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IRC log for #minetest-dev, 2018-12-02

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
01:13 Unarelith where is defined node destruction animation? is it usable for an entity too?
01:13 rubenwardy the particles?
01:14 rubenwardy or the cracks?
01:14 Unarelith both actually
01:14 rubenwardy I'm not sure, thought I'd ask that question though X
01:14 rubenwardy err, awks
01:14 rubenwardy *XD
01:14 Unarelith I'm trying to make an entity destruction look like a node destruction
01:15 Unarelith so if I can get the node destruction code to work with a wielditem entity, could be nice
01:28 Unarelith hmm, seems like it's in Game
01:28 Unarelith why :'(
01:34 Unarelith well, I don't think Game::handleDigging could work for entities unfortunately
01:36 Unarelith so the only way would be to have an invisible node around the entity to handle its destruction
01:37 Unarelith therefore, entities must be bound to their parent node
01:38 Unarelith and I don't see how to make this possible, that's why I tried to use entities as dynamic nodes
01:40 Unarelith if additional entity data has to be stored in nodes then I'm not familiar enough with the engine or the network protocol to add something like this yet
01:41 paramat the digging cracks are problematic anyway. they look wrong on some nodes, are stretched or distorted on others, and cause mesh updates. particles are much better
01:43 Unarelith the main issue here is that entities and nodes are so separated that a class which would be between them in term of features would mean copying code or doing a refactoring somewhere else
01:44 rubenwardy they are rendered completely differently, by necessessity
01:44 Unarelith I'm not really speaking about their rendering
01:46 Unarelith I'm speaking about an interaction between them, like a parent-child relationship
01:47 Unarelith but since entity attachment system is based on irrlicht scene graph, it can't be used here
01:51 T4im and what would that relationship stand for?
01:53 T4im i'm sure you don't want to create such a relationship just do add an animation to a model
01:54 Unarelith T4im, see #6963
01:54 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6963 -- Node bound entities
01:56 T4im so you want to serialize them per node instead of per mapblock?
01:59 Unarelith actually, I don't really know how to do that since I'm not familiar enough with the engine yet, I didn't even know that entities were stored in mapblock
02:02 T4im i thought they were serialized per mapblock; but don't take my word for it
02:08 Unarelith paramat, I didn't understand well the relation between #7908 and your last comment on this PR, could you explain please?
02:08 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7908 -- File 'client/game' splitted into new folder by Quent42340
02:08 T4im but it seems to me, that unless you plan to change node storage in a breaking way, you might be forced to store some reference into the node metadata, or create something similar to lookup entities for a node
02:13 paramat yeah my last coment there is not particularly relevant to that PR, more a general point about discussing how finely we split things
02:15 paramat but i somewhat like how easy it will make things to find. it's possible i'm over-estimating the number of small files that will be created
02:16 T4im the terasology thing seems hard to compare; java doesn't suffer from splitting files as much as c/c++ wrt to compiling/translating units
02:17 Unarelith paramat, I think you're over-estimating since some of them can definitely be packaged (for example ContentParamType, LiquidType, NodeDrawType, etc... belongs in the same file)
02:18 paramat yes i'm not certain those dev rules are actually relevant to what you are doing. i should perhaps delete that comment
02:18 Unarelith and there's a lot of files which won't move since they don't define any unit
02:19 paramat nice
02:20 Unarelith they're relevant to MT code though, the abstractions are globally bad in my opinion
02:21 Unarelith for a future PR, I prepared a splitting of ContentCAO + a refactoring of the visual system + clean separation of commands (all done and working already)
02:22 T4im i forgot, does minetest compile with lto?
02:26 T4im it appears not
02:26 T4im in that case that would make the better reason for not wanting too many files, paramat :D
02:30 Unarelith why? to reduce compilation time?
02:30 T4im to not waste optimization opportunities; the compilers can't really optimize across translation units
02:30 T4im split into too many files and things will slow down
02:32 Unarelith I don't see a practical case of optimization needed across translation units
02:33 T4im you don't see a practical case for optimizations?
02:34 * T4im is not sure what that means
02:35 Unarelith sorry, I meant that I don't see a case where this kind of optimization could be useful
02:35 Unarelith so please provide an example
02:35 T4im well, it's usually up to the compiler to find those cases; what functions to inline, what code to eliminate, when to unfold
02:39 T4im idk, lemme make something up then, you might have a loop somewhere that makes a function call into another translation unit; unless you optimize across that boundary, you'd be unable to inline that function, and if it ended up being unnecessary, you the compiler would not be able to remove it unless he'd be running with lto
02:39 T4im -you
02:40 Unarelith why would I be unable to inline that function?
