Time Nick Message 01:08 ireallyhateirc is there a way to get a raycast for what a player is looking at? 01:28 ireallyhateirc never mind, I was given a function that does this 12:28 MTDiscord Is there a way to express "This position is inside a block collision box"? 12:32 ireallyhateirc you mean the default collisionbox or any collisionbox 12:33 ireallyhateirc the center of a node is at integer positions and span +/- 0.5 nodes in each direction from that center 12:35 MTDiscord Any collisionbox. Think stairs, slabs, fences, ... all kinds of weird collisionboxes. 12:39 MTDiscord by express you mean check whether a position is inside a collision box? 12:39 MTDiscord yes 12:40 MTDiscord what i'd do is get node collision boxes in a +-1 radius, then iterate over all of them and check whether the point is in any of them 12:40 MTDiscord radius by taxicab distance 12:40 MTDiscord so a cube 12:54 MTDiscord A fence block is composed of multiple collisionboxes depending on where it connects. If there is no connection in one direction, but I iterate over all defined collisionboxes, I'll detect wrong 12:58 MTDiscord if you're running a somewhat recent engine version you have core.get_node_boxes 13:01 MTDiscord 5.10.0, so it's available. Thanks, I'll try that : ) 13:04 freq leave britney alone! 13:08 MTDiscord that's quite the old reference 13:37 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix situation around aabbox3d default constructor (#15586) 13f2b1cc3 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/f2b1cc3e6141f43f8e7b5e55f86ccc05f7b3b1bf (152024-12-29T13:36:30Z) 14:12 MTDiscord Haha, #2456 ... no way that issue is like 10 years old... 14:12 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2456 -- Android GUI controls need shadows like chat text 14:13 MTDiscord It got paramatted because people thought it didn't look pretty and during the paramat era, that was apparently more important than usability. Maybe not anymore. 15:28 pgimeno @luatic taxicab distance with fixed radius defines a diamond (octahedron) actually, not a cube; the one that defines a cube is the Chebyshev distance 15:29 MTDiscord pgimeno: right, i confused the two. i meant the infinity-norm (chebyshev). 15:30 Krock taxicab sounds like manhattan but with extra steps 15:30 pgimeno I thought manhattan and taxicab were two names for the same thing 15:31 MTDiscord yes 15:32 Krock oh indeed. 15:37 sfan5 wsor4035: fwiw I bet optimizing the models used in homedecor would also save some performance. no idea what this thing is but it's 8k vertices per thing https://0x0.st/8sOy.png 15:37 sfan5 (might be pipeworks actually?) 15:39 sfan5 I suppose culling "big" objects individually could also make sense 15:42 MTDiscord Looks like pipeworks pipes. I can only do the most basic of model edits, so someone else will have to submit a pr for that 15:42 ireallyhateirc shelves with raycast: https://files.catbox.moe/7hy5d6.mp4 15:46 sfan5 i haven't done it myself but I bet "blender optimize mesh" should get you far 15:46 sfan5 +googling 16:02 MTDiscord can it be made such that there isn't that slight rotation movement when items are placed? 16:02 ireallyhateirc The common problem with beginner level 3D models is duplicated topology. Blender often creates that upon rewinding an action (which is useful) but some don't know that. 16:03 ireallyhateirc Doing -> edit mode -> pressing "A" -> merge by distance 16:04 ireallyhateirc will remove most of that duplicated topology. I saw an armchair in SweetHome3D that had 3K vertices out of which 2K was duplicated vertices 16:05 ireallyhateirc @csperson, you mean my shelf thing or generally? 16:06 MTDiscord the shelf thing. Why would i mean generally? Ig discord replies dont show over irc bridge, but yeah it was in reference to the shelf 16:08 ireallyhateirc either way that's a problem with entities having interpolated rotation only which is a Luanti problem. Apparently I could add some hacks with attachments and bones but this sounds like a pain to do. 16:09 ireallyhateirc I could make it so only the item affected is rotated and not everything 16:11 MTDiscord Hmm. I suppose that makes sense. I wonder if it'd be possible to fix that in the engine itself then. Or rather, reasonably possible. 