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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-07-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:02 PilzAdam Im going to sleep now
00:24 hmmmm alright, so i think i'm going to get rid of the height_min height_max biome stuff and have a height_point
00:24 hmmmm it just makes sense because biomes are always an inexact nature anyway
00:25 VanessaE um
00:28 RealBadAngel heh i just got another sapiers funded issue i think
00:29 RealBadAngel some1 made setting enable_shaders set to true
00:29 RealBadAngel i bet its sapiers
00:29 RealBadAngel caused all the shaders code not to work at all
00:30 RealBadAngel while this setting can be 0, 1 or 2
00:31 RealBadAngel i rebased all my stuff, double and triple checked everything and it was not working
00:32 RealBadAngel took me a while to find a reason :)
00:32 khonkhortisan then it shouldn't be called enable_
00:32 RealBadAngel menu changes fucked up enable_shaders setting
00:33 RealBadAngel # 0: disable shaders
00:33 RealBadAngel # (1: low level shaders; not implemented)
00:33 RealBadAngel # 2: enable high level shaders
00:33 RealBadAngel #enable_shaders = 2
00:34 RealBadAngel clickin on enable shaders in menu sets the value to true
00:34 khonkhortisan lol
00:34 khonkhortisan there should be [\] half a checkmark for 1
00:35 VanessaE or jut a bunch of checkboxes for each type of shader
00:35 RealBadAngel basic ones could be level 1
00:35 VanessaE so that for G*d sakes I could disable the one that makes the tops of stuff get brighter, without losing alpha support.
00:35 RealBadAngel so, im goin to push now my own changes
00:36 RealBadAngel then fix the sapier's bug
00:36 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
00:37 * khonkhortisan votes to rename enable_shaders to shader_level
00:37 khonkhortisan but why is it creative_mode?
00:38 khonkhortisan full_block_send_enable_min_time_from_building = 2.0 *sigh*
00:39 kaeza who needs comments when you have self-explaining variables?
00:42 RealBadAngel +  if fields["cb_shaders"] then
00:42 RealBadAngel +    engine.setting_setbool("enable_shaders",tabbuilder.tobool(fields["cb_shaders"]))
00:42 RealBadAngel +  end
00:43 RealBadAngel thats sapier's change
00:43 RealBadAngel shall i follow it and modify engine to use true/false or keep 0,1,2 values?
00:44 VanessaE true/false on multiple variables
00:44 VanessaE since not everyone will necessarily want the same set of shaders.
00:44 RealBadAngel i can adapt the engine. sapier is the one to change the code to fit the current state
00:46 RealBadAngel imho shaders should use true/false and then detailed settings anyway
00:46 RealBadAngel low level/high level means nothing
00:54 VanessaE well a true/false to enable shaders to begin with maybe, but each type of shader needs a control
00:55 VanessaE maybe one person will want only top-side brightness and alpha, another might just want the bumpmapping and nothing else, etc etc.
00:55 khonkhortisan creative_mode = 0, 1, 2
00:55 khonkhortisan enable_shaders = false
00:55 khonkhortisan crash_game = -inf
00:55 RealBadAngel
00:55 RealBadAngel newly generated world :)
00:59 RealBadAngel
00:59 RealBadAngel and with Haven TP
01:03 VanessaE what, no screenshot with HDX? :)
01:04 RealBadAngel you make it
01:04 RealBadAngel well hold on
01:06 Anchakor this is with shaders?
01:06 Anchakor what the shaders do?
01:07 RealBadAngel bumpmapping
01:07 RealBadAngel for starters with fixed light source
01:08 RealBadAngel also theres specular effect coded
01:08 RealBadAngel fixed too
01:09 RealBadAngel now we do need to add light sources just for it to shine bright
01:35 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
01:41 dexter0 joined #minetest-dev
02:59 punsitis joined #minetest-dev
03:18 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
04:34 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
04:36 neko259 joined #minetest-dev
04:58 Taoki[mobile] joined #minetest-dev
05:13 Taoki[mobile]_1 joined #minetest-dev
05:59 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
06:01 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
06:01 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
07:45 EdB joined #minetest-dev
07:57 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
08:52 Zeg9 joined #minetest-dev
09:07 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
09:13 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
09:42 loggingbot_ joined #minetest-dev
09:42 Topic for #minetest-dev is now Minetest core development and maintenance. Chit-chat goes to #minetest. Consider this instead of /msg celeron55.
09:43 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
09:51 EdB joined #minetest-dev
11:05 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
11:13 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
11:40 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
13:25 Anchakor_ joined #minetest-dev
13:29 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
13:29 RealBadAngel hi all
13:32 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, sorry for delay yesterday. it came it was not my fault
13:32 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
13:33 RealBadAngel thx to testing before pushing i traced sapier's bug
13:34 PilzAdam RealBadAngel,
13:34 PilzAdam and why have you added an extra setting for this?
13:35 Calinou PilzAdam: quick disabling, for packs that have normal maps?
13:35 Calinou else you have to move the normal maps by hand
13:36 RealBadAngel every shader will come with its own setting
13:37 Zeg9 Better have a setting for it until it works everywhere...
13:37 PilzAdam why is enable_shaders an s32 then?
13:37 RealBadAngel you ask me?
13:37 RealBadAngel ask c55
13:37 RealBadAngel btw its wrong
13:38 RealBadAngel and sapier's bug can turn out good
13:38 PilzAdam you could enable bumpmapping if enable_shaders >= 3
13:38 RealBadAngel no
13:38 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
13:38 RealBadAngel you shall be able to enable shaders at all, and select which ones you want to use
13:40 RealBadAngel current system (not finished anyway) assumes that we can turn off the shaders, or enable all the power eatin shaders without choice
13:42 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, and >=3 or >=30 make completely no point when there are dozens of shaders to come
13:44 RealBadAngel only tab in menu with enable/disable each of them makes sence
13:45 celeron55 PilzAdam: enable_shaders has settings 0, 1 and 2, of which 1 is assembly shaders and 2 is high-level language shaders
13:45 RealBadAngel so user will be able to pick up water reflections, god rays but no bumpmapping for example
13:45 celeron55 by testing it was determined that assembly shaders are useless
13:45 Taoki RealBadAngel: Hi
13:46 celeron55 and nobody will code them anyway
13:46 celeron55 so it could be just had as a true/false setting instead
13:46 RealBadAngel celeron55, so i got the meanin of the setting wrong
13:46 RealBadAngel i thought 1 for very basic ones, depending on hardware
13:46 Taoki RealBadAngel: Saw my mention about bumpmapping causing black surfaces instead of working?
