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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-04-24

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:10 OWNSyouAll joined #minetest-dev
00:32 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
00:37 RealBadAngel im debbuging now what getNodeNoEx returns and i keep getting strange things
00:40 RealBadAngel what is content = 29 ?
00:45 dexter0 joined #minetest-dev
00:47 RealBadAngel nvm, found out
00:57 hmmmm the 30th node that you registered 8)
01:02 RealBadAngel i was dumpin the content on direction i had problems
01:02 hmmmm sooo
01:03 RealBadAngel in fact at the very beginin (just loaded the world) it shows there 127 - content ignore
01:03 hmmmm any objections to the use texture alpha channel?
01:03 RealBadAngel its ok with me
01:03 hmmmm there are two problems with it though, and i'd really like to document them beforehand, where would i do that?
01:04 RealBadAngel on dev wiki?
01:04 hmmmm i guess, but i was thinking more like on github
01:04 hmmmm do i just create two bug reports?
01:05 hmmmm and refer people to those if they complain?
01:05 hmmmm do i put the known problems in the lua_api.txt?
01:06 RealBadAngel maybe put link to wiki in doc and then later on when problems are solved remove it?
01:06 hmmmm i guess
01:08 RealBadAngel about my problem, content ignore is just one thing, second is when i put node at the border of the block, only nodes in this block are updated
01:08 RealBadAngel neighbourin block is not updated
01:09 RealBadAngel so effect in both cases is the same, but reasons are different
01:10 hmmmm why not just connect with content ignore too?
01:11 RealBadAngel that fixes first reason
01:11 RealBadAngel but not the second
01:11 RealBadAngel when im placing the node
01:11 hmmmm yeah, you'll have one less problem though
01:12 RealBadAngel i guess autoconnecting nodes shall force update the neighbour if it is in another block
01:13 RealBadAngel but this should be done on_place, not in render code imho
01:14 hmmmm then why not do it there?
01:15 RealBadAngel if i put such trigger in mesh update thread i could cause chains of forced updates
01:16 RealBadAngel in fact i need to do that only once
01:17 RealBadAngel simple punch on ANY node in non updated block fixes the connections
01:17 kahrl what if you change addUpdateMeshTaskWithEdge to update all 6 adjacent meshes instead of only 3 of them?
01:19 RealBadAngel but then updating the neighbours will trigger the update for their neighbours and so on
01:20 kahrl no
01:20 kahrl it calls addUpdateMeshTask
01:20 kahrl it's not recursive
01:20 IceCraft joined #minetest-dev
01:21 RealBadAngel if not then i will try to do so
01:22 RealBadAngel ah
01:22 RealBadAngel that will really help imho
01:23 RealBadAngel it add check only to - direction
01:23 RealBadAngel and problem i noticed on ALL + directions
01:25 RealBadAngel yikes! it works :) thx kahrl :)
01:26 RealBadAngel shall i post client.cpp change to addUpdateMeshTaskWithEdge as separate patch?
01:27 hmmmm yes
01:27 RealBadAngel ok, i will do so in a few minutes
01:27 hmmmm kinda wonder what the rationale behind making it only update 3 directions is now
01:27 RealBadAngel will make this with loop and table
01:27 RealBadAngel 6 same pieces of code in a row looks stupid
01:28 hmmmm i made it look nice in calcLighting()
01:28 kahrl yeah, use g_6dirs
01:29 kahrl hmmmm: I think this piece of code is really old... 3 directions used to be enough
01:30 hmmmm hrm
01:30 hmmmm RBA, do you want to commit your thing first, or shall I?
01:30 hmmmm it's going to cause a conflict either way i bet
01:32 RealBadAngel i can see same code down below in addUpdateMeshTaskForNode
01:33 RealBadAngel also only 3 directions
01:33 hmmmm i wouldn't change it if i were you
01:33 RealBadAngel why?
01:34 hmmmm the 3 directions is sufficient for that, evidently
01:34 hmmmm doing more work than is necessary is bad
01:34 hmmmm if your thing works with the one modification, i'd leave the other thing be
01:34 RealBadAngel ok, at least if it pops up i will know where to look ;)
01:34 hmmmm yeah
01:34 hmmmm hope it doesn't though
01:35 hmmmm i mean doesn't that put twice as much work on the mesh update thread?
