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IRC log for #minetest, 2024-12-31

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:04 repetitivestrain joined #minetest
00:05 repetiti` left #minetest
00:05 Eragon joined #minetest
00:19 ireallyhateirc luatic mentioned that I could work around entity rotation interpolation by hacking bones and attachments
00:19 ireallyhateirc I guess that would involve making an entity with no texture or mesh, just an armature and then controlling rotation by playing animation?
00:20 ireallyhateirc and of course attaching the actual entity to the bone that is rotated
00:31 liceDibrarian joined #minetest
00:46 MTDiscord <luatic> ireallyhateirc: basically yes, except you don't even need animation, you can just use a bone override on the bone. bone overrides can be interpolated, but need not be.
00:48 ireallyhateirc what's wonderful
00:52 ireallyhateirc I see several issues open for rotation + interpolation so I guess the issue is known and on the dusty TODO list
00:52 silverwolf73828 joined #minetest
00:57 dinomug joined #minetest
01:04 MTDiscord <luatic> #14599 probably best describes what you want. You might want to leave a short comment.
01:04 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14599 -- Smooth Rotation with set_yaw for lua entities
01:14 ireallyhateirc will do
01:34 freq joined #minetest
02:44 Can0xfBows_ joined #minetest
03:33 SwissalpS joined #minetest
04:29 runxiyu joined #minetest
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
06:11 runxiyu Does ipv6_server make it ipv6-only? Or does it simply enabe ipv6 without affecting ipv4?
06:11 runxiyu bind_address is not set
06:22 Thomas-S joined #minetest
06:56 gregon joined #minetest
07:19 whosit joined #minetest
07:44 SFENCE joined #minetest
07:57 jaca122 joined #minetest
08:00 SFENCE joined #minetest
08:03 bodiccea joined #minetest
08:09 SFENCE joined #minetest
08:15 tarsovbak joined #minetest
08:18 sparky4 joined #minetest
08:20 PoochInquisitor joined #minetest
08:35 SFENCE joined #minetest
09:09 SFENCE joined #minetest
09:39 SFENCE joined #minetest
09:40 Talkless joined #minetest
09:57 SFENCE joined #minetest
10:00 jaca122 joined #minetest
10:30 tarsovbak joined #minetest
10:33 tarsovbak joined #minetest
10:35 tarsovbak joined #minetest
11:34 jaca122 joined #minetest
11:42 sfan5 runxiyu: it makes it support both
11:42 runxiyu nice thx
11:56 ireallyhateirc joined #minetest
12:30 iisu joined #minetest
12:31 iisu Hi, how can I make a wallmounted node without rotating the mesh?
12:33 Bombo i got an error in fireworks_reimagined: ServerError: AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'fireworks_reimagined' in callback luaentity_Step ... init.lua:273: bad argument #2 to 'random' (interval is empty)
12:33 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2 -- Burned wood
12:33 Bombo how can that be, the args are hardcoded? https://github.com/DragonWrangler1/fireworks_reimagined/blob/main/init.lua#L273
12:35 ireallyhateirc iisu, you need to write a node definition of a wallmounted node
12:35 ireallyhateirc unless that's not what you mean
12:37 ireallyhateirc in the node definition set this: paramtype2 = "wallmounted"
12:40 iisu I have paramtype2 = "facedir", and I call minetest.item_place_node(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, minetest.dir_to_facedir(vector.subtract(pointed_thing.under, pointed_thing.above))).
12:41 iisu But I want the item to drop when the node it was placed on is mined. wallmounted has this behaviour but idk how to position the mesh correctly.
12:42 iisu When I change paramtype2 to "wallmounted" and call minetest.item_place_node(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, minetest.dir_to_wallmounted(vector.subtract(pointed_thing.under, pointed_thing.above))), the mesh gets rotated when placed on wall.
12:42 iisu (drawtype = "mesh")
12:43 ireallyhateirc you're probably looking for  core.add_item(pos, item)
12:44 ireallyhateirc iisu, you probably have to rotate the mesh in Blender or something
12:44 ireallyhateirc I also encountered this problem
12:46 iisu Haven't thought of that. Thanks.