02:41 T4im because you optimize before linking
02:45 Unarelith I don't really understand why exactly the compiler wouldn't choose to inline this function
02:46 T4im because it doesn't know its implementation at all
02:48 basxto joined #minetest-dev
02:51 Unarelith ok, I misunderstood inline usage I guess
02:51 paramat as long as in-game performance isn't affected i don't mind slightly slower compiling
02:52 Unarelith actually, in-game performance COULD be affected, but not much really
02:52 T4im well the worst case would be running with an unoptimized/debug build
02:52 T4im :D
02:52 VanessaE someone merge my PR :)
02:52 paramat hopefully insignificant in-game performance change?
02:53 Unarelith yep, really insignificant
02:53 T4im idk, would have to be checked
02:54 Unarelith from what I saw in MT code, even with file splitting, units are still so big that it really won't be an issue
02:54 T4im for server processes that's usually unimportant anyway
03:34 Foz joined #minetest-dev
04:08 paramat merging #7921
04:08 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7921 -- Slightly alter star appearence time and full brightness time by paramat
04:17 Unarelith ... really? https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/client/clientlauncher.cpp#L346
04:17 paramat merged
04:20 paramat since that code's beyond me, what's the issue?
04:21 Unarelith a dynamic allocation stored nowhere
04:22 Unarelith I guess there's a global somewhere to hold it with a "g_the_global = this" in the class and a "delete g_the_global" somewhere else
04:22 Unarelith but still, a line containing nothing but 'new MyObject' is a really bad practice
04:30 Unarelith ok seems like I was right. but ClientLauncher implementation doesn't make any change possible since I guess there's an ordering for the init calls
04:31 Unarelith so RenderingEngine has to be initialized at that specific moment, that's why it's not a member of ClientLauncher, hmm
04:31 Unarelith it's a bit dumb since ClientLauncher is definitely the owner of RenderingEngine
04:35 Unarelith core is a std::unique_ptr: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/client/renderingengine.cpp#L119
04:35 Unarelith seems like someone didn't understood smart ptrs
04:41 Unarelith ok well I managed to fix this issue by adding a new member to "ClientLauncher" named "m_rendering_engine" and I swapped RenderingEngine constructor with a new function 'init' to keep init ordering
04:42 Unarelith could be in a future PR
04:47 Unarelith what do you think paramat?
04:53 paramat sorry, i have to go, but PRs are welcome
05:01 reductum joined #minetest-dev
05:05 sys4 joined #minetest-dev
06:17 fireglow joined #minetest-dev
06:26 fireglow joined #minetest-dev
06:41 Cornelia joined #minetest-dev
06:59 paramat joined #minetest-dev
07:01 paramat merging trivial #7928 in 15 mins
07:01 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7928 -- Draw stars behind the moon by paramat
07:23 paramat merging
07:26 paramat done
07:46 Beton joined #minetest-dev
08:38 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
08:43 p_gimeno joined #minetest-dev
08:51 Wuzzy joined #minetest-dev
09:23 Krock joined #minetest-dev
10:10 Mensious joined #minetest-dev
10:46 Fixer joined #minetest-dev
11:03 ANAND Krock: How do you feel about renaming `DIG` and `PLACE` to `USE` and `SECONDARY_USE` respectively?
11:04 Krock no, that would only be confusing
11:04 ANAND But LMB and RMB do much more than just dig or place
11:05 ANAND "Click the place button to open this chest"
11:05 ANAND That sounds very confusing
11:05 ANAND AFK for a bit
11:16 Krock next question: which is the "use" key? I thought that would be "E"
11:33 ANAND Krock: It has been renamed `aux1` everywhere.
12:18 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
12:33 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest-dev
12:42 p_gimeno wasn't DIG called PUNCH?
