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IRC log for #minetest, 2024-11-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:00 MTDiscord <luatic> HW coloring is probably completely fine from a user standpoint, it's just a bit of a pain in the ass how it currently is mixed with lighting and is thus stalling ambient light
00:00 shaft Other than that there are no drawbacks I know of. I've specifically swaped the overlay order for the top textures to avoid edge seams
00:00 erle luatic btw wuzzy eyeball game shows a very interesting lighting/blending bug: a dark wall that is barely visible will be much more visible if viewed through a well-lit glass pane
00:01 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Android 5 has not gotten updated in 6 years
00:01 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Hack on Linux into that thing
00:01 MTDiscord <luatic> erle: lol, i did not notice that. i was too busy staying not unseen.
00:01 Wuzzy screenshot?
00:01 TheSilentLink joined #minetest
00:02 shaft Because the top textures are swapped the lighting thing with the overlays is absolutely not noticable at all. I've already experimented with that months ago
00:03 erle Wuzzy i don't have a screenshot rn, but you can see it in the level with the hanging rooms connected by glass floor
00:03 shaft So on the top the uncolored bed overlays the colored bed parts rather than the other way around
00:04 shaft That prevents weird lighting conditions to be noticable and also a seam that would be there otherwise
00:04 shaft From a user standpoint there are really no drawbacks except needing Luanti > 5
00:05 Eragon joined #minetest
00:05 erle shaft i am usually very skeptical of “really no drawbacks”, last time that happened my unifont rendering got messed up lol
00:06 shaft Well I've already played around with hw coloring beds months ago but I was making new beds that cropped and colored wool_white.png but it didn't look good enough to me.
00:07 shaft Like remember all the way back when I filed that bug about ^[mask not scaling the mask
00:07 shaft I spend way too much time on this.
00:08 Wuzzy erle, sorry i dont seem to notice anything weird with glass
00:09 erle Wuzzy if you look through the glass that is lit at a wall that is unlit, said wall does not suddenly look brighter (i.e. the blending is unnatural)?
00:09 erle e.g. the bottom of the hanging rooms
00:09 erle i'll make a screenshot ig
00:09 erle shaft your mod is not good because it does not provide a new way to get the elusive half-bed
00:10 erle i recently made a flying machine that pushed things around so fast i ended up with a lever attached to air
00:10 erle i also recently made a flying machine that activated a note block in each step to be really annoying hahaha
00:11 shaft I don't know what you mean. It uses the beds and mcl_beds mod. It doesn't change anything regarding half-beds. Half beds now have a texture in between. They have to because of the legs
00:12 erle yes that is the issue, you are not introducing new bugs
00:12 erle i also once made a half-piston
00:13 erle they are not mineable
00:13 erle very funny
00:13 erle (just the head of the piston)
00:13 erle i ended up blowing them up with TNT
00:16 shaft The other game, which shall not be named, has much larger issues. I remember making a world unloadable by placing redstone on a piston or something with the $NAME Edit.
00:16 shaft mod
00:16 shaft No it was world edit
00:16 erle shaft btw why were you so impatient to cdb?
00:16 shaft And then I loaded the map in $NAME edit and removed the redstone and made it loadable again
00:17 shaft Because I'm trying to get this format into VoxeLibre.
00:17 erle cdb is volunteers, they are not your servants
00:17 erle IIRC voxelibre takes every contribution that is not total garbage, even the ones that are somewhat garbage. so you'll be fine.
00:17 erle (your contribution does not look like garbage)
00:18 shaft Otherwise I'd just wait but I can't make draft issue on
00:19 erle shaft have you made game for game jam?
00:19 erle also have you played extra ordinance?
00:19 erle very neat game
00:20 shaft I'm not making games for Luanti. The part I'm interested in is already there and it be stupid to make another modsoup.
00:20 shaft I'm playing around with some small game in Godot though
00:21 erle shaft some of the best games are not mod soup though. ever played nodecore?
