Time Nick Message 00:09 \o` 68k asm is so much nicer than x86 00:15 cheapie I've never dealt much with any other assembly language - I had been wanting to learn /some/ kind of assembly language for /some/ processor for a while, so when this opportunity came up at work to get paid to learn enough 68k assembly to write this thing, I went for it. 00:15 cheapie That code there is indeed from that project at work - I do have the proper approvals to share the code, but not approval from their customer to share anything related to the board design, hence the redactions. 00:16 cheapie The processor itself is an MC68032, I can share that bit :P 00:16 cheapie MC68302* 06:07 noyno wsor4035: no, I find this book. But it's not about lua programming, but about modding. And here is question: can I learn lua through creation luanti mods or no? Because it's seems like no. 06:54 noyno can you tell me, guys, how can I see previous messages in this channel? I'm new to irc :D, so 07:04 \o` It depends on the IRC channel 07:04 \o` most are not logged, but I think this one is: https://irc.minetest.net/minetest/ 07:35 noyno thx 08:02 Mantar you could learn lua by modding, yeah. that's like 90% of how I learned basic way back when I was a kid (I did have the programmer's manual, which helped, but playing with code was more valuable than reading a reference) 08:04 Mantar just HAVING a reference is super valuable when you need to know the details of something, but toying with code, taking it apart, changing things, rewriting parts and seeing what happens, etc. is a much more fun way to learn 08:53 MinetestBot 02[git] 04LoneWolfHT -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix spelling mistakes in player_sao.cpp 13e441b5d https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/e441b5d2406978252dd0d8408864067a690e5038 (152024-10-23T08:52:28Z) 11:01 noyno thank you, Mantar 19:55 MTDiscord celeron55: Jam redirect is set up 👍 19:59 celeron55 fancy, nice 20:00 celeron55 of course i haven't made any progress 20:06 ireallyhateirc we have jam every year, can we have toasts once? 20:09 MTDiscord Sounds like a great game idea 20:12 MTDiscord celeron55: A DNS-level redirect for .org->.net shouldnt take too long ;p 20:12 celeron55 you mean the other way around? 20:13 MTDiscord Yes sorry 20:13 MTDiscord I set up a jam .org -> .net repo to test the redirect so my brain is jumbled 20:13 celeron55 i'm mostly planning to try to keep wild .net links minimal, to the extent of mostly not having to have redirects 20:14 celeron55 and a good starting point to that is to not have a redirect at least for now 20:14 celeron55 so, i have .net mostly for sitting on it so that nobody else gets it 20:16 MTDiscord Well, setting up the main site sooner rather than later is probably important :^) 22:02 rodrigo-morales [Question] I just joined a Minetest server and I found out that I could list the mods that a server is using by executing the command /mods. I want to recreate the experience of that server in singleplayer, so I want to install the same mods that that particular server uses. I am wondering if there's a way I could dump the information of /mods to a JSON file or a text file. Does anyone know how to do this? 22:03 specing rodrigo-morales: have you checked if said server has a repository associated with it? 22:04 MTDiscord ^that, but you can also pull the modlist from the serverlist 22:04 MTDiscord assuming that it is a listed server that is 22:05 rodrigo-morales specing: I don't know where to look up that information. The server description just mentions "Contact: ". I discovered the server in the tab "Join Game". 22:05 rodrigo-morales wsor4035: How to pull the modlist from the serverlist? 22:06 rodrigo-morales specing: How to check if said server has a repository associated with it? 22:06 MTDiscord what is the server name? 22:06 specing rodrigo-morales: send a mail? Browse around the internet for the server name? 22:06 MTDiscord take https://servers.minetest.net/list.json and search for the relevant server 22:07 MTDiscord key: mods 22:08 rodrigo-morales specing, wsor4035: Thanks for your time. I will retrieve that information from https://servers.minetest.net/list.json as wsor4035 suggested. 22:19 rodrigo-morales ^ This one-liner did the job for me. $ curl --silent 'https://servers.minetest.net/list.json' | jq -r '.list.[] | select(.address == "") | .mods.[]' | sort 22:21 whosit How to build 5.8.0 from git? I do checkout 5.8.0, it complains that it needs irrlicht 1.9.0mt13. I do `cd lib/irrlicht; git checkout 1.9.0mt13` and it still complains (even if I build this irrlicht). Building both `master` versions seems to work, but I need an older version. 22:44 MTDiscord read docs/compiling, it uses submodules at home 22:44 MTDiscord because doing sane things makes to much sense 22:47 MTDiscord but your already checking out, so should solve that 22:58 whosit oh wow, I figured it out: I didn't notice it, but I had lib/irrlicht and lib/irrlichtmt... 22:58 whosit and of course I was checking out diff versions in the wrong one 22:58 whosit sorry for bothering you :p 23:30 SwissalpS !next 23:30 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next!