Time Nick Message 04:59 repetitivestrain rubenwardy: "the real power of CSM comes when you give it the ability to..." yes i've engineered a callback that enables csms to override localplayer physics 05:00 repetitivestrain i'll upload a video if anyone can recommend a working video pastebin suitable for 2024 05:00 repetitivestrain a video of the mineclonia mob physics engine ported to this interface that is 06:23 repetitivestrain is there any reason that modchannel messages cannot be delivered to specific players 11:07 wrrrzr Hello 15:30 MinetestBot 02[git] 04appgurueu -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Fix book crash with malicious form data 139bcf2d4 https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/9bcf2d46d0a675e51447a24db84a4f8a0614936d (152024-12-21T15:28:45Z) 15:45 MTDiscord i am considering writing a formspec fuzzer and calling it "fsf" hehe 15:46 MTDiscord hehe 17:23 shaft what's the difference between dig and dug sound definitions? Both seem to be played repeatedly while digging. Are you just trying to fuck with me? Who came up with that? 17:25 shaft notably the leaves in mtg have no dig sound but make sound repeatedly as you hit them but it turned out to be the dug sound 17:30 shaft Actually they do seem to be doing what the name says. 17:31 shaft Why are the leaves missing their dig sound definition and still playing it? 17:31 shaft How? 17:44 MinetestBot 02[git] 04cx384 -> 03minetest/minetest: Move formspec code from game.cpp to separate file 1383bc27d https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/83bc27d99dacbb249b95387a9511d9b38830bf55 (152024-12-21T17:43:05Z) 17:47 Marquez43 Linux 17:50 ROllerozxa Haiku OS 17:52 shaft SerenityOS 17:53 Krock Hannah Montana OS 17:53 cheapie Windows 17:53 * cheapie hides 17:54 MTDiscord > Don't feed the troll 17:54 cheapie I'm not sure if they're even /trying/ to troll or just can't figure out their client 17:54 shaft So can any of you explain that dig sound thing to me? 18:04 PoochInquisitor Deepin 18:42 shaft Please help: Why can nodes not have a dig sound defined but play sound when digging? MTG pine leaves only have dug 18:49 shaft Oh, it's because of fallback to the node group 18:51 shaft But how do I reliably get the dig sound of a node then? 18:53 shaft ?????????????????????????????????? 20:54 ireallyhateirc I still can't wrap my head around this "models should be 10x bigger" 20:56 MTDiscord it's BS 21:03 ShadowNinja (there's a constant called BS (blocksize?) in the code that everything gets multiplied by for... reasons) 21:04 Krock that's totally BS 21:08 ShadowNinja It's apparently useful for debugging because if you don't do the right worldspace-to-renderspace conversion your positions will be way off and it'll be easy to see the bug. 21:09 ShadowNinja It _should_ just be an implementation detail though, you shouldn't have to deal with it outside of engine code. 23:50 cheapie Hmm.... whoever made this digtron mod *really* nailed the sound