00:21 erle it is amazingly polished
00:21 shaft I don't know how to play it.
00:21 erle try
00:21 shaft I have
00:21 erle do you want a little spoiler?
00:21 erle press inventory key to see what you can do
00:22 shaft The game is just to unintuitive. I already spend hours on getting a hoe and mining dirt with it.
00:22 shaft It needs more polish
00:23 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Haha, "more polish" wont change how you approach the game. There are some who find it intuitive and others who dont
00:24 erle first time i played nodecore i was WTF THIS IS TOO HARD
00:24 erle then i played some nodecore skyhell
00:24 shaft You say that about MTG too and mine down 2000 nodes to get resources.
00:24 erle when i went back to normal nodecore i was enlightened
00:24 MTDiscord <greenxenith> shaft: I dont say anything like that about MTG
00:25 MTDiscord <greenxenith> MTG is hardly a game
00:25 shaft but it's a modding base
00:25 MTDiscord <greenxenith> An awful modding base
00:25 shaft That's what you say. Most people play that or VoxeLibre
00:25 MTDiscord <greenxenith> For now
00:26 shaft Almost all games made with this engine use a two block tall character
00:27 MTDiscord <greenxenith> For now
00:27 shaft I know I'm saying the stuff you don't wanna hear
00:27 shaft It's not gonna change
00:27 MTDiscord <greenxenith> What do you mean? Why wouldnt we want to hear it?
00:27 MTDiscord <greenxenith> "Its not gonna change" lol
00:27 erle mineclonia > voxelibre
00:27 erle shaft play extra ordinance
00:27 erle shaft it is entirely unlike minecraft
00:27 MTDiscord <greenxenith> You keep making a lot of assumptions, shaft. You are welcome to them, but they are just assumptions
00:27 erle shaft btw, nodecore is also entirely unlike most other block games and then you complain
00:28 erle it's like people being “oh i like roguelikes” but then i show them hyperrogue and they are like NO NOT THAT ONE
00:29 shaft Okay looks cool but for these kind of games you could achieve better results in another engine like Godot.
00:30 [ I don't like hyperrogue because it doesn't work with SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland for some reason
00:32 MTDiscord <greenxenith> shaft: For now
00:32 shaft Forever
00:32 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Care to back that up with a source?
00:33 shaft Better funding, vulkan support, proper gltf support ages ago, support for many programming languages through GDNative and GDExetension, good ligting effects, ...
00:33 MTDiscord <greenxenith> So you are telling me why Godot is a good engine, but you arent telling me why Luanti could never be
00:34 [ shaft: Godot 4 is missing OpenGL 2.1 support
00:34 [ This is much more important than vulkan support
00:34 MTDiscord <greenxenith> lol
00:34 [ It doesn't even have GLES2
00:35 shaft Luanti is good at its own thing. The whole Game Creation System building and fighting game aspect is great.
00:35 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Luanti? For fighting games? lmao
00:36 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Complete lack of wield item behavior, poor support for physics modifications, and shoddy network behavior does not make for a good fighting game
00:36 shaft I didn't mean it like that. But VoxeLibre for example.
00:36 shaft It's still a great building and puzzle game with Mesecons and all that
00:36 shaft Show me a game that has Mesecons!
00:38 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Clearly some users have a much different and smaller idea of what Luanti could be, and thats fine. No one will stop you
00:38 shaft Actually I could talk shit about every aspect of Luanti too if I wanted to. You still haven't implemented
00:38 shaft I NEED that. Everyone who wants texture packs NEEDS that. It can't be said often enough.
00:39 shaft It's was more important than gltf to me.
00:39 shaft Although having gltf now is good
00:40 MTDiscord <luatic> shaft: Vulkan support is not a feature, it's an implementation detail. The question is which features Vulkan support enables them to implement efficiently.
00:40 shaft Whatever lets you cope.
00:40 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Same to you, my friend
00:41 shaft My phone supports vulkan and it was cheap
00:41 MTDiscord <luatic> shaft: A corollary of Sturgeon's Law is that there only is coping.