12:55 ireallyhateirc Also in the end you don't have to rotate the node. You can select axes while exporting the node in Blender
13:04 MTDiscord <luatic> Bombo: hardcoded and precisely the wrong way around. the "min" must come first. -5 > -8. it needs to be math.random(-8, -5) or -math.random(5, 8).
13:04 MTDiscord <luatic> strictest would have caught this ;)
13:05 MTDiscord <luatic> https://github.com/appgurueu/strictest/blob/3086335123e34dd79c8c60eb9f799384bb873804/lua.lua#L104
13:11 MTDiscord <luatic> i've sent the mod author a PR: https://github.com/DragonWrangler1/fireworks_reimagined/pull/16
13:12 MinetestBot [git] grorp -> minetest/minetest: Add explanation to touchscreen item tooltip code (#15607) b50b619 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/b50b619be7af04bb7ecb1b30b628532d88c1844b (2024-12-31T13:11:17Z)
13:27 SFENCE joined #minetest
13:37 freq joined #minetest
13:48 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Show active HW buffers in profiler d884a16 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/d884a1624fbf20647fa98ef0bce755b4fb5a5e0e (2024-12-31T13:47:46Z)
13:48 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Avoid some inefficiencies when handling ItemStack(Metadata) a2058f7 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/a2058f7f3a2d2c95c6b6effdf161e326c8d2f35c (2024-12-31T13:47:46Z)
13:48 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Replace data structure for HW buffer book-keeping 40afc84 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/40afc845972ad350a04230570eb65f02ebd789ae (2024-12-31T13:47:46Z)
13:48 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Clean up Irrlicht shader API 1ea8763 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/1ea87632597877d673dce50a157ea3afd932a580 (2024-12-31T13:47:46Z)
13:48 MinetestBot [git] (5 newer commits not shown)
13:51 Blockhead256 joined #minetest
13:52 Blockhead256 did somebody say totally oversized textures? https://old.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/pjldfy/extra_cells_joke_walrus_texture_uses_twice_as/
13:53 SFENCE joined #minetest
13:56 Blockhead256 ireallyhateirc: MTG mod soupers DEMAND ports of all useful mods to their modding game
13:56 Blockhead256 MTG is meant to be played from the Content tab as much or more than the Start Game and Join Game tabs
13:59 ireallyhateirc I left a really ugly review for MTG, mostly because it pissed me off. I first tried Minetest back in 2018 or so, played vanilla, got disappointed that it's boring and unfinished, then went to read the wiki where I found "we're never going to add mobs, this thing is perfect"
13:59 MTDiscord <luatic> hehe
13:59 Blockhead256 I don't think anybody ever accused MTG of being perfect, but that nobody could agree which direction it should go (if any), so it had better stay put
14:00 ireallyhateirc I came back after 2-3 years and stayed because I discovered other games and Exile specifically
14:00 Blockhead256 A game that never changes is a perfect choice for modding if you ask me
14:01 ireallyhateirc but now that it's not the project's official scarecrow for new players I have no reason to be angry about it
14:01 Blockhead256 Mojang: Let me refactor enough to completely break all your mods every version. It's okay, Forge will do the legwork again anyway
14:02 ireallyhateirc so with minimal effort I can provide code examples for my API and something for mod soupers to enjoy
14:02 MTDiscord <luatic> i too remember my first MTG experience many years ago. i think my brother had found Minetest on the ubuntu software store and then we were playing MTG, and we were wondering when the mobs would show up. after they didn't show up for a while we realized that there would probably be no mobs, but eventually we found things like NSSM and got into modding.