13:47 celeron55 RealBadAngel: no, anything like that shouldn't be done
13:47 RealBadAngel so i request Sapier to fix the bug then
13:47 celeron55 (unless there is a VERY good reason to)
13:47 RealBadAngel formspec changes fucked up this very setting
13:49 RealBadAngel Taoki, please send me all the details, GFX card youre using, OS,  Drivers and sample screenshot
13:50 Taoki RealBadAngel: openSUSE 12.3 64bit, Radeon HD 6870, fglrx driver (proprietary ATI driver). Others reported the issue too. Before I get screenshots, what I can say is that all textures are black... I only see the sky and the fog on black nodes
13:50 RealBadAngel what about downloading texture pack?
13:51 Taoki Using the Sphax pack with normal maps
13:52 RealBadAngel ok, we will try to hunt down the reason
13:53 RealBadAngel its 4 pm now at my time zone
13:53 RealBadAngel i will be back online in four or five hours
13:53 Taoki 5pm (almost) here :)
13:53 Taoki ok
13:53 Taoki Need to go in an hour too, will be back about the same time after
13:53 RealBadAngel so youre +1, not much
13:54 RealBadAngel great
13:54 RealBadAngel we will try to reproduce steps to get or avoid errors
13:55 RealBadAngel GFX stuff is hard to debug
13:55 Zeg9 RealBadAngel: try running minetest with LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1
13:55 RealBadAngel i know that my code is workin on either very old and brand new GPU's
13:55 Taoki RealBadAngel: Oh, and no error messages in console about it happening
13:55 Zeg9 Apparently the GL software renderer has this issue too
13:56 RealBadAngel if so it can be caused by drivers
13:56 RealBadAngel i already know that all open source drivers for linux are worth shit
13:57 RealBadAngel so only propertiary and proper version of it
13:57 RealBadAngel there should not be such problem for windows on the other hand
13:57 Taoki fglrx is the proprietary driver, same as what Windows users have for ATI cards. The free drivers are getting goog also
13:58 Taoki I actually think Minetest is a little faster with the free Radeon driver. But I need fgorx for other rojects that can't work without it
13:58 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
13:58 RealBadAngel but from my experience before i got proper one, i had to reinstall ubuntu 5 or 6 times
13:59 RealBadAngel because i was using too old gpu
13:59 RealBadAngel and amd already showed a finger
14:00 RealBadAngel its not like on windows that newer driver will properly use older hardware
14:00 RealBadAngel at some point theyre dropped
14:01 RealBadAngel thats why Thorvalds said "Fuck you Nvidia"
14:01 RealBadAngel he just forgot to add 'and all of you manufacturers mafia'
14:02 RealBadAngel because they made it on purpose, to force users to buy new hardware
14:03 RealBadAngel it was good? its still working? fuck it, lets cause drivers stop to work with it
14:03 celeron55 ha, planned obsolescence, the best thing ever
14:03 RealBadAngel its a fact
14:03 celeron55 it should be illegal
14:04 RealBadAngel tv switches are planned to work exact numer of times
14:04 RealBadAngel then they broke
14:04 RealBadAngel same for phones
14:05 RealBadAngel and it is legal
14:05 celeron55 well, really they're planned so that "how can we make this the cheapest possible given that it has to work N times"
14:05 celeron55 but it results in the same thing
14:06 Zeg9 joined #minetest-dev
14:06 RealBadAngel look at the time of live for any electronic product
14:06 celeron55 except some shit that doesn't even make any sense while still exists (like some of the printer stuff and whatever)
14:06 RealBadAngel when you buy it you can read its ages after new solutions
14:07 RealBadAngel how to force you to buy new one?
14:07 RealBadAngel design it to break after certain time
14:07 RealBadAngel even swiss watches dont have now lifetime warranty
14:08 RealBadAngel on the other hand, i was living in berlin some time ago
14:08 RealBadAngel we were doing some renovation to an old flat
14:09 RealBadAngel he have found radio receiver from before ww2
14:09 RealBadAngel we just turned it on and enjoyed POLISH stations
14:10 RealBadAngel the feature none of the modern receivers didnt have
14:11 RealBadAngel over 60 yrs old, still functionin and better than nowadays one? curious isnt it?
14:11 RealBadAngel last year i bought a very good keyboard
14:12 RealBadAngel aluminium casing, with 2 possible led key background light
14:12 RealBadAngel perfect to code at night
14:12 RealBadAngel aluminum is durable
14:13 RealBadAngel what a coder would dream more of?
14:13 RealBadAngel of keys that dont loose paint
14:13 RealBadAngel after that year im writing blindly
14:13 RealBadAngel because all the black cover from keys went off
14:14 RealBadAngel well, from most of them
14:14 RealBadAngel most used
14:14 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
14:15 RealBadAngel ok, im goin off. i will be back in a few hours
14:16 RealBadAngel and please somebody tell sapier to fix the shaders menu entry
14:19 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:35 hmmmm :s
14:40 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
14:50 hmmmm well i have something but i'm not sure if i like it because it happens too often:
14:54 hmmmm and i think i'm pretty much back to the start when it comes to biome selection and the height component.. that entire area in the screenshot would be "plains" but it certainly isn't, etc.  i feel like i'm going back to the period where i had a terrain variance point as a parameter, except this totally won't work anymore with the 3d noise
14:55 hmmmm and much of the terrain from my new version of v7 seriously looks like it's a level from Far Cry
14:56 PilzAdam the way it is currently in master works pretty good (at least for what I need it to be)
14:56 PilzAdam though the height of the biomes should be more random
14:56 hmmmm i'm sure it is, but there are real problems with it that i set out to fix and i came up with something completely different instead
14:58 PilzAdam just make sure that the interface dont get overcomplicated
14:58 hmmmm ..
14:58 hmmmm erm....
15:09 Weedy joined #minetest-dev
15:09 Weedy joined #minetest-dev
15:09 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
15:15 BrandonReese joined #minetest-dev
15:34 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:45 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
16:02 proller_ joined #minetest-dev
16:17 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
16:41 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
16:42 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
16:47 sapier joined #minetest-dev
16:53 sapier Am I correct enable shaders only has values 0 and 2?
