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IRC log for #minetest-delta, 2012-09-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
04:33 neko259 joined #minetest-delta
07:01 NakedFury joined #minetest-delta
07:50 Calinou joined #minetest-delta
11:37 Anchakor_ joined #minetest-delta
11:40 toabi_ joined #minetest-delta
11:49 SpeedProg joined #minetest-delta
11:49 SpeedProg1 joined #minetest-delta
11:50 SpeedProg joined #minetest-delta
12:06 Calinou joined #minetest-delta
12:26 celeron55_ joined #minetest-delta
12:30 te3_ joined #minetest-delta
12:36 krayon joined #minetest-delta
12:38 NakedFury joined #minetest-delta
12:47 Bad_Command_ joined #minetest-delta
12:48 Anchakor joined #minetest-delta
12:52 Neological joined #minetest-delta
12:57 MiJyn_ joined #minetest-delta
13:03 CiaranG joined #minetest-delta
13:07 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-delta
13:07 Weedy_lappy joined #minetest-delta
13:10 NakedFury joined #minetest-delta
13:11 celeron55 joined #minetest-delta
13:30 CiaranG joined #minetest-delta
14:21 thexyz OWNSyouAll: what?
15:21 PilzAdam joined #minetest-delta
15:38 MiJyn joined #minetest-delta
15:53 Calinou joined #minetest-delta
16:01 EdB joined #minetest-delta
16:05 OWNSyouAll thexyz: what is "ObjectRef" is it the player that just joined the server?
16:05 thexyz it's player's object
16:05 thexyz ObjectRef: Moving things in the game are generally these
16:05 thexyz (basically reference to a C++ ServerActiveObject)
16:05 thexyz see documentation
16:06 OWNSyouAll thexyz: im using is there a better source for the documentation?
16:06 thexyz no
16:09 celeron55 lua_api.txt is best used with a lot of ctrl+f
16:11 celeron55 maybe it'd work better as a html page with a lot of linked topics, but it's intended to be easily viewable and easy to keep up to date
16:11 celeron55 anything more complicated than that would be just left to rot
16:11 celeron55 because lazy.
16:12 thexyz it'd work best as a wiki pages
16:12 thexyz but nobody wants to make them
16:13 celeron55 wiki pages don't suffice by themselves; there needs to be the absolute minimal and always up-to-date reference in the source repo too
16:13 celeron55 anyway, if there was anything else, lua_api.txt could still exist as is because it'd be like 3% of the work
16:14 celeron55 but as we know, most of minetest's community just want to draw more new blocks and stuff them down everyone's mouths
16:15 celeron55 8)
16:42 OWNSyouAll I see there a way to get a players ip using the lua api?
16:45 celeron55 no there isn't
16:45 celeron55 well lol, i can think of a way 8D
16:45 celeron55 ban him, and check the ip from bans.txt 8D
16:45 celeron55 (no)
16:46 OWNSyouAll celeron55: ah well ok can we please get that in a later build then
16:47 celeron55 what'd you do with it? i can't really think of any use
16:48 thexyz celeron55: do you look at minetest_game's pool requests (sometimes)?
16:48 celeron55 sometimes
16:48 OWNSyouAll Well lets say a griefer wants to grief your server so you lookup what the griefer did and ban his username
16:48 OWNSyouAll then he just creates another username and griefs again
16:48 OWNSyouAll since you didn't ban his ip since the lua api can all get his username
16:48 OWNSyouAll can only get his username*
16:49 celeron55 the ban system always bans by ip
16:49 celeron55 it'll just remember the username too
16:49 celeron55 for handyness
16:50 celeron55 actually... i don't remember if it bans both
16:54 OWNSyouAll celeron55: ya it bans both i just tried
16:54 celeron55 banning both on a non-creative server kind of makes a griefer's life hard 8)
17:01 NakedFury can we limit blocks to players now? I havent seen but for example: lava and water buckets only for admins, etc
17:33 Calinou check privileges when you empty bucket
17:33 Calinou if you have "ban", you can empty it
17:33 Calinou else, you can't
17:41 VanessaE seems to me that explicit privs for each of water and lava buckets is more sensible
17:41 VanessaE some regular users can be trusted; why should it be limited only to admins/mods?
