Time Nick Message 02:11 Blockhead256 ireallyhateirc to be honest I've been following your shelf stuff over the past week or so, and I'm not sure but maybe you're trying to make something that does too much 02:11 ireallyhateirc I am, yes 02:12 ireallyhateirc this is probably overengineered 02:12 Blockhead256 instead of making something generic, make several less generic things. Multiples are okay, abstraction isn't everything 02:12 ireallyhateirc what do you mean exactly? 02:13 Blockhead256 you might consider "this is a node that holds four items on a shelf" and "this is a pedestal" and "this holds one node inside a liquid tank" instead of "this object holds objects" 02:13 Blockhead256 they can all share some code or at least similarity in API, but be useful for different stuff 02:13 ireallyhateirc right now I'm adding a shelf positioner that simply defines rows and offsets 02:14 ireallyhateirc positioner is the piece of code that tells the itemstore where to put item entities 02:14 ireallyhateirc it can be generic or can be more complex but it's up to the users to define their more complex stuff 02:15 ireallyhateirc I'll provide basic abstraction for simple shelves, and such 02:15 Blockhead256 to make it easier you might include some presets for positions rather than needing everyone to write their positioning code, and that can be enough for a lot of use cases 02:16 ireallyhateirc I'll do so 02:16 ireallyhateirc I'll probably provide also some shelf nodes 02:16 Blockhead256 I would consider putting the library and the nodes in different mods, probably inside the same pack 02:16 Blockhead256 anyway that's my 2c 02:17 ireallyhateirc I'll provide examples with the API (probably commented) 02:17 ireallyhateirc My work is inspired by this mod: https://content.luanti.org/packages/zorman2000/itemshelf/ 02:18 ireallyhateirc I actually took small pieces of code from it and builtin/item_entity.lua 02:18 ireallyhateirc but the original used formspec 02:18 ireallyhateirc the original mod was quite inflexible and didn't work well for my stuff 13:10 erle anyone at 38C3? 13:13 MTDiscord Didn't get a ticket :-/ 16:13 ireallyhateirc further shelf progress: https://files.catbox.moe/qcfze6.mp4 16:31 ireallyhateirc chatGPT please rewrite this minecraft mod from Java to Lua 17:18 cheapie sfan5: I have to wonder if this "testfan5" player is you or just someone with a similar name 17:20 sfan5 yes :) 17:20 cheapie In that case, hi, from about 10km below :P 17:23 cheapie Floor 4 of that concrete building I showed has even more nodeboxes (lots of techage TA4 tubes) now if you want that for testing. 17:24 sfan5 I stuck around at spawn since the FPS there are not quite what should be expected 17:25 cheapie VE-C (daconcepts.com:37000)'s spawn is a lot heavier 19:17 cheapie My grandparents got a digital picture frame as a gift a few days ago... I thought the UI looked a bit Android-y.... 19:17 cheapie https://cheapiesystems.com/media/images/IMG_20241227_130814.webp - that's not a picture it's showing :D 19:38 jonadab How are you doing _input_ on one of those things? 19:38 jonadab They have, like, four buttons, total. 19:38 jonadab Including the power button. 19:39 cheapie touchscreen 19:40 jonadab Oh, interesting. I've never seen one with that feature. 19:40 cheapie But also it has a USB host port *and* it's rooted out of the box, so I'm sure I could figure something out even if it didn't :P 19:40 jonadab USB keyboard was gonna be my first guess. 19:41 cheapie SuperTuxKart runs too, only about 15 FPS though :/ 19:43 jonadab I've seen them with USB ports, intended for USB flash drives full of photos. 19:43 jonadab So there's no _theoretical_ reason why a USB keyboard wouldn't work with that hardware, if the OS supports it. Which Android should. 19:45 jonadab Hmm, I don't think I know SuperTuxKart. I remember TuxRacer from... a few years ago. 19:46 jonadab THAT had pretty substantial perf requirements compared to other open-source games _at the time_ but it has been a while. 19:46 jonadab Of course there's always Hunt the Wumpus. Or NetHack. 