01:36 RealBadAngel if it does i guess we have to live with it, because it is ablosutely necesary imho
01:37 kahrl the difference is 3 more mesh updates when the client sets or removes a crack
01:38 RealBadAngel so no big deal
01:38 hmmmm er
01:38 kahrl maybe
01:38 hmmmm okay :)
01:39 kahrl I remember that I coded the crack stuff into the animation system so that cracks didn't eat all performance on celeron's hardware
01:40 kahrl before then, every time the crack texture changed, there were 4 mesh updates
01:41 kahrl now it is only when the crack is added or removed
01:42 hmmmm now hold on a minute, when you say update, does it mean the entire mesh for that mapblock is regenerated, or is the existing mesh modified?
01:43 kahrl yeah regenerated
01:44 kahrl nowadays changing the crack texture only modifies the existing mesh
01:44 hmmmm sounded painful before
01:44 kahrl it was =)
01:49 kahrl I keep stumbling upon mapblock_mesh.cpp:1365
01:50 kahrl should I try to implement the suggestion there? people seem to run into that limit somewhat often
01:50 kahrl (for irc log SEO: FIXME: Meshbuffer ran out of indices)
01:53 RealBadAngel go on, its really needed
01:54 RealBadAngel i started with it but im still learnin stuff related to meshes
01:56 RealBadAngel moretrees makes you hit that limit in no time ;)
01:59 kahrl I thought moretrees was mostly L-system stuff? not complex nodeboxes?
01:59 kahrl or how does it hit the limit?
01:59 RealBadAngel huge amount of leaves
02:00 kahrl ok true, that's a lot of allfaces nodes
02:06 kaeza1 joined #minetest-dev
02:14 ssieb joined #minetest-dev
02:14 RealBadAngel
02:14 RealBadAngel i need a coffee
02:15 RealBadAngel thx to it i will be able to pull NDT_GLASSLIKE_FRAMED tommorow, need just to clean it and write some docs
02:16 RealBadAngel not the coffee ofc, but the fix above ;)
02:17 hmmmm why not commit it?
02:18 RealBadAngel you know why ;)
02:18 RealBadAngel you do it
02:18 hmmmm no, why?
02:18 hmmmm oh
02:18 hmmmm oh come on man, learn how2use git
02:18 hmmmm i'll guide you through it if you'd like
02:18 RealBadAngel i playin with branches on technic body
02:19 RealBadAngel *im
02:19 RealBadAngel had lately to remove whole tree and build it from scratch ;)
02:19 hmmmm alright
02:20 RealBadAngel when i will be sure i wont screw something i will let you know :)
02:21 hmmmm even if you do screw it up somehow, any of us can fix it by simply force-pushing our current tree
02:21 RealBadAngel we can try tommorow with glasslike_framed
02:23 RealBadAngel btw,
02:23 RealBadAngel this is the code
02:24 hmmmm now that is scary looking
02:24 RealBadAngel hehe why?
02:24 hmmmm just look at it
02:25 hmmmm oh
02:26 hmmmm by the way, we put the opening and closing braces on the same level of indentation
02:26 RealBadAngel i havent cleaned it yet
02:26 hmmmm so like, how do you figure out all those constants?  do you just sit there and figure them out one by one?
02:26 hmmmm it's nuts
02:27 RealBadAngel you mean triplets?
02:27 hmmmm that and the aabb3fs
02:27 RealBadAngel not really, nodeboxes are defined with a program
02:28 RealBadAngel i just replaced values with variable (i used this model many times already)
02:28 hmmmm ah
02:28 RealBadAngel to make it scalable
02:28 RealBadAngel and triplets are selfexplainin
02:29 RealBadAngel you look at the g26dirs, look at the direction
02:29 RealBadAngel and put there rule nr
02:30 RealBadAngel so its really easy to define which nodes you want to check
02:32 RealBadAngel thx to im not checkin unwanted nodes in 3x3x3 box
02:32 RealBadAngel so just 18 instead of all 26
02:36 hmmmm oh shoot
02:36 hmmmm i hate it when you're right
02:37 hmmmm you were right about the on-draw tile colorizing being tough to do
02:37 hmmmm i just realized that finalColorBlend works on verticies, not on the actual tile
02:38 RealBadAngel node stored in the world shall carry just two more tables to do all the fancy stuff
02:38 RealBadAngel nodeboxes and tiles
02:38 RealBadAngel ofc only if modified
02:39 RealBadAngel and then nodeboxes animation, texture changin, whatever will be child's play
02:39 hmmmm ....:(
02:40 hmmmm okay, forget about all the shader crap, i don't need it anymore
02:40 hmmmm the only solution here is to really just generate all those different textures
02:40 hmmmm so this would reduce the number of nodes needing to be defined, but won't help the number of textures at all
02:40 RealBadAngel ALSO important side effect we cut nodes count by hundreds
02:41 RealBadAngel if not thousands like on VanessaE's server
02:41 hmmmm the biggest benefit here would've been cutting the number of textures
02:41 hmmmm it's still very attractive though
02:41 RealBadAngel wires - 1 node instead of 64
02:42 RealBadAngel same apply to mesecons
02:42 hmmmm huh
02:42 hmmmm hold on a minute
02:42 RealBadAngel pipes, frames
02:42 hmmmm if you combine some other param2 with this, you'll have less than 64 colors
02:42 RealBadAngel all stairsplus nodes
02:42 hmmmm facedir takes up 5 bits
02:42 hmmmm which leaves only 3 for color
02:43 hmmmm so how many different colors of stairsplus are there?
