Time Nick Message 00:48 MTDiscord Is there a maxium number of nodetimers you can run at the same time? 00:48 ireallyhateirc you don't want to run too many of them because they're quite inefficient 00:49 MTDiscord I had ABM, then someone told me they're quite inefficient and I don't want too many of them. 00:49 cheapie Weren't node timers supposed to be "the efficient option" compared to ABM/globalstep/etc.? 00:50 MTDiscord They said I should use nodetimers instead. Now there will be quite a couple of those and that's why I wonder: Is there a maximum on the number of node timers? 00:50 cheapie I don't think there's a specific maximum outside of one per node, is there? 00:53 cheapie On an unrelated note, I was poking at src/client/game.cpp to patch out digging particles (until I have time to come up with something better, still looking like this weekend) and I found this comment amusing: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/src/client/game.cpp#L3615 00:55 MTDiscord lol 00:55 cheapie Unfortunately no actual opportunity here for "digging for 116 days crashes Paper Mario^W^W^Wlets you dig undiggable nodes" as lines 3713-3714 seem to fix that :P 00:56 cheapie Also for the record the particle patch I'm running right now consists of just commenting out lines 3620-3621 and 3706-3707, seems to work as a quick fix at least 01:36 MTDiscord I created around 70k nodetimeres. This is what happened: 01:36 MTDiscord 2025-01-10 02:35:44: ERROR[Server]: Server::ActiveObjectMgr::addActiveObjectRaw(): no free id available 01:37 MTDiscord More specific: Is there a maximum of 65k nodetimers? What else is on this Active Object list? What do they share IDs with? 01:38 MTDiscord 65k, think about that number. smells like a size limit 01:51 Blockhead256 ROllerozxa: That's downright creepy that it said that and frankly cement my idea that ChatGPT is one of the most effective spy devices ever created and I'm not going to run something that snitches on me to silicon valley 01:52 Blockhead256 before someone @s me, I know it's useful, that's not mutually exclusive from spying on you 01:55 Blockhead256 and the share website requires javascript to load (so I can't use it in lynx), but then it asks you to log in after briefly showing you the result (so I can't just let it sit in a private window) 01:55 Blockhead256 so now I have a screenshot of it that I took while timing things right 01:57 Blockhead256 I had forgotten that it does web search/didn't think of it beyond using it on Bing. The question was actually what it keeps inside the corpus/model, but that's obsolete thinking for an online-only service I suppose 02:07 Blockhead256 Any without any further ado, for posterity, the answer ChatGPT give ROller https://imgur.com/a/KUXkOfU 02:07 Blockhead256 source: "Minetest blog" lol 02:13 MTDiscord i mean, at the time of the announcement, it was the minetest blog :P 02:16 MTDiscord honestly that summary is not so bad, it doesn't mischaracterize luanti. 02:17 Blockhead256 yeah nothing inaccurate, just tickled me a bit 03:40 MTDiscord Attn: the bridge will be down for maintenance for (hopefully only) a few minutes. I will be moving the server. 04:31 MTDiscord Bridge going down now 05:14 MisterE123 Test from IRC 08:14 sfan5 @bastrabun node timers do not share ID space with active objects 08:15 sfan5 there shouldn't be a global limit of them 08:15 sfan5 the per-block limit is 4096 because there are only so many nodes in a block 08:37 MTDiscord wild guess (assuming this correlated with the creation of node timers): could it be that these node timers resulted in the spawning of entities? 16:32 MTDiscord No. There are no entities involved. All I did was - via worldedit - create 70k blocks of canned food, which use nodetimers. You can try yourself or implement a very smol example of nodetimers. 16:36 MTDiscord I have some suspicion they share id or are limited at least during timer start, because it doesn't happen all the time. I reloaded the world with the canned food block in view, so the timers would all try to start at the same time 16:38 sfan5 node timers do not have an ID, so they cannot share one with anything else 17:11 MTDiscord Bastrabun: Mind linking the canned food mod in question? 17:15 MTDiscord The one I made: https://content.luanti.org/packages/AliasAlreadyTaken/yl_canned_food_mtg/