16:56 Calinou 0, 1 (not used yet), 2
16:57 Calinou 0 disable, 1 low level shaders, 2 high level shaders (GLSL)
16:57 nyuszika7h joined #minetest-dev
16:57 sapier 3 values can't ne set by a checkbox ;-)
16:57 Calinou red eclipse begs to differ
16:57 celeron55 Calinou: s/not used yet/not used anymore and never will be/
16:57 Jordach yep
16:58 Calinou three-state checkboxes are possible, but maybe not in irrlicht
16:58 Calinou oh
16:58 Calinou then just use 0 and 2
16:58 celeron55 thus, the original suggestion of sapier was 100% correct
16:58 sapier you can build 10 states checkboxes too by some way still principle of a checkbox is true/false ... anything else would be better a dropdown
16:59 sapier if we want different ways for shaders we can add a dropdown?
17:00 sapier if we really want 0/2 only I suggest changing to true/false as this simplifies menu code and isn't a big deal in engine (I guess)
17:01 celeron55 it probably should be
17:01 sapier btw is it common consens to remove the vertical labels from all tabs?
17:02 neko259 joined #minetest-dev
17:02 celeron55 i guess so; i can't really care if you rewrote the whole thing anyway
17:03 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
17:04 sapier it's not a big deal to remove it and I don't care if those labels are there or not I just don't want to remove them just to put them back tomorrow ;-)
17:05 celeron55 they were made by me and afaik everyone hates them
17:05 celeron55 8)
17:05 sapier not everyone I don't hate them ;-)
17:06 sapier if I knew that before I wouln't have had to add a special formspec ;-)
17:11 hbb joined #minetest-dev
17:25 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
17:42 hmmmm awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
17:42 Jordach yes hmmmm
17:42 hmmmm that's the cause of the discontinuity in the original v7
17:43 hmmmm i forgot to use fabs() instead of abs() and it kept rounding persistence to either 0 or 1
17:43 celeron55 nice 8D
17:54 ironzorg 8=D
17:54 Jordach hmmmm, now that's what i call dumb
17:54 Jordach (at times)
17:54 hmmmm .....
17:54 hmmmm you don't even know what the problem was
17:56 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
18:05 hmmmm alright, better...
18:18 Jordach hmmmm, looking good
18:18 Jordach (but the land should be more flat near rivers...)
18:22 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
18:22 mrtux joined #minetest-dev
18:26 mrtux joined #minetest-dev
19:05 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
19:10 celeron55 hmmmm: with some surface detail that will surely blow the brains out of some people
19:10 * celeron55 knows how people work
19:29 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
19:32 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:34 Jordach_ joined #minetest-dev
19:35 proller is any objections for yet another random liquid patch?
19:38 Taoki I don't understand what it does but if it fixes something it works, absoultely not and quite the opposite
19:43 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:44 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
19:44 mrtux joined #minetest-dev
19:45 proller Taoki, its make better 8)
19:46 OWNSyouAll_DESK1 joined #minetest-dev
19:48 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
19:52 celeron55_ joined #minetest-dev
19:52 celeron55_
19:52 celeron55_ ^ forum moderators wake up and read
19:53 PilzAdam is that celeron55_ smiley in there intentional? ;-)
19:53 celeron55_ it's the pastebin software acknowledging my glorious presence
19:54 PilzAdam AFAIK he was temp banned for replying to spam
19:54 PilzAdam (and generally being stupid)
19:54 Taoki Replying to spam is a reason to temp ban someone? :/
19:55 PilzAdam sfan5 said so
19:55 sfan5 <PilzAdam> AFAIK he was temp banned for replying to spam
19:55 Taoki Kinda weird
19:55 sfan5 i didn't
19:55 Taoki ah ok
19:55 Taoki Prolly a mistake or his account got hacked. Unless he did something bad
19:56 hmmmmm joined #minetest-dev
19:56 sfan5 Taoki: someone called "sdssddsdds" posted 5 posts of NSFW spam
19:56 sfan5 ->
19:57 sfan5 caught him while he was online
19:57 Taoki Prolly spam bots, those are indeed horrible
19:57 celeron55_ umm
19:57 celeron55_ wtf
19:57 celeron55_ that guy is with the name Dan Duncombe on the forum, and he definitely isn't banned:
19:58 sfan5 and his IP is different from the  sdss... guy
19:59 Taoki Maybe the broken ban was fixed
19:59 sfan5 the ban entry looks good
19:59 Jordach_ his avatar was ugly troll
19:59 sfan5 what the fuck PunBB
19:59 celeron55_ hmm, maybe it's an IP ban?
20:00 celeron55_ but how do we know
20:00 sfan5 celeron55_: go to the sdss.. profile, click on the ip, click on the "show other users with this ip"...
20:00 sfan5 "Dan Dunbcobe" appears
20:00 sfan5 *Dumbcobe
20:00 sfan5 probably because he previously had the ip of the spammer
20:01 celeron55_ is the time of posting for each IP available
20:01 celeron55_ i mean, each user
20:01 celeron55_ actually, that dan seems to be an old user
20:02 sfan5 PunBB confuses me
20:02 sfan5 79.xx.226.128 is the last ip he used according to his IP stats, but on the profile another ip is shown
20:03 celeron55_ well it's his last ip
20:03 celeron55_ dan obviously now has the ip of the spammer and can't log in with it
20:03 celeron55_ so it doesn't update
20:03 * Taoki dislikes punbb because it's so simple
20:03 Taoki We don't even have smileys :o
20:03 celeron55_ smileys are deliberately disabled
20:03 celeron55_ because i say so
20:04 celeron55_ sfan5: it seems to be a UK address
20:04 Taoki <celeron55_> because i say so - Ah, that explains a lot then. Thanks. ;)
20:05 celeron55_ Taoki: smileys are annoying and distract from the actual text and people abuse them way too much
20:05 Taoki Yeah, that is true in many cases. Even if a forum looks dead without them too (MT is the first one that's the case I frequent)
20:05 Taoki But not an important thing so sure
20:06 Taoki At this stage at least, the forum is more important for discussing how things work and the like.
20:06 sfan5 celeron55_: so what do we do now? remove the ip from the ban entry?