02:43 RealBadAngel colors?
02:43 hmmmm yeah
02:43 RealBadAngel stairsplus is about nodeboxes, not different colors
02:44 hmmmm then how would this help stairsplus nodes
02:44 RealBadAngel simply. if you can define on the fly a nodebox
02:44 RealBadAngel and insert it into world
02:45 hmmmm well that's not what i was planning at all
02:45 RealBadAngel then why predefine dozens of them for each wanted material?
02:45 RealBadAngel but this is connected
02:45 hmmmm right
02:45 hmmmm the same concept can be applied
02:45 RealBadAngel because same applies to textures
02:45 RealBadAngel so no more 2 furnaces
02:45 RealBadAngel just one and change the texture just
02:46 hmmmm but let's see
02:46 hmmmm erm
02:46 hmmmm so you need 8 or less types of stairs for each material?
02:47 hmmmm corner in, corner out, regular stair, half slab,  that's 4 different shapes of stairs
02:49 RealBadAngel there are more pieces
02:49 RealBadAngel microblocks, panels, etc
02:49 hmmmm oh yeah but a microblock is different and it's used in recipes iirc
02:50 hmmmm for obvious reasons, you won't be able to specify a certain param2 for craft recipes, that's getting ridiculous
02:50 RealBadAngel no need to
02:51 RealBadAngel all modders need is an ability to modify nodeboxes and tiles on the fly
02:51 hmmmm mm
02:51 RealBadAngel give that to them and you will see miracles in a few weeks
02:52 hmmmm would you like to do this?
02:52 hmmmm or should i
02:52 RealBadAngel by now i dont know where to start
02:53 RealBadAngel im not familiar with how the nodes are stored
02:53 hmmmm well gosh, i know where, scriptapi_content.cpp
02:53 hmmmm 8)
02:53 RealBadAngel hehehe
02:53 RealBadAngel lemme finish mesh drawtype and you go for it
02:53 hmmmm alright
02:54 hmmmm let's see what we're going to have to do
02:54 RealBadAngel imho node shall have kinda flag "modified" and then read tables not from definition but from stored node
02:55 hmmmm first we'd have to wrap all facedir operations in (x & 0x1F)
02:55 hmmmm or is that already done
02:55 RealBadAngel ive put such and somwhere
02:56 hmmmm a lot of caution would need to be put into making sure that facedir only modifies the bits that it's allowed
02:57 RealBadAngel i will check it when i got back from work today
02:57 hmmmm k
02:57 RealBadAngel now im leaving to work, just 5 minutes left
02:57 hmmmm later
02:57 RealBadAngel next week i will have 5 days in a row free for coding
03:02 kaeza hmmmm, can you merge this one?
03:02 kaeza and sorry about that
03:04 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
03:16 hmmmm ehehe
03:16 hmmmm that's a pretty huge bug
03:18 kaeza well... no one is using the HUD thingy yet
03:18 kaeza (besides me)
03:19 hmmmm did you have a pull request for that?
03:19 kaeza nope
03:20 hmmmm it's great that others are further developing the HUD
03:20 kaeza I pushed it to the same branch, but the pull rq was already closed, so I thought it would be a waste to open another for a smallish change
03:20 kaeza ah thanks
03:20 hmmmm i felt that i would probably be the only one to add/modify it
03:21 hmmmm but i guess that's not so
03:21 kaeza I'd like to see more feedback from modders to see what more is needed
03:21 hmmmm that's what the forum is for.. they just need to start using it more
03:21 kaeza but nobody wants to play with HUDs :(
03:22 hmmmm i thought people would go crazy over huds
03:22 kaeza me too, that feature has been requested time and time again
03:24 kaeza I see it is now possible to use texture alpha. This will be great for some stuff
03:25 hmmmm it's not perfect.