17:42 neko259 joined #minetest-delta
17:43 OldCoder I am just passing through ATM but in all seriousness I think it would be nice to add animals that eat griefers
17:45 Calinou VanessaE, yeah, or a "bucket" privilege would do
17:45 VanessaE perhaps
17:45 Calinou let's do it like linux groups: a group for something very small
17:45 Calinou we'll have an audio group which allows you to make sounds, video group which allows you to see, craft group which allows you to craft, forward group which allows you to press forward key...
17:45 VanessaE haha
18:07 saddy joined #minetest-delta
18:18 Lachlann joined #minetest-delta
18:19 Lachlann left #minetest-delta
18:30 NakedFury joined #minetest-delta
18:34 saddy joined #minetest-delta
20:29 mrtux joined #minetest-delta
20:44 LunaVorax joined #minetest-delta
20:45 LunaVorax Hi
21:06 Orby_ joined #minetest-delta
21:10 T_A_N_K joined #minetest-delta
21:10 T_A_N_K good day, celeron55 and all that are here
21:11 LunaVorax Hey T_A_N_K
21:11 LunaVorax Not asleep?
21:11 LunaVorax Or not living in Europe?
21:11 T_A_N_K hello lunavorax, and no, it's only 17:11, could you direct me to the mod api for minetest?
21:11 LunaVorax Sorry, I'm not the right person for that job :(
21:15 T_A_N_K dang, also i was talking to sfan55 and i heard there was no keep_chunks.loaded() system for entities, i was going to write a train mod for it but it will be difficult as the train will have to simulate the map in the correct time frame without actually being in the position that it's in
21:17 VanessaE
21:17 VanessaE modding API ^^^
21:17 T_A_N_K thank you very much
21:19 VanessaE no prob
21:23 Taoki joined #minetest-delta
21:27 OWNSyouAll joined #minetest-delta
21:28 DemonRaiser joined #minetest-delta
21:28 T_A_N_K joined #minetest-delta
21:30 T_A_N_K what does the server use? does it use ticks like bukkit?
21:30 T_A_N_K what is the mesurement of "server time"
21:35 Orby_ joined #minetest-delta
21:35 VanessaE not sure
21:37 OWNSyouAll T_A_N_K:
21:37 OWNSyouAll minetest.register_globalstep(func(dtime))
21:37 OWNSyouAll ^ Called every server step, usually interval of 0.05s
21:39 T_A_N_K thank you
21:46 Taoki joined #minetest-delta
22:46 T_A_N_K website sql returned this "Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 1310720) (tried to allocate 77824 bytes) in /srv/www/ on line 2203"
22:59 Exio joined #minetest-delta
23:42 donaldr3 joined #minetest-delta
23:42 sudoman joined #minetest-delta
23:42 donaldr3 I had a question about full_punch_interval works
23:42 sudoman me too ^
23:42 donaldr3 I've tried changing the value for some tools, but it doesn't seem to have an effect
23:43 sudoman is it a type of time resolution that determines the amount of damage that happens every time delta?
23:44 sudoman making it extremely high or extremely low seems to have no effect
23:44 T_A_N_K OMG
23:44 T_A_N_K donalrdr3!
23:44 T_A_N_K it's been almost 2 years :D
23:45 donaldr3 since what?
23:45 T_A_N_K since we talked lol, were you the one who was going to make the rubber mod with me?
23:45 donaldr3 oh wow, awesome
23:45 donaldr3 I didn't recognize your irc nick
23:45 sudoman in one func. within tool.cpp it checks to see if time since last puch is greater than the time spent, another checks to see if it is lower
23:45 T_A_N_K yea i have a new one
23:46 sudoman T_A_N_K: that was a year ago :)
23:47 T_A_N_K yep!
23:48 donaldr3 yup, sudoman and I are working on a mod to implement xp now
23:49 sudoman ^ with jgay
23:49 donaldr3 we've already got it so you can accumulate experience points by doing stuff
23:49 donaldr3 now we want higher xp levels to be able to do cool stuff, like dig faster
23:52 T_A_N_K good!
23:53 T_A_N_K you guys will have to rewire all the functions
23:54 T_A_N_K make a function that calculates how fast blocks are broken on account of their time, divided by the players xp level or something to recalculate the break time
23:59 donaldr3 yeah, we're just trying to understand how the functions work right now
23:59 donaldr3 i'm more of a copy-paste artist than a coder, so I'm hopeful we can implement some of this without a total rewrite

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