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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2012-11-30

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:04 hmmmm wow, KDE sounds like crap
01:04 hmmmm why don't you use xfce?
02:57 SitDog update: i am around & i am reading the chat logs.  i don't have much to add yet, but give me a bit to continue reviewing the codebase.  i did get my environment setup and running on windows.  i guess the documentation could be the first update :D
03:44 SitDog joined #minetest-dev
05:16 SitDog_ joined #minetest-dev
05:27 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
05:33 SitDog_ joined #minetest-dev
06:11 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
07:29 SitDog_ joined #minetest-dev
07:35 celeron55 hmmmm: i use icewm
07:36 celeron55 i have not found another file browser that supports tabs, sftp, image thumbnails and removable storage
07:37 celeron55 that is the minimum i require from such software
07:39 darkrose tried pcmanfm?
07:40 celeron55 it sucks big time
07:41 darkrose eh, works for me for the few times I actually use a graphical file manager
07:58 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
08:39 SitDog_ joined #minetest-dev
08:49 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
08:49 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
10:22 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
10:38 Sudi joined #minetest-dev
11:05 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
11:14 PilzAdam joined #minetest-dev
12:39 Sudi_ joined #minetest-dev
13:18 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
13:29 YTR-123 joined #minetest-dev
13:29 YTR-123 left #minetest-dev
13:31 YTR-123 joined #minetest-dev
13:31 YTR-123 left #minetest-dev
13:32 hmmmm joined #minetest-dev
14:27 doserj joined #minetest-dev
14:37 SpeedProg joined #minetest-dev
14:52 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
15:20 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
16:25 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
16:25 darkrose joined #minetest-dev
17:11 kaeza joined #minetest-dev
17:11 kaeza left #minetest-dev
17:36 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
18:22 Calinou joined #minetest-dev
18:45 PilzAdam Idea: Use group fuel instead of minetest.register_craft({type="fuel"...})
18:51 celeron55 too hard to implement
18:52 celeron55 ...probably
18:52 PilzAdam get_craft_result() is in c++?
18:53 celeron55 hmm wtf
18:54 celeron55 where are the fuel recipes even used
18:54 celeron55 only in lua?
18:54 PilzAdam I guess so
18:56 celeron55 i guess it could be
18:57 celeron55 you could try doing that
18:57 SitDog__ joined #minetest-dev
18:58 celeron55 by just just... rewriting the furnace code
18:58 celeron55 -just
18:58 celeron55 or is there mods in use that want fuels from get_craft_result?
19:01 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
19:03 celeron55 i guess furnace replacement mods use that
19:04 celeron55 is there any plus side in using a group for that?
19:05 PilzAdam its less code; easier to understand
19:05 PilzAdam and it fits the default style
19:06 celeron55 what would the value be
19:06 celeron55 burn time in seconds?
19:07 celeron55 it would definitely work; the most work is figuring out how to implement backwards compatibility
19:08 celeron55 i guess register_craft should add the group if given a fuel, and get_craft_recipe should mimick the current behavior by inspecting if the item has the group
19:09 celeron55 so, C++ stuff
19:09 PilzAdam got it
19:09 celeron55 or alternatively a lua wrapper for the native ones that will steal the fuel behavior
19:09 PilzAdam I changed furnace to first check for group and then get_craft_result()
19:12 PilzAdam
19:14 celeron55 that can save the string "nil" to fuel_totaltime
19:14 celeron55 ...maybe
19:15 PilzAdam yea, i initialize fuel_time with 0
19:16 celeron55 because it can access an empty result from get_craft_result and put it in fuel_time
19:16 celeron55 it should probably be "if not fuel_time or fuel_time <= 0 then"
19:17 PilzAdam get_craft_result doesnt return nil
19:17 celeron55 but .time can be nil
19:17 PilzAdam
19:17 PilzAdam no
19:17 PilzAdam only 0
19:18 celeron55 oh
19:18 celeron55 well, apparently so
19:18 PilzAdam the old code would be crashy otherwise
19:21 nyuszika7h joined #minetest-dev
19:26 rubenwardy joined #minetest-dev
19:32 Taoki celeron55: Any progress with that shaders code and hardware lighting? Or any estimation when something about that will be on GIT and possible to test?
