55 make a good palette
16:46 sapier that's been an example ;-P
16:47 sfan5 00ff00 is lime green
16:47 celeron55 and don't stick to any programmer colors
16:47 thexyz there already are color palettes
16:47 thexyz that are supported everywhere
16:47 thexyz (hint:
16:47 sfan5 lets use HTML colors
16:48 sapier I don't care about what exact colors so I'm fine with svg as well as html colors
16:49 celeron55 i think someone who has actually ever made any kind of acceptable graphics should be consulted on this palette issue
16:49 sapier I only wanna write something like "textlistelements = COLOR_GREEN .. "the text for element," .. COLOR_RED .. "some other element," .. COLOR_BLUE .. "another element"
16:49 thexyz ah
16:49 thexyz that feeling when c55 ignores you
16:50 thexyz no let's make our very own palette
16:50 thexyz because NIH
16:50 celeron55 thexyz: i looked at that; what then?
16:50 * sfan5 is not the person who made "acceptable" graphics (hint: initial apple texture)
16:50 celeron55 thexyz: i'm not qualified to choose anything
16:50 sapier rba maybe? or vanessae?
16:51 celeron55 ...
16:52 celeron55 they are simply programmers too
16:52 PilzAdam Im against predefined colors, modders should be forced to think about their own colors, and not just use what someone thinks is a good color
16:52 sapier ok who is our graphics guru then? *g*
16:53 sfan5 PilzAdam: <sapier> [...] that's going to give a very consistent feeling when playing minetest
16:54 sapier we don't disallow ppl to use different colors predefined colors are just a hint
16:54 Calinou green would be 008000, bright_green would be 00ff00, and dark_green would be 004000
16:54 Calinou (about the "green" discussion)
16:54 thexyz okay, so can anyone explain the problem with w3c set?
16:54 thexyz those are well known
16:54 Calinou or use a pre-made set
16:54 Calinou PilzAdam: you use kubuntu, and you say that? :p
16:54 celeron55 if consistency is wanted and you want to look good, then you need some kind of an actual palette, like
16:55 celeron55 with something like thexyz linked, you don't get consistency
16:55 celeron55 they are completely different things
16:55 thexyz what is "consistency"?
16:56 thexyz to me, it's when red in all mods is red
16:56 sapier e.g. if you have 5 dialogs all using "green" for something good and every green is different that's not consistent
16:56 celeron55 sapier clearly wants some kind of stylistic palette
16:56 celeron55 thexyz just wants to write programmer colors as words
16:56 sapier that'd be best
16:57 celeron55 it's a different thing
16:57 thexyz 20:47  <      sapier> | I don't care about what exact colors so I'm fine with svg as well as html colors
16:57 celeron55 we could even implement both though
16:57 thexyz 20:49  <      sapier> | I only wanna write something like "textlistelements = COLOR_GREEN .. "the text for element," .. COLOR_RED .. "some other element," .. COLOR_BLUE .. "another element"
16:57 sapier I'd be fine with thexyz's version too but yes stylistic set would be even better suite my intention
17:03 nore_ now that github is back online, could someone look at 868 and 869 please?
17:03 celeron55 minetest.colors.svg = {} and minetest.colors.theme = {}? 8) there's the problem of figuring out how to base the themed color naming
17:04 thexyz and then suddenly it's easier to type #008000 than
17:05 celeron55 you can just do local c = minetest.colors.svg and then you have and whatever
17:05 celeron55 namespacing is a much used concept for a reason
17:05 celeron55 it's insane to pollute the global namespace with colors
17:05 thexyz why not?
17:05 nore_ thexyz, that is the main problem
17:06 celeron55 because you can do it cleaner with only benefits
17:06 thexyz like? the first benefit is that every mod will include >local c = minetest.colors.svg
17:07 celeron55 the first benefit is that the constants aren't ugly and prefixed with bloat that you can't get rid of
17:07 celeron55 local green = COLOR_GREEN; local red = COLOR_RED; yeah fun
17:07 thexyz did I say that it's better to use COLOR_GREEN?
