Time Nick Message 00:22 lmat How do I invert mouse? Currently when I move the mouse away from me, my character looks up. I would rather he looks down. I couldn't find anything here: https://wiki.luanti.org/Controls 00:23 cheapie lmat: Does the "invert mouse" setting (Controls→Keyboard and Mouse) not do what you want? 00:24 lmat This is what I see after I click "Controls": https://imgur.com/a/cxi9woA I don't see "Keyboard and Mouse". 00:24 cheapie In the settings menu, not the bindings 00:25 lmat OHHH, I need to exit the game! I see settings now, thank yo! 00:25 lmat lol, when I started up, I directly started looking down at the ground xD 00:25 lmat maybe I'm getting used to UN-inverted... maybe I should go back 00:27 lmat Oh great, I got my password changed \o/ I think maybe the problem was that the password had a space in it. I was doing /setpassword lmat "this password" and I could never log in using "this password" (maybe I needed to keep the quotation marks?) Instead, I did /setpassword lmat lmat logged in as lmat, then used the GUI to change the password to one with spaces. 00:28 lmat Krock: Thank you for your help the other day with this <3 00:30 lmat How do I make bronze? Am I doing it wrong? https://imgur.com/a/BzhrSOv 00:30 lmat (that's copper and tin) 00:30 MTDiscord what does it say with the recipes tab 00:33 lmat vejou: there are only two recipes for bronze in there: cook bronze dust, Bronze block -> bronze ingot. When I consult a Crafting Guide Sign, it shows only one recipe: copper+tin->bronze 00:33 MTDiscord what does it say for bronze dust 00:34 MTDiscord you might be supposed to make bronze dust first 00:35 lmat vejou only one recipe: bronze ingot -> bronze dust 00:35 MTDiscord what does it say for how to craft bronze dust 00:35 MTDiscord is there no crafting recipe for it 00:40 lmat vejou It says bronze ingot -> bronze dust on the Crafting Guide sign. When I go to my inventory then click "Recipes" on top and look up bronze dust, it says "No recipes." 00:41 lmat vejou Does that answer the question? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious 00:44 MTDiscord it does answer it 00:44 MTDiscord thats weird 00:44 MTDiscord from that it sounds like you cant make bronze dust at all unless its a modded tool that does it 00:45 lmat vejou I used to be able to make bronze ingot no problem from tin ingot and copper ingot :'( 00:45 lmat vejou I think I still can in single player, but on my server it doesn't work for any players. 00:46 cheapie Did you install a mod (like techage) that replaces that recipe, or remove the mod that was providing it previously? 00:49 MTDiscord if you want the same recipe back you could probably put a mod in that registers it 00:50 MTDiscord even if you type the program yourself 00:58 lmat cheapie: Excellent question xD 01:15 lmat Any other ideas about how to debug this? Say I did have a mod that added it, then I removed the mod. What then? What is keeping minetest from honoring the built in recipe? Should I grep my mods to see if any of them are borking the bronze recipe? 01:18 MTDiscord Bronze is built into MTG, so you probably did not remove it. The former (you installed a mod that replaces the recipe) is more likely. Grepping for that is the way to go. (You could also hook into the recipe registration function with a first-loaded mod but eh.) 01:23 lmat cd mods && \grep -riC 2 bronze . | pastie; shows https://paste.rs/8lgyq. Nothing there looks suspicious to me except maybe line 64: "technic_cnc.register_all("default:bronzeblock",..." ? 11:30 MTDiscord Command sent from Discord by luatic: 11:30 MTDiscord !tell lmat: ./technic/technic/crafts.lua--- Remove some recipes and the following line certainly look like technic removing the bronze recipe in order to force you to create bronze the technic way (via the alloy furnace iirc) 11:30 MinetestBot MTDiscord: Do not put an : at the end of nickname 11:31 MTDiscord Command sent from Discord by luatic: 11:31 MTDiscord !tell lmat ./technic/technic/crafts.lua--- Remove some recipes and the following line certainly look like technic removing the bronze recipe in order to force you to create bronze the technic way (via the alloy furnace iirc) 11:31 MinetestBot MTDiscord: I'll pass that on when lmat is around 12:31 celeron55 luanti vs. minetest