16:12 ireallyhateirc it'd be possible but you need a happy volunteer to do that and I don't know C++ so there's that 16:15 MTDiscord Hmm, fair enough. It's not like I do either tbh. 16:25 MTDiscord made https://github.com/mt-mods/pipeworks/issues/148 for tracking, maybe ill have a crack at it, no promises 16:39 ireallyhateirc 8K vertices? lol 16:39 ireallyhateirc I'll have a look 16:40 ireallyhateirc it's like the toothbrush https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7E3G1PEOAY 16:43 ireallyhateirc Any particular pipe that's so heavy? 16:43 Krock it's galvanized square steel. that's why it's so heavyweight. 16:46 ireallyhateirc the directory has low-poly and high-poly models 16:47 ireallyhateirc and there's this: local polys = "" 16:47 ireallyhateirc if pipeworks.enable_lowpoly then polys = "_lowpoly" end 16:47 ireallyhateirc the low poly variants have decent poly numbers for a blocky game 16:47 ireallyhateirc the high poly valve is 2K vertices 16:50 ireallyhateirc So looks like you can simply switch to lowpoly with a setting 16:51 MTDiscord if they look the same, maybe should just switch to those by default/toss high poly 16:52 MTDiscord maybe the low poly can be optimized more? could always go for a bit more of a blocky look rather than round to save i guess 17:03 ireallyhateirc first I'd switch to low-poly by default and then bother with optimising that 17:04 ireallyhateirc the low-poly ones appear to have honest poly-count 17:06 ireallyhateirc the low poly valve has 100 triangles, the high poly one has 3600 triangles 17:07 ireallyhateirc Personally I'd just trash the high-poly models because it just badly clashes with the rest of the game 17:08 ireallyhateirc and they don't bring much gameplay 17:09 ireallyhateirc Also there's no much to optimise in the low-poly models 17:11 SwissalpS +1 17:14 ireallyhateirc The setting doesn't get exposed to main menu 17:22 MTDiscord I'll look in a bit 19:22 wsor4035 just throwing https://github.com/mt-mods/pipeworks/issues/148#issuecomment-2564816600 out there to see what people think/avoid wasting my time making a polished version for testing in game 19:23 Krock that's going into a perfect direction 19:23 ireallyhateirc the real challenge is keeping one artstyle for all pipes 19:24 MTDiscord insert warnings all over that im a programmer, not an artist/modeler. just know enough to make the occasional edit/get by 19:24 Krock I didn't even remember that there were such tubes in pipeworks. All that mattered was the item transportation tubes, which are very low poly. 19:24 ireallyhateirc In the end I'm going to make some pipes for my perfect city game so I could give it a try 19:26 ireallyhateirc I usually use octagons as circles though 20:30 sfan5 wsor4035: btw https://0x0.st/8sJj.txt 20:34 MTDiscord thanks, i refer to my previous comment of not being good at 3d modeling 20:36 ireallyhateirc My mid-poly character has 15K tris 20:38 Krock Is there yet a yanderedev toothbrush mod? 20:38 ireallyhateirc I could make one 20:39 ireallyhateirc using 15K tris for a well designed character is fine, but 5K for a toothbrush/pipe is ridiculous 20:41 ireallyhateirc sfan5, are these Luanti's builtin warnings or are you using something custom for that? 20:41 sfan5 my own code, might make it into Luanti if I polish it 20:42 Krock inspect the SMeshBuffer size 21:25 sfan5 ireallyhateirc: they are here right now if you'd like to test https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/15594/commits 21:26 ireallyhateirc thanks 23:53 ireallyhateirc how into node protection? 23:53 ireallyhateirc the API mentions core.is_protected but I couldn't find any info on how to get a node protected 23:57 MTDiscord thats on you to implement 23:57 MTDiscord most everyone uses areas 23:59 MTDiscord is_protect like is_creative_enabled is a function meant to be overridden by mods 23:59 ireallyhateirc so it's a placeholer function that mods can overwrite?