Time Nick Message 00:05 untilted I have that link but I haven't read that friendly manual from top to bottom yet. 13:07 ireallyhateirc When I change something using Voxel Manip and it only modifies some, but not all mapblocks that were loaded into the VM, does the server send all mapblocks that were loaded into the VM to the client or does it only send the mapblocks that were modified? 13:07 Krock only the modified ones. the rest will be sent once the client is in range 13:09 Krock all mapblocks that are spanned by the vmanip area will be marked as modified if you call vm::write_to_map or simialr 13:12 ireallyhateirc In my case the client is always in the range. So it will resend all blocks no matter if actually changed or not? 13:15 Krock if you write to the vmanip, all blocks that it contains are re-sent, else there's nothing to update. 13:15 Krock that's also what I'd expect intuitively 13:25 ireallyhateirc ok, this helps 16:47 ireallyhateirc Is there a way to check if inside the mapgen env other than checking if a non-mapgen-env is nil? 21:06 nekobit untilted: are you h418?