17:08 thexyz even global `colors = {}` is better
17:09 PilzAdam why not a function minetest.get_colors("svg") that returns a table?
17:09 thexyz shit
17:09 PilzAdam so every mod can call it whatever they want
17:09 celeron55 thexyz: well you can just make that a default alias for minetest.colors.svg; whatever; but having only a global "colors" would be masked if someone has their own variable "colors"
17:11 thexyz PilzAdam: why not a metaclass which returns a class which then we use to create an object which has a very convenient :get_colors method which returns table with colors? so every mod can just call it whatever they want
17:11 celeron55 you just have to have a sane hierarchy of namespaces and then tug it down to some easier default if it seems to be needed
17:12 thexyz I'm fine with minetest.colors as long as we have some shortcut like mt.c
17:12 thexyz I'm not good with naming
17:14 celeron55 does the API currently eat any other kind of colors than those html six digit hexes?
17:16 celeron55 i can't really tell based on lua_api.txt
17:16 nore_ sapier, I tested what happened with the \n not removed by 859, and it looks good.
17:16 celeron55 it's written too badly
17:17 celeron55 everything is vague
17:17 thexyz it's just trolling
17:17 thexyz > see colorkeys
17:17 thexyz and there's nothing about colorkeys, moreover, they're dropped now
17:17 celeron55 yeah
17:18 celeron55 also like "color in hexadecimal format RRGGBB"
17:18 celeron55 while there is no place for color
17:18 thexyz in some places you should use `#color`, in others `color`
17:18 celeron55 also nobody tells whether there is # or not
17:18 thexyz (or so it seems)
17:18 celeron55 also 0xFFFFFF is mentioned
17:19 celeron55 lol 8D
17:19 thexyz in HUD
17:19 thexyz and is seriously behind
17:20 sapier joined #minetest-dev
17:20 thexyz moreover, some methods use camelCase while others are underscore_separated
17:20 celeron55 i'm sure this is how PHP developers feel
17:22 thexyz they have docs and examples
17:22 thexyz and stackoverflow
17:22 celeron55 we have stackoverflow too!
17:23 nore_ sapier, I tested what happened with the \n not removed by 859, and it looks good.
17:23 nore_ is there anything more to do?
17:23 thexyz no answers, how typical
17:24 celeron55 that's how stackoverflow works
17:24 celeron55 you ask a question and then everyone tries to not answer it but rather post useless comments!
17:25 sapier I don't think so nore_ but maybe others do have comments too
17:26 sapier I'd be fine with COLOR=minetest.color.svg and use COLOR["green"] in mod too
17:26 sfan5 thexyz: #<color> is when color is optional (list elements) and <color> if its required
17:27 sapier as long as I don't have to copy a x-elements color table from mod to mod and keep that damn thing in sync ;-)
17:27 sapier is there something except listelements that use color right now?
17:27 sfan5 IIRC yes
17:28 sapier any chance to make this consistent for both?
17:28 sfan5 umm
17:28 sfan5
17:28 sfan5 apparently someone forgot to remove something when copy-pasting
17:29 sapier no the upper description 993 is wrong
17:30 sfan5 also: the #<color> vs. <color> things makes sense since otherwise the engine wouldn't know whether the listelement is "F1A99BSome text" without color or "Some text" with color #F1A99B
17:30 sapier descriptions usually don't use optional fields
17:30 sapier yes in listelement we need the # (or some other escape character to mark a color)
17:30 sfan5 Line 999 is wrong
17:31 sfan5 it refers to colorkeys
17:31 nore_ sfan5, but how does it know that if text begins with #?
17:31 sfan5 nore_: ##F1A99B -> "#F1A99B" without color
17:31 sapier colorkeys is at 993 ... why does everyone always have different line numbers than I have??
