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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2013-03-19

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Time Nick Message
00:03 hmmmm RealBadAngel, well that's very odd, because there's no logical way that can happen
00:03 hmmmm vanessa, if you and pilzadam can't find a workaround to the variable number of arguments, i'll remove that
00:04 PilzAdam I alrady pushed the solution for that
00:04 hmmmm does that fix third party mods too?
00:04 VanessaE hmmmm: it's already fixed and seems to work fine for e.g. mesecons
00:04 hmmmm okay, great
00:06 RealBadAngel hmmmm, it looks like placing tree nodes is skipped, but not apples
00:06 hmmmm again, not possible
00:06 hmmmm make_tree is never even called
00:06 RealBadAngel so who placed all those apples there? :)
00:06 hmmmm something else must've happened
00:07 RealBadAngel your update with trees happened
00:07 hmmmm i'll look at it myself
00:07 RealBadAngel disable trees and create new world
00:09 PilzAdam RealBadAngel, I cant reproduce this
00:10 hmmmm i'm looking for floating apples, and i'm not finding
00:10 hmmmm pilzadam.... shadows on water seem blocky now
00:10 hmmmm i think it was your update with new_style_water perhaps
00:10 hmmmm shadows are still smooth on not-water
00:12 hmmmm well, good thing i can't find the bug that RBA is talking about, because that would be completely illogical
00:15 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
00:27 PilzAdam hmmmm,
00:31 RealBadAngel hmmm, will try to hunt the bug later
00:32 RealBadAngel now im busy polishing 6d facedir for release
01:14 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
01:50 hmmmm hey pilzadam, it'd be neat if we had a cooling sound effect for when water touches lava
02:00 hmmmm also, when chunksize != 5, on_generate seems to give problems; it calls with max < min, but it doesn't tell me *where* the error happened
02:00 hmmmm anybody have an idea on how to track something like this down?
02:06 hmmmm seems to happen with basically any chunksize greater than 5.. specifically the numbers are 62, 64, -62, -64, or some variation thereof, if there's any significance to that.  it happens in one of the generate_ores.
02:34 hmmmm on an unrelated note, i tried setting buildable_to to false for content_ignore, and that didn't fix the node placement problem at all.. it might be that the initial analysis of the problem was wrong
02:34 ShadowNinja joined #minetest-dev
02:35 RealBadAngel hmmm, now we are dealing with prerotated node's textures
02:35 RealBadAngel like pistons, or stuff like this
02:35 RealBadAngel its pain in the ass and not correct
02:36 RealBadAngel question is we shall go in direction that node shall be defined with nonrotated textures only
02:36 RealBadAngel and rotations will make facedir only
02:36 RealBadAngel or take care of sins of the past and got code partially fucked up
02:37 RealBadAngel facedir alone cannot check if a texture is prerotated
02:38 VanessaE better honor the manual rotations
02:38 hmmmm we should do things the right way perhaps
02:38 VanessaE you never know what kind of weird corner case might need it
02:38 RealBadAngel no corner cases this way
02:38 RealBadAngel 0 rotations when definin a node
02:38 RealBadAngel simple as that
02:39 RealBadAngel is 0 simple? isnt it?
02:39 RealBadAngel :)
02:39 khonkhortisan joined #minetest-dev
02:39 VanessaE corner case:
02:39 VanessaE well, no strike that
02:39 RealBadAngel thx to prerotations we cannot make it right
02:39 RealBadAngel we got right textures flipped
02:41 RealBadAngel note: problem is raising only when prerotated node is given new extra facedir values
02:41 RealBadAngel with old range it is ok
02:42 RealBadAngel but trying to rotate prerotated and trying to keep it lookin ok, fucks up properly defined ones
02:43 RealBadAngel and introducing flips on textures
02:43 RealBadAngel VanessaE, go on
02:43 VanessaE nevermind.
02:43 RealBadAngel :) so?
02:43 VanessaE I withdraw the question, your honor :D
02:43 RealBadAngel so, lets do it right
02:44 RealBadAngel hmmmm, agree?
