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IRC log for #minetest, 2024-12-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:05 Eragon joined #minetest
00:23 SFENCE joined #minetest
00:57 SFENCE joined #minetest
01:03 rodrigo-morales joined #minetest
01:56 SwissalpS joined #minetest
02:31 SFENCE joined #minetest
02:44 freq_ joined #minetest
02:45 Verticen joined #minetest
02:45 freq joined #minetest
02:50 SFENCE joined #minetest
03:32 erle i was able to make a 4×4 piston door in mineclonia.
03:32 erle then i made a flying machine that i sent out of the visible map hahaha
03:32 erle two-directional flying machines seem to have synchronization issues
04:19 chilledfrogs joined #minetest
04:20 Soni has anyone made wasm mod yet
04:21 silverwolf73828 joined #minetest
04:24 Soni maybe we should...
04:25 Soni (we are known for making wasm2kotlin, so like. what stops us. other than the fact that the contentdb doesn't like precompiled binaries.)
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
05:04 MTDiscord <vejou> wasm mod?
07:39 erle Soni i don't see the point
07:52 SFENCE joined #minetest
08:27 germ joined #minetest
08:41 germ- joined #minetest
08:41 SFENCE joined #minetest
09:22 repetitivestrain As promised here is a port of minecraft's physics engine to mineclonia as a CSM, with the required CSM API additions
09:22 repetitivestrain https://codeberg.org/halon/Minetest
09:22 repetitivestrain https://codeberg.org/halon/mcl_localplayer/
09:22 repetitivestrain or to be precise, minosoft's physics engine
09:23 repetitivestrain https://codeberg.org/mineclonia/mineclonia/src/branch/csm_experimental
09:23 repetitivestrain this holds the server-side support
09:23 PoochInquisitor joined #minetest
09:23 repetitivestrain any comments on the APIs?
09:24 repetitivestrain and is there any chance of having similar APIs appear upstream in the near term
09:30 jaca122 joined #minetest
09:36 Glaedr joined #minetest
09:46 fling joined #minetest
09:53 SFENCE joined #minetest
10:16 sfan5 cheapie: ty
10:17 sfan5 areas with heavy nodebox usage might come in handy for performance testing some potential improvements
10:17 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
10:17 cheapie sfan5: You'd probably want VE-C for that
10:22 sfan5 is it "your fps noticably reduces" kind of bad?
10:26 cheapie Yes, but I think transparency is more of it
10:27 cheapie daconcepts.com:37000, spawn is already pretty demanding but there's a travelnet nearby that goes to "Central City" which is even more so
10:28 sfan5 repetitivestrain: without looking at your code let me just say it's quite unlikely to see "real" CSM in Luanti soon, due to the work required to get to that point
10:29 gregon joined #minetest
10:30 MinetestBot [git] appgurueu -> minetest/minetest: Fix some compiler warnings (#15596) 412cc96 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/412cc96bc95add2db52e59a55cdfd92087f5fa57 (2024-12-26T10:29:00Z)
10:44 sparky4 joined #minetest
11:09 SFENCE joined #minetest
11:09 repetitivestrain sfan5: it doesn't really matter to me or other players in search of a serious MC clone whether they must download and enable a CSM manually or they are sent by the server
11:10 repetitivestrain just whether the option exists
11:39 Soni do we have jit on?
11:53 ireallyhateirc joined #minetest
12:00 Soni and can we use ffi?
12:07 sinvet joined #minetest
12:27 SFENCE joined #minetest
12:29 whosit Soni: luajit works well as lua interpreter for luanti (you have a choice), and yes, you can use full-featured lua through "insecure environment"
12:38 Soni hehe this could be fun
13:39 Soni can we have string.pack/string.unpack?