00:41 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
00:42 MTDiscord <wsor4035> so shaft, we havent YOU implemented it then?
00:42 MTDiscord <wsor4035> . s/we/why
00:43 shaft Whatever. Most outsiders I talk to about Luanti are still very butthurt that you are now engine developers rather than $NAME-clone developers. You shouldn't fail your target audience.
00:44 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Bold of you to assume that was the target audience
00:44 shaft Yes, I talk to random people about Luanti.
00:44 MTDiscord <greenxenith> That doesnt make them the target audience :^)
00:45 shaft Then who is the target audience? You're not creating a second Godot at the moment.
00:45 MTDiscord <luatic> I believe engine developers have wished not to be VoxeLibre developers for like, a decade at this point? And they aren't, and it's good that way.
00:46 MTDiscord <luatic> Ideally our target audience are game developers / modders. Those developers in turn have various player bases as target audiences.
00:46 shaft They should still take care of the needs of the two block tall character building games though and not neglect them.
00:47 MTDiscord <luatic> We are still forced to directly have players as a target audience for the platform-ey parts of Luanti (mainmenu, serverlist, CDB etc.) but that's about it
00:47 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Waterslide time
00:48 shaft How does this contradict what I said?
00:48 MTDiscord <luatic> I think Luanti does currently fill a bit of a bittersweet spot where it's (at least initially) a good bit easier to get started with your voxel game, but eventually simply relatively hard to have everything be exactly the way you want if you need fancier features.
00:48 shaft I didn't say you're supposed to develop VoxeLibre
00:49 MTDiscord <luatic> We are still taking care of the needs of the two block tall character building games
00:53 shaft Well maybe you should be a bit more. Texture packs for example are very much an aspect of the building games rather than Subway Miner
00:55 shaft Using soft symbolic links sucks ass. I don't even know if that works with the current distribution system even thought zip theoretically supports that
00:55 shaft though
01:00 [ my pinephone does not support vulkan
01:02 shaft Pinephone is overpriced trash. Even more than Vollaphone and that's a ripoff in most people's eyes.
01:03 shaft Vollaphone costs 450€ with Ubuntu Touch
01:03 shaft And has 1080p
01:04 shaft And 4GB RAM while pine has 2. Even the Pinephone pro has a shitty 720p screen
01:04 shaft Why are they such assholes?
01:05 shaft They had good marketing campaigns though. It was all over Youtube while barely anyone knows about Vollaphone
01:06 shaft I don't have a Vollaphone, so I can't say much about it but the specs of all pine products are terrible
01:06 shaft I'm sorry if that hurt you. Don't take it personally.
02:08 [MatrxMT] <Blockhead256> shaft: While I appreciate most people would still rather have free Minecraft than consider alternatives..
02:08 [MatrxMT] <Blockhead256> I think anyone who's paid enough attention would realise Minetest and now Luanti were not trying to make an accurate Minecraft clone
02:09 [MatrxMT] <Blockhead256> they just happened to be supporting the needs of several games with engine features, and Mineclone2 (now VoxeLibre) happened to be somewhat influential
02:11 [MatrxMT] <Blockhead256> Luanti's key strength remains its low barrier to entry for modding, not huge potential performance upgrades and developer-customisation options like Godot
02:11 [MatrxMT] <Blockhead256> if all Luanti ends up as is helping people prototype games before moving to another engine, I would still say it has done a useful job
02:31 Baytuch_2 joined #minetest
02:33 fling_ joined #minetest
02:47 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
02:47 serp joined #minetest
03:19 v-rob joined #minetest
03:31 Baytuch_2 joined #minetest
03:33 Baytuch_2 joined #minetest
04:22 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> The pinephone ships with Mali 400 MP2 which came out in 2008 on a 200 dollar phone lol
04:22 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> It is anemic to say the least
04:36 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> I was going to look up information about opengl 2.1 but mesamatrix only goes back to 3.0
04:47 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Only thing I can really find is people that are trying to decide between using opengl 2.1 and 3.1 and people recommending they use 3.1 so they're not stuck in fixed function
04:48 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> From 2012 to 2016 lol
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
05:29 Verticen joined #minetest
05:32 v-rob joined #minetest
05:53 ireallyhateirc joined #minetest
06:19 Trifton_ joined #minetest
06:33 serp1 joined #minetest
07:29 TomTom joined #minetest
08:20 amfl2 joined #minetest
08:26 tarsovbak joined #minetest
08:28 gregon joined #minetest
08:45 whosit joined #minetest
08:53 [MatrxMT] <Blockhead256> I know it's a long shot asking on IRC (but I ain't using Discord)...