02:44 hmmmm yes, remove manual rotations and do things the right way
02:44 VanessaE but only when they're applied to a node with facedir
02:44 RealBadAngel aye sir
02:44 hmmmm thank you :)
02:45 hmmmm we're finally cleaning crap up
02:45 khonkhortisan yep
02:45 RealBadAngel VanessaE, we r talkin facedir only now
02:45 VanessaE right.
03:33 VanessaE now, side note:  can we please have the game drop focus from the world when the F10 console is open?
03:33 VanessaE (so that moving the mouse moves a mouse pointer instead of panning/tilting)
03:41 khonkhortisan that's really easy to do
03:41 khonkhortisan I think?
03:41 VanessaE beats me.
05:20 proller joined #minetest-dev
05:41 hmmmm you know, i find it absolutely hilarious that luajit was dismissed back then
05:41 hmmmm it's being used by quite a lot of people now and they all say there is a very noticable improvement in everything
05:41 troller joined #minetest-dev
05:42 hmmmm in my mind, anybody who says that a speed improvement isn't worth it is a complete idiot and must be disregarded for the safety of the project
06:01 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
06:05 proller joined #minetest-dev
06:21 loggingbot_ joined #minetest-dev
06:21 Topic for #minetest-dev is now Minetest core development and maintenance. Chit-chat goes to #minetest. Consider this instead of /msg celeron55.
06:25 proller__ joined #minetest-dev
08:59 celeron55 23:37:17 < troller> idea about sources: maybe use automatic formater like astyle or indent or... ?
08:59 celeron55 i shot this one down years ago, and still will
08:59 celeron55 i think the programmer should have the freedom to format his code whatever way he wants
08:59 celeron55 it's a human right
09:00 celeron55 using automatic formatter is like removing the steering wheel from a car; it just isn't fun anymore
09:13 proller joined #minetest-dev
09:52 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
10:20 realbadangel_ joined #minetest-dev
10:20 ShadowNi1ja|Away joined #minetest-dev
10:22 Exio joined #minetest-dev
11:00 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
11:00 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
11:01 jin_xi joined #minetest-dev
12:38 proller joined #minetest-dev
12:44 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
13:23 troller joined #minetest-dev
13:31 troller joined #minetest-dev
13:53 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
14:11 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
14:25 realbadangel_ hi all
14:26 realbadangel_ hmmmm, agree about luajit. especially when speedup cost absolutely nothin
14:30 realbadangel_ we are all looking for ways to speed up our code. hard
14:31 realbadangel_ and it seems like at least 100% is lyin on the street. just to pick it up
14:53 hmmmm hopefully with the ores-in-core and decorationdef, we can remove the call to on_generated completely if nothing is registered, trimming a decent 150ms from chunk generation time
14:54 hmmmm 150ms doesn't seem like a lot until you realize that there's more than one chunk being generated
14:54 realbadangel_ hell more than one
14:56 realbadangel_ btw i thought a bit about apple bug
14:56 realbadangel_ i think i know from where it came from
14:57 proller joined #minetest-dev
14:57 realbadangel_ vanessae disabled tree generation by changing aliases to air
14:58 realbadangel_ now propably we do have new mapgen alias: apple , right?
14:58 hmmmm ah, that explains it
14:58 hmmmm yes, apple
14:59 realbadangel_ tree is being generated but to air
14:59 PilzAdam mapgen_apple
14:59 realbadangel_ btw, what a waste of cycles...
14:59 hmmmm it is a waste of cycles until we figure out the decorationdef crap
15:00 hmmmm that's going to be the ultimate solution to all of this, i imagine
15:00 realbadangel_ dont imagine. bet
15:00 hmmmm well i don't know because i don't have any of that coded out, only the ore generation
15:01 realbadangel_ havin an idea really helps to get it coded
15:03 realbadangel_ start from definin empty biomes
15:03 realbadangel_ and then lets fill them with contens just
15:04 hmmmm well the original idea behind decorationdef was to have a biome contain one or more of these, and the trees (or other things) would be PseduoRandomly scattered throughout the biome
15:04 hmmmm eliminating the need for tree perlin noise
15:04 hmmmm and so on
15:04 hmmmm but how do i frame this into a mapgen v6 context, with no biome support
15:05 realbadangel_ does v7 support it?