19:33 celeron55 Taoki: i won't be doing anything related to that
19:33 celeron55 and i don't know anyone who would
19:33 Taoki ahhh, ok
19:34 Taoki Not sure who will then :(
19:36 Taoki I tried looking at the lighting code, it's very large and complex. Would probably need to be someone who knows it and can understand it, as well as how shaders work, but I don't know if there's anyone else who does...
19:37 PilzAdam
19:39 serengeor joined #minetest-dev
19:41 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
19:52 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
19:52 celeron55 stupid adsl brokee down again -_-
19:52 celeron55 -e
19:52 celeron55 21:38:29 < celeron55> it is one thing i would be interested in doing, but it's not like i would  have time for it
19:52 celeron55 21:38:45 < celeron55> there is like 10000 things i could do, and i can pick a few per week
19:52 celeron55 21:38:53 < celeron55> and less when i do other projects
19:52 celeron55 21:38:56 < celeron55> which i want to do too
19:53 sstrandberg joined #minetest-dev
19:53 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
19:54 Taoki Power failure. If someone posted something since my last message please re-post
19:54 Sudi hey celeron55 how do you guys handle entity creation deletion over the network?
19:54 Sudi do you send extra events when a new entity should be created/destroyed
19:55 celeron55 Taoki: that's funny; my adsl broke down at the same time 8) see the channel log (topic) for my repost of what i think this channel missed
19:55 Sudi or do you let the client figure it out from the received data?
19:55 celeron55 the server keeps track of which client knows which entity
19:55 celeron55 and sends initialization/deletion commands when it sees them getting in/out of rhange
19:55 celeron55 range*
19:56 Sudi ah ok
19:57 Taoki That log worked :)
19:57 Taoki I think this is an important one, but that's understandable. Problem is this is one of the hardest things to do, and I assume someone needs to know the code there well
19:58 celeron55 i think it is not an important one
19:58 celeron55 there is so much wrong under the hood i just can't work on it until after much other things
19:58 celeron55 and no, it is not hard at all
19:59 Taoki Well, you surely know what's wrong under the hood more than me. At this day though, there aren't quite that many things I can say are wrong with the MineTest engine. Still many things unoptimized and not done yet, but not that bad I'd say
19:59 celeron55 more like laborious and experience-requiring
19:59 celeron55 and the latter can be replaced with googling!
20:00 celeron55 also it includes planning of what to even try to do
20:04 Taoki Should try to get someone helping out on this...
20:09 celeron55 i guess the plan is to add a setting that disables the voxel lighting (as it currently is - of course it can use it in it's own way then though) and enables shaders that implement some kind of regular-ish modern lighting
20:10 celeron55 i fiddle with it at times, but i don't expect to get anything done
20:12 Taoki Yeah, that would be useful
20:12 Taoki And thanks, hope you can at least fiddle with it some and maybe you can get somewhere and post that on GIT :)
20:12 Taoki Problem is that since meshes can't be copied, the voxel lighting cause the bug where one player's brightness is copied to all
20:13 Taoki Well, one problem
20:18 celeron55 possibly a shader could be applied to only them in the non-fancy mode
20:18 celeron55 just to set the vertex color
20:19 Taoki yeah, but it would be sad to have light only for models when it would look so nicely on the whole rodls :P This is also needed for other features I had planned
20:20 Taoki One idea to give a starting point however, could be: Get the sun and all light generating entities to work without shaders, even if light shines in caves. Commit that upstream as a fully disabled, experimentan and WIP feature, which can only be enabled if someone wants to by editing the settings file. That might encourage others to work on it than the thing gettinf forgotten
20:20 Taoki **getting
20:22 Taoki I tried that, but couldn't find how to disable voxel light everywhere, then make the sun and all lights use hardware lighting. So I think I'm giving up there
20:23 Taoki But yeah, I think this would be the coolest thing that could happen right now, now that models also exist :D Among those which are possible that is
20:37 rubenwardy left #minetest-dev
20:50 celeron55 joined #minetest-dev
20:58 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
21:00 ecube joined #minetest-dev
21:01 VanessaE celeron55: feature freeze for 0.4.4-release is when?
21:02 celeron55 let's say after 48 hours; but nobody should try quickly cramming anything in just because of that
21:02 VanessaE celeron55: talking to RBA, he needs more time to get the hooks for unified inventory finished.