20:06 sfan5 !seen gpcf 20:06 MinetestBot sfan5: gpcf was last seen at 2022-04-05 15:39:43 UTC on #minetest 20:11 Krock sfan5: the areas/async.lua is used as regular dofile() as fallback for older versions 20:11 Krock see init.lua 20:12 sfan5 minetest 5.0.0 has it 20:18 Krock for some reason I thought it was about register_async_dofile. I can't read so yes, that makes sense. Thanks for pointing out. 21:13 cheapie sfan5: Other creative server, the "Dreambuilder creative" one, not "creative-building" 21:14 cheapie (unless VE-Building is doing what you want, in which case have fun :P) 21:14 sfan5 oh 21:14 sfan5 the spawn on that one also leads to frame drops for me tho 21:14 cheapie VE-Building (port 30008) is the "lightweight" (by VanessaE standards...) one, VE-Creative (port 37000) is the heavy one 21:15 cheapie VanessaE doesn't actually run either one any more, but most of the mods date back to when she did. 21:16 MTDiscord ve-c mods are kept up to date: https://github.com/VE-Creative-Server/worldmods, dunno about the other one. maybe lminus will get to it eventually 21:16 cheapie I mean the mod selection, not updates 21:16 MTDiscord ah, sorry 21:17 cheapie (...do you have "VE-Creative" on your highlight list or something? :P) 21:17 wsor4035 no, im just around and reading 21:17 wsor4035 holidays and all 21:18 wsor4035 sfan5: figured we should move from -dev, which server? if ve-building probably outdated, i can check 21:19 sfan5 port 30008 21:23 MTDiscord given the git remote on ilights is still pointing at gitlab, thats out of date 21:24 MTDiscord yeah, the use texture alpha was added after the mod moved https://github.com/mt-mods/ilights/blame/master/init.lua#L176 21:24 MTDiscord tldr: that servers mods are outdated 21:43 sfan5 led_marquee, vessels:shelf too 22:44 MTDiscord sends vessels back sfan5 since thats in mtg 22:47 MTDiscord https://github.com/mt-mods/led_marquee/blob/528d8b7a5842fbd3d3ed5e328924851f2800486c/init.lua#L425 probably should be clip? just eyeballing textures 22:48 cheapie I would expect "opaque" if I'm remembering right what that mod looks like 22:49 MTDiscord thats the default, so you dont even need to set it 22:49 cheapie It used to whine if you didn't IIRC 22:49 MTDiscord stuff like https://github.com/mt-mods/led_marquee/blob/master/textures/led_marquee_single_led_on.png and https://github.com/mt-mods/led_marquee/blob/master/textures/led_marquee_leds_on_cursor.png has alpha 22:50 MTDiscord >The default is "opaque" for drawtypes normal, liquid and flowingliquid, mesh and nodebox or "clip" otherwise. 22:50 cheapie IIRC the default in 5.8 and below was "blend but whine about it in the log" 22:50 MTDiscord idk, if its whining about the default and wanting that explicitly set, thats just plain stupid. i dont recall that happening however 22:50 MTDiscord i think your thinking about when it was set to boolean 22:51 cheapie That was different whining (and I think it still does that?) 22:51 cheapie 5.9 definitely changed the default 22:51 MTDiscord well the compatibility fallback was remove in 5.9 so that booleans didnt work anymore 22:51 sfan5 wsor4035: MTG vessels does not set this 22:51 sfan5 i bet it's homedecor overriding it 22:51 MTDiscord probably 22:51 cheapie booleans still work (with a warning), they're just deprecated 22:52 MTDiscord not since 5.9 22:52 cheapie Then the docs are wrong 22:52 MTDiscord sfan: https://github.com/mt-mods/homedecor_modpack/blob/b51d27135b4fb49d2f5d34547bc5297d0bef29c2/homedecor_3d_extras/init.lua#L16 22:53 MTDiscord (correct) 22:53 MTDiscord homedecor_3d_vessels_shelf_glass.png has transparency, so that should be blend 22:54 cheapie wsor4035: Looks like this is the commit that changed it, the default for nodebox used to be "clip": https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/d1a55e9ca4e66d8ba2d799569de7a6b48bc15f23 22:54 sfan5 "it has transparency" does not mean "blend" 22:55 MTDiscord the image has pixels that are neither fully opaque or fully transparent, so its not clip 22:55 cheapie re: led_marquee - that mod's use of alpha is entirely "opaque_texture.png^partially_transparent_texture.png" and similar, isn't it? I'd think that would still render OK with "opaque" 22:56 sfan5 in that case sure 22:56 sfan5 wondering which part of the shelf is semi-transparent tho 22:56 MTDiscord the image for reference https://github.com/mt-mods/homedecor_modpack/blob/b51d27135b4fb49d2f5d34547bc5297d0bef29c2/homedecor_3d_extras/textures/homedecor_3d_vessels_shelf_glass.png 22:57 MTDiscord cheapie: not if you want to see the base color behind the overlaid color 22:57 MTDiscord *overlaid texture 22:58 cheapie That... doesn't sound right, but I've admittedly never tried it that I can remember. 