15:05 hmmmm well yes, that's the whole point of v7 and that's what makes it so different
15:05 hmmmm the biomes
15:06 realbadangel_ remember today mornin? my question?
15:06 hmmmm what was your question?
15:06 realbadangel_ about doin something right
15:06 hmmmm remove the manual rotations?
15:06 realbadangel_ yes
15:06 hmmmm i was in that conversation
15:06 hmmmm i said yes
15:06 realbadangel_ do it right
15:07 realbadangel_ so
15:07 hmmmm oh
15:07 realbadangel_ do it
15:07 hmmmm that'd change a little too much and it'd be a whole different mapgen
15:07 troller joined #minetest-dev
15:07 hmmmm it still can be done right, i just need to think harder of how i'm going to do it
15:07 * realbadangel_ marks in the chan thin red line
15:07 realbadangel_ dare to cross? :)
15:08 hmmmm meh
15:08 hmmmm i don't
15:08 realbadangel_ chicken :P
15:09 realbadangel_ but seriously
15:09 realbadangel_ such decisions have to be made
15:09 realbadangel_ otherwise we will have all the time, desert, desert, some desert, beach, oh tree, and water
15:10 hmmmm again - just wait for mapgen v7
15:10 hmmmm anyway i have an idea
15:10 hmmmm a part of decorationdef could be placement style
15:10 hmmmm perlin noise placed, pseudorandomly placed, so on
15:11 realbadangel_ can i have an idea?
15:11 hmmmm for example like we have right now with deserts and cactuses, that would be defined by a model, its perlin noise occurance, its div size
15:11 hmmmm huh.
15:11 hmmmm oh nevermind, i don't even need a placement style
15:12 realbadangel_ plant noise. for whole world
15:12 hmmmm everything follows from perlin noise + pseduorandom div placement
15:12 hmmmm that would be included with this idea
15:12 realbadangel_ then when noise tells you to plant something
15:12 hmmmm in order to have "plant noise for the whole world" you just define all these decorations and use the same exact perlin noise parameters
15:12 realbadangel_ check where you are
15:12 realbadangel_ to put correct plant
15:13 hmmmm alright yes this is good
15:13 hmmmm i can do this
15:13 realbadangel_ so the main noise is the trigger
15:13 realbadangel_ to plant
15:14 hmmmm no no
15:14 hmmmm you can have separate noises
15:14 realbadangel_ main plant noise
15:14 hmmmm why would you want that?
15:15 realbadangel_ to be it an ecosphere
15:15 realbadangel_ undepedent
15:15 hmmmm but you do understand that 'plants' can be absolutely anything, including mushrooms in caves and so on
15:15 hmmmm stones
15:15 realbadangel_ exactly
15:15 hmmmm glowstone things in the nether
15:16 hmmmm so it would be weird if you had all these things exactly correlated
15:16 realbadangel_ when ecosphere tells you to grow
15:16 realbadangel_ check where you are
15:16 hmmmm but it's not necessarily a biological process
15:16 realbadangel_ and what can be grown here
15:17 realbadangel_ when youre close to the borders of biomes
15:17 realbadangel_ make it fuzzy
15:17 hmmmm but there's only two biomes, desert and normal
15:17 hmmmm lol, i'm talking about V6.
15:17 realbadangel_ im talkin bout the future :)
15:19 realbadangel_ btw could you take a look at chasm and riverbeds mods?
15:19 realbadangel_ c55 asked me to check chasm with luajit and i found that mods very nice
15:20 hmmmm i would, but not today, i have a big paper due tomorrow that i didn't even start on
15:20 realbadangel_ sure
15:20 realbadangel_ but fyi those things shall be hardcoded
15:20 realbadangel_ imho at least
15:21 realbadangel_ such things makin landscape
15:21 realbadangel_ and bringing variety
15:21 hmmmm what, the chasms?
