Time Nick Message 17:26 shaft https://github.com/minetest-mods/mesecons/pull/683 Two members of the repo are happy about my PR but it's not getting merged. Do I need three or what is going on? 17:35 MTDiscord You need a miracle 17:38 shaft Yes, I heard it's a slow repo when I previously needed something merged there. 17:39 shaft Ah yes. When I got rid of some texture duplicates in mesecons to make it easier to texture. 17:48 MTDiscord i would ask for a group check to be added as an opt out, in case its something with a similar name that i dont want meseconified 17:59 Desour my guess is they just don't merge it instantly, to give other people the opportunity to look at it 17:59 Desour anyways, asking for a merge in the PR should help 17:59 Desour as it goes into their notification box 18:05 sfan5 since shaft is generally unfriendly I will intentionally wait for someone else to merge the PR 18:05 shaft Sorry :( 18:06 sfan5 (it's not that unlikely) 18:07 shaft wsor4035 Why wouldn't they want that? I think if it already has mesecon support the tables are just going to be overwritten. I think a group check is unnecessary and goes against the core purpose of the mod. 18:09 shaft user: I want this door to work with mesecons 18:10 shaft modder: I will put in extra effort, so you can't use it with mesecons 18:12 sfan5 if you register a door that is only meant to be opened by special events, having it work with mesecons would be counterproductive 18:12 sfan5 but dunno if that's covered somehow already 18:12 shaft With special events like a mesecons signal? 18:13 sfan5 no? 18:13 shaft If the land is protected with a protection mods users without permission aren't able to build there thus not able to open the door with mesecons 18:13 shaft if they are able to build there, they can tear down the door or the wall next to it 18:14 sfan5 I am not talking about protection 18:14 sfan5 image a door that opens only if you have an apple in your inventory 18:14 sfan5 imagine* 18:14 MTDiscord maybe it isnt even a door, but the name happens to match your pattern 18:15 sfan5 the code only works on doors so that can't happen 18:15 sfan5 I think a reasonable behavior would be to not override anything if the door already has a "mesecons" table in its definition 18:16 shaft Wrong! My code uses the doors mod's API! All of those are doors! 18:17 shaft I don't see why it's a problem if the apple door can be opened by mesecons. 18:18 sfan5 you don't see a problem in violating the design intent of the modder? 18:18 MTDiscord the author of the apple door mod is now very angry at you and wants to skin you alive because he only wants the apple door to be operable via apples 18:18 shaft You can tear it down too if you have build permissions, so I can violate the design either way. 18:19 shaft Or the wall it's built into 18:19 shaft If I don't have built permissions I can't connect the door. 18:19 shaft with mesecons 18:20 MTDiscord I'm pretty sure the very existence of mesecons violates the laws of minetest 18:20 sfan5 there being an unprotected wall is an assumption on your part 18:20 sfan5 anyway I'll implement my suggestion from 5 minutes ago 18:21 shaft You gonna built the wall out of doors too? 18:21 MTDiscord You would be surprised 18:22 MTDiscord We did that when testing mesecons I think lol 18:22 shaft How do you tear down the wall or doors if there are no build permissions and you misplaced it? 18:22 MTDiscord I've seen people build gargantuan prisons out of locked chests because they used to be unbreakable in a certain server lol 18:22 MTDiscord s/in/on 18:22 MTDiscord (whereas most other blocks, even if protected, were breakable by chance) 18:23 sfan5 (they're called nodes) 18:23 MTDiscord zoinks 18:23 MTDiscord https://tenor.com/view/kirby-gasp-sr-pelo-shock-oh-no-gif-7765463656064451947 18:23 shaft bricks 18:23 MTDiscord this is what happens when you don't get enough sleep 18:24 MTDiscord for nodes they sure do look a lot like blocks 18:25 MTDiscord they got 6 sides and everything 18:25 MTDiscord The smollest and cubiest drama 18:26 MTDiscord bloxels 18:26 MTDiscord you've heard of minetest name suggestions, now get ready for node name suggestions 18:26 shaft Now that we call the map chunks map blocks we can call the blocks chunks. 