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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-06-05

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:09 dexter0 joined #minetest-dev
00:58 dexter0 joined #minetest-dev
01:16 Exio
01:16 Exio "added" utf-8 support to the console
01:17 Exio it is working for me, can anyone try it?
01:47 kaeza Exio, so you can type unicode chars with that?
01:47 Exio you can already type unicode chars in the "chat window" (T or /)
01:48 Exio with freetype enabled; with that change you can type unicode chars in the console with and without freetype enabled
01:48 kaeza ah
01:48 Exio (for what i've checked locally, but i need testers)
01:48 * Exio stares at kaeza
02:10 VanessaE_ Is there any (easy) way to iterate through a map and delete certain items from all chests, inventories, etc. found therein?
02:23 Exio is it "losses" or "loses"?
02:23 Exio "Close console when it <> focus but is still on screen"
02:24 VanessaE loses.
02:24 VanessaE losses = a count of things you have lost.
02:24 VanessaE loses = to misplace something
02:24 VanessaE looses = to make something not tight
02:50 ShadowNinja loosens?
02:56 VanessaE er, yeah
02:56 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
02:56 VanessaE don't mind me, I'm tired :)
02:57 Anchakor VanessaE: your client eats ~5.5GB?
02:57 VanessaE yep, due to my using HDX 512px.
02:57 Anchakor even considering that, it's crazy :)
02:57 VanessaE my server has close to 4000 defined nodes and the texture pack has well over 4000 images.  Do the math :)
02:58 Anchakor and the textures are stored in memory as uncompressed bitmaps? :)
02:58 VanessaE I assume so actually.
02:58 VanessaE (they are mostly JPG, with PNG used where alpha is needed)
02:58 ShadowNinja 6 sides times 4000 times size...
02:59 Anchakor wrong math ShadowNinja
02:59 Anchakor rendering 6 sides != stored 6x in memory
03:00 Exio some nodes have more than 2 textures per "node"
03:00 ShadowNinja Anchakor: Each side having a different texture.
03:01 Anchakor ok
03:01 ShadowNinja Although the actual count would be much lower.
03:04 VanessaE I assume a large part of the memory used is for the extruded meshes (for wield)
03:10 VanessaE (insert random whine-piss-moan routine about that particular chunk of code ;) )
03:11 Anchakor I would prefer a simple sprite instead of extruded sword etc.
03:11 VanessaE as would I
03:12 VanessaE at least, if the image is bigger than some reasonable size (maybe 64px), it should be drawn flat
03:12 ShadowNinja VanessaE: Or just fix the code...
03:15 VanessaE `that would help, but I have to wonder how much of it can be "fixed"
03:15 VanessaE I do know of one huge bottleneck, but no idea how to fix it
03:16 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
03:17 kahrl I tried the sprite before I wrote the extruder, it looked really crappy
03:18 VanessaE the closer an image is to having half of its pixels transparent and half opaque, the slower the extrude routine is.
03:18 VanessaE ah, so you're the one to blame ;)
03:19 VanessaE maybe try my suggestion of only extruding if the texture size is less than 64px or so
03:19 VanessaE (that way default users see no change)
03:19 kahrl git already blames me for that particular code
03:19 VanessaE then one can simply perform their own extrude-and-render on their images and actually store them that way
03:20 VanessaE it's fake, but it can be made to look good with some effort, I'm sure
03:20 VanessaE or better yet,
03:20 VanessaE cache the extruded models
03:20 VanessaE instead of just the images used to generate them
03:21 kahrl so you mean checking for <wieldimage>.x and loading that as the wieldmesh?
03:21 kahrl or how
03:22 VanessaE mmm, well yeah something like that
03:22 VanessaE surely it's faster to just reload a cached mesh than it is to extrude every time it's needed.
03:22 Anchakor nothing like running a profiler
03:23 kahrl could be a waste of hardware space in the default case
03:23 NakedFury joined #minetest-dev
03:23 VanessaE meh, storage is cheap
03:23 VanessaE what's the worst case, 10 GB of disk for a really detailed setup with meshes from several servers?
03:24 kahrl 10 GB just for a cache is too much for sure
03:24 VanessaE pehaps
03:24 VanessaE perhaps
03:25 VanessaE but fast startup is worth spending a few gigs of disk space.
03:25 Anchakor if it takes more then 100MB it is too much
03:25 VanessaE especially if it allows one to eliminate that damn render-on-demand feature entirely.
03:27 VanessaE ultimately, let the user decide if they want to cache the models
03:29 kahrl or just optimize the routine to make it as fast as loading a model from disk
03:29 VanessaE perhaps
03:29 VanessaE but the question then is, *can* it be optimized?
03:29 kaeza well, I could see an use for non-extruded sprites
03:29 kahrl I'm sure it can be optimized
03:29 kaeza better quality wielditems
03:29 kahrl I spent literally zero time on that when I wrote it
03:30 VanessaE lemme rephrase that - can it be optimized to be as fast as you predict?