08:53 [MatrxMT] <Blockhead256> does anyone know who moderates the subreddit?
08:54 [MatrxMT] <Blockhead256> and how come the 5.10 and name change announcements weren't posted there?
08:59 MTDiscord <greenxenith> We on the Discord know about as much as you
09:32 MacroFaxSax joined #minetest
10:02 e1z0 joined #minetest
10:33 runxiyu I don't think Reddit was ever an official community space for MT
10:33 runxiyu But I don't know
11:14 erle rubenwardy did the pinned post, so … maybe?
11:14 rubenwardy I'm not a Reddit moderator
11:14 erle damn
11:14 rubenwardy You can see a list on the sidebar
11:15 rubenwardy There's a see moderators link somewhere
11:15 rubenwardy Tells you who manages the sunreddit
11:15 erle btw thanks for the cdb stats over time
11:28 mdhughes_ joined #minetest
13:36 MacroFaxSax joined #minetest
13:45 yezgromafic joined #minetest
13:58 erle Wuzzy luatic here is a blending issue (see how the background stone appears lighter?)
14:04 ireallyhateirc joined #minetest
14:17 [MatrxMT] <Blockhead256> afaik Reddit specifically doesn't have a page for a moderator list, or if it does, I need to be logged in
14:20 buchbinder joined #minetest
14:22 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> yes you need to log in to see the moderator list
14:22 MTDiscord <rollerozxa> sfan is a moderator, and I assume they're actively looking at the subreddit sometimes
14:25 serp joined #minetest
14:25 serp joined #minetest
14:54 MTDiscord <bastrabun> For reproducable performance measurements: Is there a way to capture the content of what's ingame visible in F5 and F6 into a file?
15:00 SFENCE joined #minetest
15:04 yezgromafic joined #minetest
15:32 celeron55 there's the setting profiler_print_interval
15:32 celeron55 which IIRC prints the F6 stuff at some log level at the give interval. I don't think there's anything for the F5 stuff though
15:34 celeron55 given*
15:35 celeron55 it's a good idea though. often you'd want all that stuff printed at e.g. a certain duration after startup, or once some amount of mapblocks were loaded on the client, or whatever
15:35 celeron55 maybe it would be a good use case for client side scripting
15:36 celeron55 or i guess usually just scripting when dealing with server or singleplayer
15:36 celeron55 but i'd suppose just a setting would work fine
15:59 germ_ joined #minetest
16:09 Desour joined #minetest
17:17 v-rob joined #minetest
17:52 shaft joined #minetest
17:52 shaft I'd prefer my entity not to get dark while inside my node. How do I do that?
17:59 shaft I tried to store it in paramtype2 instead of paramtype. That was wrong.
18:07 Talkless joined #minetest
18:14 erle shaft look at chest/shulker node definition in mineclonia
18:14 shaft I already fixed it
18:15 erle both have an entity associated with a node
18:27 Talkless joined #minetest
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18:34 Glaedr joined #minetest
18:46 kamdard joined #minetest
19:06 ___nick___ joined #minetest
19:07 Bombo joined #minetest
19:07 Bombo joined #minetest
19:49 shaft Is there some trick to just apply materials to a nodebox like mesh in blender in the same way nodeboxes do from 6 sides?