21:03 celeron55 everything should be quite stable at 48h from now
21:03 celeron55 so that there can be a few days of testing
21:03 PilzAdam would be nice if farming would be in
21:03 PilzAdam but RBA needs to finish the textures first
21:04 celeron55 there has been so many additions after 0.4.3 already that nobody has any need to hurry in any way just to get something to 0.4.4 :P
21:05 PilzAdam but it is always a nice effect if you are a casual user and install the next version and then there are millions of new features :-)
21:05 celeron55 but if something is already good and would be just a matter of merging ready stuff in, those should be cosnidered
21:05 Taoki gah... github seems to be down for a bit
21:05 Taoki And nice, yay for 0.4.4 going out :)
21:05 PilzAdam
21:06 PilzAdam only minetest but not minetest_game repo is down
21:06 celeron55 PilzAdam: i have experience of trying to do that; it usually leads to many days of patching a very broken game
21:07 celeron55 there are two options: don't use unstable versions and don't get surprises, or use stable versions and get large bunches of new stuff at certain times
21:07 celeron55 ehm
21:07 celeron55 s/don't/do/
21:08 RealBadAngel joined #minetest-dev
21:08 RealBadAngel hi
21:09 PilzAdam sup
21:09 RealBadAngel im polishing now the formspec additions
21:09 RealBadAngel right coords for tooltips, proper naming and API doc
21:10 RealBadAngel i shall be ready soon
21:10 sfan5 should be merged IMO
21:10 RealBadAngel with this i could release Unified Inventory today or tommorow
21:11 VanessaE sfan5: a rainbow unicorn?
21:11 VanessaE that's a strange thing to push to git master.
21:11 VanessaE :D
21:11 sfan5 :D
21:11 sfan5 you can see a short desc. at
21:11 RealBadAngel celeron55, are you here?
21:12 thexyz VanessaE: use f5
21:12 VanessaE sfan5: ah, the crosshairs texture idea.
21:12 VanessaE thexyz: er, I know that.  Actually took three reloads to get the page up.
21:14 celeron55 i love the github artist
21:16 VanessaE heh
21:16 VanessaE celeron55: by far, my favorite "error" page was from or whatever it was.  Depicted a playful hamster resting on its back, with a message indicating that their "hamster-powered" servers were overloaded.
21:17 PilzAdam youtube: we have currently some monkeys working on this issue
21:19 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
21:20 VanessaE PilzAdam: isn't that always the case with youtube? ;)
21:21 PilzAdam since its buyed by google...
21:21 VanessaE heh
21:22 celeron55 love this:
21:23 VanessaE yep, saw that :)
21:23 celeron55 RealBadAngel: talk in here
21:24 RealBadAngel ok, lemme prepare pastebins first
21:25 VanessaE celeron55/sfan5:  regarding the crosshair, I'd have to agree with Lord89James, such a patch should allow for an Lua hook to update the texture on-demand, if possible.
21:25 VanessaE (not that it's useful to me, but from others talking about what mods they want to write, it would get used eventually)
21:27 RealBadAngel celeron55, ive made tooltips for buttons and trying to get proper rect to check later if the mouse pointer is in
21:27 RealBadAngel heres the definition of the button:
21:28 RealBadAngel and rectangle to be passed for drawing it
21:28 RealBadAngel and it appears to not be the same for checking for mouse pointer
21:28 RealBadAngel
21:29 celeron55 VanessaE: what kind of scaling behavior those would need to have, then? i can see people making even armor bars and stuff like that with it using texture modifiers...
21:29 RealBadAngel here is check code, same rect is passed to it
21:30 RealBadAngel tooltips are show too soon to the left and up
21:30 RealBadAngel bigger the screen size difference is greater
21:30 VanessaE celeron55: scale up relative to the window size, same way that e.g. the inventory does.
21:31 VanessaE simple Lanczos/Sinc aspect-correct scaling - nothing fancy I think.
21:31 VanessaE well come to think of it....
21:31 VanessaE yeah, do exactly that
21:31 VanessaE then such an armor etc. interface will flow smoothly into the rest of the UI
21:32 VanessaE (in which case either keep nearest-neighbor scaling like you do now, or upgrade the whole UI to use Lanczos or some other method)
21:32 VanessaE and people could use that for other effects - I've seen demands for player visuals like "player is on fire" (bleah.) and so forth
21:33 Taoki Just grepped the code... my anaglyph stereo patch is still not in, and there's a pull request for it too
21:33 Taoki
21:33 RealBadAngel hi Taoki
21:33 Taoki hi :)
21:33 VanessaE hey taoki :)
21:35 VanessaE Taoki: as long as the left/right tinting can be tuned, +1.