17:31 sfan5 refers to colorkeys
17:33 sapier ok now I have two konqueror windows with same file but different line numbers ;-/ ... I hate kde
17:33 sfan5 haha
17:34 sfan5 I'll work on a fix for the colorkey mess in lua_api.txt
17:34 sapier yes :-) you made it you should fix it ;-P
17:34 nore_ sfan5, about formspec-related things, what do you think of #868 and #869?
17:35 Miner_48er joined #minetest-dev
17:35 sapier something completely different what about a minetest.getusectimestamp() function for tracing purposes?
17:37 nore_ the important question is where time is spent, not how much...
17:37 nore_ but it coukd still be useful
17:37 sfan5 what about a profiler interface for lua?
17:37 sapier could be implemented with this fct
17:38 sapier it'd be a wrapper layer between core and mods but with second granularity like os.time provides there's no use for profiling
17:38 thexyz you can have a profiler in pure lua
17:38 sapier and socket isn't installed by default
17:39 sapier no you can't thexyz
17:39 thexyz no you can
17:39 sapier all profilers I know need accurate time
17:39 sapier and by default lua doesn't provide a timesource with reasonable resolution
17:39 sfan5 lua_api.txt fix pushed
17:40 neko259 joined #minetest-dev
17:41 sfan5 nore_: #868 should be merged IMO, I have that bug too; #869 too maybe
17:41 neko259 joined #minetest-dev
17:41 sapier I already use lua profiler for mobf but as long as it requires the socket lib to be installed I can't tell users "enable profiler and send it to me" in case of performnce issues
17:42 sapier sfan5 this one isn't a bug but an irrlicht feature ;-)
17:43 thexyz
17:43 sapier but I'm for 868 too although I don't like singleclick world starting
17:43 sfan5 I don't think the Irrlicht devs will do it like this "feature" annoys one user lets remove it ;)
17:43 sfan5 s/;\)/;-)/
17:44 sapier os.clock()??
17:44 PilzAdam nore_, what about completly removing single- and doubleclick to start a world? since singleclick is not intuitive and doubleclick doesnt work correctly
17:44 thexyz >event.typ >DCL
17:44 thexyz aww
17:45 sapier you approved it two months ago thexyz don't complain about it now without better suggestion
17:45 celeron55 i think the lua gui stuff should be modified to accept # in any color, so that the color lists could be in format "#rrggbb"
17:45 nore_ PilzAdam, I can do thqt
17:46 thexyz sapier: yeah, what about "type"
17:46 celeron55 (or, well, color tables)
17:46 nore_ celeron55, I agree
17:47 thexyz sapier: I think os.clock is good enough to "tell users "enable profiler and send it to me" in case of performnce issues"
17:47 sapier hmm noone realized that typo before
17:48 nore_ should I rem8ve clicking to start world or not?
17:48 thexyz sapier: also, I'd prefer having constants for events instead of strings
17:48 sapier thexyz I'm not sure if this is in ms for all architectures
17:49 nore_ sapier, it was a typo? I thought it was to shorten the variable names..
17:49 sapier thexyz there are no constants in lua
17:49 sapier unless you want to abuse a global variable as constant
17:49 nore_ use DCL instead of "DCL"
17:50 nore_ with DCL=1
17:50 thexyz sapier: can you tell me the difference?
17:50 sapier a global variable pollutes namespace
17:50 nore_ a constant does that too
17:50 sapier if someone does DCL = 10 it'll fail horribly
17:50 sapier there are no constants in lua nore_
17:51 thexyz okay, then yeah, I'd prefer to "abuse a global variable as constant" instead of using "DCL"
17:51 celeron55 we use strings in lua
17:51 celeron55 but what is that DCL thing
17:51 thexyz I'd also call it something more reasonable
17:52 thexyz like EVENT_DOUBLE_CLICK
17:52 celeron55 i don't even know what you're talking about, but it doesn't sound at all like what we tend to call things
17:52 sapier just change it ;-)
17:52 * sfan5 prefers s/DOUBLE_CLICK/DOUBLECLICK/
17:52 sapier formspec is only designed for buttons
17:52 celeron55 knowing nothing about it other than that it's doubleclick, i'd call it "doubleclick"
17:53 thexyz celeron55: and then you make a typo somewhere
17:53 sapier so textlist needed to add information to determin if it's a doubleclick  or singleclick thats what "DCL" is used for
17:53 sfan5 has settings a metatable on _G any effect on setting variables normally?