14:03 Blockhead256 yes sadly that's how it used to go, unless someone luckily chose a good multiplayer server
14:04 Blockhead256 my first session with MTG ended pretty quickly, I don't think I even got to mining
14:04 Blockhead256 but one login to LinuxForks (followed by getting lost), left such an impression that I had to come back months later to "that server with the trains"
14:04 MTDiscord <luatic> i fondly remember LOTT (lord of the test)
14:04 MTDiscord <luatic> (singleplayer as well)
14:05 ireallyhateirc Blockhead256, as for modding I think MTG tried to port modding habits of proprietary games while not providing a playable gameplay which proprietary games usually provide
14:05 Blockhead256 rest in piece to the potential community members who have up after one go with MTG and maybe a bad server as well
14:05 Blockhead256 s/have/gave
14:06 Blockhead256 yes unfortunately a lot of the mods for MTG were crap clones of mods for Minecraft
14:06 ireallyhateirc so while it's perfect from a modder's point of view, it's not so perfect from a player's point of view. Well unless you're the kind of player who enjoys Linux From Scratch
14:06 Blockhead256 like Technic is a poor IC2 clone, pipeworks is a bad version of buildcraft's pipes, and mesecons is poor man's redpower
14:07 Blockhead256 MTG proves the point that it's not enough to have a game that's great to mod, the base game has to be fun
14:07 Blockhead256 something lost on people who've been stuck in a loop of modding something like Minecraft or Skyrim for so long that they forget what base game is
14:09 ireallyhateirc and even if you make your perfect mod soup that works and is fine gameplay-wise then you end up with something that's not artistically consistent
14:10 Blockhead256 the value of a fully integrated experience can't be understated
14:11 Blockhead256 whether that's a good game for Luanti, a vendor-lock scenario like Apple, or something else
14:11 sfan5 can someone recommend a place on a server with many node/block changes going on
14:13 Blockhead256 there was "fm: Sky: Alone in the deep", that had some kind of landslide mechanics, not sure what it was
14:13 Blockhead256 but that's dropped off the list.
14:13 Blockhead256 Maybe the other "fm" servers have it though
14:16 ireallyhateirc sfan5, Land of Bugs or Exiled From Other Servers
14:16 MTDiscord <mistere_123> fm is freeminer, so if you are testing luanti that's an extra variable
14:16 ireallyhateirc every 30s mapchunks with soil get rewritten
14:17 MTDiscord <mistere_123> sfan5, actually, any mesecraft server, find a place with smoke
14:17 MTDiscord <mistere_123> or, hmm, not sure if it still has smoke.
14:19 MTDiscord <mistere_123> if it does, you can make smoke with any fire or oven, but to get lots of it find a place with lava
14:19 MTDiscord <mistere_123> oh right, I guess Exile would win this contest
14:22 SFENCE joined #minetest
14:25 Bombo luatic: thx it works now ;) playing around with mesecons to build a fireworks ;)
14:33 sfan5 ireallyhateirc: this might be useful https://0x0.st/8s7a.txt
14:34 ireallyhateirc lol yeah probably
15:00 SFENCE joined #minetest
15:07 SFENCE joined #minetest
15:28 chilledfrogs joined #minetest
15:43 silverwolf73828 joined #minetest
16:10 freq joined #minetest
16:43 SFENCE joined #minetest
17:37 Desour joined #minetest
18:00 SwissalpS joined #minetest
18:30 MinetestBot [git] grorp -> minetest/minetest: Remove normal map leftovers (#15609) f54d209 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/f54d209bc8cb6c4ae8735090b2eb6f15af35ed36 (2024-12-31T18:28:57Z)
18:40 guest52 joined #minetest
18:44 Verticen joined #minetest
19:14 f_ joined #minetest
19:27 MTDiscord <prolller> still here:  fm: Sky: Yggdrasil tree growing btw maybe oldest running server
19:34 MTDiscord <prolller> fm: World Of TNT use dirt spring at some high point, or lava/water spring,  feel free to destroy anything, its for tests
19:39 MTDiscord <siliconsniffer> IIRC there was also a server called just "sky"?
19:45 liceDibrarian joined #minetest
19:55 MTDiscord <prolller> its one server, Sky;  fm: Sky: *    (depend on current spawn point) https://forum.luanti.org/viewtopic.php?t=7068 same map all time
19:56 diceLibrarian2 joined #minetest
19:56 MTDiscord <siliconsniffer> Thanks! Need to have a look, this was pretty much the first server I ever played on =)
20:43 SFENCE joined #minetest
20:53 freq joined #minetest
20:54 Thermoriax joined #minetest
20:58 SFENCE joined #minetest
21:33 diceLibrarian2 joined #minetest
22:15 SFENCE joined #minetest
22:26 liceDibrarian joined #minetest
22:27 diceLibrarian2 joined #minetest
22:36 SFENCE joined #minetest
22:58 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
23:34 panwolfram joined #minetest
23:56 SFENCE joined #minetest
23:57 ireallyhateirc joined #minetest

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