20:07 celeron55_ sfan5: i think yes
20:07 celeron55_ i'll do that and reply to him
20:07 hmmmmm just tell dan dumbcomb or whatever to reset his router
20:07 PilzAdam have you thought about that he probably is the spammer?
20:07 hmmmmm what's his ISP?
20:08 Taoki Either he spammed (can't be known so far so it's unfair to accuse) or someone used his router to, or through some amazing coincidence a spambot caught his dynamic IP
20:08 celeron55_ hmm
20:08 hmmmmm uhh, correct me if i'm wrong, but that spammer was banned a while ago, and this guy has been posting up until today, right?
20:08 hmmmmm oh he registered today
20:09 celeron55_ yes, and he has been posting from a different IP
20:09 celeron55_ Registered: 2013-05-10
20:09 celeron55_ the spam account was registered today
20:09 sapier should be checked and merged to fix most pressing bugs
20:09 hmmmmm well, two people can't be on the same IP
20:10 hmmmmm i guess that guy is the spammer
20:10 celeron55_ probably the spammer just got a new ip and that guy happened to get it then
20:10 sfan5 yeah
20:10 celeron55_ the MT userbase sure is large as this can even happen at any probability 8)
20:10 sfan5 bad luck i guess
20:10 hmmmmm that would be the ultimat coincidence though
20:10 sapier btw I don't see any chance to add ; support within labels does anyone have a good idea?
20:10 PilzAdam ^
20:10 hmmmmm ultimate*
20:10 hmmmmm if you confront the guy he'll probably say "oh that was my brother messing around"
20:10 celeron55_ i'll remove the IP ban for now, if he messes up again, that's a permban then
20:10 sfan5 this seems similar to the birthday problem
20:10 hmmmmm i'd ask him about it before unbanning
20:11 hmmmmm see what his response is
20:11 celeron55_ nah
20:11 RealBadAngel hi sapier
20:20 celeron55_ he already sent a second e-mail too, saying he's annoyed and "will give up Minetest and play Minecraft" "if this happens again" 8)
20:20 celeron55_ people are so impatient
20:21 kahrl <hmmmmm> well, two people can't be on the same IP
20:21 hmmmmm practically speaking
20:21 kahrl of course they can, we live in an age where some ISPs NAT all their customers
20:21 celeron55_ oh yes, that's wrong; some ISPs NAT many people behind a single IP these days
20:21 celeron55_ especially mobile ISPs
20:21 sfan5 "will give up Minetest and play Minecraft" oh, no we'll be losing everyone </sarcasm>
20:22 sapier yea some mobile providers nat their whole net
20:22 hmmmmm what sort of 3rd world shithole would you need to live in for them to do *that*?
20:22 Taoki Ok, me and RBA are finding out why bump mapping isn't working for me. It seems shaders are entirely broke with fglrx driver for Minetest
20:22 celeron55_ hmmmmm: apparently GB
20:22 hmmmmm sounds about right
20:22 celeron55_ 8D
20:22 Taoki
20:24 kaeza hmmmmm, here, 4G isn't widespread yet
20:24 celeron55_ the sad thing about that IP though is that if the spammer continues, that guy *will* get IP banned
20:24 celeron55_ and it actually can happen
20:24 celeron55_ that's shit 8)
20:24 PilzAdam suddenly: IPv6
20:24 kaeza also, the ISPs here do that
20:25 sapier hmm ip bans aren't really a good solution nowadays ... but I guess we don't have another option?
20:25 celeron55_ suddenly: you can't pay for a VPN either:
20:25 sfan5 <PilzAdam> suddenly: IPv6
20:25 sfan5 does punbb even work with IPv6?
20:26 hmmmmm of course not, gotta win the war on terrorism!
20:26 hmmmmm AND protect our children
20:26 celeron55_ yeah, terrorists like this:
20:27 celeron55_ it's not very convincing when people with that much power are *that* dumb
20:27 celeron55_ i bet the real terrorists are basically laughing their asses off
20:27 celeron55_ 8D
20:28 ecube_ joined #minetest-dev
20:28 Taoki The real terrorists are making the laws and running the US
20:28 sfan5 ^
20:28 sapier :-) true but I guess thats a #minetest topic ;-)
20:29 Taoki Ok, I'm pretty sure that sometime (a few months ago) a change caused shaders to break in Minetest for fglrx driver
20:29 VanessaE joined #minetest-dev
20:29 celeron55_ oh also, good luck when the police comes to your door because the IRC transfers the word "terrorist" into your clients
20:30 celeron55_ (i'll shut up now)
20:30 sfan5 :D
20:30 sfan5 anyway, good night
20:30 EdB joined #minetest-dev
20:36 RealBadAngel for the record, im using fglrx drivers (also older radeon here) and everything works fine
20:36 RealBadAngel kubuntu 12.04 here
20:37 RealBadAngel im pretty sure that Taoki's drivers are fucked up. NONE of mt shaders are workin for her
20:37 RealBadAngel its not just bumpmapping issue
20:37 Taoki I think it's either Irrlicht or Minetest that broke suppport for my driver at some point
20:37 Taoki I run a lot of other engines with a lot more detail and shaders, and all works fine at perfect performance
20:39 hmmmmm irrlicht is such a ghetto
20:39 hmmmmm why, why, wasn't ogre3d used
20:39 Taoki If it was a driver issue, all other Linux native 3D engines would have issues too. I play Xonotic, Stuntrally, and others that have shaders, and they work
20:39 PilzAdam hmmmmm, because GUI
20:40 hmmmmm and it's not even a good gui frankly
20:40 sapier this question is useless too as I don't think anyone will volonteer to switch everything ... anyone?
20:40 hmmmmm hah
20:40 hmmmmm haha
20:40 VanessaE eh... if you wanna do it, go for it ;)
20:40 VanessaE Taoki: enable_shaders in minetest.conf - is it "true" or a number
20:41 VanessaE ?
20:41 Taoki OGRE might have been a good laternative. Too late now though
20:41 Taoki VanessaE: 2
20:41 VanessaE ok.
20:41 VanessaE I ran into a glitch yesterday that happened from that, thought I'd check.
20:42 Taoki VanessaE: If you're using fglrx you might have shaders ont working as well
20:42 Taoki VanessaE: Is water surface still 2 pixels lower for you with shaders turned on?
20:42 VanessaE yep.