17:53 celeron55 thexyz: the api is full of those kinds of things; you just need to be careful and that's it
17:53 thexyz though there's no difference
17:53 sfan5 if it does you could make pseudo-constants
17:54 celeron55 thexyz: also, using a random variable name in lua is nil, isn't it?
17:54 sapier if you want to change it change it now it's gonna break any mod using textlists
17:54 thexyz celeron55: there are some tools which can check your code
17:54 sapier yes it is
17:55 sapier so if you use DCL you have to add DCL=1 SCL=2 .. or whatever singleclick is right now
17:55 thexyz
17:55 celeron55 sfan5: for sure you can make some kind of constants in lua with metatables, like you can make almost anything with metatables in lua
17:55 nore_ singleclick is CHG IIRC
17:55 sapier ok CHG=2
17:55 sfan5 metatables only work for arrays IIRC
17:56 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest-dev
17:56 celeron55 sfan5: yeah you need to put them in some table/object kind of thing
17:56 nore_ s/arrays/tables
17:56 thexyz EVENT_CLICK
17:56 celeron55 altough in lua the global namespace is a table too
17:56 thexyz holywar in process …
17:56 sfan5 let me try if you can set the metatable of _G
17:56 celeron55 dunno if you can add a metatable to that 8)
17:57 sapier no in lua it's one single stack knowing the index you can access anything
17:57 sapier like addresses in c
17:57 celeron55
17:58 sapier isn't metatable overkill?
17:58 thexyz seriously, I'd prefer this to "CHG" and "DCL"
17:58 sapier guys you need to distinguish singleclick from doubleclick only
17:58 celeron55 to be clear: i am not proposing to use anything for enums in minetest's lua api; i want to stick with strings
17:58 sapier it's passed to lua by string ... the events already are convenience features
17:58 celeron55 strings in the style that we already use
17:58 PilzAdam <celeron55> <- since when do you code java?
17:59 sapier if you don't whant the event mechanism you can parse the event yourself too
18:00 nore_
18:00 nore_ sfan5, above
18:01 nore_ for metatable of _G
18:01 sapier e.g. if field["yourtextlist"] == "CHG:1" then select first element
18:01 sfan5 nore_: mhm
18:02 ch98 joined #minetest-dev
18:03 sapier thexyz you can change it in guiFormspecMenu.cpp to whatever you want but to it prior 0.4.8 if this is once out in a stable version it's no option to break all mods using it
18:04 nore_ about 868, should I remove click-to-start-world?
18:05 nore_ and for 869, is there anything more to do?
18:05 sfan5 869 seems fine
18:06 sapier nore_ you should write somewhere that sever as well as mod description may look different after this change
18:06 nore_ in news?
18:07 sapier in puhh request description will be enough
18:07 nore_ ok, I will do it
18:07 sapier as old behaviour isn't in a stable version too right now i guess it's no problem too
18:09 nore_ sapier, done
18:10 sapier thexyz I guess os.clock will be fine for some things but I'm not sure if ms is really enough ... at least on windows and linux it's ms ... does anyone know if this is true for bsd too?
18:13 kahrl I'm trying out something else
18:13 kahrl on listbox click, check if the same item was previously selected (by a user event, not setSelected)
18:14 kahrl by the way, does the API currently set all listboxes to DCL if one of them is doubleclicked?
