Time Nick Message 00:09 erle ireallyhateirc please elaborate 00:10 ireallyhateirc I have a game with non-standard player scale where 1 node is ~0.5 - 0.55 m 00:10 ireallyhateirc I make furniture that is more or less real world scale 00:11 ireallyhateirc but the top of the table does not align with the node grid 00:11 ireallyhateirc so say the height of the table is around 2.2 nodes 00:12 ireallyhateirc in order to place some items (nodes) on the table, I'd need to add an offset to the node 00:12 ireallyhateirc but at the same time there are other nodes that are not meshes in the game that are perfectly aligned to the grid 00:13 ireallyhateirc say I make a flower pot node and want to place it both on the table and on the floor, then I'd need 2 versions - one with one without the table offset 00:13 ireallyhateirc erle, got it now? 00:13 erle yeah got it. unfortunately, that thing is common. 00:14 erle tbh i'd probably adjust the thing to the grid and make the table 2 nodes 00:16 ireallyhateirc and then meticulous work with making the scale like IRL goes to hell 00:18 ireallyhateirc I'll find a way. 00:18 erle ireallyhateirc i have seen really neat workarounds for these kinds of things, e.g. https://content.luanti.org/packages/AwesomeDragon97/stair_carpets/ 00:18 erle the big issue here is that placing a node directly on the carpet no longer works 00:19 ireallyhateirc I could implement some items as entities and make them change offset depending on what they were placed on 00:19 ireallyhateirc or just the tedious solution - making 2 offset variants of each node that can be placed on a table 00:19 erle yeah 00:19 erle i mean that's probably automatable to some extent? 00:20 ireallyhateirc should be 01:29 MTDiscord ireallyhateirc: you could make the things on the table objects, which collide with the table's nodebox... if the collision works at that scale 02:23 erle hey why do i need to select a base game? 02:23 erle like, what's the issue with it? 02:23 erle i always wondered why it has to be done 02:23 erle when i install some mod 02:24 MTDiscord dependencies 02:24 erle because the base game might provide them or not? 02:25 erle i guess that makes sense 03:33 [MatrxMT] +1 to just avoiding debian's packaging system for mods an games for luanti entirely 03:33 [MatrxMT] this is from a debian user 03:33 [MatrxMT] just use ContentDB 03:42 [MatrxMT] a better use of time would be if someone who regularly compiles from source were to become the debian maintainer 03:42 [MatrxMT] maintaining luanti, luantiserver and minetest-mapper (has that been renamed yet?) 03:43 [MatrxMT] I've seen the debian games team take like 2 months to apply security fixes, and even Debian sid lags the slow release cadence of Luanti 04:58 MTDiscord just going to cross post to here, if you would like your game jam package pre approved by and editor, make sure it doesnt have the wip label/tag 05:12 MTDiscord Who is Voxel and how did he hack into my video game? 05:13 MTDiscord i dont know, but apparently they decided the ibre part of the name was bad :juanchi_face: 11:11 [MatrxMT] <🇬regon> #mineclonia:matrix.org today: 11:11 [MatrxMT] <🇬regon> https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ErUjjxtoaSvDXRFnORnpWSBy 11:13 MTDiscord U wot now 11:24 celeron55 the link definitely doesn't work 11:39 [MatrxMT] <🇬regon> What link? 11:40 [MatrxMT] <🇬regon> If it is link with Mineclonia, I was answering to @blockhead256:tchncs.de 13:20 celeron55 well, you can't tell at all what it is from IRC or from Discord. it's just a link to something under matrix.org which says "not found" when opened 13:21 celeron55 the bridge could be a lot better than this 13:30 [MatrxMT] not sure why that didn't work 13:30 [MatrxMT] here is a working link copied out of my Matrix client to Gregon's attachment 13:30 [MatrxMT] https://matrix.tchncs.de/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ErUjjxtoaSvDXRFnORnpWSBy?allow_redirect=true 13:31 [MatrxMT] basically, the same topic had been discussed in Mineclonia's matrix room 13:48 erle so the topic is mineclonia debian packaging. and now the circle is complete. 