in google trends will be interesting to follow: https://gcdnb.pbrd.co/images/3uMr1xo2vO0D.png?o=1 12:37 ireallyhateirc "Luanti (formerly Minetest)??? Huh, what's that *googles minetest*" 12:44 ireallyhateirc lol, when I duckduckgo "minetest" I get two websites 12:44 ireallyhateirc one is luanti.org and the other is minetest.org 12:47 MTDiscord The forbidden site 💀 12:48 ireallyhateirc now that may be a little confusing 12:49 ireallyhateirc google doesn't appear to make that mistake 12:50 ireallyhateirc Minetest peaked after the devs added rats 12:50 ireallyhateirc everything after rats (including bug fixes and API improvements) were a mistake :D 12:51 sfan5 good news: minetest classic has rats 12:51 ireallyhateirc I'm going to make a dedicated rats++ mod one day 12:55 ireallyhateirc seriously though I never played Minetest back when it had rats, I'm simply making fun of the other website. But yeah, rats are a vital feature. 13:35 shaft on_punch only has puncher but projectiles have an entity and a player owner. Many send their owner as puncher making them undetectable. How should it be done correctly? In many cases you need to know both the player and the what projectile it is or if he hit directly. 20:34 fishmongler hi. anyone here with a lua problem for me to solve? im bored 20:43 Krock fishmongler: all advent of code puzzles 20:43 erle fishmongler i have one 20:44 erle fishmongler my xcam mod currently hangs the server for 20 seconds doing 100k raycasts with default settings. while you can turn of the distance blur and reduce the resolution to make it basically instant … could you make it async? patches welcome 20:46 erle fishmongler for reference, here is xcam: https://content.luanti.org/packages/erlehmann/xcam/ 20:52 fishmongler erle: you are software rendering correct? 20:52 erle fishmongler yes. this is a server side raytracer mod. 20:52 fishmongler sorry i cannot follow links or even read lua_api.txt on this machine, this is literally an ansi terminal 20:52 erle fishmongler do you have git? 20:53 shaft I once wanted to make a voxel game and call it Mineshaft. Someone else already had the same idea: https://github.com/AiTechEye/Mineshafts-prototype2 I'm so unoriginal. 20:53 erle fishmongler you can get the source with: git clone https://git.minetest.land/erle/xcam.git 20:53 fishmongler on this? sadly no 20:53 erle fishmongler do you have curl or so? 20:54 fishmongler i can only curl without tls here. dont ask why 20:54 fishmongler ancient linux terminal im stuck with at a bar 20:54 fishmongler so anyway, how realtime must the xcam render be? 20:55 fishmongler because scheduling the rendering over many globalsteps as a coroutine is an obvious fix 20:55 erle wait something is wrong 20:55 erle fishmongler yes that would work 20:56 fishmongler i assume xcam is something like cctv camera to texture modifier 20:57 fishmongler do you render meshes as part of the software render? 20:58 erle fishmongler it's literally a raytracer 20:58 fishmongler these are an order of magnitude more complicated and might benefit from an imposter system 20:58 erle it's a lua-based raytracer that abuses the raycasting of the engine (that you usually use for visibility or “did my laser hit”) 20:58 erle you can make a picture of a scene 20:58 fishmongler and you use minetests raycast api? 20:59 erle yesss 20:59 erle you have minetest on the system you are on? 21:00 fishmongler does it do texture sampling? 21:00 fishmongler oh i know 21:00 fishmongler doing a node level bresenham line walk might be more efficient than a raycast in some scenarios 21:00 fishmongler especially if you render solid color blocks and dont texture map 21:01 erle i think the idea of a photo being exposed is established well enough in real-world lore 21:02 fishmongler no though i should compile minetest for this one day (as a challenge) 21:02 fishmongler daguerrerotype =) 21:02 shaft Unrelated to your discussion: Wasn't there some projectile library? 21:02 erle as this picture establishes, i am putting textures on stuff (though not the ones that the things have, just some pixel noise) https://content.luanti.org/uploads/97de0f72cf.png 21:03 erle shaft i am happy about bow2 lol 21:03 fishmongler you could also try tile based rendering 21:03 fishmongler and things like detecting which parts of the image must be recasted 21:03 fishmongler consider also capturing the map data in the view frustum and using that in an async job to do rendering 21:04 shaft Thank you, erle 21:04 erle fishmongler i have considered a lot of things. you wanted a challenge. 