15:21 realbadangel_ and theyre pretty cool
15:21 realbadangel_ chasms and riverbeds
15:22 hmmmm chasms would be neat, they can be added to mapgen v6 if done well enough, just that you'd need to specify the 'chasm' flag to enable
15:22 hmmmm just as long as it doesn't change anything fundamental with v6
15:22 realbadangel_ take a look at mod
15:22 realbadangel_ its pretty simple
15:22 hmmmm the reason why proller's modifications had to go into a separate mapgen was because it modified several fundamental structures and what not
15:24 realbadangel_ stoppin sun and moving earth was also a fundamental change
15:24 realbadangel_ and hard to make
15:47 proller joined #minetest-dev
15:53 PilzAdam wtf
15:54 hmmmm probably just a hiccup
16:01 PilzAdam do we want this?
16:03 khonkhortisan yes, I should be able to grab a ladder in front of my eyes with my hands, and not have to jump onto it with my feet
16:03 PilzAdam ehm
16:03 khonkhortisan unless I misunderstand what that does
16:04 PilzAdam you do :-)
16:05 PilzAdam it fixes "elevators" like this where you only have to hold sneak and jump:
16:06 Jordach joined #minetest-dev
16:28 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
16:41 ShadowNinja PilzAdam: I think fixing it is fine now that we can go fast on ladders
16:46 VanessaE I disagree, sneak elevators is unique to minetest, and doesn't really differ from what someone could do (in theory) in reality
16:46 VanessaE (aside from them not needing any supports in the game)
16:47 VanessaE besides, fast on ladders is busted anyway
16:47 VanessaE you should not be able to shoot 20m up off the top.
16:48 khonkhortisan that should be reserved for swimming
16:48 Jordach i would like to highlight realistically, a person who takes in parkour could actually use a sneak elevator
16:49 jin_xi while carrying 30m^3 of stone and wielding an axe
16:49 Jordach still possible
16:50 VanessaE wtf is parkour?
16:50 Jordach VanessaE, shortest point for A > B
16:50 VanessaE oh
16:51 Jordach which means:
16:52 khonkhortisan that looks dangerous, even in a game
16:52 Jordach marktraceur does it
16:54 hmmmm or more realistically,
16:56 khonkhortisan that double wall flip was almost a headkick
16:58 VanessaE *watches hmmmm's video*
17:00 VanessaE (whoever ripped this video needs lessons in smooth framerates)
17:00 hmmmm it's a really old video, is it not?
17:00 VanessaE dunno
17:00 hmmmm uploaded 2006
17:01 VanessaE obviously ripped from a video tape though
17:16 thexyz great, windows.h defines some weird std::min/std::max replacements
17:16 thexyz
17:17 hmmmm let's use MYMIN and MYMAX
17:17 thexyz we can (std::min)(a, b) as well
17:18 thexyz or #define NOMINMAX somewhere
17:18 thexyz which is better, i guess
17:18 thexyz before including windows.h, that is
17:19 khonkhortisan If it's different across oses, the winner is the way that's most common.
17:19 thexyz
17:20 khonkhortisan not the best place to put a comment, right in the middle of the function call
17:21 PilzAdam thexyz, Id say #define NOMINMAX to prevent doing the same error again
17:22 thexyz I agree, now, where does it include windows.h?
17:23 celeron55 put it directly in the cmake configuration
17:23 celeron55 trying to make it always go before windows.h via source files is a pain
17:23 khonkhortisan debug.h filesys.cpp gettext.h porting.h (twice!) socket.cpp
17:24 thexyz mapgen_indev.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __thiscall MapgenV6::makeChunk(class BlockMakeData *)" (?makeChunk@MapgenV6@@UAEXPAVBlockMakeData@@@Z)
17:24 thexyz odd
17:24 khonkhortisan winresource.rc
17:25 celeron55 thexyz:
17:28 celeron55 maybe
17:28 celeron55 umm actually, not there but upper so that it's in the WIN32 block 8)
17:30 hmmmm khonkhortisan, what are those, places where windows.h is included?
17:31 hmmmm it'd be nice if someone defined _WINNT_VERSION and remove those #ifndef blah #define blah 0x0600s
17:31 hmmmm i needed that so MingW would compile with OpenThread() being used
17:31 khonkhortisan yes
17:34 khonkhortisan Does it matter if luajit compiles to a .so? Can I still copy it to liblua.a? It seemed to work.
17:36 hmmmm not really sure
17:37 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
17:40 thexyz that's pointless
17:40 khonkhortisan what, luajit?