03:30 kahrl I don't know
03:30 VanessaE (my system, fwiw, can load data at 220 MB/sec, and that's slow as SSD's go)
03:30 Anchakor what about custom wieldmeshes?
03:30 kaeza you just pre-render some 3d model, and you have a better looking wielditem than an extruded thing
03:30 kaeza Anchakor, +1
03:30 Anchakor like a real proper sword mesh
03:31 VanessaE Anchakor: you mean a completely custom model?
03:31 VanessaE hrm
03:31 Anchakor yep
03:35 ShadowNinja That makes making a nice looking weildable item a lot harder.
03:36 VanessaE well it could surely be optinal
03:36 VanessaE optional*
03:36 NakedFury a sword model that looks like an extruded texture if you want to stay classical
03:37 ShadowNinja ...And takes up more space.
03:37 VanessaE again, let the user decide, via checkboxes or config file options, whether to have those things at all
03:38 NakedFury yes
03:38 VanessaE (texture pack support aside)
03:39 Kray_ joined #minetest-dev
03:39 VanessaE kaeza: done yet? ;)
03:39 VanessaE kahrl: ^^
03:40 VanessaE stupid tab complete - do what I am thinking, damn it :)
03:41 kahrl this would also solve the problem of how to make the wieldmesh of a craftitem or tool something other than an extruded sprite
03:42 VanessaE well that's easily done by setting the wield_scale Z coord to 1 (or 0, whichever it was)
03:42 VanessaE doesn't keep the code from running though
03:43 VanessaE wscale = {x=1,y=1,z=1}
03:43 VanessaE makes it look like a flat sprite
03:43 VanessaE er, make that wscale = {x=1,y=1,z=0.01}
03:44 Anchakor yeah, have option for extruded meshes: { disabled, enabled, override } (override using extruded even when custom one exists)
03:44 Anchakor VanessaE: that doesn't optimize anything though :)
03:44 VanessaE I know
03:46 kahrl I would say no config option, just look for wield_<itemname>.x or whatever
03:46 kahrl and tell mod authors to not provide custom models by default unless absolutely necessary
03:46 VanessaE so the user would need to delete whatever .x files they don't want to use then
03:46 kahrl texture packs can provide them if the user wants
03:47 VanessaE HDX will continue to be just (a shitload of) images, since I'm too lazy to learn blender :)
03:47 Anchakor kaeza: the options is needed at least to disable extrusion on old system and to just use the flat sprite
03:47 Anchakor kahrl: ^
03:47 diemartin :)
03:47 VanessaE lol
03:47 kahrl hmm
03:47 Anchakor sorry diemartin :)
03:48 kahrl old systems use 16x16 textures, is extrusion really a problem in that case?
03:48 Anchakor well it is a matter of taste if the extrusion is nice and it takes system resources...
03:48 VanessaE kahrl: not *too* much of a problem, but with lots and lots of textures, the extrude time does still add up
03:48 Anchakor a simple disable option shouldn't be a problem to have
03:49 VanessaE so optimize first, and provide a disable option at the same time.
03:49 VanessaE c55's idea originally was to render wield items as flat sprites, and cubes/models as full models
03:49 kahrl the problem with giving the option is that every time you make a small adjustment to the camera code, you need to check it without extrusion to see if it still looks good
03:49 VanessaE yeah, but is that really so hard?
03:50 kahrl there are already too many combinations of options to test
03:50 VanessaE true
03:50 Anchakor if it looks bad people would complain
03:50 VanessaE at that point you have to rely on users to report bugs (HAH!)
03:50 Anchakor test the intended default
03:52 kahrl perhaps just make it skip the extrusion code if wield_scale.z = 0
03:52 VanessaE naw
03:52 VanessaE that would require too much cooperation from all the mod authors
03:52 kahrl that way it makes it clear that this configuration is not really supported
03:52 kahrl and you could change the defaults, can't you?
03:53 VanessaE wscale is set on a per-node basis
03:53 VanessaE (per item, etc)
03:53 Anchakor wait, this option to disable the extrusion should be for user, not the mod maker
03:53 VanessaE so yeah, the user should be the one to decide, not just the mod author
03:54 VanessaE now, if the mod author sets wscale.z=0 then sure, skip the extrusion code anyway
03:54 VanessaE but if the user says "I don't want extruded textures regardless", then wscale.z should be ignored.
03:54 kahrl set it in minetest.{node,tool,craftitem}def_default
03:55 Anchakor VanessaE: exactly
03:56 VanessaE (or rather, forced to 0 no matter what the mod says)
03:56 VanessaE now, how do we allow for a texture pack author to tell the engine "don't ever extrude these foo, bar, baz, ... textures" ?