18:15 sapier I don't know I didn't have that usecase by now
18:17 sapier if you check for same element you need to do some timekeeping too
18:17 kahrl oh, I only check if irrlicht reports SELECTED_AGAIN
18:18 kahrl so that should do the timekeeping
18:18 sapier no it doesn't
18:18 sapier wasn't there a bug with a event beeing triggered right at begining?
18:20 kahrl testing...
18:20 kahrl (though someone with 1.7* needs to test the end result too)
18:23 kahrl should stuff like explode_textlist_event be in the global namespace? and where are INV, CHG, DCL documented? do any mods use them?
18:24 nore_ it's too recent, so I don't think so
18:24 sapier mobf uses them
18:25 sapier but as I said by now its in no stable minetest version
18:25 sapier and I'm not gonna declare new mobf version stable on top of a git minetest version
18:27 sapier still why do you realize this 2 months after merge and more than 3 months after initial pull request
18:27 kahrl because I didn't read it all?
18:28 sapier if this really is that critical why didn't anyone else realize it?
18:28 PilzAdam sapier, it would be more visible if you had documented it somewhere
18:29 sapier of course I could have documentet exactly those points you discover later ... if I'd knew what youd discover later
18:29 sapier if I documented any single thing I did for mainmenu you'd not have found that single point in that huge documentation too
18:30 PilzAdam is there anything else that is not documented in menu_lua_api.txt?
18:30 sapier of course ... I guess all those things added after initial pull request may be candidates for it
18:30 sapier doubleclick support was one of those too
18:31 sapier initial mainmenu didn't have doubleclick support but someone said "no no no that can't be done without doubleclick"
18:31 kahrl oh, I forgot to add some of the functions I moved to ModApiUtil to menu_lua_api.txt
18:31 sapier ;-P
18:32 sapier but I remember adding DCL documentation I don't know why it was lost in final version of doc
18:33 kahrl get_dig_params, get_hit_params, get_password_hash
18:39 PilzAdam thexyz, is it possible to rebase the weblate branch before merging into master? this way all the commits would be together in the history
18:41 kahrl sapier: if we stick to the INV/CHG/DCL convention, what would you call the type where a listbox is unchanged
18:41 kahrl UNC?
18:43 sapier why send a event if nothing changes?
18:43 sapier you could consider "not changed" as special case of changed too aka change to same
18:43 celeron55 NOP
18:43 celeron55 8D
18:44 celeron55 send it each millisecond for each item
18:44 thexyz PilzAdam: yeah maybe
18:44 thexyz what's the problem with merge btw?
18:45 sapier millisecond? you're that yesterday now its us or even ns
18:46 kahrl bah! planck time
18:46 sapier use your imagination half planck time would be interesting
18:47 sapier no really what's "not changed" good for?
18:49 kahrl isn't the formspec supposed to send all fields when one changes?
18:49 kahrl it's weird that all the textlists are reported as changed
18:49 sapier as far as I know for buttons only the one clicked is sent
18:49 kahrl hmm
18:50 sapier actually only the one changed should be reported if there's more this is a bug
18:50 kahrl ah okay, yes it does that, misread the code
19:00 neko259 joined #minetest-dev
19:07 PilzAdam thexyz, its easier to skip the translate part in the commit log if all are in one place rather than spammed all over the place
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19:14 thexyz oh, I see
19:14 thexyz we're using rebase for some odd reason
19:31 kahrl I managed to fix one problem, which is the initial setSelected() counting as a click
19:32 sapier good
19:32 kahrl there's another one I haven't fixed yet, namely dragging counting as a doubleclick
19:34 kahrl well, I guess for this I do actually need to store the time
19:36 proller support for 63 levels liquid - - very smooth flowing with lliquid_finite (not ready for merge now)
19:44 Alan_ joined #minetest-dev
19:44 sapier left #minetest-dev
19:47 nore_ so, about 869, is there anything to be done, or can it be merged?
