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IRC log for #minetest, 2025-01-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 Eragon joined #minetest
00:12 SFENCE joined #minetest
00:16 MTDiscord <mark.wiemer> We're also re-writing a lot of docs at, feel free to check it out as another general resource 🙂
00:42 Thermoriax joined #minetest
01:14 Blockhead256 joined #minetest
01:15 Blockhead256 jemis: (a) it is/was kinda sketch just making money off of Minecraft, always Mojang breathing down your neck. You know, like a certain lawsuit
01:15 Blockhead256 jemius*: Also, the most direct clone of IC2 is IndustrialTest
01:16 Blockhead256 ContentDB
01:16 Blockhead256 And if you're an old Tekkit head like me, you may like this Equivalent Exchange 2 clone
01:20 liceDibrarian joined #minetest
01:20 Blockhead256 oh and I forgot point (b) a lot of people in the mainstream modding scenes are very zealously protective of their work. Whereas in Luanti we tend to prefer a whole free sotware stack from the engine up
01:21 Blockhead256 for some of us... the UEFI firmware up or more often the kernel
01:22 Blockhead256 LogoFAIL literally happened because the motherboard vendors rolled their own image processing code instead of something like libpng
01:39 liceDibrarian joined #minetest
01:45 SFENCE joined #minetest
02:03 SFENCE joined #minetest
02:10 diceLibrarian2 joined #minetest
02:15 liceDibrarian joined #minetest
02:39 SFENCE joined #minetest
02:45 Can0xfBows_ joined #minetest
02:52 SFENCE joined #minetest
03:57 Verticen joined #minetest
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
05:02 fbievan joined #minetest
05:30 Noisytoot joined #minetest
05:46 Noisytoot joined #minetest
05:48 repetitivestrain joined #minetest
05:49 hottake1237 joined #minetest
05:50 repetitivestrain It appears that 8719a816 causes the Zombie Piglin model in the latest Mineclonia release to be rendered rotated by 180 degrees
05:50 hottake1237 hot take: No matter what they say, MT is a toolset for creating minecraft clones, and you have to work arround that fact to create anything original or not-minecraft like
05:50 repetitivestrain luatic is Lars Mueller, right
05:51 MTDiscord <wsor4035> aka lmd aka appguru
05:51 repetitivestrain well..will someone fix this very important regression for us
05:51 repetitivestrain thanks in advance
05:53 MTDiscord <greenxenith> hottake1237: Lukewarm at best, but getting hotter as time goes on. Progress is not instantaneous.
05:53 repetitivestrain Btw i don't recognize the algorithm CMatrix4::getScale implements
05:53 repetitivestrain it doesn't appear to be SVD
05:53 Noisytoot joined #minetest
06:52 sparky4 joined #minetest
08:37 ireallyhateirc joined #minetest
08:44 chilledfrogs joined #minetest
09:10 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
09:13 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
09:19 sfan5 repetitivestrain: have you looked at the issue that's open on it?
09:21 sfan5 the current assumption is that there was always a bug in the models that the now-removed workaround hid
10:00 repetitivestrain sfan5: what is stated in the issue makes perfect sense, i remember being perplexed while defining rotations for the model's arm bones
10:01 repetitivestrain but how would correcting our overrides be compatible with older clients?
10:01 repetitivestrain we've only just abandoned 5.8.x for relative bone overrides in 5.9+ and it isn't reasonable to cease to support 5.9 and 5.10 over this issue
10:05 repetitivestrain also would you please mention in the issue that Mineclonia 1.110.0 is also affected
10:17 sfan5 I don't know. please comment yourself.
10:20 sfan5 perhaps fixing the model bug also fixes it in older versions
10:21 sfan5 another wild idea: use remote media to send a different model to different client versions
10:22 repetitivestrain sfan5: unfortunately that is not practical without registering a Microsoft GitHub account
10:23 repetitivestrain sfan5: the model is not buggy, the bug only appears when its arm bones are rotated by means of bone overrides
10:23 diemartin joined #minetest
10:40 PoochInquisitor joined #minetest
11:06 gregon joined #minetest
11:10 tarsovbak joined #minetest
12:19 PoochInquisitor joined #minetest
12:46 MTDiscord <luatic> repetitivestrain: I am exploring workarounds. What's buggy are technically the bone overrides, though there may be model-side ways to work around this.
12:53 ll0lll0 joined #minetest
12:59 tarsovbak joined #minetest
13:03 tarsovbak joined #minetest
13:05 tarsovbak joined #minetest
13:13 tarsovbak joined #minetest
13:14 silverwolf73828 joined #minetest
13:17 tarsovbak joined #minetest
13:25 tarsovbak joined #minetest
13:30 tarsovbak joined #minetest
14:13 lekapuz85_ joined #minetest
14:21 tarsovbak joined #minetest
14:22 Desour joined #minetest
14:33 ZhouBaiden433966 joined #minetest
14:33 ZhouBaiden433966 Hey guys... Joe Biden here. I've decided to step down from the White House to focus on other projects. Billionaires are a threat to democracy, so check out to put them in the bullseye. Keep an eye on the CNN inauguration for a promo code!
14:34 ROllerozxa spammers are aware IRC still exists??
14:34 SFENCE joined #minetest
14:34 zleap looks like it
14:34 e1z0 joined #minetest
14:35 zleap just put spammer on ignore
14:37 SFENCE joined #minetest
14:39 jaca122 joined #minetest
14:50 tarsovbak joined #minetest
15:12 SFENCE joined #minetest
15:22 ireallyhateirc joined #minetest
15:25 tarsovbak joined #minetest
15:58 SFENCE joined #minetest
16:05 Meli joined #minetest
16:07 SFENCE joined #minetest
16:49 mrkubax10 joined #minetest
17:07 krisbug joined #minetest
17:08 krisbug does this work :)
17:09 MTDiscord <luatic> (: yes
17:09 ireallyhateirc what exactly?