03:57 VanessaE (e.g. if the textures are pre-rendered images rather than models)
03:57 kahrl this is all getting too complicated for my tastes :P
03:57 VanessaE heh
03:58 VanessaE ok, then let's just make it simple:  a checkbox that enables texture extrusion (enabled by default)
03:58 VanessaE if unchecked, never run the extrude code
03:59 kahrl I wouldn't expose it in the GUI
03:59 kahrl as it makes the HUD look really crappy in many people's eyes
03:59 VanessaE well maybe so
03:59 Anchakor make an "advanced" config window
03:59 VanessaE ok, so a config option at any rate.
04:00 Anchakor I know more people who favour many many config options then those who don't :)
04:00 kahrl as long as these people don't complain when their particular combination doesn't work ;)
04:00 VanessaE heh
04:00 VanessaE fine by me :)
04:01 VanessaE put a disclaimer somewhere, "Weird, stupid combinations are not supported, and you're an idiot for even trying."
04:01 VanessaE :D
04:07 * diemartin runs with non-smooth lights, opaque water, flat clouds, and non-fancy leaves
04:07 VanessaE smooth lighting, there's another major issue
04:07 VanessaE if it ain't a cube, it ain't smoothly lit
04:07 diemartin exactly
04:07 diemartin that's why I don't like them
04:08 VanessaE which looks horrible across large swaths of slabs, flat sign/rail-like nodes, etc.
04:08 diemartin (and because it gives more the feel of a blocky world without them)
04:09 VanessaE
04:11 kahrl now that the engine supports shaders, maybe they can be used to emulate extruded meshes?
04:11 kahrl without actually requiring to generate the meshes on the CPU
04:12 VanessaE there, fixed thebroken screenshot in that report.
04:12 VanessaE is that possible?
04:13 kahrl it doesn't seem easy, maybe impossible, but I've seen people do funky stuff with shaders
04:13 Anchakor I don't think you can do that without geometry shaders
04:13 VanessaE hm
04:13 Anchakor which are very new thing
04:14 VanessaE probably better to not use shaders for that, at least not yet
04:14 Anchakor introduced in Direct3D 10 and OpenGL 3.2
04:14 kahrl and geometry shaders are "not designed for large-scale amplification of vertex data"
04:14 kahrl so tesselation shaders would be more appropriate I guess?
04:14 kahrl and irrlicht doesn't even support those
04:16 kahrl but maybe a fragment shader could somehow look for the appropriate pixel in the base texture
04:17 Anchakor and do what with it?
04:17 Anchakor if it would just blur it to the left-right that would look weird
04:17 VanessaE if we were to do this with shaders, we would *definitely* need options to disable/enable individual shader routines
04:17 Anchakor esp when swinging
04:18 kahrl Anchakor: make it look the same the current meshes. Not sure if that's possible, probably not
04:19 kahrl VanessaE: why?
04:19 VanessaE kahrl: so that you don't have to have, say, the bumpmap shader (RBA's fork) just to have the 3d extrude or the brighter-on-top shaders
04:20 kahrl of course, but that's for when the bumpmap shader is merged
04:20 VanessaE e.g. so the user can find a good balance between what they want to see and what their video card can actually do
04:20 VanessaE yes, of course
04:20 VanessaE just thinking ahead is all.
04:22 kahrl another option for high-resolution textures would be to use marching squares instead of looking at every pixel
04:23 neko259 joined #minetest-dev
04:23 diemartin weren't the ugly shadows-out-of-nowhere fixed already?
04:23 VanessaE *looks up marching squares*
04:35 VanessaE *whoosh*
04:39 ShadowNinja So it finds the outline?
04:40 VanessaE that's what I first thought, but I must be too tired to really understand it
04:43 Anchakor it's a way to remove jagged edges resulting from pixels being square :)
04:44 kahrl
04:44 kahrl if they can do marching cubes then marching squares should be possible, no?
04:46 VanessaE possibly
04:55 diemartin ZOMG
04:55 diemartin wrong chan
04:55 diemartin sorry
04:55 VanessaE neat
04:59 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest-dev
06:29 VanessaE bbl
06:43 SmugLeaf joined #minetest-dev
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08:29 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
09:30 Anchakor joined #minetest-dev
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11:29 ImQ009 joined #minetest-dev
12:08 salamanderrake joined #minetest-dev
12:15 proller <VanessaE_> can someone please PLEASE fix the horrible CPU usage of the liquid flowing code? -- for finite or old code?
12:17 VanessaE fr the old code.
12:17 VanessaE for*
12:18 VanessaE I don't use finite liquids, not sure how those would have behaved in the same situation
12:19 celeron55 so what was the situation?
12:20 VanessaE celeron55: large (say 20x20 block) lava/water fountains lag the server to the point of requiring me to temporarily comment-out the node defs in default/nodes.lua just so that I could edit them out of the map
12:21 VanessaE (they got to that size because of that bug where flowing liquids spread out on the "surface" of not-yet-generated/loaded blocks)
12:21 VanessaE s/20x20 block/20x20 node/
12:21 VanessaE
12:22 VanessaE this started out as one each of lava and water source nodes at the top of a tower
12:22 celeron55 lol, that's slightly larger than anyone could imagine a fountain to be
12:22 VanessaE I know, but because of the CPU usage of such a structure, it makes for an effective griefing vector :-/
12:22 VanessaE (or I should say, a DoS attack basically)
12:22 celeron55 is the water actually moving or is it just staying still and jamming the server?