20:42 Taoki interesting
20:42 VanessaE shaders work for me with fglrx
20:42 Taoki VanessaE: In Catalyst Control Center, what is "Catalyst AI" set to??
20:43 VanessaE "standard"
20:43 VanessaE if I set it to "advanced" it causes all kinds of weird glitches.
20:43 Taoki VanessaE: Can you test if shaders still work when you set it to Advanced and click Apply?
20:44 Taoki hmmm
20:44 Taoki Maybe that's why
20:44 VanessaE try it in standard mode
20:44 Taoki I forgot... do I need to restart the system to apply changes to catalyst AI for newly opened programs
20:44 VanessaE in advanced mode basically the game either doesn't render at all or the window's filled with garbage
20:44 VanessaE nope.
20:44 celeron55_ hmmmmm: i selected irrlicht because ogre didn't have an equally free license at the time and frankly was at equal development stage; irrlicht seemed more established
20:44 VanessaE it's immediate.
20:44 celeron55_ hmmmmm: it's a long time ago
20:45 Taoki VanessaE: For me it renders and works
20:45 Taoki VanessaE: No as in shaders don't work?
20:45 VanessaE Taoki: if it matters, I'm using Debian 7 Sid with the driver downloaded directly from AMD.
20:45 VanessaE nope as in you don't need to re-boot/re-login to make those changes work.
20:46 Taoki ok
20:46 VanessaE (afaict, that only applies to changes in the display manager and display options sections)
20:47 Taoki Ok, shaders work in the raw Irrlicht examples
20:47 Taoki It's more likely a Minetest - fgrlx issue
20:47 Taoki I'll try with standard and no catalyst AI
20:48 proller
20:48 proller sponge!
20:48 Taoki Wait...
20:49 Taoki One more thing: I hafe ssa set to 4 (anti-aliasing). lthough that doesn't work either
20:49 Taoki I'll try to turn it off
20:50 VanessaE I have all the extra settings turned off/down
20:51 Taoki Disabled FSAA and Catalyst AI, still no working shaders
20:51 VanessaE Taoki: there's another consideration - are you by chance picking up bits and pieces from two different irrlicht installs?
20:52 Taoki VanessaE: No, I only have one Irrlicht source (by system packages)
20:52 VanessaE ok
20:52 VanessaE (I compile it from source since Deb 7 has 1.8, but 1.7.3 works better for me)
20:52 Taoki ok, vsync wasn't it either
20:52 VanessaE Taoki: there is a caveat:
20:53 VanessaE when bumpmapping is turned on, the "top sides are brighter" shader does NOT work for me.
20:53 VanessaE and in fact, liquids go opaque too
20:53 VanessaE you know what, let me re-check the water level too
20:54 Taoki Trying without bump maps enabled, shaders still don't work for me
20:54 RealBadAngel for Taoki it seems like that opengl is not working at all
20:54 VanessaE water is definitely lower than a whole block.
20:54 Taoki And yes, t's just Minetest. I even compiled the Irrlicht examples and the shaders example works
20:54 VanessaE (but wasn't "new style water" fixed recently?)
20:54 Taoki RealBadAngel: So if its only Minetest and OpenGL isn't working at all, it means for some reason MT doesn't detect my opengl
20:58 Taoki Nothing seems to get rid of them :/
20:58 Taoki
20:59 RealBadAngel youre using global or DRUN_IN_PLACE=1?
20:59 VanessaE (fwiw: I use a global install)
20:59 RealBadAngel please do make fresh compile from git
21:00 RealBadAngel and use -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1
21:00 RealBadAngel cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1
21:00 Taoki -tested the Irrlicht samples. No doubt, all shaders work. So it's just Minetest and something on my end with it
21:00 Taoki ok
21:00 RealBadAngel then
21:00 RealBadAngel make -j2
21:01 khonkhortisan seed = 7735349607834205003 position = (-303.47,38.15,-13.54) watch water fail to fill a cave from both ends
21:01 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
21:01 VanessaE khonkhortisan: you mean floating sources?
21:01 Taoki I use cmake-gui. I enable RUN_IN_PLACE there right?
21:01 Taoki The checkbox
21:02 RealBadAngel dont be lazy
21:02 khonkhortisan yes, and a wall of them
21:02 VanessaE I use the command line for cmake, maybe that's why?
21:02 RealBadAngel open your console
21:02 khonkhortisan and flowing not going anywhere
21:02 VanessaE khonkhortisan: happens with lava too.
21:02 VanessaE (the floating part)
21:02 VanessaE khonkhortisan: flowing,  /set -n liquid 10000
21:02 RealBadAngel i noticed one thing
21:02 VanessaE that'll restore the previous default value.
21:03 RealBadAngel 23:50:18: INFO[main]: Compiling high level shaders for test_shader_3
21:03 RealBadAngel 23:50:18: INFO[main]: SourceShaderCache::getOrLoad(): Loading path "/windows/D/Small games/Minetest/Minetest_GIT/bin/../client/shaders/bumpmaps_solids/base.txt"
21:03 RealBadAngel since when /bin is on the way to get into /client/shaders ...
21:04 VanessaE wait a sec here...
21:04 VanessaE this is run-in-place?
21:04 VanessaE why is it reading from ~/.minetest ??
21:04 Taoki Cimpiling with run_in_place enabled
21:04 VanessaE 23:50:16: INFO[main]: Selected world: Mircea [/home/mircea/.minetest/worlds/Mircea]
21:04 RealBadAngel i can see ".."
21:04 VanessaE surely this is wrong?
21:05 Taoki Yeah, I used the default cmake setup. Which by default takes data from my user dir
21:05 proller khonkhortisan, liquid_finite?
21:05 Taoki I'm trying without it too
21:05 VanessaE ah, ok
21:05 Taoki Also, I run the minetest binary from Minetest_GIT/bin which I hope is ok
21:05 khonkhortisan no, infinite
21:05 proller its not water 8-)
21:06 Taoki BRB 5 minutes
21:06 RealBadAngel me too, going to eat something
21:07 proller its 4d jujube
21:11 Taoki back
21:13 Taoki RealBadAngel: Same issue with run_in_place ;(
21:13 Taoki
21:13 Taoki I'll try with a fresh minetest.conf too
21:15 Taoki Same issue with fresh minetest.conf and shaders on
21:15 Taoki I don't know what could be causing this :(
21:17 RealBadAngel atm me neither
21:17 Taoki The problem it complains about though is not finding a path to the glsl files. Not a general opengl issue
21:17 Taoki In the latest log I just posted above at least
21:17 VanessaE Taoki: I know it's a really long shot, how about a run-in-place build but done entirely with the standard command-line stuff?