12:43 ANAND AFAIK, it was just called LMB
12:44 ANAND is*
12:45 jas_ joined #minetest-dev
12:47 nerzhul generic way can be nice
12:47 nerzhul :)
12:52 calcul0n joined #minetest-dev
12:56 Unarelith guys seriously, review existing code you'll avoid a lot of issues and it'll be time saving later, there's a lot of unnecessary dynamic allocation, unused class members, bad access modifier usage (some protected members should be private)
12:58 Unarelith some parts in the code are really good, but other parts are just horrendous
13:07 fwhcat joined #minetest-dev
13:12 nerzhul Unarelith, we already know that, you know, but we are in free software, not working everytime on the code, i have done many refactor since 3 years and i'm not the only guy
13:12 nerzhul the horrendous part is generally legacy don't touched part
13:35 Unarelith I understand that, though there is a lot of easy improvements, like GenericCAO visuals refactoring for example: https://github.com/Quent42340/minetest/commit/be967430a4824e6b0b88c8bf9c99385bf1c3085e
13:35 Unarelith or smart ptr usage/better variable lifetime handling: https://github.com/Quent42340/minetest/commit/68bb8b451f3fd88bcb6d52cfe6832e29fd13af6a
13:39 Unarelith I could make a PR for each of these fix but it would take so much time to get them merged
13:40 nerzhul yes then don't loose time
13:40 nerzhul we need function not refactor at this time, and bug fix
13:40 nerzhul the goal is to release ASAP
13:40 nerzhul code quality can wait after release
13:41 Unarelith then just merge existing PRs
13:42 Unarelith there's a lot of bugfixes/features there
13:43 Unarelith and my time is not wasted since my refactorings could be easily added as new PRs later, and I'm learning the codebase at the same time
13:43 Unarelith d'une pierre deux coups (j'ai pas la version anglaise sorry)
13:48 sfan5 merging existing PRs should be done far more often
13:49 sfan5 the problem here is the 2 approvals rule, which massively slows down the process when there's not enough devs with time
13:49 Unarelith this rule is good though
13:50 sfan5 it is yes, slowing down development is just an unfortunate side effect
13:51 nerzhul Unarelith: merge existing PR is not just merge, many are missing quality or are not complete
13:51 nerzhul also i'm french i understand what you tend to say but no :p
13:51 Unarelith but some looks like really small changes and are complete
13:52 Unarelith and btw I know you're french, that's why I said it like that
13:52 Unarelith though I didn't understood your "no"
13:58 Unarelith I think you should just find good C++/Lua devs (preferably contributors who know the code) and add them as coredevs since current coredevs don't have much time
13:58 Unarelith 5.0.0 could be out in less than a month that way
13:59 ANAND I agree. With the severe shortage of dev time, more coredevs would give MT a big push forward
14:01 Unarelith but the main issue is to find these good devs, and to ensure they've enough free time to work on MT
14:08 Krock <Unarelith> 5.0.0 could be out in less than a month that way
14:08 Krock that's what we said in July
14:08 T4im :D
14:09 Unarelith Krock, and you have more coredevs than in July?
14:11 Krock not sure when Lohfhansl was added to the team.. recently. maybe it's one more now in that case
14:12 Krock rubenwardy: did numberZero decline or what's the status with him?
14:15 rubenwardy Waiting on celeron55
14:18 Krock ah, okay
14:19 Unarelith btw Krock, I don't think node-bound entities can be a thing right now
14:21 Krock do you think it needs too much refactoring?
14:21 Unarelith I think refactoring could be helpful to implement this feature but it's not the issue here
14:21 Unarelith entities and nodes are really separated
14:22 Unarelith storing entity data in node metadata is.. well, not really good
14:22 Unarelith and I don't know any other way to store it
14:23 Krock a new type :3
14:23 Unarelith definitely
14:23 Krock refactor the map format also, when you're already on the way :P
14:23 Unarelith you mean the map storage?
14:24 Krock yes
14:24 Krock merging trivial #7829 in ~10 minutes
14:24 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7829 -- fix spelling by kurzkopfgleitbeutler
14:25 Krock #7929 too
14:25 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7929 -- Remove unused main menu settings by pauloue
14:26 Unarelith that wouldn't really be refactoring, just format improvement
14:26 Unarelith and that kind of stuff breaks a lot of things
14:27 Unarelith so I assume this won't even be merged if I do a PR
14:28 Unarelith and btw, I can do 4 or 5 code improvement PRs per day (C++11 fix, unnecessary dynamic allocation fix, etc..)
14:29 Unarelith but giving the current PR acception rate, it's worthless
14:31 Unarelith anyway, I'm currently working all day on my fork and I plan to add all my code improvements to MT, but I'd really prefer working on MT directly
14:33 Krock but it's great to see such motivation to program :)
14:33 Krock or more important: time.
14:33 Krock merging..
14:33 Unarelith I'm 100% free this month and MT is a really interesting project
14:33 Unarelith btw, I made that: https://github.com/Quent42340/KubKraft
14:34 Unarelith but MT is way more advanced so there's no point working on it now
14:35 Krock KRAFT
14:35 Unarelith don't laugh, I made up this name when I was 15
14:35 Unarelith so 7 years ago actually
14:38 Unarelith (yep I'm only 22 but I'm pretty sure everybody here already guessed that)
14:41 celeron55 code looks fairly similar to very early minetest
14:42 celeron55 it's refreshing to see a C++ one when everything today is made in java or some unnecessary bloatware
14:42 Krock but it's proprietary (no license included)
14:44 Unarelith yep, I don't really like license headers
14:45 T4im no LICENSE file either :p
14:45 Unarelith celeron55, really? that was what MT looked like in the beginning?
14:46 Unarelith T4im, this project is really small, I was working alone with no release planned, why would I care about a license? :')
14:47 Unarelith but the goal of this project was to make something really similar to MT
14:48 Unarelith so I decided to work on MT instead
14:48 celeron55 yes, really
14:48 Krock !tell paramat Would you please be so nice and have a quick look at #7847 ? It works, but are the defaults handled correctly there? Not sure how the flags are handled
14:48 ShadowBot Krock: O.K.