12:22 VanessaE it was moving.
12:22 VanessaE as was the lava
12:22 VanessaE for a while anyway
12:23 celeron55 how is memory consumption?
12:23 VanessaE then the server would lag out and eventually just crash (no error)
12:23 VanessaE couple hundred megs I think, nothing spectactular.
12:23 VanessaE spectacular(
12:23 celeron55 but does it eat up more and more?
12:23 VanessaE not that I noticed, but it didn't stay up long enough between tries for it to use up much if it could have
12:25 celeron55 you should run the server in gdb and break it once it lags because of that and get a backtrace (continue it a few times and repeat)
12:25 VanessaE I may try later
12:25 celeron55 a full backtrace so that it has a chance of containing loop variables and such
12:25 proller VanessaE, in finite - spreading fixed
12:25 VanessaE but that ^^^^ structure was enough to make the server simply use 100% CPU for as long as the structure existed.
12:26 proller lag because old code process 10k blocks per cycle
12:26 proller finite only 1k
12:27 VanessaE a cycle long?
12:27 celeron55 a single update cycle; when i last checked it was 1s
12:27 VanessaE eek
12:27 celeron55 that's not really much but i guess the algorithm is quite heavy then
12:28 celeron55 inb4 hmmmm gets sidetracked to optimize it
12:28 VanessaE lol
12:28 VanessaE actually this is one I might expect kahrl to attack :)
12:29 proller i think finite + falling water will fix 90% of lag
12:30 VanessaE possibly, but the way my server is arranged and used, finite liquids would be problematic (nothing you guys need to worry about though)
12:32 VanessaE what might be a good idea is a limit to how far liquids can fall from a source node
12:33 VanessaE maybe 48 nodes/three mapblocks or something else
12:35 Anchakor joined #minetest-dev
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12:35 VanessaE well that wouldn't help actually, someone will just place more sources to get around that
12:35 PilzAdam does anyone else experience problems with buttons in formspecs? I currently have the problem that one button is not clickable in 800x600, but it works fine in 1920x1080
12:35 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-dev
12:35 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-dev
12:36 VanessaE PilzAdam: I had that same issue with Unified Inventory at one time
12:36 proller VanessaE, counting distance is expensive
12:36 VanessaE not sure if it still persists.
12:36 PilzAdam any proper way to fix it?
12:36 VanessaE proller: hence my abandoning that idea
12:37 kaeza PilzAdam, maybe related to chat blocking formspecs?
12:37 PilzAdam kaeza, nope
12:38 VanessaE proller: maybe a dynamic CPU limiter (vary the number of node updates per cycle based on overall server CPU load)
12:39 proller good idea, but based on idle between cycles
12:39 VanessaE hm, indeed the buttons issue still exists in Unified Inventory, just checked.
12:39 celeron55 but how does one limit it?
12:39 celeron55 it doesn't make sense to limit it to other than just under 100%
12:40 VanessaE PilzAdam, kaeza actually if there is chat text overlaying the formspec, even if the buttons you click aren't obscured, they still can't be clicked.
12:40 kaeza yep
12:40 VanessaE celeron55: the problem is that you don't want to allow for a high enough limit that the server spends all its time doing nothing else but the liquid flowing
12:41 celeron55 yes, so it should just be able to throttle it in order to fully continue doing more important stuff
12:41 VanessaE right
12:41 VanessaE that's what I'm suggesting
12:41 celeron55 a simple version of such is used for ABMs
12:41 VanessaE but with a hard limit (perhaps configurable)
12:42 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
12:49 VanessaE the problem of entities being duplicated needs fixed before 0.4.7 if at all possible
12:50 celeron55 it was attempted to be fixed, IIRC
12:50 celeron55 by sapier
12:51 VanessaE I guess the attempt wasn't entirely successful :)
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13:41 PilzAdam celeron55, it was a possible side effect of sapier's patch to fix duplication
13:41 PilzAdam but it seems it doesnt fix it
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18:58 kahrl hey everyone
18:58 PilzAdam hey
18:58 kahrl is there anything big left that needs to be done for 0.4.7?
19:00 kahrl (I'd have liked to fixed the mesh update thread bug but it doesn't seem like a way to reproduce it will be found in time)
19:01 Exio and my bugfix for the console?
19:01 Exio not big but :P
19:01 kahrl #756?
19:01 Exio yep
19:02 kahrl I will test it
19:02 Exio kk
19:02 kahrl one question that was going through my mind was whether it is a good idea to take the focus away from under the user
19:03 Exio "from under"?
19:03 kahrl like right now a mod can essentially prevent a user from using the console
19:03 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
19:03 kahrl but a mod can also prevent a user from moving around and stuff by showing formspec, so it's not really something unique
19:04 PilzAdam mods can annoy in many ways
19:04 PilzAdam its not really possible to turn that off
19:04 PilzAdam so just let users remove the mod if they are annoyed by its behaviour
19:05 kahrl does a formspec overtake the pause menu when shown?