17:40 thexyz no
17:40 thexyz msvc linking problems
17:46 hmmmm thexyz, if you figure out why that virtual function won't link, tell me, because i don't see why it wouldn't work either
17:49 thexyz sure
17:51 PilzAdam hmmmm, do you mean stonebricks (as added to minetest_game) by "Smoothstone" in the TODO in the wiki?
17:52 hmmmm i guess... are those the half-height slabs that you stack onto eachother to make a full, smooth slab?
17:52 hmmmm what i'm talking about was in minecraft classic
17:52 PilzAdam kinda
17:52 hmmmm i guess that's it then
17:53 hmmmm anyway did you ever find a cooling sound for when lava and water meet?
17:54 proller joined #minetest-dev
17:55 Exio hmmmm: hm, i don't think you meant those, (the stone squares)
17:56 hmmmm oh i don't
17:56 hmmmm if i find a picture i'll show you
17:57 hmmmm back when i actually played minetest, i remember i ripped the texture from minecraft and defined my own node that looked like i wanted
17:57 Exio the bricks are using the texture of cobblestone
17:57 Exio stone bricks, not bricks * :P
18:01 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
18:01 khonkhortisan Can I change "unkn own block" to "unkn own node"?
18:04 khonkhortisan I think I will.
18:37 troller joined #minetest-dev
18:48 BlindBanana joined #minetest-dev
18:54 BlindBanana joined #minetest-dev
21:35 troller its possible to make multithread mapgen?
21:35 VanessaE that's being worked on
21:35 PilzAdam mapgen is already multthreaded, isnt it?
21:35 VanessaE it already is multi-threaded now
21:36 VanessaE but the multi-threading capability is not considered "stable" yet.
21:36 Exio what is the definition of 'stable'?
21:37 VanessaE Exio: works without risking lockups and uses all available CPU when (and only when) needed?
21:37 troller now its uses only one cpu at 100%
21:37 Exio i don't get it
21:37 Exio troller: emerge_threads=<threadnumber>
21:37 troller i want to 4-8 paralel blocks gen
21:37 troller thanks
21:37 VanessaE Exio: at present, some parts of the mapgen have sort of build-in waiting periods for no apparent reason.
21:38 Exio for no apparent reason? you mean lua? :)
21:38 VanessaE in other places, some parts of the mapgen get stuck waiting for other parts to finish, but really shouldn't.
21:38 VanessaE hmmmm can explain it better, but that's good enough i thinl
21:38 VanessaE thnk
21:38 VanessaE ....
21:38 Exio hehe
21:38 Exio poor VanessaE
21:39 Exio the "single thread performance" here is not perfect, and a phenom has more IPC
21:39 Exio *but* if i use the other cores, i see a speedup
21:39 Exio it can be a lot faster, i don't say it can't be
21:47 VanessaE I currently run my server with two mapgen threads.  Don't wanna break it.
21:47 Exio my singleplayer works with 8 threads
21:48 PilzAdam what is the default? 2*cores - 2?
21:48 Exio 1
21:48 Exio if "enabled autodetect", cores-2 (or 1 if negative/0)
22:21 jojoa1997|Tablet joined #minetest-dev
22:21 jojoa1997|Tablet when will mobs be added back. i kno they were in lua but why get rid of them when they were faster
22:25 Exio the old mobs were in the core, engine, C++
22:26 Exio there are some pull requests for adding path-finding algorythms, what should be added soon(tm)
22:26 Exio i'd say, don't panic and keep touched with minetest!
22:26 Exio k
23:20 iqualfragile joined #minetest-dev
23:35 Exio something about the issues in the repository
23:35 Exio does anyone with 'admin' perms in it is going to "clean" and "mark" them?
23:35 Exio there are a lot of what are, or resolved, or are feature requests, or.. and so
23:36 Exio having a way for having only bugs, or only feature requests and so would be nice
23:37 PilzAdam yea, I can go through them tomorow or so
23:37 Exio thanks
23:46 Exio hahaha
23:46 Exio 314 files changed, 43793 insertions(+), 14772 deletions(-)
23:46 Exio my "fork"

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