14:48 Krock thx ShadowBot
14:49 celeron55 it's a bit tidier than what i usually end up with
14:50 celeron55 and with some stylistic differences and back-end differences
14:50 rubenwardy in the words of somebody (probably hmmmm): celeron55 is very good at getting code working quickly
14:50 rubenwardy or something like that
14:50 rubenwardy it's been years
14:50 Krock will merge #7717 in ~10 minutes LGTM
14:50 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7717 -- document which formspec fields are sent by zeuner
14:52 Unarelith I'm not good at that at all, I usually spend hours to think about how to organize the code to work faster afterwards
14:52 Krock ^ if the wording should be improved, I can adjust that too in the next minutes
14:52 Unarelith I'm really lazy and KISS, DRY and SRP are my favorite programming principles
14:53 Krock Unarelith: organisation (including build system setup) are the most demanding because it's very hard to find the best solution
14:53 celeron55 Unarelith: that's like me
14:53 Unarelith btw, although SRP exists in MT, SRP is also a programming principle Krock
14:54 celeron55 (without the hours of thinking)
14:55 celeron55 so: KISS, DRY, SRP and avoid-premature-optimization
14:55 Unarelith Premature optimization is root of all evil.
14:55 Krock oh. not the auth mechanism then
14:55 Unarelith yep, Single Responsibility Principle
14:56 Unarelith but MT code goes against all these principles
14:57 Unarelith <Krock> Unarelith: organisation (including build system setup) are the most demanding because it's very hard to find the best solution <= That's what I've worked on my whole life, so sorry if my current PRs are related to that topic but I think it's really important
14:59 celeron55 it's really hard to maintain any of those principles when multiple people are working on the same program
14:59 celeron55 i guess that's the main reason
14:59 * T4im has yet to see someone that intentionally likes unnecessarily complicated, repeating code split over several places that is fast in all the wrong places
14:59 rubenwardy that's supposedly what the review system is for
15:00 T4im it's probably just a matter of priorization sometimes
15:00 Unarelith celeron55, hmm I disagree if these principes are enforced in the reviews and the original code
15:00 rubenwardy the issue is defining the scope of things
15:00 rubenwardy for example, what is Game for?
15:00 Unarelith Game is a really bad example
15:00 Unarelith but take GenericCAO
15:01 Unarelith I splitted the animation part into GenericCAOAnimation and the visual part into IGenericCAOVisual and SpriteVisual, CubeVisual, MeshVisual, etc...
15:01 rubenwardy this is turning into an ECS
15:01 Unarelith not really
15:02 celeron55 certainly not
15:02 Unarelith rubenwardy, I made a basic ECS implementation here actually: https://github.com/Quent42340/ZeldaOOL
15:02 Unarelith well mine is more an EC than an ECS since my controllers doesn't hold a list of entities, but it's close
15:03 Unarelith I made an article about it three years ago, but it's in french: http://blog.gnidmoo.tk/2015/06/03/systeme-dentites-a-composants/
15:04 Unarelith (and well, the structure has evolved since)
15:05 Unarelith but rubenwardy, I think the small scale changes like I did on GenericCAO could be applicable to a lot of things in the code
15:05 Krock merging...
15:06 Unarelith and it really improves things. before this change if you wanted to add a visual type, you'd have to add your ISceneNode and edit every piece of code in GenericCAO that uses visuals
15:07 Unarelith now you can just add one line in GenericCAO and implement IGenericCAOVisual
15:08 Unarelith wow 6 PRs merged today, you're on fire :p
15:08 Unarelith *7
15:09 celeron55 GenericCAO is kind of a patch on top of a system that had to start doing things it wasn't designed for 8) but sounds like good rework
15:10 Unarelith I noticed that actually, but it works well so it's not a problem, I just tried to make it more DRY/SRP/KISS
15:11 Unarelith and I'll probably do that on most of the code I guess
15:11 Krock Unarelith: didn't have the time yesterday
15:11 Krock and these are the simple PRs which don't stay open for a long time
15:12 Krock bugfix on the 2nd rank and features on 3rd.. they sometimes stall until they die in the depths of rebase
15:12 Unarelith Krock, btw I noticed old PRs which have probably be forgotten: https://gist.github.com/Quent42340/62ae591da5c75872908a8032113ae85a
15:13 Krock not forgotten. nobody keen to review
15:13 Unarelith some of them have probably been merged since (some are yours)
15:14 Unarelith if there's any way I can help to speed up 5.0.0 release, please tell me
15:14 Krock uhm.. you could share test results for all [Testing needed] and [High priority] PRs
15:14 Krock but that takes muuch time
15:14 ANAND Krock, since you've already reviewed #7557 extensively, would you be able to take a look at it again?
