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IRC log for #minetest, 2024-11-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time Nick Message
00:41 Helenah joined #minetest
00:41 Helenah How come 5.10 (I upgraded to get from 5.5) feels different, for the worse?
00:42 Helenah It's like some weird artificial lag on block breaking...
00:43 Helenah Maybe it's just me but the change in the physics feels negative.
00:47 v-rob joined #minetest
00:47 silverwolf73828 joined #minetest
00:55 Trifton joined #minetest
01:03 Mantar I had that weird lag before, turned out I had set the chunk mesh cache thing up and it caused that somehow
01:34 YuGiOhJCJ joined #minetest
02:00 Lunatrius joined #minetest
02:08 cation joined #minetest
02:08 wsor4035 joined #minetest
02:47 cheapie Random nonsense from about 4.5 years ago that I'm not sure I ever shared here... someone combined a railroad crossing ahead sign with a "WHEN WET" plaque as a joke - I made it work:
03:01 SFENCE_arch joined #minetest
03:44 panwolfram joined #minetest
03:46 Baytuch joined #minetest
03:46 fling joined #minetest
03:47 est31 joined #minetest
04:12 v-rob joined #minetest
04:20 Mantar that's hilarious
04:37 v-rob joined #minetest
04:46 xmvczklm joined #minetest
04:46 xmvczklm what do you guys think about "randomness" being not so random
04:47 xmvczklm when you look at caves they're always going to look like caves despite giving a unique sequence of values each time
04:48 xmvczklm same with dungeons, same with the mapgen in general
04:49 xmvczklm i think there was a mapgen developer a long time ago that tried solving this by adding new layers of noise that would control the "regime", essentially a new central tendency for local features for the area, but it ended up averaging out to sameness
04:51 xmvczklm if i'd venture a guess, i would say that's because "good" randomness follows a uniform distribution and a normal distribution when iteratively applied
04:51 xmvczklm bad randomness gives a certain character to some feature that is imperfect, but will still average out to something
04:55 xmvczklm "bad randomness" in the mapgen sense would be equiv. to adding a filter over the results of perlin noise that "compand" features within certain ranges to morph the probability distribution into a different one that's a non-generalized case of euclidian distributions
04:57 * cheapie makes a note to try mapgen modding sometime, would be neat to try to make a "good for building on but not entirely flat" mapgen
04:58 cheapie (mostly gentle hills, not a lot of water, etc.)
04:58 xmvczklm how do you flatten hills w/o losing non-hill detail??
05:00 xmvczklm minecraft pre-generates the entire map before play and applies filters to each chunk based on a kernel of each surrounding chunk (if you think of an effect filter and a kernel of pixels applied to varying intensities)
05:00 MTDiscord joined #minetest
05:09 Yuvi joined #minetest
05:10 Yuvi its definately interesting
05:13 cheapie xmvczklm: Less detail overall would generally be the goal
05:13 xmvczklm umm anyway getting back to what i was originally saying about the different distributions
05:13 cheapie Like among other things, just squash the vertical scale down a lot
05:13 xmvczklm  --- this is what adding a regime would do in effect over the entire field of probabilities
05:16 xmvczklm it's essentially adding a new parameter to a CDF, that when expanded, is just a change in the old parameters by a certain offset/phase
05:17 xmvczklm like I guess what I'm saying is that because you have a normal distribution inside of a normal distribution that'll form another normal distribution, you need to have an entirely different distributions in order to get chaotic results
05:18 MTDiscord <wsor4035> unless you could add this in a backwards compatible way, would have to do it in a new mapgen
05:18 xmvczklm and as a result, adding a regime noise on top of the other existing mapgen params won't really add any new variety
05:19 xmvczklm well I'm just asking, has anyone tried this before
05:19 xmvczklm b/c it'd offer a solution to a long standing issue with mapgens that's bigger of an issue than adding decorations or caves or whatever
05:25 v-rob_ joined #minetest
05:27 v-rob_ joined #minetest
05:29 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Would probably be easier to have multiple simplex noise stack structs sitting in different scales and frequencies so that your 3d noise generation is actually 9d or 12d