19:05 kahrl of all the menus I'd say that one should not be overridable
19:05 Exio i don't know; but i guess it is possible
19:06 Exio like with the console
19:06 BlockMen left #minetest-dev
19:09 kahrl #756 seems to work fine
19:09 Exio PilzAdam: may you try it? :P
19:09 PilzAdam I trust you that it works ;-)
19:10 kahrl huh, weird thing when a formspec is shown above the pause menu, after you press esc to go back to the pause menu it won't take another esc (although clicking 'Continue' works)
19:13 kahrl I'll merge #756 then
19:14 Naked joined #minetest-dev
19:17 kahrl what about #754? I can't test that one because I build without freetype
19:18 PilzAdam Ill test it
19:19 PilzAdam kahrl, you can test it with ä
19:20 PilzAdam yep, works with ö, ä and ü
19:20 PilzAdam should I merge it?
19:20 PilzAdam (these dont work without the patch)
19:21 Exio i need someone with irrlicht 1.7.x to try
19:22 kahrl also it seems like one of the things that must be tested on all platforms
19:22 * PilzAdam has Irrlicht 1.7.3
19:22 PilzAdam I can test a win build in wine
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19:25 PilzAdam it doesnt work in wine
19:25 Exio what irrlicht version?
19:25 PilzAdam 1.7.2
19:25 PilzAdam "ä" is just "_"
19:26 Exio ok, so it doesn't seem to work with anything older than 1.8
19:26 PilzAdam 1.7.3 on Linux works
19:27 Exio hm k
19:27 Exio with 1.7.2 it didn't work (kaeza's ubuntu(
19:27 Exio ) *
19:31 kahrl I'm inclined to wait until after 0.4.7 for that one
19:31 Exio joined #minetest-dev
19:31 nyuszika7h_ joined #minetest-dev
19:31 init joined #minetest-dev
19:32 kahrl huh, when did that break
19:32 kahrl I remember umlauts used to work for me
19:32 kahrl unless I'm misremembering
19:32 Fury joined #minetest-dev
19:35 mrtux joined #minetest-dev
19:35 BackupCoder joined #minetest-dev
19:35 PilzAdam kahrl, they work in the normal chat dialog
19:35 kahrl I can confirm that the patch fixes ä, ö, ü (irrlicht 1.8)
19:35 kahrl PilzAdam: I thought they used to work in the console
19:36 nyuszika7h_ joined #minetest-dev
19:36 thk joined #minetest-dev
19:37 sfan5 Well... Is "Add SHA1 interface to ScriptApi" #753 going to get merged?
19:37 sfan5 anyone disagree with it?
19:38 kahrl PilzAdam: is it broken without the patch with irrlicht 1.7.2?
19:38 kahrl sfan5: feature freeze disagrees with it
19:38 sfan5 :/
19:39 sfan5 since when is the feature freeze going on?
19:39 PilzAdam kahrl, actually no
19:39 PilzAdam just tested my latest win build in wine
19:40 kahrl sfan5: a week or thereabouts
19:40 16WAAGGVQ so, it works on windows, no?
19:40 sfan5 i'm sure I discussed this more than a week ago with celeron.55
19:41 16WAAGGVQ god damnit when i got this nick
19:41 sfan5 Exio: netsplit
19:41 Exio yep, but i just reconnected
19:41 Exio and went away a bit :P
19:42 kahrl sfan5: a lot of old feature requests / pull requests are on hiatus right now
19:43 sfan5 kahrl: A SHA1 lua api is not able to break/hinder any things
19:43 Exio still, it is the "feature" freeze, that is why the "hud bug/feature" isn't added, either
19:44 celeron55 nobody fucks with feature freezes
19:45 Exio wat
19:45 celeron55 8)
19:45 Calinou mark shuttle worth approves
19:48 celeron55 sfan5: also, i didn't really agree with it; i was left with the impression that there is no good use for it
19:50 sfan5 anyway.. if you release a stable version and then many of the waiting pulls are merged, thats kind of pointless
19:51 celeron55 it is as far as pointless as it can get
19:51 PilzAdam you cant call the stable release "stable" if you throw in many things without testing
19:51 celeron55 what part of "stable" do you not understand?
19:52 sfan5 umm
19:52 sfan5 okay, that solution would probably leave bugs
19:53 sfan5 my point was making a release and then putting in new features that _could_(<- this means could, only could) have been in the release
19:53 celeron55 that means you're just aiming for the next release then
19:54 celeron55 and aiming for getting it out faster
19:54 Exio PilzAdam: does utf8 work on windows without "fixes"?