15:14 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7557 -- Expose player FOV to Lua API by ClobberXD
15:15 Krock ironically I'm not very keen on having this merged since it's a client setting
15:15 Krock it looked good the first time but well..
15:16 ANAND This is just a generic alternative to the hard-coded zoom we have now
15:16 Krock generic but with lag
15:17 ANAND I agree it would be relatively laggier than the pure client-side zoom. Can it be improved in any way?
15:17 Unarelith Krock, I meant dev tasks, I can't make node-bound entities yet, but there's maybe other things I can work on
15:17 Krock which reminds me of trying out to interpolate FOV changes and improving the cinematic mode with PID
15:17 Krock reviewing PRs is also dev task
15:18 Krock but if you mean programming.. I don't know? maybe fixing a few bugs?
15:18 rubenwardy https://github.com/minetest/minetest/labels/Blocker
15:19 rubenwardy those all have counter part PRs though
15:19 Krock not sure how mainmenu prevents from gameplay but well
15:19 T4im go for the label Bug then
15:19 T4im in the issues that is
15:20 Krock heh. PRs which add bugs
15:20 T4im :D
15:20 Krock well, sometimes they do but having a label for them would be awkward
15:21 Unarelith fixing bugs in a code I'm not very familiar with will only add a layer of hacks on top of an hacky code
15:21 Unarelith adding things will give me refactoring ideas though (IGenericCAOVisual came from the fact that I needed to add a visual type to try my nodeentity thing)
15:22 T4im there is a dooming release; don't be surprised people prefer improving over enhancing at the moment
15:23 Unarelith enhancing will allow faster improving
15:23 T4im but not before the release
15:23 T4im enhancing might actually add new bugs without fixing anything itself
15:24 T4im simply a timing issue there
15:24 Unarelith "might", except I'm mainly taking about simple refactorings (ie. moving code somewhere else to split files)
15:25 Unarelith so no functional code change, would be pretty clumsy to add bugs by doing that
15:25 T4im but not unheard of :p
15:26 Unarelith definitely, but a proper git diff check, small commits and a good language comprehension should be enough to avoid that
15:32 Gael-de-Sailly joined #minetest-dev
15:34 p_gimeno um, missed an interesting discussion... 1) Unarelith, if you intend to keep KubKraft for yourself only and not share it with anyone at all, GitHub is not the best idea, but if you intend to let others see it and be able to try it, then a license is a MUST
15:35 p_gimeno 2) the fallacious mantra "Premature optimization is the root of all evil" is the root of all evil. http://ubiquity.acm.org/article.cfm?id=1513451
15:35 T4im :D
15:36 p_gimeno MT is notably affected by lack of optimization on critical parts, and it's getting harder and harder to tackle it
15:36 Unarelith p_gimeno, well, KubKraft is what I call a "learning project", which means I'm not trying to do a full featured game but learning things, I don't really care what people do with my code, so I didn't put a license on it
15:37 Unarelith no licence means I choose what people do with it, and I choose to not care
15:37 p_gimeno Unarelith: without a license, no one can (legally) put their hands on your code, not even download it - default copyright laws apply
15:37 rubenwardy no license means all rights reserved
15:37 p_gimeno ^
15:37 rubenwardy sounds like you'd like a ultra permissive license like ISC or CC0 with a warranty disclaimer
15:38 Unarelith well this code isn't usable in a real project anyway, that's just my own personal training code that I release with anybody wants to read it
15:39 Unarelith 2) Premature optimization IS root of all evil, but some interpretations of that sentence may be wrong.