03:25 hmmmm see the wiki topic on minetest.register_item
03:25 kahrl I have played a bit with huds and have one lua_api.txt suggestion
03:25 kahrl make it clearer that 'text' is where you put the texture name for image hud elements
03:27 kaeza it is
03:28 kahrl oh, I somehow missed that
03:28 kaeza
03:28 kahrl I only looked at the section at the end
03:28 kaeza err...wrong link
03:29 kaeza well, it's kinda like reusing parameters
03:29 kaeza for example, 'number' is used as statbar value, but as text color
03:30 hmmmm just being efficient
03:30 hmmmm it's better than having 1000 different parameter names
03:30 kahrl yeah it's fine. I'm just being derpy
03:33 kahrl I guess that happened because I typed /hud in less and that is case sensitive
03:34 hmmmm someone should write a manpage for minetest
03:36 kahrl "BUGS  For this feature, you need to install the insects(6) mod which depends on mobf(6)."
03:37 kaeza hmmmm, isn't there one already?
03:37 kaeza doc/minetest.6
03:38 hmmmm hrm?  dunno
03:38 hmmmm it's not installed for me
03:39 kaeza it only contains command line usage though
03:41 kaeza and, erhm... I don't think it's very up to date... perhaps from the 0.3.x days
03:43 kahrl there's some 0.4 stuff like gameid in there
03:46 hmmmm has anyone played terasology or blockscape?
03:47 hmmmm if so, can you tell me if there is a height limit?
04:02 mitori joined #minetest-dev
04:06 hmmmm a
04:07 hmmmm this thread is very insightful
04:07 hmmmm indeed they use shadow masks
04:15 hmmmm erm no what am i saying
04:15 hmmmm _because_ terasology has a height limit of 256, they can use hardware lighting
04:20 ShadowNinja hmm, not sure how this works but can't you just assume that non-loaded blocks are transparent?
04:22 hmmmm of course not, we'd have light shining through caves
04:22 hmmmm all this was discussed
04:22 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
04:22 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
04:23 ShadowNinja If you were in a cave then the ceiling would most likely be loaded
04:25 hmmmm hrm.
04:26 hmmmm alright, from what i've observed, terasology has a small height limit and all of the vertical space is loaded at the same time, allowing for the use of accurate hardware lighting; but they don't use hardware lighting, they store light values for some reason even though they don't need to.  it seems they are trying to move to our kind of format
04:27 hmmmm blockscape on the other hand, has no height limit at all and stores no light value
04:27 ShadowNinja Wait, it is infinite? or just crazy high?
04:28 hmmmm well, very high
04:28 hmmmm i wouldn't say it's very relevant because if it's "high enough" then they can't have the entire thing loaded at once which means they can't do the obvious thing for lighting
04:30 ShadowNinja Yes, I was just curious
04:36 kahrl how does blockscape do indirect light without storing light values?
04:39 kahrl hm, looking at some videos it seems like they don't
04:40 kahrl so shadowed areas get pitch black (+ ambient light) pretty quickly
04:40 hmmmm aaa
04:40 hmmmm what's this
04:40 hmmmm chunk type 10 "is world rotation (for the day/night cycle)"
04:41 hmmmm oh
04:41 hmmmm file chunk
04:42 hmmmm he uses the terminology "chunk" to mean chunk in the file, and "world chunk" to mean a variable-height collection of 32x32 nodes
04:42 hmmmm er
04:43 hmmmm a "world chunk" is made up of a variable number of "block layers", a "block layer" is a 32x32 collection of nodes
04:45 hmmmm so like what, do the people making these blockscape editors just not do lighting at all?
04:45 hmmmm >Heist, well, while you work on graphical stuff, I will tinker with decoding some more, cuz C# 3D stuff is too over complicated. And I wasn't able to find byte buffer in .net framework
04:46 hmmmm C# is hard for them, so I guess I shouldn't expect very good solutions from the forum
04:56 hmmmm it seems to me like they just rely on the world around them loading quick enough that nobody would notice light shining through before the shadow gets loaded
04:57 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
04:59 hmmmm indeed.. - see the second to last point
05:11 kaeza I don't understand it... blockscape has apparently awesome graphics, but does not have the basic things (which MT had from the beginning)?
