Time Nick Message 00:26 GreenXenith 2024 Luanti GAME JAM results are live at https://jam.luanti.org/! Congrats to the winners! 00:50 cheapie Extra Ordinance is interesting - the controls are pretty awful and it's really not a genre of game I like in general, but to see that sort of thing in this engine /at all/ is neat. 00:52 cheapie Haven't tried the others but they just look like the usual game jam stuff. 00:54 ireallyhateirc controls and camera movement made me dizzy during the first few minutes of playing 00:54 ireallyhateirc but then I learned not to do the moves that trigger the dizziness 01:30 parad hi, how do you get the player data to change its model with a lua script? 01:32 parad https://forum.luanti.org/viewtopic.php?p=440823#p440823