15:40 p_gimeno now, imagine I want to learn from it - am I supposed to learn from it by reading it only, or should I download it and try it in order to see the effects of my changes? if you intend the latter, then you're blocking it by not allowing a license
15:40 Unarelith and if MT lacks optimization it's because of its global structure
15:40 rubenwardy no
15:41 rubenwardy MT lacks optimization because people prefer to add features than to fix or optimise existing code
15:41 p_gimeno yeah, because why do premature optimization? someone will optimize it later :P
15:42 p_gimeno the design of the Lua vector type is an example of a serious flaw that has an effect on the code speed
15:42 Unarelith to get back on 1), https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/148165 you can legally do what you said in your example (personal use) and you can ask me directly for other uses, so seems less restrictive than what you said
15:43 Unarelith and for 2), optimizing an unfinished feature is useless, but once this feature is complete, you have to optimize it
15:43 Unarelith but optimizing at the very end of the development process is silly
15:44 T4im the abstract issue extends past that single mantra; you get yourself a junior programmer learning a new tool or mantra, and suddenly with that new hammer everything looks like a nail; (xml is so extendable! lets do imperative xml! yikes) the issue isn't that the mantra is wrong, the issue it's being overgeneralized
15:46 T4im language fanboyism is probably the most common manifestation of that
15:46 p_gimeno Unarelith: I don't think copying for "personal use" is allowed either, despite what that commenter says
15:47 p_gimeno Unarelith: I'd recommend reading the link in full about premature optimization
15:52 Unarelith p_gimeno, I really think it is allowed as long as the code in on GitHub (it's in the ToS)
15:54 Unarelith p_gimeno, and for the link you gave me, I couldn't agree more, but I still agree with the fact that a feature optimization is unnecessary until its implementation is over
15:54 T4im the personal use thing might be limited to jurisdiction specific exceptions
15:57 Unarelith anyway, people with a bit of common sense would guess that I won't sue them for unauthorized code usage
16:00 Unarelith and if one of my projects grows and becomes something interesting, then I'll add a license to open it to contributions, but until then I don't really care
16:00 T4im just checked, even within the eu the directive 2001/29/EC only permits member states to except private copies instead of enforcing it
16:01 p_gimeno github does require you to grant the right to copy it to other users: https://help.github.com/articles/github-terms-of-service/#5-license-grant-to-other-users but no other right, most notably not the right to modify it e.g. for private use or learning
16:01 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5 -- Fixed key names so the key set menu now works. by adamnew123456
16:02 rubenwardy I suggest taking this to #minetest
16:02 p_gimeno yes rubenwardy, sorry for the drift
16:04 Ruslan1 joined #minetest-dev
16:06 Unarelith rubenwardy, Krock, btw, could you please take a look at my last PRs? the four of them needs discussion, so since we're all here it'll be easier to talk about it
16:09 Krock !tell ANAND Your FOV PR looks good apart from the code style comments which aren't resolved yet
16:09 ShadowBot Krock: O.K.
16:13 Krock I'm not keen on #7909. You assume the local clones are always in clean state; which doesn't have to be the case
16:13 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7909 -- CMakeLists: Use file(GLOB) instead of manually writing filenames by Quent42340
16:14 Unarelith what do you mean?
16:14 Krock rather find a way to unify the file lists so that the Android part does not need adjusting each time
16:15 Unarelith Android uses a Makefile, I can use a wildcard there too, that PR is an example and I can extend it to whatever
16:16 Unarelith the only side effect of file(GLOB) is having to do 'cmake && make' instead of 'make' each time (or only when a file is created/moved/deleted, but still better than manually writing all filenames)
16:16 T4im "only"
16:16 T4im that's hell if you are trying to git bisect
16:16 Krock surely it's easier to just include all files, but as you can see "settings_translation_file.cpp" is already the first file which doesn't match this pattern
16:17 Krock my build scripts are only set up for "make"
16:17 Unarelith Krock, settings_translation_file is a special case and should be handled like so
16:17 Unarelith and for build script, you just have to add "cmake &&" before "make"
16:17 Krock how long until the next special case appears? It's dangerous to include whatever there is
16:17 Unarelith use a folder in this case
16:18 Krock a directory for what?
16:18 Unarelith for example porting_android.cpp needs its own folder
16:18 Unarelith file(GLOB) will not look for files recursively, so a folder will hide some files to it
16:18 T4im you can't enforce people to run cmake every pull either; so things will break, and people will come here and ask why
16:19 Krock '
16:19 Krock ^  *
16:19 T4im much rather spend some time listing files explicitly instead of having to spend a lot more time explaining and fixing and attending to all kinds of subtle problems that will appear
16:20 Krock I see that it's very easy to just put in some new files, it works, yay, great. But side-effects like the above arise which are more annoying than just adding another new line to the cmake config
16:20 Unarelith *adding another new line to the cmake config + the Android makefile + sometimes clang-format-whitelist.txt
16:21 Unarelith and when you rename/move multiple files it's a real pain
16:21 Krock there's no need for clang if you format it properly and use // clang-format off switches where it's not possible in another way
16:22 Unarelith it's still two files to edit
16:22 Krock a pain each 4 years is probably acceptable
16:22 T4im this is again a case where you are hammering the nail with the wrong tool; dry except repeat yourself where necessary
16:22 Krock hence "try to unify android makefile with cmake"
16:22 T4im that would be good :D
16:23 Krock it would be great, but yet no PR for it (or is there?)
16:24 Unarelith Krock, it's possible to write post-pull git hook to do the "cmake" automatically
16:24 T4im and it's not possible to distribute that hook to everyone automatically
16:24 Krock everything is possible but telling it to a crowd of more-or-less random people
16:25 T4im understand that noone likes to adapt cmake files to add sources; the fact that everyone is doing it comes from it being the lesser evil, not them never having heard of globbing
16:26 Unarelith then they should learn
16:26 Krock would be a great world if everything were that simple
16:26 Unarelith everything isn't that complicated, really
16:27 T4im but seriously, how do you deal with git bisect in the project you use globbing with, Unarelith?