13:49 [MatrxMT] hmm does the debian-games channel get much traffic? 13:49 erle there are long nothings interrupted occasionally by serious discussion 13:59 erle i think mineclonia is probably the best “big” game besides nodecore to package, because of the focus on quality (e.g. cora doing subtree merges for all vendored mods that are compatible) 14:09 ROllerozxa if you're in talks with the debian games team maybe you should tell them to do something about the old versions of mods with copyrighted assets that they package and are still available in the repositories 14:16 erle ROllerozxa i am not aware of that and you can *probably* file bugs yourself. 14:16 MTDiscord Oh you mean the versions that came out before I was born? 14:16 erle ROllerozxa or tell emorrp1 about the details maybe? 14:16 erle ROllerozxa filing bugs is as simple as inputing “reportbug $packagename” on a debian system 14:17 MTDiscord Copyrighted assets? 14:17 [MatrxMT] what gets me is why a package that hasn't been touched in years apparently never gets looked at from its apparent maintainers 14:18 [MatrxMT] `minetest-mod-homdecor` version: 2021-0327 14:18 [MatrxMT] *homedecor 14:18 erle what's the copyrighted asset there? 14:18 erle bullshit like “haha i just use another game's textures” or so? 14:18 [MatrxMT] I don't think its in homedecor aactually 14:19 [MatrxMT] probably ethereal if I had to guess 14:19 MTDiscord No we had to remove some stuff with non free licenses over the last few years 14:19 erle yeah i remember there was a texture pack that *claimed* to be creative commons something but contained some textures copied from minecraft 14:19 erle and that texture pack was used as a base by some things, among those mineclone2 14:19 erle until they noticed 14:19 erle always verify the source of such claims ig 14:20 MTDiscord Debian has non free sitting in their free repost 14:20 MTDiscord https://tenor.com/view/beluga-the-cat-hakosh1307-hakosh-beluga-cat-hug-gif-22532913 14:21 ROllerozxa what in the world is reportbug 14:21 [MatrxMT] it's a command-line program included with debian that walks you through reporting bugs 14:21 ROllerozxa I just tested it on my server and it can send emails 14:22 [MatrxMT] nonfree assets in violation of the stated licence would be considered a bug in debian 14:22 erle ROllerozxa a program that you give a package-name, a pseudo-package-name, an absolute path (only one of these) and it will guide you through the process of filing a bug for the corresponding package 14:22 erle file the bug using email obv 14:22 [MatrxMT] <🇬regon> @blockhead256:tchncs.de It is not only command-line 14:23 [MatrxMT] <🇬regon> It has gui 14:23 ROllerozxa would be useful if I had some kind of mail server, but of course sending an email is not the issue 14:23 erle it can also output the formated bug report to a file 14:23 erle it's like filling out an issue template, with a bit of special sauce 14:23 [MatrxMT] <🇬regon> https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/pLPhtoTmemjqsRvcKSoVDzbD 14:23 [MatrxMT] sending mail with programs like that just sends the SMTP request to your ordinary mail server 14:23 MTDiscord Does Debian have a bug tracker? 14:23 erle yes 14:24 erle debbugs haha 14:24 [MatrxMT] https://bugs.debian.org 14:24 erle https://www.debian.org/Bugs/ 14:24 MTDiscord Why don't you just go to the website abs slap it on there lol 14:24 MTDiscord And* 14:24 [MatrxMT] debian has more bugs than most americans have dollars in their bank account 14:25 ROllerozxa there are way too many packages on CDB to list that are mods that have existed for quite some time that I have gone through during my tenure as CDB editor and found copyrighted assets 14:25 MTDiscord Giving gcc a run huh? 14:25 erle ROllerozxa maybe it would be good if CDB had a machine-readable list of releases that were retracted for legal reasons … does it? 14:26 [MatrxMT] according to my apt search, there's "only" 31 minetest mod packages in debian 14:28 ROllerozxa erle: we don't have anything quite like that. but most packages link to external git repos with history attached and we make efforts to remove old releases with copyrighted assets on CDB 14:28 ROllerozxa the API is public and definitively machine readable 14:30 erle this made me go through my cdb tasks 14:30 erle update VCS urls and so on 14:30 MTDiscord That's a lot of mods 14:33 erle is there a “please make the magic happen and create release from new tag” button i am missing? 