21:35 Taoki it can
21:36 VanessaE (didn't read the code, I just remember it from earlier)
21:43 celeron55 VanessaE: ehm, automatic scaling of the crosshair? that doesn't make any sense
21:43 celeron55 nobody wants to look at some scaled garbage
21:43 celeron55 at the middle of the screen all the time
21:44 VanessaE well the problem there is, if you don't scale it, it'll get too small on some people's screens, relative to the window and UI
21:44 celeron55 RealBadAngel: i think you can find the problem faster than i can
21:45 RealBadAngel formspec is not done by you?
21:45 celeron55 RealBadAngel: darkrose implemented stuff to the formspec the last time, you could ask her too
21:45 VanessaE celeron55: another option would be to require say two or three images for the crosshair, drawn at different sizes, and just don't scale at all, even if some are missing.
21:46 RealBadAngel celeron55, ok i will ask darkrose
21:46 VanessaE then the modder can be the one to decide if it should look different at a bigger size than at the "default" size.
21:47 celeron55 RealBadAngel: and don't ask in private; nobody likes that
21:47 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
21:48 RealBadAngel celeron55, strange as for me but ok
21:48 RealBadAngel darkrose, are you here?
21:48 celeron55 i guess darkrose will already answer when there's time
21:49 celeron55 VanessaE: can you suggest a practical way of making that happen from the modder's standpoint
21:49 celeron55 assuming runtime selection of it too
21:49 RealBadAngel so i will leave  the question there by now and goin to find the solution meanwhile on my own
21:49 VanessaE celeron55: maybe just crosshair_images = {"crosshair_normal", "crosshair_large", "crosshair_huge.png"}
21:50 VanessaE I dunno, just a random guess
21:50 celeron55 RealBadAngel: either that, or go eat and sleep 8)
21:50 VanessaE that's the basic form I would expect without reading an API, anyway
21:50 RealBadAngel i woke up an hour ago ;)
21:50 celeron55 where would that crosshair_images go
21:50 RealBadAngel now its weekend and long coding session
21:50 VanessaE mmm..lemme think about that
21:50 PilzAdam and texturing
21:51 celeron55 it's per-player at least
21:51 VanessaE register_crosshair({  blah blah, images = {"crosshair_normal", "crosshair_large", "crosshair_huge.png"}, blah blah})
21:51 celeron55 so i guess it's just a player:set_crosshair({"crosshair_normal", "crosshair_large", "crosshair_huge.png"})
21:51 VanessaE oh, so close!
21:51 VanessaE set_crosshair seems better.
21:52 RealBadAngel isnt better to set default_crosshair_scale=1.0 ?
21:52 VanessaE well set_crosshair for the function name, with my format idea maybe
21:52 RealBadAngel and modify it up or down?
21:53 VanessaE no, I think c55 is right that a crosshair shouldn't scale
21:53 celeron55 player:set_crosshair({640 = "crosshair_normal", 960 = "crosshair_large", 1200 = "crosshair_huge.png"}), with the numbers being vertical resolution and the client picking the closest one
21:53 RealBadAngel imho it could be scaled for zoom feature
21:53 VanessaE celeron55: +1
21:54 VanessaE or no, that's a bit of a departure from the usual..
21:54 RealBadAngel press and hold Z to zoom, and scale crosshair then
21:54 RealBadAngel youre talkin bout feature, im talkin bout using the feature
21:55 VanessaE how about player:set_crosshair({ {normal"crosshair_normal", size=640}, {large="crosshair_large", size=960}, {huge="crosshair_huge.png", size=1200}})
21:55 VanessaE er, normal=".....
21:55 celeron55 it *is* a departure from the usual, but nobody wants a crosshair with smudgy boundaries or 1px horizontal lines and 2px vertical lines
21:55 VanessaE having numbers for index IDs seems a little strange
21:56 celeron55 that is horrible
21:57 VanessaE meh
21:57 RealBadAngel texture shall be one and able to set by user
21:57 celeron55 i guess the scaling behavior needs to be configurable too
21:57 VanessaE No one ever said I could design an API :)
21:57 RealBadAngel with scale
21:57 celeron55 RealBadAngel: you aren't taking into account any other uses of it than your gun-whatever-binoculars
21:57 RealBadAngel so for example some1 could make mod with night vision googles
21:57 RealBadAngel zoomin stuff for weapons
21:57 RealBadAngel etc
21:58 RealBadAngel nah, im not goin to do that
21:58 RealBadAngel but just thought it could be possible then
21:58 celeron55 do you understand the default crosshair is going to be a texture too?