16:27 Unarelith but I think a basic documentation of MT codebase could be useful to contributors
16:28 Unarelith T4im, I don't see the problem with git bisect
16:29 behalebabo joined #minetest-dev
16:29 T4im well, do you really expect someone bisecting to run a reconfiguration every step?
16:30 T4im or how about switching back and forth between branches
16:31 Unarelith ok just use something like "alias make='cmake && make'" if you're so unhappy about writing a few more characters
16:31 T4im you keep thinking like you are the only person in the project
16:32 T4im you cannot distribute aliases either
16:32 Unarelith because when you switch between branch, or when you're switching back to an old commit, sometimes the build system changed, so you still have to reconfigure
16:32 T4im and even if you could, it would be mad running cmake every time
16:32 T4im unnecessarily
16:32 Unarelith why would it be?
16:32 Unarelith it runs in less than a second
16:35 T4im well; i can't actually come up with a killer argument against it; but it would raise the question why cmake caches in the first place (because you are emptying that cache every single time, so it becomes redundant)
16:37 Unarelith T4im, this could work: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17832459/getting-cmake-to-run-before-building-after-pulling-from-git/17838951#17838951
16:38 T4im drawbacks mentions stashes
16:38 rubenwardy Still doesn't help as people would need to install the hook
16:38 rubenwardy I'm -1 on that PR also
16:39 T4im i suspect you could just write a complicated script that you run every time to check the entire file tree; but you're starting to walk towards a complicated hack solution in order to use a KISS thing; when you should really KISS and not do any of that
16:40 T4im wait until a newer cmake is used and then use the cmake provided solution for that problem
16:40 T4im until then keep it simple
16:43 T4im heck, or write a util script that generates the individual src-file listings for you on request
16:49 Unarelith a more hacky but simpler solution would be to write a wrapper Makefile to run cmake each time
16:50 T4im but why.. if you have a choice between running cmake each time and not, why chose to do it? if you want to avoid adding files to the cmakelists, create a script to do it for you
16:50 Krock Current stats: 1 vs 3.
17:00 Unarelith ok so I managed to make it work your way: https://pastebin.com/xWUPchKW
17:01 Unarelith if I add this, cmake is automatically run everytime the user runs "make"
17:01 Unarelith (sorry my sentence made no sense)
17:02 Unarelith is it ok for you Krock, rubenwardy, T4im?
17:09 rubenwardy I still don't like it
17:09 Unarelith ok, I close this PR then
17:12 Unarelith rubenwardy, Krock, there's still file naming issues for #7903 and #7908, do you prefer PascalCase (like class names and what I used here), minetestcase or snake_case?
17:12 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7903 -- File 'content_sao' splitted into folder 'src/server/object'. by Quent42340
17:12 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7908 -- File 'client/game' splitted into new folder by Quent42340
17:14 Krock minetestcase also includes snake_case partially since it's somewhat inconsistent
17:14 Unarelith I didn't have a name for this
17:15 Krock ikr. It's all a bit mixed
17:17 Krock if the files are dedicated to one class, then I think it's OK to have the files named the same way.
17:19 Unarelith there's the NodeDrawType and co. issue though
17:20 Unarelith ContentParamType, ContentParamType2, LiquidType, PlantlikeStyle and NodeDrawType should be in the same file imo
17:22 Unarelith but how should that file be named? accordingly to the main unit name, it would be "NodeDrawType.h" (since others are smaller and somewhat related), but it doesn't make sense
17:31 Krock drawtypes.h
17:32 Krock contenttypes.h
17:33 Unarelith oh, yep, would work
17:33 Unarelith but draw_types.h or DrawTypes.h would be better
17:39 VanessaE Krock: got a moment?
17:41 Krock yep
17:41 VanessaE Krock: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/7916#pullrequestreview-180563554  if I "Commit suggestion", I presume it'll just work, but I feel like I'm just not understanding.. I barely understand my own changes :)
17:42 Krock it won't work the way it should because it only changes one line instead of three
17:43 Krock you're doing it fine. adapt the suggested change and remove  if (i < PLAYER_INVENTORY_SIZE && i < player->hud_hotbar_itemcount) {  below
17:43 Krock because "i" will always be within the correct range
17:44 VanessaE OHHHHH
17:44 Krock unless this was added on purpose if it's multithreaded.. shouldn't be a problem I think
17:45 VanessaE like this?
17:45 VanessaE (new commit)
17:45 VanessaE https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/7916/commits/93eba0620ad3ca1e987c069bc566a0d30c631d45
17:46 Krock heh. what about the indents?