07:43 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
07:46 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
07:50 celeron55 <+hmmmm> kinda wonder what the rationale behind making it only update 3 directions is now
07:50 celeron55 it's because mesh updates are painfully slow
07:50 celeron55 it's commonly the limiting factor when transferring blocks from the server
07:51 celeron55 that'll effectively halve the transfer rate in many cases now 8)
07:52 emptty joined #minetest-dev
08:00 celeron55 (actually, commonly = probably only single player)
08:13 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
08:13 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
08:17 chaiman joined #minetest-dev
08:17 chaiman Hello
08:18 chaiman I want to ask about this:
08:18 chaiman The idea is to move death screen to lua
08:19 chaiman So some kind of afterlife would be possible
08:22 chaiman Also, dead and alive  should see world differently - same blocks should be rendered differently for those who are dead.
08:23 chaiman Both of this require changes to the engine to be made
08:23 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
08:23 chaiman So, basically, will this be added, if implemented?
08:24 kaeza hmm
08:25 kaeza I'm not very sure about the different rendering
08:26 chaiman By "different rendering" I mean rather "different texture"
08:26 chaiman the problem that can't be set in the realtime
08:27 chaiman But if it would be possible to define 2 sets of textures
08:28 chaiman then engine will check fo is_alive flag (or smth like that) and apply a different texture, which is allready in node definition
08:28 chaiman *for
08:28 kaeza well... that would require some big changes
08:29 kaeza and I doubtif it would be useful for anything else
08:29 chaiman It probably wont
08:29 kaeza but meh, I'm not the one to give the ok or no about that
08:29 chaiman Idea was to bring a new level of exploration
08:31 chaiman In MC you can build, fight, go to nether for resources aand explore there, then there are END and even after the end you may discover potions stuff etc
08:31 celeron55 that sounds quite arbitrary, you probably need to think of it in some more general way if you want to propose something to be put in the engine
08:32 chaiman @celeron55, I don't quite got your message
08:32 celeron55 put in other words, we aren't eager to put things in the engine that are not widely useful
08:33 chaiman That's why I finally came here - to convince that ghosts thing will bring joy and amusement ;)
08:33 chaiman Anyway
08:33 chaiman Suppose all above is done and the code is good
08:34 kaeza indeed they will, but not as an engine feature
08:34 celeron55 moving the death screen to lua sounds like something to consider if there is a way to implement it cleanly and robustly
08:35 celeron55 i can't say much more than that nothing will be added that is not useful for anything else than your ghost thing
08:36 chaiman It's not mine
08:36 celeron55 you need to propose general things that many will find use for that also work well for it too
08:36 chaiman So, even if it wiil be ready to merge you won't add this?
08:36 chaiman *will
08:37 celeron55 as you described it, probably not, unless it's very simple and affects basically nothing
08:38 chaiman I got your point. Thanks for your time. Bye.
08:38 kaeza being able to disable the death screen would be useful perhaps, but the different rendering not so much
08:38 celeron55 i know that making games with personality is easier if you can freely mess around with the engine, but it won't work for us in the long run
08:38 kaeza erhm
08:39 kaeza whatever
08:39 celeron55 it works for a do-once release
08:39 kahrl moving the death screen to lua seems easy enough
08:39 kaeza perhaps implemented as a formspec?
08:39 kahrl remove the SendDeathscreen calls from Server; add a scriptapi function that calls SendDeathscreen; implement the proper lua callbacks
08:40 kahrl or remove the deathscreen entirely and find some way to do it with formspec, yes
08:40 celeron55 backwards compatibility
08:40 celeron55 (if possible)
08:40 kahrl it'll be a protocol change, I suppose
08:41 celeron55 at least a new client has to support an old server; maybe not for a new server - old client combination
08:41 kaeza which reminds me, would it be useful to add methods to the hud to be able to relocate the healthbar and/or hotbar?
08:41 celeron55 (because of easiness of implementation)
08:41 kahrl new server - old client would work if implemented via formspec
08:42 kahrl unless the client is really old
08:43 celeron55 kaeza: no; maybe a simple call to hide them
08:43 kahrl and if lua just calls SendDeathscreen there aren't any server<->client compatibility problems
08:44 kaeza celeron55, we discussed this ("discussed") and adding health/hot bar completely in Lua would have problems under heavy lag
08:45 kaeza +with hmmmm
08:45 celeron55 kaeza: we really care only about compatibility between git head and the existing stable release, but if necessary new server/old client compatibility can be dropped
08:45 celeron55 ...