20:07 ireallyhateirc dumb question: but why not blender?
20:08 erle why not nodeboxes?
20:08 shaft I meant nodebox-like
20:09 shaft Forgot the -
20:09 ireallyhateirc aaah okay, then it's easy
20:10 ireallyhateirc first you add materials to your mesh, then UV unwrap and assign vertices/faces to each material
20:10 ireallyhateirc then you need to add tiles to your node in the same order as materials in blender
20:10 ireallyhateirc got it or do you want me to give you an example?
20:11 shaft And I'd also like to know first if I can apply modifiers on export somehow and not save invisible objects I use in them?
20:11 shaft I'm such a blender noob
20:12 ireallyhateirc while exporting there's a checkbox for that, AFAIK all modifiers get applied automatically
20:12 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Like you don't want to batch the geometry into the model?
20:13 erle shaft in mm3d you can do “select faces” and uncheck “include back-facing” and select all faces from one view direction, then apply the materials to it. not sure if that is what you want.
20:13 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> You might want to try block bench, it's open source as well. I think you might have a much easier time doing this nodebox emulation
20:14 ___nick___ joined #minetest
20:14 ireallyhateirc shaft, that's the checkbox:
20:14 ireallyhateirc it is switched on by default
20:15 ireallyhateirc shaft, as for invisible objects on the same screenshot you have the "Selection only" checkbox
20:15 shaft Okay, I managed to only export visible objects and apply the modifiers without doing manual labor first.
20:15 shaft This is step 1
20:16 ireallyhateirc also from my experience Blender doesn't export hidden objects?
20:16 ireallyhateirc unless it actually exports them but invisible, which would be stupid
20:16 shaft Now slowly explain how I apply the material stuff like to your grandfather.
20:17 ireallyhateirc ok, give me a second
20:17 erle jordan4ibanez given its requirements, i think mm3d is the easier thing here for low-poly models, but you do you
20:18 shaft I have added 3 materials to my object
20:19 shaft How do I apply them to the sides?
20:19 ireallyhateirc so 1. select your object and go to the Material tab
20:19 ireallyhateirc ah ok
20:19 shaft Where do I UV unwrap?
20:19 ireallyhateirc so now enter the edit mode
20:19 shaft ok
20:19 chilledfrogs joined #minetest
20:20 shaft In edit mode I have the cube without the modifiers applied.
20:21 shaft *cuboid
20:21 ireallyhateirc hmmm I think it would be easier if you watched some UV unwrapping tutorial first because me explaining it could take up to 5 minutes
20:21 shaft I will
20:22 ireallyhateirc I watched this when I was a noob:
20:22 ireallyhateirc but long story short: you select an edge in Edit mode, press "U" and press "mark seam"
20:23 ireallyhateirc for simple boxes you cut them just as if it was a cube model in school
20:23 ireallyhateirc after marking edges you want you press "A" (selecting all vertices) and then "U" and "unwrap"
20:24 ireallyhateirc then in the UV Editing tab you should have your UV map on the left
20:24 ireallyhateirc but you need to add a texture so you can see what you're doing
20:24 ireallyhateirc you can do that in the shading tab
20:25 ireallyhateirc Worst case scenario I could record the process from A to B
20:27 shaft Do I need to apply my modifiers in order to do uv?
20:29 ireallyhateirc depends on the kind of modifier you use
20:29 shaft I use boolean modifiers
20:29 ireallyhateirc I've never used them, what are they for? cutting holes?
20:30 shaft Yes. Combining and cutting holes. They are amazing
20:30 ireallyhateirc generally speaking if you don't need the modifier anymore, just its effect then you can apply it
20:30 shaft I might want to edit the parts later though.