17:46 VanessaE hmm, need to unintend a bit
17:46 Krock will test
17:47 VanessaE force-pushed to fix the indent
17:48 Krock oh. it should be "i <= max_item;". If you look at its definition, it's pointing to the last slot index
17:48 pauloue joined #minetest-dev
17:48 VanessaE oops, I missed thws
17:48 VanessaE that*
17:48 VanessaE force-pushed
17:59 Krock 200
18:00 VanessaE ?
18:00 Krock OK. approved
18:00 VanessaE oh, http 200 :)
18:00 VanessaE \o/
18:01 VanessaE btw, technically two approvals, if paramat's comment counts
18:03 rubenwardy the comment doesn't account
18:03 rubenwardy -ac
18:03 VanessaE ok
18:04 VanessaE thanks for helping me work that out, Krock
18:05 Krock yw :)
18:13 VanessaE rubenwardy: aren't you the least bit surprised that I (of all people) had the intestinal fortitude to try to do something useful in the engine? :)
18:13 rubenwardy I'm not sure intestinal is the word you mean
18:14 VanessaE the guts :P
18:17 Krock just put it into the translator and chuckled a bit
18:53 Xio joined #minetest-dev
19:38 Taoki joined #minetest-dev
19:42 p_gimeno rubenwardy: are you sure Irrlicht uses Y for up instead of Z? as opposed to just Minetest's usage of Irrlicht's axes?
19:49 proller joined #minetest-dev
19:49 rubenwardy I'm fairly sure, I used irrlicht for other projects before finding Mt
19:49 rubenwardy I actually found Mt on the irrlicht forums
19:51 rubenwardy Y being up is a direct X thing
19:51 p_gimeno I see, yuck
19:52 rubenwardy I had the same reaction when I learned that maths used z as up
19:53 Krock ^ can feel this as well
19:57 p_gimeno it's hard to bite my tongue, but that discussion is too off-topic here as it's an Irrlicht thing and MT just seems to have inherited it
20:31 reductum joined #minetest-dev
21:43 jas_ joined #minetest-dev
22:09 paramat joined #minetest-dev
22:12 paramat "if the files are dedicated to one class, then I think it's OK to have the files named the same way." any more thoughts on PascalCase versus snake_case for single unit files? we should discuss soon due to those 2 organisation PRs. i'm feeling somewhat neutral on this. rubenwardy
22:26 paramat KISS is actually a central philosophy of MT, and i tend to push for that harder than anyone, but oddly get resistance and become unpopular for it =) there's a lot of desire amongst users for overly fancy features
22:29 paramat Unarelith your enthusiasm, talent and help is very much appreciated. it's unfortunate that your free time co-incides with us desperately trying to get a very big release out while also having little core dev time. so in some ways it's the worst time to make big changes to MT (although these file moves are not a problem)
22:29 sfan5 merging
22:29 sfan5 #7916 in 5 minutes
22:29 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7916 -- raise hotbar limit to 32 slots, add associated keybinding options by VanessaE
22:29 VanessaE \o/
22:29 VanessaE you want me to squash that first?
22:30 sfan5 i can do that on merge
22:31 VanessaE ok.
22:34 Unarelith thanks paramat, and yes I noticed that it's not the good time :/
22:45 Unarelith rubenwardy, "m_ is rarely used in Java (and is discouraged in future code in our code base)" <= really? :O
22:47 paramat sfan5 PascalCase or snake_case for single unit files?
22:49 paramat PascalCase: Krock is ok with it, i'm neutral, i seem to remember rubenwardy is ok with it (please confirm) so your PRs are probably ok as they are
22:49 sfan5 the existing files are snake case, so I'd keep that
22:49 paramat lol
22:50 Unarelith some of them are minetestcase, some of them are snake_case, why not add PascalCase :p
22:57 paramat Unarelith what we certainly need is PR reviews (especially on the 'blockers'), although you're not a core dev your reviews will be useful and appreciated. testing is also very useful
23:00 Unarelith paramat, unfortunately 2 on 3 of the blocker PRs are coredev PRs, the other one looks good but it'll need android testing
23:00 troller joined #minetest-dev
23:09 Unarelith actually paramat, #7891 is ready I guess, that would close 7447 too
23:09 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7891 -- Fix ContentDB packages timing out by using download_file instead by rubenwardy
23:15 paramat down to 100 PRs at last
23:19 paramat wil merge #7601 in a few mins
23:19 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7601 -- Added Table of Contents by woshiicyrus
23:21 paramat will also merge #7922
23:21 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7922 -- Improve world configure menu by pauloue
23:26 paramat and #7820 woohoo
23:26 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7820 -- Update Android java-part by MoNTE48
23:26 Unarelith poor #7891 :'(
23:26 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/7891 -- Fix ContentDB packages timing out by using download_file instead by rubenwardy
23:28 paramat that's likely fine will probably be merged soon
23:28 paramat merging those 3 now ...
23:44 paramat all merged

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