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IRC log for #minetest, 2024-10-20

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02:47 cheapie Hmm... I'm not sure whether I like or better as desktop wallpaper.
02:52 MTDiscord <theidealist> top one looks cooler but bottom is less distracting I suppose
02:53 MTDiscord <vejou> bottom is windows xp
02:53 MTDiscord <vejou> its probably better
03:01 liceDibrarian joined #minetest
03:01 cheapie I ended up going for the first one, I think I'll save the second for a Windows box.
03:03 MTDiscord <vejou> top one is nice
03:03 MTDiscord <vejou> very busy compared to hills though
03:14 \o` I really wish I could nuke Windows
03:15 \o` I can, I suppose, go without the games (still haven't tried Steam on Linux) but I can't do without Lightroom
03:15 MTDiscord <vejou> what is lightroom
03:15 \o` a program for processing photos
03:16 MTDiscord <vejou> theres gimp if you like menus
03:16 \o` there's gimp if you like pain
03:17 MTDiscord <vejou> gimp is simple if youre only doing things youve already done fifty times before
03:17 MTDiscord <vejou> in the past couple months
03:18 MTDiscord <vejou> can you use an emulator or wine to run adobe on linux
03:20 \o` It doesn't work. I use vmware
03:20 \o` BUT I noticed yesterday that recall is installed after the last update. I don't know if it's active or not but it's not something I want
03:21 SFENCE joined #minetest
03:21 MTDiscord <vejou> dont use w11
03:21 \o` This is in a VM, not a snapdragon thingy with an NPU
03:21 MTDiscord <vejou> why simulate w11
03:22 \o` so I don't know why it (Recall) is there at all
03:22 \o` simulate w11 to run Lightroom
03:22 MTDiscord <vejou> lightroom would work on w10 right?
03:22 \o` yep
03:22 MTDiscord <vejou> maybe next vm you could do w10
03:23 \o` that's an option for now, yeah
03:23 MTDiscord <vejou> theres articles about disabling recall
03:23 MTDiscord <vejou> windows 10 wont last forever also
03:23 \o` Problem is I do not trust MS
03:24 MTDiscord <vejou> this is why you delete recall's files from the computer if possible
03:24 MTDiscord <vejou> back up everything first though
03:24 \o` Well, it's a VM that I run from a snapshot so I doubt there's much there.... but, still
03:25 \o` there's nothing to back up. Everything is apart from the VM (on HDDs). But I wonder if Windows put stuff onto those HDDs
03:25 MTDiscord <vejou> in a few decades youll be able to run it on reactOS
03:26 MTDiscord <vejou> maybe
03:26 \o` I'll just use BeOS
03:26 \o` or AmigaOS!
03:27 MTDiscord <vejou> how long will reactos be
03:28 cheapie About 10-20 years after the year of the Linux desktop
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05:08 Guest6 Hi
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18:48 Desour I just wanted to propose another silly name for luanti, but the forum topic is locked now. `-´
18:49 Desour
18:53 MTDiscord <luatic> too bad, maybe share it here? ´-´
18:56 Krock this misery is not tolerable. ˋx.xˊ
18:56 * cheapie scrolls through that thread, giggles at "excavation attempt"
18:57 sfan5 Desour: I can unlock it just long enough for you to post it
18:58 Desour wanted to suggest Luwunti
18:59 cheapie rstcxk suggested "minetets" in there because of a common typo. Now if only I could do minetets.get_meat(pos)...
19:01 MTDiscord <luatic> luwunti, best enjoyed with luwua (
19:02 Krock Codeberg is currently unavailable for technical reasons.
19:06 ___nick___ joined #minetest
19:10 MTDiscord <luatic> Krock: there you go :3
19:12 Desour thx for the offer btw, sfan 5 ^^
19:21 Verticen joined #minetest
19:25 ireallyhateirc luwunti? OwO
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19:37 MTDiscord <lapislazuliwolf> Based
19:44 ireallyhateirc will Luanti crash if I use my 3D character model that has 4K vertices ?
19:44 ireallyhateirc I could maybe cut it down to 3K if I deleted the parts hidden under clothes
19:47 Krock try and find out. 4k vertices aren't much. should work just fine.
19:48 Krock although I remember there being an OpenGL or Irrlicht limitation of 65k indices or vertices. Not sure which.
19:48 ireallyhateirc per model or world? lol
19:48 Krock afaik per mesh
19:49 ireallyhateirc I planned my model to be low-poly but it turned out low-poly is quite hard to get correctly so I landed in the lower mid-poly
19:51 ireallyhateirc the character btw:
20:02 MTDiscord <luatic> shouldn't be a problem. there is an irrlicht limitation of 65k (it uses u16).
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