19:55 celeron55 sfan5: you need to think it from the perspective of a user who uses only stable versions
19:55 sfan5 celeron55: just a thought, i'm not requesting anyone to put in any feature now/before 0.4.7
19:55 PilzAdam Exio, yes, it works without your patch
19:55 celeron55 he doesn't care the tiniest bit whatever of current development is added to it; he cares that he gets the stuff that was added to the development version during the months after the previous stable
19:56 hmmmm june 5th now?
19:56 sfan5 but theres also the modders that would like to have things available in a stable version of minetest(I'm not taking the sha1 thing as an example)
19:56 hmmmm who keeps pushing this date back
19:57 kahrl hmmmm: it was pushed back once
19:57 hmmmm no feature adding, seriously
19:57 hmmmm the SHA1 thing is clearly a feature
19:57 PilzAdam sfan5, stability is the most important part of a stable release
19:57 hmmmm and it's not really necessary either
19:57 sfan5 PilzAdam: i know
19:58 PilzAdam modders already get many other stuff
19:58 celeron55 sfan5: having a delay in features between the development version and the stable version makes it possible to kill bugs very effectively; it would be a total waste to not use that opportunity as it makes so little loss from the user's perspective
19:58 sfan5 hmmmm: I didn't say that
19:58 Exio hmmmm: you are in some bsd, no? can you try if utf8 works for you in the console?
19:59 hmmmm not really, i'd need to have some sort of utf8 character to display on the console
19:59 Exio if it works, i'll make the "workaround" only work on linux
19:59 hmmmm last time i checked though everything worked perfectly fine
19:59 Exio setxkbmap es press ; setxkbmap us?
19:59 Exio kk
19:59 hmmmm testñ
19:59 hmmmm whoa
20:00 hmmmm ññññ
20:00 hmmmm i actually never did this before to be honest
20:00 celeron55 "whoa i'm so unicode"
20:00 hmmmm ñ isnt unicode though, itś high ascii
20:00 hmmmm test;
20:00 celeron55 there's no such thing as "high ascii"
20:00 hmmmm what's 128-255 then
20:01 celeron55 it depends on the encoding; ascii does not define them
20:01 hmmmm extended ascii
20:01 celeron55 it can be eg. latin1
20:01 celeron55 aka iso8859-1
20:01 celeron55 or microsoft's cp1252 or so
20:02 Anchakor sfan5: what is the sha1 thing for?
20:02 kahrl of course microsoft's version is slightly incompatible, as always
20:02 PilzAdam Anchakor, its compeltly useless :-p
20:02 celeron55 Anchakor: that's what everyone wants to know 8)
20:02 sfan5 Anchakor: I planned to write a mod that searches the mod folders for media files and puts them into the client/cache/ folder
20:03 sfan5 but it could also be used for other purposes
20:03 celeron55 that is something to write in C++, thus you need to provide an another purpose
20:03 celeron55 (this was said previously too)
20:03 hmmmm so when a modder wants to do something a mod isn't supposed to do, he wants the engine to support it so that he can do it
20:03 hmmmm great precedent :I
20:04 hmmmm (well it'd be a precedent if we allowed it)
20:04 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
20:05 hmmmm on an unrelated note, i kind of hope for the lua api to become stable around the time we hit 0.5.0
20:05 celeron55 it is stable in the sense that we maintain compatibility
20:06 Exio joined #minetest-dev
20:06 celeron55 what do you mean?
20:06 hmmmm it's like every release there's 4000 more apis that people added because they thought it'd be cool if their specific mod can do something
20:06 hmmmm err nevermind that last part actually
20:07 celeron55 but being stable doesn't disallow adding things
20:07 hmmmm everybody seems to have a different idea of what stable means
20:07 hmmmm i guess, what i'm looking for more precisely, is for the lua api adding to slow down
20:08 Exio "workaround here"
20:09 PilzAdam Exio, is this really related to windows or is it just Irrlicht 1.7.2?
20:09 kahrl also what about bsd?
20:09 kahrl and other unices
20:09 hmmmm exio, now wait a minute, what did you want me to test?
20:10 hmmmm i just updated minetest
20:10 Exio hmmmm: if "utf8/unicode/whatever" works in the console
20:10 hmmmm as of the current upstream
20:10 hmmmm or your workaround
20:11 * hmmmm blinks
20:11 VanessaE good afternoon.
20:11 Exio PilzAdam:
20:11 Exio hmmmm: upstream
20:11 Exio hi VanessaE :P
20:12 hmmmm hmmm
20:12 kahrl also I don't think mbtowc is strictly correct
20:12 hmmmm who objects to adding -Wno-type-limits
20:12 kahrl CIrrDeviceLinux uses XLookupString which documented to return latin1
20:13 kahrl it would have to use something like XmbLookupString or Xutf8LookupString
20:13 kahrl which is documented*
20:14 Exio afaik "that" is how the actual chat works with freetype (the code i used is just "what got added")
20:17 hmmmm exio, seems iḿ able to type ñ perfectly fine in the F10 console
20:18 Exio without patches?
20:18 hmmmm without patches, yeah
20:18 Exio what irrlicht version?