21:58 celeron55 and can you imagine how it looks randomly scaled
21:58 RealBadAngel yes
21:59 RealBadAngel should be high res
21:59 RealBadAngel and scaled down
21:59 VanessaE no, I agree with c55, crosshairs should be drawn 1:1, to the pixel
21:59 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
22:00 celeron55 forced high resolution in minetest? no wai
22:00 RealBadAngel nope
22:00 RealBadAngel just source crosshair texture
22:00 celeron55 yes, and that is what i commented about
22:00 RealBadAngel because you wont get good result of upscaling low resolution one
22:00 celeron55 we don't do high resolution textures in here
22:01 VanessaE celeron55: regarding my set_crosshair() call, maybe it's not as good as it could be, but imo yours having numbers for key IDs looks completely wrong too.
22:01 RealBadAngel so leave it up to user
22:01 VanessaE so we need a compromise
22:01 RealBadAngel if texture!="" then
22:01 RealBadAngel all will be happy
22:02 VanessaE RealBadAngel: that's what a texture pack is for
22:02 VanessaE low rez by default, use a texture pack if you want HD or something
22:02 RealBadAngel but first of all texture shall be exposed to the outside
22:03 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
22:03 RealBadAngel so what if the texture for formspec inventory fields is already in the engine?
22:03 RealBadAngel if theres no way to use it?
22:04 RealBadAngel what for buttons have two possible textures one for default and second for pressed
22:04 RealBadAngel if both are set to one?
22:05 celeron55 hmm, i think minecraft's crosshair is upscaled from two to three to i guess four times and maybe more, depending on resolution
22:05 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
22:06 VanessaE celeron55: ew.
22:07 celeron55 it makes a consistent look with the UI and the world, as they are pixely too
22:08 celeron55 of course some people want to screw up everything with high resolution and i need to figure out a way to do it in MT 8)
22:08 celeron55 silly people
22:08 PilzAdam -1 for HD
22:08 Taoki I like HD textures. Hope MT will always work well with them
22:08 Taoki As in, 512px or higher
22:08 sfan5[iPod] it will
22:09 sfan5[iPod] unless some base engine change will get done
22:09 Taoki yeah
22:09 Taoki I don't believe MT is meant to be limited to a certain resolution like MC... as in having a purpose off that
22:10 PilzAdam someone created a 4K texture pack?
22:10 RealBadAngel its targeted to work with low res
22:10 RealBadAngel but that should mean goin with higher would be impossible
22:10 RealBadAngel not
22:12 VanessaE I use the 256px version of HDX, I get 50-60 fpx with it when I don't go insane with view distance (when I do, 40-50 fps)
22:13 VanessaE fps*
22:15 celeron55 some guy is contacting me as he wants to use minetest for some commercial project and he admits to be clueless about how to go about using minetest with propietary code and asks how to do it according to the law
22:16 celeron55 hmm, should've made that two sentences
22:16 celeron55 well whatever
22:16 rsiska joined #minetest-dev
22:16 celeron55 i'm not especially eager to answer anything but "go google"
22:17 celeron55 as i already explained the options briefly
22:17 Taoki GPL is a good license. It makes sure that even if you use it commercially, the MT code does stay open source :)
22:18 celeron55 if somebody is, i'll let you answer... i doubt anyone wants to explain that to some random CEO of some random startup though
22:18 Taoki Hard to imagien how MT could be used commercially at all. But it can be used for many interesting things once it gets better
22:18 Taoki "Virtual space" is one word that comes to mind... after Second Life in that sense
22:18 celeron55 the fun thing about being the lead of MT is to feel enormously superior to CEOs of startups :-------D
22:18 Taoki lol
22:19 celeron55 i've gotten many of these over times
22:19 RealBadAngel well, i think the open source community already knows the default answers to the corporation folks
22:19 celeron55 they never end up doing anything
22:19 RealBadAngel two words usally
22:19 RealBadAngel one on F, second on Y
22:19 Taoki Corporations? Well they usually do anything that yields them money. We however, do whatever is best for the project and everyone :)
22:20 Taoki RBA: Righty :D
22:21 RealBadAngel funny fact: some1 made shaders mod and huge improvements to the engine