08:45 celeron55 kahrl*
08:46 celeron55 kaeza: well, in that case you'd have the screen full of other lag-affected bars anyway so it wouldn't really matter
08:46 kaeza okay...
08:47 kaeza good point
08:47 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
08:49 kaeza so I guess I need to add a new command to the protocol?
08:50 kaeza actually, this could be done with a special parameter to hud_remove()
08:50 kahrl why a special parameter if you want to move the default hud to lua?
08:51 kaeza because there won't be any move to Lua
08:51 celeron55 something like hud_remove_builtin() would probably be cleanest
08:51 kaeza I'll just disable the default HUD, and let a mod in default handle it
08:51 celeron55 some magic ids or something is kind of hacky
08:52 kaeza I mean about the protocol... I don't want to mess with that stuff if at all possible
08:52 celeron55 or actually... hud_enable_builtin(true/false)
08:52 celeron55 you can add a new message for that
08:53 kaeza okay
08:53 celeron55 you'd kind of have to modify the protocol anyway
08:54 celeron55 hell, someon has messed up the command ids once again
08:54 celeron55 so let's count in hex
08:54 celeron55 0x48, 0x49, 0x50?
08:54 celeron55 NO! this is shit
08:55 kaeza heh
08:56 celeron55 just move all of them to correct place and don't modify any protocol versions
08:57 celeron55 building on broken stuff has to stop
08:59 kaeza won't this break compat?
08:59 kaeza err... nvm
08:59 celeron55 yes it will
09:00 celeron55 but the hud implementation is still clearly only taking it's initial shape so it's prefectly fine
09:00 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
09:00 kaeza ok, so renumbering messages then
09:00 celeron55 so the existing ones should be 0x49, 0x4a and 0x4b, and yours will be 0x4c
09:02 kaeza should I make it so a single call enables/disables everything?
09:02 celeron55 hmm... what are the things subject to this
09:02 celeron55 the hotbar and the health bar?
09:03 kaeza yes
09:03 celeron55 i wonder if somebody would want to mess around with wielded item rendering
09:03 kaeza hmm
09:04 kahrl maybe someone wants to move it to the center for doomlike rendering
09:04 celeron55 this is trickier than it seemed
09:04 kaeza maybe being able to disable individual components would be better
09:04 celeron55 kaeza: i
09:04 celeron55 ...
09:04 celeron55 kahrl: well, i'm thinking mostly if it should be disableable, on it's own
09:04 kaeza ...
09:05 celeron55 so maybe we need some kind of a thing to disable and enable some named hud parts
09:06 kaeza right
09:06 kaeza maybe player:hud_builtin_enable("hotbar", true)
09:06 kaeza (or some variation)
09:08 celeron55 as for the api, i think that's fine
09:08 celeron55 the protocol needs a small bit of thought
09:08 kaeza that's what I meant actually
09:08 kaeza maybe this can be done in a single messane
09:09 kaeza passing first the named item, and then the flag
09:09 kaeza message*
09:09 celeron55 well i guess it'll just convert the "hotbar" and "healthbar" and "wielditem" or something like that to some predefined ids
09:09 celeron55 and put the id and a boolean in a message
09:09 kaeza there are util functions in scriptapi to convert strings to enums
09:10 kaeza this is what hud_change() uses
09:10 kaeza it converts "number" to HUD_STAT_NUMBER, and sends this to the client
09:11 kaeza I can do the same
09:11 celeron55 yeah, it's fine
09:11 kaeza one little question... what's the preferred method to send a boolean? a single char or an u32?
09:11 celeron55 u8
09:12 kaeza ah
09:12 celeron55 (=unsigned char)
09:12 kaeza yep, that's what I meant :P
09:13 celeron55 one thing i'm a bit worried about here is that there isn't really anything to facilitate any kind of mod interoperability here, but i guess someone will invent something in lua for that (just like inventory plus or so)
09:14 kaeza I've been tinkering with that actually
09:14 kaeza (Lua of course)
09:14 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
09:14 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
09:16 kaeza so, the message would be: u16 command, u8 what, u8 flag
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09:31 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
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09:53 proller joined #minetest-dev
10:07 kaeza can I add an option to disable default crosshair while I'm at it?