13:39 Soni (don't really need it but it would be convenient)
13:43 MTDiscord <et086> > string.pack (fmt, v1, v2, ···) >  > Returns a binary string containing the values v1, v2, etc. packed (that is, serialized in binary form) according to the format string fmt (see §6.4.2).   hey we have core.serialize and core.deserialize
13:45 SFENCE joined #minetest
13:48 Soni that's not even comparable
13:51 MTDiscord <et086> oh
13:51 Soni string.pack and string.unpack are comparable to string.char and string.byte, modulo handling of numbers
13:52 Soni (well, of floats specifically)
13:58 MTDiscord <et086> oh
15:01 MTDiscord <luatic> iirc the new GUI API will add something like that as a byproduct
15:02 MTDiscord <luatic> technically you are right that they are just convenient, but writing float to bytes and back in pure lua is a pain to get right, and will be much much slower
15:12 Soni been there, done that, can confirm
15:19 SFENCE joined #minetest
15:21 ireallyhateirc It appears to me that entities can be pointed through a node's selection box
15:21 ireallyhateirc is this a bug or a feature?
15:24 freq there's a bug in your future
15:24 ireallyhateirc yeah we call that aging
15:26 MTDiscord <luatic> ireallyhateirc: sounds like a bug
15:28 ireallyhateirc no one expected entities hidden in nodes
15:29 SFENCE joined #minetest
15:30 MTDiscord <luatic> well be specific
15:30 ireallyhateirc I'll make a bug report with a reproducer (minimal or not)
15:30 MTDiscord <luatic> the way the logic should work is the thing with the closest ray - selection box intersection point should be selected
15:31 MTDiscord <luatic> if you have nested selection boxes and are inside both of them, this logic is not well-defined
15:31 ireallyhateirc the selection box is the closest thing, yet it picks the entity
15:31 ireallyhateirc I have a selectionbox that looks like a box with one side removed
15:32 freq ireallyhateirc
15:32 MTDiscord <luatic> okay so the ray should first intersect the node selection box and only then hit the entity yet the entity is selected?
15:32 MTDiscord <luatic> if so file a bug report and we can then figure out the details
15:34 ireallyhateirc actually the selectionbox disappears when the entity is pointed
15:34 ireallyhateirc but I guess that's secondary
15:43 ireallyhateirc The bug report is up: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/15599
15:45 jaca122 joined #minetest
16:10 Soni if there was a cave world mod we would tell our friends about it
16:11 Soni (like this: https://minecraft.wiki/w/File:Buffet_world_with_the_Caves_generator_and_checkerboard_biomes_of_size_0.png )
16:12 Soni (it's worth noting that minecraft removed these features and also they never worked properly in minecraft to begin with, which puts luanti in an unique place when it comes to supporting this stuff)
16:13 ireallyhateirc There's this: https://content.luanti.org/packages/Noordstar/ns_cavegen/
16:13 ireallyhateirc but it's an API
16:14 ireallyhateirc you'd need to write your own game with this API
16:14 ireallyhateirc or make a custom mapgen based on it for your favourite game (or mod soup)
16:14 tarsovbak joined #minetest
16:16 ireallyhateirc v7 mapgen has huge caves around -27000 or so. You could move biomes of choice to that level and disable generation of the surface
16:45 SFENCE joined #minetest
16:53 silverwolf73828 joined #minetest
17:01 Soni can you remove surface
17:02 Soni what is surface anyway
17:03 ireallyhateirc surface is the place where mapgen starts generating air biomes. Also biomes have their y axis boundaries defined. If you move that down it could do the trick
17:03 ireallyhateirc you'd also need to spawn the player at -27K
17:03 ireallyhateirc air nodes* not biomes
17:23 Talkless joined #minetest
17:31 Soni isn't mapgen mod-defined?
17:35 MTDiscord <luatic> it can be
17:44 ___nick___ joined #minetest
17:47 ___nick___ joined #minetest
17:49 jaca122 joined #minetest
18:04 SFENCE joined #minetest
18:50 ___nick___ joined #minetest
19:40 SFENCE joined #minetest
19:45 Kimapr joined #minetest
20:49 shinbet joined #minetest
20:54 Verticen joined #minetest
21:30 SwissalpS joined #minetest
22:08 CRISPR joined #minetest
22:34 CRISPR joined #minetest
22:38 SFENCE joined #minetest
22:45 ireallyhateirc joined #minetest
22:59 CRISPR joined #minetest
23:34 panwolfram joined #minetest
23:51 hunter0one joined #minetest
23:56 SFENCE joined #minetest

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