20:31 ireallyhateirc just copy the object to make a backup
20:31 ireallyhateirc keep the one with the modifier not applied
20:31 ireallyhateirc I'm not sure what's the impact of the boolean modifier on UV unwrapping
20:32 shaft Okay I've done that
20:33 shaft Okay I've unwrapped
20:33 shaft It's a fucking mess
20:36 ireallyhateirc experience is what makes you good at Blender, my first nodes 2 years ago weren't pretty either
20:37 shaft I added a texture from menu bar > image but it spans the whole uv unwrapping area
20:38 shaft What I want is to apply 3 different textures
20:39 ireallyhateirc uh oh, I'll record a tutorial for you
20:40 shaft Actually do I even need to unwrap it
20:40 shaft ?
20:40 Verticen joined #minetest
20:40 shaft The way it looks before unwrapping in the uv tab seems way more practical.
20:43 ireallyhateirc you don't need to unwrap it if you're happy with the default UV map
20:46 shaft I've manually moved the faces in the UV editing section on top of each other in the way they belong (I think)
20:46 shaft How do assign a material to a section of the UV editing section?
20:49 ireallyhateirc shaft, you open the Material tab
20:49 ___nick___ joined #minetest
20:49 ireallyhateirc then you select faces you want and press "assign"
20:50 ireallyhateirc you can confirm if the face was added successfully by clicking "deselect" and "select", then you'll see if you assigned the face correctly
20:50 v-rob joined #minetest
20:52 shaft It colors my whole object
20:52 ___nick___ joined #minetest
20:53 ireallyhateirc try assigning the other faces to another material
20:54 ireallyhateirc also check in the shading tab if you correctly assigned texture to each material
20:56 ireallyhateirc in the shading tab just click on each material and nodes displayed there will change depending on the material you clicked
21:01 kamdard joined #minetest
21:03 ireallyhateirc Oook I managed to install the blender addon that shows pressed keys
21:07 shaft my mesh isn't that complex. I don't think i need to unwrap. I have all the 6 sides separated
21:07 shaft (not overlaying)
21:08 ireallyhateirc do you want me to record a tutorial for assigning materials?
21:09 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Do it
21:10 SFENCE joined #minetest
21:11 shaft No. I just want to know how I make a rectangle in uv editing 2d thing and get a texture on that rectangle
21:12 shaft It can't be that hard. In theory it should work right?
21:12 ireallyhateirc make recrangle from what, a square?
21:13 shaft A square is fine too
21:14 ireallyhateirc so now you have what, nothing?
21:15 ireallyhateirc I could show something on that particular file if you send it to me
21:15 shaft I have a square with six squares in it. Can I not assign textures to it?
21:16 ireallyhateirc you should be able to do that. Can you send me at least a picture so I know what you're trying to do?
21:18 shaft
21:18 ireallyhateirc I see that you have overlapping UV islads, you want instead to have each on a separate texture, right?
21:19 shaft The middle 4 can be on one texture but the left and the right should have a separate texture
21:23 ireallyhateirc shaft, your tutorial:
21:27 shaft I don't want to have 1 final texture files. Is that not possible with gltf?
21:27 ireallyhateirc where do you see 1 texture file? I did 2 files in the tutorial
21:28 ireallyhateirc upon export make sure to check "material groups"
21:30 shaft what does mark seam do?
21:32 TheCoffeMaker joined #minetest
21:33 ireallyhateirc a seam is a place where the texture is cut
21:33 ireallyhateirc basically it's like skinning an animal or an orange if you prefer
21:34 ireallyhateirc so you need to tell Blender that an edge is a seam - place where the texture is not continuous
21:35 ireallyhateirc if you don't add seams you will most likely get ugly bending
21:36 shaft Ah it fucking hit me. The shading thing helped. I see now why I should uv unwrap
21:37 shaft or not. Thinks are still not proportional to their scale
21:38 shaft Cube projection seems to do what i want
21:41 ireallyhateirc for easy meshes cube projection could work, yeah
21:41 ireallyhateirc I prefer manual unwrap anyway
21:52 BlacktonLaptop joined #minetest
21:53 BlacktonLaptop Has Minetest been renamed as Luanti? Or is that a fork or something?