19:47 kahrl nore_: sapier just left :P
19:47 nore_ and I guess 868 isn't needed anymore
19:48 nore_ kahrl, sapier said that he thought nothing more was needed, but that I had to ask the others about it
19:49 nore_ in the logs of today, a few hours ago
19:49 kahrl I see
19:53 nore_ kahrl, with what you are doing, 868 isn't needed, is it?
19:54 kahrl yep
19:54 nore_ or should it be added nevertheless?
19:55 kahrl well I don't like it jumping into the game on a single click
19:56 kahrl though if the other devs do, they can override my opinion
19:56 nore_ I can completely disable starting on click, if needed
19:56 nore_ just a few lines to delete
19:57 kahrl nah, with my patch the doubleclick behaviour is kept without being annoying
19:58 nore_ you shiukd close it then
19:58 kahrl when my patch is ready and agreed upon
20:00 nore_ I reckon there were other core devs agreeing 869, too
20:00 kahrl
20:00 nore_ sapier, sfan5 said maybe
20:01 ch98 joined #minetest-dev
20:01 kahrl sapier isn't a core dev
20:01 smoke_fumus joined #minetest-dev
20:02 nore_ isn't he?
20:02 kahrl he develops the core sometimes :P
20:02 nore_ but sfan5 is one anyway
20:02 kahrl but not officially a core dev
20:02 kahrl sfan5 is, yes
20:03 PilzAdam kahrl, that patch works with 1.7.3
20:04 kahrl nore_: how did the discussion about the \r \n problem end?
20:04 kahrl PilzAdam, good
20:04 nore_ that it was ok, see the logs from today
20:05 PilzAdam kahrl, now we need some more black magic to stop moving the slider when selecting an item from a long list
20:05 nore_ I tested it and did not see bad things, plus it has not been in a stable release yet
20:05 kahrl PilzAdam: yep that keeps annoying me too
20:06 nore_ I have a question about modstore: does it take forever to load for you too?
20:07 nore_ and I have nothing on pages 2, 3,4, but page 1 is full
20:07 PilzAdam nore_, it takes a while
20:08 PilzAdam I guess the empty pages are due to mods that dont have a .zip release uploaded yet
20:08 nore_ but there are no screenshots nor description
20:09 nore_ and pages are still there
20:09 PilzAdam I consider this a bug
20:09 kahrl I haven't played with it yet
20:09 kahrl it only shows installed mods for me
20:09 nore_ the button download?
20:10 kahrl oh!
20:10 kahrl I thought that would download the selected mod...
20:10 nore_ btw, PilzAdam, any opinions on 869?
20:11 PilzAdam I am not familiar with the escaping stuff
20:11 PilzAdam I just know that it tends to break stuff ;-)
20:12 nore_ I tested it, and did not see anything break
20:16 kahrl didn't see anything breaking on a quick glance
20:17 kahrl some server descriptions were empty, but they are empty in current master too (I guess they are really empty)
20:17 kahrl code seems reasonable, so in my opinion it can be merged
20:18 nore_ lines 32 and 33 of modstore.lua should be changed
20:19 nore_ use get_texturepath instead of get_gamepath
20:20 nore_ and line 173 should use math.ceil and not math.floor
20:21 kahrl what about defaulttexturedir in mm_textures.lua?
20:22 nore_ perhaps too, I did not check those files whan I added get_texturepath
20:22 nore_ some grep -R is definitely needed
20:23 nore_ kahrl, so it can be merged?
20:24 nore_ or do we need one more core dev?
20:24 kahrl right now it's 1.5 devs agreeing to #869 so not yet
20:25 kahrl brb
20:36 PilzAdam 869 is good if sapier agrees to it
20:37 nore_ he does, see earlier
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21:40 Tesseract Finally got a segfault in a debuger:
21:41 PilzAdam do you have the full backtrace?
21:41 Tesseract I think it is reproducable by  loading a world, havind a mod crash, leaving the error screan for a few minutes, and then strting the world again.