14:37 [MatrxMT] package settings -> releases -> update settings -> trigger "new tag" 14:38 erle Blockhead256 that triggers it to check for a new tag? 14:39 [MatrxMT] yes 14:39 [MatrxMT] if contentdb can't ping your repo you'll get notified 14:39 erle i know, that's why i am updating urls 14:39 erle i mean i had set the option already, but if saving it again triggers the update, so be it 14:40 erle doesn't seem like it does that immediately though 14:40 [MatrxMT] right under it, you chose "create release" rather than "send notification and mark as outdated". yes? 14:41 erle yes 14:41 [MatrxMT] and it doesn't poll all that frequently, hour or so 14:41 erle yeah i wanted to force the polling 14:41 erle i had already set it to that 14:41 [MatrxMT] sorry, I think you have to twiddle your thumbs 14:41 erle but the git url changed, so i don't know if it is stuck 14:41 [MatrxMT] or manually release 14:42 erle yeah i can do that 14:52 ROllerozxa I was expecting some kind of web interface I could log into but apparently there's just submit@bugs.debian.org I need to send an email to? 14:53 erle ROllerozxa that's what reportbug does essentially 14:53 erle it sends a specially formated email 14:53 erle no logins 14:54 erle use an email address that has some kind of spam filter in case you need to block it ig? 14:56 ROllerozxa spam isn't an issue, I'm just trying to find the format they want 14:58 erle as i said, it's the output of reportbug, save it to a text file? 14:58 erle you can at the end save the bug report to a text file instead of mailing it 14:58 erle if you have a debian server, you can prob do it there 14:59 ROllerozxa I have a debian server, but I don't have an SMTP server I can use 15:01 erle on the topic of cdb, is it appropriate ”repixture” for still not having changed the name of the intentionally incompatible fork of unicode_text or is that not a severe rules violation and i have to wait? 15:01 erle is it appropriate … to report 15:01 erle sorry i am stressed a bit 15:05 ROllerozxa well I sent it, no idea where it will go since it's not reporting any single package 15:05 ROllerozxa is there really no other communication method that debian uses other than mail? 15:09 ROllerozxa well, I probably should have sent it to some mailing list instead 15:11 ROllerozxa > Your message didn't have a Package: line at the very first line of the mail body (part of the pseudo-header), or didn't have a Package: line at all. Unfortunatly, this means that your message has been ignored completely. 15:16 ROllerozxa what mailing list should I sent it to? 15:27 ROllerozxa well I sent it to debian-devel, let's see if anyone cares 15:51 erle ROllerozxa you have to report it against the package that contains the problem, this is why i suggested to use reportbug 16:00 erle ROllerozxa what *exactly* did you send? 16:00 erle if you know what package is a problem, file a bug against that package. if not, maybe hop over to #debian-games on OFTC or ask emorrp1 16:01 erle the relevant mailing list is *maybe* debian-devel-games, but i doubt a non-specific “wow some of your packages are legally problematic asset-wise” will be very welcome 16:49 [MatrxMT] ROllerozxa: I don't think you need your own SMTP address, I've sent bugs from my hotmail address using reportbug, it just needs the credentials to send 16:55 erle i don't think reportbug needs *any* credentials 16:55 erle my .reportbugrc says “smtphost reportbug.debian.org” 16:55 erle which is why i suggested to use reportbug in the first place 17:00 [MatrxMT] I would have thought it would get caught in spam filters without, but who knows? 17:05 erle Blockhead256 who you gonna spam, a bug tracker? 