10:07 kaeza (I mean, as argumnt to hud_builtin_enable() )
10:21 celeron55 guess so
10:28 kaeza ditto for the wield item
10:28 kaeza (in case someone wishes to implement wielditems as overlay images or whatnot)
10:31 celeron55 also, don't expect it to get wide usage very fast
10:31 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
10:31 celeron55 many features i've been implementing or overlooked the implementation of have gained use quite slowly
10:31 kaeza I know... RBA's background just got started to be used
10:32 celeron55 (overlook is a stupid word though, that sentence could mean two almost opposite things...)
10:32 kaeza but at least the stuff is there for the daring modder that wants to try something new
10:32 celeron55 yes; somebody always needs to set up the framework
10:33 celeron55 there's always a delay in the momentum that comes from adding some base feature
10:33 celeron55 people slowly realize what new things they can do
10:44 Exio kaeza: uhm, what?
10:44 Exio when you are poiting at something?
10:45 kaeza Exio, read scrollback
10:46 Exio kaeza: i don't get it - that is why i ask :P
10:46 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
10:46 Exio you mean a function for disabling it from lua, like you can remove and add other hud items?
10:47 kaeza that
10:47 kaeza
10:47 PilzAdam this new "use_texture_alpha" is unusable; with shaders enabled it doesnt work at all and without shaders its extremly glitchy above water
10:47 kaeza Exio, you'll see soon
10:48 Calinou no transparency sorting (yet), PilzAdam, that's why it's glitchy, probably
10:48 VanessaE Calinou: I almost have an update for you for stairsplus, but I need your input on it
10:48 Calinou while we're talking about rendering stuff, it'd be nice if we have a paramtype "facedir_fixed_texture", like facedir but the texture never rotates
10:49 VanessaE ->#minetest
10:49 Calinou ah
10:49 VanessaE and I was *JUST* about to suggest that
10:49 Calinou ninja'd :P
11:00 kaeza celeron55, I will need to #include "hud.h" from player.cpp; any objections?
11:05 kaeza I can move stuff directly to player.h, but would seem out of place there
11:05 PilzAdam what stuff?
11:05 kaeza the new defines I added
11:06 PilzAdam just dont include headers just for class definitions, use "class foo;" instead
11:06 PilzAdam (in headers, that is)
11:06 kaeza nope, a bunch of #defines
11:06 celeron55 why do you need defines there
11:07 kaeza I don't want to add tons of hud_hotbar_enabled members to Player
11:07 celeron55 so what do you add?
11:07 kaeza a simple bitfield
11:08 celeron55 so you need the #defines for initializing the bitfield by default with the right bits on?
11:08 kaeza yep
11:08 celeron55 i guess just put the defines there then; not a big deal as it's the actual storage place of the bits anyway
11:08 kaeza ok
11:09 celeron55 or umm...
11:09 celeron55 do you then need to include player.h in hud.h?
11:09 kaeza I can just stick a 0xFF in there 8)
11:09 celeron55 if that is the case, then put them rather in hud.h and include it in player.cpp
11:10 kaeza ehm... I'll commit and show you
11:12 celeron55 but the thing here is that hud.h is a huge header because of the headers that are included in there; that means you will never want to include hud.h in any other header
11:13 kaeza
11:14 kaeza wrong link
11:14 kaeza
11:15 celeron55 well that's what you already described
11:15 kaeza let's see... they are used in player.cpp and hud.cpp
11:17 celeron55 just let it be like that
11:17 celeron55 it's not the worst way to do it
11:17 celeron55 and there's no obvious better way
11:18 celeron55 (well, adding a small hudtypes.h header would be the trivial lightweight solution)
11:18 celeron55 (but that's kind of file count bloat then)
11:19 kaeza would be the a good option
11:20 kaeza for now lemme test if this actually works, and I'll cocentrate on the details later
11:20 celeron55 if it works, make a pull request and concentrate on using the end result :P
11:21 celeron55 (after adding reference to doc/lua_api.txt)
11:23 PilzAdam celeron55, file bloat? this is file bloat:
11:23 celeron55 PilzAdam: lol 8)
12:04 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
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12:09 kaeza f*ck yea
12:10 Calinou lol yea
12:10 Calinou should be merged in another file, because there is almost nothing in that file :P
12:11 kaeza err... almost anyway
12:11 kaeza I cannot disable the crosshair :P
12:11 VanessaE re: file bloat, heh
12:11 kaeza lol this looks like minetest-delta without wielditem
12:12 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
12:17 Calinou why?