05:30 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Pure functional implementation also allows full force multithreading to really use that cpu cache and churn out a ton of map blocks
05:33 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Might be able to add in fractal noise to get some interesting variation across the land
05:38 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> I wish erlemann were around so he can help us rediscover the ancient minetest delta meme
05:41 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> This meme right here
05:41 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez>;is=672c530c&amp;hm=750ad8be1c7c68330cb395cc6c44779b8181c433e0dddbdd4c1cd9160d3089b8&amp;
05:50 v-rob_ joined #minetest
05:52 fling joined #minetest
05:57 fling joined #minetest
06:05 SFENCE_arch joined #minetest
06:16 v-rob_ joined #minetest
06:49 ireallyhateirc joined #minetest
07:10 TomTom joined #minetest
07:35 SwissalpS joined #minetest
07:41 yezgromafic joined #minetest
08:36 amfl2 joined #minetest
09:06 SFENCE_arch joined #minetest
09:34 MacroFaxSax joined #minetest
09:58 Menchers joined #minetest
10:07 gregon joined #minetest
10:30 SwissalpS joined #minetest
10:40 Verticen joined #minetest
11:04 gregon joined #minetest
11:09 tarsovbak joined #minetest
11:50 fling_ joined #minetest
12:47 imi joined #minetest
13:05 Guest86 joined #minetest
13:23 MacroFaxSax joined #minetest
14:04 gregon joined #minetest
14:48 Fotus76 joined #minetest
16:21 chilledfrogs joined #minetest
16:40 pgimeno joined #minetest
16:46 v-rob_ joined #minetest
16:55 Boingo left #minetest
18:09 specing Any new years resultions planned? Maybe lifting the 32k node defs limit? Maybe lifting the 16 bit coordinate limit ? :)
18:11 gregon joined #minetest
18:13 SwissalpS lol
18:15 MTDiscord <wsor4035> no, feel free to propose it as a meeting agenda item tho
18:16 jonadab Just add a fourth coordinate for dimension, which is normally zero unless _something_ messes with it, and let game authors figure out what to do with that :-)
18:17 jonadab (And mod creators.)
18:20 [ Maybe moving away from github to something freedom-respecting, like codeberg?
18:25 specing *proprietaryhub
18:31 yezgromafic joined #minetest
18:32 specing switching from spycord to matrix/IRC/XMPP/Rocket.Chat/Zulip/Etc/etc would also be nice
18:33 jonadab Eh, for me, github is just a place to host public repositories.  All the software and protocols that I use to interact with it is fully open, and I have my local copies of all the repos in case anything should happen, all I'd have to do is find another host.
18:33 specing (in no specific order. Forgive me if any of the listed are proprietary)
18:33 jonadab If you're using github's various value-add features, I could see the argument for freeing yourself from them.
18:33 specing the value add features create lock-in and prevent migration away
18:34 specing such as CI, wikis, network effect (users)
18:34 jonadab Yeah, if you use them, I can see that.
18:34 specing and the latter is also a large reason why luanti should move away. Luanti is effectively feeding users into microsoft's grip
18:35 [ jonadab: luanti does use github issues/PRs
18:35 specing Most games I've played thus far are hitting the node defs limit and have been doing so for years now. On most I've also stared from the edge into the unimplemented abyss, on some I've even touched the ceiling and mopped the floor
18:35 specing if coordinates were 32 bit it'd at least take some time before I could complain
18:35 [ 32-bit coords cannot be done without breaking backwards compat
18:36 specing I'm pro-breaking-backwards compat
18:36 specing if that's required for it
18:36 MTDiscord <wsor4035> i mean, its doable by allowing it to be a setting
18:36 specing most likely it'd just be addon protocol so nothing major
18:36 specing and old clients wouldn't be allowed to exit the central area
18:36 [ then 5.4.1, the last minetest version using upstream irrlicht and without the basic debug hud flag, would become unusable
18:37 MTDiscord <wsor4035> so sad
18:37 MTDiscord <theidealist> who uses 5.4.1 anyway
18:37 specing 5.4.1 is going to eventually become unusable anyways
18:37 MTDiscord <wsor4035> multicraft :juanchi_face:
18:37 [ what if you spawn in or get teleported outside the central area?
18:37 MTDiscord <theidealist> fuck multicraft
18:38 specing Multicraft > Discord
18:38 specing [: then server sees whoopsey dooopsey and ... idk kicks you or teleports you to some predefined area?