21:17 VanessaE rm CMakeCache.txt; cmake . -DRUN_IN_PLACE=1 ; make -j2   and nothing more
21:17 Taoki VanessaE: I''m using run in place now and re-compiled from scratch
21:18 RealBadAngel i aleady suggestet it
21:18 VanessaE ok, thought I'd try
21:18 RealBadAngel Taoki, have you compiled it from command line?
21:18 Taoki RealBadAngel: What is the opengl issue itself here? Since I only see errors about it not finding the shader files
21:19 Taoki And running cmake from command line generates the cache and bbuild folder in the root git folder and makes a mess. How do I indicate ./build as the folder?
21:19 RealBadAngel the issue is it doesnt see glsl libraries at all i think
21:19 RealBadAngel because it is looking for files that are not a part of minetest
21:19 VanessaE what's cmake . -LH show?
21:20 VanessaE (stupid, obvious question of course)
21:20 RealBadAngel i could see that with your earlier log errors
21:20 Taoki VanessaE:
21:20 VanessaE no luajit?  for shame ;)
21:20 * VanessaE reads more...
21:21 Taoki Not distributed in my system packages and I don't think it makes a difference I care enough about :P
21:22 Taoki But really, this makes no sense
21:22 RealBadAngel 2 times faster makes no difference? funny ;O
21:22 VanessaE ANYway
21:22 Taoki I'm also not seeing any other opengl errors apart from the shaders themselves.
21:23 VanessaE for me, it's "-- Found OpenGL: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
21:23 VanessaE so at least that much is right
21:23 RealBadAngel can you go back to 0.4.3 or whatever and check if shaders work?
21:24 Taoki Ah, good idea. I'll see which version of minetest is offered in system packages
21:24 VanessaE ubuntu, right?
21:24 Taoki erm, 0.4.6
21:24 Taoki Anyone got a 0.4.3 build for Linux?
21:24 VanessaE heh, nope.  my builds only go back to 0.4.6
21:24 VanessaE
21:24 VanessaE see if one of those works for you
21:24 sapier why is opengles found for taoki?
21:25 Taoki sapier: shaders arent found and working for me
21:25 sapier yes on your build opengles is found and enabled is this same for vanessae?
21:25 RealBadAngel opengl lib is found
21:25 sapier opengles is embedded opengl
21:25 Taoki opengles?
21:26 RealBadAngel s for software?
21:26 sapier Found system opengles2 library /usr/lib64/; ...
21:26 celeron55_
21:26 Taoki Interesting. Didn't even know what that is
21:26 RealBadAngel ah
21:26 celeron55_ it's used on every smartphone
21:27 Taoki So minetest is compiled with openGL embedded? Can I turn that off for cmake?
21:27 celeron55_ and android and iOS thing
21:27 Taoki ah ok, not relevant then
21:27 sapier i guess opengles has limited shader support
21:27 Taoki celeron55_: Can you logically make anything as to why I get those shader errors? I don't understand
21:27 RealBadAngel disable it then
21:27 Taoki And no one else can
21:27 sapier not sure but if your minetest runs on opengles instead of opengl that might explain shaders not working
21:27 Taoki RealBadAngel: Is there a cmake option?
21:28 celeron55_ Taoki: put opengl in minetest's config as video_driver or whatever
21:28 VanessaE sapier: I don't see opengles on mine, no.
21:29 celeron55_ actually... no, there's no way MT could use opengl es by default
21:29 Taoki Did, still not working
21:30 sapier so wrong trace
21:30 celeron55_ AGAIN!
21:30 celeron55_ lol this guy isn't the stable sort of people
21:30 Taoki What's even funnier: VanessaE has fglrx too, and for her it works. And for me it worked too in the past
21:31 RealBadAngel move that ES library to trash or whatever
21:31 RealBadAngel and compile again
21:31 RealBadAngel easiest way to check if its involved
21:32 Taoki SourceShaderCache::getOrLoad(): No path found for "/opengl_vertex.glsl"
21:32 RealBadAngel i said compile again
21:32 RealBadAngel you dont have such fast box ;)
21:32 Taoki Errr, I'm not hacking into my system even dead! I'll remove the ES path from cmake using the Advanced view
21:33 sapier No path found for "/opengl_vertex.glsl" is the shader really there?
21:33 Taoki There's also
21:33 Taoki sapier: GIt/client/shaders exists well and intact
21:33 sapier yes but maybe lookup path is messed up
21:35 Taoki I removed the OPENGLES include dir and lib path from cmake, compiling again
21:35 VanessaE Taoki: did you try one of my older builds?
21:35 Taoki VanessaE: I'll try to find the oldest now
21:36 VanessaE
21:36 VanessaE found it ;)
21:36 Taoki minetest-git-run-in-place-20130410_dda2071c.tgz
21:36 Taoki thx :)
21:36 VanessaE ninja'd :D
21:36 VanessaE you'll need to install the luajit package from roughly that date also (or at least, try the one in your system repo)
21:37 Taoki lol, my screen is covered in build consoles with text lines flowing like in The Matrix
21:37 VanessaE lol
21:37 Taoki green text to make it even more appropriate
21:38 Taoki Compiling your oldest repo but with new cmake settings (it surely wouldn't even build otherwise)
21:38 VanessaE just re-compiled freshly pulled git and shaders are working for me, or at least bumpmaps are.
21:38 Taoki Since it's still a different platform
21:38 Taoki Yeah, only for me they aren't. And I can't wait to find out whty
21:39 Taoki VanessaE: Can you send me your compiled minetest binary file? So I can see if it's something with the build process for me
21:39 VanessaE sure
21:39 Taoki On a file host or something
21:39 Taoki Thanks. If it runs on my Linux distro, it would help understand a lot
21:39 VanessaE catch.
21:39 kaeza khonkhortisan, VanessaE, it's liquid_loop_max, not liquid
21:40 VanessaE kaeza: oh, it was changed?
21:40 kaeza I set that to 10000 and it fixed the flowing problem
21:40 VanessaE forgot abotu that.