18:26 MTDiscord We call them block cubes 18:26 MTDiscord Cubes are just how they are commonly visually represented. They're just intersection points on a cubic grid. 18:27 MTDiscord We don't call map chunks blocks, we call them chunks. 18:27 MTDiscord That's actual a voxel on a voxel voxel 18:27 MTDiscord Don't confuse chunks, blocks, and nodes. 18:27 shaft Honestly I think VoxeLibre is the worst name they could have come up with for Mineclone2. 18:27 MTDiscord Sounds like nacho libre 18:27 MTDiscord nah it could definitely be worse 18:27 shaft How? 18:27 MTDiscord I'm not sure whether voxelibre is a libre game about voxes, or a voxel game with ibre licensing. 18:28 MTDiscord Open Minecraft 18:28 MTDiscord cryptocraft AI edition 18:28 MTDiscord Minecraft Trademark Infringement Edition 18:28 MTDiscord physics nobel prize be like: 18:28 MTDiscord (minus the crypto) 18:29 shaft Open Mine wouldn't even be so bad. You'd still had some part in it that's about the gameplay which consists of digging, placing and crafting. 18:29 shaft mostly 18:31 MTDiscord CruftCraft, 7 years of backwards compatibility and beyond 18:34 sfan5 I was just going to ask if anyone has an opinion how backwards-compatible mesecons should be 18:34 sfan5 it still supports the old doors from MTG 18:35 sfan5 which were changed in uhh 2016 18:39 MTDiscord No 18:40 MTDiscord But this answer was probably as surprising as the sun rising every morning 18:41 MTDiscord as long as the nodes are being converted via alias/lbm, dont see a point to supporting them 18:44 sfan5 actually 18:44 sfan5 that could be dropped anyway since due to mod.conf mesecons hard-requires at least 5.0 anyway 18:45 sfan5 and this (https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/f600a9f645af40d22c8eb7c17aff89507b71816e) is 0.4.14 territory 18:45 sfan5 wsor4035: they are, yes. this is about (theoretically) grabbing up-to-date mesecons and running it with a MTG from 0.4.14 18:45 sfan5 which is nonsense as I just realized 18:46 MTDiscord 🙃 18:53 shaft Told you so 18:53 MTDiscord You were the chosen one shaft 18:53 MTDiscord How could you have let this happen? 18:54 shaft What? 18:54 MTDiscord I have no idea but it looks like your changes will be rejected 18:55 shaft What do you mean? They've been accepted. sfan will add a group check he says because he absolutely wants one. 18:55 MTDiscord My reverse psychology is working wonders 18:56 shaft I still think there's no use case for it but if he wants one he gets one 18:56 sfan5 not a group check 18:56 sfan5 literally just this https://github.com/minetest-mods/mesecons/commit/ac83dead50bfb59c564c8e52e2bffa8e84d225bc 18:58 shaft I guess you could do that. But remove the log message it's superfluous 19:00 shaft Or am I allowed to do it? 19:01 sfan5 in the unlikely case that anyone ever wonders why their door was *not* automatically mesecon-enabled it is supposed to aid debugging 19:01 sfan5 so no, you may not remove it 19:02 shaft Yes, it's kinda unlikely and my logs are always full of useless shit. 19:05 shaft Oh it's for the not case 19:05 shaft Then it's okay 19:06 shaft Good work sfan5 19:45 MinetestBot 02[git] 04appgurueu -> 03minetest/minetest: Document performance cost of use_texture_alpha=blend (#15244) 13291c3ad https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/291c3ad0c1bc4ae095364cfd109ceb4f2c9dc7b8 (152024-10-08T19:44:44Z) 19:45 MinetestBot 02[git] 04SmallJoker -> 03minetest/minetest: scrollcontainer: Add automatic scrollbar calculation (#14623) 1313f533d https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/13f533d4902b3e18a1ab73540555ae979bf139d7 (152024-10-08T19:45:27Z) 23:20 swift110-mobile hey all