21:53 BlacktonLaptop When I search and install it on Linux Mint now, it shows up as Minetest, but after installing it, it says it is Luanti.
21:53 MTDiscord <theidealist> yeah the engine's been renamed
21:54 BlacktonLaptop OK, doe it work?
21:54 BlacktonLaptop When I run it, it says "stack smashing detected" and shuts down again
21:56 MTDiscord <luatic> rip
21:57 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Stack corruption?
21:57 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> See if the same thing happens in the latest git
21:59 MTDiscord <luatic> BlacktonLaptop: How are you installing Luanti / Minetest?
21:59 MTDiscord <luatic> Stack smashing definitely shouldn't happen.
22:01 BlacktonLaptop Updating from within the game took me to the website, which had a button with a flatpack link, which took me into the Linux Mint installer for the flatpack.
22:01 BlacktonLaptop (software center)
22:01 MTDiscord <luatic> Okay so it is the Flatpak
22:03 BlacktonLaptop Maybe, but I'm trying to update to be in sync with all the other people in the house for our group game, and they all installed that version without any problem.
22:03 MTDiscord <luatic> Do they run different distros or distro versions?
22:03 BlacktonLaptop The non-flatpack version is already installed, but is a different version
22:03 BlacktonLaptop All using Linux Mint
22:03 BlacktonLaptop Yes, my Mint is older
22:04 MTDiscord <luatic> Certainly weird. Would you be able to compile yourself?
22:05 BlacktonLaptop Maybe?
22:05 BlacktonLaptop Although our game time is rapidly running out
22:05 BlacktonLaptop You can't just download a binary or something off the website?
22:06 shaft I got it to look like how I want to now
22:06 MTDiscord <luatic> BlacktonLaptop: On Linux this is unfortunately all a bit funnier
22:07 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Doesn't linux mint use apt? Could use the repo
22:07 MTDiscord <luatic> yeah i am researching that right now
22:07 BlacktonLaptop I'm trying to the stable ppa right now, which might be updated?
22:07 MTDiscord <luatic> i also vaguely remember there being an appimage effort. did that go anywhere?
22:08 BlacktonLaptop But how do I install once I've updated apt?
22:08 BlacktonLaptop sudo apt install mine-test?
22:08 BlacktonLaptop Or luanti?
22:08 MTDiscord <luatic> BlacktonLaptop: The stable PPA is up to date
22:08 MTDiscord <luatic> sudo apt install minetest
22:09 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Just make sure you uninstall your flatpak version
22:11 MTDiscord <greenxenith> Though I guess the 2 shortcuts can coexist :^)
22:11 MTDiscord <luatic> yeah flatpaks should be able to coexist with regular installations just fine
22:11 MTDiscord <luatic> though it can be impossible to know which shortcut opens which if they use the same icon and name lol
22:16 v-rob joined #minetest
22:20 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez>
22:50 BlacktonLaptop Yes, I uninstalled the flatpack. I kind of hate them anyway. They waste so much space. The stable ppa ended up making me ahead of everyone else, but it still let me join
23:03 erle BlacktonLaptop you could compile it yourself you know
23:04 erle BlacktonLaptop btw, luanti/minetest used to work fine using wine on x86/x86_64. i have not tested that recently, but you could do that.
23:04 erle <BlacktonLaptop> You can't just download a binary or something off the website?
23:04 erle ;)
23:04 erle just use windows binary hahaha
23:04 ireallyhateirc stable ppa sounds like an oxymoron, they always break stuff, usually on machines I babysit for less able users
23:05 MTDiscord <wsor4035> alternatively there is an appimage
23:29 v-rob joined #minetest
23:36 panwolfram joined #minetest
23:42 erle ROllerozxa why did you not mention which mods are outdated and which files in which packages contain non-free assets?
23:42 erle like this is super vague
23:44 erle ROllerozxa i told emorrp1 (from debian games) to maybe check if the version of the package exists on cdb (if it does, you can not possibly have meant that version as a problematic one), but if you know something, please assist

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