17:05 [MatrxMT] debian's mailing list archive website has a spam report button and I have used it before, so yes, it happens 17:06 [MatrxMT] most spammers don't care where it goes, if it's an address it's fair game 17:08 SFENCE wtf.... I log grep output to file, opem that in vim and system crashes because comes out of memory :D 17:12 erle install earlyoom 19:36 MinetestBot 02[git] 04siliconsniffer -> 03minetest/minetest: Main menu: Player list for public servers (#15425) 13b6eaf7b https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/b6eaf7b5a4d8c2d818a0fc744d2c6db64e204efe (152024-11-21T19:34:40Z) 22:57 * [MatrxMT] waves hello from ircs://irc.oftc.net/debian-games 22:58 erle yes great now we can have a food fight! 22:58 erle ROllerozxa your message came through: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2024/11/msg00246.html 22:59 [MatrxMT] ROllerozxa: thanks for getting in touch, thought it might be easier to pop by here and ask you directly. Do you have an example nonfree file in mind? 23:00 [MatrxMT] The only one I'm aware of is a piece of music in xdecor, which is Files-Excluded from the debian version (with the +dfsg in the version number) https://tracker.debian.org/media/packages/m/minetest-mod-xdecor/copyright-1.0dfsg1-2 23:03 [MatrxMT] Your message also mentioned out of date versions, but I checked yesterday and at least according to our tracker, they're all up-to-date with upstream tagged releases https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=pkg-games-devel%40lists.alioth.debian.org (there's 3 showing as Error when checking the URL) so again an example one would be great 23:03 [MatrxMT] Alternatively if this is all answered in this channel's history then let me know and I'll search the logs 23:09 erle i doubt it is 23:09 erle but if a release is not on cdb you might inquire 23:10 erle mineclone2 0.71 is not there IIRC because of some copyrighted texture that accidentally got included (no one verified if it was really CC licensed) 23:10 erle (that is outdated anyway, just as an example) 23:35 [MatrxMT] erle: huh? mineclone2 isn't one of the mods in debian, so how can it be outdated? 23:36 MTDiscord mtg water textures comes to top of mind 23:37 MTDiscord dont really care to much given its all outdated junk in the repos anyways 23:39 MTDiscord Discord bridge may disconnect unexpectedly in the next half hour 23:39 MTDiscord Or, expectedly I suppose 23:45 Wuzzy My entry for the 2024 Luanti Game Jam is ready (it is still waiting for approval) 23:47 MTDiscord remove the wip label/tag if you want it pre approved 23:47 Wuzzy its already removed? 23:48 MTDiscord so it has, not checking it every second, thanks for letting me know 23:48 Wuzzy thank you 23:49 Wuzzy the rules state the package must be approved BEFORE the deadline (which is in 12min) 23:49 MTDiscord > Friday, November 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM EST Approval window closes, rating begins 23:49 Wuzzy Games must be submitted and approved BEFORE the submission window closes (late submissions will be denied) 23:50 MTDiscord And the submission window closes in 24 hours 23:50 Wuzzy wait, approval window != submission window? 23:50 MTDiscord Same thing 23:52 Wuzzy ohhh now i see it. the submission is 1 full additional day after the development 23:52 MTDiscord I think thats the only place I miswrote "submission window" instead of "approval window", ill fix it in a bit; But the "submitted and approved" should imply enough anyway 23:53 MTDiscord Yes, it's a 24 hour "grace period", but baked into the calendar. That way we dont end up with late approvals during rating like last year 23:53 MTDiscord You can technically finish your game within that time but you risk approval time 23:53 ireallyhateirc latest furniture: https://files.catbox.moe/m912rx.png 23:54 Wuzzy only 6 minutes remaining!! oohh so excited :D 23:54 MTDiscord so....... who is going to do the funny and make a game in the day? 23:55 Wuzzy lel 23:55 MTDiscord Please keep in mind we arent going to publish the games til the end of the approval window 23:55 Wuzzy okay 23:55 MTDiscord cdb also has :nobugs: :juanchi_face: 23:59 ireallyhateirc one day you should make a jam where the goal is making a game that would get the most downvotes