20:18 hmmmm and this is 1.7.2
20:18 hmmmm 1.7.3 i meant
20:19 VanessaE does that with with X11 compose?
20:20 Exio if you can't already use it with the chat+freetype, it won't work with the 'fixed console'
20:20 kahrl Exio, I see the code in intlGUIEditBox now
20:20 hmmmm wow been a while since iǘe started up minetset
20:20 kahrl so in any case with the patch it will at least be consistent
20:20 hmmmm i've*
20:21 Exio hmmmm: setxkbmap us! :P
20:21 Exio kahrl: yep
20:21 VanessaE work with*
20:22 hmmmm i've been getting so distracted with complete nonsense, need to laser focus on what i'm currently working on
20:22 hmmmm it's already 4:20 and i honestly haven't done anything much productive today
20:22 VanessaE nothing wrong with being a little distracted or taking a break
20:23 kahrl 4:20? have some brownies :P
20:23 hmmmm it's a chronic problem though
20:23 hmmmm hah.... hah... i did not intend to make a pun there
20:24 VanessaE lol
20:24 VanessaE I'd say you just need to get your mind...out of the weeds? :)
20:25 hmmmm i'm probably the last person to ever do any sort of drugs
20:25 Exio my only drug is the coca cola next to the desktop
20:25 Exio :P
20:49 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
20:49 hmmmm freenode is acting pretty weird today
20:49 Exio it is getting DDoSed
20:49 VanessaE DDoS.
20:49 VanessaE again.
20:50 hmmmm don't really understand why somebody would ddos freenode
20:51 Exio "we are very cool, see, we are ddosing freenode hahahahahahahahahaa very funny haha"
20:51 Exio that is why ^
20:51 VanessaE pft
20:52 OWNSyouAll_DESKT joined #minetest-dev
20:59 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:02 VanessaE does anyone have a solution to this occasional lockup of the map loader?
21:03 Exio maploader = emergethread?
21:06 VanessaE not sure which part.  clients stop receiving map data and the server stops executing commands, but packets are coming in slowly, people can move around, chat works.
21:07 VanessaE
21:08 VanessaE I'm standing at the edge of a loaded area, overlooking a long-since-generated-but-not-yet-loaded section of the map; note the packet flow at the bottom left.
21:09 proller joined #minetest-dev
21:09 VanessaE At this point, lua doesn't seem to be running (the gate in my hand can be placed but doesn't operate, for example)
21:09 VanessaE and the server did not respond when I ordered it to shut down.
21:10 PilzAdam I guess a "while true do end" in a mod
21:10 VanessaE I can sign out and back in perfectly fine, and when I come back, I'm not in the same place I was at when I signed out.
21:10 VanessaE and I see an "unknown" in the server's userlist.
21:10 VanessaE (/status)
21:11 VanessaE PilzAdam: when I sign back in, I'm able to run to and past the area that wouldn't load before, so its not Lua doing it.
21:13 VanessaE looking at the server's log, my two attempts at /shutdown were ignored completely (last restart was 20 mins ago for a different reason)
21:13 VanessaE so the client was not sending my commands,.
21:24 kahrl VanessaE: maybe the connection's queue of unacknowledged reliable packets was full
21:25 VanessaE I suppose anything is possible - note that everyone on the server was having trouble until each signed off/on
21:28 VanessaE finally had to kill the server - it stopped responding to connections
21:36 VanessaE G*D damn it
21:36 VanessaE now the client is crashing at startup
21:37 kahrl this doesn't sound like a stable release :D
21:37 VanessaE segmentation fault..  figures :-/
21:38 * VanessaE makes a debug build...
21:43 Anchakor on april 1st make a 1.0.0 stable release containing a jpeg files of MLP ponies
21:43 VanessaE you're evil. :)
21:45 VanessaE all right, let's try this again...with gdb+debug build
21:45 VanessaE hah!  GOTCHYA!
21:46 VanessaE
21:47 VanessaE segfaults as soon as it shows the world (logging into my server as usual)
21:47 VanessaE most recent change that probably triggered it:  I updated two textures in my HDX (thus, presumably, triggering some cache bgu)
21:47 VanessaE (bug*)
21:49 VanessaE (though, oddly, the engine was somewhere in the 'coloredwood' mod at the time of crash...)
21:49 VanessaE (which is not what I was working on)
21:50 VanessaE I still have the crashed client loaded in gdb, is anything else needed?
21:51 kahrl how does this even happen
21:51 VanessaE what do you mean?
21:51 kahrl the assertion means some thread unlocked a mutex that another thread locked
21:51 VanessaE oh
21:51 kahrl I think
21:51 kahrl but how does that happen with JMutexAutoLock
21:52 VanessaE (I try to read this stuff but the terminology/language in use mostly goes over my head)
21:55 VanessaE wait, wtf?  why are coloredwood textures being passed through ^[transformR90  ?  I didn't do that in my mod.
21:56 kahrl drawtype=fencelike does that
21:56 VanessaE ahhh
21:56 VanessaE indeed, coloredwood does have fences.