21:40 Taoki DCC is working. This will be worth seeing
21:40 VanessaE jesus, 26MB for a binary?  doesn't that seem just a little...hefty for MT?
21:41 kaeza 25MB are debugging symbols
21:41 Taoki VanessaE: Wait to see it when you compile the Debug version instead of release ;)
21:41 Taoki Ah, that IS a debug version then
21:41 VanessaE odd, I don't recall building a debug build.
21:41 Taoki I build release
21:41 Taoki See if Debus is set instead of Release for cmake
21:41 Taoki Either way this file is ok for now once it transfers
21:41 Taoki already at half
21:42 RealBadAngel it could be not the first time that debug code crashes tested code ;)
21:42 VanessaE (as you can see, debug is commented-out)
21:43 Taoki VanessaE: Still not working with me compiling your oldest GIt build. Will see your binary next
21:44 VanessaE ok
21:45 VanessaE done.
21:45 Taoki Meh... that binary won't work
21:45 Taoki ./minetest: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
21:46 Taoki Whatever that lib is :P
21:46 VanessaE so install the necessary lib ;)
21:46 VanessaE probably from zlib or so
21:46 Taoki I have the package
21:46 Taoki Prolly your binary  looks for a different path, being a different platform and all
21:47 Taoki Dunno any more :(
21:47 celeron55_ probably VanessaE's binary looks for a different version of libbz2 (which is a different thing than zlib, in case you didn't know)
21:47 * VanessaE shrugs
21:47 VanessaE sowwy. :)
21:47 celeron55_ or alternatively VanessaE's binary assumes it's statically contained in the irrlicht library
21:47 Taoki Yes, I searched for libbz2 and the package for that is installed
21:47 celeron55_ or whatever odd
21:47 Taoki NP
21:48 Taoki This shader issue makes no sense though, and now I'm really curious to find out why it doesn't work only for me
21:48 celeron55_ you can't really share binaries like that between linux systems
21:48 VanessaE Taoki: what are you running anyway?
21:48 celeron55_ you need to actually take care that all library dependencies are sane and portable
21:48 Taoki Erm, someone else reported black bumpaps today. So maybe it's someone else to
21:48 Taoki VanessaE: openSUSe
21:48 VanessaE o
21:48 VanessaE ok
21:49 Taoki I don't know what else to try about those shaders...
21:49 Taoki Clearly my build of minetest has a problem
21:49 Exio are you making a self-contained linux portable binary?
21:50 VanessaE Exio: Taoki is trying to just sort out a build issue, we're just trying different binaries to see if anything works at all
21:50 Taoki I use the default cmake settings, apart from Freetype support
21:51 Taoki VanessaE: What version of irrlicht do you locally compile with?
21:51 VanessaE 1.7.3
21:51 VanessaE (1.8 is evil)
21:51 Taoki Maybe it's because I have 1.8.2, dunno
21:51 Taoki But the irrlicht samples I tested (which work) are also 1.8
21:51 Taoki Most likely at least
21:52 Taoki Anyone here compiles Minetest on Irrlicht 1.8?
21:53 Taoki RealBadAngel: What's your Irrlicht?
21:54 Taoki VanessaE: Can you temporarily build on top of 1.8 and see if shaders still work? Asking you cuz you also have fglrx like me so it would be most accurate
21:54 VanessaE sure, gimme a few mins
21:54 Taoki Sure. Thanks
21:55 Taoki Only logical explanation would be this, really. Minetest might not be handling something properly for Irrlicht 1.8.2
21:56 Taoki If so, I'll need to get 1.7.3, unpack it somewhere, and tell Minetest from cmake to use the include path there
21:56 VanessaE Unpacking libirrlicht1.8:amd64 (from .../libirrlicht1.8_1.8+dfsg1-2_amd64.deb) ...
21:56 VanessaE this version is suitable?
21:56 Taoki I have 1.8.2. Would be most accurate to try with that one
21:57 VanessaE ok, lemme go grab it
21:57 Taoki If your distro has it of course
21:57 Taoki ok
21:57 Taoki Just wanna be fully sure and safe it's that
21:57 RealBadAngel 1.8
21:57 Taoki And I feel it might be. Cuz I don't see what else could
21:57 Taoki ah
21:57 Taoki RealBadAngel: 1.8.2?
21:57 VanessaE is the zip from the irrlicht download page sufficient?
21:58 Taoki Not sure, I always let cmake detect irrlicht from system path
21:58 RealBadAngel if i were Taoki i would try different drivers
21:59 Taoki RealBadAngel: If you were me you'd be too scared to play around with drivers much on the main machine :P (cuz well, that's just me)
21:59 Taoki I will switch to the free Radeon driver eventually, but not now cuz many games still don't work with it
21:59 RealBadAngel i had similar case here
21:59 Taoki I HATE having to need fglrx
21:59 RealBadAngel i had to rollback to legacy drivers
22:00 RealBadAngel current drivers just refused to work or caused weird effects
22:01 Taoki Problem with the free Radeon driver is: 1 - No power management. The fans and GPU are either always running low (underclocked and games barely work) or always running high (fully clocked and fans are noisy). And 2 - No correct support for RAM - VRAM transfers
22:01 Taoki If the VRAM is filled, and textures must be swapped with the RAM, hell breaks lose. fglrx does it way more quickly
22:01 RealBadAngel and no hardware acceleration
22:01 Taoki Once those are solved I'll gladly dump fglrx
22:01 Taoki HW accel seemed to work last time. Xonotic ran as fast (almost faster in some spots) with shaders and effects turned on
22:02 RealBadAngel open ones are 20%-30% of speed as legacy ones
22:02 Taoki So I think that one got done so far
22:02 RealBadAngel and still windows one are faster than legacy
22:03 VanessaE Taoki: building against whatever 1.8.x that zip was (I see nothing that clearly says what the .x is or where to get .2 save for maybe the svn repo)
22:03 Taoki It's mostly one game I need fglrx for: Xonotic. And well some Windows games I run on WINE, like Need for Speed (yes, it runs natively on WIne very well)
22:03 Taoki VanessaE: ok, that's fine
22:03 Taoki RealBadAngel: And for Xonotic, Radeon driver is only slower due to the huge textures. And vram getting filled. If it's only handling the rendering, effects and acceleration, it works well :)
22:05 VanessaE whoa, wtf
22:05 VanessaE everything's black
22:05 Taoki VanessaE: Turn bump mapping off. If it's the same thing as me that's why
22:06 Taoki That's where this whole thing initially started from
22:06 Taoki That likely sounds like shaders not working for you too now
22:06 VanessaE ok, hold a sec.