12:17 Calinou minetest-delta's hud was the same as it is currently, pretty much
12:20 kaeza erhm... I meant 0.2.x
12:20 kaeza anyway
12:20 kaeza :D
12:21 kaeza Calinou,
12:22 kaeza I need to write docs and this thing is done
12:24 Calinou haha, timestamp
12:25 Calinou you can color text now?
12:25 Calinou or is this lua-hud only?
12:25 Calinou (/me would like to see color codes, like ^f0f8 for semi-transparent pink)
12:26 kaeza Calinou, yep
12:26 kaeza part of my misc stuff
12:26 kaeza Calinou,
12:26 kaeza see mods/testclock
12:27 kaeza err... testclock/
12:35 kaeza aaaaaand pull requested:
12:35 kaeza celeron55, ^
12:45 Calinou +1
12:45 Calinou useful: disable health bar when in god mode
12:45 Calinou :P
12:46 kaeza It's possible now ;)
12:47 kaeza also, who inv in top-left corner
12:47 kaeza (somehow)
12:49 kaeza s/who/draw/
12:50 kaeza my hands are derping lately
13:13 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
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13:58 RealBadAngel more useful: make HUD minimap
13:59 RealBadAngel hi all
14:08 kaeza hey RBA
14:08 kaeza how's it goin'?
14:14 Tracerneo RealBadAngel: yeah, it would be cool. How about map item, that will add map in HUD (and other items, like compass, changing HUD)?
14:14 kaeza1 joined #minetest-dev
14:28 celeron55 kaeza: it's in now (edited lua_api.txt a bit)
14:30 kaeza celeron55, ok, thanks ^_^
14:35 PilzAdam any objections to change wool crafting from color + white wool to colort + group:wool?
14:36 PilzAdam -t
14:37 ecube joined #minetest-dev
14:37 PilzAdam and it should also be not possible for every player to destroy other player's locked chests if they are emtpy
14:42 PilzAdam the output should be changed to one colored wool then, instead of 16
14:57 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
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15:18 RealBadAngel 16 ->1 i agree, but dont touch players properties
15:19 RealBadAngel this way one will be able to destroy empty chest, machines etc
15:19 RealBadAngel and some chest are EXPENSIVE
15:19 PilzAdam currently everyone can dig empty locked chests
15:20 PilzAdam I want to change it so that only the owner can
15:20 RealBadAngel maybe wooden
15:20 RealBadAngel ah so i got you opposite. sure do that
15:21 RealBadAngel owned and end of story
15:21 Jordach perhaps steel chests  can only be dug by the owner
15:21 Jordach even when empty
15:22 PilzAdam Jordach, we dont have steel chests
15:22 RealBadAngel maybe you :P ;)
15:22 PilzAdam done
15:26 RealBadAngel PilzAdam, for glasslike_framed i got all the code almost ready, bugs are dead
15:26 RealBadAngel i would like to discuss with you (not now, maybe later today) crafting recipes for framed glass
15:28 RealBadAngel please think about for example wooden and iron framed glass
15:28 RealBadAngel or maybe you will pop up with another ideas
15:29 RealBadAngel fyi: frame can have different textures, faces (glass) others
15:30 RealBadAngel i will be back in 4-5hrs from now on
15:30 PilzAdam *start timer*
15:30 RealBadAngel and you start thinkin ;)
15:31 RealBadAngel cya later aligator :)
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18:03 sfan5 is there and easy way to clear somebody' inventory in lua?
18:05 VanessaE sfan5:
18:05 VanessaE (traxie21 wrote that)
18:05 sfan5 I was just going to ask if :set_list("main", {})  was going to work
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19:24 sapier1 did anyone try if my fixes for gxx 4.6 build do work? travis build doesn't seam to start again for additional commits?
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21:18 StrayBytes joined #minetest-dev
21:37 hmmmm eh
21:38 hmmmm grr
21:40 hmmmm now i have to make another commit to fix those commits
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22:00 jin_xi what is DecorationDef going to do?
22:06 RealBadAngel define plants, trees, ores that are biome specific
22:10 jin_xi oh ok, so not new stuff but a new way to define biomes
22:17 RealBadAngel exactly
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23:28 Exio would decorationdef work for spawning things inside dungeons?
23:31 RealBadAngel Exio you should ask hmmmm about it, but propably yeah
23:33 Exio I didn't want to highlight him :P
23:34 ShadowNinja Exio: I think I saw that on the TODO list
23:40 Exio Add Lua callbacks for DungeonGen room placement - this comes with DecorationDef, I reckon
23:40 Exio k, thanks

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