22:21 RealBadAngel all in one
22:21 RealBadAngel mojang tried to buy the code to get it merged
22:22 Taoki RealBadAngel: Was talking with c55 earlier about using shaders to get hardware lighting. I consider that the next important feature (feature, excluding bugfixes in terms of importance). But not sure who can contribute
22:22 RealBadAngel author laughed at money they proposed and showed them a finger
22:22 celeron55
22:22 celeron55 there went the answer
22:23 Taoki sounds nice
22:23 RealBadAngel Taoki, i will help ya for sure, im getting used to the game code
22:24 RealBadAngel still, im figthin some "flowers" on my way, but still, i get some effects
22:24 Taoki Ahhh... that feeling of being open source, and grabbing evil proprietary businessmen by the back of the head. Usually it's the other way around sadly, since those with money have more power. But when someone makes something FOSS that is good and better, then they can also have more power :)
22:25 Taoki RealBadAngel: That would be nice! Would be great if you could help implement lighting with the shaders. It's a hard task though... the lighting code is big
22:25 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
22:26 Taoki Sadly I don't know if I can help here. Should be someone who knows the lighting code well. c55 is prolly the only dev who does but he probably can't work on this primarily
22:26 RealBadAngel Taoki ive read several Irrlicht threads. the problem is not so scary imho
22:27 Taoki RealBadAngel: Using light entities is easy. But we need shaders to mask them, so light doesn't shine in caves
22:27 Taoki I have no experience with shaders however
22:27 Taoki Also, I don't know where to replace the sun and lights everywhere in the code, and make an optional setting that disables the lightmaps
22:27 RealBadAngel me neither but its still just a piece of code
22:27 celeron55 the bigness of the lighting code is not a problem at all
22:28 Taoki Only a problem when learning it for the first time, but yeah
22:28 celeron55 the result can be just ingored
22:28 RealBadAngel i need to know just the right formulas
22:28 celeron55 i wan write a shader that ignores the result 8)
22:28 celeron55 can*
22:29 RealBadAngel all is just math
22:29 Taoki celeron55: Well, it's a feature I'd really really like, so I can't help asking you to work on it if you get the time please. But I don't wanna be one of them annoying users who beg the devs to do features for them, and it's obviously your choice.
22:29 Taoki If you can and have time to of course. Just not sure who else can
22:30 Sudi hey celeron55 how much data is minetest sending for a single player?
22:31 celeron55 dunno
22:31 celeron55 somebody else knows better than me (from experience)
22:31 celeron55 i can only say "not much"
22:32 VanessaE sudi: it varies, but anywhere from about 2kB/sec on up depending on the server and players' available bandwidth.    Seems to float around 3kB/sec nominally.
22:33 RealBadAngel celeron55, one question: is virtual screen size for buttons, fields etc being fixed when passing pos and rectangles to Irrlicht?
22:34 RealBadAngel and then scaled to actual screen resolution by minetest?
22:35 * Taoki wonders if the hotbar on the HUD will become possible to texture as well, not just menus
22:35 RealBadAngel HUD display management shall be passed to LUA
22:36 RealBadAngel and defined there
22:37 Taoki agreed
22:38 Sudi VanessaE: how many updates does it send per second?
22:38 Taoki Would be nice if all hud items could be defined in lua. And if possible, even the inventory menu when you press i, so that games can customize it
22:38 Taoki Now that lua can read player keys that should be easy to do already, just needs someone to remove the c++ inventory screen afterward
22:39 VanessaE Sudi: not sure.  Given a packet size of 500-odd bytes, I guess that works out to 6-8 a second or something.
22:40 celeron55 this guy sends e-mails like a machine
22:40 celeron55 two new already
22:40 RealBadAngel lol
22:40 celeron55 no doubt he's a CEO
22:40 VanessaE heh'
22:40 ecube joined #minetest-dev
22:41 RealBadAngel corporation freak at his best
22:41 RealBadAngel "buy that damn c55 for me son" "i will, boss, you can count on me"
22:42 celeron55 oh, this went interesting
22:43 celeron55 not as interesting as you are thinking now though
22:43 VanessaE haha
22:43 RealBadAngel so?
