Time Nick Message 00:54 untilted in minetest does the punch/hit range/distance/reach have a reference in the api, im coding entities and in creative mode i can hit them from double the distance 00:54 untilted in non creative i have this very long cooldown before i can hit the entity again 01:05 ireallyhateirc https://api.minetest.net/class-reference/#objectref 01:07 ireallyhateirc https://api.minetest.net/definition-tables/#entity-definition 01:08 ireallyhateirc I think the on_punch callback in entity definition table controls it: on_punch = function(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir, damage) end, 01:10 Mantar untilted: it's part of the tool definition, creative mod overrides "" (the hand) to have a range of 10 02:31 dxt73 Hi 06:23 untilted hi