22:58 sfan5 use_texture_alpha does not impact texture overlaying or generation (how could it?) 22:59 sfan5 i guess the client knows where a texture is being used, but that'd be weirdly context-sensitive 22:59 MTDiscord i was thinking it ran per texture, but yeah im dumb, its on the final result as the node is rendered 22:59 sfan5 we have shitty APIs but not *that* bad 23:00 sfan5 re shelf: I don't think the glass bottles have to be semi-transparent, it's an easy trade off to make 23:00 MTDiscord anyways, cloning homedecor in 5.10 for testing to see about shelfs 23:00 MTDiscord since i probably shouldnt test in 5.9 23:03 MTDiscord looking at the bottles from different angles already looks pretty shitty rendering 23:03 cheapie Always has, IIRC 23:05 MTDiscord thoughts? 23:05 MTDiscord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/749727888659447960/1322339613318184960/image.png?ex=6770843b&is=676f32bb&hm=c2e356889488dde70a7425e90b94b505e0ad86a7dbc435bc9b7f9df5e7e14d5b& 23:06 sfan5 the bottle *itself* is transculent? how does that make sense 23:06 sfan5 I thought it was maybe just like a glass part 23:06 MTDiscord no idea, message vanessae on irc if you really care to find out 23:07 sfan5 is it supposed to be made of steel 23:07 MTDiscord looking at the bottle from different angles reveals the terrible (i assume) geometry inside 23:07 sfan5 !seen vanessae 23:07 MinetestBot sfan5: vanessae was last seen at 2021-09-03 21:13:13 UTC on #minetest-hub 23:07 sfan5 that's a while 23:07 MTDiscord they left minetest, but are still around irc 23:07 sfan5 ah 23:07 MTDiscord at least last i knew 23:08 MTDiscord the mods are at mt-mods now, hence my involvement 23:08 MTDiscord anyways, this is trival enough ill just push a fix for it 23:10 MTDiscord https://github.com/mt-mods/homedecor_modpack/commit/7bf4f8e18534df2486bf47411bfc93b97896dd4d done 23:12 sfan5 what about vessels:steel_bottle or vessels:glass_bottle? 23:14 MTDiscord you say these now lol 23:14 MTDiscord steel bottle doesnt have use texture alpha 23:14 MTDiscord drinking glass does 23:15 MTDiscord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/749727888659447960/1322342045657993266/image.png?ex=6770867f&is=676f34ff&hm=67a2ca171a4c80519e60856ff283b85ea06c6749f052083468887c91f11c3a13& 23:15 MTDiscord seems better 23:15 MTDiscord thoughts? 23:15 sfan5 lgtm 23:16 MTDiscord any other nodes sfan5 before i push these? lol 23:16 sfan5 give me 5 minutes 23:17 MTDiscord cheapie: you wouldnt happen to have a quick program for testing led marque would you? 23:20 cheapie No, I've never liked them much (too big). I do have a few programs that use them but only very basic functions. 23:20 sfan5 more like 15 min actually 23:22 MTDiscord for anyone wondering, digiline_send("a","a") is a simple test program to make them show a message 23:22 cheapie Yes, but that's about what I meant with how it barely tests any of the functions :P 23:24 MTDiscord yeah, these should always be on a black background, so we dont need alpha at all 23:25 MTDiscord https://github.com/mt-mods/led_marquee/commit/7a8b53474dfedb676e3d85e10c6d5d1cbbc5a260 done 23:31 sfan5 wsor4035: https://0x0.st/8sTQ.txt 23:31 sfan5 no guarantees on accuracy 23:31 sfan5 (only logs once for each texture) 23:33 sfan5 or here on another server https://0x0.st/8sT1.txt 23:34 cheapie > 2024-12-28 00:29:31: WARNING[Main]: Texture "firealarm_hornstrobe_top.png" has simple transparency, but is used as semi-transparent (node firealarm:hornstrobe_on). Adjust use_texture_alpha for better performance. 23:34 cheapie Is "blend for one texture but opaque for another on the same node" even an option? 23:35 sfan5 no 23:35 sfan5 I tried to avoid that case and not log it tho 23:36 cheapie FWIW that node has tiles of { "firealarm_hornstrobe_top.png", "firealarm_hornstrobe_top.png", "firealarm_hornstrobe_side.png", "firealarm_hornstrobe_side.png", "firealarm_hornstrobe_back.png", (some animated [combine monstrosity) } 23:37 MTDiscord https://github.com/mt-mods/homedecor_modpack/issues/88, future/tommorrow me problem 23:37 cheapie The "[combine monstrosity" has 9 textures with simple transparency and one with partially-transparent pixels 23:37 cheapie (and is animated) 23:37 MTDiscord btw, thanks sfan5