22:06 Taoki And it's Irrlicht 1.8's fault
22:06 Taoki VanessaE: Without bump mapping but with shaders set to 2, check water level. If water surface isn't 2-3 pixels lower, then shaders are bork
22:06 VanessaE yep, turning off bumpmapping restores it to normal functionality, including the usual default shaders.
22:07 Taoki And they work?
22:07 VanessaE
22:07 Taoki Did you check the waater surface?
22:07 VanessaE lemme check again just to be sure
22:07 Taoki ok. If water is lower by 2-3 pixels then default shaders work
22:08 VanessaE huh, water level is even with the top of other blocks for me
22:08 VanessaE but the tops of blocks are considerably brighter than the sides
22:08 Taoki VanessaE: Yep, same as me. So it's clear... Irrlicht 1.8 breaks shaders
22:08 Taoki VanessaE: One more thing please...
22:08 VanessaE yes?
22:08 Taoki VanessaE: Can you set debug_log_level = 3 in minetest.conf, delete debug.txt, run Minetest (enter the world) then close it, then paste the content of the new debug.txt?
22:09 Taoki That way we can see the error and be fully sure
22:09 VanessaE sure, sec.  I wanna see how this behaves on my server also.
22:09 VanessaE *waits 43 years for 48395748932 nodes to download and render* ;)
22:11 VanessaE seems normal there, save for shaders being non-functional
22:11 VanessaE ok, log level...
22:11 Taoki Yes, the content of debug.txt
22:12 VanessaE
22:12 VanessaE debug.txt ^^
22:12 Taoki 18:12:33: INFO[main]: SourceShaderCache::getOrLoad(): No path found for "/opengl_vertex.glsl"
22:12 Taoki No doubt
22:12 VanessaE *looks*
22:12 Taoki RealBadAngel: ^ Case solved. Irrlicht 1.8 f***s when ran with fglrx
22:13 Taoki Well, partly solved
22:13 VanessaE indeeds so
22:13 VanessaE -s
22:13 Taoki Here's the weird part. I downloaded Irrlicht 1.8 SDK just now, compiled the examples, and its shaders WORK
22:13 Taoki So it's only Minetest + Irrlicht 1.8 + fglrx that doesn't
22:13 Taoki That's the lethal combination
22:13 VanessaE *nod* I'd agree with that
22:13 VanessaE question is, how to fix it?
22:13 VanessaE (short of telling irrlicht 1.8 to take a hike)
22:14 Taoki celeron55_: Any chance the devs could find out in more detail how this happens?
22:14 Taoki Anyway, I'll look fir 1.7.3 and compile MT with that for now
22:14 Taoki But at least we know what it is. Your test helped a lot with that VanessaE, thanks :)
22:15 VanessaE no prob
22:15 VanessaE btw, 1.7.3 is here:
22:16 sapier left #minetest-dev
22:17 Taoki Compiling MT on Irrlicht 1.7.3 now and will see how that goes
22:18 Taoki If shaders work for me now (and by any sane logics they will), this should be bug reported quickly
22:19 Taoki Only remaining question is, is it an Irrlicht issue or Minetest issue? Because the shader samples that come with Irrlicht work (I compiled those for 1.8).
22:23 VanessaE Taoki: do the samples use the same methods that the MT shaders use?
22:23 Taoki That I didn't check. But I ran the shader sample under opengl
22:24 Taoki wait
22:24 Taoki No. Strange... the Irrlicht folder with the sample doesn't contain any *.glsl files
22:24 Taoki soo they MIGHT not be the same
22:26 VanessaE wonder what language they are if not GLSL?
22:26 Taoki Not sure
22:31 Taoki Damn it. I can't compile Irrlicht 1.7 with >.<
22:33 VanessaE Taoki: all I ever do is cd irrlicht-1.7.3/src/Irrlicht; make -j8
22:33 VanessaE always worked for me
22:33 Taoki VanessaE: Does it generate a or libirrlicht.a?
22:34 VanessaE vanessa@rainbird:~/work/irrlicht-1.8/lib/Linux$ ls
22:34 VanessaE libIrrlicht.a
22:34 Taoki Actually, given I use Irrlicht from a custom path, it's best I go with .a
22:34 Taoki Ah, ok. I'll go with that too
22:34 VanessaE er, that was 1.8 duh :)
22:34 VanessaE lemme check 1.7
22:34 VanessaE same thing.
22:34 Taoki Only difference is that .a libs are embedded into the minetest binary, while .so are read dynamically
22:35 Taoki Compiling with 1.7.3 now
22:35 VanessaE when I compile against irrlicht, I just do -DIRRLICHT_SOURCE_PATH=/path/to/irrlicht-1.7.3  (i.e. the top level)
22:35 * Taoki wonders if RealBadAngel is away, or I managed to upset him too
22:36 VanessaE probably just away
22:40 hmmmmm i really don't know why sapier added the mapgen choice
22:40 Taoki And yep... bump mapping works for me too now
22:41 Taoki Strangely though, water level is still not any lower o.o
22:41 VanessaE Taoki: can you confirm that water turns opaque?
22:41 Taoki It was opaque before, but sure
22:41 VanessaE well set it to not-opaque first :)
22:44 Taoki it's still transparent with shaders yes, regardless of the "opaque water" option
22:45 VanessaE for me, it's opaque if bumpmap is enabled.
22:45 Taoki Ah yes, bumpmap is enabled too
22:45 Taoki It works now
22:45 Taoki Anyway, reporting this bug then heading off
22:47 VanessaE Taoki: interestingly, other alpha items work, such as stained glass.
22:50 VanessaE Taoki: and, with bumpmapping, water is indeed slightly lower than surrounding blocks.
22:50 VanessaE so other shaders are working except the one that makes the top sides brighter.
23:05 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
23:09 Taoki Summary and conclusion of what went down
23:11 VanessaE bbl
23:46 PilzAdam furnaces are broken
23:47 PilzAdam the "^[lowpart" in the formspec needs to be changed to "^[[lowpart"
23:47 PilzAdam this breaks mods
23:47 PilzAdam (broken since Lua menu)
23:56 * hmmmmm claps

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