21:05 fishmongler do we have a generic async job system yet? sfan5's async mapgen was very close to that 21:05 erle shaft bow_2_electric_bowgaloo :D 21:05 fishmongler well im trying to help. as much as i can on a 2010 cellphone at a bar 21:05 erle oh you are on a phone 21:06 shaft No, me asking about a projectile library is unrelated to bow2 21:09 fishmongler being able to spawn lua vms without luajit would be very useful 21:09 fishmongler im just bored and only irc works on this thing.. can you even run a minetest client in 256MB ram? 21:09 fishmongler in theory i literally based the GLES2 cutoff on this device but failed to consider the ram 21:16 fishmongler erle: have you profiled your code? sorry for obvious question 21:20 fishmongler the only thing that comes to my mind is luajit specific optimizations, i could help with that 21:21 fishmongler in general avoiding any and all GC churn (TNEW ir instructions) is orders of magnitude faster 21:23 fishmongler maybe try to isolate the renderer code into a "unit test" kind of code with mock data/api and run it standalone with -jdump and see if it traces well 21:32 erle fishmongler i am doing a lot of raycasts. simply doing it as a coroutine is enough i think. 21:33 fishmongler i think calling into minetest to do it might be a significant bottleneck 21:33 erle in theory i literally based the GLES2 cutoff on this device but failed to consider the ram 21:33 erle wdym? 21:33 fishmongler enough to make some crazy lua-only solution viable 21:34 erle no i mean wdym with the GLES2 cutoff? 21:34 fishmongler if i were to implement this from scratch i'd just copy the surrounding map data w/ VoxelManip and dig into a 90s software rendering textbook 21:35 fishmongler never mind the gles thing.. 21:36 fishmongler i almost doxed myself there and the french bastard might still be lurking 21:36 erle the male model? 21:40 erle fishmongler why you think that raycasting in lua with cached voxelmanip is faster? 21:40 erle or could be 21:40 erle fishmongler like, i don't get it. is there some horrible overhead in calling engine functions i am not aware of? 21:41 erle making a copy of the thing is good though, so the image does not get motion blur haha 21:41 erle then again 21:41 erle lol 21:41 erle photographing a flying machine, it having ghost afterimages … 21:41 erle that's something 21:45 sfan5 fishmongler: the async job system existed before async mapgen 21:46 fishmongler thing is you wont get exposure blur but more like what this crappy phone's camera does 21:46 fishmongler interesting 21:46 fishmongler so you can just spawn vms at will? 21:48 fishmongler is this somewhere in lua_api or undocumented builtin? 21:50 fishmongler erle: calling into the engine the usual way is slow becausde mt has to support puclua 21:50 fishmongler and therefore do lua stack manipulation in distinct C calls, much much slower than an ffi call 21:54 fishmongler there are scenarios in which doing some double arithmetic without crossing the lua/C boundary is faster 21:54 fishmongler and doing stuff in bulk (such as operating on a voxelmanip) is faster than using a call per item (such as raycasts or get_node) 21:54 fishmongler one part of this is a bit tragic. there is now a nice occlusion culler but its client side (?) 22:14 erle fishmong1er what i don't get is … raycasting in lua myself can be fast? 22:14 erle fishmong1er do you have some example code about that? 22:16 MTDiscord in theory it could maybe be fast. i wouldn't bet on it. i'd say try it and see but it's frankly too much work to try it and see. 22:16 MTDiscord it might also be interesting to profile the C++ raycasts to see what can be optimized there. 22:17 erle i think last time i checked vector metatables did not survive some async thing or so? 22:17 erle maybe that was something else 22:19 MTDiscord they didn't, they do now 22:22 erle since when luatic? 22:23 MTDiscord pretty sure it's in 5.10, iirc also 5.9, probably not in 5.8 22:23 MTDiscord see register_portable_metatable