17:09 ireallyhateirc :)
17:09 krisbug i was testing if i set up my bouncer on libera correctly lol
17:10 krisbug looks like it works fine
17:12 jonadab Yes, there are spammers who are aware that IRC exists.  Not the *majority* of spammers, mind.  But enough.
17:13 jonadab The ones that hit many channels, are generally dealt with at the network level, typically with IP bans.
17:13 jonadab But then they go get a new IP and get a few more messages through before they get k-lined again.
17:19 jemius joined #minetest
17:31 Talkless joined #minetest
17:33 lhofhansl joined #minetest
17:34 Zamolxis joined #minetest
17:34 Zamolxis heya everyone!
17:37 wsor4035 sfan5: seems isnt showing and/or logging #minetest-docs btw?
17:38 ROllerozxa
17:38 ROllerozxa (plural -docs)
17:38 MTDiscord <wsor4035> ah, so the main slug is linked wrong
17:39 MTDiscord <wsor4035> ah, there is two entries
17:39 MTDiscord <wsor4035> (sorry)
17:40 sfan5 funny how we silently passed more than 10 years logged for the main channel
17:41 SwissalpS \o/ happy decade-aversary \o/
17:42 ROllerozxa if ilbot has the ability to, splitting up the channel list into two categories, one for actually active channels (main, -dev, -docs and -hub) and one for archived channels (-delta, -doc, -mods, -project) would be nice
17:44 sfan5 ilbot is a perl project last updated in 2018
17:44 sfan5 not to say I didn't fix one or the other bug in the web UI but I don't plan to touch it more than necessary
17:44 ROllerozxa understandable
17:45 ROllerozxa I assume most people find the IRC logs through the IRC wiki page anyways, which only lists active channels
18:02 Desour joined #minetest
18:05 jaca122 joined #minetest
18:42 SFENCE joined #minetest
19:02 SFENCE joined #minetest
19:07 SFENCE joined #minetest
19:10 Verticen joined #minetest
19:14 SFENCE joined #minetest
19:19 Kimapr_ joined #minetest
19:19 SFENCE joined #minetest
19:25 Kimapr joined #minetest
19:26 SFENCE joined #minetest
19:39 jemius I've downloaded some texture packs, but where can I now activate them?
19:40 sfan5 content tab
19:41 SwissalpS click on the pack in the list on the left and then on the activate button on the right
19:43 jemius ah. I see
19:51 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
19:53 SFENCE joined #minetest
19:54 jemius Is there a specific reason why Minetest is described as only in "maintainence mod with no new features"? I suppose this is a deliberate decision to grant stability
19:55 MTDiscord <wsor4035> minetest isnt, minetest game is
19:56 MTDiscord <wsor4035>
19:58 jemius wait a second – when you say "minetest", do you mean yet another game within Luanti, or do you call Luanti minetest?
19:59 Desour luanti is the new name for minetest. it is the engine
20:06 irishka_tilt joined #minetest
20:06 jemius So the original Minetest game is holding the development of Luanti back? According to the issue above
20:06 jemius Not sure I fully understand it. It seems to be about making Luanti a platform for all sorts of games
20:06 jemius But if MTG is on halt, is there a spiritual successor?
20:07 irishka_tilt left #minetest
20:09 MTDiscord <wsor4035> no
20:09 MTDiscord <wsor4035> and there wont be, at this time anyways
20:21 * jemius is confused
20:26 rubenwardy jemius: luanti is a game creation platform with multiple games available
20:26 rubenwardy Minetest Game is one such game, and is maintenance only
20:26 rubenwardy But luanti is still actively developed
20:27 jemius yeah, but I thought the project is mostly about being mod-friendly, and a mod always needs a base game
20:27 jemius It does seem to me that most servers host Minetest and Mineclonia, though
20:28 rubenwardy You can still use Minetest Game. Maintenance only means that bugs are fixed and it's updated with the engine. It's just not receiving new gameplay features, that's left to mods
20:33 ireallyhateirc it didn't receive much gameplay features back when it was actually in "development"
20:34 ireallyhateirc so all that changed is mostly that it's not considered official but it still lives in the community's heart (and in my head rent free)
20:37 jemius Sounds basically to me like Minecraft, but without adding a new unicorn or crazy villagers with every release
20:38 ireallyhateirc while I'm not that big fan of Minecraft, Minetest Game lacks enjoyable base gameplay
20:40 jemius IMO the enjoyable part always stemed from multiplayer, not from having to collect food or fighting monsters
20:41 ireallyhateirc it's a sandbox so people pick the kind of gameplay they like
20:41 ireallyhateirc some people prefer building over adventure
20:42 Thermoriax joined #minetest
20:52 jemius So when you want to write a mod, is it a "mistake" to sit on top of MTG? In the sense of you not being portable?
20:53 ireallyhateirc jemius, it's not a mistake. What happened was that basically people considered MTG to be a bad advertisment for the project (as it lacks interesting gameplay) and retired it from the function of the official base game
20:53 ireallyhateirc if MTG is what you want and consider worth your time then go for it
20:55 ireallyhateirc MTG has a huge number of legacy and maintained mods because it was once official
20:58 jemius I mean, if you want to add some interesting functionality to "Minecraft" without dealing with Microsoft's BS then it seems sitting on top of MTG or Mineclonia is the way to go
21:04 ireallyhateirc I mostly play Exile and make my own game for Luanti so I don't pay much attention to MTG and the 1:1 minecraft clones
22:15 lhofhansl joined #minetest
22:47 Verticen joined #minetest
22:52 diemartin joined #minetest
23:33 panwolfram joined #minetest

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