21:58 VanessaE btw, the client starts fine in singleplayer mode.
21:58 VanessaE (different map, of course)
22:00 VanessaE if you've got ~640 MB disk and 6GB of RAM to spare, use this texture pack for your local tests:
22:02 kahrl is this reproducible?
22:03 VanessaE yep
22:03 VanessaE just tried again.  four crashes in a row.
22:03 kahrl all maps or just a specific one?
22:03 kahrl worlds*
22:04 VanessaE for now, I'm just testing it on my server
22:04 VanessaE note that this last time, someone managed to say 'hi' before I crashed.
22:05 VanessaE
22:06 VanessaE (the terminal window is a ghost left over after briefly raising it and then lowering it again; it unintentionally hides the names of the two players currently on the server
22:06 VanessaE that is, the names that float above their player models)
22:07 kahrl why is the chat showing in the media download phase?
22:07 VanessaE that was the moment it crashes, the media download bar hadn't disappeared yet.
22:07 kahrl ah
22:07 VanessaE although I don't know the normal order of graphic operations that it goes through at that spot
22:07 VanessaE crashed*
22:08 kahrl well normally it should write to a background buffer and only switch to that buffer when it is fully rendered
22:08 VanessaE leave it to me to come up with the most obscure possible bugs :D
22:09 kahrl does using just the hdx texture pack trigger it? without extra mods?
22:09 kahrl brb
22:10 VanessaE it varies.
22:10 VanessaE sometimes it crashes, sometimes it doesn't.
22:10 VanessaE there will be periods of a few weeks to a couple of months where I just can't use it
22:11 VanessaE then something random in the engine changes just enough to let the 512px size work again
22:11 VanessaE (256px always works)
22:11 VanessaE (same number of textures, they're just smaller)
22:19 kahrl I hate to say it but I don't think I can fix this
22:20 VanessaE *sigh*
22:20 kahrl I don't even know where to start, as I said the assert shouldn't even happen
22:20 kahrl so far memory corruption is the only plausible explanation, and that's almost impossible to find
22:21 kahrl possibly not even in minetest code but irrlicht / graphics drivers / whatever
22:21 kahrl although it likely is caused by minetest code
22:21 VanessaE trying an experiment now
22:21 VanessaE preloading item visuals (usually I don't)
22:21 * Exio gets the glasses
22:22 Exio ;P
22:22 Exio for protection, in case everything explodes i won't lost my eyes :P
22:22 VanessaE and...
22:22 VanessaE that works!
22:22 VanessaE ok, that's somewhere for you to look maybe?
22:23 VanessaE and as an aside, the two textures I had just updated look better :P
22:24 kahrl I think preload item visuals just causes the timing of the texture request queue to be different
22:24 kahrl different enough to not trigger the bug
22:26 VanessaE hrm
22:29 VanessaE well at least this is a workaround for now
22:31 kahrl so, we have 90 minutes of feature freeze left
22:31 Exio kahrl: did anyone even try the utf8 thing?
22:31 kahrl what's the current plan?
22:31 VanessaE I suggest extending it.
22:32 kahrl Exio: I did and I thought some others too
22:32 Exio VanessaE: what irrlicht version do you have?
22:32 Exio i'd like someone with irrlicht 1.7.2 to try it
22:32 Exio (linux)
22:32 kahrl VanessaE: why extend it again?
22:32 VanessaE Exio: 1.7.3
22:33 VanessaE kahrl: well I guess if that crash isn't enough, then don't extend it
22:33 kahrl we could extend it by a week and probably wouldn't find a fix for the bug
22:34 kahrl and those who use hdx texture packs shouldn't be afraid to use git if a fix is ever found
22:35 VanessaE true, true
22:36 VanessaE wtf?
22:36 VanessaE I turned preload off, and it still works
22:37 kahrl VanessaE: some kind of race condition may be involved
22:37 Exio making it even harder to "fix"
22:45 kahrl core devs: do you think the release should be made now?
22:46 kahrl <mass highlight> celeron55 darkrose hmmmm sfan5 thexyz </mass highlight>
22:47 Exio lol
22:47 * VanessaE warms up her build script
22:47 kahrl bad timing that PilzAdam logged off just now :P
22:49 VanessaE well I'll put in my two cents anyway:  release 0.4.7.
23:21 proller joined #minetest-dev
23:28 Exio kahrl: proller !
23:28 Exio here :P
23:28 proller me
23:29 * Exio should switch to the nick "core-dev-bugger"
23:29 Exio [19:45:45] <+kahrl> core devs: do you think the release should be made now?
23:31 * proller make very small changes for this release
23:31 proller and i think if all tested - it can be released
23:36 Naked joined #minetest-dev
23:52 Topic for #minetest-dev is now >>> FREEZE until 0.4.7 is released <<< Minetest core development and maintenance. Chit-chat goes to #minetest. Consider this instead of /msg celeron55.
23:54 Exio haha

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