22:44 celeron55
22:44 celeron55 wtf does that even mean
22:45 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
22:45 celeron55 should i ask him to fire up an irc client and come to #minetest so he can start modding for fun? :D
22:45 celeron55 this is random
22:45 VanessaE sure, why the hell not :-)
22:46 Taoki Actually, do it! Let's see if he does ;]
22:46 VanessaE let him prove how dumb (or not) he is :D
22:46 Taoki can't call him dumb yet since i haven't seen him still
22:46 RealBadAngel tekkit is compilation of technic like mods for minecraft
22:46 VanessaE Taoki: old stereotype - CEOs tend to be dumber than you would expect for their positions.
22:47 RealBadAngel bunch of them
22:47 Taoki yeah
22:47 Taoki I'm more concerned about those who are crooked rather than dumb...
22:48 RealBadAngel dayz mod:
22:48 RealBadAngel
22:50 RealBadAngel heh
22:50 RealBadAngel hes asking to do tekkit and dayz mod for minetest for free? or i do get it wrong?
22:58 celeron55 i don't even know, but here is my answer:
23:00 RealBadAngel good one
23:03 celeron55 by the way; the way you recognize a succesful kernel update is that it cannot find your hard disk in the next boot
23:04 celeron55 also, the usb dongle that is supposed to have an archlinux image on it will show a "debian" screen on boot
23:05 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
23:06 * Taoki hopes a kernel update will never break the os
23:07 celeron55 broken kernels are fun, if you're paid for fixing it or don't have anything else to do!
23:07 celeron55 this case isn't either one though
23:09 Taoki I like to know since I install all updates when they're on my repository's stable branch. I only did one kernel update so far, but it worked perfectly well
23:09 Taoki I don't have more than one distro installed however. Just Windows and openSUSE
23:09 celeron55 his answer is "Thank you."
23:10 Taoki BTW... to everyone who said openSUSE is a bad distro (RealBadAngel was on the list IIRC): You should note that MineTest is one of the default games distributed with it. Not installed by default, but it comes with its repositories. Wonder what Linux distros have it by default
23:10 celeron55 debian has had 0.3 since a long ago
23:10 Taoki I have it installed from Yast as well, though I only run the GIT one
23:10 Taoki nice
23:11 RealBadAngel me???
23:11 Taoki RealBadAngel: Maybe I'm confusing you then, ignore that if so
23:11 RealBadAngel nope. ive never said so
23:11 Taoki Ok. There was some debate about that a few weeks ago :P
23:11 celeron55 the first package of minetest was on archlinux's AUR
23:11 RealBadAngel im debian btw
23:11 celeron55 by far
23:12 Taoki Many went like "openSUSE is so bad, why would you use a distro like that:". Though it's 2 months since I switched to it, and it works so well it's impressive
23:12 Taoki nice
23:12 RealBadAngel if i named linux distro some bad words it was ubuntu then
23:12 celeron55 (it has been there since Kray set up his server, which is since forever)
23:13 Taoki Ubuntu is bad because it uses gnome (for me at least). Kubuntu is ok. But I wouldn't use it, since there's a lot of commercial software mixed with the free one, and it's heavily corporation-dependent
23:13 celeron55 my first distro was mandrake, but since then i haven't use any red hat based distro
23:13 celeron55 (fedora, suse and the like are the red hat aka rpm genre of distros)
23:14 Taoki Well, as inflexible as that sounds, openSUSE iwas pretty much my first and currently only distro. I only try others on VirtualBox out of curiosity. The first distro I sEEN however, was Knoppix when a computer friend booted a live CD on my machine
23:14 celeron55 then there are the debian based ones, and then... some oddballs like gentoo and arch and slackware (the old one)
23:14 Taoki I think Fedora is #2 for me, from those I personally know of
23:15 Taoki I heard nice things about MINT linux too, might try that on a virtual machine as well
23:15 celeron55 mint is basically ubuntu with different default settings
23:15 celeron55 it even uses ubuntu's repos afaik
23:17 RealBadAngel i think i found the reason coords are incopatible
23:17 RealBadAngel i mean in formspec
23:19 RealBadAngel compiling now
23:25 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
23:28 Taoki heading off for now, later
23:33 RealBadAngel padding value seems to be not there
23:34 RealBadAngel thats why i do get proper geometry but everything seems to be moved depending on screen resolution
23:34 RealBadAngel padding.x and padding.y is just always zero valued
23:45 sfan5[iPod] joined #minetest-dev
23:53 Taoki joined #minetest-dev

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