Time Nick Message 01:05 ireallyhateirc How is ObjectRef different from luaentity? 01:36 MTDiscord luaentity is just the lua part, it's a table with a metatable and user-defined methods like on_step. entity.object gives you the objectref. 01:36 MTDiscord objectref is the c++ part, it has many c++-implemented methods like set_pos etc.; you can get the luaentity from it via obj:get_luaentity() 02:06 ireallyhateirc there's this advice to never store ObjectRef, is the same true for luaentity? 03:08 ireallyhateirc I'm not entirely sure how entity code works but it does something really disgusting and counterintuitive 03:08 ireallyhateirc I'll try understanding it another day 03:40 Blockhead256 ROllerozxa : regarding https://forum.luanti.org/viewtopic.php?t=13709 .. you have a good process for nowadays right? Your own/own fork of a tool? 03:41 MTDiscord https://forum.luanti.org/viewtopic.php?t=30119 https://github.com/rollerozxa/MC2MT 03:47 Blockhead256 sounds like that should supercede the old sticky 03:56 MTDiscord probably 04:01 Blockhead256 it seems like someone should make a matrix of minecraft versions against luanti and mineclone games... yeah quickly gets complicated 04:03 MTDiscord probably get outdated as well 04:04 Blockhead256 well if you match version against version, it only gets as outdated as the versions listed, and it's always going to be a task to update anyway 04:05 Blockhead256 "what's the best way to convert x version of Minecraft to a minecraft-clone for Minetest/luanti?" is a question worth trying to write down an answer. Maybe 04:07 MTDiscord the tldr answer to that is if its 1.12 or before us mc2mt, else use whatever the minecraft program is to downgrade the world to 1.12 format and then convert. so basically your limited to 1.12 world blocks 04:09 Blockhead256 that sounds a bit.. in need of improvement, with stuff like copper bulbs coming out into the clone games 05:25 Blockhead256 (you can tell I pay close attention when I can't even name which game(s) actually have the copper bulbs) 11:51 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Prefer GL3 driver over legacy GL driver 139f52f84 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/9f52f84f2bd569451d7703906dce5bd0110f7344 (152024-12-23T11:49:31Z) 11:51 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Condense renderer information into a single string 130bfd9bc https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/0bfd9bc09ea5aec9aa2b597e13efad2384c3ecf7 (152024-12-23T11:49:31Z) 11:51 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: IGUIFont / CGUITTFont code cleanups (#15581) 13c49ff76 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/c49ff769553960183f1f092d71d25858d963d872 (152024-12-23T11:49:47Z) 14:47 shaft Do you underscore prefix node metadata or not? 14:48 sfan5 why would you 14:48 shaft Is that a no? 14:49 sfan5 yes 14:49 shaft Okay thank you 15:17 MTDiscord you should mymod_* prefix things 15:17 MTDiscord to avoid collisions with other mods 16:22 ireallyhateirc Experiments with NodeCore-like placeable items: https://files.catbox.moe/rs95is.png 16:23 ireallyhateirc item size chances with stack size 16:24 ireallyhateirc the goal is to implement entity items that can be placed on non-grid-aligned nodes and inside nodes (e.g. shelves) 17:22 MTDiscord non-grid-aligned items as entities -> that's just item_entity 17:23 MTDiscord heh, the whole reason I did placeable items as nodes is because of the major scalaibility issues with items as entities 17:23 MTDiscord If that problem didn't exist I mightn't have even considered implementing something different 17:25 ireallyhateirc I forked item_entity, yes 17:28 ireallyhateirc Hopefully the devs resolve the entity scalability problem at some point because I can't put two nodes in one place without ruining immersion 17:32 ireallyhateirc I can either do entity items or give up realistic scale 17:32 ireallyhateirc so I pick the former 17:35 ireallyhateirc I could do a hybrid solution - node items on grid-aligned surfaces and entity items on non-grid-aligned surfaces and in places that collide with other nodes 17:51 ireallyhateirc I could also implement some kind of distance-based "level of distance" thing - entities being spawned only when a player is nearby (a LBM would load nearby itemstores) 17:52 ireallyhateirc items far away would be dummy nodes