18:39 specing I dont think this is such a huge problem
18:39 specing everything old in existing games would be in central area anyways
18:39 specing servers, too
18:39 [ you'd have a debian-user-free-zone for a few years
18:40 specing Good. They should install Gentoo
18:40 MTDiscord <wsor4035> i mean, that sorta exists now anyways, given most of the popular games only support last two major versions which debian is usual behind
18:43 Talkless joined #minetest
18:50 jonadab specing: I can see the node def limit thing, but I think a large part of that is due to all the non-full blocks (slabs, stairs, and what have you).  I'm tempted to say that if you're going to break backward compat, wouldn't it be ideal, for each node to have a node-def field and a full-or-partial-def field, and they get combined, so e.g. aspen plank stairs would have node def set to aspen planks, and
18:50 jonadab the other field set to stairs.
18:51 jonadab (Or makes blocks a cubic foot instead of a cubic hard, and eliminate non-full blocks entirely, including fences and whatnot, and let players build it all out of blocks :-)
18:51 jonadab *yard
18:52 specing jonadab: I think so too. I think ideally minetest should do slopes and slabs and stairs on its own as a subid or something
18:52 specing param3 ? or 4? or whatever the first nonexisting one is
18:53 specing jonadab: yeah that'd also be interesting, small blocks. Would also be interesting to see the dynamics of tiny block manipulation
18:53 specing maybe an idea for a game jam somewhre
18:53 jonadab Slopes, I'm generally not a fan of, but if they're going to be done at all, they should be done that way, not independently for each block, yeah.
18:53 jonadab The one and only major downside of small blocks, is that building large structures would take longer.
18:53 jonadab Which, yes, it really would.
18:54 jonadab But I'd like to see it at least be an easy-to-set option.
18:54 jonadab (Maybe it is and I just don't know how?  It seems like in principle it should not be hard to arrange.)
18:54 MTDiscord <theidealist> of course that stuff's down to the individual game isn't it
18:55 jonadab If a game can easily set that, I'd like to see one that does, even if it's otherwise basic like Minetest Game or whatever we're calling it these days.
18:55 dibesfer joined #minetest
18:55 jonadab Call it smallblock-demo.
18:55 jonadab Heck, it could be significantly _more_ basic than MTG, if it demonstrates the principle.
18:56 jonadab Stone, dirt, grass, one kind of tree, and that's it.
18:56 [ jonadab: wouldn't smaller nodes result in slower rendering?
18:56 jonadab (Well, and pick-axe so you can dig.)
18:57 jonadab Hmm, not as such, but it might result in players perceiving render distance differently, and wanting to set it higher.
18:58 jonadab But I think it would also result in players being more willing to build things like furniture out of full blocks.
18:59 dibesfer joined #minetest
19:13 HumanG33k joined #minetest
19:19 SwissalpS one could build faster with small blocks by using tools focused on that job. And/or allowing players to make templates and then easy ways to copy them.
19:23 specing My guess would be making each tool by default manipulate 2x2x2 microblocks at once
19:24 specing and switching into "precision mode" when a key is pressed
19:25 SwissalpS actually I was thinking macro blocks ;)
19:26 SwissalpS instead of cutting micro blocks with a table-saw, combine bigger sets
19:26 SwissalpS as long as the database can handle it, modding shouldn't be the problem
19:26 ireallyhateirc joined #minetest
19:31 yezgromafic damn, just as i thought i had original ideas
19:33 yezgromafic specing that would be a great solution for inconsistencies present in minecraft
19:35 yezgromafic a block is not the smallest divisible unit because there are slabs and stairs, so it would make sense to have 8ths of a block
19:49 jaca122 joined #minetest
19:58 specing yezgromafic: there are even smaller subdivisions
19:58 specing the table saw mod gives you some, the 1/16 plates for example
19:58 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez>
19:59 MTDiscord <jordan4ibanez> Is it this smol though?
20:01 tyzef joined #minetest
20:02 Glaedr joined #minetest
20:24 SwissalpS joined #minetest
20:25 Verticen joined #minetest
20:25 Guest62 joined #minetest
20:29 dibesfer joined #minetest
20:41 dibesfer joined #minetest
20:44 TheSilentLink joined #minetest
20:46 v-rob_ joined #minetest
21:47 v-rob_ joined #minetest
22:22 silverwolf73828 joined #minetest
22:26 eichehome joined #minetest
22:28 Helenah joined #minetest
22:36 fling joined #minetest
22:37 v-rob_ joined #minetest
23:10 Sharpman joined #minetest
23:33 panwolfram joined #minetest

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