21:41 Tesseract One sec...
21:43 Zeitgeist_ joined #minetest-dev
21:45 Tesseract Is there a dump to file option for bt full?
21:45 PilzAdam dunno
21:45 Tesseract I have every variableavailabil when it crashed, which is quite a lot...
21:45 Tesseract variable available*
21:46 Tesseract How about a non-full bt...
21:46 Tesseract
21:52 damiel joined #minetest-dev
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22:05 kahrl I'll merge 869 then. What about the doubleclick fix?
22:05 PilzAdam it works, so its good
22:14 PilzAdam since doubleclick works now:
22:15 PilzAdam this adds the ability to use doubleclick in the modmanager too
22:18 kahrl I think that has to wait until the scrolling problem is fixed
22:18 kahrl maybe?
22:21 PilzAdam I dont think so; its less useable but nothing breaks
22:22 PilzAdam it works fine for the first 13 mods in the list, and for the others there is still the checkbox
22:24 kahrl ah, I thought it was like !old_style_mod_selection i.e. without the checkbox
22:24 PilzAdam its basically both ways combined
22:26 kahrl ah, I think I can fix the scroll problem
22:26 kahrl in an extremely ugly but working way
22:27 kahrl basically: get a list of all the children of the listbox
22:27 kahrl one of them is the scrollbar, gets its position when each listbox is destroyed, set it back to the old value after a new listbox is created
22:27 kahrl get*
22:28 kahrl I checked the CGUIListBox code, thankfully it doesn't try to cache the getPos() of the scrollbar
22:29 kahrl if this stops working in a future release of irrlicht, the best solution would probably to "fork" CGUIListBox
22:29 kahrl +be
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22:52 kahrl unbelievable
22:52 kahrl it works
22:55 kahrl
22:57 PilzAdam nice
22:57 PilzAdam works here too
22:57 kahrl push?
22:57 PilzAdam yea
22:57 PilzAdam now the menu is actually useable again
22:59 Tesseract Hmmm, automatic_face_movement_dir doesn't work with y velocity...
23:00 PilzAdam Tesseract, because there is no way to set the pitch of an entity yet
23:00 kahrl Tesseract: hehe, sapier said that nobody would need that in the near future
23:01 PilzAdam kahrl, no, he said that about animation speed
23:01 kahrl oh, right
23:01 Tesseract Oh, well I need to set the pitch for a certain mod to look good at all...
23:02 PilzAdam Tesseract, the only way to set pitch is by attaching the object to something
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23:03 Tesseract PilzAdam: I can set the pitch it is attached with?
23:03 PilzAdam kahrl, can I push that doubleclick support for modmanager list now?
23:03 kahrl PilzAdam, sure
23:03 PilzAdam Tesseract, you can set the pitch of the child, not the parent
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23:36 PilzAdam
23:37 PilzAdam oh, that table.sort() call in modmgr.lua:323 is redundant
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23:40 PilzAdam should game mods be always added at the bottom?
23:46 kahrl yeah, I think that's fine
23:48 PilzAdam
23:48 VanessaE regarding colors:  check colors.txt in unified dyes.  I've long since established a standard RGB <-> name mapping standard there (except black and white might be off by 1 or two points)
23:49 VanessaE (rest of backlog:  tl;dr)
23:49 VanessaE oops, double standard there :D
23:50 PilzAdam VanessaE, you dont want to read how kahrl fixed the doubleclick problem?
23:50 VanessaE tt;tl;dr.
23:50 VanessaE (too tired; too long; didn't read)
23:53 kahrl PilzAdam: one problem: when "Hide mp content" is unchecked the modpack is not necessarily at the top of the mods it contains
23:53 VanessaE glad you fixed it though, kahrl  :)
23:53 kahrl e.g. minetest-mod-mesecons is below all the mesecons_... mods
23:54 PilzAdam let me see how to fix this...

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